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学习圈·学共体:生长型社区教育的杭州样式 被引量:2
作者 何益平 《中国成人教育》 2023年第23期55-57,共3页
杭州持续16年推进基于社区学习共同体的社区教育,实现社区教育方式从设计型到生长型的转型。《学习圈·学共体:社区教育的杭州样式》一书,对杭州过去10余年社区教育发展的成功经验和创新成果进行了总结和提炼,认为社区教育实现由设... 杭州持续16年推进基于社区学习共同体的社区教育,实现社区教育方式从设计型到生长型的转型。《学习圈·学共体:社区教育的杭州样式》一书,对杭州过去10余年社区教育发展的成功经验和创新成果进行了总结和提炼,认为社区教育实现由设计型向生长型的根本性的变革,对未来的社区教育的可持续发展产生方向性引领和实践借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 生长型 社区教育 杭州样式 学习圈 学共体
作者 姚郭飞 《生活教育》 2021年第10期37-40,共4页
在"互联网+教育"背景下,信息技术与教育已经深度融合。为实现城乡教育均衡发展,优质资源全域覆盖,真正实现义务阶段的优质均衡教育,在我县区域内,基于智慧学习空间,首次提出"1+X"的线上学习共同体(简称"学共体... 在"互联网+教育"背景下,信息技术与教育已经深度融合。为实现城乡教育均衡发展,优质资源全域覆盖,真正实现义务阶段的优质均衡教育,在我县区域内,基于智慧学习空间,首次提出"1+X"的线上学习共同体(简称"学共体")。"学共体"的建设与实施不仅打破了教学空间的限制,还有效解决了农村学校存在的师资差距问题,实现了区域内的教育均衡发展。本文分析"学共体"建设存在的问题及产生的原因,并提出优化"学共体"建设的一些策略,为提升农村教育水平、实现教育均衡提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+教育 智慧学习空间 学共体 教育优质均衡发展
作者 苏清国 《世纪之星—初中版》 2021年第21期36-37,共2页
在学习型社会背景下,“学共体”作为一种新的学习组织,越来越被教育界广泛认可和运用。它不仅最大限度地保证了学生的学习主体性,而且将教师的主导作用发挥得淋漓尽致,使长期以来形成的单向或双向教学方式发生了极大改变。在初中英语教... 在学习型社会背景下,“学共体”作为一种新的学习组织,越来越被教育界广泛认可和运用。它不仅最大限度地保证了学生的学习主体性,而且将教师的主导作用发挥得淋漓尽致,使长期以来形成的单向或双向教学方式发生了极大改变。在初中英语教学中,“学共体”的构建可以帮助学生深化交流,以更加开阔的心胸和视野发散思维、张扬个性,让每个学生都能充分参与课堂,实现深度学习,进而发展综合語用能力和英语学科核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 学共体 初中英语语篇教学 活动设计
作者 邓丽霞 《读与写(上旬)》 2021年第3期153-153,共1页
“学共体”理论的提出者是日本的佐腾先生,它的本质是课堂文化生态变革。主要的研究方法是做课堂观察。它具有先进性、适用性、真实性、民主性、卓越性的特点,把它的这些特点跟我们农村小学英语课堂的现状作比较,不难发现,它对改变我们... “学共体”理论的提出者是日本的佐腾先生,它的本质是课堂文化生态变革。主要的研究方法是做课堂观察。它具有先进性、适用性、真实性、民主性、卓越性的特点,把它的这些特点跟我们农村小学英语课堂的现状作比较,不难发现,它对改变我们农村小学现存的这种以教为主的课堂文化生态有很大的正面意义。 展开更多
关键词 学共体 农村小学英语课堂 现状与改变
作者 陆秀敏 《教育文汇》 2021年第5期33-35,38,共4页
以"互联网+"技术等为支持的远程同步研修,为教师提供了学习交流和资源共享的途径。本课题组试图通过"学共体"同步化、协作化的研修互动,跨越地域和时空界限,拓展学习渠道,打破资源壁垒,多向互动交流,加强同伴互助,... 以"互联网+"技术等为支持的远程同步研修,为教师提供了学习交流和资源共享的途径。本课题组试图通过"学共体"同步化、协作化的研修互动,跨越地域和时空界限,拓展学习渠道,打破资源壁垒,多向互动交流,加强同伴互助,助推教师的专业发展,最终提升学校教育教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ 学共体 同步研修 路径寻索
作者 刘亚丽 《好日子》 2021年第13期167-167,共1页
合作学习是当前小学语文教学实践中的一种普遍形式,是学生在小组合作中按照明确的责任和分工而进行的互助式学习。这种新型的教学模式一方面有助于培养学生的合作与互助精神,但更重要的是,它有助于最高效地激发学生的学习积极性、主动性... 合作学习是当前小学语文教学实践中的一种普遍形式,是学生在小组合作中按照明确的责任和分工而进行的互助式学习。这种新型的教学模式一方面有助于培养学生的合作与互助精神,但更重要的是,它有助于最高效地激发学生的学习积极性、主动性,点燃学生的学习兴趣和热情,提高学生在语文教学课堂中的参与度,提高自身的语文学习水平,强化自主学习的技能,从而实现显著提升课堂教学实效的目标。因此,教师的教学不应只停留在课文内容的讲授层面,还应着重培养学生的核心素养。故建设小学语文学习共同体,培养学生的合作互助意识、探究意识以及学习自主性是小学高年级阶段教学中一项十分重要的任务。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文 学共体建设 可行路径
作者 潘爱君 《中国成人教育》 2020年第9期84-86,共3页
近十年来,浙江省杭州市大力开展社区学习共同体的培育,推进了学习型城市建设,满足了人民群众对美好生活的需求。农村社区也重视老年教育,大力培育老年社区学习共同体。成人文化技术学校可以在推进农村社区共学养老事业发展过程中发挥重... 近十年来,浙江省杭州市大力开展社区学习共同体的培育,推进了学习型城市建设,满足了人民群众对美好生活的需求。农村社区也重视老年教育,大力培育老年社区学习共同体。成人文化技术学校可以在推进农村社区共学养老事业发展过程中发挥重要的作用,做好老年社区学共体的培育,提高老年人的共学养老的服务质量,让本地区老年人都能享有共学养老、快乐养老的福祉。 展开更多
关键词 农村社区 学共体 共学养老
Effects of current density on preparation and performance of Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-Ce O_2-TiO_2/β-Pb O_2-MnO_2-WC-ZrO_2 composite electrode materials 被引量:1
作者 杨海涛 陈步明 +5 位作者 郭忠诚 刘焕荣 张永春 黄惠 徐瑞东 付仁春 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第10期3394-3404,共11页
Al/conductive coating/α-Pb O2-Ce O2-Ti O2/β-PbO 2-MnO 2-WC-Zr O2 composite electrode material was prepared on Al/conductive coating/α-PbO 2-Ce O2-Ti O2 substrate by electrochemical oxidation co-deposition technique... Al/conductive coating/α-Pb O2-Ce O2-Ti O2/β-PbO 2-MnO 2-WC-Zr O2 composite electrode material was prepared on Al/conductive coating/α-PbO 2-Ce O2-Ti O2 substrate by electrochemical oxidation co-deposition technique. The effects of current density on the chemical composition, electrocatalytic activity, and stability of the composite anode material were investigated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDXS), anode polarization curves, quasi-stationary polarization(Tafel) curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and X-ray diffraction(XRD). Results reveal that the composite electrode obtained at 1 A/dm2 possesses the lowest overpotential(0.610 V at 500 A/m2) for oxygen evolution, the best electrocatalytic activity, the longest service life(360 h at 40 °C in 150 g/L H2SO4 solution under 2 A/cm2), and the lowest cell voltage(2.75 V at 500 A/m2). Furthermore, with increasing current density, the coating exhibits grain growth and the decrease of content of Mn O2. Only a slight effect on crystalline structure is observed. 展开更多
关键词 composite electrode material A1 substrate β-PbO2-MnO2-WC-ZrO2 electrochemical co-deposition current density
搭建“PMRT”在线培训新模式 提升西部地区教师在线培训效能
作者 杨馥宁 沈善良 英卫峰 《陕西教育(高教版)》 2023年第11期56-57,共2页
教师培训是教师发展的重要途径。为推进教师培训模式的改革创新,充分利用互联网、大数据等信息技术,创新培训模式和管理机制,提升培训质量,探索标准化、制度化、体系化的教师在线培训管理机制,西北大学教师发展中心立足西部地区教师培... 教师培训是教师发展的重要途径。为推进教师培训模式的改革创新,充分利用互联网、大数据等信息技术,创新培训模式和管理机制,提升培训质量,探索标准化、制度化、体系化的教师在线培训管理机制,西北大学教师发展中心立足西部地区教师培训工作现状,对标新时代教师发展需求,灵活安排,有效开展教师线上培训,在实践中搭建了“PMRT”在线培训新模式,聚焦“三位一体”教师培训学习共同体效能的提升,有力支持参训教师立足教育教学岗位。 展开更多
关键词 国培工作 “PMRT”在线培训新模式 “三位一学共体
Synthesis and photoluminescence of Y and Cd co-doped ZnO nanopowder 被引量:1
作者 宋季岭 郑佳红 +2 位作者 赵真 周柏玉 连建设 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期2336-2340,共5页
Y and Cd co-doped ZnO nanopowders were prepared via chemical precipitation method in order to modify the band gap and increase the luminescent intensity. The structures and optical properties of the as-synthesized sam... Y and Cd co-doped ZnO nanopowders were prepared via chemical precipitation method in order to modify the band gap and increase the luminescent intensity. The structures and optical properties of the as-synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and photoluminescence (PL). The effects of Y and Cd ions on the optical properties of the samples were studied. Doping of Y into ZnO evidently increases the intensity of UV emission, or co-doping of Y and Cd enhances the UV emission, narrows the band gap of ZnO and hence red shifts the UV emission at the same time. Therefore, Y and Cd co-doped ZnO nanopowders exhibit an intense violet emission in the room temperature PL spectrum, which could be a potential candidate material for optoelectronic applications. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO nanopowders chemical precipitation optical properties
A novel self-organizing E-Learner community model with award and exchange mechanisms 被引量:3
作者 杨帆 申瑞民 韩鹏 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第11期1343-1351,共9页
How to share experience and resources among learners is becoming one of the hottest topics in the field of E-Learning collaborative techniques. An intuitive way to achieve this objective is to group learners which can... How to share experience and resources among learners is becoming one of the hottest topics in the field of E-Learning collaborative techniques. An intuitive way to achieve this objective is to group learners which can help each other into the same community and help them learn collaboratively. In this paper, we proposed a novel community self-organization model based on multi-agent mechanism, which can automatically group learners with similar preferences and capabilities. In particular, we proposed award and exchange schemas with evaluation and preference track records to raise the performance of this algorithm. The description of learner capability, the matchmaking process, the definition of evaluation and preference track records, the rules of award and exchange schemas and the self-organization algorithm are all discussed in this paper. Meanwhile, a prototype has been built to verify the validity and efficiency of the algorithm. Experiments based on real learner data showed that this mechanism can organize learner communities properly and efficiently; and that it has sustainable improved efficiency and scalability. 展开更多
Confocal laser endomicroscopy in the “in vivo” histological diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract 被引量:11
作者 Giovanni D De Palma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第46期5770-5775,共6页
Recent technological advances in miniaturization have allowed for a confocal scanning microscope to be integrated into a conventional flexible endoscope,or into trans-endoscopic probes,a technique now known as confoca... Recent technological advances in miniaturization have allowed for a confocal scanning microscope to be integrated into a conventional flexible endoscope,or into trans-endoscopic probes,a technique now known as confocal endomicroscopy or confocal laser endomicroscopy.This newly-developed technology has enabled endoscopists to collect real-time in vivo histological images or "virtual biopsies" of the gastrointestinal mucosa during endoscopy,and has stimulated significant interest in the application of this technique in clinical gastroenterology.This review aims to evaluate the current data on the technical aspects and the utility of this new technology in clinical gastroenterology and its potential impact in the future,particularly in the screening or surveillance of gastrointestinal neoplasia. 展开更多
关键词 Confocal microscopy Diagnostic imaging Gastrointestinal neoplasms Precancerous conditions ENDOSCOPY Virtual histology
Three Models of English Education in China's Universities ——-A Historical Perspective 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Qiang, LI Jie-hong QIAO Hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期676-683,共8页
In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in g... In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in government-managed educational institutions and in institutions sponsored by church-related organizations; English education was well-knit with both general education and specialty education; and self-motivating learning was encouraged. In the second period (1950-1966), almost everything was tinted with a shady color of politics: A halt was addressed drastically to EEC (English education in China) in 1952. In the gradual recovery that started four years later, the second format was sawed and hammered, showing the following features: All non-government-mamaged institutions vanished from the stage; English was taught solely as a language or a system of verbal parts, almost deprived of all cultural loading. The third period (1978 onwards) has witnessed a barrier-free and rapid development of over three decades, resulting in the unprecedented pervasion of EECU. Yet in the third tbrmat, learners' efforts have turned wholly test-oriented, degenerating into the saddening disintegrity of learning as a process into isolated charges to the target of a test at a time; the ignorant reduction of the learning methods to "Vocabulary Booklets Plus Collections of Test Papers". Such a comparison not only provides a multi-dimensional perspective of EECU and a better understanding of it, but also offers some important experiences and lessons for the search of an effective solution to the pervasive problem of"Time-Consumingness and Low-Efficiency". 展开更多
关键词 EECU (English education in China's universities) MODEL LEARNING
The Effect of Training Package Development for Secondary School Students in Thailand Toward ASEAN Community
作者 Piyawan Srisuruk Ladda Silanoi Pongsakda Namprama 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期262-268,共7页
The purposes of this research were: (1) to create a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community; (2) to comp... The purposes of this research were: (1) to create a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community; (2) to compare the knowledge of secondary school students toward ASEAN before and after use training package; and (3) the expectations of the students in the northeast of their own preparation for the ASEAN community. Experimental research was used in this research. The subject was including 2,000 students who were randomly divided into groups of seven provinces. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, average, standard deviation, and T-test. The research results showed that: (1) a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN Community, the effectiveness index (E.I.) was .57, according to the established criteria; (2) a comparison of pretest and post-test results found the use of cognitive training may vary, statistically significant at the .05 level; (3) an expectation of the secondary school students in the preparation of role into ASEAN Community found that the students who participated in a concept reflect that the knowledge and attitudes to prepare themselves for the ASEAN community. 展开更多
关键词 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community training package students' readiness
EC Proposes Rules Change to Lift Ran On u.s. Chicken
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期5-5,共1页
关键词 欧洲共同 家禽肉 化学药品 对外贸易 管理制度
Nonlinear Optical Response of Conjugated Polymer to Elec tric Field
作者 ZHOU Yu-fang ZHUANG De-xin CUI Bin 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第3期184-187,共4页
The organic π-conjugate d polymers are of major interest materials for the use in electro-optical and no nlinear optical devices. In this work, for a selected polyacetylene chain, the optical absorption spectra in UV... The organic π-conjugate d polymers are of major interest materials for the use in electro-optical and no nlinear optical devices. In this work, for a selected polyacetylene chain, the optical absorption spectra in UV/Vis regime as well as the linear polarizabiliti y and nonlinear hyperpolarizability are calculated by using quantum chemical ab initio and semiempirical methods. The relationship of its optical property to el ectric field is obtained. Some physical mechanism of electric field effect on mo lecular optical property is discussed by means of electron distribution and intr amolecular charge transfer. 展开更多
关键词 Organic π-conjugated polymers Nonlinear optical properties Quantum chemical calculations
Improving Simulation of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle of China in Version 4.5 of the Community Land Model Using a Revised V_(cmax) Scheme 被引量:4
作者 WANG Yuan-Yuan XIE Zheng-Hui +1 位作者 JIA Bing-Hao YU Yan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第2期88-94,共7页
The maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcax) is a key photosynthetic parameter for gross primary produc- tion (GPP) estimation in terrestrial biosphere models. A set of observation-based Vcax values, which take the ni... The maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcax) is a key photosynthetic parameter for gross primary produc- tion (GPP) estimation in terrestrial biosphere models. A set of observation-based Vcax values, which take the ni- trogen limitation on photosynthetic rates into consideration, are used in version 4.5 of the Community Land Model (CLM4.5). However, CLM4.5 with carbon-nitrogen (CN) biogeochemistry (CLM4.5-CN) still uses an inde- pendent decay coefficient for nitrogen after the photosyn- thesis calculation. This means that the nitrogen limitation on the carbon cycle is accounted for twice when CN bio- geochemistry is active. Therefore, to avoid this double nitrogen down-regulation in CLM4.5-CN, the original Vcmax scheme is revised with a new one that only accounts for the transition between Vcmax and its potential value (without nitrogen limitation). Compared to flux tower- based observations, the new Vcmax scheme reduces the root-mean-square error (RMSE) in GPP for China's Mainland by 13.7 g C m-2 yr-1, with a larger decrease over humid areas (39.2 g C m 2 yr-1). Moreover, net primary production and leaf area index are also improved, with reductions in RMSE by 0.8% and 11.5%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 CLM4.5 Vcmax gross primary production net primary production leaf area index
Lesson Study Makes Teachers Leam
作者 Hendra Darmawan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第9期726-729,共4页
Being professional teacher is a process of acting and self empowering of teachers collectively and continuously. A teacher is not merely transferring knowledges and subject matters to the students but also internalizi... Being professional teacher is a process of acting and self empowering of teachers collectively and continuously. A teacher is not merely transferring knowledges and subject matters to the students but also internalizing the values; professionalism, knowledge laedership, community empowerment, etc. Partnership, professional development, and learning community are possibly gained by the teachers through lesson study implementasion interconnectedly and mutually. This paper aims at elaborating on the experience of State Junior High School 1 Srandakan Bantul Yogyakarta in implementing lesson study as a break-through to enhance the teachers' professional development incorporating the three mechanisms of lesson study. This school has conducted lesson study for about three years. The study resulted that 80 percent of teachers achieve their competence in planning, doing, and reflecting the lesson through observing other teachers performance and being observed interchangeably. 展开更多
关键词 lesson study TEACHERS LEARNING
π-Conjugated Unit-Dependent Optical Properties of Linear Conjugated Oligomers
作者 Ning Sui Lu Zou +7 位作者 Yun-fei Song Qiu-lin Zhong Ying-hui Wang Xiao-gang Wei Zeng-bin Wang Yu-guang Ma Yan-qiang Yang Han-zhuang Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期315-320,共6页
The optical properties of three linear conjugated oligomers (F-P, F-P-F, and P-F-P-F-P), where phenothiazine (P) and fluorene (F) groups arrange alternately, are investigated. With the enhancement of the π-conj... The optical properties of three linear conjugated oligomers (F-P, F-P-F, and P-F-P-F-P), where phenothiazine (P) and fluorene (F) groups arrange alternately, are investigated. With the enhancement of the π-conjugated system, their absorption and emission bands both gradually red shift, and their two-photon properties are also improved. Meanwhile, their fluorescence dynamic traces are analyzed with continuous rate distribution model, exhibiting that their decay rates gradually accelerate and the rate distribution width become narrower. The quantum chemical calculation offers their molecular structures and transition mechanism, showing that the enhancement of π-conjugated system should be responsible for tile improvement of two-photon properties. 展开更多
关键词 OLIGOMER Z-SCAN Fluorescence dynamics
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10T and Nylon 10T/1010 copolymers:Effect of sebacic acid as a third comonomer 被引量:7
作者 Zhongqiang Wang Guosheng Hu +2 位作者 Jingting Zhang Jiusheng Xu Wenbo Shi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期963-970,共8页
Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning cal... Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Jeziorny equation and Mo equation were applied to describe the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. The activation energies for non-isothermal crystallization were obtained by Vyazovkin's method and Friedman's method, respectively. These results showed that Jeziorny equation and Mo equation well described the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. It was found that the values of the activation energy for non-isothermal crystallization of the Nylon 10T/1010 were lower than those of the Nylon 10 T at a given temperature or relative crystallinity degree,which revealed that crystallization ability of the Nylon 10T/1010 was higher. The crystal morphology was observed by means of a polarized optical microscope(POM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). It was found that the addition of sebacic acid comonomer not only did not change the crystal form of the Nylon 10 T, but also significantly increased the number and decreased the size of spherulites. Comparing with the Nylon 10 T, the crystallization rate was increased with the addition of the sebacic acid comonomer. 展开更多
关键词 Melt polymerization Nylon 10TNylon 10T/1010 Semiaromatic polyamides Crystallization kinetics Non-isothermal crystallization
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