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古希腊美术 被引量:1
作者 汪瑞 《中国美术》 2016年第5期146-151,共6页
希腊是欧洲文明的发源地和摇篮,可以说,真正意义的欧洲美术从古希腊伊始。希腊三面临海,北面连接欧洲大陆。境内多天然良港,为航海和对外贸易提供了极为有利的自然环境。内陆土地贫瘠,但是盛产大理石,为建筑和雕刻艺术提供了极佳的物质... 希腊是欧洲文明的发源地和摇篮,可以说,真正意义的欧洲美术从古希腊伊始。希腊三面临海,北面连接欧洲大陆。境内多天然良港,为航海和对外贸易提供了极为有利的自然环境。内陆土地贫瘠,但是盛产大理石,为建筑和雕刻艺术提供了极佳的物质材料。古代希腊先后建立了200多个城邦国家,其中以雅典和斯巴达最为强大。城邦国家对内部公民实行民主政治。 展开更多
关键词 希腊化时代 拉泽 季克 希腊主义时代 菲迪亚斯 克里特 巴特农神庙 拉庇泰人 浮雕 雕塑 艺术风格 雕塑家 美术家 狮子门 多利安柱式 古希腊 古代希腊
作者 и.尼基福罗夫 齐玲 《国际城市规划》 1985年第3期37-42,共6页
市中心的改造,包括古老的商业——住宅街道与街坊,是改善城市公用设施与建筑的经常性任务,而且解决这项任务的办法也在不断完善。如果说过去我们的主要手段是拆除旧的房屋和建设新的建筑或是部分地改造某些住宅和公共建筑,那么,根据我... 市中心的改造,包括古老的商业——住宅街道与街坊,是改善城市公用设施与建筑的经常性任务,而且解决这项任务的办法也在不断完善。如果说过去我们的主要手段是拆除旧的房屋和建设新的建筑或是部分地改造某些住宅和公共建筑,那么,根据我们近年来的实践,则是全面地改造和更新整个商业——住宅街道和街坊。 展开更多
关键词 城市中心 城市公用设施 展览厅 季克 建设规划 露天剧场 国际竞赛 大理石板 色彩问题 壁柱
作者 勃列泽尔 柳百敏 《体育科研》 1985年第7期11-17,共7页
关键词 短跑运动员 时间结构 米/秒 加速跑 世界田径锦标赛 男子组 子模式 跑完全程 模式表 季克
作者 М.Я.纳巴尼科娃 Л.Г.菲林科娃 利沙 《冰雪运动》 1987年第4期7-9,共3页
许多专家在运动的理论和方法领域中提出建立训练过程的必要性,其中包括以运动员准备竞赛活动为出发点的训练负荷结构.在这方面,竞赛练习的负荷必须具有数字资料.按马特维耶夫和高季克的观点,应该区分竞赛负荷和竞赛练习负荷.这就要首先... 许多专家在运动的理论和方法领域中提出建立训练过程的必要性,其中包括以运动员准备竞赛活动为出发点的训练负荷结构.在这方面,竞赛练习的负荷必须具有数字资料.按马特维耶夫和高季克的观点,应该区分竞赛负荷和竞赛练习负荷.这就要首先谈到运动员参加竞赛的数量,其次是竞赛练习对机体和生理负荷的指标.我们的研究有两个任务:1.确定速滑500米、1000米、1500米、3000米和5000米项目竞赛练习的负荷强度;2. 展开更多
关键词 速滑运动员 负荷特点 运动等级 负荷强度 毫克分子 生理负荷 训练过程 训练负荷 季克 数字资料
作者 于洪滨 《辽宁体育科技》 1989年第10期15-16,共2页
阿尔维达斯·萨博尼斯今年23岁,身高2.23米,苏联国家男篮的中锋。他虽然身高体壮,但在比赛场上头脑机智,动作灵活,技术高超,令人防不胜防。这位身穿15号球衣的队员的表演,就象魔术师般的神奇。球在他手里,别人就无法抢走。你可以看... 阿尔维达斯·萨博尼斯今年23岁,身高2.23米,苏联国家男篮的中锋。他虽然身高体壮,但在比赛场上头脑机智,动作灵活,技术高超,令人防不胜防。这位身穿15号球衣的队员的表演,就象魔术师般的神奇。球在他手里,别人就无法抢走。你可以看到他忽而从胯下,忽而从背后,忽而又从身体的一侧把球准确地传给同伴。有时,他又会在中线附近直接把球送入篮筐。萨博尼斯这颗新星的升起是世界篮坛所始料未及的,就连他自己,早先也并没有幻想当个篮球运动员。他小时候只对汽车比赛感兴趣。 展开更多
关键词 萨博 达斯 苏联国家 季克 麦尔斯 世界男篮锦标赛 阿尔 令人 三分线 三分球
《怀化学院学报》 1987年第1期26-110,共2页
全国高校体育师资培养和中师体育班教学计划研讨会在我校召开 由国家教委主持召开的“全国高校体育师资培养、培训和中师体育班教学计划研讨会”于一九八六年十月三十日至十一月八日在我校举行。会议对体育研究生班、助教进修班和中师... 全国高校体育师资培养和中师体育班教学计划研讨会在我校召开 由国家教委主持召开的“全国高校体育师资培养、培训和中师体育班教学计划研讨会”于一九八六年十月三十日至十一月八日在我校举行。会议对体育研究生班、助教进修班和中师体育班的办学指导思想、课程设置、教学计划等作了深入细致的研讨,形成了指导性的会议记要和试行方案。国家教委体育司药元标司长和季克异、王文成同志参加并主持了会议。 展开更多
关键词 试行方案 师资培养 教学计划 指导思想 课程设置 助教进修班 季克 王文成 一九 教学能力
作者 李昕 《乐器》 2016年第2期40-43,共4页
第二级曲目: 练习曲1.盖季克《练习曲》2.李重光《快乐的小天使》 复调乐曲1.杰布里亚克《对话》2.傅庚辰曲、杜鸣心改编《映山红》 乐曲1.舒曼《军队进行曲》2.穆索尔斯基《戈帕克舞曲》(选自歌剧《索罗钦斯克集市》)3.弗洛托《... 第二级曲目: 练习曲1.盖季克《练习曲》2.李重光《快乐的小天使》 复调乐曲1.杰布里亚克《对话》2.傅庚辰曲、杜鸣心改编《映山红》 乐曲1.舒曼《军队进行曲》2.穆索尔斯基《戈帕克舞曲》(选自歌剧《索罗钦斯克集市》)3.弗洛托《夏日最后的玫瑰》 二级综述:在一级基础上,强化手指灵敏流畅弹奏能力,练习曲速度有所提升,带标题的钢琴作品更突显音乐形象,更容易理解,增强音乐表现力。复调乐曲部分选入两首中外经典作品,复调特征明显,注重左右手均衡能力培养。 展开更多
关键词 钢琴考级 季克 音乐表现力 军队进行曲 中央音乐学院 傅庚辰 杜鸣心 穆索尔斯基 复调 罗钦
作者 申殿宝 《临沂师专学报》 1989年第3期5-7,共3页
今年6月16日,匈牙利举行了隆重的、重新安葬前政府领导人纳吉·伊姆雷的仪式。这一举动引起了匈牙利国内外强烈的反响,特别是东欧一些社会主义国家的强烈反响。捷共中央书记福伊季克说:“今天,人们担心社会主义命运,因为这不仅是由... 今年6月16日,匈牙利举行了隆重的、重新安葬前政府领导人纳吉·伊姆雷的仪式。这一举动引起了匈牙利国内外强烈的反响,特别是东欧一些社会主义国家的强烈反响。捷共中央书记福伊季克说:“今天,人们担心社会主义命运,因为这不仅是由于社会主义受到西方宣传的影响,而且也是因为某些华约国当前事态发展的结果”,“ 展开更多
关键词 匈牙利事件 纳吉 季克 福伊 匈牙利革命 卡达尔 人民民主国家 裴多菲俱乐部 拉科西 苏联模式
作者 尹丽华 《农村新技术》 1994年第6期29-29,共1页
关键词 饮水免疫 鸡舍环境 季克 苗锦 冷开水 水则
作者 马克西姆·高尔基 任溶溶 《创新作文(小学3-4年级)》 2015年第4期28-29,共2页
麻雀跟人一模一样:老麻雀不管公的母的都挺没趣,说起话来句句像书上写的;小麻雀却自作聪明,不听大人的话。环境描写,叙述一个故事的时候,要给读者展示一个情景。话说从前有只黄嘴小麻雀,叫普季克,住在澡堂窗上花框后面那个温暖的窝里,... 麻雀跟人一模一样:老麻雀不管公的母的都挺没趣,说起话来句句像书上写的;小麻雀却自作聪明,不听大人的话。环境描写,叙述一个故事的时候,要给读者展示一个情景。话说从前有只黄嘴小麻雀,叫普季克,住在澡堂窗上花框后面那个温暖的窝里,这窝是用柔软的麻屑、苔藓什么做的。小麻雀还没飞过,可已经拍着翅膀,一个劲儿往麻雀窝外面东张西望,想快点知道世界是什么样子,合不合它的心意。"怎么怎么?"麻雀妈妈问它。 展开更多
关键词 季克 环境描写 我长大了 初生牛犊 心点 语言描写 物语
作者 霁虹 《海洋世界》 2001年第1期14-14,共1页
关键词 少年 俄罗斯 季克
Cloning and Expression of C4B Gene in Siji Goose
作者 茆骏 邢光东 王根林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期17-20,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to clone C4B gene in Siji goose and detect its expression level in different tissues. [Method] cDNA sequence of C4B gene was cloned with RACE-PCR method. Amino acid sequences in multiple s... [Objective] This study aimed to clone C4B gene in Siji goose and detect its expression level in different tissues. [Method] cDNA sequence of C4B gene was cloned with RACE-PCR method. Amino acid sequences in multiple species were aligned in GenBank, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed for homology analysis. [Result] C4B gene in Siji goose shared relatively high homology with chicken and quail; Siji goose C4B gene was expressed highly in liver and lung of adult geese and expressed lowly in epididymis, seminiferous duct, brain, kidney, testis, heart, oviduct and smal intestine. [Conclusion] In the present study, mRNA expression lev-el of C4B gene in different tissues and organs of Siji goose was determined by flu-orescence quantitative PCR, which provided basis for rapid diagnosis of specific an-imal diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Siji goose COMPLEMENT C4B gene CLONING
The Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over East Asia in Warm Seasons 被引量:5
作者 Li Jun Wang Bin Wang Dong-Hai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期102-107,共6页
Mesoscale convective system (MCS) cloud clusters,defined using an objective recognition analysis based on hourly geostationary infrared satellite data over East Asia during the warm seasons of 1996-2008 (except 2004),... Mesoscale convective system (MCS) cloud clusters,defined using an objective recognition analysis based on hourly geostationary infrared satellite data over East Asia during the warm seasons of 1996-2008 (except 2004),were investigated in this study.The geographical pattern of MCS distribution over East Asia shows several high-frequency centers at low latitudes,including the Indo-China peninsula,the Bay of Bengal,the Andaman Sea,the Brahmaputra river delta,the south China coastal region,and the Philippine Islands.There are several middle-frequency centers in the middle latitudes,e.g.,the central-east of the Tibet Plateau,the Plateau of west Sichuan,Mount Wuyi,and the Sayan Mountains in Russia;whereas in Lake Baikal,the Tarim Basin,the Taklimakan Desert,the Sea of Japan,and the Sea of Okhotsk,rare MCS distributions are observed.MCSs are most intensely active in summer,with the highest monthly frequency in July,which is partly associated with the breaking out and prevailing of the summer monsoon in East Asia.An obvious diurnal cycle feature is also found in MCS activities,which shows that MCSs are triggered in the afternoon,mature in the evening,and dissipate at night.MCS patterns over East Asia can be characterized as small,short-lived,or elongated,which move slowly and usually lead to heavy rains or floods. 展开更多
关键词 Mesoscale Convective System infrared satellite data DISTRIBUTION monthly variation diurnal cycle
Enantioselective synthesis of quaternary α-aminophosphonates by organocatalytic Friedel–Crafts reactions of indoles with cyclicα-ketiminophosphonates 被引量:1
作者 Zhong Yan Xiang Gao Yong‐Gui Zhou 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期784-792,共9页
An efficient asymmetric Friedel-Crafts reaction has been developed for the synthesis of optically active quaternaryα‐aminophosphonates with up to98%ee.The synthesis involves the reaction of cyclicα‐ketiminophospho... An efficient asymmetric Friedel-Crafts reaction has been developed for the synthesis of optically active quaternaryα‐aminophosphonates with up to98%ee.The synthesis involves the reaction of cyclicα‐ketiminophosphonates with indoles using an H8‐BINOL‐derived chiral phosphoric acid(CPA)catalyst that bears electron‐withdrawing3,5‐ditrifluoromethylphenyl substituents on its3‐and3′‐positions.This Friedel-Crafts reaction of cyclicα‐ketiminophosphonates was also successful with pyrrole. 展开更多
关键词 Friedel–Crafts reaction Quaternary α‐aminophosphonate INDOLE Chiral phosphoric acid
Seasonal Mythologies in the Lyrics of Cowboy Junkies
作者 Rick Wallach 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1406-1412,共7页
In many of his most memorable ballads, Cowboy Junkies lyricist and lead guitarist Michael Timmins combines imagery of seasonal change, of the year, notably of Winter, with religious and mythological references to crea... In many of his most memorable ballads, Cowboy Junkies lyricist and lead guitarist Michael Timmins combines imagery of seasonal change, of the year, notably of Winter, with religious and mythological references to create richly textured metaphors and analogies of love, loss and anguish. Some of the band’s songs which display these symbolic networks and thematic linkages which we Will consider here are “Winter’s Song,” “’Cause Cheap is How I Feel,” “Crescent Moon,” “First Recollection,” “Sad to See the Season Go,” “Good Friday” and “Ring on the Sill.” We will show that Timmins succeeds not only in rendering vivid tableaux of life in a world where Winter dominates the seasonal round, but also in making those exterior visions, in effect, objective correlatives of the inner lives of the characters of his ballads. 展开更多
关键词 Canadian rock progressive rock ballads LYRICS POETRY mythlogy FOLKLORE METAPHOR
Study on the Impact of Bid for Winter Olympics on the Development of Chinese Winter Sports
作者 Mingzhu Zhao Tao Liu 《Journal of Sports Science》 2016年第3期175-181,共7页
The 128th plenary session of International Olympic Committee declared on July 31, 2015 after vote that Beijing and Zhan^iakou will be the bidding cities of 2022 Winter Olympics. It was the second time for China to suc... The 128th plenary session of International Olympic Committee declared on July 31, 2015 after vote that Beijing and Zhan^iakou will be the bidding cities of 2022 Winter Olympics. It was the second time for China to successfully bid Olympic Games since 2008 Summer Olympics, which will encourage China to continue to develop sports career in the process of sports power construction and will have long-term construction meanings. Chinese winter sports industry and sports culture will enter into the fast booming development period in the future 7 years. The paper begins with Beijing and Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics bid and the future Chinese winter sports industry construction to illustrate the impact of bid for Winter Olympics on the future winter sports career development. 展开更多
关键词 Winter Olympics BID BEIJING Chinese winter sports sports career impact.
Seasonal Variation in Krasnodar Greenbug Population for Virulence to Sorghum Genotypes
作者 Eugene Radchenko Anton Zubov 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第4期271-278,共8页
Intraspecific variability in Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was studied in 2002-2005. Aphid clones were sampled from sorghum field at the Kuban Experimental Station (Krasnodar region, Northern Caucasus, Russia) in ... Intraspecific variability in Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was studied in 2002-2005. Aphid clones were sampled from sorghum field at the Kuban Experimental Station (Krasnodar region, Northern Caucasus, Russia) in June (active greenbug migration to the field), July (high rate of the population increasing), and August (greenbug abundance decreasing) and at the end of September or in the beginning of October (appearance of sexual males and females). Damage rating was estimated for two plant sets composed of three sorghum differentials. Set A contains Deer (gene for resistance Sgr4), Sarvasi (Sgrl + Sgr2) and Capbam (Sgrl2). Set B contains Shallu (Sgr3), Sorgogradskoe (Sgr5) and Durra Belaya (Sgr5 + Sgr6). To estimate variability in greenbug subpopulations criteria proposed by Zhivotovsky (1982) were used. Frequencies of greenbug clones with virulence to sorghum accessions essentially differed. Very high overall and seasonal polymorphism of the insect for virulence was revealed. Among 517 aphid clones tested 33 phenotypes for virulence were identified. The aphid subpopulations collected from the same field at different periods of sorghum vegetation varied significantly in share of rare phenotypes. Criteria of similarities varied from 0.268 to 0.739; according to criterion of identity significant differences between 44 summer subpopulations from 66 studied were found. 展开更多
关键词 Sorghum genotype GREENBUG VIRULENCE seasonal variation.
Winter Olympics Diplomacy,South Korea-DPRK Contacts and US-DPRK Summit:Historic Changes for Korean Peninsula?
作者 Zhu Feng 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第4期74-89,共16页
The ⅩⅩⅢ Olympic Winter Games in South Korea lit a flame for the dramatic development of inter-Korean relations. Rapid changes in the geopolitical situation on the peninsula since the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang ... The ⅩⅩⅢ Olympic Winter Games in South Korea lit a flame for the dramatic development of inter-Korean relations. Rapid changes in the geopolitical situation on the peninsula since the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang have included high-level DPRK talks with South Korea, China and the United States. President Xi Jinping' s meetings with DPRK leader Kim Jong-un in Beijing and Dalian, and the upcoming Trump-Kim summit on June 12 are all about timing. A new diplomacy on DPRK' s part has unfolded out of the extemal pressure the DPRK experienced from the US, China and the international community but also out of the difficulties the DPRK faces in advancing its nuclear options. Unless the DPRK makes substantial concessions, the US will not alter policy. Real success means historic change, not only a reunion of families and an official end to the Korean War, but also a potential shift in the Asian power structure. There are diverse possibilities and much at stake. The fundamental way forward is restarting Six Party Talks and regional mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 Olympics diplomacy Korean Peninsula US-DPRK policy China' s response nuclear weapons policy
Experimental Study to Evaluate the Performance of Iraqi Passive House in Summer Season
作者 Ghanim Kadhem Abdulsada Tawfeeq Wasmi Mohammed Salih 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第4期386-392,共7页
lraq locates in hot arid region (30 °N-37 °N), where the hot summer season is very long and the ambient temperature is about 50 ℃. Cooling of building needs A/C (air-conditioning) system which consumes ... lraq locates in hot arid region (30 °N-37 °N), where the hot summer season is very long and the ambient temperature is about 50 ℃. Cooling of building needs A/C (air-conditioning) system which consumes more than 60% of the total electricity supplied to residential building. So, there is really need to minimize the energy consumption by enhancement the performance of Iraqi buildings using passive house technique. This paper presents the thermal performance ofa Passivhaus model built in Kirkuk (35 °N). The design depends on the using of suitable materials, sufficient insulation, well airtightness and underground air cooling. The experimental measurements take in consideration several parameters like ambient temperature, solar radiation, orientation of the building and duration. The results give good indication of the benefit of using this technique of passive cooling system in Iraqi residential buildings. The indoor temperature could be reduced to 30 ℃, while, the energy consumption for cooling could be saved up to 80%. 展开更多
关键词 Energy saving passive system building performance thermal insulation underground cooling system.
Yield Stability and Late Blight Resistance Analysis among Potato Clones Bred with Quantitative Resistance
作者 Theophile Ndacyayisenga Geofrey Tusiimet +1 位作者 Paul Gibson Rogers Kakuhenzire 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第9期683-690,共8页
Thirteen promising clones from population B3C2 potato genotypes (bred for quantitative resistance to late blight) obtained from the International Potato Center and three control cultivars were evaluated for four pla... Thirteen promising clones from population B3C2 potato genotypes (bred for quantitative resistance to late blight) obtained from the International Potato Center and three control cultivars were evaluated for four planting dates within two cropping seasons at Kalengyere Research Station in Southwestern Uganda in order to determine performance and yield stability. The analysis of variance of the relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC) revealed significant difference (P 〈 0.001) among genotype x planting date interaction, and significant difference (P 〈 0.001) among genotypes x fungicide treatments x planting date interaction. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of yield revealed also significant difference among genotypes x planting date interaction and significant difference (P 〈 0.05) among genotypes x fungicide treatments x planting date interaction, showing the variable response of genotypes and the need for stability analysis. The additive main effects and multiplicative interactive (AMMI) statistical model showed that the most stable and high yielding genotypes were 396038.107, 396026.103 and 393280.82. The cultivars Victoria, Nakpot 5 and Cruza recorded low yields (below the average), but Nakpot 5 was generally more variable, and is therefore highly adaptable to some environments. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO yield stability late blight resistance.
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