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合作学习主导的学习模式在大学英语课堂教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 龚勤 《开封文化艺术职业学院学报》 2020年第3期76-77,共2页
合作学习主导的学习模式(Think-Pair-Share)是国外课堂上一种常用的激发学生思维的教学模式,它能增强课堂互动,有效地调动学生的课堂学习参与度,鼓励学生积极思考,加深学生对知识的全面理解。从合作学习主导的学习模式的两大理论基础主... 合作学习主导的学习模式(Think-Pair-Share)是国外课堂上一种常用的激发学生思维的教学模式,它能增强课堂互动,有效地调动学生的课堂学习参与度,鼓励学生积极思考,加深学生对知识的全面理解。从合作学习主导的学习模式的两大理论基础主动学习理论和合作学习理论出发,随后探讨其在大学英语课堂教学中的应用,旨在促进中国英语课堂教学效果的提高。 展开更多
关键词 合作学习主导的学习模式 大学英语 合作学习 教学改革
作者 杨志军 钟丽 +1 位作者 唐英福 何燕东 《中国科教创新导刊》 2012年第7期55-56,共2页
如何提高高校思想政治理论课学习效率,一直是思想政治理论课教师关注的问题。将学习型组织理论应用在学生思想政治理论课学习中,构建思想政治理论课学习型学习模式,对提高学生学习思想政治理论课兴趣,培养学生的思辨能力和探究精神... 如何提高高校思想政治理论课学习效率,一直是思想政治理论课教师关注的问题。将学习型组织理论应用在学生思想政治理论课学习中,构建思想政治理论课学习型学习模式,对提高学生学习思想政治理论课兴趣,培养学生的思辨能力和探究精神都有着积极的意义。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治理论课 学习学习模式 研究
大学英语混合教学中合作学习与自主学习集成模式研究 被引量:20
作者 应洁琼 宁强 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2019年第3期45-47,共3页
在大学英语混合教学中,合作学习与自主学习集成模式将大学英语教学分成网络平台学习和课堂面授两大模块,学习者在网络平台上以自主学习方式学习知识型内容,在课堂和网络平台上以合作学习方式对技能型内容进行操练。该模式具有学习内容... 在大学英语混合教学中,合作学习与自主学习集成模式将大学英语教学分成网络平台学习和课堂面授两大模块,学习者在网络平台上以自主学习方式学习知识型内容,在课堂和网络平台上以合作学习方式对技能型内容进行操练。该模式具有学习内容多样化、学习载体多元化和学习交互对象国际化等特点。它提倡以学生为中心,实现教师与学生角色的转变,促进学习方式和学习语境的改变,进而提高学生的自主学习能力。这种以合作学习促自主学习的集成模式,有助于提高大学英语教学的效果,对大学英语混合教学有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语混合教学 合作学习 自主学习 合作学习与自主学习集成模式 学习内容多样化 学习载体多元化 学习交互对象国际化
作者 刘徽 《现代教学》 2018年第5期74-77,共4页
[本书及作者简介]李瑾,美国哈佛大学教育学院人类发展暨心理学博士。《文化溯源:东方与西方的学习理念》一书提出了以心智为导向的西方学习模式(旨在开发心智以理解世界)和以美德为导向的东方学习模式(追求个人在道德方面的完善并... [本书及作者简介]李瑾,美国哈佛大学教育学院人类发展暨心理学博士。《文化溯源:东方与西方的学习理念》一书提出了以心智为导向的西方学习模式(旨在开发心智以理解世界)和以美德为导向的东方学习模式(追求个人在道德方面的完善并实现自己的社会价值),并具体分析了两种学习模式在学习过程、学习情绪、同伴情境、教养方式上的区别。 展开更多
关键词 文化溯源 学习理念 学习模式 学习情绪 道德方面 教养方式 大学教育学院 作者简介 学习过程 心理学博士
指向儿童思维发展的场景学习 被引量:6
作者 李传庚 《中小学管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期27-29,共3页
指向儿童思维发展的学习应该回到它发生的地方——场景。为了解决儿童学习“在场”与“在思”的问题,促进儿童在学习过程中思维与情感的融合,江苏省南京市三牌楼小学提出“点燃儿童思维的场景学习”教育命题,从课堂、场馆、社区家庭及... 指向儿童思维发展的学习应该回到它发生的地方——场景。为了解决儿童学习“在场”与“在思”的问题,促进儿童在学习过程中思维与情感的融合,江苏省南京市三牌楼小学提出“点燃儿童思维的场景学习”教育命题,从课堂、场馆、社区家庭及线上四个维度建构学习场景,探索场景学习的关键要素、实践样态,形成了场景学习的教与学范式。 展开更多
关键词 场景学习 儿童思维 学习场景 生活世界 活动式学习模式:混合式学习模式
提高成人英语自主学习能力之行动研究 被引量:1
作者 王艳春 《科教文汇》 2008年第29期140-141,共2页
本文就如何提高成人英语学习者的自主学习能力进行探索,制定并实施了基于学习材料学习模式的具体行动研究方案,在研究中通过访谈,问卷调查等手段收集研究数据,通过SPSS14.O进行统计,借助配对样本t检验的方法进行分析,表明实验前后学生... 本文就如何提高成人英语学习者的自主学习能力进行探索,制定并实施了基于学习材料学习模式的具体行动研究方案,在研究中通过访谈,问卷调查等手段收集研究数据,通过SPSS14.O进行统计,借助配对样本t检验的方法进行分析,表明实验前后学生自主学习能力差异显著,证明了行动方案的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 自主学习 基于学习材料的学习模式 行动研究
作者 余蓓 程彩霞 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2023年第11期35-37,共3页
随着社会进入互联网时代,信息时代,电子设备及应用程序进入大学课堂已屡见不鲜,它们不断冲击和改变着传统的教育理念与教学方式。各种教学APP在大学课程中已经普遍应用了,基于云班课的教学软件能全面的实现线上线下的混合制教学。本文... 随着社会进入互联网时代,信息时代,电子设备及应用程序进入大学课堂已屡见不鲜,它们不断冲击和改变着传统的教育理念与教学方式。各种教学APP在大学课程中已经普遍应用了,基于云班课的教学软件能全面的实现线上线下的混合制教学。本文以云班课为媒介通过分析翻转课堂与传统教育的混合学习模式在高职教学中利与弊,从而为进一步推动高职院校教学改革及创新提供一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 云班课 混合 学习模式学习
以问题为基础-以文献为导向教学模式在《老年护理学》教学中应用 被引量:19
作者 赵静 颜君 《现代临床护理》 2019年第6期71-75,共5页
目的探讨基于以问题为基础的学习(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)-以文献为导向的自我学习(Reference-Induced Self-Education,RISE)相结合的教学模式在《老年护理学》教学中的应用效果。方法采用便利抽样法,选取本学院69名2014年级护理... 目的探讨基于以问题为基础的学习(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)-以文献为导向的自我学习(Reference-Induced Self-Education,RISE)相结合的教学模式在《老年护理学》教学中的应用效果。方法采用便利抽样法,选取本学院69名2014年级护理本科生为对照组,采用传统的教学模式;选取74名2015年级护理本科生为干预组,实施基于PBL-RISE教学模式,比较两组学生小组作业、见习心得、个人作业及课程总分的差异,了解干预组学生对PBL-RISE教学模式的评价情况。结果干预组学生的小组作业、见习心得、个人作业及课程总分均高于对照组(P<0.05),且PBL-RISE教学模式及具体教学内容得到87.84%以上学生的认可。结论PBL-RISE教学模式能有效提高《老年护理学》的教学效果,并且得到学生的认可。 展开更多
关键词 老年护理 以问题为基础的学习-以文献为导向的自我学习教学模式 护理教育
作者 庄艺锋 《科教文汇》 2008年第9期63-63,共1页
随着知识经济时代的到来,社会对人材培养模式提出了全新要求,教育理念也发生了重大变化,学生的创新意识、实践能力和个性发展越来越受到重视,并成为教育改革的热点。本文根据职业技术学院机械基础课的教学特点,在课堂教学过程中实施探... 随着知识经济时代的到来,社会对人材培养模式提出了全新要求,教育理念也发生了重大变化,学生的创新意识、实践能力和个性发展越来越受到重视,并成为教育改革的热点。本文根据职业技术学院机械基础课的教学特点,在课堂教学过程中实施探究教学,充分发挥教师的主导作用,真正落实学生的主体地位,从而促进学生有意义学习的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 机械设计基础课探究学习教学模式学习方式创新能力
基于网络平台的线上线下混合式学习在外科学总论中的应用 被引量:2
作者 陈立军 曾祥军 +2 位作者 郑玲 邓开玉 王雪莉 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2022年第10期1317-1321,共5页
目的探究混合式学习在外科学总论教学中的应用。方法以湖南医药学院医学院2015级、2016级临床本科生为研究对象。从2015级选取1个教学班作为对照组(n=117),采取传统教学方式;从2016级选取1个教学班级作为试验组(n=115)采取混合式学习方... 目的探究混合式学习在外科学总论教学中的应用。方法以湖南医药学院医学院2015级、2016级临床本科生为研究对象。从2015级选取1个教学班作为对照组(n=117),采取传统教学方式;从2016级选取1个教学班级作为试验组(n=115)采取混合式学习方式。对比两组过程性考核成绩和期末考试成绩。对实行混合式学习的2016级学生进行学习满意度调查。用SPSS 22.0进行t检验。结果试验组在过程性考核成绩、期末考试成绩方面均优于对照组[(93.65±3.71)vs(.91.46±5.63);(68.36±8.14)vs.(64.94±8.98)];对2016级学生的问卷调查结果显示学生对混合式学习的满意率很高,其认可率为90%以上。结论在临床课程外科学总论的教学中,混合式学习受到学生高度认可,能提升学生的自主学习能力和学习兴趣,同时增加学生课堂参与度和师生互动,最终提高学生的专业综合素质及思辨能力。 展开更多
关键词 混合式学习模式/线上线下学习 教学设计 外科学总论 课程思政
Study of English Teaching Model of Autonomous Leaming
作者 Lijun Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期1-4,共4页
Autonomous learning is a modem learning way that corresponds with the traditional acceptance learning. Students as the main body of learning by students' independent analysis, exploration, practice,questioning, creat... Autonomous learning is a modem learning way that corresponds with the traditional acceptance learning. Students as the main body of learning by students' independent analysis, exploration, practice,questioning, create other methods to achieve the learning objectives. This paper analyzed the characteristic of self-learning and the theoretical basis of the implementation of autonomous learning during English teaching process focused on the College English independent study pattern. 展开更多
关键词 SELF-LEARNING teaching model English Teaching
Learner Autonomy and Attribution: A Paradigm Shift in ELT in India
作者 J. John Sekar 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期583-592,共10页
Learner autonomy and attribution impact English language acquisition. Learners should be encouraged to take the responsibility for their success or failure, and achievement or underperformance in the acquisition of En... Learner autonomy and attribution impact English language acquisition. Learners should be encouraged to take the responsibility for their success or failure, and achievement or underperformance in the acquisition of English as an L2 (second language). A paradigm shift can be visible on the part of teachers and students of English only when they are metamorphosed voluntarily into classroom facilitators and autonomous learners with changed duties and responsibilities. As facilitators, teachers closely monitor learners' attributions to their success/failure in English language courses. "Attribution" means "how learners learn about themselves and order uncertain environments". Teachers are very often unaware of learner attributions; so it becomes essential for them to increase their awareness of learner attributions so that they can become facilitators. Interaction is the only medium for acquisition of English in the classroom, and teachers can play the role of a catalyst only when they allow students to become leamers with autonomy and right kind of learner attributions. Autonomy implies accountability. Very often, learner attributions clash with teacher attributions. As long as there is a clash, teachers can never claim themselves as facilitators of learning. This paper identifies the attributions of Indian learners of English, and studies if they clash with those of teachers. It also finds out the means of minimizing the negative and undesirable attributions of both facilitators and learners. Two standardized research questionnaires were developed and administered among students and teachers to identify the attributions, and to detect the desirability and feasibility of learner autonomy in the Indian context. 展开更多
关键词 paradigm shift learner autonomy leamer attributions FACILITATOR LEARNER self-access center
EEG classification based on probabilistic neural network with supervised learning in brain computer interface 被引量:1
作者 吴婷 Yan Guozheng +1 位作者 Yang Banghua Sun Hong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第4期384-387,共4页
Aiming at the topic of electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern recognition in brain computer interface (BCI), a classification method based on probabilistic neural network (PNN) with supervised learning is presented ... Aiming at the topic of electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern recognition in brain computer interface (BCI), a classification method based on probabilistic neural network (PNN) with supervised learning is presented in this paper. It applies the recognition rate of training samples to the learning progress of network parameters. The learning vector quantization is employed to group training samples and the Genetic algorithm (GA) is used for training the network' s smoothing parameters and hidden central vector for detemlining hidden neurons. Utilizing the standard dataset I (a) of BCI Competition 2003 and comparing with other classification methods, the experiment results show that the best performance of pattern recognition Js got in this way, and the classification accuracy can reach to 93.8%, which improves over 5% compared with the best result (88.7 % ) of the competition. This technology provides an effective way to EEG classification in practical system of BCI. 展开更多
关键词 Probabilistic neural network (PNN) supervised learning brain computer interface (BCI) electroencephalogram (EEG)
The Construction of Formative Assessment Mode in Ethnic Minority Classes in Universities
作者 WANG Huan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第7期479-484,共6页
From analyzing the current situations of formative assessment of ethnic minority students' college English in China and abroad, this paper gives the specific problems, the significance, and the research values of con... From analyzing the current situations of formative assessment of ethnic minority students' college English in China and abroad, this paper gives the specific problems, the significance, and the research values of constructing the research. It tries to construct the formative assessment mode of ethnic minority class's college English on the basis of multimedia teaching, systematically and comprehensively investigates and analyzes the formative assessment's impacts upon the fostering of ethnic minority students' autonomous learning abilities, the impacts upon language learning and teaching, and the impacts upon the ethnic minority students' academic achievements and learning motives. The aim of this paper is to comprehensively enhance ethnic minority students' college English teaching qualities and the system of tests and assessments. The project based on relative theories and principals like language acquisition theory, humanism theory, constructivism theory, formative assessment, and summative assessment. According to the distinctiveness of ethnic minority college English teaching in science and technology, we are trying to construct the formative assessment system of ethnic minority college English teaching on the basis of multi-media network teaching mode. We comprehensively and systematically investigate and analyze the construction of the formative assessments' impact upon the cultivation of ethnic minority students' autonomous learning abilities, the impact upon language learning and teaching, the impact upon students' academic achievements, oral scores, and students' learning motivations. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment ethnic minority students CONSTRUCTION
Research on Collaborative Learning in Network Learning Environment
作者 Changqing DU Jijian LU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期107-109,共3页
This paper summarizes the basic content of network curriculum design based on online learning mode and the basic flow, as well as network course should have the factors that suitable of the mode and attention matters ... This paper summarizes the basic content of network curriculum design based on online learning mode and the basic flow, as well as network course should have the factors that suitable of the mode and attention matters in the design collaboration mode of network course. Based on this, other researchers and practitioners can conveniently and effectively design network course based on the cooperation mode. Through the analysis of the network curriculum development and the actual case, verify advantage of collaborative online learning mode. 展开更多
关键词 Learning environment Collaboration learning activities Online Training Online Course
Study of the Practice Teaching Reform of Floriculture
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期13-15,共3页
This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of the of gardening flowers professional practice teaching, including: rigid and obsolete teaching mode, student learning enthusiasm deficiencies; practice over ... This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of the of gardening flowers professional practice teaching, including: rigid and obsolete teaching mode, student learning enthusiasm deficiencies; practice over a single, and the lack of opportunity to practice and platform; lack of software and hardware construction, internship bases imperfect; lack of teachers' quality, teaching lack the times. The paper proposes a gardening the flowers professional practice teaching improvement strategies, including: innovative teaching ideas, improvement of education quality; comprehensive local conditions perfect practice, promote the construction and improvement of the practice platform; increase funding, improve the practice teachin~ base; to enhance the training and continuing education to improve practice, the overall quality of the course insla'uctor. 展开更多
关键词 Practice teaching of floriculture Status quo PROBLEMS Improvement strategies
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