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字轮电能表读数系统的数字识别算法 被引量:3
作者 陈广华 苗鹏 +2 位作者 张宗健 陈梅倩 肖燕彩 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期87-91,共5页
关键词 字轮电能表 识别 定位 信息增强
基于傅里叶变换的数字仪表字轮定位方法 被引量:2
作者 张志佳 李媛 +1 位作者 徐洪 苑玮琦 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期92-94,97,共4页
机械式数字仪表的计算机自动抄表在工业和控制领域得到了广泛应用,而仪表图像中字轮的定位是数字仪表自动抄表系统的关键技术。目前,影响机械式数字仪表的字轮定位的问题主要有:表盘图像的背景复杂、类似字轮的干扰信息较多、所采集图... 机械式数字仪表的计算机自动抄表在工业和控制领域得到了广泛应用,而仪表图像中字轮的定位是数字仪表自动抄表系统的关键技术。目前,影响机械式数字仪表的字轮定位的问题主要有:表盘图像的背景复杂、类似字轮的干扰信息较多、所采集图像带有随机角度的倾斜。针对以上问题,文中提出了一种基于傅里叶变换的字轮定位方法。该方法首先采用边缘检测和数学形态学处理方法进行有效区域筛选,再利用基于快速傅里叶变换的倾斜校正方法进行表盘倾斜校正,然后采用水平和垂直积分投影法提取字轮区域,最后根据字轮在表盘中的位置特征判断倾斜校正过程中可能出现的图像倒置现象,并进行校正。该方法定位准确、计算简单,有效缩短了系统运行时间,对机械式数字仪表自动读数系统的实时性发展有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 傅里叶变换 倾斜校正 字轮定位 形态学处理
大盘重工字轮周转提高生产效率成果探究 被引量:1
作者 刘艳 狄寒薇 《电子制作》 2014年第16期230-231,共2页
宁夏恒力公司在面临市场压力的不利因素下,推行大盘重工字轮周转项目,通过优化工艺流程,节省人力;改进工字轮结构,配置高速复绕机及工字轮收线机实现钢丝精确计米;运输过程采用工字轮托盘运输,规范现场管理等一系列改进措施来降低制造成... 宁夏恒力公司在面临市场压力的不利因素下,推行大盘重工字轮周转项目,通过优化工艺流程,节省人力;改进工字轮结构,配置高速复绕机及工字轮收线机实现钢丝精确计米;运输过程采用工字轮托盘运输,规范现场管理等一系列改进措施来降低制造成本,挖潜增效,成果显著。 展开更多
关键词 大盘重工字轮周转 高速复绕机 字轮结构 运输托盘 定尺
基于YOLOv5的水表字轮读数自动识别方法 被引量:4
作者 陈文萍 娄嘉骏 +2 位作者 江少锋 赵珈兿 李根 《仪表技术》 2023年第3期43-46,74,共5页
基于水表公司内实地采集的一批检定水表数据集,通过数据增强扩增数据集,标注表盘和字轮框数据集并训练模型,实现水表表盘区域和字轮区域定位;标注水表机械字轮的半字符的数据集,在PyTorch框架下搭建YOLOv5算法环境,采用YOLOv5s网络模型... 基于水表公司内实地采集的一批检定水表数据集,通过数据增强扩增数据集,标注表盘和字轮框数据集并训练模型,实现水表表盘区域和字轮区域定位;标注水表机械字轮的半字符的数据集,在PyTorch框架下搭建YOLOv5算法环境,采用YOLOv5s网络模型进行训练。实验结果表明,该方法的字轮数字识别训练模型的mAP@0.5:0.95值达到0.95,字轮字符识别的整体准确率达到93.85%,与模板匹配方法相比准确率提高了5.58%,其中半字符识别准确率提高了9.15%,有效解决了水表字轮半字符识别错误率高的问题,在水表等仪表读数的自动化改造方面具有一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 图像处理 目标检测算法 符识别 水表 字轮
作者 许学文 张裕松 +2 位作者 汤文峰 朱珍香 应任锋 《仪表技术》 2022年第3期51-54,共4页
在机械水表中,指示装置是记录用水量的重要部件,而该装置中负责显示用水量的字轮和牙轮是不完全齿轮机构。从理论分析入手,阐述字轮牙轮传动设计中字轮和牙轮尺寸的相互关系,并结合实际对字轮和牙轮的尺寸设计进行探讨,旨在为字轮牙轮... 在机械水表中,指示装置是记录用水量的重要部件,而该装置中负责显示用水量的字轮和牙轮是不完全齿轮机构。从理论分析入手,阐述字轮牙轮传动设计中字轮和牙轮尺寸的相互关系,并结合实际对字轮和牙轮的尺寸设计进行探讨,旨在为字轮牙轮传动机构的全新设计提供理论指导和依据。 展开更多
关键词 水表计量 指示装置 字轮 传动机构 机械原理
作者 林治税 李学强 +1 位作者 史帆 贺立敏 《船舶节能》 1998年第4期6-8,共3页
1.前言"堡"字轮原是货运公司所属的散装货轮,长期以来这些船的主、副机因受排温过高的影响而无法发挥其功率,造成主、副机长期工作在低负荷、高排温的状况下,致使主、副机的性能每况愈下,维修成本大幅度上升,不得已曾先后被... 1.前言"堡"字轮原是货运公司所属的散装货轮,长期以来这些船的主、副机因受排温过高的影响而无法发挥其功率,造成主、副机长期工作在低负荷、高排温的状况下,致使主、副机的性能每况愈下,维修成本大幅度上升,不得已曾先后被封存停止使用。为了适应市场的需要。 展开更多
关键词 技术改造方案 增压器轴承 副机 螺旋桨 排温 字轮 测试结果 方案设计 功率 主机
谈城市居民燃气抄表方式的发展 被引量:3
作者 李瑞雪 《上海煤气》 2008年第5期19-21,共3页
关键词 抄表方式 远传抄表 字轮代码直读
智能水表远程抄表计量表角度检测装置 被引量:1
作者 吴春红 《科技风》 2020年第17期146-146,共1页
本文是实用新型的智能水表的计量表的用户水用量的检测设计装置,该装置结构简单,可以通过微机精准、迅速读出不同位置、不同片区的用户的用水量。它不仅实现了该类计度表的远程抄表的集中管理,提高了抄表工作效率,而且保证了智能水表远... 本文是实用新型的智能水表的计量表的用户水用量的检测设计装置,该装置结构简单,可以通过微机精准、迅速读出不同位置、不同片区的用户的用水量。它不仅实现了该类计度表的远程抄表的集中管理,提高了抄表工作效率,而且保证了智能水表远程抄表计量表读数准确性、方便性。该角度检测装置适用于所有通过字轮盘转动来显示用量的计量表,实用性能极强,且使用范围极其广泛。 展开更多
关键词 智能远程抄表 角度检测装置 系统 功能 方式 字轮
杭州燃气无线远传抄表应用试验及探究 被引量:1
作者 费静 《城市燃气》 2015年第3期13-17,共5页
本文针对目前杭州市区民用管道燃气表的抄表方式及新形势下推行阶梯计费的迫切需求,探究了几种主流无线远传抄表方式的原理及应用情况;通过对各种燃气表的试挂测试,分析比较了各种抄表方式特点及存在的问题;同时对无线远传抄表技术的应... 本文针对目前杭州市区民用管道燃气表的抄表方式及新形势下推行阶梯计费的迫切需求,探究了几种主流无线远传抄表方式的原理及应用情况;通过对各种燃气表的试挂测试,分析比较了各种抄表方式特点及存在的问题;同时对无线远传抄表技术的应用前景进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 无线远传 抄表方式 燃气 试挂 物联网 光电字轮直读
《陕西气象》 1996年第5期37-37,共1页
EN系列风向风速仪打印机故障分析及其检修二则咸阳市在武功县局安装的EN系列风向风速仪,在使用过程中,EN型曾三次出现橡胶字留被打断的现象;而EN,型则出现字图架被打坏的毛病。通过检查发现橡胶字图被打断的原因是由于打字... EN系列风向风速仪打印机故障分析及其检修二则咸阳市在武功县局安装的EN系列风向风速仪,在使用过程中,EN型曾三次出现橡胶字留被打断的现象;而EN,型则出现字图架被打坏的毛病。通过检查发现橡胶字图被打断的原因是由于打字机中的打字锤簧力过小,打字时字锤击... 展开更多
关键词 风向风速仪 故障分析 打印机 字轮 击打力 弹簧 导向板 码盘
Temperature Effect on the Life History of Three Types of Brachionus calyciflorus Females 被引量:4
作者 席贻龙 黄祥飞 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期192-197,共6页
The effect of temperature on the life history characteristics of amictic females (AF), unfertilized mictic females (UMF) and fertilized mictic females (FMF) in Brachionus calyciflorus was studied with replicated indiv... The effect of temperature on the life history characteristics of amictic females (AF), unfertilized mictic females (UMF) and fertilized mictic females (FMF) in Brachionus calyciflorus was studied with replicated individual cultures at 20℃,25℃ and 30℃, and with algae Scenedesmus obliquus for their food. There were highly significant effects of both temperature and female type, independently and interactively, on the duration of juvenile and post-reproduction periods, and the number of eggs produced by the rotifer per life cycle. Among all the temperature-female type combinations, all the juvenile periods of FMF, and the post-reproduction periods of UMF and FMF at 20℃, were the longest, and the number of eggs produced by an UMF at 30℃ was the highest. There were highly significant effects of both temperature and female type on the duration of the reproduction period, but no clear correlation was observed between temperature and female type. The reproduction period of AF was longer than that of UMF and FMF. Only temperature influenced significantly the mean life-span of the three types of females. The duration of juvenile, reproduction and post-reproduction periods as well as the life-span of the three types of females were all reduced very significantly with rise of temperature, but the rates of reduction varied with female type. Among the three types of females, the number of eggs produced per life cycle by an UMF was the highest, and that of a FMF was the lowest. A significant relationship between the number of eggs produced per life cycle and temperature was observed only in the UMF. 展开更多
关键词 Brachionus calyciflorus ROTIFER life history TEMPERATURE female type
A fault feature extraction method of gearbox based on compound dictionary noise reduction and optimized Fourier decomposition 被引量:1
作者 Mao Yifan Xu Feiyun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第1期22-32,共11页
Aimed at the problem that Fourier decomposition method(FDM)is sensitive to noise and existing mode mixing cannot accurately extract gearbox fault features,a gear fault feature extraction method combining compound dict... Aimed at the problem that Fourier decomposition method(FDM)is sensitive to noise and existing mode mixing cannot accurately extract gearbox fault features,a gear fault feature extraction method combining compound dictionary noise reduction and optimized FDM(OFDM)is proposed.Firstly,the characteristics of the gear signals are used to construct a compound dictionary,and the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm(OMP)is combined to reduce the noise of the vibration signal.Secondly,in order to overcome the mode mixing phenomenon occuring during the decomposition of FDM,a method of frequency band division based on the extremum of the spectrum is proposed to optimize the decomposition quality.Then,the OFDM is used to decompose the signal into several analytic Fourier intrinsic band functions(AFIBFs).Finally,the AFIBF with the largest correlation coefficient is selected for Hilbert envelope spectrum analysis.The fault feature frequencies of the vibration signal can be accurately extracted.The proposed method is validated through analyzing the gearbox fault simulation signal and the real vibration signals collected from an experimental gearbox. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier decomposition compound dictionary mode mixing gearbox fault feature extraction
Intelligent manufacturing system of impeller for computer numerical control(CNC) programming based on KBE 被引量:3
作者 王凌云 黄红辉 +1 位作者 Rae W.West 王大中 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4577-4584,共8页
To solve the problem of advanced digital manufacturing technology in the practical application, a knowledge engineering technology was introduced into the computer numerical control(CNC) programming. The knowledge acq... To solve the problem of advanced digital manufacturing technology in the practical application, a knowledge engineering technology was introduced into the computer numerical control(CNC) programming. The knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and reasoning used in CNC programming were researched. The CNC programming system functional architecture of impeller parts based on knowledge based engineering(KBE) was constructed. The structural model of the general knowledge-based system(KBS) was also constructed. The KBS of CNC programming system was established through synthesizing database technology and knowledge base theory. And in the context of corporate needs, based on the knowledge-driven manufacturing platform(i.e. UG CAD/CAM), VC++6.0 and UG/Open, the KBS and UG CAD/CAM were integrated seamlessly and the intelligent CNC programming KBE system for the impeller parts was developed by integrating KBE and UG CAD/CAM system. A method to establish standard process templates was proposed, so as to develop the intelligent CNC programming system in which CNC machining process and process parameters were standardized by using this KBE system. For the impeller parts processing, the method applied in the development of the prototype system is proven to be viable, feasible and practical. 展开更多
关键词 knowledge engineering generalized knowledge intelligent programming impeller machining
论佛顶轮王法对金刚界密法之影响 被引量:2
作者 张文卓 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期76-81,共6页
持明密教晚期盛行的佛顶思想、顶轮王思想在金刚界密法中占一定篇幅,对金刚界密法有重要影响。首先,金刚顶源于佛顶,是持明密教佛顶法继续发展的产物,又与顶轮王思想密切相关。其次,金刚界大日如来与一字顶轮王相通,顶轮王法中的金轮王... 持明密教晚期盛行的佛顶思想、顶轮王思想在金刚界密法中占一定篇幅,对金刚界密法有重要影响。首先,金刚顶源于佛顶,是持明密教佛顶法继续发展的产物,又与顶轮王思想密切相关。其次,金刚界大日如来与一字顶轮王相通,顶轮王法中的金轮王遍照如来也即大日金轮,就是一字顶轮王与金刚界大日如来结合的形象。再次,佛母、部母思想在顶轮王法中初见端倪,这一思想也被金刚界密法吸收、改造,无上瑜伽时期则影响更大。 展开更多
关键词 佛顶 金刚顶 大日如来 金刚顶经
作者 廖旸 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第10期113-128,150,共17页
明万历《方氏墨谱》《程氏墨苑》刊印了“六根清净”墨样,构图恍若月下竹影,竹梢圆轮实则为梵字金刚笑轮。前者墨锭另一面铭“六根清净”,印“生欢喜心”,正、背图文呼应且互补,后者的编者程大约更借题挥斥胸臆。方本此墨与布袋弥勒合款... 明万历《方氏墨谱》《程氏墨苑》刊印了“六根清净”墨样,构图恍若月下竹影,竹梢圆轮实则为梵字金刚笑轮。前者墨锭另一面铭“六根清净”,印“生欢喜心”,正、背图文呼应且互补,后者的编者程大约更借题挥斥胸臆。方本此墨与布袋弥勒合款;至清乾隆十六罗汉像屏之上,类似竹图则与因揭陀尊者相表里,寓意安养于极乐世界。从合款到移植入更广阔的语境,图样在流转过程中经艺术家们创作重组,其精神内涵潜移默化。以“六根清净图”为线索,可见利用各种象征元素不断重构语境的过程,以及跨媒介、跨阶层、跨族群、跨文化的交流互动。 展开更多
关键词 六根清净图 布袋弥勒 贯休十六罗汉图 字轮 语境重构
Numerical Simulation of Tip Clearance Flow Passive Control in Axial Turbine 被引量:3
作者 LI Wei QIAO Wei-yang XU Kai-fu LUO Hua-ling 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期147-155,共9页
This paper focuses on the effects of five different passive turbine tip clearance flow control methods on the tip clearance flow physics, which consists of a partial suction side squealer tip, a double squealer tip, a... This paper focuses on the effects of five different passive turbine tip clearance flow control methods on the tip clearance flow physics, which consists of a partial suction side squealer tip, a double squealer tip, a pressure side tip shelf with inclined squealer tip on a double squealer tip, a tip platform extension edge in pressure side and in suction side respectively. A pressure-correction based, 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations CFD code with Reynolds Stress Model was adopted. The variable specific heat was considered. The detailed tip clearance flow field with different squealer rims was described with the streamline and the velocity vector. Accordingly, the mechanisms of five passive controls were elucidated; the effects of the passive controls on turbine efficiency and tip clearance flow field were illuminated. The results showed that the secondary flow loss near the outer casing including the tip leakage losses and the passage vortex losses could be reduced in all the five passive control methods. The turbine efficiency could be increased via the rational passive turbine tip clearance flow control. The Improved PS Squealer had the best effect on turbine efficiency, and the efficiency increased by 0.215%. 展开更多
关键词 contact face WAVE receiving tube ABSORBER
Numerical Simulation of Tip Leakage Vortex Effect on Hydrogen-Combustion Flow around 3D Turbine Blade 被引量:1
作者 Naoto Miyama Kazuaki Inaba Makoto Yamamoto 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期186-192,共7页
In these years, a lot of environmental problems such as air pollution and exhaustion of fossil fuels have been discussed intensively. In our laboratory, a hydrogen-fueled propulsion system has been researched as an al... In these years, a lot of environmental problems such as air pollution and exhaustion of fossil fuels have been discussed intensively. In our laboratory, a hydrogen-fueled propulsion system has been researched as an alternative to conventional systems. A hydrogen-fueled propulsion system is expected to have higher power, lighter weight and lower emissions. However, for the practical use, there exist many problems that must be overcome. Considering these backgrounds, jet engines with hydrogen-fueled combustion within a turbine blade passage have been studied. Although some studies have been made on injecting and burning hydrogen fuel from a stator surface, little is known about the interaction between a tip leakage vortex near the suction side of a rotor tip and hydrogen-fueled combustion. The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of the tip leakage vortex on the characteristics of the 3-dimensional flow field with hydrogen-fueled combustion within a turbine blade passage. Reynolds-averaged compressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved with incorporating a k-ε turbulence and a reduced chemical mechanism models. Using the computational results, the 3-dimensional turbulent flow field with chemical reactions is numerically visualized, and the three-dimensional turbulent flow fields with hydrogen combustion and the structure of the tip leakage vortex are investigated. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation CFD gas turbine hydrogen combustion tip leakage vortex
Numerical Investigations of the Influence of Unsteady Vane Trailing Edge Shock Wave on Film Cooling Effectiveness of Rotor Blade Leading Edge 被引量:3
作者 WANG Yufeng CAI Le +1 位作者 WANG Songtao ZHOU Xun 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期135-145,共11页
Unsteady numerical simulations of a high-load transonic turbine stage have been carried out to study the influences of vane trailing edge outer-extending shockwave on rotor blade leading edge film cooling performance.... Unsteady numerical simulations of a high-load transonic turbine stage have been carried out to study the influences of vane trailing edge outer-extending shockwave on rotor blade leading edge film cooling performance. The turbine stage used in this paper is composed of a vane section and a rotor one which are both near the root section of a transonic high-load turbine stage. The Mach number is 0.94 at vane outlet, and the relative Mach number is above 1.10 at rotor outlet. Various positions and oblique angles of film cooling holes were investigated in this research. Results show that the cooling efficiency on the blade surface of rotor near leading edge is significantly affected by vane trailing edge outer-extending shockwave in some cases. In the cases that film holes are close to leading edge, cooling performance suffers more from the sweeping vane trailing edge outer-extending shockwave.In addition, coolant flow ejected from oblique film holes is harder to separate from the blade surface of rotor, and can cover more blade area even under the effects of sweeping vane trailing edge shockwave. As a result, oblique film holes can provide better film cooling performance than vertical film holes do near the leading edge on turbine blade which is swept by shockwaves. 展开更多
关键词 transonic turbine trailing edge shock wave ftlm cooling unsteady simulation
Assessment of Linear and Non-Linear Two-Equation Turbulence Models for Aerothermal Turbomachinery Flows
作者 Pascale KULISA Cedric DANO 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期14-26,共13页
Three linear two-equation turbulence models k- ε, k- ω and k- 1 and a non-linear k- 1 model are used for aerodynamic and thermal turbine flow prediction. The pressure profile in the wake and the heat transfer coeffi... Three linear two-equation turbulence models k- ε, k- ω and k- 1 and a non-linear k- 1 model are used for aerodynamic and thermal turbine flow prediction. The pressure profile in the wake and the heat transfer coefficient on the blade are compared with experimental data. Good agreement is obtained with the linear k-1 model. No significant modifications are observed with the non-linear model. The balance of transport equation terms in the blade wake is also presented. Linear and non-linear k - 1 models are evaluated to predict the threedimensional vortices characterising the turbine flows. The simulations show that the passage vortex is the main origin of the losses. 展开更多
关键词 turbulence model numerical simulation turbomachinery.
Numerical Modelling of the Aeroelastic Behaviour and Variable Loads for the Turbine Stage in 3D Transonic Flow
作者 V.I. GNESIN L.V. KOLODYAZHNAYA R. RZADKOWSKI 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期236-241,共6页
In this study presented the algorithm proposed involves the coupled solution of 3-D unsteady flow through a turbine stage and the dynamics problem for rotor-blade motion by the action of aerodynamic forces, without se... In this study presented the algorithm proposed involves the coupled solution of 3-D unsteady flow through a turbine stage and the dynamics problem for rotor-blade motion by the action of aerodynamic forces, without separating the outer and inner flow fluctuations. The partially integrated method involves the solution of the fluid and structural equations separately, but information is exchanged at each time step, so that solution from one domain is used as a boundary condition for the other domain. 3-D transonic gas flow through the stator and rotor blades in relative motion with periodicity on the whole annulus is described by the unsteady Euler conservation equations, which are integrated using the explicit monotonous finite-volume difference scheme of Godunov-Kolgan. The structural analysis uses the modal approach and a 3-D finite element model of a blade. A calculation has been done for the last stage of the steam turbine, under design and off-design regimes. It is shown that the amplitude-frequency spectrum of blade oscillations contains the high frequency harmonics, corresponding to the rotor moving past one stator blade pitch, and low frequency harmonics caused by blade oscillations and flow nonuniformity downstream from the blade row; moreover, the spectrum involves the harmonics which are not multiples of the rotation frequency. 展开更多
关键词 turbine stage 3D unsteady flow blade oscillations
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