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白内障超声乳化吸除术学习过程中后囊膜破裂的发生与预防 被引量:35
作者 庄鹏 林映竑 徐国兴 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期167-169,共3页
关键词 白内障 超声乳化吸除术 学习过程中 后囊膜破裂 发生 预防
作者 李先贵 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)教育科学》 2019年第5期296-296,298,共2页
高中数学的圆锥曲线问题有一定的难度和抽象性,我们在解答的过程中,可能会存在没有解题的思路等问题。所以,在日常学习的过程中,要对这类问题进行详细的探究,详细了解其中的理论知识和定理,并将其灵活应用在具体的解题中。因此,本文针... 高中数学的圆锥曲线问题有一定的难度和抽象性,我们在解答的过程中,可能会存在没有解题的思路等问题。所以,在日常学习的过程中,要对这类问题进行详细的探究,详细了解其中的理论知识和定理,并将其灵活应用在具体的解题中。因此,本文针对高中数学的圆锥曲线问题做出了进一步探究,对圆锥曲线的范围问题、圆锥曲线点坐标问题、圆锥曲线方程给出了详细的分析。 展开更多
关键词 数学 圆锥 曲线在日常学习过程 不但要对其的理论知识和定理有详细的了解 还要学会应用
作者 滕浩 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2020年第10期201-201,共1页
不管是在传统的教学模式中,还是在新时代的教学背景下,课堂提问都是教师常用的一种教学方式,在初中化学教学课堂中,对于学生在课堂中进行知识内容的提问,是课堂教学环节必不可少的一环,如果缺少了这个组成部分,课堂中的教学效果就是不... 不管是在传统的教学模式中,还是在新时代的教学背景下,课堂提问都是教师常用的一种教学方式,在初中化学教学课堂中,对于学生在课堂中进行知识内容的提问,是课堂教学环节必不可少的一环,如果缺少了这个组成部分,课堂中的教学效果就是不完整的,教师也不能对于学生对知识内容的掌握情况得到及时的反馈结果,这样一来就会降低教学有效性,因此,本文就初中化学教学课堂中提问的有效性探究进行分析和探讨,提出指导意见。 展开更多
关键词 化学 提问的有效性 备课过程分析学生学习状况 注重问题的层次性 做出有效正面的评价
Implications of Reportage Texts in EFL Teaching
作者 常锦平 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期12-15,共4页
In this paper, the author discusses implications of original reportage texts in EFL teaching and learning from the perspectives of socio-linguistics and pragmatic competence. The author also discusses a proper approac... In this paper, the author discusses implications of original reportage texts in EFL teaching and learning from the perspectives of socio-linguistics and pragmatic competence. The author also discusses a proper approach for teaching medical postgraduate students, which is centered on students and based on research. This approach for teaching and leaning has been proved effective and students have improved in their socio-linguistic and pragmatic competences. This approach should have implications to EFL teachers who teach students of other specialties. 展开更多
关键词 reportage texts pragmatic competence research-based approach student-centered teaching process
作者 汤健 《商情》 2009年第10期109-109,共1页
合同法是市场经济的基本法律,合同法律思维是高职财经类专业学生必须掌握的。我认为,《合同法实训教程》的编写应以实现学生今天的实训内容与明天的工作任务无缝对接为目标,着力培养学生案件事实抽象概括能力和法律规定演绎解释能力... 合同法是市场经济的基本法律,合同法律思维是高职财经类专业学生必须掌握的。我认为,《合同法实训教程》的编写应以实现学生今天的实训内容与明天的工作任务无缝对接为目标,着力培养学生案件事实抽象概括能力和法律规定演绎解释能力,通过对学生学习性实训任务的设计推动学生主动参与,动态体验各类合同纠纷的产生与救济过程,从错误中学习,从而提高正确的合同动手操作能力。 展开更多
关键词 过程学习 动态博弈案例教学法 任务驱动 无缝对接
A Discussion of Middle School English Teaching and Learning Based on the Multimedia
作者 Huang Duoli 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期42-50,共9页
Multimedia plays a very important role in English teaching, but teachers always place undue reliance on multimedia or completely ignore the use of multimedia in middle school English teaching. First, this paper discus... Multimedia plays a very important role in English teaching, but teachers always place undue reliance on multimedia or completely ignore the use of multimedia in middle school English teaching. First, this paper discusses the importance of multimedia. Secondly, it presents several helpful methods for middle school English teaching by using multimedia. Finally, it shows how to effectively use these methods in middle school English class. The purpose of this discussion is to facilitate students in learning process in middle school English learning and improve the effect of English language teaching in middle school. 展开更多
关键词 school English multimedia assisted teaching methods
Instructional Planning Among Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: Factors That Influence Performance in Business Studies
作者 Paul A. Odundo Samson O. Gunga Boniface N. Ngaruiya 《Sociology Study》 2014年第5期395-410,共16页
Instructional planning gives teachers control over teaching/learning process and assures learning achievement. However, instructional planning and the linkage to learning achievement remain deficient in literature. Th... Instructional planning gives teachers control over teaching/learning process and assures learning achievement. However, instructional planning and the linkage to learning achievement remain deficient in literature. This study assessed factors influencing teachers' decision to plan lessons, and effect of lesson planning on learning achievement. Primary data were obtained from 341 teachers of business studies. Bivariate analysis obtained cross-tabulations with Chisquare (χ2) and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); while multivariate analysis obtained β coefficients and odds ratios. The study found that average workload accounted for the highest variance in the availability of lesson plans at 8.5%, suggesting that reducing workload is likely to increase the proportion of those planning their teaching by up to 8.5%, followed by professional experience (7.6%), lesson plan inspection frequency (6.9%), professional training (5.9%), administrative duties (5.8%), and teacher motivation (4.7%). The adjusted regression model explained 46.5% of variance in availability of lesson plans. The study recommends: higher budgetary allocation for Teachers' Service Commission to hire more teachers; school boards to generate supplementary resources and hire trained teachers; regular spot checks on lesson plans; and appropriate motivation for teachers. 展开更多
关键词 Instructional PLANNING business studies
作者 梁国盛 《数理化解题研究(初中版)》 2015年第5期57-57,共1页
物理猜想能够启发学生的思维,能培养学生思维的逻辑性.在物理教材中。“探究”、“想想议议”、“想想做做”、“动手动脑学物理”等教学内容为培养学生的猜想提供了内容上的保障.在新课程标准下,教材会推动学生进行猜想,但是在实... 物理猜想能够启发学生的思维,能培养学生思维的逻辑性.在物理教材中。“探究”、“想想议议”、“想想做做”、“动手动脑学物理”等教学内容为培养学生的猜想提供了内容上的保障.在新课程标准下,教材会推动学生进行猜想,但是在实践猜想过程中,有些学生是被动地进行猜想,所以笔者在本文就本人的教学现状浅谈“猜想教学”的一些看法.希望能得到广大同仁的批评指正。 展开更多
关键词 著名科学家波利亚说过:“物理猜想能缩短解决问题的时间 获得物理发现的机会 锻炼物理思维.”由此可见 猜想在学习物理过程有着非常重要的作用 它能启发学生的思维 能培养学生思维的逻辑性.笔者在本文浅谈如何在初物理教学培养学生的猜想.
Simulations of Using Vectors in Natural Sciences Education
作者 Dijana Capeska Bogatinoska Linda Fahlberg Stojanovska Biljana Janakievska 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第9期455-459,共5页
The implementation of ICT (information and communication technologies) into the educational process is becoming a reality in the 21st century. Today's students grow up with technology. To keep their attention, scie... The implementation of ICT (information and communication technologies) into the educational process is becoming a reality in the 21st century. Today's students grow up with technology. To keep their attention, scientific problems should be solved through visualization, which is made possible using ICT in the educational process. In the modem educational process, students still have difficulties in learning science concepts. Also, it is a very common problem that students cannot apply mathematical language and concepts into other science areas such as physics, engineering, etc. For example, students start learning about vectors in mathematics in secondary school. Vectors are very important because they have a wide area of applications especially in physics, engineering and navigation to represent forces, tension, velocity, etc.. Using the free mathematical software GeoGebra, a simulation of using vectors in these areas is made. It will be shown that such simulations increase students' interest, keep their attention, and make this knowledge more real and more understandable and connected to the physical world and thus more applicable to their other studies. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION GeoGebra ICT vectors.
作者 刘晓辉 《现代教学》 2010年第7期106-106,共1页
案例描述: 师:圆是轴对称图形,经过圆心的每一条直线都是它的对称轴。这节课,我们将根据圆的轴对称性来讨论圆的另一性质:“垂直于弦的直径”(板书:垂直于弦的直径),下面看图。
关键词 提问的层次 提问体验学习过程
作者 夏雪 《少年月刊》 1996年第12期13-13,共1页
关键词 每个人都要走过这样一段的路程——学会自己把握自己的生活.从最早的自己穿衣、自己叠被、自己洗脸、自己吃饭开始 学会在生活自我独立的一切知识 在这样的学习过程中 我们也渐渐懂事 渐渐地长大.
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