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作者 童强 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2017年第2期4-5,共2页
《高中语文课程标准》指出:"建设高中语文新课程,应正确把握语文教育的特点,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。"根据《课程标准》表现出的理念,"探究"具有三重性质。一、"探究"是指一种学习方式教师应该倡导学生用探究的方... 《高中语文课程标准》指出:"建设高中语文新课程,应正确把握语文教育的特点,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。"根据《课程标准》表现出的理念,"探究"具有三重性质。一、"探究"是指一种学习方式教师应该倡导学生用探究的方式进行语文学习。教师在执行新课标的时候,要让学生对新课标的要求及理念有一定的了解,让他们懂得探究学习方式的重要性。《课程标准》要求教师大力倡导"自主、合作、探究的学习方式",那么,这三者之间的关系如何呢? 展开更多
关键词 高中语文 学习性质 探究学习方式 探究式 《课程标准》 语文课程标准 语文新课程 语文教育
作者 项庆寿 《安徽教育科研(内刊)》 2000年第2期29-31,共3页
关键词 初中生 数学 改革 学习性质 基本过程
人力资本的概念界定及其性质研究 被引量:11
作者 兰玉杰 陈晓剑 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期80-81,94,共3页
关键词 人力资本 概念界定 性质 能动性质 难测性质 学习性质
学生英语学习信念及其与英语学习动机、英语学习行为的关系 被引量:1
作者 宋志燕 王耘 《教学与管理(理论版)》 2013年第10期80-83,共4页
一、英语学习信念的研究现状 学习信念属于认识论范畴,指学生对知识、学习经验所持有的直觉认识,是学生对知识和学习的一套认识信念系统,它涉及对知识性质、学习性质、学习过程等维度的直觉认识。学习信念包括学习的可控性学习速度、... 一、英语学习信念的研究现状 学习信念属于认识论范畴,指学生对知识、学习经验所持有的直觉认识,是学生对知识和学习的一套认识信念系统,它涉及对知识性质、学习性质、学习过程等维度的直觉认识。学习信念包括学习的可控性学习速度、知识结构、知识稳定性、知识的来源五个维度。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习动机 学习信念 学生 学习行为 知识性质 学习经验 信念系统 学习性质
作者 杨慧 《长江工程职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2015年第4期74-76,共3页
着眼于二语习得领域中个体差异因素对语言学习的影响,在语言学习观念理论框架概述的基础上,从学习性质、学习能力的自信心、学习动机等方面分析了大学新生英语学习观念存在的问题,并提出相应的引导策略,以期帮助学生树立正确积极的学习... 着眼于二语习得领域中个体差异因素对语言学习的影响,在语言学习观念理论框架概述的基础上,从学习性质、学习能力的自信心、学习动机等方面分析了大学新生英语学习观念存在的问题,并提出相应的引导策略,以期帮助学生树立正确积极的学习观念。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习观念 学习性质 学习动机 引导策略
作者 周珍 《武夷学院学报》 2017年第2期86-90,共5页
通过对江西省某高师院校英语教育专业大三本科学生的英语学习观念进行问卷调查和访谈,结果表明:英语专业学生的学习观念处于中等水平,动机期待观念最强,学习策略和交际策略次之,学生高估学习困难,低估自身学能,对学习性质认识有一定偏差... 通过对江西省某高师院校英语教育专业大三本科学生的英语学习观念进行问卷调查和访谈,结果表明:英语专业学生的学习观念处于中等水平,动机期待观念最强,学习策略和交际策略次之,学生高估学习困难,低估自身学能,对学习性质认识有一定偏差,此结果为了解高师学生学习观念提供一定依据,也为提高高师英语教学质量起到一定的参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 英语专业 学习观念 学能 学习困难 语言学习性质
作者 李倩雅 《世界教育信息》 2015年第14期72-72,共1页
据欧盟委员会官网2015年5月26日报道,Europeana基金会发布了《教育与学习政策建议》。该文件分析了当前的教育形势,并指出学习性质正在发生变化,学习日益在教室或正规机构之外进行。数字学习日益重要,随着视觉学习者数量的增加,他... 据欧盟委员会官网2015年5月26日报道,Europeana基金会发布了《教育与学习政策建议》。该文件分析了当前的教育形势,并指出学习性质正在发生变化,学习日益在教室或正规机构之外进行。数字学习日益重要,随着视觉学习者数量的增加,他们对视觉效果和动态图像的需求也在不断增长。 展开更多
关键词 学习性质 教育形势 基金会 政策 欧洲 视觉效果 欧盟委员会 数字学习
作者 要蕊 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第5期142-144,共3页
在教育目标与要求不断更新的当下,学科教学对教师本身提出了更多的挑战。面对着这一导向,初中化学教师也应及时做出自己的判断与思考,全面地立足于各种资源库来搜集相关趣味元素,构建出一个更加饱满的课堂,使学生将自己所具有的潜能发... 在教育目标与要求不断更新的当下,学科教学对教师本身提出了更多的挑战。面对着这一导向,初中化学教师也应及时做出自己的判断与思考,全面地立足于各种资源库来搜集相关趣味元素,构建出一个更加饱满的课堂,使学生将自己所具有的潜能发挥出来;教师也可以展开对学生接触化学实践的有力探索与分析,落实情景教学的开展,使学生立足生活,剖析其中的原理公式,站在迁移的视角来完成对生活问题的解决,发展学生的核心素养;教师还需要展开对于客观环境和材料设备的有效开发,亦或是使用数字技术来推进实验,辅助学生在真实的经历与观察中感知实验现象等等,获得多维度的成长。 展开更多
关键词 教学设计 学习性质 实验活动 信息技术综合运用
中职学校“财政与金融基础知识”课程的教法探索 被引量:1
作者 田春 《华夏教师》 2013年第9期70-71,共2页
《财政与金融基础知识》是中等职业学校会计专业的一门基础课程,由于学生刚刚摆脱丰富多彩的初中课堂,初次接触不同于以往学习性质的职业化教育,外加本课程内容本身比较单纯,在教学中很难和学生形成良好的亲和力,致使学生感觉这门... 《财政与金融基础知识》是中等职业学校会计专业的一门基础课程,由于学生刚刚摆脱丰富多彩的初中课堂,初次接触不同于以往学习性质的职业化教育,外加本课程内容本身比较单纯,在教学中很难和学生形成良好的亲和力,致使学生感觉这门课比较艰深难懂,久而久之,学生的学习兴趣和积极性都不够高。 展开更多
关键词 《财政与金融基础知识》 基础课程 教法探索 中职学校 中等职业学校 职业化教育 会计专业 学习性质
作者 周维静 《儿童大世界(教学研究)》 2017年第10期167-167,共1页
区域活动是幼儿按自己的想法意愿进行的一种带有学习性质的游戏。它不是由教师事先设定教学程序,而是通过教师有目的、有计划地投放各种材料,创设活动环境,让幼儿在宽松和谐的环境中,按照自己的能力和意愿,自主地选学习内容和活动... 区域活动是幼儿按自己的想法意愿进行的一种带有学习性质的游戏。它不是由教师事先设定教学程序,而是通过教师有目的、有计划地投放各种材料,创设活动环境,让幼儿在宽松和谐的环境中,按照自己的能力和意愿,自主地选学习内容和活动伙伴,主动地进行探索与交往。在开展区域活动中,我们根据幼儿的年龄特点和发展需要,积极探索、创设安全有序的游戏环境,提供多层次、多用性的活动材料,并以同伴的身份对幼儿加以适时指导。我园的区域活动深受幼儿喜欢,每天要进区角时幼儿脸上流露出灿烂的笑容。 展开更多
关键词 区域活动 幼儿园 班级 活动环境 游戏环境 活动材料 学习性质 教学程序
作者 黄翠珍 《华夏教师》 2014年第8期73-74,共2页
区域活动是在教师创设的有利于幼儿成长的环境中,幼儿按自己的意愿,由幼儿自己设定选择目标、规则、方法,在玩中学,自主地完成整个活动的一种带有学习性质的游戏,能让幼儿充分体验和探索,发挥了幼儿的自主性和主体性,也是对幼儿进行个... 区域活动是在教师创设的有利于幼儿成长的环境中,幼儿按自己的意愿,由幼儿自己设定选择目标、规则、方法,在玩中学,自主地完成整个活动的一种带有学习性质的游戏,能让幼儿充分体验和探索,发挥了幼儿的自主性和主体性,也是对幼儿进行个别化教育的最佳手段.如何有效开展区域活动,满足幼儿发展的不同需要,我积累了一些经验,并进行如下总结: 展开更多
关键词 区域活动 幼儿成长 个别化教育 学习性质 幼儿发展 自主性 主体性 教师
作者 喻兴艳 《基础教育论坛》 2013年第5期64-64,共1页
在幼儿园的教育中,教师与幼儿每时每刻都在发生着互动,教师与幼儿的每一个细小的互动事件,都直接影响着教育的效果以及幼儿的身心健康的发展.区域活动是幼儿园普遍采用的一种教育活动形式,是幼儿按自己意愿进行的一种带有学习性质... 在幼儿园的教育中,教师与幼儿每时每刻都在发生着互动,教师与幼儿的每一个细小的互动事件,都直接影响着教育的效果以及幼儿的身心健康的发展.区域活动是幼儿园普遍采用的一种教育活动形式,是幼儿按自己意愿进行的一种带有学习性质的活动.如何在区域活动中促进幼儿主动、和谐的发展?建构积极有效的师幼互动是提高区域游戏质量的关键. 展开更多
关键词 区域游戏 师幼互动 孩子 教育活动 区域活动 幼儿园 身心健康 学习性质
Effect of Zinc Deficiency on Blood Cortisol and ACTH Concentrations,Cerebrum Cortex NO Synthase Activity in Rat
作者 刘燕强 顾景范 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期429-432,共4页
The effects of zinc deficiency on the serum cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentration,and the cerebrum nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in rats were studied.Growing rats were allotted to three... The effects of zinc deficiency on the serum cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentration,and the cerebrum nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in rats were studied.Growing rats were allotted to three groups,which were zinc deficiency (ZD),paired fed (PF) and zinc supplementation after feeding zinc deficient food for 21 days (ZS).The duration of feed test was 35 days.Compared with PF rats,serum cortisol concentration in ZD ones was significantly increased,whereas serum ACTH concentration and cerebrum NOS activity were significantly decreased.The results suggested that zinc might influence the metabolism of hypothalamic hypophysial adrenocortical axis and NOS. 展开更多
关键词 Zinc deficiency CORTISOL ACTH NO synthase
Targeted design of advanced electrocatalysts by machine learning 被引量:7
作者 Letian Chen Xu Zhang +3 位作者 An Chen Sai Yao Xu Hu Zhen Zhou 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期11-32,共22页
Exploring the production and application of clean energy has always been the core of sustainable development.As a clean and sustainable technology,electrocatalysis has been receiving widespread attention.It is crucial... Exploring the production and application of clean energy has always been the core of sustainable development.As a clean and sustainable technology,electrocatalysis has been receiving widespread attention.It is crucial to achieve efficient,stable and cheap electrocatalysts.However,the traditional“trial and error”method is time-consuming,laborious and costly.In recent years,with the significant increase in computing power,computations have played an important role in electrocatalyst design.Nevertheless,it is still difficult to search for advanced electrocatalysts in the vast chemical space through traditional density functional theory(DFT)computations.Fortunately,the development of machine learning and interdisciplinary integration will inject new impetus into targeted design of electrocatalysts.Machine learning is able to predict electrochemical performances with an accuracy close to DFT.Here we provide an overview of the application of machine learning in electrocatalyst design,including the prediction of structure,thermodynamic properties and kinetic barriers.We also discuss the potential of explicit solvent model combined with machine learning molecular dynamics in this field.Finally,the favorable circumstances and challenges are outlined for the future development of machine learning in electrocatalysis.The studies on electrochemical processes by machine learning will further realize targeted design of high-efficiency electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCATALYST Machine learning Targeted design Thermodynamics properties Kinetic barrier
Exploring Some Tactics on How to Make English Lessons More Effective
作者 Hongmei Chang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期8-12,共5页
This paper explores some effective tactics on the teaching of English. It starts with the introduction of the importance of learning English, then it reveals the qualities and useful strategies that a teacher of Engli... This paper explores some effective tactics on the teaching of English. It starts with the introduction of the importance of learning English, then it reveals the qualities and useful strategies that a teacher of English should master if he or she wants to make his or her lessons successful. It also conducts the analysis of how these tactics interact in the classroom teaching. The paper concludes that examining effective ways of teaching is useful in helping teachers either in their academic field or in their professional development. 展开更多
关键词 quality management interaction error positive strategy professional
Antidepressant Drugs Modulate Differentially Anti-inflammatory Lithium's Property: An in Vitro and in Vivo Study
作者 Femanda Barbisan Pedro Antonio Schmidt do Prado-Lima +8 位作者 Veronica Farina Azzolin Maiquidieli Dal Berto Claudia Giuliano Bica Cibele Ferreira Teixeira Dianni Capeleto Ivo Emilio da Cruz Jung Euler Esteves Ribeiro Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura Duarte Ivana Beatrice Manica da Cruz 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2018年第4期287-304,共18页
Li (lithium), a mood stabilizer has anti-inflammatory effect. However, in clinical practice, Li can be administered together with other antidepressants drugs, such as FLX (fluoxetine), IMI (imipramine), NOR (no... Li (lithium), a mood stabilizer has anti-inflammatory effect. However, in clinical practice, Li can be administered together with other antidepressants drugs, such as FLX (fluoxetine), IMI (imipramine), NOR (nortriptyline) and ESC (escitalopram). As interaction between Li and these antidepressant drugs on inflammatory modulation has not been investigated yet, we performed an in vitro protocol using a non-human macrophage cell line. Oxidative and inflammatory markers, as well as cell cycle analysis and cytokine gene expressions were compared among treatments. An IR (inflammatory ratio) was calculated based on the following oxidative-inflammatory variables: nitric oxide, superoxide anion, reactive oxygen molecules, cytokines IL-113, IL-6, TNF-ct and IL-10. The in vitro calculated IR data were validated through an in vivo analysis of 154 human subjects with similar IR. Li and control cells presented similar IR values. FLX, NOR and IMI increased slightly IR values indicating some proinflammatory effect, whereas ESC decreased IR values indicating some anti-inflammatory effect. However, cells exposed to Li + ESC triggered a proinflammatory response on macrophages. Thus, IR comparison results suggest that the Li anti-inflammatory effect is not universal and could be influenced by both basal macrophage-inflammatory state and interaction of other psychiatric drugs. These results could be useful to understand some inconsistencies observed in human studies involving Li and other psychiatric drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Mood disorders INFLAMMATION selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors bipolar disorder lithium.
Reflection--The Story of Water
作者 Marijana Magdic Vlatka Husetovic Mirna Coljak 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2017年第3期107-115,共9页
Starting from the fact that water is quite arguably the source of life, the authors agreed to set up a project on water and name it: "REFLECTION". Particular focus was placed on the following issues: water in natu... Starting from the fact that water is quite arguably the source of life, the authors agreed to set up a project on water and name it: "REFLECTION". Particular focus was placed on the following issues: water in nature, importance of water in human life, physical and chemical properties of water, protection of water in nature. The aim of the project was to make students aware of the importance of water for health as well as to help them develop a rational relationship towards drinking water. In order to find answers to the issues raised, the authors designed worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, educational games (ecological postcards, dominoes, memory games, etc.). The authors even tried our hand at making a comic strip. Students learned about the influence of water on health, as well as about water content in particular foods. The long-term goal of the project is to introduce children to scientific approach and methodology. Through active participation and dialogue, students discover cooperative learning and acquire skills that will be beneficial to them as well as to the wider community. Working on the project, students' evidence that the role of an individual is a key one in building a better world. This insight helps develop their civic skills and attitudes that serve as the starting point for environmental education. The authors made numerous adaptations and implemented individual approach with the goal of training students for independent work and life according to their personal abilities in line with the principles of inclusive education. Students conduct experiments following step-by-step instructions on specially adapted worksheets. Each student gets positive feedback and experiences the joy of success that leads to the development of self-confidence and love of work and learning. 展开更多
关键词 Water in nature water content in foods nature protection ECOLOGY education.
Experimemal study on improving the durability of concrete with Mineral Powder and Activator
作者 BAI YuXiang ZHOU Yunlin 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期10-12,共3页
An equivalent amount of metallurgical slag, water-quenched slag powder and activator was substituted for a part of cement to prepare concretes at strength grades ofC25, C30 and C40. Thanks to the filling effect, pozzo... An equivalent amount of metallurgical slag, water-quenched slag powder and activator was substituted for a part of cement to prepare concretes at strength grades ofC25, C30 and C40. Thanks to the filling effect, pozzolanic effect, raicro-aggregate effect, and improvement of pore structure, the prepared concretes not only had greater strength compared with reference concrete, but also had greater impermeability and frost-resistance. Moreover, the expansion reactions between alkali and aggregates were effectively inhibited. The slag and activator can serve as the raw materials for green concretes. 展开更多
关键词 Activity rate pozzolanic effect Alkali-aggregate reaction DURABILITY
Study the Physical, Chemical, Mineralogical, and Geo-technical Properties of Soils Used in Pottery Industries, Kurdistan-lraq
作者 Ezzat Findi Yahya Mohammed Ali Fayyadh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第11期843-849,共7页
The study area is located in Duhok and Sulaimania province in Kurdistan region, lraq. Study soils developed from parent material that has derived from limestone. Randomize, composed and disturbed surface soil samples ... The study area is located in Duhok and Sulaimania province in Kurdistan region, lraq. Study soils developed from parent material that has derived from limestone. Randomize, composed and disturbed surface soil samples were collected. The bulk soils were air dried, crushed and passed through 2 mm sieve. Standard methods were used for chemical, physical, geotechnical and mineralogical analyses of soil samples. The results indicated that the study soils texture were clay to loam clay, this texture was considered as suitable for ceramic and pottery industries as a result of increasing clay contents that ranged between 301 g/kg and 676 g/kg. Soil consistence depending on geotechnical properties increased the ability of study soils for resistance rapture and deformation. Existence the high amount of cementing agents in study soils such as organic matter, iron oxides and particularly total carbonate (247.2-308.8 g/kg) act to reduce the bad effect of the smectite minerals group (high shrinkage) in soils of study locations through increasing the resistance of these soils for rupture and deformation. The existing of Kaolinite, palygorskite and chlorite allows clay to be dried in ceramic and pottery industries without cracking from shrinkage. Study soils were different in their colors as a result of existence, different pigmentation materials that led to coloring soils with different colors in turn caused coloring of pottery and ceramic materials. Since, there are no available academic studies or researches about this subject in Kurdistan region in addition the clay pottery and ceramic sector still has a good market at the same time using this type of soils for arts, therefore, this study was conducted. 展开更多
关键词 Soil pottery industries clay minerals soil color cementing agents geo-technical properties.
Study of the Practice Teaching Reform of Floriculture
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期13-15,共3页
This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of the of gardening flowers professional practice teaching, including: rigid and obsolete teaching mode, student learning enthusiasm deficiencies; practice over ... This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of the of gardening flowers professional practice teaching, including: rigid and obsolete teaching mode, student learning enthusiasm deficiencies; practice over a single, and the lack of opportunity to practice and platform; lack of software and hardware construction, internship bases imperfect; lack of teachers' quality, teaching lack the times. The paper proposes a gardening the flowers professional practice teaching improvement strategies, including: innovative teaching ideas, improvement of education quality; comprehensive local conditions perfect practice, promote the construction and improvement of the practice platform; increase funding, improve the practice teachin~ base; to enhance the training and continuing education to improve practice, the overall quality of the course insla'uctor. 展开更多
关键词 Practice teaching of floriculture Status quo PROBLEMS Improvement strategies
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