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作者 黄修志 晁言芹 《语言与文化研究》 2013年第1期14-20,共7页
字是一部文献中最基本的量,利用语料库的方法可对一部文献进行字频的定量分析,以求综合考量该文献的语言面貌。《孟子》14卷各卷字频具有不同特点,体现出各卷的内容和语体差异。《孟子》字频区可划分为核心字区、高频字区、中频字区和... 字是一部文献中最基本的量,利用语料库的方法可对一部文献进行字频的定量分析,以求综合考量该文献的语言面貌。《孟子》14卷各卷字频具有不同特点,体现出各卷的内容和语体差异。《孟子》字频区可划分为核心字区、高频字区、中频字区和低频字区,通过与其他典籍字区的横向分析,《孟子》字频所展现出的用字规律、文体特征及修辞方面的特色充分证明了《孟子》语言在先秦文献中的典范性和过渡性。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 语料库 字区 覆盖率
作者 冯恩学 侯璇 武松 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期57-68,共12页
辽金春擦钵遗址群位于吉林省西北部的乾安县,发现于2009年全国第三次文物普查,是辽金时期大型季节性营地遗址。遗址群共分为后鸣字区、地字区、藏字区、腾字区四个区域,其中后鸣字区遗址位于赞字乡后鸣字村西北的花敖泡湖面东南岸,地理... 辽金春擦钵遗址群位于吉林省西北部的乾安县,发现于2009年全国第三次文物普查,是辽金时期大型季节性营地遗址。遗址群共分为后鸣字区、地字区、藏字区、腾字区四个区域,其中后鸣字区遗址位于赞字乡后鸣字村西北的花敖泡湖面东南岸,地理坐标为北纬44°57′57.35"、东经123°55′00.57",海拔126米(总基点设于土台B090-1)。 展开更多
关键词 吉林乾安县 春擦钵遗址群 后鸣字区遗址 建筑基址 辽金时期
大情字井区裂缝性油藏的压裂优化设计 被引量:4
作者 杨振周 张应安 +2 位作者 胥会成 姚飞 曾斌 《钻井液与完井液》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第1期21-24,共4页
大情字井区是一个具有亿吨级储量规模的大型油田,地质情况比较复杂,裂缝比较发育,压裂施工成功率较低,加砂量小,起不到有效认识储层产能的作用。根据大情字井区裂缝性油藏的特点,阐述了裂缝性油藏的压裂设计思路、压裂优化设计和压裂施... 大情字井区是一个具有亿吨级储量规模的大型油田,地质情况比较复杂,裂缝比较发育,压裂施工成功率较低,加砂量小,起不到有效认识储层产能的作用。根据大情字井区裂缝性油藏的特点,阐述了裂缝性油藏的压裂设计思路、压裂优化设计和压裂施工的难度,提出裂缝性油藏和非裂缝性油藏压裂设计的不同之处。根据大情字井区储层的地质条件,采用降滤失措施和压裂优化设计,提高了裂缝性油藏的施工规模,有效地认识了储层的产能。给出了大情字井区裂缝性油藏压裂的实例。 展开更多
关键词 大情 裂缝性油藏 压裂 优化设计 压裂液
吉林乾安县辽金春捺钵遗址群藏字区遗址的调查与发掘 被引量:1
作者 吴敬 +3 位作者 徐婧 王春委 赵东海 冯恩学 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期60-74,共15页
《辽史》记载,辽代皇帝“四时各有行在之所,谓之‘捺钵’”[1]。辽圣宗太平二年(1022年)正月至三月间,春捺钵相继“如纳水钩鱼”、“驻蹲鱼儿泺”、“如长春州”[2]。从这一时期开始,辽代皇帝春捺钵活动的地点开始相对固定在混同江(今... 《辽史》记载,辽代皇帝“四时各有行在之所,谓之‘捺钵’”[1]。辽圣宗太平二年(1022年)正月至三月间,春捺钵相继“如纳水钩鱼”、“驻蹲鱼儿泺”、“如长春州”[2]。从这一时期开始,辽代皇帝春捺钵活动的地点开始相对固定在混同江(今松花江)、长春河(今洮儿河)、纳水(今嫩江)、鱼儿济(今月亮泡)等地。 展开更多
关键词 吉林乾安县 春捺钵遗址群 字区遗址 辽金时期 春捺钵活动
黄河几字弯区煤炭基地地质灾害与生态环境典型特征 被引量:23
作者 申艳军 杨博涵 +4 位作者 王双明 寇海波 陈兴 徐雅丽 韩森磊 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期104-117,共14页
“黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”现已上升为国家重大战略,黄河几字弯区为黄河流域重要组成部分,也是我国煤炭能源重要聚集区。现区域分布有6个国家级煤炭基地,煤炭产量约占全国的40%,在我国能源安全供给保障中占有“压舱石”的地位。... “黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”现已上升为国家重大战略,黄河几字弯区为黄河流域重要组成部分,也是我国煤炭能源重要聚集区。现区域分布有6个国家级煤炭基地,煤炭产量约占全国的40%,在我国能源安全供给保障中占有“压舱石”的地位。但该区域地处西部干旱−半干旱地区,生态环境脆弱、抗扰动能力差,易在煤炭开采过程中诱发各类地质灾害,产生水位下降、水土流失、土地沙化等生态环境问题,成为该区域煤炭工业高质量发展的核心制约因素。基于前人大量文献、报道及官方统计数据资料,对黄河几字弯区6大国家级煤炭基地地质环境特征予以剖析,并对该区域煤炭基地所面临的主要地质灾害及生态环境问题进行总结,凝练出各自的发育类型及典型特征,研究表明:(1)黄河几字弯区中主要聚煤地层为侏罗纪及石炭−二叠纪地层,区域地质构造相对简单、煤层大多埋藏较浅、厚度大而稳定,适合于开展大规模工业化开采。(2)黄河几字弯区内6大煤炭基地地质灾害处于高度易发区,地质灾害发育特征与地貌类型、采矿过程和人类工程活动密切相关,其中,宁东、神东基地和陕北基地西北部位于风积沙区,主要存在地面塌陷及地裂缝灾害;晋北、晋中、黄陇基地以及陕北基地东南部因位于黄土高原腹地,受季节性强降雨、采煤活动等影响,易发育黄土崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等灾害。(3)区内各煤炭基地生态环境问题及影响程度存在一定差异,其中,神东、陕北煤炭基地以采煤活动引起的地下生态水位的问题最为突出;宁东、神东煤炭基地土地荒漠化问题严峻;而陕北、黄陇、晋中、晋北煤炭基地则主要面临着水土流失问题。研究成果对推动黄河几字弯煤炭资源基地的可持续开发、实现黄河流域生态保护和高质量可持续发展提供基础性借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 黄河流域 煤炭基地 地质灾害 生态环境 典型特征 生态水位
松辽盆地南部大情字井向斜区葡萄花油层石油富集规律及成藏模式 被引量:5
作者 林承焰 曹铮 +5 位作者 任丽华 张昌盛 范瑞峰 王叶 邢新亚 马晓兰 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1598-1610,共13页
针对松辽盆地南部大情字井向斜区葡萄花油层石油成藏及富集规律研究程度低的问题,从有效烃源岩、优质储层、油源断层及断裂密集带4个方面入手,深入开展石油富集规律及成藏模式研究。根据断裂发育特征及构造高程,将向斜区进一步划分为3... 针对松辽盆地南部大情字井向斜区葡萄花油层石油成藏及富集规律研究程度低的问题,从有效烃源岩、优质储层、油源断层及断裂密集带4个方面入手,深入开展石油富集规律及成藏模式研究。根据断裂发育特征及构造高程,将向斜区进一步划分为3个次级构造单元,并对不同构造单元油藏类型和石油分布特征进行剖析:向斜断裂深洼区以断层-岩性油藏为主;向斜过渡缓坡区以岩性油藏、断层-岩性油藏和构造-岩性油藏为主;向斜过渡陡坡区发育少量岩性油藏。平面上,受断裂密集带发育位置的影响,石油主要呈条带状富集于向斜断裂深洼区和过渡缓坡区;垂向上,受储层发育位置的影响,石油集中分布于葡萄花油层Ⅱ砂组。以此为基础分析向斜区石油富集规律,得出石油富集的4个主控因素:1有效烃源岩厚度控制石油富集;2油源断层组成垂向优势输导通道;3分流河道岔道口是石油富集的有利部位;4断裂密集带控制石油富集。最终建立了向斜区4种成藏模式:1向斜断裂深洼区黑157井以南,嫩一段烃源岩供烃,超压倒灌,油源断层沟通,反向构造控藏;2向斜断裂深洼区黑157井以北,青一段烃源岩供烃,油选择性充注分流河道成藏及断裂密集带内断层组合形成的局部构造控藏;3向斜过渡缓坡区,构造-岩性和岩性圈闭控藏模式;4向斜过渡陡坡区岩性圈闭控藏模式。 展开更多
关键词 大情井向斜 葡萄花油层 分流河道岔道口 断裂密集带 石油富集规律 成藏模式 松辽盆地
大情字井区高台子油层外前缘带气测全烃曲线异常类型研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 姜鹏 马世忠 +2 位作者 张昌盛 刘红超 牛东亮 《化工管理》 2018年第29期165-166,共2页
气测录井在油气勘探开发过程具有独特的优势,气测全烃曲线能够有效识别储层流体性质,为快速、有效识别储层提供了有效手段,近年来在吉林油田的应用不断得到扩展,但气测全烃曲线影响因素较多,形成了不同的全烃曲线异常类型,在大情字井高... 气测录井在油气勘探开发过程具有独特的优势,气测全烃曲线能够有效识别储层流体性质,为快速、有效识别储层提供了有效手段,近年来在吉林油田的应用不断得到扩展,但气测全烃曲线影响因素较多,形成了不同的全烃曲线异常类型,在大情字井高台子油层外前缘勘探开发中具有广泛的应用。本文在分析大情字井高台子油层外前缘地质条件及气测录井工作原来的基础上,结合该区域实际特征分析了气测全烃曲线异常类型及其地质意义,并结合实际例子分析了气测全烃曲线在该区的应用。 展开更多
关键词 大情 高台子油层 气测录井 全烃曲线 异常类型 应用
急倾斜煤层采空区注浆工程施工工艺研究 被引量:5
作者 张志沛 刘杨 +2 位作者 任建军 毛玉坤 付刚飞 《施工技术》 CAS 2018年第1期134-137,共4页
以乌鲁木齐绕城高速公路(东线)穿越急倾斜煤层采空区注浆治理工程为依托,研究表明:采用回转式钻机是保证注浆质量的首选钻孔设备,注浆钻孔开孔孔径为130mm、终孔孔径为91mm作为采空区急倾斜煤层钻探施工的成孔工艺。对于单层采空区,采... 以乌鲁木齐绕城高速公路(东线)穿越急倾斜煤层采空区注浆治理工程为依托,研究表明:采用回转式钻机是保证注浆质量的首选钻孔设备,注浆钻孔开孔孔径为130mm、终孔孔径为91mm作为采空区急倾斜煤层钻探施工的成孔工艺。对于单层采空区,采用法兰盘孔口封闭,全孔一次注浆法;孔内投砂采用法兰盘封孔(50mm注浆孔径)变径91mm类型。对多层采空区且距离较大时,采用套管孔口封孔自上而下式分段注浆法;孔内投砂采用套管封孔(130mm孔径)至终孔未变径类型。试验结果有力地保证了采空区注浆工程的顺利实施,达到了设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 急倾斜煤层 字区 注浆 钻探工艺
作者 张治恒 黄铭志 +6 位作者 王志章 张运杰 刘红超 曲康 安金彪 马莎莎 李坤翰 《天然气地球科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期423-434,共12页
松辽盆地大情字井区青山口组二段(青二段)钻井揭示其砂体分布规律极为复杂,随着勘探程度的不断深入,早期“深湖型”三角洲沉积、浅水三角洲沉积等地质认识与生产实践之间的系列矛盾问题日益突出。为解决上述问题,围绕大情字井区开展了... 松辽盆地大情字井区青山口组二段(青二段)钻井揭示其砂体分布规律极为复杂,随着勘探程度的不断深入,早期“深湖型”三角洲沉积、浅水三角洲沉积等地质认识与生产实践之间的系列矛盾问题日益突出。为解决上述问题,围绕大情字井区开展了系统岩心观察和岩心数据分析。岩心观察显示青二段存在大量指示风暴沉积特征的风暴岩,岩性和粒度分析揭示研究区沉积具牵引流和重力流双重属性,表明青二段除发育三角洲沉积之外,同时还发育风暴沉积。经分析认为,研究区发育的风暴岩根据垂向沉积序列可划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ共5种类型,又根据不同类型风暴岩的沉积过程和搬运距离,近一步在平面上划分为原地风暴岩、近源风暴岩和远源风暴岩3类,其中原地风暴岩以Ⅰ型为主,Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型均为近源风暴岩,Ⅴ型为远源风暴岩。综合风暴岩的沉积特征,结合其剖面、平面展布,建立了研究区风暴沉积模式,从而形成大情字井区青二段三角洲前缘沉积与风暴沉积共同作用的认识,合理解释了实际钻遇砂体的复杂分布规律。研究成果可为该区后期油气高效勘探部署开发提供实际指导,亦可为相似油田区域沉积模式提供总结参考。 展开更多
关键词 松辽盆地 大情 青二段 风暴沉积 沉积模式
Study on the Comparison of Arthropod Communities in Three Kinds of Cruciferous Vegetable Fields at High Mountainous Area 被引量:7
作者 王香萍 李传仁 王福莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期8-10,共3页
[Objective]This research aimed to compare arthropod communities in different cruciferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area and provide guidance for pest control. [Method] The main arthropod species in 3 kinds ... [Objective]This research aimed to compare arthropod communities in different cruciferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area and provide guidance for pest control. [Method] The main arthropod species in 3 kinds of erueiferous vegetable fields at high mountainous area were investigated, the composition of arthropod community in different vegetable fields were analyzed. [Result] The main arthropod species in erueiferous vegetables fields at high mountainous area were similar, but had different quantity compositions. The richness was the highest in radish field. [Conclusion] Crop species had great influence on biological community; we should focus on the main pests in the process of pest control. 展开更多
关键词 Cruciferous vegetable ARTHROPOD COMMUNITY
作者 黄海新 《中国棉花加工》 1999年第1期22-22,共1页
关键词 检验结果 取值范围 衣分率 籽棉收购 国家标准 修约 公平合理 结果计算 字区 经济指标
“Digital Region” in the Context of the “Grid Computing” 被引量:1
作者 LIQi CAOJian 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第2期101-103,共3页
This paper is to construct a “digital local, regional, region” information framework based on the technology of “SIG” and its significance and application to the regional sustainable development evaluation system.... This paper is to construct a “digital local, regional, region” information framework based on the technology of “SIG” and its significance and application to the regional sustainable development evaluation system. First, the concept of the “grid computing” and “SIG” is interpreted and discussed, then the relationship between the “grid computing” and “digital region” is analyzed, and the framework of the “digital region” is put forward. Finally, the significance and application of “grid computing” to the “region sustainable development evaluation system” are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 grid computing SIG (spatial information grid) digital region
A mathematical model of the temperature in a coalfield fire area 被引量:5
作者 LU Guo-dong ZHOU Xin-quan JIANG Jie 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第3期358-361,共4页
The regular pattern of temperature change in a coalfield fire area while the fire is being extinguished was studied. To determine the extinguishing effect, a series of linear, logarithmic, polynomial or exponential ma... The regular pattern of temperature change in a coalfield fire area while the fire is being extinguished was studied. To determine the extinguishing effect, a series of linear, logarithmic, polynomial or exponential mathematical regression models were constructed using the observed temperature data from the Xinjiang coalfield fire extinguishing project. The quadratic polynomial mathematical model had the best fit. A large coal fire oven was also used to simulate the coal fire extinguishing process. The same mathematical regression experiments were carried out on that observed data. The results verified that the quadratic polynomial mathematical model had the best fit. Therefore, a quadratic polynomial mathematical model is proposed to accurately model the temperature-time relationship in a coalfield fire area. An application to coalfield fire suppression shows that the deduced mathe-matical model can be used to predict the temperature conditions and to determine the effect of fire extinguishing, thereby helping to speed up the fire suppression process in the coalfield fire area. 展开更多
关键词 coalfield fire area TEMPERATURE mathematical model
巩县石窟寺造像题记“區”字考论 被引量:1
作者 宋玉超 《中国书法》 CSSCI 2019年第24期60-63,共4页
在巩县石窟寺造像题记中,所有"造像一軀"之"軀"字都写作"區",且所有的"區"字形都与通行写法不同。本文以此为捱,展开相关考证,论述造像题记中"區"与"軀"的关系、"區(... 在巩县石窟寺造像题记中,所有"造像一軀"之"軀"字都写作"區",且所有的"區"字形都与通行写法不同。本文以此为捱,展开相关考证,论述造像题记中"區"与"軀"的关系、"區(軀)"字的内涵、"一區"的泛化等现象,以讨论"區"字视角下巩县石窟造像的相对独立性。 展开更多
关键词 巩县石窟寺 造像题记 “區” 考证
A K-Median Facility Location Agent for Low-Cost Service Selection in Digital Community Network
作者 GAO Cong MA Jianfeng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第11期174-186,共13页
With the increasing number of web services, it becomes a difficult task for an ordinary user to select an appropriate service. Hence, it is conventional that users in a digital community network take part in a collabo... With the increasing number of web services, it becomes a difficult task for an ordinary user to select an appropriate service. Hence, it is conventional that users in a digital community network take part in a collaborative mechanism for the purpose of service selection. The participation usually brings unnecessary burdens for users, such as giving opinions, storing service information. Extra communication overhead hinders the performance of the network. Thus, the community administrators are facing a problem of how to obtain an overall service selection result for the whole community readily and effectively. To address this problem, we present a k-median facility location agent model. The model analyzes the procedure of service selection through five entities and six types of messages. Two algorithms are elaborated in pursuit of a global optimization concerning connection costs between users and facilities where services are deployed. To evaluate our model, we conduct extensive simulations and present a detailed analysis of the simulation results. 展开更多
关键词 web services service selection k-median low cost service providers
Dam-break Modeling in Alpine Valleys 被引量:1
作者 Marco PILOTTI Andrea MARANZONI +2 位作者 Luca MILANESI Massimo TOMIROTTI Giulia VALERIO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1429-1441,共13页
Dam-break analysis is of great importance in mountain environment,especially where reservoirs are located upstream of densely populated areas and hydraulic hazard should be assessed for land planning purposes.Accordin... Dam-break analysis is of great importance in mountain environment,especially where reservoirs are located upstream of densely populated areas and hydraulic hazard should be assessed for land planning purposes.Accordingly,there is a need to identify suitable operative tools which may differ from the ones used in flat flood-prone areas.This paper shows the results provided by a 1D and a 2D model based on the Shallow Water Equations(SWE) for dam-break wave propagation in alpine regions.The 1D model takes advantage of a topographic toolkit that includes an algorithm for pre-processing the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and of a novel criterion for the automatic cross-section space refinement.The 2D model is FLO-2D,a commercial software widely used for flood routing in mountain areas.In order to verify the predictive effectiveness of these numerical models,the test case of the Cancano dam-break has been recovered from the historical study of De Marchi(1945),which provides a unique laboratory data set concerning the consequences of the potential collapse of the former Cancano dam(Northern Italy).The measured discharge hydrograph at the dam also provides the data to test a simplified method recently proposed for the characterization of the hydrograph following a sudden dam-break. 展开更多
关键词 Dam-break modeling Shallow waterequations Alpine valleys Case study Hydraulic hazard
Structural analysis of information digitization on process of Dujiangyan area in Sichuan earthquake(Ms 5.0) 被引量:2
作者 Chen Gangyi Lu Yajun +2 位作者 Si Si Xu Shuisen Huang Wen 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第1期48-55,共8页
This paper attempts to analyze geothermy revealed by the sounding data at 8 h and 20 h every day from China Meteorological Administration and the data counted per minute such as the wellhead temperature,the electromag... This paper attempts to analyze geothermy revealed by the sounding data at 8 h and 20 h every day from China Meteorological Administration and the data counted per minute such as the wellhead temperature,the electromagnetic disturbance,the ground tilt and so of water level instrument in Sanxing of Chengdu with the method of information digitization.The result shows the recognizable differentiation of the change process before and after the earthquake,provides an analytic method for the improvement of earthquake prediction or prevention,and shows the feasible further research and the wide application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 IRREGULARITY changing information DIGITIZATION earthquake forecast
Film it! The Role of Digital Media in Community Communication in Thailand
作者 Kanyika Shaw 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第12期747-755,共9页
New digital technologies, especially new communication networks connected within the internet, are becoming increasingly more important as tools for management, information distribution, and as radically new models of... New digital technologies, especially new communication networks connected within the internet, are becoming increasingly more important as tools for management, information distribution, and as radically new models of cultural production. This paper takes a deep look at the Tosakan Project, a community project in Saraburi province, Thailand. This project combines concepts of folk media, digital storytelling, and the participatory model of Web 2.0 in order to solve community problems. Herein, it is shown how diverse groups in this community project work together using social network channels such as Facebook and Line to digitally tell folk stories through videos and disseminate the content to a wider audience via Facebook and other digital sharing outlets such as YouTube. 展开更多
关键词 digital story-telling folk media new media community communication
Estimation of Demographic Statistics in the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey (CSES) 2004-2012
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第2期111-115,共5页
Since 2007 the CSES is the only source that every year has provided estimates of Cambodian demographic statistics such as population and household sizes by geographical region, sex, marital status and ethnicity. This ... Since 2007 the CSES is the only source that every year has provided estimates of Cambodian demographic statistics such as population and household sizes by geographical region, sex, marital status and ethnicity. This "work" describes the methodology used to make the estimates consistent with Census projections taking into account change in household sizes. The methods are based on assumptions and they will adjust the weights of the survey. The assumptions need to be evaluated continuously and this presentation is the first documentation and evaluation. Using time series of some key statistics, the work also presents and discusses the demographic development in Cambodia. A future decision if the methodology in the CSES has to be completely changed or just updated must be made when the Inter-censual result from 2013 are available. 展开更多
关键词 CONSISTENCY census projections weighting method.
SAR Image Coregistration Using Fringe Definition Detection
作者 YANG Ying-hui CHEN Qiang +3 位作者 LIU Guo-xiang Li Zhi-lin CHENG Hai-qin Liu Li-yao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期790-800,共11页
In order to overcome the limitation of cross correlation coregistration method for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometric pairs with low coherence, a new image coregistration algorithm based on Fringe Defini... In order to overcome the limitation of cross correlation coregistration method for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometric pairs with low coherence, a new image coregistration algorithm based on Fringe Definition Detection (FDD) is presented in this paper. The Fourier transformation was utilized to obtain spectrum characteristics of interferometric fringes. The ratio between spectrum mean and peak was proposed as the evaluation index for identifying homologous pixels from interferometric images. The satellites ERS-1/2 C-band SAR acquisitions covering the Yangtze River plain delta, eastern China and ALOS/PALSAR L-band images over the Longmen Shan mountainous area, southwestern China were respectively employed in the experiment to validate the proposed coregistration method. The testing results suggested that the derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from FDD method had good agreement with that from the cross correlation method as well as the reference DEM at high coherence area. However, The FDD method achieved a totally improved topographic mapping accuracy by 24 percent in comparison to the cross correlation method. The FDD method also showed better robustness and achieved relatively higher performance for SAR image eoregistration in mountainous areas with low coherence. 展开更多
关键词 SAR image coregistration Spectrumcharacteristics Fringe definition detection Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Accuracy assessment
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