This study was performed in five villages of Sandwip Upazila, Chittagong district with a view to identify the tree resources, utilization pattern and economic return of major fruit and timber tree species. Information...This study was performed in five villages of Sandwip Upazila, Chittagong district with a view to identify the tree resources, utilization pattern and economic return of major fruit and timber tree species. Information collected from a total of 60 households ranging from marginal, small, medium and large categories. Number of plant species increased with the increase of homestead area. A total of 33 plant species were recorded from the homegarden, of which 19 were fruit and 14 were timber tree species. Considerable number of vegetables was also planted under the shade of the homestead trees. The investment analysis showed that average benefit-cost ratios were greater than one, net present values were positive and internal rate of returns were more than 10%. Long term investment on horticulture and timber tree species is highly profitable if species like Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cocos nucifera, Tectona grandis and Swietenia macrophylla are planted.展开更多
Based on NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data, the back- ground atmospheric circulation and the characteristics of meteorological elements during the period of the Bay of Bengal ...Based on NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data, the back- ground atmospheric circulation and the characteristics of meteorological elements during the period of the Bay of Bengal monsoon (BOBM) and the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon (SCSM) in 2010 are studied. The impacts of the BOBM onset on the SCSM onset and the relationship between the two monsoons are also analyzed. The two main results are as follows: (l) The BOBM onset obvi- ously occurs earlier than the SCSM onset in 2010, which is a typical onset process of the Asian monsoon. During the BOBM's onset, northward jump, and eastward expansion, convective precipitation and southwest winds occurred over the SCS, which resulted in the onset of the SCSM. (2) The relationship among strong convection, heavy rainfall, and vertical circulation configuration is obtained during the monsoon onsets over the BOB and SCS, and it is concluded that the South Asian High plays an important role in this period.展开更多
The Present work reports the variability of the derived sound channel and its parameters (surface sound velocity, conjugate depth, SLD (Sonic Layer depth) and SOFAR(Sound Fixing and Ranging) depth) has been pres...The Present work reports the variability of the derived sound channel and its parameters (surface sound velocity, conjugate depth, SLD (Sonic Layer depth) and SOFAR(Sound Fixing and Ranging) depth) has been presented over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. We use World Ocean Atlas Annual data (2013) on temperature; salinity of North Indian Ocean (0°-25°N; 50°-95°E) and its bathymetry have been utilized for the present computation. The depth of the sound channel axis increases towards the northern latitudes in the Arabian Sea, while it decreases in the Bay of Bengal. Coming to the conjugate depth, it shows variation from 120-400 m in the Bay of Bengal and 50-320 m in the Arabian Sea. The range of SLD is varying between 20-40 m in the Bay of Bengal and 10-30 m in the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea have depth limited nature of the profile, i.e. surface sound speed exceeds the near bottom values. This has an important implication in the sound propagation in the SOFAR channel. Anticipated acoustic rays in an ocean with depth limited profile will propagate as surface refracted, bottom reflected (RBR) rays. As a result, the effective sound channel lies much below the sea surface.展开更多
To promote long-term studies on the distribution and diversity of marine zooplankton in Indian seas,a comprehensive review has been carried out based on the available literature.Zooplankton studies in Indian waters st...To promote long-term studies on the distribution and diversity of marine zooplankton in Indian seas,a comprehensive review has been carried out based on the available literature.Zooplankton studies in Indian waters started in the early 1900 s,and a plethora of literature has accumulated dealing with various aspects of zooplankton,especially from the Bay of Bengal,Arabian Sea and their associated estuaries and backwaters.From this review,a comprehensive description is offered on the species composition and distribution of zooplankton in the Indian Seas.Emphasis is given to reflect the existing knowledge on the variations in zooplankton species composition in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.Copepods emerge as the most dominant component in all of these marine waters,as is the case worldwide.Copepods are more diverse in the Bay of Bengal than in Arabian Sea.展开更多
Bangladesh has the lucrative maritime load centers or seaports to provide maritime logistics support as well as to do port transport business regionally with India, Nepal and Bhutan and internationally with China and ...Bangladesh has the lucrative maritime load centers or seaports to provide maritime logistics support as well as to do port transport business regionally with India, Nepal and Bhutan and internationally with China and Myanmar. Existing land ports as alternatives of dry ports are main strength of Bangladesh to connect with the seaports and offer port transport business for earning foreign exchange and able to play a vital role to develop the South Asia, SW part of China and Myanmar by serving the maritime logistics facilities timely and economically. In here, dry port concept is the main theme for developing port transport business where road, rail and waterways are the connectors or modes of transportation and seaports are the linking points with the sea world, Innovation is the key of success of a business idea and plan where maritime logistics business is the new opportunity of Bangladesh by using natural resources or seaport by mounting infrastructure facilities of nodes (seaport and dry port) and modes (road, rail and waterways) and adding speedy port transport for all. The intermodal freight transportation system is the new concept for creating the new era in the port transport business by using nodes, modes and technology innovatively. This research aims to find out the possible ways and innovations in maritime logistics for doing port transport business by using seaports and land ports by applying qualitative research methodology. The paper also describes the innovations of Rotterdam port as case study that facilitated the needs of a hinterland in Europe to explore the innovations for Bangladesh maritime logistics industry.展开更多
For the first time, the present study reports the life-history traits, comprising length-frequency distribution (LFD), sex ratio (SR), length-weight relationships (LWRs), condition factors (CFs), and relative ...For the first time, the present study reports the life-history traits, comprising length-frequency distribution (LFD), sex ratio (SR), length-weight relationships (LWRs), condition factors (CFs), and relative growth (WR), of Clupisoma garua in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. A total of 150 specimens ranging from 8.60 to 25.20 cm total length (TL) and 4.26 to 128.80 g body weight (BW) were collected using traditional fishing gear from August 2013 to July 2014. The overall sex ratio of males to females in the study did not differ significantly from the expected value of 1:1 (χ2=0.96, P〈0.05) but there were significant sex differences (P〈0.05) in the intercepts and slopes of graphs characterizing traits in C. garua. The calculated b values for the LWRs were 2.955, 2.893 and 2.927 for males, females and combined sexes, respectively, and there was negative allometric growth in all cases (b〈3). The condition factors (KA, KF, KrR) and relative growth (WR) also did not differ significantly (P〈0.05) between the sexes. This study provides a useful tool for fishery specialists to evaluate the relative condition of fish and to initiate early management strategies and regulations for the sustainable management of the remaining stocks of this species in the entire coastal region of southern Bangladesh.展开更多
An exploratory study was conducted in the coastal plantation (12-and 17-year-old Sonneratia apetala) of Char Alim and Char Piya and on their adjacent barren lands at Char Rehania and Char Nurul Islam in Hatiya of Noak...An exploratory study was conducted in the coastal plantation (12-and 17-year-old Sonneratia apetala) of Char Alim and Char Piya and on their adjacent barren lands at Char Rehania and Char Nurul Islam in Hatiya of Noakhali district, in Bangladesh to determine afforestation effects on soil properties. At soil depths of 0-10, 10-30 and 30-40 cm across three different land strips viz. inland, middle and sea side in 12-and 17-year-old keora (Sonneratia apetala) plantations, soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, available P, K, Na, Ca and Mg were significantly (p≤0.05, p≤0.01, p≤0.001) higher, and soil salinity significantly (p≤0.001) lower than that in their adjacent barren lands. Soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, soil salinity, available P, K, Na, Ca and Mg of surface soil in Char Alim plantation at inland were 31.09%, 2.24 g·cm-3, 2.41%, 4.14%, 0.58%, 7.07, 0.09 dS·cm-1, 28.06 mg·L-1, 0.50 mg·L-1 11.5 mg·L-1, 3.30 mg·L-1 and 2.7 mmol·kg-1, respectively. Their corresponding values for the same depth and land position at adjacent Char Rehania barren land were 16.69%, 1.25g·cm-3, 0.43%, 0.74%, 0.25%, 6.57, 0.13 dS·cm-1, 13.07mg·L-1, 0.30 mg·L-1, 1.4 mg·L-1, 0.30 mmol·kg-1 and 0.50 mg·L-1, respectively. Soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, available P, K and Ca decreased, and soil salinity, available Na and Mg increased from inland towards sea side in the plantations. Although soil texture did not differ in most soil depths between plantation and adjacent barren land, proportion of sand particle was significantly (p≤0.01) lower and silt particle significantly (p≤0.001) in the plantations higher than that in their adjacent barren lands. In the study, evaluation of all the parameters was also done for the other pair of lands.展开更多
Oceanic nutrient cycling plays a key role in understanding how oceanic biogeochemical parameters respond in varying physical and anthropogenically controlled processes. OA (Objective Analysis) of monthly climatology...Oceanic nutrient cycling plays a key role in understanding how oceanic biogeochemical parameters respond in varying physical and anthropogenically controlled processes. OA (Objective Analysis) of monthly climatology of WOAI3 (World Ocean Atlas 13) nutrient data of 5 km resolution called Nutrient-Climo has been done in this paper for analyzing the nutrient-rich region in the BOB (Bay of Bengal) and the mechanisms of physical forces were examined using six years (2002-2007) global ocean monthly analysis datasets based on the SODA v2.0.4 (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation package). The upwelled zones established from the circulation pattern were well synchronized with the nitrate rich zones. The POC (particulate organic carbon) of 5 km resolution has been analyzed from MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data and Chl a (Chlorophyll a) concentration SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) data of 9 km resolution are used to predict the productive zones in the BOB. In this paper, we examined that Chl a concentration (above 0.5 mg/m3) is found during the post-monsoon followed by winter in the north-western, north-eastern coast and head BOB as the source of nutrients is also supplementary due to high input of litter and sediment associated nutrients that are released during estuarine transport.展开更多
Available data have been analyzed to assess impacts of global warming induced sea level rise on loss of soil and land resources and their implications on food security of Bangladesh. Scientists believe that because of...Available data have been analyzed to assess impacts of global warming induced sea level rise on loss of soil and land resources and their implications on food security of Bangladesh. Scientists believe that because of sea level rise coastal zone of Bangladesh has already experienced noticeable impacts especially in terms of area of inundation and erosion, saline intrusion, loss of soil and land, loss of crop production in addition to migration of people from vulnerable areas. The loss of land mass and degradation of soil and land resources will adversely affect national food production and thereby food security. Sea level rise impacts are really high for Bangladesh, though the country plays insignificant role in green house gas emission. Development and implementation of adaptation policies and taking initiatives to realize those policies are the right ways to respond to sea level rise impacts in Bangladesh.展开更多
In situ buoy observation data spanning four years(2008-2011) were used to demonstrate the year-to-year variations of the monsoon onset processes in the Bay of Bengal(BoB).A significant early(late) monsoon onset event ...In situ buoy observation data spanning four years(2008-2011) were used to demonstrate the year-to-year variations of the monsoon onset processes in the Bay of Bengal(BoB).A significant early(late) monsoon onset event in 2009(2010) was analyzed in detail.It is found that the year-to-year variations of monsoon onset can be attributed to either the interannual variability in the BoB SST or the irregular activities of the intra-seasonal oscillation(ISO).This finding raises concern over the potential difficulties in simulating or predicting the monsoon onset in the BoB region.This uncertainty largely comes from the unsatisfactory model behavior at the intra-seasonal time scale.展开更多
Physical processes associated with onset of the 1998 Asian summer monsoon were examined in detail using multi-source datasets. We demonstrated that strong ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the northern Indian Ocean...Physical processes associated with onset of the 1998 Asian summer monsoon were examined in detail using multi-source datasets. We demonstrated that strong ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the northern Indian Ocean and tropical Asian area during spring is a fundamental factor that induces the genesis and development of a monsoon onset vortex over the Bay of Bengal (BOB), with the vortex in turn triggering onset of the Asian summer monsoon. In spring, strong surface sensible heat- ing over India and the Indochina Peninsula is transferred to the atmosphere, forming prominent in situ cyclonic circulation, with anticyclonic circulations over the Arabian Sea and northern BOB where the ocean receives abundant solar radiation. The corresponding surface winds along the North Indian Ocean coastal areas cause the ocean to produce the in situ offshore cur- rents and upwelling, resulting in sea surface temperature (SST) cooling. With precipitation on the Indochina Peninsula in- creasing from late April to early May, the offshore current disappears in the eastern BOB or develops into an onshore current, leading to SST increasing. A southwest-northeast oriented spring BOB warm pool with SST 〉31℃forms in a band from the southeastern Arabian Sea to the eastern BOB. In early May, the Somali cross-equatorial flow forms due to the meridional SST gradient between the two hemispheres, and surface sensible heat over the African land surface. The Somali flow overlaps in phase with the anticyclone over the northern Arabian Sea in the course of its inertial fluctuation along the equator. The con- vergent cold northerlies on the eastern side of the anticyclone cause the westerly in the inertial trough to increase rapidly, so that enhanced sensible heat is released from the sea surface into the atmosphere. The cyclonic vorticity forced by such sensible heating is superimposed on the inertial trough, leading to its further increase in vorticity strength. Since atmospheric inertial motion is destroyed, the flow deviates from the inertial track in an intensified cyclonic curvature, and then turns northward to- ward the warm pool in the northern BOB. It therefore converges with the easterly flow on the south side of the anticyclone over the northern BOB, forming a cyclonic circulation center east of Sri Lanka. Co-located with the cyclonic circulation is a generation of atmospheric potential energy, due to lower tropospheric heating by the warm ocean. Eventually the BOB mon- soon onset vortex (MOV) is generated east of Sri Lanka. As the MOV migrates northward to the warm pool it develops quickly such that the zonal oriented subtropical high is split over the eastern BOB. Thus, the tropical southwesterly on the southern and eastern sides of the MOV merges into the subtropical westerly in the north, leading to active convection over the eastern BOB and western Indochina Peninsula and onset of the Asian summer monsoon.展开更多
文摘This study was performed in five villages of Sandwip Upazila, Chittagong district with a view to identify the tree resources, utilization pattern and economic return of major fruit and timber tree species. Information collected from a total of 60 households ranging from marginal, small, medium and large categories. Number of plant species increased with the increase of homestead area. A total of 33 plant species were recorded from the homegarden, of which 19 were fruit and 14 were timber tree species. Considerable number of vegetables was also planted under the shade of the homestead trees. The investment analysis showed that average benefit-cost ratios were greater than one, net present values were positive and internal rate of returns were more than 10%. Long term investment on horticulture and timber tree species is highly profitable if species like Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cocos nucifera, Tectona grandis and Swietenia macrophylla are planted.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,No. 2010CB950300)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41149908 & 41049903)
文摘Based on NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data, the back- ground atmospheric circulation and the characteristics of meteorological elements during the period of the Bay of Bengal monsoon (BOBM) and the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon (SCSM) in 2010 are studied. The impacts of the BOBM onset on the SCSM onset and the relationship between the two monsoons are also analyzed. The two main results are as follows: (l) The BOBM onset obvi- ously occurs earlier than the SCSM onset in 2010, which is a typical onset process of the Asian monsoon. During the BOBM's onset, northward jump, and eastward expansion, convective precipitation and southwest winds occurred over the SCS, which resulted in the onset of the SCSM. (2) The relationship among strong convection, heavy rainfall, and vertical circulation configuration is obtained during the monsoon onsets over the BOB and SCS, and it is concluded that the South Asian High plays an important role in this period.
文摘The Present work reports the variability of the derived sound channel and its parameters (surface sound velocity, conjugate depth, SLD (Sonic Layer depth) and SOFAR(Sound Fixing and Ranging) depth) has been presented over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. We use World Ocean Atlas Annual data (2013) on temperature; salinity of North Indian Ocean (0°-25°N; 50°-95°E) and its bathymetry have been utilized for the present computation. The depth of the sound channel axis increases towards the northern latitudes in the Arabian Sea, while it decreases in the Bay of Bengal. Coming to the conjugate depth, it shows variation from 120-400 m in the Bay of Bengal and 50-320 m in the Arabian Sea. The range of SLD is varying between 20-40 m in the Bay of Bengal and 10-30 m in the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea have depth limited nature of the profile, i.e. surface sound speed exceeds the near bottom values. This has an important implication in the sound propagation in the SOFAR channel. Anticipated acoustic rays in an ocean with depth limited profile will propagate as surface refracted, bottom reflected (RBR) rays. As a result, the effective sound channel lies much below the sea surface.
基金DST-SERB(Govt.of India)for the National Post Doctoral Fellowship(Reference no.PDF/2016/002087)
文摘To promote long-term studies on the distribution and diversity of marine zooplankton in Indian seas,a comprehensive review has been carried out based on the available literature.Zooplankton studies in Indian waters started in the early 1900 s,and a plethora of literature has accumulated dealing with various aspects of zooplankton,especially from the Bay of Bengal,Arabian Sea and their associated estuaries and backwaters.From this review,a comprehensive description is offered on the species composition and distribution of zooplankton in the Indian Seas.Emphasis is given to reflect the existing knowledge on the variations in zooplankton species composition in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.Copepods emerge as the most dominant component in all of these marine waters,as is the case worldwide.Copepods are more diverse in the Bay of Bengal than in Arabian Sea.
文摘Bangladesh has the lucrative maritime load centers or seaports to provide maritime logistics support as well as to do port transport business regionally with India, Nepal and Bhutan and internationally with China and Myanmar. Existing land ports as alternatives of dry ports are main strength of Bangladesh to connect with the seaports and offer port transport business for earning foreign exchange and able to play a vital role to develop the South Asia, SW part of China and Myanmar by serving the maritime logistics facilities timely and economically. In here, dry port concept is the main theme for developing port transport business where road, rail and waterways are the connectors or modes of transportation and seaports are the linking points with the sea world, Innovation is the key of success of a business idea and plan where maritime logistics business is the new opportunity of Bangladesh by using natural resources or seaport by mounting infrastructure facilities of nodes (seaport and dry port) and modes (road, rail and waterways) and adding speedy port transport for all. The intermodal freight transportation system is the new concept for creating the new era in the port transport business by using nodes, modes and technology innovatively. This research aims to find out the possible ways and innovations in maritime logistics for doing port transport business by using seaports and land ports by applying qualitative research methodology. The paper also describes the innovations of Rotterdam port as case study that facilitated the needs of a hinterland in Europe to explore the innovations for Bangladesh maritime logistics industry.
基金Supported by the fellowship of National Science and Technology(NST),Bangladesh
文摘For the first time, the present study reports the life-history traits, comprising length-frequency distribution (LFD), sex ratio (SR), length-weight relationships (LWRs), condition factors (CFs), and relative growth (WR), of Clupisoma garua in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. A total of 150 specimens ranging from 8.60 to 25.20 cm total length (TL) and 4.26 to 128.80 g body weight (BW) were collected using traditional fishing gear from August 2013 to July 2014. The overall sex ratio of males to females in the study did not differ significantly from the expected value of 1:1 (χ2=0.96, P〈0.05) but there were significant sex differences (P〈0.05) in the intercepts and slopes of graphs characterizing traits in C. garua. The calculated b values for the LWRs were 2.955, 2.893 and 2.927 for males, females and combined sexes, respectively, and there was negative allometric growth in all cases (b〈3). The condition factors (KA, KF, KrR) and relative growth (WR) also did not differ significantly (P〈0.05) between the sexes. This study provides a useful tool for fishery specialists to evaluate the relative condition of fish and to initiate early management strategies and regulations for the sustainable management of the remaining stocks of this species in the entire coastal region of southern Bangladesh.
文摘An exploratory study was conducted in the coastal plantation (12-and 17-year-old Sonneratia apetala) of Char Alim and Char Piya and on their adjacent barren lands at Char Rehania and Char Nurul Islam in Hatiya of Noakhali district, in Bangladesh to determine afforestation effects on soil properties. At soil depths of 0-10, 10-30 and 30-40 cm across three different land strips viz. inland, middle and sea side in 12-and 17-year-old keora (Sonneratia apetala) plantations, soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, available P, K, Na, Ca and Mg were significantly (p≤0.05, p≤0.01, p≤0.001) higher, and soil salinity significantly (p≤0.001) lower than that in their adjacent barren lands. Soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, soil salinity, available P, K, Na, Ca and Mg of surface soil in Char Alim plantation at inland were 31.09%, 2.24 g·cm-3, 2.41%, 4.14%, 0.58%, 7.07, 0.09 dS·cm-1, 28.06 mg·L-1, 0.50 mg·L-1 11.5 mg·L-1, 3.30 mg·L-1 and 2.7 mmol·kg-1, respectively. Their corresponding values for the same depth and land position at adjacent Char Rehania barren land were 16.69%, 1.25g·cm-3, 0.43%, 0.74%, 0.25%, 6.57, 0.13 dS·cm-1, 13.07mg·L-1, 0.30 mg·L-1, 1.4 mg·L-1, 0.30 mmol·kg-1 and 0.50 mg·L-1, respectively. Soil moisture, particle density, organic matter and C, total N, pH, available P, K and Ca decreased, and soil salinity, available Na and Mg increased from inland towards sea side in the plantations. Although soil texture did not differ in most soil depths between plantation and adjacent barren land, proportion of sand particle was significantly (p≤0.01) lower and silt particle significantly (p≤0.001) in the plantations higher than that in their adjacent barren lands. In the study, evaluation of all the parameters was also done for the other pair of lands.
文摘Oceanic nutrient cycling plays a key role in understanding how oceanic biogeochemical parameters respond in varying physical and anthropogenically controlled processes. OA (Objective Analysis) of monthly climatology of WOAI3 (World Ocean Atlas 13) nutrient data of 5 km resolution called Nutrient-Climo has been done in this paper for analyzing the nutrient-rich region in the BOB (Bay of Bengal) and the mechanisms of physical forces were examined using six years (2002-2007) global ocean monthly analysis datasets based on the SODA v2.0.4 (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation package). The upwelled zones established from the circulation pattern were well synchronized with the nitrate rich zones. The POC (particulate organic carbon) of 5 km resolution has been analyzed from MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data and Chl a (Chlorophyll a) concentration SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) data of 9 km resolution are used to predict the productive zones in the BOB. In this paper, we examined that Chl a concentration (above 0.5 mg/m3) is found during the post-monsoon followed by winter in the north-western, north-eastern coast and head BOB as the source of nutrients is also supplementary due to high input of litter and sediment associated nutrients that are released during estuarine transport.
文摘Available data have been analyzed to assess impacts of global warming induced sea level rise on loss of soil and land resources and their implications on food security of Bangladesh. Scientists believe that because of sea level rise coastal zone of Bangladesh has already experienced noticeable impacts especially in terms of area of inundation and erosion, saline intrusion, loss of soil and land, loss of crop production in addition to migration of people from vulnerable areas. The loss of land mass and degradation of soil and land resources will adversely affect national food production and thereby food security. Sea level rise impacts are really high for Bangladesh, though the country plays insignificant role in green house gas emission. Development and implementation of adaptation policies and taking initiatives to realize those policies are the right ways to respond to sea level rise impacts in Bangladesh.
文摘In situ buoy observation data spanning four years(2008-2011) were used to demonstrate the year-to-year variations of the monsoon onset processes in the Bay of Bengal(BoB).A significant early(late) monsoon onset event in 2009(2010) was analyzed in detail.It is found that the year-to-year variations of monsoon onset can be attributed to either the interannual variability in the BoB SST or the irregular activities of the intra-seasonal oscillation(ISO).This finding raises concern over the potential difficulties in simulating or predicting the monsoon onset in the BoB region.This uncertainty largely comes from the unsatisfactory model behavior at the intra-seasonal time scale.
基金supported jointly by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403600)the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-01)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40875034, 40925015, 40821092, 40975052, and 40810059005)
文摘Physical processes associated with onset of the 1998 Asian summer monsoon were examined in detail using multi-source datasets. We demonstrated that strong ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the northern Indian Ocean and tropical Asian area during spring is a fundamental factor that induces the genesis and development of a monsoon onset vortex over the Bay of Bengal (BOB), with the vortex in turn triggering onset of the Asian summer monsoon. In spring, strong surface sensible heat- ing over India and the Indochina Peninsula is transferred to the atmosphere, forming prominent in situ cyclonic circulation, with anticyclonic circulations over the Arabian Sea and northern BOB where the ocean receives abundant solar radiation. The corresponding surface winds along the North Indian Ocean coastal areas cause the ocean to produce the in situ offshore cur- rents and upwelling, resulting in sea surface temperature (SST) cooling. With precipitation on the Indochina Peninsula in- creasing from late April to early May, the offshore current disappears in the eastern BOB or develops into an onshore current, leading to SST increasing. A southwest-northeast oriented spring BOB warm pool with SST 〉31℃forms in a band from the southeastern Arabian Sea to the eastern BOB. In early May, the Somali cross-equatorial flow forms due to the meridional SST gradient between the two hemispheres, and surface sensible heat over the African land surface. The Somali flow overlaps in phase with the anticyclone over the northern Arabian Sea in the course of its inertial fluctuation along the equator. The con- vergent cold northerlies on the eastern side of the anticyclone cause the westerly in the inertial trough to increase rapidly, so that enhanced sensible heat is released from the sea surface into the atmosphere. The cyclonic vorticity forced by such sensible heating is superimposed on the inertial trough, leading to its further increase in vorticity strength. Since atmospheric inertial motion is destroyed, the flow deviates from the inertial track in an intensified cyclonic curvature, and then turns northward to- ward the warm pool in the northern BOB. It therefore converges with the easterly flow on the south side of the anticyclone over the northern BOB, forming a cyclonic circulation center east of Sri Lanka. Co-located with the cyclonic circulation is a generation of atmospheric potential energy, due to lower tropospheric heating by the warm ocean. Eventually the BOB mon- soon onset vortex (MOV) is generated east of Sri Lanka. As the MOV migrates northward to the warm pool it develops quickly such that the zonal oriented subtropical high is split over the eastern BOB. Thus, the tropical southwesterly on the southern and eastern sides of the MOV merges into the subtropical westerly in the north, leading to active convection over the eastern BOB and western Indochina Peninsula and onset of the Asian summer monsoon.