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作者 姚朔民 《西域研究》 CSSCI 1996年第3期62-67,共6页
游牧民族传统大迁徙和季节性流动对中亚地区古代商路形成的作用[俄罗斯]娜塔丽娅·戈尔布诺娃著姚朔民译古代游牧居住区有着各种自然地理的和气候和特征。有的部族生活在西方和东方的部分干旱草原和半沙漠地区,而有的生活在其南... 游牧民族传统大迁徙和季节性流动对中亚地区古代商路形成的作用[俄罗斯]娜塔丽娅·戈尔布诺娃著姚朔民译古代游牧居住区有着各种自然地理的和气候和特征。有的部族生活在西方和东方的部分干旱草原和半沙漠地区,而有的生活在其南面和东面的山地和丘陵地区。本文涉及仅是... 展开更多
关键词 游牧民族 锡尔河 中亚地区 塔吉克共和国 季节性流 塔什干 莫斯科 大迁徙 塔吉克斯坦 土地占有
关于季节性岩溶管道流对某快速铁路隧道衬砌破坏的分析与思考 被引量:14
作者 王刚 王立川 +2 位作者 仇文革 龚伦 吴剑 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期210-218,共9页
受建设环节中诸多不利因素及其组合的影响,不同程度的铁路隧道衬砌质量缺陷时有发生且未被发现,导致运营后的隧道存在安全隐患,不同程度地威胁运营安全和运输秩序,甚至发生安全事故,导致财产损失和停运。文章以某快速铁路隧道因季节性... 受建设环节中诸多不利因素及其组合的影响,不同程度的铁路隧道衬砌质量缺陷时有发生且未被发现,导致运营后的隧道存在安全隐患,不同程度地威胁运营安全和运输秩序,甚至发生安全事故,导致财产损失和停运。文章以某快速铁路隧道因季节性管道流导致边墙厚度不足处衬砌产生压溃性破坏为案例,分析衬砌在设计厚度和边墙局部欠厚两种情况下所能承受的不同水压力。结果表明,即使衬砌符合设计,依然无法承受季节性岩溶管道流可能产生的峰值压力;由于局部厚度不足边墙处率先被压溃,及时释放了突发水压力,可能降低了衬砌更大范围和整体性破坏的更大风险;对存在季节性岩溶管道流的隧道,应采取措施充分降低或消除季节性高压水产生的风险。文章最后对本工程变更设计方案等方面存在的问题进行了反思。 展开更多
关键词 季节性岩溶管道 施工缺陷 衬砌破坏 风险控制
作者 王宏伟 王剑 《安徽行政学院学报》 1994年第7期5-7,共3页
大规模、大范围的农民流动,特别是'民工潮',进入九十年代已形成了空前的规模。近期内,'民工潮'由季节性流动向常年性流动转变的趋势日渐明晰。对于这一社会热点,人们自然是议论纷纷,褒贬不一,本文就这一问题,阐述笔者... 大规模、大范围的农民流动,特别是'民工潮',进入九十年代已形成了空前的规模。近期内,'民工潮'由季节性流动向常年性流动转变的趋势日渐明晰。对于这一社会热点,人们自然是议论纷纷,褒贬不一,本文就这一问题,阐述笔者之管见。一、农民流动问题探源1.农民流动是我国工业化进程中的必然现象。人类经济和社会发展的历史,也是劳动力和人口不断从农业中分离出来的历史。我国工业化程度的提高。 展开更多
关键词 农民 季节性流 必然现象 常年性 劳动力市场 剩余劳动力 跨地区 外出就业 劳动力转移 劳动力
鼓励农民进入流通 努力启动农村市场
作者 刘本荣 《农村经济》 北大核心 1993年第3期15-17,共3页
在农村经济发展的实践中,不少地方时而出现这样一种现象:农产品紧缺时,大家设关堵卡,你争我夺,大战迭起;农产品滞销时,各自退避三舍,袖手旁观,撒手不管。这种现象是旧体制弊端与生产调控等诸方面矛盾的综合反映。要解决这个问题,发展农... 在农村经济发展的实践中,不少地方时而出现这样一种现象:农产品紧缺时,大家设关堵卡,你争我夺,大战迭起;农产品滞销时,各自退避三舍,袖手旁观,撒手不管。这种现象是旧体制弊端与生产调控等诸方面矛盾的综合反映。要解决这个问题,发展农村经济,除了继续深化体制改革外,根本出路在于:将农民引入流通,把农民推向市场。农民进入流通是启动市场的原动力。我国流通体制改革以来,长期由国家垄断的流通结构发生了变化,许多农民纷纷涌向流通领域、穿梭于地区、城乡之间。据调查,去年。 展开更多
关键词 季节性流 农村市场 通体制改革 农村经济 启动市场 产品滞销 国家垄断 执行政策 销售网点 体制弊端
《健康大视野》 2008年第6期120-120,共1页
关键词 感病毒 病毒传播 科学家 感监测 路线图 针对性 国际研究 季节性流 澳大利亚 血凝素
《天文爱好者》 2006年第10期26-26,共1页
关键词 火星表面 季节性 南极冰盖 美国宇航局 二氧化碳 奥德赛 科学家
作者 彭效华 《绿色财会》 1996年第3期6-7,共2页
关键词 商业信用 现金折扣 短期筹资 资本成本 应付帐款 筹资方式 应计费用 机会成本 短期借款 季节性流
作者 王春俊 严勇波 《青年记者》 2009年第11Z期38-38,共1页
关键词 地市级电视台 地方台 本土特色 广播电视总台 省台 夸大其辞 题材选择 农家书屋 季节性流 狭路相逢勇者胜
作者 杨骁 杨刚 《四川党的建设(农村版)》 2016年第1期36-36,共1页
2015年12月14日,记者来到阿坝县麦昆乡中心小学,寻访十佳"五老"之一楠木灯。刚进校门,就看见一群学生围在一起,人群中,一位老人正在给一个孩子剃头。老人神情专注,手法利落,俨然一个专业理发师。几分钟后,老人收起剪刀,拍去孩子身上... 2015年12月14日,记者来到阿坝县麦昆乡中心小学,寻访十佳"五老"之一楠木灯。刚进校门,就看见一群学生围在一起,人群中,一位老人正在给一个孩子剃头。老人神情专注,手法利落,俨然一个专业理发师。几分钟后,老人收起剪刀,拍去孩子身上的碎发。"谢谢楠木灯爷爷!"孩子起身对老人挥挥手,欢快地跑走了。 展开更多
关键词 乡中心小学 阿坝县 名誉校长 季节性流 小学毕业生 同吃同住 草贝母 献哈达 东桑 子女入学
作者 安志云 《杭州农业与科技》 2013年第S1期1-1,共1页
'米袋子'是稳天下安民心的战略物资,'菜篮子'是老百姓过日子的民生工程,'钱袋子'是农民奔小康的生活保障。杭州山多地少,俗称'八山半水分半田',人均耕地仅0.4亩。如何利用有限的自然资源,实现最佳的配... '米袋子'是稳天下安民心的战略物资,'菜篮子'是老百姓过日子的民生工程,'钱袋子'是农民奔小康的生活保障。杭州山多地少,俗称'八山半水分半田',人均耕地仅0.4亩。如何利用有限的自然资源,实现最佳的配置,发挥最大的效益,一直是农业工作者认真研究和不断探索的课题。2011年至2012年两年来,各地一线基层农技人员结合实际,按照'千斤粮,万元钱'的目标,积极开展农作制度创新。 展开更多
关键词 基层农技人员 农作制度 农业工作者 民生工程 都市现代农业 全程机械化 季节性流 农牧结合 生态循环 农业生产
Wave Effect on the Ocean Circulations Through Mass Transport and Wave-Induced Pumping 被引量:3
作者 BI Fan WU Kejian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第2期175-182,共8页
The wave Coriolis-Stokes-Force-modified ocean momentum equations are reviewed in this paper and the wave Stokes transport is pointed out to be part of the ocean circulations. Using the European Centre for Medium-Range... The wave Coriolis-Stokes-Force-modified ocean momentum equations are reviewed in this paper and the wave Stokes transport is pointed out to be part of the ocean circulations. Using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 40-year reanalysis data(ERA-40 data) and the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) version 2.2.4 data, the magnitude of this transport is compared with that of wind-driven Sverdrup transport and a 5-to-10-precent contribution by the wave Stokes transport is found. Both transports are stronger in boreal winter than in summers. The wave effect can be either contribution or cancellation in different seasons. Examination with Kuroshio transport verifies similar seasonal variations. The clarification of the efficient wave boundary condition helps to understand the role of waves in mass transport. It acts as surface wind stress and can be functional down to the bottom of the ageostrophic layer. The pumping velocities resulting from wave-induced stress are zonally distributed and are significant in relatively high latitudes. Further work will focus on the model performance of the wave-stress-changed-boundary and the role of swells in the eastern part of the oceans. 展开更多
关键词 Stokes transport Sverdrup transport wave pumping velocity western boundary currents
作者 周智翔 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2009年第1期1-12,共12页
On the basis of a comprehensive literature review and data analysis of global influenza surveillance, a transmission theory based numerical model is developed to understand the causative factors of influenza seasonali... On the basis of a comprehensive literature review and data analysis of global influenza surveillance, a transmission theory based numerical model is developed to understand the causative factors of influenza seasonality and the biodynamical mechanisms of seasonal flu. The model is applied to simulate the seasonality and weekly activity of influenza in different areas across all continents and climate zones around the world. Model solution and the good matches between model output and actual influenza indexes affirm that influenza activity is highly auto-correlative and relies on determinants of a broad spectrum. Internal dynamic resonance; variations of meteorological elements (solar radiation, precipitation and dewpoint); socio-behavioral influences and herd immunity to circulating strains prove to be the critical explanatory factors of the seasonality and weekly activity of influenza. In all climate regions, influenza activity is proportional to the exponential of the number of days with precipitation and to the negative exponential of quarter power of sunny hours. Influenza activity is a negative exponential function of dewpoint in temperate and arctic regions and an exponential function of the absolute deviation of dewpoint from its annual mean in the tropics. Epidemics of seasonal influenza could be deemed as the consequence of the dynamic resonance and interactions of determinants. Early interventions (such as opportune vaccination, prompt social distancing, and maintaining incidence well below a baseline) are key to the control and prevention of seasonal influenza. Moderate amount of sunlight exposure or Vitamin D supplementation during rainy and short-day photoperiod seasons, more outdoor activities, and appropriate indoor dewpoint deserve great attention in influenza prevention. To a considerable degree, the study reveals the mechanism of influenza seasonality, demonstrating a potential for influenza activity projection. The concept and algorithm can be explored for further applications. 展开更多
关键词 influenza influenza seasonality influenza modeling solar radiation temperature precipitation weather vitamin D
作者 蔡树群 甘子钧 +1 位作者 苏纪兰 刘秦玉 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期9-15,共7页
A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model’s numerical simulation of the South China Sea (SCS) middle and deep layer circulation structure showed that: 1. In the SCS middle and deep layer, a southward boundary cu... A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model’s numerical simulation of the South China Sea (SCS) middle and deep layer circulation structure showed that: 1. In the SCS middle and deep layer, a southward boundary current exists along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula all year long. A cyclonic eddy (gyre) is formed by the current in the above sea areas except in the middle layer in spring, when an anticyclonic eddy exists on the eastern side of the current. In the deep layer, a large-scale anticyclonic eddy often exists in the sea areas between the Zhongsha Islands and west shore of southern Luzon Island. 2. In the middle layer in summer and autumn, and in the deep layer in autumn and winter, there is an anticyclonic eddy (gyre) in the northeastern SCS, while in the middle layer in winter and spring, and in the deep layer in spring and summer, there is a cyclonic one. 3. In the middle layer, there is a weak northeastward current in the Nansha Trough in spring and summer, while in autumn and winter it evolves into an anticyclonic eddy (gyre), which then spreads westward to the whole western Nansha Islands sea areas. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation model South China Sea CIRCULATION EDDY MONSOON
盘锦市水环境质量预警预报二维模型的构建与应用 被引量:3
作者 陈俊 《水利规划与设计》 2022年第5期71-74,117,共5页
基于盘锦市水环境质量5级预警等级,采用二维非恒定流水质模型构建水质预警预报模型,针对平原地区独流入海河流的季节性特点,分汛期以及非汛期对水中污染物扩散变化进行模拟。当某一断面污染物超标时,以超标断面位置为突发污染事故原点,... 基于盘锦市水环境质量5级预警等级,采用二维非恒定流水质模型构建水质预警预报模型,针对平原地区独流入海河流的季节性特点,分汛期以及非汛期对水中污染物扩散变化进行模拟。当某一断面污染物超标时,以超标断面位置为突发污染事故原点,利用预报模型模拟污染物浓度随时间变化过程,确定预警开始时间以及预警解除时间,实现污染物浓度变化趋势分析,为平原地区季节性河流水环境水污染事件的应急处理提供数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 水环境质量 预警等级 二维预报模型 平原地区 季节性入海河 盘锦市
Seasonal and intraseasonal variations of the surface Taiwan Warm Current 被引量:4
作者 崔茂常 胡敦欣 吴玲娟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期271-277,共7页
To study seasonal and intraseasonal variations of the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) in detail,Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function (REOF) and Extended Associate Pattern Analysis (EAPA) are jointly adopted with daily sea ... To study seasonal and intraseasonal variations of the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) in detail,Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function (REOF) and Extended Associate Pattern Analysis (EAPA) are jointly adopted with daily sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH)datasets covering 1126 days from American Navy Experimental Real-Time East Asian Seas Ocean Nowcast System in the present paper. Results show that the first and second REOFs of SST in the southern East China Sea(SECS) account for 50,8% and 39.8% of the total variance. The surface TWC contains persistent (multi-year mean), seasonal and intraseasonal components. The persistent one mainly inosculates with the Kuroshio but the seasonal and intraseasonal ones are usually active only on the continental shelf. Its persistent component is produced by inertial flow of the Kuroshio, however its seasonal and intraseasonal ones seems coming from seasonal and intraseasonal oscillations of monsoon force. The seasonal one reaches its maximum in late summer,lasting about four months and the intraseasonal one takes place at any seasons, lasting more than 40 days. 展开更多
关键词 seasonal and intraseasonal variations surface TWC REOF EAPA
Impact of seasonal tide variation on saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang River estuary 被引量:13
作者 裘诚 朱建荣 顾玉亮 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期342-351,共10页
An improved 3-D ECOM-si model was used to study the impact of seasonal tide variation on saltwater intrusion into the Changjiang River estuary, especially at the bifurcation of the North Branch (NB) and the South Br... An improved 3-D ECOM-si model was used to study the impact of seasonal tide variation on saltwater intrusion into the Changjiang River estuary, especially at the bifurcation of the North Branch (NB) and the South Branch (SB). The study assumes that the fiver discharge and wind are constant. The model successfully reproduced the saltwater intrusion. During spring tide, there is water and salt spillover (WSO and SSO) from the NB into the SB, and tidally averaged (net) water and salt fluxes are 985 m3/s and 24.8 ton/s, respectively. During neap tide, the WSO disappears and its net water flux is 122 m3/s. Meanwhile, the SSO continues, with net salt flux of 1.01 ton/s, much smaller than during spring tide. Because the tidal range during spring tide is smaller in June than in March, overall saltwater intrusion is weaker in June than in March during that tidal period. However, the WSO and SSO still exist in June. Net water and salt fluxes in that month are 622 m3/s and 15.35 ton/s, respectively, decreasing by 363 m3/s and 9.45 ton/s over those in March. Because tidal range during neap tide is greater in June than in March, saltwater intrusion in June is stronger than in March during that tidal period. The WSO and SSO appear in June, with net water and salt fluxes of 280 m3/s and 8.55 ton/s, respectively, increasing by 402 m3/s and 7.54 ton/s over those in March. Saltwater intrusion in the estuary is controlled by the fiver discharge, semi-diurnal flood-ebb tide, semi-monthly spring or neap tide, and seasonal tide variation. 展开更多
关键词 tidal range seasonal variation saltwater intrusion numerical simulation
Assessing the Seasonal Predictability of Summer Precipitation over the Huaihe River Basin with Multiple APCC Models 被引量:3
作者 TANG Wei LIN Zhao-Hui LUO Li-Feng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期185-190,共6页
Seasonal rainfall predictability over the Huaihe River basin is evaluated in this paper on the basis of 23-year(1981-2003) retrospective forecasts by 10 climate models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) ... Seasonal rainfall predictability over the Huaihe River basin is evaluated in this paper on the basis of 23-year(1981-2003) retrospective forecasts by 10 climate models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Climate Center(APCC) multi-model ensemble(MME) prediction system.It is found that the summer rainfall variance in this basin is largely internal,which leads to lower rainfall predictability for most individual climate models.By dividing the 10 models into three categories according to their sea surface temperature(SST) boundary conditions including observed,predicted,and persistent SSTs,the MME deterministic predictive skill of summer rainfall over Huaihe River basin is investigated.It is shown that the MME is effective for increasing the current seasonal forecast skill.Further analysis shows that the MME averaged over predicted SST models has the highest rainfall prediction skill,which is closely related to model's capability in reproducing the observed dominant modes of the summer rainfall anomalies in Huaihe River basin.This result can be further ascribed to the fact that the predicted SST MME is the most effective model ensemble for capturing the relationship between the summer rainfall anomalies over Huaihe River basin and the SST anomalies(SSTAs) in equatorial oceans. 展开更多
关键词 seasonal forecast multi-model ensemble predictive skill Huaihe River basin
Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Waters of Liaohe River, Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 WANG Hui SUN Lina +1 位作者 LIU Zhe LUO Qing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期52-62,共11页
Heavy metal pollutants are a worldwide concern due to slow decomposition, biocondensation, and negative effects on human health. We investigated seasonal and spatial variations of the five heavy metals and evaluated t... Heavy metal pollutants are a worldwide concern due to slow decomposition, biocondensation, and negative effects on human health. We investigated seasonal and spatial variations of the five heavy metals and evaluated their health risk in the Liaohe River, Northeast China. A total of 324 surface water samples collected from 2009 to 2010 were analyzed. Levels(high to low) of heavy metals in the Liaohe River were: zinc(Zn) > chromium(Cr) > copper(Cu) > cadmium(Cd) > mercury(Hg). Spatial and seasonal changes impacting concentrations of Cu and Zn were significant, but not significant for Cr, Cd and Hg. The highest concentrations of heavy metals were: Hg at Liuheqiao, Cu at Fudedian, Zn at Tongjiangkou, Cr at Mahushan, and Cd at Shenglitang. The highest concentrations of Hg and Cr were found in the wet period, Cu and Cd in the level period, and Zn in the dry period. The surface water of a tributary was an important accumulation site for heavy metals. Health risks from carcinogens and non-carcinogens increased from upstream to downstream in the mainstream of the Liaohe River. The total health risk for one person in the Liaohe River exceeded acceptable levels. The total health risk was the greatest during the wet period and least in the dry period. Among the five heavy metals in the Liaohe River, Cr posed the greatest single health risk. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal metal contamination health risk Liaohe River
Spatial and seasonal dynamics of soil loss ratio in mountain rangelands of south-western Kyrgyzstan
作者 Maksim KULIKOV Udo SCHICKI-IOFF Peter BORCHARDT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期316-329,共14页
Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention.The C-factor of the RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI,ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelan... Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention.The C-factor of the RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI,ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelands of Kyrgyzstan.Time series of C-factor,precipitation and temperature were decomposed into seasonal and trend components with STL(seasonal decomposition by loess) to assess their interrelations.C-factor,precipitation and temperature trend components indicated significant lagged correlation,whereas seasonal components indicated more complex relations with climate factors which can be promoting as well as limiting factors for vegetation development,depending on the season.Rainy springs and hot summers may increase soil loss dramatically,whereas warm and dry springs with rainy summers can decrease it.Steep slopes indicated higher soil loss ratio,whereas flat areas were better protected by vegetation. 展开更多
关键词 Soil loss ratio C-FACTOR RUSLE NDVI Time series Remote sensing
7~Be: A Geochemical Tracer for Seasonal Erosion of Surface Soil in Watershed of Lake Hongfeng, Guizhou, China 被引量:10
作者 BAI ZHANGUO WAN GUOJIANG +3 位作者 WANG CHANGSHENG WAN XI HUANGRONGGUI P.H. SANTSCHIZ and M. BASKARANZ(1 ̄State Key Lab. Of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang 550002 (China))(2 ̄Department Of Marine Scien 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第1期23-28,共6页
e penetrative depth in undisturbed surface soil is within 4 mm.7 ̄Be activity shows exponential decrease with soil depth, which is expressed as a diffusion process.7 ̄Be penetrative depth in undisturbed surface soil i... e penetrative depth in undisturbed surface soil is within 4 mm.7 ̄Be activity shows exponential decrease with soil depth, which is expressed as a diffusion process.7 ̄Be penetrative depth in undisturbed surface soil is apparently deeper in the fall (0.22-0.37 g cm ̄(-2) than in the spring (0.11-0.28 g cm ̄(-2) at the same site; Whereas,  ̄7Be apparent activity at the top of surface soil is higher in the spring (0.3-2.2 Bq g ̄(-1_) than in the fall (0.2-0.5 Bq g ̄(-1) at the same site. The  ̄7Be inventory (189-544 Bq m ̄(-2) changes with both locations and seasons. Although the  ̄7Be flux to the earth's surface increases with amount of precipitation, its maximum inventory in the soil profiles decreases to 30%-40% after the rainy period. Calculated by the diffusion equation, the erosion and accumulation rates of soil particles are agreeable with the observation in situ., which shows that the rates in fall are 1.5 times those in spring. The eroded soil particles almost all have been removed on the tablelands rather than transported into the drainage system. This indicstes that the soil erosion process in the karst region is only partial transportation within a short distance. 展开更多
关键词 e erosion trace Lake Hongfeng watershed surface soil
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