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解读《湄江吟社诗存》 被引量:2
作者 刘丽 《教育文化论坛》 2010年第6期120-124,共5页
《湄江吟社诗存》是浙大西迁时期中国知识分子在国家危亡时所表达的对中国信念的坚守,是学者们在国事艰难时吃苦耐劳、积极乐观、坚守不渝的人格魅力展现,彰显了中华民族多难兴邦的爱国主义情怀。因此,他对实施爱国主义教育,对地方文化... 《湄江吟社诗存》是浙大西迁时期中国知识分子在国家危亡时所表达的对中国信念的坚守,是学者们在国事艰难时吃苦耐劳、积极乐观、坚守不渝的人格魅力展现,彰显了中华民族多难兴邦的爱国主义情怀。因此,他对实施爱国主义教育,对地方文化建设、对高校大学精神的塑造等,有着多方面的价值。通过对《湄江吟社诗存》的解读,彰显浙大精神,弘扬民族爱国主义和民族文化中的人文价值观。 展开更多
关键词 浙江大学 《湄江吟 解读
《湄江吟社诗存》价值探析 被引量:2
作者 刘丽 《贵州文史丛刊》 2012年第4期109-113,共5页
《湄江吟社诗存》是浙大教授在西迁时期结社创作的诗歌结集。它记录了浙大在遵的历史细节及浙大教授在特定历史背景下的心路历程;其旧体诗词创作对现代文学史上多元创作的共存提供了直观的材料;而多为理科教授的作者群也对教育培养目标... 《湄江吟社诗存》是浙大教授在西迁时期结社创作的诗歌结集。它记录了浙大在遵的历史细节及浙大教授在特定历史背景下的心路历程;其旧体诗词创作对现代文学史上多元创作的共存提供了直观的材料;而多为理科教授的作者群也对教育培养目标的探讨极具启示意义;并成为构建地方文化的一道亮丽的景观。因而具有较为重要的文化研究价值。 展开更多
关键词 浙大西迁 《湄江吟 文化价值
从创造社作家、施蛰存、张爱玲的创作看现代心理小说之演变 被引量:1
作者 朱锦辉 《湖南城市学院学报》 1993年第3期29-32,35,共5页
关键词 心理小说/心理分析 历史演变 创造作家/施蛰/张爱玲
作者 邢丹 《党的生活(黑龙江)》 2015年第10期2-,共1页
全国党刊方阵第一梯队黑龙江省唯一入选期刊主流媒体影响力持续提升由国家新闻出版广电总局组织评选的2015年'百强报刊'推荐活动结果目前揭晓。今年共有99种报纸、100种社科期刊、100种科技期刊入选。《党的生活》继2013年入选... 全国党刊方阵第一梯队黑龙江省唯一入选期刊主流媒体影响力持续提升由国家新闻出版广电总局组织评选的2015年'百强报刊'推荐活动结果目前揭晓。今年共有99种报纸、100种社科期刊、100种科技期刊入选。《党的生活》继2013年入选首届'百强社科期刊'之后再次入选,是我省唯一入选本届'百强'的期刊。据主办方介绍,全国共有1912种报纸、9966种期刊。 展开更多
关键词 科期刊 党的生活 百强 科技期刊 媒体影响力 第一梯队 转识 存社 成报 业报
作者 朱则杰 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第3期101-107,共7页
江南地区在历史上结社活动最为活跃。清代道光年间和光绪宣统之交,江苏太仓先后出现过"南园秋社"、"南园赓社"两个诗社并构成一个系列。但关于这两个诗社,世人似乎不大了解,甚至在介绍时存在不少严重的错误。而通... 江南地区在历史上结社活动最为活跃。清代道光年间和光绪宣统之交,江苏太仓先后出现过"南园秋社"、"南园赓社"两个诗社并构成一个系列。但关于这两个诗社,世人似乎不大了解,甚至在介绍时存在不少严重的错误。而通过考察,可以理清各方面的基本情况,同时纠正相关的错误认识,并且为地方文化建设事业提供积极的参考。 展开更多
关键词 清诗 南园秋 南园赓 《南园秋诗》 《南园赓
作者 李若愚 张博 《人民论坛》 北大核心 2015年第11期48-48,共1页
日本法西斯主义的雏形是第一次世界大战后由“黑龙会”、“犹存社”等民间团体所推动的右翼运动,但其真正对日本政治形成影响力要到1931年爆发的“九·一八”事变之后。可以说日本法西斯主义正是在侵略中国的过程中逐渐壮大起来并... 日本法西斯主义的雏形是第一次世界大战后由“黑龙会”、“犹存社”等民间团体所推动的右翼运动,但其真正对日本政治形成影响力要到1931年爆发的“九·一八”事变之后。可以说日本法西斯主义正是在侵略中国的过程中逐渐壮大起来并最终形成的。受到1929年爆发的世界性经济危机波及,日本下层民众的生活日趋恶化,对现实的失望使得军队内部的青年将校和作为军队外围组织的“在乡军人团”急剧向法西斯主义靠拢,法西斯主义以自下而上的方式向日本的政界和军界逐渐渗透。 展开更多
关键词 军国主义复活 存社 日本法西斯 外围组织 黑龙会 军队内部 日本政治 世界性经济危机 日本军国主义 内阁总理大臣
作者 刘泳唐 《贵州文史丛刊》 1991年第3期25-27,共3页
席正铭,(1884—1920)字丹书,号筱琳、东溟,贵州沿河土家族自治县米溪村人。1907年,考入陆军小学堂后至1914年,先后与阎崇阶、刘莘园、田子玉、张少奎、王克仁、何器之、冷百鹏、刘立生、王电轮、王叔度等成立革命组织,进行联合新军,组... 席正铭,(1884—1920)字丹书,号筱琳、东溟,贵州沿河土家族自治县米溪村人。1907年,考入陆军小学堂后至1914年,先后与阎崇阶、刘莘园、田子玉、张少奎、王克仁、何器之、冷百鹏、刘立生、王电轮、王叔度等成立革命组织,进行联合新军,组织“竞存社”,积极从事革命活动于黔、鄂、湘省。1916年6月,席正铭与宋教仁、于右任取得联系。 展开更多
关键词 陆军小学堂 存社 于右任 叔度 宋教仁 革命活动 革命组织 刘莘 请大安 田子
作者 王国耀 《湖北畜牧兽医》 1990年第1期44-44,共1页
八月十四日辛冲镇罗坪河村罗金喜家一头20Kg重的育肥猪走路跛行,经检查发现后肢腕关节肿胀,蹄叉腐烂并有恶臭味(未发现异物),治疗将高锰酸钾结晶研成粉末涂布于患部(未进行包扎)。十六日复诊,发现左后肢已愈,右后肢已有明显好转,但还存... 八月十四日辛冲镇罗坪河村罗金喜家一头20Kg重的育肥猪走路跛行,经检查发现后肢腕关节肿胀,蹄叉腐烂并有恶臭味(未发现异物),治疗将高锰酸钾结晶研成粉末涂布于患部(未进行包扎)。十六日复诊,发现左后肢已愈,右后肢已有明显好转,但还存在有腐臭状态,即进行第二次用药。十八日再进行检查,已全部恢复正常。 展开更多
关键词 蹄叉腐烂 右后肢 辛冲镇 恶臭味 左后肢 腕关节 坪河 涂布 存社
作者 田桂林 李国丽 《天津政协公报》 2015年第7期31-33,共3页
(上接总第333期)尊师如宾爱生如子刘宝慈对待教师非常尊重,有事相商总是亲自到教员预备室,很少将教员叫到校长室去。他多方照顾好教师的生活,热心为教师服务。当年由于学校的班级少,同年级的教师也不多,老师多分散办公。刘宝慈要求每个... (上接总第333期)尊师如宾爱生如子刘宝慈对待教师非常尊重,有事相商总是亲自到教员预备室,很少将教员叫到校长室去。他多方照顾好教师的生活,热心为教师服务。当年由于学校的班级少,同年级的教师也不多,老师多分散办公。刘宝慈要求每个教师预备室有一位工友负责照顾老师的牛活。除负责供应茶水外,还为教师到街上买早点。他还责成工友尽可能帮助老师照料家务。对身体差的教师更是关怀备至。 展开更多
关键词 预备室 刘宝 小学教育 校长室 张老师 爱生 校门口 河北省教育厅 存社 终生难忘
Community structure changes of macrobenthos in the South Yellow Sea 被引量:3
作者 张均龙 徐凤山 刘瑞玉 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期248-255,共8页
The ecological environment in the Yellow Sea has changed greatly from the 1950s to 1990s and this has had significant impact on marine organisms. In this study, data on soft-sediment macrobenthos occurring in depths f... The ecological environment in the Yellow Sea has changed greatly from the 1950s to 1990s and this has had significant impact on marine organisms. In this study, data on soft-sediment macrobenthos occurring in depths from 25 m to 81 m in the South Yellow Sea were used to compare changes in community structure. The agglomerative classification (CLUSTER) and multidimensional scaling (MDS) methods were applied. Five communities were recognized by cluster analysis: 1. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass community dominated by cold water species, which changed slightly in species composition since the 1950s; 2. The mixed community with the coexistence of cold water species and warm water species, as had been reported previously; 3. The polychaete-dominated eurythermal community in which the composition changed considerably as some dominant species disappeared or decreased; 4. The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuarine community, with some typical estuarine species; 5. The community affected by the Yellow Sea Warm Current. The greatest change occurred in the coastal area, which indicated that the change may be caused by human activities. Macrobenthos in the central region remained almost unchanged, particularly the cold water species shielded by the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. The depth, temperature and median grain size of sediments were important factors affecting the distributions of macrobenthos in the South Yellow Sea. 展开更多
关键词 benthic macrofauna community structure South Yellow Sea Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass
On the Confrontation Between Masculinism and Feminism in The Great Gatsby
作者 LI Bao-feng JIA Xue-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期874-880,共7页
In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts the conflicts and contradictions between men and women about society, family, love, and money, literally mirroring the patriarchal society constantly challenged by feminism in t... In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts the conflicts and contradictions between men and women about society, family, love, and money, literally mirroring the patriarchal society constantly challenged by feminism in the 1920s of America. This paper intends to compare the features of masculinism and feminism in three aspects: gender, society, and morality. Different identifications of gender role between men and women lead to female protests against male superiority and pursuits of individual liberation. Meanwhile, male unshaken egotism and gradually expanded individualism of women enable them both in lack of sound moral standards. But compared with the female, male moral pride drives them with much more proper moral judge, which reflects Fitzgerald's support of the masculine society. Probing into the confrontation between masculinism and feminism, it is beneficial for further study on how to achieve equal coexistence and harmony between men and women. 展开更多
关键词 The Great Gatsby CONFRONTATION masculinism FEMINISM
Analysis on the Image of Updike's Works From Multidimensional Perspective
作者 Liu Lihua 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期107-108,共2页
The article discusses the metaphor in Updike' s works through a multidimensional perspective achieving to the cognition of some insight and understanding,and metaphor is the mapping between two conceptual domains,als... The article discusses the metaphor in Updike' s works through a multidimensional perspective achieving to the cognition of some insight and understanding,and metaphor is the mapping between two conceptual domains,also metaphor is a thing to experience and understand another thing.And it is the general situation of human existence and the general characteristics of human nature,through the metaphor of this symbol, we recognize the twentieth century second half of the full 50 years of American social life history. 展开更多
关键词 A multidimensional perspective UPDIKE METAPHOR
Reflections on Islam and Co-Existence in the Upper Cross River Region of Nigeria
作者 Chinyere S. Ecoma 《Sociology Study》 2014年第2期91-102,共12页
Situated within the Cross River State of Nigeria, the Upper Cross River area covers the northern half of Cross River State comprising Ugep, Obubra, Ikom, Ogoja, and Obudu divisions. Bounded on the north by the Benue r... Situated within the Cross River State of Nigeria, the Upper Cross River area covers the northern half of Cross River State comprising Ugep, Obubra, Ikom, Ogoja, and Obudu divisions. Bounded on the north by the Benue region, west by Ebonyi and Enugu states and east by the Republic of Cameroon, this unique area experienced colonial rule. Christianity established its dominance in this area during colonial times, leaving no room for Islam. However, following the 1967 to 1970 civil war, groups of Islamic traders, clerics, and businessmen started trickling into the area, and settling there. They began to spread their faith in the region hut could not establish their political presence there. Some familiarised themselves with the culture of the indigenous people, and won converts not by force, but via the proselytisation of their faith. Community leaders did not abandon the old verities which bound traditional society in the region together. The pattern was often a pragmatic choice--accepting the best of the faiths resulting in peaceful co-existence and assured social harmony in the region. Pockets of Islamic converts could be found in Ogoja, Obudu, and some strategic commercial locations in the region. Against this backdrop, the paper examines the co-existence of Islam in the Upper Cross River Region (UCRR) and the impact made economically, culturally and religiously on the peoples of the region. The research adopted secondary and primary sources of information in its methodology. It therefore established that the UCRR of Nigeria serves as an excellent example, or a convenient model for the study of mutual religious co-existence between adherents of the Islamic and other faiths in the region. 展开更多
关键词 ISLAM traditional society proselytization peaceful co-existence
Community features of Indocalamus wilsoni in the Shennongjia Na-tional Nature Reserve, China
作者 李兆华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期169-175,209-210,共7页
Four vegetation types, namely coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, secondary deciduous broadleaved forest, open shrubs and meadow, with dwarf bamboo (Indocalamus wilsoni) are compared on their floristic compositio... Four vegetation types, namely coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, secondary deciduous broadleaved forest, open shrubs and meadow, with dwarf bamboo (Indocalamus wilsoni) are compared on their floristic composition, life form, community structure, and survivorship of bamboos. Disturbance of conifer-logging two decades ago promoted the species diversity, but negatively influenced the survivorship of dwarf bamboo which is dominate on the forest floor. Open shrubs bear more species diversity and more geophytes in its life-form spectrum than its background vegetation subalpine meadow, however, dwarf bamboo is growing much better in the open shrubs than in the meadow. It seems dwarf bamboo probably favorites to occur in the vegetation at gentle slopes with a mediate canopy cover. Its mass flowering in the secondary deciduous forest suggests that a simultaneous flowering and following dieback maybe irrupt in the recently coming years over the subalpine Shennongjia in China, which will be not only alter the floristic composition and community structure of the old bamboo stands, but also influence the survivorship of this rare species. 展开更多
关键词 Indocalamus wilsoni Community structure SURVIVORSHIP
Negotiation Strategies of Myanmar Migrant Workers in the Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province
作者 Phennapha Chandaeng Jitprapat Saisopa 《Sociology Study》 2017年第7期388-397,共10页
This paper studies the Myanmar migrant workers in Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province. This factory employs just over 2,000 Myanmar migrant workers. The authors study their "everyday life practices" ... This paper studies the Myanmar migrant workers in Sidhiphatra Cold Storage Factory, Songkhla Province. This factory employs just over 2,000 Myanmar migrant workers. The authors study their "everyday life practices" as expressed in relationships among various groups, such as relationships between the Myanmar migrant workers and the factory, and the relationships between the Myanmar migrant workers and the Thai people of the surrounding communities. In analyzing these relationships and negotiations, the authors borrow the concept of "tactics of everyday life" from Michel de Certeau as a framework for analysis. The authors' analyses are based on in-depth interviews, non-participant observations, and focus-group discussions that collectively explored the tactics, in de Certeau's sense, that the Myanmar migrant workers used in negotiating their relationships with the factory and with the various communities in the area. The results indicate that Myanmar migrant workers negotiate their relationship with the factory by expressing themselves as selected workers, good workers, and being obedient to the factory's rules. The conflicts caused by Myanmar and Cambodian migrant workers are negotiated. Besides, Myanmar migrant workers also negotiate their relationship with the Thai people living in the surrounding communities. Their approach is showing that they are part of the communities by participating in the activities with the aim to gain acceptance of the Thai people in the surrounding communities. 展开更多
关键词 Myanmar migrant workers NEGOTIATION negotiation strategies
Safe Space of Ideology
作者 Wojciech Barttomiej Zielifiski 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第7期486-491,共6页
Our studies about safety in society lead us to the most popular book by Karl Mannheim: Ideology and Utopia. This work envisages the discrepancies between social knowledge and the material world itself. The crucial co... Our studies about safety in society lead us to the most popular book by Karl Mannheim: Ideology and Utopia. This work envisages the discrepancies between social knowledge and the material world itself. The crucial conclusion reads as follows: Our image of reality is mostly based on our interests and desires and does not rely on thorough research. There are two types of such representations: utopia and ideology. The first of them, less interesting for us, is the type of ideas which can revolutionize a social being. The second one is a particular set of visions which can never be realized but on the other hand they act as common knowledge (general knowledge of the world)--stabilizing the social structure by presenting it with a holistic image of the world. Taking the above into consideration, how is it possible that representations, being so distant from reality (creating a completely separate "world"), basically enable efficient functioning in it? Ideology, being the foundation of the society's functioning space, should always be tautological, in the sense that for the participants of the given world's image (creation as it is), it should define the being in a comprehensive and adequate way (in Thomas Aquinas spirit). What is more, it would always be true. We should also mention that the main tools of ideology, understood this way, are specific definitions and the extrapolation of sense. The purpose of this lecture is to prove that it is possible for ideology to come to life, only when the individuals who acknowledge it will consider their image of reality proper. The above ideological system should be understood as the obviousness of description of the surrounding world which in return makes unreflective functioning in reality possible. This obviousness of the presented world will be referred to as social safety. 展开更多
IVaqoyqatsi Between Freedom and Necessity: A Thematic and Modal Analysis
作者 Riccardo Migliore 《Sociology Study》 2014年第9期783-790,共8页
This paper refers to the analysis of Naqoyqatsi's (2002) contents, which have to be approached through some key questions: What is the director Godfrey Reggio communicating through this non-fictional work? What i... This paper refers to the analysis of Naqoyqatsi's (2002) contents, which have to be approached through some key questions: What is the director Godfrey Reggio communicating through this non-fictional work? What is the film's main theme? What is the relationship between its parts? And above all, which underlying concept attains a central place for the understanding of this film that can be considered as an audiovisual poem? In these terms, the paper's purpose is to unveil Naqoyqatsi's meaning through a thematic and modal analysis. The aim is to contemplate both the film's narrative and formal aspect, in order to deeply understand the way it represents a basic human contradiction: the subjugation provoked by gravity (necessity) and the will to overcome this superior structural force through action (freedom). Therefore, this paper intends to show that such a monumental audiovisual work is a very profound cinematographic thesis about human condition, also reflecting about the reason of social conflicts and sorrows. The method adopted in this paper implies both a conceptual film analysis and a glance over the audiovisual style, considering the intersections between the varieties of languages used by Reggio to compose this huge film indexed as a documentary and literally being a creative treatment of"reality". 展开更多
Ambiguous Goods, Ambiguous Societies: On the Precariousness of Meanings
作者 Luisa Maria Leonini 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第6期375-383,共9页
The producers-especially industrial-of artifacts view them as conveying distinct meanings, and they surround them with discourses to support their representation (marketing, packaging, and advertising). Yet, these s... The producers-especially industrial-of artifacts view them as conveying distinct meanings, and they surround them with discourses to support their representation (marketing, packaging, and advertising). Yet, these superimposed meanings say nothing about what the objects signify for their users. How are the objects manipulated by those who use them? Only when both the meanings assigned by the manufacturers and those attributed by the users are known is it possible to determine the difference or similarity between the meanings imposed on objects from above and those produced by their users. We, thus, shift from an economic conception of consumption to one which emphasizes the cultural and communicative roles essential for granting material objects their social protagonism, freeing them from subordination to their producers without imprisoning them passively in the network of meanings constructed by consumers. Emphasizing that things have biographies, which can be more or less fully reconstructed and recounted, is useful not only for understanding the role that material objects perform in determining social phenomena independently from the intentions of their producers, but also for demonstrating the mutable character of their social presence. Objects, therefore, should be considered, not as commodities, but as materials for the social construction of reality, as provisional and negotiable meanings. It is precisely the provisional and negotiable nature of objects that makes them ontologically ambiguous things which communicate their own values, points of view, and so on. 展开更多
关键词 CONSUMERS AMBIGUITY material/immaterial objects MEANINGS
Analysis on the Economic Ethics Thoughts in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
作者 Shunqian LI Qing LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期12-13,共2页
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 are one of Marx' s early works with great significance. It marked the thought development of Marx to a new stage. Marx in the Manuscripts through the criticism of the na... Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 are one of Marx' s early works with great significance. It marked the thought development of Marx to a new stage. Marx in the Manuscripts through the criticism of the national economics, alienation labor theory to the problem of human essence, existing in the capitalist society of economic development and the moral result inverse problem and the communism theory expounds main contents such as the economic reality of capitalist society in profound ethical criticism, reveals the capitalist society economy inhumane between moral and ethical relations, in all of his criticism is always full of profound urges and powerful strength of moral criticism and deep ethical care, contained in the Manuscripts of economic ethics in today still has the significant theory significance and practical guiding value. 展开更多
关键词 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 Economic Ethics Thought Briefly
Transition and Transgression of Identity in Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor
作者 Drd. Ali Mohammed Hasan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第1期38-43,共6页
The post-modernist concerning with identity and subjectivity posits that identity is multi-faceted and constantly gets re-constructed by choice. This results in increasingly fragmented and unstable identities leading ... The post-modernist concerning with identity and subjectivity posits that identity is multi-faceted and constantly gets re-constructed by choice. This results in increasingly fragmented and unstable identities leading to an inevitable breakdown in social relationships and sanity. A limited and dependable set of coherent identities began to fragment into a diverse and unstable series of competing identities. Post-modernism stifled the idea of nation, religion, family, and identity as bedrocks of stability and security. Disillusioned post-modernist world has deconstructed the well-defined boundaries that governed the life, otherwise, transition and transgression through and across these domains became the norm that allowed negotiation in daily lives. Where the subject became a terminal of multiple networks, consciously enacting the repetitions through which identity was getting produced and changed, demonstrating identity's "performativity". Establishing that what we believe to be true is only a construction or an interpretation of reality, shaped by our own socially constructed bias, thereby putting to scrutiny the idea of reality and real itself, which removed any sense of objective reality and with it the notion of an objective self. Identity is constantly changing and transitioning, the idea of the self which is entangled with multiplicity, heterogeneity, difference and ceaselessly becoming caught between the present and future, real and unreal, death and life. This research paper will carry out an analysis on evidential aspects in the selected novel and will further interpret the episodes of transition and transgressions that inform this novel. 展开更多
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