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用Java字符流类实现数据操作 被引量:1
作者 笪林梅 《兰州工业高等专科学校学报》 2010年第4期12-15,共4页
关键词 数据 输入 输出 字符流 数据操作
基于JAVA技术的输入输出流系统应用性分类研究 被引量:3
作者 张雷 《自动化与仪器仪表》 2011年第4期24-25,30,共3页
流是一个很形象的概念,当程序需要读取数据的时候,就会开启一个通向数据源的流,这个数据源可以是文件,内存,或是网络连接。类似的,当程序需要写入数据的时候,就会开启一个通向目的地的流。这时候你就可以想象数据好像在这其中"流&q... 流是一个很形象的概念,当程序需要读取数据的时候,就会开启一个通向数据源的流,这个数据源可以是文件,内存,或是网络连接。类似的,当程序需要写入数据的时候,就会开启一个通向目的地的流。这时候你就可以想象数据好像在这其中"流"动一样。 展开更多
关键词 输入输出 字节 字符流
Java中的输入输出流研究 被引量:1
作者 张雷 王悦 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2011年第12期9-10,146,共3页
流是一个很形象的概念,当程序需要读取数据的时候,就会开启一个通向数据源的流,这个数据源可以是文件、内存或是网络连接。类似的,当程序需要写入数据的时候,就会开启一个通向目的地的流,这时候就可以想象数据好像在这其中"流"... 流是一个很形象的概念,当程序需要读取数据的时候,就会开启一个通向数据源的流,这个数据源可以是文件、内存或是网络连接。类似的,当程序需要写入数据的时候,就会开启一个通向目的地的流,这时候就可以想象数据好像在这其中"流"动一样。 展开更多
关键词 输入输出 字节 字符流
实时网络信息过滤系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 卢军 卢显良 +1 位作者 韩宏 任立勇 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期24-25,共2页
针对网络信息的实时过滤问题 ,提出了一种基于代理服务器的网络信息实时过滤机制。为了提高信息过滤的性能 ,还提出了一种高效的关键词集合匹配方法 (KPSMM)。KPSMM可以实现关键词集合的高效过滤 ,其性能比传统的字符串过滤方式有较大... 针对网络信息的实时过滤问题 ,提出了一种基于代理服务器的网络信息实时过滤机制。为了提高信息过滤的性能 ,还提出了一种高效的关键词集合匹配方法 (KPSMM)。KPSMM可以实现关键词集合的高效过滤 ,其性能比传统的字符串过滤方式有较大提高。 展开更多
关键词 实时网络信息过滤系统 设计 集合匹配 字符流 局域网 代理服务器
DES加密算法的迭代改进 被引量:1
作者 张周圆 董芳 +2 位作者 陈一鸣 刘星 王文丰 《科技经济市场》 2012年第10期24-26,共3页
关键词 DES算法 迭代 解密 字符流
作者 路骏 《微型机与应用》 1999年第9期39-40,共2页
关键词 JAVA语言 字符流 国际化编程 程序设计
作者 刘培 武维善 熊栋栋 《现代计算机》 2010年第6期186-188,191,共4页
为提高ERP系统间的互操作性、耦合性,及其与其他应用系统间的集成性,提出一种基于消息中间件的方案,通过消息中间件集成分布式应用,对异构网络环境下的分布式应用提供有效的通信手段,从而把含有多种操作系统、多个数据库的企业应用整合... 为提高ERP系统间的互操作性、耦合性,及其与其他应用系统间的集成性,提出一种基于消息中间件的方案,通过消息中间件集成分布式应用,对异构网络环境下的分布式应用提供有效的通信手段,从而把含有多种操作系统、多个数据库的企业应用整合成一个协同工作的整体,实现应用系统间的集成。 展开更多
关键词 消息中间件 SOCKET接口 字符流 字节
作者 月光蝶 《音响改装技术》 2015年第8期135-135,共1页
都说音乐是一个温馨的港湾,可以使疲倦心灵的在此停泊,让我们可以重拾信心,笑对生活。但在这炎炎夏季,音乐更像是一付清凉剂,洗去心灵的烦躁,让人随行云流水的音符而安然,淡然所有的浮华,让所有制冷的字符流淌在指间,为心灵降... 都说音乐是一个温馨的港湾,可以使疲倦心灵的在此停泊,让我们可以重拾信心,笑对生活。但在这炎炎夏季,音乐更像是一付清凉剂,洗去心灵的烦躁,让人随行云流水的音符而安然,淡然所有的浮华,让所有制冷的字符流淌在指间,为心灵降温降躁。 展开更多
关键词 奥迪Q7 改装 心灵 清凉剂 字符流 音乐 生活
在Java中使用键盘输入数据的解析 被引量:1
作者 罗在文 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2009年第12期20-21,28,共3页
关键词 JAVA 控制台 对话框 字节输入 字符输入 文本扫描类
Detailed string stability analysis for bi-directional optimal velocity model 被引量:1
作者 郑亮 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1563-1573,共11页
The class of bi-directional optimal velocity models can describe the bi-directional looking effect that usually exists in the reality and is even enhanced with the development of the connected vehicle technologies. It... The class of bi-directional optimal velocity models can describe the bi-directional looking effect that usually exists in the reality and is even enhanced with the development of the connected vehicle technologies. Its combined string stability condition can be obtained through the method of the ring-road based string stability analysis. However, the partial string stability about traffic fluctuation propagated backward or forward was neglected, which will be analyzed in detail in this work by the method of transfer function and its H∞ norm from the viewpoint of control theory. Then, through comparing the conditions of combined and partial string stabilities, their relationships can make traffic flow be divided into three distinguishable regions, displaying various combined and partial string stability performance. Finally, the numerical experiments verify the theoretical results and find that the final displaying string stability or instability performance results from the accumulated and offset effects of traffic fluctuations propagated from different directions. 展开更多
关键词 traffic flow string stability optimal velocity model linearized stability theory transfer function
Research on characters of surrounding rock in complex geology conditions and supporting time 被引量:9
作者 Yu Weijian Gao Qian +1 位作者 Zhai Shuhua Zhang Meihua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第2期91-96,共6页
The methods combined by test, field monitoring and theoretical analysis were adopted to do the systemic research on the rock mass from micro-structure to macro-deformation, and rheological model of Jinchuan rock mass ... The methods combined by test, field monitoring and theoretical analysis were adopted to do the systemic research on the rock mass from micro-structure to macro-deformation, and rheological model of Jinchuan rock mass was established to discuss the reasonable supporting time. Resuhs show that supporting after suitable stress and displacement release can benefit for the long-term stability of surrounding rock. 展开更多
关键词 complex geological conditions surrounding rock characteristic test supporting time theological characteristic
Some Magnetized Bulk Viscous String Cosmological Models in Cylindrically Symmetric Inhomogeneous Universe with Variable Λ-Term 被引量:1
作者 Anirudh Pradhan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期367-374,共8页
Some cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous viscous fluid string cosmological models with magnetic field and cosmological term A varying with time are investigated. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assume... Some cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous viscous fluid string cosmological models with magnetic field and cosmological term A varying with time are investigated. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assumed that the expansion (θ) in the model is proportional to the eigen value σ^11 of the shear tensor σ^ij. The value of cosmological constant for the model is found to be small and positive, which is supported by the results from recent supernovae Ia observations. The effect of bulk viscosity is to produce a change in perfect fluid and hence exhibits essential influence on the character of the solution. The physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed in presence and absence of magnetic field. 展开更多
关键词 STRING inhomogeneous universe cylindrical symmetry variable cosmological term bulk viscosity
Profile and Character of Atmospheric Structure Constant of Refractive Index C_n^2
作者 SUN Gang WENG Ning-Quan +1 位作者 XIAO Li-Ming WU Yi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期270-272,共3页
Random fluctuations of turbulence bring random fluctuations of the refractive index, making the atmosphere a random fluctuation medium that destroys the coherence of light-waves. Research in atmospheric turbulence is ... Random fluctuations of turbulence bring random fluctuations of the refractive index, making the atmosphere a random fluctuation medium that destroys the coherence of light-waves. Research in atmospheric turbulence is actually the investigation of the atmospheric refractive index. The atmospheric structure constant of refractive index, C n 2 , is an important parameter denoting atmospheric turbulence. In this paper, C n 2 is measured during the day and at night and in all four seasons using a high sensitivity micro-thermal meter QHTP-2. The vertical profile of C n 2 in Hefei (0-30 km) is investigated by the analysis of experimental data. The average profile of C n 2 in Hefei exhibits conspicuous day and night differences with increased altitude. The distribution of log(C n 2 ) is nearly normal and has conspicuous seasonal differences. 展开更多
关键词 applied optics atmospheric turbulence atmospheric structure constant of refractive index variance profile
作者 姚臣 《世界高尔夫》 2007年第6期131-131,共1页
曾听一位球友说他喜欢打完球便上网挥毫,享受一吐为快的感觉。放下铁杆拿笔杆,享受白球飞越果岭的快感,也恋上字符流动的舒畅,这是球友们的新高尔夫生活。小小的15寸宽屏,无限思绪漫飞之所,在这里,我们和高尔夫有个私密约会。期待记录... 曾听一位球友说他喜欢打完球便上网挥毫,享受一吐为快的感觉。放下铁杆拿笔杆,享受白球飞越果岭的快感,也恋上字符流动的舒畅,这是球友们的新高尔夫生活。小小的15寸宽屏,无限思绪漫飞之所,在这里,我们和高尔夫有个私密约会。期待记录下来自各路网友专属于高尔夫的点滴感触。 展开更多
关键词 果岭 高尔夫 享受 字符流 上网 私密 笔杆 铁杆 快感 放下
作者 胡海洪 《民航科技》 2002年第4期61-62,共2页
关键词 UNIX 民航 气象资料管理系统 SHELL 字符流编辑
韩方自述 对“无字天书”系列绘画的思考
作者 韩方 《美术文献》 2013年第6期114-115,共2页
"太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。"曾几何时,在追索贤者先哲文明的逡巡中,被这句话深深勒住了颈项。自以为曾经寻找到了答案,在字符流淌的清凉吹袭间,被轻轻推倒。我不愿判断茶杯的红色,是因为对视觉的质疑;不敢妄言身体的快... "太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。"曾几何时,在追索贤者先哲文明的逡巡中,被这句话深深勒住了颈项。自以为曾经寻找到了答案,在字符流淌的清凉吹袭间,被轻轻推倒。我不愿判断茶杯的红色,是因为对视觉的质疑;不敢妄言身体的快乐,是因为对感官的不确信。天边夕阳西下时,我们应该感慨流连吗?味觉、哭泣、疼痛、平静……它们被触发时,我们承受并且要去表达。在这意志和表象的世界里,我们到底存在吗? 展开更多
关键词 不敢妄言 字符流 美术出版社 当代艺术展 贤者 上古时代 省图书馆 周复 京北 方汉
Stability and self-adaption character of turbulence coherent structure in narrow-deep river bend 被引量:7
作者 BAI YuChuan JI ZiQing XU HaiJue 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期2990-2999,共10页
In a meandering fiver, a certain scale of turbulent vortex dominates the development of fiver morphology, making the river bend with s particular curvature. This kind of vortex is denoted as "bend-forming vortex". T... In a meandering fiver, a certain scale of turbulent vortex dominates the development of fiver morphology, making the river bend with s particular curvature. This kind of vortex is denoted as "bend-forming vortex". The coordinated relationship of bend-forming vortex and meandering fiver channel is then known as "self-adaption feature" of rivers. With these two concepts, this paper investigated the stability and self-adaption character of coherent vortex in the U-shape river bend with a constant curvature. On the basis of fluid mechanics theory and in consideration of turbulent coherent vortex as disturbance, the growth rate and the wave number response range of coherent vortex in meandering rivers with different curvatures were calculated in this paper. Moreover, the responses of different scales of coherent turbulence structure to river bend parameters were analyzed to explain the mechanism of fiver bend maintenance. These methods could provide a theoretical basis for further investigation on fiver meandering. 展开更多
关键词 meandering river river bend bend-forming vortex self-adaption turbulence flow
K-Theory and the Quantization Commutes with Reduction Problem
作者 Nigel HIGSON Yanli SONG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期703-732,共30页
The authors examine the quantization commutes with reduction phenomenon for Hamiltonian actions of compact Lie groups on closed symplectic manifolds from the point of view of topological K-theory and K-homology. They ... The authors examine the quantization commutes with reduction phenomenon for Hamiltonian actions of compact Lie groups on closed symplectic manifolds from the point of view of topological K-theory and K-homology. They develop the machinery of K-theory wrong-way maps in the context of orbifolds and use it to relate the quantization commutes with reduction phenomenon to Bott periodicity and the K-theory formulation of the Weyl character formula. 展开更多
关键词 Symplectic reduction QUANTIZATION K-THEORY K-HOMOLOGY CompactLie groups
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