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急性脑血管病与昼夜节律和季节关系的探讨 被引量:5
作者 宋梅英 张晓奇 +1 位作者 董莉萍 赖雅辉 《中华老年心脑血管病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第1期61-61,共1页
关键词 急性脑血管病 季节关系 昼夜节律 临床意义 时间医学
情感性障碍与季节关系的临床分析 被引量:5
作者 陈兴 《安徽医学》 2003年第5期64-65,共2页
目的 探讨情感性障碍与季节的关系。方法  46例按发病时间分入春夏组与秋冬组 ,并按发作次数分析发病类型。分析性别、阳性家族史、职业特点及病前精神诱因与季节之间的关系。结果 情感性障碍春夏季发作次数明显高于秋冬季 (P <0 ... 目的 探讨情感性障碍与季节的关系。方法  46例按发病时间分入春夏组与秋冬组 ,并按发作次数分析发病类型。分析性别、阳性家族史、职业特点及病前精神诱因与季节之间的关系。结果 情感性障碍春夏季发作次数明显高于秋冬季 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,其中春夏季的躁狂发作 ( 68.82 % )高于秋冬季 ( 3 1.19% ) ,秋冬季的抑郁发作 ( 5 8.3 3 % )高于春夏季 ( 4 1.67% )。 展开更多
关键词 情感性精神障碍 季节关系 临床分析 职业特点 褪黑激素
预防接种不良反应与季节关系的回顾与分析 被引量:3
作者 陈凡金 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2005年第9期1968-1969,共2页
关键词 预防接种工作 不良反应 季节关系 儿童预防接种 疫苗接种 儿童健康 季节气候 偶合症 安全性 传染病
2002~2006年郑州市献血者不合格率与年龄性别季节关系的分析 被引量:1
作者 刘蕾 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期305-306,共2页
关键词 无偿献血者 年龄性别 季节关系 不合格率 郑州市 血液报废 工作经验 统计分析
612例慢性乙型肝炎血清HBeAg P/N值与季节关系
作者 成冬生 李煜国 +2 位作者 薛敬东 高凤琴 李粉萍 《陕西中医》 北大核心 1997年第7期289-291,共3页
本文对慢性乙型病毒性肝炎患者血清HBeAg P/N值进行连续3年春分、夏至、秋分、冬至日4个节气2092人次的检测,结果显示其有一定的规律性变化。证明了中医认为乙肝病毒属湿热毒邪这一理论的内涵物质基础。
关键词 HBeAkgP/N值 季节关系 乙型肝炎病毒
作者 郑安 《国际医药卫生导报》 2001年第08C期109-109,共1页
目的探讨精神分裂症首次发病与季节关系的可能性联系.方法以有明确首次发病时间的精神分裂症的134份病历为依据,对精神分裂首次发病与季节关系进行初步分折.结果电白县精神分裂症首次发病具有季节性差异.结论电白县精神分裂症初步发病... 目的探讨精神分裂症首次发病与季节关系的可能性联系.方法以有明确首次发病时间的精神分裂症的134份病历为依据,对精神分裂首次发病与季节关系进行初步分折.结果电白县精神分裂症首次发病具有季节性差异.结论电白县精神分裂症初步发病的高峰季节是冬季,发病的高峰月份依次是冬季12月,春季3月,夏季7月.冬季是男性易感人群罹患精神分裂症高发季节:夏季可能是女性易感人群罹惠精神分裂症高发季节. 展开更多
关键词 精神分裂症 高发月份 首次发病 季节关系
中国北方地区季节降水与气温关系及其时空变异性 被引量:6
作者 陈阳 马龙 +1 位作者 刘廷玺 黄星 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1545-1558,共14页
降水与气温间关系变化对水资源、植被、农业生产等方面影响较大,但大范围、多种气候类型区的二者关系及其时空变异性的成果仍较缺乏。利用中国北方及其周边357个气象站点1951—2018年降水量、气温月数据,定性、定量揭示了中国北方地区... 降水与气温间关系变化对水资源、植被、农业生产等方面影响较大,但大范围、多种气候类型区的二者关系及其时空变异性的成果仍较缺乏。利用中国北方及其周边357个气象站点1951—2018年降水量、气温月数据,定性、定量揭示了中国北方地区季节降水与气温间的关系及其时空变异性。结果表明:夏季降水与气温的相关性最强,秋季、冬季次之,春季最弱;各季节降水与平均气温、平均最高气温均以负相关为主,而与平均最低气温则以正相关居多。二者关系主要有暖干型、暖湿型、冷干型和冷湿型4类。降水与气温在1950s以冷干、冷湿型关系为主,自1960s开始,冷干、冷湿型关系的覆盖范围逐渐向西缩小,暖干、暖湿开始成为东北、华北等地区降水与气温的主要关系类型,进入1970s以后,研究区整体以暖干、暖湿型关系居多,并持续至今,但东北、华北等小范围地区在21世纪以后再次出现冷干、冷湿型关系,其中冬季覆盖范围最大。本研究丰富了降水与气温间关系的研究成果,为区域生态环境改善、水资源问题应对等提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 降水 气温 季节关系 时空变异性 中国北方地区
作者 姚永祥 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1996年第3期19-19,共1页
一年有几季,人们开口便说春夏秋冬,哪四个方向?很习惯地说东南西北。在教《春季星空》一课时。为了让学生熟记北斗斗柄指向与季节的关系,如下板书,然后启发学生思考:晚上10时左右北斗斗柄指向与季节关系怎样?同学们细观板书很快便明白了... 一年有几季,人们开口便说春夏秋冬,哪四个方向?很习惯地说东南西北。在教《春季星空》一课时。为了让学生熟记北斗斗柄指向与季节的关系,如下板书,然后启发学生思考:晚上10时左右北斗斗柄指向与季节关系怎样?同学们细观板书很快便明白了:春季、夏季、秋季、冬季斗柄分别指向东、南、西、北;而又能逆向思考出斗柄指东、南、西、北分别是春季、夏季、秋季和冬季。(附板书) 展开更多
关键词 斗柄 季节关系 下板 逆向思考 生熟 星空 夏秋 钟祥市 向东南 小学
平滑系数优化的季节性指数平滑法 被引量:3
作者 张绍和 黄东惠 +1 位作者 杜文广 郜红珍 《太原工业大学学报》 1989年第2期71-75,共5页
关键词 负荷预测 季节平滑关系 优化
CMIP模式对冬季北半球大气环流与青藏高原冬春季气温相关关系的模拟评估 被引量:2
作者 潘延 张洋 李舒婷 《气象科学》 北大核心 2022年第4期440-456,共17页
本文评估了36个CMIP5模式和39个CMIP6模式对近期观测中揭示的北半球冬季大气环流与高原冬春气温之间的相关关系的模拟能力。利用最大协方差(MCA)分析方法,计算并比较了观测和模式中冬季北半球200 hPa位势高度场与同后期青藏高原近地面... 本文评估了36个CMIP5模式和39个CMIP6模式对近期观测中揭示的北半球冬季大气环流与高原冬春气温之间的相关关系的模拟能力。利用最大协方差(MCA)分析方法,计算并比较了观测和模式中冬季北半球200 hPa位势高度场与同后期青藏高原近地面气温的耦合关系。整体而言,大部分CMIP模式能够模拟出显著的冬季北半球大气环流与青藏高原气温之间的相关关系,且CMIP6模式模拟相关特征和作用机制的能力较CMIP5均有所提升。与观测相比,历史情景下36个CMIP5模式中有26个能够模拟出显著的大气环流与同后期高原气温之间的相关关系,其中对于相关的位势高度场空间模态的模拟明显好于对高原气温异常场空间模态的模拟。同情景下39个CMIP6模式中有37个能模拟出显著相关关系,且CMIP6模式更能模拟出观测中MCA模态的位势高度场上北极涛动(AO)和西太平洋遥相关型(WP)反相位叠加的大气环流特征。在对MCA模态时间变率的模拟上,大部分模式都能重现青藏高原整体变暖的趋势,部分模式能够模拟出观测中位势高度场时间主成分的年际变率,并且CMIP6表现要优于CMIP5。对耦合环流型的动力诊断显示,相比CMIP5模式,CMIP6中有更多模式可以模拟出极地—高原之间的遥相关波列,且对波列结构的模拟更完整。 展开更多
关键词 CMIP模式 最大协方差分析 季节季节相关关系 青藏高原
作者 陈满华 《实验教学与仪器》 1997年第4期34-34,共1页
关键词 马齿苋 质壁分离 农村中学 复原现象 实验经费 植物细胞 马齿苋科 季节关系 实验效果 炎陵县
母牛胎衣不下因素的调查 被引量:3
作者 孙树新 《今日畜牧兽医》 1996年第3期10-10,共1页
母牛分娩12小时后胎膜仍滞留可视为病态,叫胎衣不下,往往因此引起生殖器官的疾病,甚至发生微生物感染继发败血症,对养牛业影响极大。笔者整理了1993年至1994年中48头胎衣不下母牛的临床资料,就季节、胎次、营养、子宫疾病以及运动等问... 母牛分娩12小时后胎膜仍滞留可视为病态,叫胎衣不下,往往因此引起生殖器官的疾病,甚至发生微生物感染继发败血症,对养牛业影响极大。笔者整理了1993年至1994年中48头胎衣不下母牛的临床资料,就季节、胎次、营养、子宫疾病以及运动等问题找到一定关系。 季节关系 临床上发现,母牛胎衣不下,有明显的季节性,以冬春季节发病率高,占总数的80%,其原因与冬春姑饲期,缺乏必要维生素、矿物质、尤其用棉籽多影响VA的吸收有关,此外冬春农闲,母牛运动少、不放牧也是一个重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 胎衣不下 青年母牛 生殖器官疾病 子宫疾病 矿物质 维生素 子宫炎 季节关系 微生物感染 牛运动
作者 张彩云 《中国中医急症》 1997年第2期77-78,共2页
关键词 脾胃病 流行病学 季节关系 临床用药
Seasonal variation in fatty acid composition of seston and the copepod Calanus sinicus(Brodsky,1962)in Jiaozhou Bay and its trophic implications 被引量:5
作者 刘梦坛 李超伦 孙松 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1164-1173,共10页
The fatty acid compositions of seston and Calanus sinicus were investigated to study trophic relationships in Jiaozhou Bay. Principal component analysis was carried out to ordinate the fatty acid patterns of seston in... The fatty acid compositions of seston and Calanus sinicus were investigated to study trophic relationships in Jiaozhou Bay. Principal component analysis was carried out to ordinate the fatty acid patterns of seston in stations and months. The results showed that diatoms were most abundant in the phytoplankton at station A5 (located in the northwest of the bay: 36~9'N, 120~20'E) and least abundant at station D7 (located outside of the bay: 35~59'N, 120~26'E). By contrast, dinoflagellates were most abundant at station D7 and least abundant at station A5. According to the annual variations of 16:1 (o7 and 18:4(o3/ 16:1(o7, diatoms flourished mainly in spring and summer, while dinoflagellates bloomed exclusively in summer. A distinctive feature of the fatty acid composition of C. sinicus was the prevalence of 20:5o3 and 22:6(o3. The higher content of 16:1(o7 over 18:4(o3 in females indicated that diatoms contributed more than dinoflagellates to the diet of C. sinicus. The feeding intensity of C. sinicus on diatoms was higher in spring and autumn than in other seasons. The herbivorous indicators 20:1 and 22:1 were comparatively low, suggesting that besides phytoplankton, C. sinicus might feed on a wider range of particles including organic detritus, bacteria and small copepods. 展开更多
关键词 fatty acid SESTON Calanus sinicus trophic relationships
Seasonal Dynamics of Runoff-Sediment Relationship and Its Controlling Factors in Black Soil Region of Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 李润奎 朱阿兴 +1 位作者 宋现锋 崔明 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2010年第4期345-352,共8页
以位于东北典型黑土区的黑龙江省乌裕尔河流域中上游为研究区,利用依安站31年的日水沙观测资料,对流域水沙的季节性动态特征进行了分析,对影响水沙关系的自然及人为因素进行了探讨。观测数据表明,7-9月的径流量占全年的64.7%,对本区的... 以位于东北典型黑土区的黑龙江省乌裕尔河流域中上游为研究区,利用依安站31年的日水沙观测资料,对流域水沙的季节性动态特征进行了分析,对影响水沙关系的自然及人为因素进行了探讨。观测数据表明,7-9月的径流量占全年的64.7%,对本区的产流起主导作用;径流平均含沙量在4月融雪期和6月底到7月中旬明显高于其他时段,含沙量的季节变化与径流的变化明显不同。为描述各影响因素对含沙量变化的贡献,本文通过将含沙量的季节变化与其影响因素的变化进行关联,提出了一种从多因素联合影响中分离出单因素影响的思路,分析表明:冻融作用对裸地的径流含沙量影响剧烈,明显增加土壤侵蚀;在地表有无植被及耕作措施情况下,降雨侵蚀力的增加都将增加径流含沙量;植被的出现可以削弱降雨侵蚀力增大时的增沙效应,但7月降雨侵蚀力的增沙作用超过了作物覆盖的减沙作用。所提方法可方便地用于缺少对比观测实验地区的土地利用和管理措施水保效用评价。 展开更多
关键词 black soil region runoff-sediment relationship seasonal dynamics controlling factors of sediment yield
Gross Nitrification Rates and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in an Apple Orchard Soil in Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 GE Shunfeng JIANG Yuanmao WEI Shaochong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期622-630,共9页
A better understanding of nitrogen (N) transformation in agricultural soils is crucial for the development of sustainable and environmental-friendly N fertilizer management and the proposal of effective N20 mitigati... A better understanding of nitrogen (N) transformation in agricultural soils is crucial for the development of sustainable and environmental-friendly N fertilizer management and the proposal of effective N20 mitigation strategies. This study aimed: i) to elucidate the seasonal dynamic of gross nitrification rate and N20 emission, ii) to determine the influence of soil conditions on the gross nitrification, and iii) to confirm the relationship between gross nitrification and N20 emissions in the soil of an apple orchard in Yantai, Northeast China. The gross nitrification rates and N20 fluxes were examined from March to October in 2009, 2010, and 2011 using the barometric process separation (BaPS) technique and the static chamber method. During the wet seasons gross nitrification rates were 1.64 times higher than those under dry season conditions. Multiple regression analysis revealed that gross nitrification rates were significantly correlated with soil temperature and soil water-filled pore space (WFPS). The relationship between gross nitrification rates and soil WFPS followed an optimum curve peaking at 60% WFPS. Nitrous oxide fluxes varied widely from March to October and were stimulated by N fertilizer application. Statistically significant positive correlations were found between gross nitrification rates and soil N20 emissions. Further evaluation indicated that gross nitrification contributed significantly to N20 formation during the dry season (about 86%) but to a lesser degree during the wet season (about 51%). Therefore, gross nitrification is a key process for the formation of N20 in soils of apple orchard ecosystems of the geographical region. 展开更多
关键词 barometric process separation system mineral N N transformation soil water-filled pore space static chamber
Influence of environmental factors on land-surface water and heat exchange during dry and wet periods in the growing season of semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau 被引量:7
作者 YUE Ping ZHANG Qiang +5 位作者 ZHAO Wen WANG RunYuan ZHANG Liang WANG WenYu SHI JinSen HAO XiaoCui 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期2002-2014,共13页
On the basis of information from the project "Land-surface Processes and their Experimental Study on the Chinese Loess Plateau", we analyzed differences in land-surface water and heat processes during the main dry a... On the basis of information from the project "Land-surface Processes and their Experimental Study on the Chinese Loess Plateau", we analyzed differences in land-surface water and heat processes during the main dry and wet periods of the semiarid grassland growing season in Yuzhong County, as well as the influences of these environmental factors. Studies have shown that there are significant differences in changes of land-surface temperature and humidity during dry and wet periods. Daily average normalized temperature has an overall vertical distribution of "forward tilting" and "backward tilting" during dry and wet periods, respectively. During the dry period, shallow soil above 20-cm depth is the active temperature layer. The heat transfer rate in soil is obviously different during dry and wet periods. During the dry period, the ratio of sensible heat flux to net radiation (H/Rn) and the value of latent heat flux to net radiation (LE/Rn) have a linear relationship with 5-cm soil temperature; during the wet period, these have a nonlinear relationship with 5-cm soil temperature, and soil temperature of 16℃ is the critical temperature for changes in the land-surface water and heat exchange trend on a daily scale. During the dry period, H/Rn and LE/Rn have a linear relationship with soil water content. During the wet period, these have a nonlinear relationship with 5-cm soil water content, and 0.21 m^3 m^-3 is the critical point for changes in the land-surface water and heat exchange trend at daily scale. During the dry period, for vapor pressure deficit less than 0.7 kPa, H/Rn rises with increased vapor pressure deficit, whereas LEIRn decreases with that increase. When that deficit is greater than 0.7 kPa, both H/Rn and LE/Rn tend to be constant. During the wet period, H/Rn increases with the vapor pressure deficit, whereas LE/Rn decreases. The above characteristics directly reflect the effect of differences in land-surface environmental factors during land-surface water and heat exchange processes, and indirectly reflect the influences of cloud precipitation processes on those processes. 展开更多
关键词 Loess Plateau dry and wet periods environmental factors land-surface water and heat exchange
Seasonal and inter-annual variation of surface roughness length and bulk transfer coefficients in a semiarid area 被引量:11
作者 FENG JianWu LIU HuiZhi +2 位作者 WANG Lei DU Qun SHI LiQing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期254-261,共8页
Here we report a multiyear study on the surface roughness length and bulk transfer coefficients over the degraded grassland and cropland surfaces in a semiarid area of China. Eddy covariance measurement and the meteor... Here we report a multiyear study on the surface roughness length and bulk transfer coefficients over the degraded grassland and cropland surfaces in a semiarid area of China. Eddy covariance measurement and the meteorological profile observation data were used to analyze characteristics of these parameters on the diurnal, seasonal, and annual scales. Significant seasonal and annual variations of the aerodynamic roughness length are observed over the two surfaces. A large variation of kB-1 is measured during the day. Both kB-1 and the bulk transfer coefficients exhibit significant seasonal and annual variations. During the growing season (May to October), average Cd and Ch are 3.1×10-3 and 2.5×10-3 over the degrade grassland surface, and 4.7×10-3 and 3.1×10-3 over the cropland surface respectively. During the non-growing season, average Cd and Ch are 2.3×10-3 and 2.0×10-3 over the degrade grassland surface, and 2.9×10-3 and 2.2×10-3 over the cropland surface respectively. 展开更多
关键词 semiarid area surface roughness length bulk transfer coefficients eddy covariance method
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