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我国小城镇女童学业状况的调查与分析 被引量:1
作者 杜学元 沈堰奇 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第2期74-78,89,共6页
关键词 中国 小城镇 女童 学业调查 学习成绩
作者 李本友 余宏亮 王海莹 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期1-5,共5页
随着知识经济时代的到来和国际竞争的日趋激烈,教育质量的监控和学生学业成绩调查已成为重要的研究领域。通过系统梳理国内外学生学业成绩调查研究现状,启示我们在进行学生学业成绩调查时,应以理论的创新为依据,在调查方法上应将定量与... 随着知识经济时代的到来和国际竞争的日趋激烈,教育质量的监控和学生学业成绩调查已成为重要的研究领域。通过系统梳理国内外学生学业成绩调查研究现状,启示我们在进行学生学业成绩调查时,应以理论的创新为依据,在调查方法上应将定量与定性相结合,在指标体系构建上应纳入学生理解、解决问题的能力以及情感、态度、价值观等内容。 展开更多
关键词 学业成绩 学业调查 启示
作者 王援朝 杨秀珍 +4 位作者 张永凤 张苏范 吕兆丰 李宝路 高素英 《医学教育》 2000年第1期29-32,共4页
本研究的目的在于:通过对夜大学生的基本情况调查与学习成绩相关因素的分析以期了解:1.学生的基本状况和学习环境;2.学生的学业成绩受哪些因素的影响,如:一般人口资料、心理素质、工作经历、家庭社会环境等。3.如何提高夜大... 本研究的目的在于:通过对夜大学生的基本情况调查与学习成绩相关因素的分析以期了解:1.学生的基本状况和学习环境;2.学生的学业成绩受哪些因素的影响,如:一般人口资料、心理素质、工作经历、家庭社会环境等。3.如何提高夜大学的学习质量。 展开更多
关键词 成人教育 夜大学生 学业调查 家庭支持 情绪状态
动物科学专业大学生中期学业状态调查研究--以河北农业大学动物科技学院为例 被引量:1
作者 王德贺 陈一凡 +3 位作者 郝二英 周荣艳 赵娜 陈辉 《今日畜牧兽医》 2021年第6期109-110,共2页
为了解畜牧类大学生入学后学业动态发展情况,本研究调查了2018级140名动物科学专业大学生入学两年后课程学习、社会实践、生活作息、社团活动以及就业深造等维度的反馈数据并从学业基础、校园生活和专业思想等三大方面进行总结分析。结... 为了解畜牧类大学生入学后学业动态发展情况,本研究调查了2018级140名动物科学专业大学生入学两年后课程学习、社会实践、生活作息、社团活动以及就业深造等维度的反馈数据并从学业基础、校园生活和专业思想等三大方面进行总结分析。结果显示,课程学习和参加社会实践、创新创业活动对学生的学业基础具有较明显的促进作用;新冠疫情导致学习环境急剧转变,作息规律和社团活动等课余生活因素受到一定冲击;入学后转专业情况以及对未来毕业深造等多方面数据显示学生对学业发展持基本满意态度且专业思想在入学两年后逐渐稳定。本研究调查了大学生入学两年后中期阶段的学业数据,为改善畜牧类专业大学生的教学和培养模式提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 畜牧学 大学生 中期 学业调查
当前我国小学生科学学业成就调查研究 被引量:1
作者 胡军 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期30-32,67,共4页
对8个省31个区县18600名小学六年级学生开展的科学学业成就调查发现,有71%的学生能够达到小学科学课程标准中主要内容的要求;学生对生命、物质、地球和宇宙三大领域内容的掌握水平基本相当;随着学生能力水平的提高,其科学探究能力逐渐... 对8个省31个区县18600名小学六年级学生开展的科学学业成就调查发现,有71%的学生能够达到小学科学课程标准中主要内容的要求;学生对生命、物质、地球和宇宙三大领域内容的掌握水平基本相当;随着学生能力水平的提高,其科学探究能力逐渐增强。同时,调查还发现:学生对科学基础知识、基本常识和基本能力的掌握存在不足;运用所学知识联系生活,分析、解释实际问题和现象的能力相对薄弱;综合运用多种技能(能力)处理复杂问题的能力有待增强。针对调查结果,我们需要加强科学课程地位,深化科学教育改革,以改进和提高学生科学学业成就,促进学生科学能力发展。 展开更多
关键词 新课程改革 小学《科学》课程标准 学业成就调查
作者 孙智昌 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期51-54,58,共5页
学业成就调查应以提高教育质量、促进学生发展为根本旨趣,但是现有的学业成就调查主要依据学力模式,重视学生的学习结果,其知识观陈旧,难以测试和解释学生学习的过程,并渗透着相对评价的理念。学业成就调查的学习模式具有先进的知识观... 学业成就调查应以提高教育质量、促进学生发展为根本旨趣,但是现有的学业成就调查主要依据学力模式,重视学生的学习结果,其知识观陈旧,难以测试和解释学生学习的过程,并渗透着相对评价的理念。学业成就调查的学习模式具有先进的知识观、学习观和评价观。学习模式构建的关键是把握学生知识的发展、形成新的学力模式、确立新的调查取向和编制新的测试工具。 展开更多
关键词 学习模式 学力模式 学业成就调查
作者 陈晓东 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期27-29,共3页
对8个省31个区县18600名小学六年级学生的测试发现,78.3%的学生达到了数学课程标准的要求,学生在"统计与概率""空间与图形"方面学习状况要逊色于"数与代数",在"数学思考"方面的表现要逊色于&qu... 对8个省31个区县18600名小学六年级学生的测试发现,78.3%的学生达到了数学课程标准的要求,学生在"统计与概率""空间与图形"方面学习状况要逊色于"数与代数",在"数学思考"方面的表现要逊色于"知识与技能",其综合运用知识解决问题的能力也有待提高。这与课程标准本身的不完善、学生学习方式的转变不到位有关。提高小学生数学学业成就需要进一步完善课程标准,改进课堂教学。课程标准应增加评价标准和机会标准;课堂教学改革的力度还应进一步加大,同时要防止课堂教学中将动手实践、自主探索与合作交流等重要的学习方式绝对化、形式化的倾向。 展开更多
关键词 新课程改革 小学《数学》课程标准 学业成就调查
作者 田芸 欧阳河 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2011年第3期30-34,共5页
澳大利亚《学生学业成效调查》始于1995年,至今已进行了15次。调查所采用的问卷包括评测培训前、中、后三段状态的57个问题。其中核心指标有22条,可类化为5个方面的内容。被调查者根据对题项的认同程度进行评价,有五个等级可供选择,分别... 澳大利亚《学生学业成效调查》始于1995年,至今已进行了15次。调查所采用的问卷包括评测培训前、中、后三段状态的57个问题。其中核心指标有22条,可类化为5个方面的内容。被调查者根据对题项的认同程度进行评价,有五个等级可供选择,分别为:强烈反对、反对、中立、赞同、强烈赞同。根据调查结果,澳大利亚教育、就业与劳资关系部对职业教育与培训进行管理和规划。给我国高等职业教育的启示有:对职业教育的全面评价要包括职业教育过程的前、中、后;政府、科研机构和第三方调查中介合作有利于优化调查队伍;灵活的教育结构能够促进职教的发展。 展开更多
关键词 学业成效调查 高职教育
大规模学业成就调查系列背景问卷的设计与建构 被引量:4
作者 张咏梅 郝懿 +1 位作者 田一 李美娟 《教育科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期5-11,共7页
系列背景问卷调查是全球大规模学业成就调查的核心组成部分。由于功能定位复杂、对象类别繁多、主题涵盖广泛,其对开发应用过程的科学化、专业化与系统化有更高的要求。结合实例,从确定系列背景问卷的功能定位与框架建构入手,重点阐述... 系列背景问卷调查是全球大规模学业成就调查的核心组成部分。由于功能定位复杂、对象类别繁多、主题涵盖广泛,其对开发应用过程的科学化、专业化与系统化有更高的要求。结合实例,从确定系列背景问卷的功能定位与框架建构入手,重点阐述系列背景问卷设计与建构中编制蓝图与题目、评估审订题目、预调查、设计合成问卷、质量控制、数据指标拟合等关键步骤;在此基础上,提出我国在此领域面临的问题及未来展望。 展开更多
关键词 大规模学业成就调查 系列背景问卷 问卷设计
作者 孙智昌 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期61-65,共5页
促进学生发展是学业成就调查的根本旨趣。以科学与人文整合的精神实施调查是发展性学业调查的根本,建立完善的调查体系是发展性学业成就调查的基本条件。对此,应明确学业成就调查的科学性,突出学业成就调查的人文性,并明确学业成就调查... 促进学生发展是学业成就调查的根本旨趣。以科学与人文整合的精神实施调查是发展性学业调查的根本,建立完善的调查体系是发展性学业成就调查的基本条件。对此,应明确学业成就调查的科学性,突出学业成就调查的人文性,并明确学业成就调查体系的功能定位,从而构建学业成就调查的三级体系。唯有在科学性基础上强化人文性,才能促进学生主动性、自主性、创造性和社会性的发展。 展开更多
关键词 学业成就调查 科学性 人文性
Associated factors of professional identity among nursing undergraduates during COVID-19:A cross-sectional study 被引量:8
作者 Man Tang Yumie Sun +4 位作者 Kaili Zhang Ruzhen Luo Yanhui Liu Hongyu Sun Fang Zhou 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期107-113,共7页
Objectives Professional identity plays an important role in the long-term development of nurses,and it will change when public health emergency occurs.The objective of this study is to investigate the factors associat... Objectives Professional identity plays an important role in the long-term development of nurses,and it will change when public health emergency occurs.The objective of this study is to investigate the factors associated with the professional identity of nursing undergraduates in the epidemic of COVID-19.Methods A cross-sectional survey design with convenience sampling was used.A total of 3,875 nursing undergraduates were recruited from seven universities across China from March to April 2020.A general information questionnaire was used to collect students’information,and the Professional Identity Questionnaire for Nurse Students was used to survey their professional identity during the early and later stages of the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.Results The score of professional identity in the later stage(59.49±12.41)was higher than that in the early stage(56.96±12.61).The stepwise regression indicated that several factors were associated with professional identity,including gender,residential area,major,impact of the epidemic on intention to work after graduation,reasons for choosing nursing major and students’scores of professional identity in early stage.Conclusions Nursing educators can utilize the positive impact of responding to public health emergencies to increase the professional identity of students.Meanwhile,educators should give those students with lower professional identity more targeted education to cultivate their professional identity after the occurrence of public health emergencies. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 EPIDEMICS Nursing specialties Nursing students Professional identity Surveys and questionnaires
Effects of the Pre-Task Planning Mode on the Listening Comprehension of Chinese EFL Learners
作者 DING Xiao-lei Songphorn Taj aroensuk 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1197-1203,共7页
This study aims at investigating the effects of the pre-task planning mode on listening comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners as well as students' opinions towards the pre-task plann... This study aims at investigating the effects of the pre-task planning mode on listening comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a foreign language) learners as well as students' opinions towards the pre-task planning mode Three step~., namely, concept mapping, strategic planning, as well as rehearsal, are employed in the pre-task planning mode in the present study. There are altogether 40 second-year English majors participated in the present study, and they are randomly assigned into the experimental group and the control group. The instruments employed in the present study to achieve the research purposes include the listening comprehension test, the teacher's log, the students' opinion questionnaires, the students' open-ended questionnaires, and the semi-structured interviews. Research findings revealed that there were significant main effects on the listening comprehen,;ion of Chinese EFL learners after the training by the pre-task planning mode. Moreover, the students held positive attitudes towards the pre-task planning mode 展开更多
关键词 pre-task planning mode concept mapping strategic planning REHEARSAL listening comprehension
Public Perceptions of Cryosphere Change and the Selection of Adaptation Measures in the rmqi River Basin 被引量:1
作者 Maozhi Deng Hongguang Zhang +1 位作者 Weiyi Mao Yingwei Wang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期149-158,共10页
This study focuses on the characters of public perceptions on climate and cryosphere change,which are based on a questionnaire survey in the(U|¨)r(u|¨)mqi River Basin.In comparison with scientific observatio... This study focuses on the characters of public perceptions on climate and cryosphere change,which are based on a questionnaire survey in the(U|¨)r(u|¨)mqi River Basin.In comparison with scientific observation results of climate and cryosphere change,this paper analyzes the possible impact of the change on water resources and agriculture production in the area.Perceptions of most respondents on climate and cryosphere changes confirm the main objective facts.For the selection of adaptation measures addressing the shortage of water resource,the results are as follows:most people preferred to choose the measures like "policy change" and "basic facility construction" which are mostly implemented by the government and the policy-making department;some people showed more preference to the measures of avoiding unfavorable natural environment,such as finding job in or migrating to other places.The urgency of personal participation in the adaptation measures is still inadequate.Some adaptation measures should be implemented in line with local conditions and require the organic combination of "resource-development" with "water-saving". 展开更多
关键词 climate change cryosphere change public perception adaptation measures questionnaire survey
Research on development trend of Higher Vocational Students' Psychological Health
作者 Tao QIN Fangfang LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期89-91,共3页
According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological pr... According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological problems among higher vocational students are: compulsion, depression and interpersonal communication; boys' mental health is significantly better than girls' ; students from different grades have varies mental health problems. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational mental health Development Trend
Interprofessional education in nursing: The impact of collaboration between physical and mental health care professionals
作者 Cristina Amparo Munoz-Rubilar Carolina Pezoa Carrillos Claudio Barrales Díaz 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期262-268,共7页
Objectives:lnterprofessional collaboration in the training of nursing and psychology students helps provide students of both disciplines with the ability and competences they need to best attend to their patients.This... Objectives:lnterprofessional collaboration in the training of nursing and psychology students helps provide students of both disciplines with the ability and competences they need to best attend to their patients.This study implemented and analyzed a method for developing the competences of each discipline in a scenario of joint clinical simulation that incorporates mental and physical health simultaneously,and measured the caring ability of the participating students.Methods:Participants took a self-applied survey measuring their own caring ability.After,a clinical simulation was performed where nursing students performed clinical interviews on psychology students,who acted as standardized patients.Caring abilities were measured in the nursing students,and the psychology students implemented an intervention service measuring caring ability and brief-debrief simulation by coaching to nursing students.Results:The results indicated that the self-applied questionnaire of caring ability resulted in scores significantly higher than what was measured by observers.Conclusions:The results contribute to the development of protocols,training and collaborative work practices in interprofessional education,which allow the scaling of these competences. 展开更多
关键词 Caring ability Mental health Nursing education Nursing students Simulation training Surveys and questionnaires
The Development of Agroecology at Barani (Burkina Faso) 被引量:1
作者 Jean Louis Yengue Maude Cochonneau 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第8期545-550,共6页
Many researches deal with practices which could adduce reliable answers to insure an ecological development which meets the nowadays global issue "feed the world" in a sustainable way. But scientific research is muc... Many researches deal with practices which could adduce reliable answers to insure an ecological development which meets the nowadays global issue "feed the world" in a sustainable way. But scientific research is much less prolific about social adhesion to those practices. How could we be certain that peasants will integrate them and transform their agriculture? It is at that particular point that we settled our contribution. Our goal is to determine what are the levers which could be activated to promote agroecological practices, and, on the contrary, what are the obstacles which could prevent social adhesion to agroecology. The meticulous fieldwork carried in Barani, a landlocked small village in the North-West of the Burkina Faso, shows that all the ingredients for the development and the dissemination of agroecology already exist. Indeed, traditional agriculture is not so far from agroecology. But we noticed among peasants ofBarani a rejection of the local farming system synonymous, according to them, with backwardness, and an attraction for industrial agriculture, sign of modernity. Dissemination of agroecology will have to go through a major confidence-building work of the peasants with their own practices, as opposed to multiple trainings where they are always being taught what they already know. 展开更多
关键词 AGROECOLOGY agrosystem social adhesion Burkina Faso.
An Investigation Into Freshmen's Autonomous Learning of English Major
作者 SUN Fu-rong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期204-208,共5页
Autonomous learning has been attracting more and more attention in the field of second language teaching and learning since it was put forward. In order to get a better understanding about autonomous learning competen... Autonomous learning has been attracting more and more attention in the field of second language teaching and learning since it was put forward. In order to get a better understanding about autonomous learning competence of freshmen of English major in university, this investigation was conducted in the form of questionnaire and was analyzed according to the data collected. The investigation found that autonomous learning competence of freshmen is poor and worrying. Freshmen have strong motivation for English learning, but they keep old learning habit and more rely on teachers. They are incapable of employing metacognitive strategies in their language learning and are not good at utilizing related learning resources available to them. All these deficiencies hinder improvement of them. So they are in great need of fostering the competence of automous learning. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous learning freshmen of English major INVESTIGATION ANALYSIS
When Prior Knowledge Helps: Self-Report of First-Year University Undergraduates on Academic Writing
作者 Uju C. Ukwuoma 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期861-868,共8页
This qualitative-dominant mixed study used content analysis, interviews, and survey to examine if first-year university undergraduates taking English language academic writing courses consider prior knowledge from hig... This qualitative-dominant mixed study used content analysis, interviews, and survey to examine if first-year university undergraduates taking English language academic writing courses consider prior knowledge from high school English language five-paragraph essay writing style helpful. Sample included 67 first year university undergraduates. All the 67 students considered prior knowledge of the high school five-paragraph essay writing style helpful. They believed that it facilitated a transfer of learning in the first-year university undergraduate academic writing course. However, only 15 out of the respondents, who reported that prior knowledge of the high school English language five-paragraph essay writing style was helpful, also reported that they are level-appropriate competent in the first-year university undergraduate English language academic writing courses after one academic year. As such, essay-writing in high school offers students some foundation-knowledge to succeed in academic writing in universities. Further findings showed that students often delve into essay or academic writing without proper planning. Thus, it is recommended that universities introduce a bridge course specifically to address academic deficiency in reading and writing for all first year undergraduates upon admission into the university. 展开更多
关键词 academic writing first-year university students essay writing five-paragraph style
Experiencing Business English in Community-Based Projects
作者 Wuyungaowa 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期906-915,共10页
With more emphasis on the communicative and pragmatic function of Business English learning, the author discusses a case study of a Business English course based on projects conducted by the students in their communit... With more emphasis on the communicative and pragmatic function of Business English learning, the author discusses a case study of a Business English course based on projects conducted by the students in their community This curriculum aims at students experiencing and implementing their knowledge of Business and English in the real business environments, engaging community in the process, and avoiding isolation and separation of business English teaching and learning from communities. The research lays more importance on the students' experiencing and participating process by providing them with a series of guidelines as reference and assessment, but meanwhile the students have their freedom of choices and decision-making in many aspects. Integrative skills are practiced including linguistic skills, business-related skills, communicative skills, and technology-related skills. Specifically, the students are required to conduct a mini market research in their community. The topic of the research is negotiated, classified, and grouped in the entire class until each individual student belongs to a group. The project procedure and requirements are given to the students on weekly basis, including field of research, questionnaire, data collection and analysis, report, and the final group presentation. Based on their experience from the research, the students write down their reflections. Based on the observation of the instructor and students' feedback, the research found that students' expectations and teacher's roles varied in a number of aspects. A variety of knowledge and skills have been practiced. Problems have also been found in each step of the project. 展开更多
关键词 Business English experiential learning COMMUNITY PROJECT
Introduction to the Model Building of English Learning Motivation Drops
作者 WANG Shuang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期846-850,共5页
By means of interviews with some demotivated students in English learning and questionnaires among 16 teachers of English and 170 non-English majors, this study identifies six latent variables and 18 observable variab... By means of interviews with some demotivated students in English learning and questionnaires among 16 teachers of English and 170 non-English majors, this study identifies six latent variables and 18 observable variables that result in demotivation in English teaming. Then a causal model of demotivation in English teaming is constructed. Relationships within the model are examined through analysis of Moment Structures analysis. It is found that learning environment, valence, learning purposes, interest in English, and anxiety had direct effects on demotivation in English learning. Besides, the interactions among the variables also affect demotivation in English learning. 展开更多
关键词 English teaming DEMOTIVATION construction of model
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