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专业认证背景下独立学院学业服务指导体系构建路径研究 被引量:2
作者 王媛媛 胡昉 +1 位作者 王卓远 王亚杰 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 2018年第3期71-75,共5页
专业认证主要倡导的核心理念是:以学生为中心,以培养目标和毕业要求为导向,实施教学活动并进行持续改进。它是保证高等教育质量的重要手段,而学业服务指导体系是确保专业实现认证的最重要一环。提出基于独立学院学生特质来构建学业服务... 专业认证主要倡导的核心理念是:以学生为中心,以培养目标和毕业要求为导向,实施教学活动并进行持续改进。它是保证高等教育质量的重要手段,而学业服务指导体系是确保专业实现认证的最重要一环。提出基于独立学院学生特质来构建学业服务指导体系的研究路径。 展开更多
关键词 专业认证 独立学院 学业服务指导体系
作者 韩玉青 魏红 《长春教育学院学报》 2024年第1期25-32,共8页
以北京师范大学、陕西师范大学、山西忻州师范学院3所院校为样本,探究我国本科师范院校学业指导服务对学生求学满意度和院校归属感的影响。实证结果表明,学业指导服务对学生的满意度和归属感有显著的积极影响。据此,从认识、组织、实践... 以北京师范大学、陕西师范大学、山西忻州师范学院3所院校为样本,探究我国本科师范院校学业指导服务对学生求学满意度和院校归属感的影响。实证结果表明,学业指导服务对学生的满意度和归属感有显著的积极影响。据此,从认识、组织、实践三个层面提出改进学业指导的建议。 展开更多
关键词 学业指导服务 求学满意度 院校归属感
作者 王琦 张瀛予 方玲 《新课程研究(中旬)》 2015年第2期84-85,共2页
中药专业贫困大学生能否顺利完成学业和理想就业是高等中医院校必须面临的实际问题。面对中药行业需求水平的不断提高,做好贫困毕业生的学业服务和就业指导工作,是高等中医药教育健康发展和校园稳定的重要内容。本文通过论证中医药院校... 中药专业贫困大学生能否顺利完成学业和理想就业是高等中医院校必须面临的实际问题。面对中药行业需求水平的不断提高,做好贫困毕业生的学业服务和就业指导工作,是高等中医药教育健康发展和校园稳定的重要内容。本文通过论证中医药院校贫困大学生学业特点、心理因素、就业需求等问题,探索做好中医药院校贫困大学生学业服务就业指导工作的途径。 展开更多
关键词 贫困学生 学业服务 就业工作
作者 佟贺 《辽宁广播电视大学学报》 2013年第4期5-7,共3页
关键词 学业支持服务 内涵 必要性 关键
作者 苏小林 《福建轻纺》 2022年第11期67-70,共4页
高职院校在教育信息化建设过程中,为应对日益增长的大学生学业支持需求,应当着力构建一套信息化学业支持服务体系。基于此,文章分析了信息化背景下我国高职院校的学业支持服务现状,指出了现存的问题,梳理了构建学业支持服务体系的基本依... 高职院校在教育信息化建设过程中,为应对日益增长的大学生学业支持需求,应当着力构建一套信息化学业支持服务体系。基于此,文章分析了信息化背景下我国高职院校的学业支持服务现状,指出了现存的问题,梳理了构建学业支持服务体系的基本依据,提出了信息化学业支持服务体系的构建路径,以期为高职院校学业支持服务工作的推进提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 信息化 学业支持服务 学业指导 高职院校
作者 苏小林 《教师博览(下旬刊)》 2022年第12期10-12,共3页
高职院校中的大学生学业支持服务体系具有重要价值。学校借助信息化手段,为学生实施具有针对性的发展措施,能够全面提升学生的综合素养,让学生在大学阶段获得有价值和有意义的学习经验,这对于学生以后立足于社会有着重大意义。因此,高... 高职院校中的大学生学业支持服务体系具有重要价值。学校借助信息化手段,为学生实施具有针对性的发展措施,能够全面提升学生的综合素养,让学生在大学阶段获得有价值和有意义的学习经验,这对于学生以后立足于社会有着重大意义。因此,高职院校在培养学生的过程中,应该始终重视、利用好各种信息技术手段,构建特色化大学生学业支持服务体系,为学生发展提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 信息化 高职院校 大学生就业 学业支持服务体系 指导措施
以学生为中心的学业指导服务支持体系的构建——以三亚学院为例 被引量:6
作者 李晓倩 梁友芳 谢亚军 《高教学刊》 2019年第19期144-146,共3页
构建以学生为中心的学业指导服务支持体系是促进大学生成长成才,提升其核心竞争力的关键举措。三亚学院学业指导以学生为中心,以学生的学业——能力为目标,设立专门的学业指导机构,组建多元化的专兼职学业导师队伍,打造开放式共享学习空... 构建以学生为中心的学业指导服务支持体系是促进大学生成长成才,提升其核心竞争力的关键举措。三亚学院学业指导以学生为中心,以学生的学业——能力为目标,设立专门的学业指导机构,组建多元化的专兼职学业导师队伍,打造开放式共享学习空间,构建多样化学业指导服务模式,初步建立学业指导评价体系,提高学生的学习质量。 展开更多
关键词 以学生为中心 学业指导服务 支持体系 构建
作者 杨嘉琳 《青年与社会》 2020年第23期117-118,共2页
民办高校应该坚持以服务学生为中心和以学生需求为导向的育人理念,围绕强化学习导向的工作目标开展教育教学工作,通过分析现阶段民办高校学生学业指导的前景和存在的问题,提出改善和提升学业指导服务效能的工作思考,明确学业指导工作目... 民办高校应该坚持以服务学生为中心和以学生需求为导向的育人理念,围绕强化学习导向的工作目标开展教育教学工作,通过分析现阶段民办高校学生学业指导的前景和存在的问题,提出改善和提升学业指导服务效能的工作思考,明确学业指导工作目标,改善学业指导服务体系,丰富学业指导内涵和外延,以大学生实际需求维导向,提升其学习和生活的满意度,为民办高校教育教学改革提供参考性意见,不断提高人才培养效能。 展开更多
关键词 民办高校 学业指导服务 需求导向 效能
作者 王慧芬 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2022年第8期132-135,共4页
西安电力高等专科学校在服务学生,教书育人中不断探索新方法新途径,通过学生心理关怀、思想政治教育、帮困宏志、专业理论教育、操作技能培训、安全教育、职业生涯规划等七个维度(“七维”学业服务)为学生提供多方位的成长服务,培育心... 西安电力高等专科学校在服务学生,教书育人中不断探索新方法新途径,通过学生心理关怀、思想政治教育、帮困宏志、专业理论教育、操作技能培训、安全教育、职业生涯规划等七个维度(“七维”学业服务)为学生提供多方位的成长服务,培育心智健全高能人才,取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 西安电专 心理健康 人才培养 电力行业 学业服务
作者 于涛 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2012年第1期28-29,共2页
关键词 高等教育 学业指导 专业学习 学业咨询服务
职业教育学分银行的银行特质研究 被引量:4
作者 杨黎明 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2020年第7期58-63,共6页
学分银行借贷业务的精髓体现在:借一点自身的不足,还一点自身的特长;借:为弥补不足,还:可展示特长。通过高等数学和编制特定人员的专业人才培养方案等两个案例进行了详尽的分析。不同质的学习成果之间无法进行直接的比较和转换,需要有... 学分银行借贷业务的精髓体现在:借一点自身的不足,还一点自身的特长;借:为弥补不足,还:可展示特长。通过高等数学和编制特定人员的专业人才培养方案等两个案例进行了详尽的分析。不同质的学习成果之间无法进行直接的比较和转换,需要有一个类似银行业汇率的机制,将不同类型的学习成果有机地联系起来,这被称为标准学分。需要先实现从原始学习成果(原始学分)到标准学习成果(标准学分)的转换,然后借助于标准学分,原始学习成果才能彼此进行比较和转换。学分银行是学生数据汇集的银行,学分银行更是学生学业发展过程中的最佳帮手,数据本身并不体现灵气,但通过数据为每个学生的服务是有温度的。 展开更多
关键词 学分银行 银行特质 借贷业务 通存通兑 标准学分 学业服务
融合教育理念下英国高校残障大学生学业支持服务的现状、特点及启示 被引量:11
作者 蒋洪池 龚琬晶 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期42-49,共8页
英国作为融合教育的引领者,为保障残障学生接受高等教育的基本权利,形成了系统完备的内外部学业支持服务体系并呈现明显的特点:以学生为中心的个性化;以法律、资金为推力的制度化;支持服务方式的多样化;全社会紧密合作的系统化。在我国... 英国作为融合教育的引领者,为保障残障学生接受高等教育的基本权利,形成了系统完备的内外部学业支持服务体系并呈现明显的特点:以学生为中心的个性化;以法律、资金为推力的制度化;支持服务方式的多样化;全社会紧密合作的系统化。在我国高等教育普及化发展的今天,需要贯彻个性化的融合教育理念、完善法律制度与资金的服务保障机制、提供多样化的学业支持服务内容、构建系统化的学业支持服务体系,使残障大学生得到更好的发展。 展开更多
关键词 融合教育 英国高校 残障大学生 学业支持服务
研究生学业支持服务工作之现状与思考——基于研究生辅导员工作实践 被引量:2
作者 安哲锋 齐书宇 李敏 《北京教育(德育)》 2014年第Z1期58-60,共3页
学业支持服务是培养学生技能,促进学生成长的重要保障。目前,高校应针对学业支持服务中存在的问题,建立研究生"自我管理"学业支持服务体系,创新支持服务的内容与形式,注重支持服务的过程管理,营造良好的学业成长环境,搭建广... 学业支持服务是培养学生技能,促进学生成长的重要保障。目前,高校应针对学业支持服务中存在的问题,建立研究生"自我管理"学业支持服务体系,创新支持服务的内容与形式,注重支持服务的过程管理,营造良好的学业成长环境,搭建广阔的学术交流平台,为提高学业支持服务水平,进一步促进学生成长提供平台。 展开更多
关键词 学业支持服务 学生成长 辅导员实践
作者 师雷宏 罗俊 刘名阳 《求知导刊》 2018年第12期150-150,共1页
关键词 学风建设 新路径 学业发展与服务
Construction of Agricultural Information Service System in China——under the Eyeshot of Communication Science 被引量:4
作者 邓涛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期171-173,共3页
The paper aims to study the current communication condition,configuration,characteristic and regulation of Chinese agricultural information in terms of the eyeshot of communication studies,and provide reference to bui... The paper aims to study the current communication condition,configuration,characteristic and regulation of Chinese agricultural information in terms of the eyeshot of communication studies,and provide reference to build Chinese agricultural information service system based on the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. 展开更多
关键词 Communication studies Agriculture Information service system
Will the Service Sector Promote China’s Long-Term Employment Growth?
作者 丁守海 许珊 《China Economist》 2015年第1期14-25,共12页
The coexistence of the slowing-down economy and the buoyant employment market has been the pattern in China in recent years, and the service sector has played an important role in this regard. This paper uses empirica... The coexistence of the slowing-down economy and the buoyant employment market has been the pattern in China in recent years, and the service sector has played an important role in this regard. This paper uses empirical analysis to prove that the service sector has a long-term mechanism to promote employment growth: first, the verification of the Baumol-Fuchs hypothesis shows that the income elasticity of demand for services in China is greater than 1. As the current development of the services is lagging behind, this sector has great development potential. Second, the revised employment equation shows that the employment elasticity of the service sector is much higher than that of the industrial sector, and its employment adhesiveness is stronger as well. The employment of the service sector can not only create more jobs for the national economy, but also help stabilize the job market. The employment pressure in China is mainly caused by migrant workers and college graduates. To solve the employment problems of these two groups, China has to promote the development of traditional services and speed up the upgrading of emerging services at the same time, and should neglect neither. This paper provides recommendations accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 service employment Baumol-Fuchs hypothesis employment elasticity
Service Learning at National Taipei College of Business, 2012-2013" New Perspectives on Community, Peer-Based Education
作者 Siao-cing Guo David Pendery 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第1期1-12,共12页
Service learning (also known as peer learning) has received increased attention in tertiary education. By linking learning with authentic volunteer work experience, service learning bridges the gap between theoretic... Service learning (also known as peer learning) has received increased attention in tertiary education. By linking learning with authentic volunteer work experience, service learning bridges the gap between theoretical study and practical reality. This practice can increase students' professional knowledge, educational development, self-esteem, and awareness of social responsibility. Service learning became a mandatory requirement for all students at National Taipei College of Business (NTCB; now National Taipei University of Business) in 2011, and this is the focus of this study, extending into the 2012 school year. This course-based program allows undergraduate language majors to put their language skills into practice by teaching peers, and also through other volunteer work. This program has greatly benefitted undergraduate students at the school. This study will examine course data, student reports, and interviews with student teachers. The researchers have documented the implementation of the peer-mentor program at NTCB, and the learning gains experienced among students and the professors who assisted in these processes. 展开更多
关键词 service learning peer learning community learning collaborative learning peer teaching learner-centered approach
Practise of humanistic management, explore service innovation-We take the office work of Nanjing forestry university south academy as an example
作者 WANG Siyu ZHOU Lin +1 位作者 GUO Yanhui ZHOU Xiaojuan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期30-32,共3页
Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the ma... Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the main line. humanistic management emphasizes to go on integrated management by taking people as the main resources in office. So the office work in our institution of higher education should even insist on the principle of people oriented. In this thesis, according to the working characteristics of the third category colleges and we also combined our practical working experience, we have carried on beneficial attempt towards humanistic management through Talents cultivation, staff management, image construction, system specification ect ways, we have also achieved good effects in improving the education environment, improving the office service qualitv ect asnects. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic management The third category (independent) Colleges office service
Beyond the Concepts of the Secular and the Religious
作者 Brent A. Smith 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第1期37-52,共16页
The U.S. Supreme Court gave the privately owned company Hobby Lobby the authority to deny healthcare coverage to its employees, a decision by a secular authority involving the owner's religious beliefs. In France, th... The U.S. Supreme Court gave the privately owned company Hobby Lobby the authority to deny healthcare coverage to its employees, a decision by a secular authority involving the owner's religious beliefs. In France, the first issue released by the secular magazine Charlie Hebdo after the terrorist attack depicted a religious figure declaring, "All is forgiven." In each instance the boundaries between the "secular" and "religious" were transgressed. In the academic study of religion, an additional direction methodology needs to take involves the lens formed by academic concepts and categories as shaped by the historical development of the university's discourses and lines of inquiry. The university is an epistemological project and we look "out there" through concepts and categories formed "in here", inside of the history of "the university". It is another dimension to the problem of the insider/outsider. This paper will use the characteristics of interdisciplinarity to historicize how the university as an epistemological project has developed the concepts of "religion", the "secular", and the binary they form, in order to suggest directions for their use to interpret events in the 21 st century through the academic study of religion. 展开更多
The practice and reflection of providing the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services in Vocational Colleges libraries
作者 Luo Jia 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期39-41,共3页
Abstract : Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service is the major form for libraries to share resources.The librairies of universities or colleges can better guarantee the supply of document information ,accomm... Abstract : Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service is the major form for libraries to share resources.The librairies of universities or colleges can better guarantee the supply of document information ,accommodating to users' need for documents to the greatest extent.This article elaborates on the definition of Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery as well as their significance with a key focus on the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery practice of Oriental Vocational and Technical College in Zhejiang, meanwhile it also puts forward some suggestions on how to better practisee the service of lnterlibrary Loan and Document Delivery. 展开更多
关键词 Higher Vocational universities LIBRARY Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery PRACTICE
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