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跨出封闭:对历史学“界”与学“术”的思考 被引量:1
作者 李爱勇 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第2期135-140,共6页
中国学统在近代演变成一种救国救民道路的政治选择。受政统影响,20世纪中后期,中国学术"信"的精神和"闭"的环境得到了某种加强。国外学术的发展则受益于"疑"的治学精神、"开"的治学环境以及历... 中国学统在近代演变成一种救国救民道路的政治选择。受政统影响,20世纪中后期,中国学术"信"的精神和"闭"的环境得到了某种加强。国外学术的发展则受益于"疑"的治学精神、"开"的治学环境以及历史学家的个人努力。在此影响下,中外学术形成了明显的学"界",并产生了巨大的研究差距。学"界"可以在很大程度上塑造学"术",但是具有超越思想的研究者才可以在学"术"的很多地方突破学"界"的限制。国内的学术创新也许就是超越学"界"、跨出这种封闭。 展开更多
关键词 政统 学“界” 学“术” 差异
作者 郭金海 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期447-472,共26页
1980年10月,由中国科学院自然科学史研究所组织召开的自然科学史学术会议及学会成立大会,是中国科技史界规模空前的盛会。这次会议的召开受到自1976年“文革”结束至1978年中国的政治变革、科技政策和规划,以及中国科学院副院长、党组... 1980年10月,由中国科学院自然科学史研究所组织召开的自然科学史学术会议及学会成立大会,是中国科技史界规模空前的盛会。这次会议的召开受到自1976年“文革”结束至1978年中国的政治变革、科技政策和规划,以及中国科学院副院长、党组副书记李昌的影响,是筹备工作经历搁置后该所联合所外力量重新筹备而获得的成果。这次会议恢复了中断24年的全国综合性科技史学术交流活动,展现了高质量的学术交流状态;遵循严谨程序成立了中国科学技术史学会,为日后国内和中国国际科技史交流活动的展开奠定重要的组织基础。这次会议是中国科技史事业走向繁荣的重要标志,反映了1980年中国科技史事业发生的历史性转变,推进了中国科技史的建制化历程,产生了深远的影响,在中国科学史学史上具有里程碑意义。 展开更多
关键词 自然科史研究所 自然科会议 中国科 全国科大会 李昌
论体育学硕士研究生的“学”与“术” 被引量:2
作者 李康 覃立 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期83-86,共4页
分析"学"与"术"的区别与联系,指出"学"与"术"既不能浑然不清,也不能截然分离,而应有机结合,良性互动。认为体育学硕士研究生面临"学"与"术"的问题可概括为如何处理好基础... 分析"学"与"术"的区别与联系,指出"学"与"术"既不能浑然不清,也不能截然分离,而应有机结合,良性互动。认为体育学硕士研究生面临"学"与"术"的问题可概括为如何处理好基础研究与应用研究、理论学习与专项训练的关系。通过资料分析,认为当下的体育学硕士研究生成长存在的主要问题是"崇术轻学"的倾向而非"技能不足"。还从"大学是什么"的角度反思了体育学硕士研究生"学"与"术"的误区,认为体育学硕士研究生理应着重科研能力的提高,而不是过于看重各种现实利益。 展开更多
关键词 校体育 ”与“术 硕士研究生
关于实现翻译教学中“学”与“术”有机统一的思考 被引量:3
作者 龚小萍 陈达 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第5期84-89,共6页
"学"与"术"在翻译教学各环节中本应相辅相成、相得益彰,但在现实的翻译教学中却存在"学"与"术"分离的现象。针对此现象,本文分析了翻译教学中"学"、"术"分离的真实原因,... "学"与"术"在翻译教学各环节中本应相辅相成、相得益彰,但在现实的翻译教学中却存在"学"与"术"分离的现象。针对此现象,本文分析了翻译教学中"学"、"术"分离的真实原因,并在此基础上提出了实现"学"与"术"有机统一的对策。 展开更多
关键词 翻译教 ”与“术 分离 有机统一
坚持“学”“术”并重 创新学科建设路径——以艺术学理论学科为例 被引量:3
作者 刘振华 《中国高校科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期62-64,共3页
2011年4月,新修订的《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2011)》,将原属文学门类的艺术学科从文学门类中独立出来,成为新的第13个学科门类,即艺术学门类。艺术学作为新兴的学科门类,其学科体系的核心内涵大体可以归结为"学"(艺术理... 2011年4月,新修订的《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2011)》,将原属文学门类的艺术学科从文学门类中独立出来,成为新的第13个学科门类,即艺术学门类。艺术学作为新兴的学科门类,其学科体系的核心内涵大体可以归结为"学"(艺术理论)与"术"(艺术创作)两个层面。长期以来,在艺术教育领域大多存在着重"术"轻"学","术"强"学"弱的倾向。因此,加强艺术学理论学科建设,创新艺术学理论学科建设路径,做到"学""术"并重,促进艺术学门类下各一级学科的齐头并进、协调发展,具有十分重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 “术”并重 理论 科建设 路径
高职院校环境思政新模式探索——以湖北工业职业技术学院为例 被引量:1
作者 王厚兵 张伟 《湖北工业职业技术学院学报》 2020年第2期23-27,共5页
大学生宿舍作为高校学生管理“五级责任”的基础责任,如何从单纯的住宿职能逐步向教育职能拓展,是学生管理工作面临的重要课题。针对学生宿舍缺乏专业育人队伍、宿舍育人载体单一、宿舍管理模式落后、宿舍文化氛围薄弱等问题,探讨通过... 大学生宿舍作为高校学生管理“五级责任”的基础责任,如何从单纯的住宿职能逐步向教育职能拓展,是学生管理工作面临的重要课题。针对学生宿舍缺乏专业育人队伍、宿舍育人载体单一、宿舍管理模式落后、宿舍文化氛围薄弱等问题,探讨通过完善机制、搭建平台、丰富载体等方式,将学生管理工作前移,把宿舍作为学生思想政治工作的平台、行为习惯养成的基地、培养团队合作精神和提升学生自我管理能力的场所,探索宿舍育人和环境思政,以保障学生安全和校园稳定。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 生宿舍 环境思政
作者 徐改平 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期129-144,共16页
"‘学'随‘术'变"不仅是中国经学史的特点,同样也渗透在当代中国学术界中。如果对鲁迅和胡适的比较研究做一个历时性考察的话,这一特点就可以具体而微地呈现在读者面前。肇始于20世纪50年代的鲁迅与胡适的比较研究本... "‘学'随‘术'变"不仅是中国经学史的特点,同样也渗透在当代中国学术界中。如果对鲁迅和胡适的比较研究做一个历时性考察的话,这一特点就可以具体而微地呈现在读者面前。肇始于20世纪50年代的鲁迅与胡适的比较研究本身就是"胡适思想批判"的产物,紧密追随政治形势进行的鲁胡比较工作一直持续到了70年代末。整个80年代,学术界逐渐改变一味尊鲁贬胡的习惯,在逐步祛除强加在胡适身上的不实之辞的同时,也褪去鲁迅身上附着的政治釉彩。90年代以来,研究界更趋向多元化,对胡适的渐进式改良有了更多的认同。20世纪50年代以来中国社会政治形势变迁的大致脉络在鲁胡比较研究的课题中隐约可见。 展开更多
关键词 胡适和鲁迅 ”随“术”变 独立
作者 焦飞 倪艳波 +3 位作者 许森 胡金霞 阎云飞 张立霞 《卫生职业教育》 2021年第6期1-3,共3页
关键词 位研究生 ”与“术 辩证关系
作者 李学通 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期474-486,共13页
国防科学技术策进会由顾毓琇最初倡议,在蒋介石的推动下于1942年末成立。时任教育部长的陈立夫积极活动,意欲使之成为由其掌控的科学研究实体机构。该会组织章程草案历经数度更改,最后“定位为社会团体”。由于在职掌及工作内容和方式... 国防科学技术策进会由顾毓琇最初倡议,在蒋介石的推动下于1942年末成立。时任教育部长的陈立夫积极活动,意欲使之成为由其掌控的科学研究实体机构。该会组织章程草案历经数度更改,最后“定位为社会团体”。由于在职掌及工作内容和方式上都与最初的设想发生了巨大的变化,实际上从成立之日起就处于边缘化的地位。虽然在科学家们的努力之下该会也取得了一定的成绩,发挥了相当作用,但是由于战时环境艰难以及经费不足等原因,策进会的工作受到各种制约而“壮志难酬”。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争 国防科策进会 陈立夫 蒋介石
作者 李广龙 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2016年第12期87-88,共2页
古籍数字化研究发展前后,"学"与"术"的分合与内涵都发生着变化,"学"与"术"曾连属为一名词,随后渐趋分野。随着古籍数字化的兴起,"学"与"术"的内涵也发生了巨大变化,本文... 古籍数字化研究发展前后,"学"与"术"的分合与内涵都发生着变化,"学"与"术"曾连属为一名词,随后渐趋分野。随着古籍数字化的兴起,"学"与"术"的内涵也发生了巨大变化,本文从古籍数字化产品的生成看"学"与"术"的结合、古籍数字化体现的"学"与"术"关系两个方面进行了阐释。 展开更多
关键词 古籍 数字化 ”与“术
《代数学》和《代数术》传入我国的无穷级数收敛问题 被引量:2
作者 王红杉 郭世荣 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2015年第6期6-10,共5页
在清代无穷级数研究中,"降位"(即收敛速度)问题一直是难题。晚清译著《代数学》首先介绍了无穷级数的收敛问题,包括收敛概念和判别法等,另一译著《代数术》也对收敛速度颇有讨论。这两部译著中的相关内容得到了以丁取忠为代... 在清代无穷级数研究中,"降位"(即收敛速度)问题一直是难题。晚清译著《代数学》首先介绍了无穷级数的收敛问题,包括收敛概念和判别法等,另一译著《代数术》也对收敛速度颇有讨论。这两部译著中的相关内容得到了以丁取忠为代表的长沙数学学派的热烈回应,这反映了两部译著传入中国后的早期影响情况。 展开更多
关键词 无穷级数 收敛 代数 代数
思政课教学的“术”“学”“道”与实践途径 被引量:6
作者 顾红亮 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期11-16,共6页
从世界百年未有之大变局、中华民族伟大复兴战略全局、思政课建设和改革实践三个视角来看,思政课教学既面临挑战,也处于战略机遇期。从理论的角度看,思政课教学的主要原则是坚持"术""学""道"的统一。一方... 从世界百年未有之大变局、中华民族伟大复兴战略全局、思政课建设和改革实践三个视角来看,思政课教学既面临挑战,也处于战略机遇期。从理论的角度看,思政课教学的主要原则是坚持"术""学""道"的统一。一方面,"术""学"为"道"的显现提供载体和支撑;另一方面,"道"为"术""学"的展开提供指导和引领。从实践的角度看,提高思政课教学质量要通过三个主要途径,一要生根于埋下真善美种子的教师队伍,二要扎根于祖国大地讲活教学内容,三要植根于学生成长规律和需求。 展开更多
关键词 “术”“”“道” 思政课教 教师队伍 祖国大地 生成长规律
作者 李佑 《电子制作》 2013年第9X期284-284,共1页
中医作为一门传统学科,较普通的学科来说,中医中具有"学"与"术"的分化程度,然而,这种分化程度并不是很高。因此可以从中医学术过程中发展的进程,并加之与中西医之间相比较关系和中医自身文化的发展各个方面表现。... 中医作为一门传统学科,较普通的学科来说,中医中具有"学"与"术"的分化程度,然而,这种分化程度并不是很高。因此可以从中医学术过程中发展的进程,并加之与中西医之间相比较关系和中医自身文化的发展各个方面表现。中医的发展应遵循中医自身的特征,遵照中医内部之间相互的伐善规律体现。 展开更多
关键词 ”与“术 中医发展 中医教育
谈谈修辞学的学科定位问题 被引量:3
作者 崔应贤 《平顶山师专学报》 2003年第3期64-66,共3页
关键词 “术”和“ 边缘性 独立
Deep learning models for automatic classification ofechocardiographic views
作者 CHEN Wenwen ZHU Ye +6 位作者 ZHANG Yiwei WU Chun LI Yuman ZHANG Ziming SUN Zhenxing XIE Mingxing ZHANG Li 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1124-1129,共6页
Objective To observe the value of deep learning (DL) models for automatic classification of echocardiographic views. Methods Totally 100 patients after heart transplantation were retrospectively enrolled and divided i... Objective To observe the value of deep learning (DL) models for automatic classification of echocardiographic views. Methods Totally 100 patients after heart transplantation were retrospectively enrolled and divided into training set, validation set and test set at a ratio of 7 ∶ 2 ∶ 1. ResNet18, ResNet34, Swin Transformer and Swin Transformer V2 models were established based on 2D apical two chamber view, 2D apical three chamber view, 2D apical four chamber view, 2D subcostal view, parasternal long-axis view of left ventricle, short-axis view of great arteries, short-axis view of apex of left ventricle, short-axis view of papillary muscle of left ventricle, short-axis view of mitral valve of left ventricle, also 3D and CDFI views of echocardiography. The accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score and confusion matrix were used to evaluate the performance of each model for automatically classifying echocardiographic views. The interactive interface was designed based on Qt Designer software and deployed on the desktop. Results The performance of models for automatically classifying echocardiographic views in test set were all good, with relatively poor performance for 2D short-axis view of left ventricle and superior performance for 3D and CDFI views. Swin Transformer V2 was the optimal model for automatically classifying echocardiographic views, with high accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score was 92.56%, 89.01%, 89.97% and 89.31%, respectively, which also had the highest diagonal value in confusion matrix and showed the best classification effect on various views in t-SNE figure. Conclusion DL model had good performance for automatically classifying echocardiographic views, especially Swin Transformer V2 model had the best performance. Using interactive classification interface could improve the interpretability of prediction results to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 heart transplantation ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY deep learning
Deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular regional wall motion abnormality
作者 WANG Yonghuai DONG Tianxin MA Chunyan 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1135-1139,共5页
Objective To observe the value of deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular(LV)regional wall motion abnormalities(RWMA).Methods Apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-cham... Objective To observe the value of deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model for evaluation on left ventricular(LV)regional wall motion abnormalities(RWMA).Methods Apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views two-dimensional echocardiograms were obtained prospectively in 205 patients with coronary heart disease.The model for evaluating LV regional contractile function was constructed using a five-fold cross-validation method to automatically identify the presence of RWMA or not,and the performance of this model was assessed taken manual interpretation of RWMA as standards.Results Among 205 patients,RWMA was detected in totally 650 segments in 83 cases.LV myocardial segmentation model demonstrated good efficacy for delineation of LV myocardium.The average Dice similarity coefficient for LV myocardial segmentation results in the apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views was 0.85,0.82 and 0.88,respectively.LV myocardial segmentation model accurately segmented LV myocardium in apical two-chamber,three-chamber and four-chamber views.The mean area under the curve(AUC)of RWMA identification model was 0.843±0.071,with sensitivity of(64.19±14.85)%,specificity of(89.44±7.31)%and accuracy of(85.22±4.37)%.Conclusion Deep learning echocardiographic intelligent model could be used to automatically evaluate LV regional contractile function,hence rapidly and accurately identifying RWMA. 展开更多
关键词 ventricular function left systolic function ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY deep learning
Deep learning model based on PET/CT and combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progression of lung invasive adenocarcinoma after surgery
作者 LI Yingci WU Dongbo GONG Feifei 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1194-1198,共5页
Objective To observe the efficacy of deep learning(DL)model based on PET/CT and its combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progressive disease(PD)of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years a... Objective To observe the efficacy of deep learning(DL)model based on PET/CT and its combination with Cox proportional hazard model for predicting progressive disease(PD)of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.Methods The clinical,PET/CT and 5-year follow-up data of 250 patients with lung invasive adenocarcinoma were retrospectively analyzed.According to PD or not,the patients were divided into the PD group(n=71)and non-PD group(n=179).The basic data and PET/CT findings were compared between groups,among which the quantitative variables being significant different between groups were transformed to categorical variables using receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and corresponding cut-off value.Multivariant Cox proportional hazard model was used to select independent predicting factors of PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.The patients were divided into training,validation and test sets at the ratio of 6∶2∶2,and PET/CT data in training set and validation set were used to train model and tuning parameters to build the PET/CT DL model,and the combination model was built in serial connection of DL model and the predictive factors.In test set,the efficacy of each model for predicting PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery was assessed and compared using the area under the curve(AUC).Results Patients'gender and smoking status,as well as the long diameter,SUV max and SUV mean of lesions measured on PET images,the long diameter,short diameter and type of lesions showed on CT were statistically different between groups(all P<0.05).Smoking(HR=1.787[1.053,3.031],P=0.031)and lesion SUV max>4.15(HR=5.249[1.062,25.945],P=0.042)were both predictors of PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.In test set,the AUC of PET/CT DL model for predicting PD was 0.847,of the combination model was 0.890,of the latter was higher than of the former(P=0.036).Conclusion DL model based on PET/CT had high efficacy for predicting PD of lung invasive adenocarcinoma within 5 years after surgery.Combining with Cox proportional hazard model could further improve its predicting efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 adenocarcinoma of lung positron-emission tomography and computed tomography deep learning disease progression
Automated body composition analysis system based on chest CT for evaluating content of muscle and adipose
作者 YANG Jie LIU Yanli +2 位作者 CHEN Xiaoyan CHEN Tianle LIU Qi 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1242-1248,共7页
Objective To establish a body composition analysis system based on chest CT,and to observe its value for evaluating content of chest muscle and adipose.Methods T7—T8 layer CT images of 108 pneumonia patients were col... Objective To establish a body composition analysis system based on chest CT,and to observe its value for evaluating content of chest muscle and adipose.Methods T7—T8 layer CT images of 108 pneumonia patients were collected(segmented dataset),and chest CT data of 984 patients were screened from the COVID 19-CT dataset(10 cases were randomly selected as whole test dataset,the remaining 974 cases were selected as layer selection dataset).T7—T8 layer was classified based on convolutional neural network(CNN)derived networks,including ResNet,ResNeXt,MobileNet,ShuffleNet,DenseNet,EfficientNet and ConvNeXt,then the accuracy,precision,recall and specificity were used to evaluate the performance of layer selection dataset.The skeletal muscle(SM),subcutaneous adipose tissue(SAT),intermuscular adipose tissue(IMAT)and visceral adipose tissue(VAT)were segmented using classical fully CNN(FCN)derived network,including FCN,SegNet,UNet,Attention UNet,UNET++,nnUNet,UNeXt and CMUNeXt,then Dice similarity coefficient(DSC),intersection over union(IoU)and 95 Hausdorff distance(HD)were used to evaluate the performance of segmented dataset.The automatic body composition analysis system was constructed based on optimal layer selection network and segmentation network,the mean absolute error(MAE),root mean squared error(RMSE)and standard deviation(SD)of MAE were used to evaluate the performance of automatic system for testing the whole test dataset.Results The accuracy,precision,recall and specificity of DenseNet network for automatically classifying T7—T8 layer from chest CT images was 95.06%,84.83%,92.27%and 95.78%,respectively,which were all higher than those of the other layer selection networks.In segmentation of SM,SAT,IMAT and overall,DSC and IoU of UNet++network were all higher,while 95HD of UNet++network were all lower than those of the other segmentation networks.Using DenseNet as the layer selection network and UNet++as the segmentation network,MAE of the automatic body composition analysis system for predicting SM,SAT,IMAT,VAT and MAE was 27.09,6.95,6.65 and 3.35 cm 2,respectively.Conclusion The body composition analysis system based on chest CT could be used to assess content of chest muscle and adipose.Among them,the UNet++network had better segmentation performance in adipose tissue than SM. 展开更多
关键词 body composition THORAX muscle skeletal adipose tissue deep learning tomography X-ray computed
Preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi
作者 TANG Lei WANG Shixia +3 位作者 LI Wuchao ZENG Xianchun AN Yunzhao SONG Bin 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1216-1220,共5页
Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium... Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium oxalate monohydrate stone group(group A,n=373),anhydrous uric acid stone group(group B,n=86),carbonate apatite group(group C,n=30),ammonium urate stone group(group D,n=28)and ammonium magnesium phosphate hexahydrate stone group(group E,n=26)according to the composition of calculi,also divided into training set and test set at the ratio of 7∶3.Radiomics features were extracted and screened based on plain CT images of urinary system.Five binary task models(model A—E corresponding to group A—E)and a quinary task model were constructed using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator algorithm for predicting the composition of calculi in vivo.Then receiver operating characteristic curves were drawn,and the area under the curves(AUC)were calculated to evaluate the predictive efficacy of binary task models,while the accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score were used to evaluate the predictive efficacy of the quinary task model.Results All binary task models had good efficacy for predicting the composition of urinary calculi in vivo,with AUC of 0.860—0.948 in training set and of 0.856—0.933 in test set.The accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score of the quinary task model for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi was 82.25%,83.79%,46.23%and 0.596 in training set,respectively,while was 80.63%,75.26%,43.48%and 0.551 in test set,respectively.Conclusion Binary task radiomics models based on preoperative plain CT had good efficacy for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi,while the quinary task radiomics model had high accuracy but relatively poor stability. 展开更多
关键词 UROLITHIASIS tomography X-ray computed radiomics
0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction model based on coronary CT angiography for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis
作者 LIU Shanfeng LU Xiaochen +1 位作者 TIAN Hao WU Huiqun 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1236-1241,共6页
Objective To observe value of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction(FSI)model based on coronary CT angiography(CCTA)for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis.Methods Base... Objective To observe value of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D fluid-structure interaction(FSI)model based on coronary CT angiography(CCTA)for displaying hemodynamic characteristics of coronary artery stenosis.Methods Based on CCTA data of the stenosed left anterior descending branch(LAD)in a patient with coronary heart disease,an 0D-1D coupling model and 3D FSI model were built,respectively.Then hemodynamic characteristic indexes,including the pressure,flow velocity and wall shear stress(WSS)were obtained in every 0.01 s during 1 s at 5 sampling points(i.e.sampling point 1—5)using these 2 models,respectively,and the consistencies of the results between models were evaluated with Spearman correlation coefficient r s.Results The time consuming for construction of 0D-1D coupling model and 3D FSI model was 0.033 min and 704 min,respectively.Both models showed basically distribution of the pressure,flow velocity and WSS of the stenosed LAD.For more details,the pressure at the stenosed segment of LAD and the proximal segment of stenosis were both higher,which gradually decreased at the distal segment of stenosis,and the flow velocity at the proximal segment of stenosis was in a relatively slow and uniform condition,with significantly increased flow velocity and WSS at the stenosed segment.Compared with 3D FSI model,0D-1D vascular coupling model was relatively unrefined and lack of distal flow lines when displaying blood flow velocity.For sampling point 2 at the stenosed segment of LAD,no significant consistency for pressure between 2 models was found(P=0.118),but strong consistency for the flow velocity and WSS(r s=0.730,0.807,both P<0.05).The consistencies of pressure,flow velocity and WSS between 2 models at the proximal and distal segment of stenosis,i.e.1,3—5 sampling points were week to moderate(r s=0.237—0.669,all P<0.05).Conclusion 0D-1D coupling model exhibited outstanding computational efficiency and might provide relatively reasonable results,while 3D FSI model showed higher accuracy for details and streamline when simulating LAD stenosis. 展开更多
关键词 coronary stenosis HEMODYNAMICS coronary angiography tomography X-ray computed
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