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作者 高尚谦 《中国钓鱼》 2002年第8期58-59,共2页
4年前,我学台钓时,已是花甲之年了。之所以“60岁想学吹鼓手”,完全是被“憋”出来的。那一年,我多次和“台钓人”同钓一池,次次都遭败绩,心里“憋”得要命。特别是在白马湖农场鲫鱼塘那次垂钓,对我刺激最大。那天,我与一台钓手近在咫尺... 4年前,我学台钓时,已是花甲之年了。之所以“60岁想学吹鼓手”,完全是被“憋”出来的。那一年,我多次和“台钓人”同钓一池,次次都遭败绩,心里“憋”得要命。特别是在白马湖农场鲫鱼塘那次垂钓,对我刺激最大。那天,我与一台钓手近在咫尺,人家频频上鱼。 展开更多
关键词 学台 老年人 “精髓” 鱼获量 反应迟钝 组合方法 自然状态 竞技比赛 周恩来 浮漂
作者 林汉明 《中国钓鱼》 1996年第12期17-17,共1页
有的钓友提出,台钓的方法好是好,但装备费用高,有些地方还不容易买到,成了学台钓,取长补短,进一步提高钓技水平的一个障碍。我体会,台钓的装备比较先进,毫无疑问,这也是我们学台钓的一项重要内容,因为“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”但是,... 有的钓友提出,台钓的方法好是好,但装备费用高,有些地方还不容易买到,成了学台钓,取长补短,进一步提高钓技水平的一个障碍。我体会,台钓的装备比较先进,毫无疑问,这也是我们学台钓的一项重要内容,因为“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”但是,改善装备的条件不具备或不完全具备的情况下该怎么办?我认为可以从因陋就简,以土代洋,土洋结合开始,视条件的改善,再逐步改善装备。 展开更多
关键词 土洋结合 学台 碳纤维 参加比赛 工欲善其事 装备费用 玻璃钢 一次性输液器 必先利其器 饵料盒
Numerical Study on Tides in the Taiwan Strait and its Adjacent Areas 被引量:3
作者 朱佳 胡建宇 +4 位作者 张文舟 曾淦宁 陈德文 陈金泉 商少平 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2009年第2期23-36,共14页
Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model. Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan S... Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model. Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan Strait, the model-produced results agree quite well with those of previous researches using observational data from coastal tidal gauge stations. According to the results, the co-tidal and co-range charts are given. Furthermore, the characteristics of 8 major tidal constituents have been uminated respectively. The result shows that: (1) The tide motion can be attributed to the interaction between the degenerative rotary tidal system in the north and the progressive tidal system in the south. (2) The southward and northward tidal waves of semi-diurnal tide converge in the middle of the Taiwan Strait while the diurnal tidal waves propagate southwestward through the Taiwan Strait and the Luzon Strait. (3) The maximum amplitude of semi-diurnal tides exists at the area between the Meizhou Bay and Xinghua Bay, and that of diurnal tides appears in the region to the east of the Leizhou Peninsula, (4) The patterns of co-tidal and co-range charts of N2, K2 and P1, Q1 tidal constituents are similar to those of M2, S2 and K1 O1 tidat constituents, respectively 展开更多
关键词 Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas tidal characteristics MODEL
关于诗人朱湘的两个问题 被引量:1
作者 华济时 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第3期116-118,94,共4页
关键词 朱湘 新月派 徐志摩 安徽太湖县 闻一多 两个问题 文学研究会 学台 湖南沅陵 新月社
《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 1992年第1期2-127,共2页
中共江苏省委宣传部 中共江苏省委党校 巴苏省社会科学院 江苏省哲学社会科学联合会 辽苏省经济体制改革委员会 辽苏省工商行政管理局 中共南京市委组织部
关键词 社会科学 南京 入民 江苏省 灶芯 蹬筋 隐眼 死湖 宣传部 学台
作者 王汶 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1999年第1期39-53,共15页
本剧在前期创作中,曾得到攀枝花市文艺创评室原主任马维新(笔名马萧)同志的大力支持与合作,特此说明并致谢意。人物表王道士———本名王圆,男,五十多岁。学台———男,三十多岁。藩台———男,六十多岁。邱师爷———男,敦... 本剧在前期创作中,曾得到攀枝花市文艺创评室原主任马维新(笔名马萧)同志的大力支持与合作,特此说明并致谢意。人物表王道士———本名王圆,男,五十多岁。学台———男,三十多岁。藩台———男,六十多岁。邱师爷———男,敦煌县衙师爷,五十多岁。布莱克———... 展开更多
关键词 王道士 布莱克 学台 洋鬼子 高窟 藏经洞 唐僧 敦煌壁画 文物 洋人
作者 张家齐 《图书馆工作与研究》 1982年第4期38-38,共1页
天津《图书馆工作与研究》一九八二年第二期刊载黄恩祝《会刊·会员·论文》一文,言简意明,切中时弊,颇富新意。然读之后,尚感言犹未尽,于此亦就黄文所谈三题,略述己见,容续于后。 一、会 刊 目前图书馆学会会刊之多,为建国以... 天津《图书馆工作与研究》一九八二年第二期刊载黄恩祝《会刊·会员·论文》一文,言简意明,切中时弊,颇富新意。然读之后,尚感言犹未尽,于此亦就黄文所谈三题,略述己见,容续于后。 一、会 刊 目前图书馆学会会刊之多,为建国以来所未有,堪称我国图书馆学研究的鼎盛时期。然各地会刊质量相悬甚远,有的人们交口赞誉,争相阅习,有的则淡如开水,不屑细顾;据说,有的编辑部稿源过剩,尽可精挑细拣,有的却稿源短缺。 展开更多
关键词 会员 书学 罩印 根字 上肠 学台 图馆 呼中 《图书馆工作与研究》 角图
机趣奇生巧 情节动人惊──《无言的莫高》感言
作者 李树海 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1999年第4期12-13,共2页
追溯鸦片战争前后的那段血泪史,不禁使人忆起,由于统治者的骄奢淫逸和昏庸无能,八国联军攻占文明古都北京城,演出一场瓜分中国的悲剧,割让台湾、割港澳,租界如林,大片国土划入异国版图。堂堂我中华竟然成了洋人的乐园。那些对东... 追溯鸦片战争前后的那段血泪史,不禁使人忆起,由于统治者的骄奢淫逸和昏庸无能,八国联军攻占文明古都北京城,演出一场瓜分中国的悲剧,割让台湾、割港澳,租界如林,大片国土划入异国版图。堂堂我中华竟然成了洋人的乐园。那些对东方文化瑰宝早就垂涎三尺的强盗,趁火... 展开更多
关键词 王道士 吸引观众 机趣 剧中人物 《窦娥冤》 艺术形象 学台 价值观念 戏剧 喜剧
作者 胡光曙 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 1995年第1X期18-23,共6页
魏源故里金潭,古曰金滩。一说水滩之中藏金贮银,一说河滩之上黄金遍地。这一带原是盛产黄金的风水宝地,名字也就闪烁着光彩。 从隆回县城往北驱车六十公里,或在中途弃车登舟,漾过六都寨水库风光旖旎的四十里水路,就是金潭。
关键词 魏源 故居 三题 沙洲 学台 龚自珍 隆回县 梅山文化 观音 爱国主义思想
作者 胡素真 《殷都学刊》 1993年第3X期84-83,共2页
在师专历史专业教学过程中,逐渐有了些体会。 首先,中学和大学的历史教学是处在两个不同的台阶。中学历史教学的主要任务是使学生开始接触和初步认识历史这门学科的基础知识,主要是继承前人研究成果,历史教学也主要以机械记忆课本知识为... 在师专历史专业教学过程中,逐渐有了些体会。 首先,中学和大学的历史教学是处在两个不同的台阶。中学历史教学的主要任务是使学生开始接触和初步认识历史这门学科的基础知识,主要是继承前人研究成果,历史教学也主要以机械记忆课本知识为主,学生知其当然,不知其所以然,无研究任务存在。而到了大学阶段历史教学的任务则不同,历史学科成为培养对象的主修课,无论学生将来是搞史学研究还是从事历史教学,都需要对历史这门科学具有一定的独立研究能力。这就要求我们把大学和中学的历史教学教法严格加以区别,尽快完成中学向大学台阶的飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 师专历史专业教学 中学历史教学 课本 学台 主修课 史学观点 史学研究 唯物史观 历史知识 学习历史
作者 蒲泽 《蒲松龄研究》 1991年第1期188-191,共4页
全国解放前夕,在辽宁省的西丰县发现了《聊斋志异》的半部原稿,后经政府动员,收藏人蒲文珊先生将其捐赠给了当时的辽宁省文化处,后入藏辽宁省图书馆至今。 四十余年来,许多人曾撰文介绍过这部《志异》
关键词 聊斋志异 解放前夕 辽宁省图书馆 文珊 半部 价人 入藏 蒲松龄故居 秘不示人 学台
Configuration Optimization of Two-Rail Sliders on Dynamic Characteristic
作者 王玉娟 陈云飞 +1 位作者 岳振兴 颜景平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第2期114-118,共5页
An optimal design methodology for the configuration of two rail slider was proposed to get better dynamic performance. The taper length, taper height and the rail width of the reading/writing head are considered as ... An optimal design methodology for the configuration of two rail slider was proposed to get better dynamic performance. The taper length, taper height and the rail width of the reading/writing head are considered as design variables. The complex geometry method is utilized as the search scheme in the optimization process. Optimization results show that the new slider has better dynamic characteristics and is more stable than the original designed slider. The optimization process also demonstrates that the optimum model and optimum method is effective. 展开更多
关键词 optimum design complex geometry method SLIDER configuration design
Application of Global Dynamic Reconfiguration in Artificial Neural Network System based on Field Programmable Gate Array 被引量:1
作者 LI Wei WANG Wei MA Yi-mei WANG Jin-hai 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2008年第3期174-178,195,共6页
Presented is a global dynamic reconfiguration design of an artificial neural network based on field programmable gate array(FPGA). Discussed are the dynamic reconfiguration principles and methods. Proposed is a global... Presented is a global dynamic reconfiguration design of an artificial neural network based on field programmable gate array(FPGA). Discussed are the dynamic reconfiguration principles and methods. Proposed is a global dynamic reconfiguration scheme using Xilinx FPGA and platform flash. Using the revision capabilities of Xilinx XCF32P platform flash, an artificial neural network based on Xilinx XC2V30P Virtex-Ⅱ can be reconfigured dynamically from back propagation(BP) learning algorithms to BP network testing algorithms. The experimental results indicate that the scheme is feasible, and that, using dynamic reconfiguration technology, FPGA resource utilization can be reduced remarkably. 展开更多
关键词 FPGA dynamic reconfiguration platform flash global reconfiguratiom artificial neural network
作者 河惠卿 王振会 +2 位作者 金正润 牛生杰 徐爱淑 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第2期113-119,共7页
This study examines the effects of cumulus parameterizations and microphysics schemes on the track forecast of typhoon Nabi using the Weather Research Forecast model. The study found that the effects of cumulus parame... This study examines the effects of cumulus parameterizations and microphysics schemes on the track forecast of typhoon Nabi using the Weather Research Forecast model. The study found that the effects of cumulus parameterizations on typhoon track forecast were comparatively strong and the typhoon track forecast of Kain-Fritsch (KF) was superior to that of Betts-Miller (BM). When KF was selected, the simulated results would be improved if microphysics schemes were selected than otherwise. The results from Ferrier, WSM6, and Lin were very close to those in the best track. KF performed well with the simulations of the western extension and eastern contraction changes of a North Pacific high as well as the distribution and strength of the typhoon wind field. 展开更多
关键词 cumulus parameterizations microphysics schemes typhoon track prediction
Disaster Prevention Literacy among School Administrators and Teachers: A Study on the Plan for Disaster Prevention and Campus Network Deployment and Experiment in Taiwan 被引量:1
作者 Sung-Chin Chung Chemg-Jyh Yen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第4期203-214,共12页
Taiwan is located at the high-risk region of natural disasters with the frequently occurred earthquakes. The importance of the disaster prevention education on campus is made even more obvious by the fact that natural... Taiwan is located at the high-risk region of natural disasters with the frequently occurred earthquakes. The importance of the disaster prevention education on campus is made even more obvious by the fact that natural disasters often occur during the school days. Given the leading roles the school administrators and teachers playing in the disaster prevention education of their pupils, this study purposed to investigate how disaster prevention literacy was among them and how disaster prevention literacy differed across various background variables of them. Furthermore, the current study also examined if disaster prevention literacy changed by participation in the disaster prevention education program. The results suggested that, among three dimensions of disaster prevention literacy (i.e., knowledge, attitude, & skills) the participants were highest on disaster prevention skills and lowest on disaster prevention knowledge. Additionally, three dimensions of disaster prevention literacy of the participants differed by school level, age, years of service, personal disaster experience, and school disaster-stricken status. The participation in the disaster prevention education program was also related to participants' disaster prevention literacy. The implications of the above findings were discussed and the recommendations were also made for future disaster prevention education programs and research. 展开更多
关键词 Disaster prevention education on campus LITERACY knowledge ATTITUDE skills.
Design of a WeChat Learning Platform for Syndrome Differentiation 被引量:2
作者 Wen-Xiang DENG Jian-Ping ZHU +3 位作者 Ying-Jiao LIU Yi-Ge ZHANG Hui-Yong HUANG Wen-An ZHANG 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第2期143-154,共12页
Objective To design a WeChat mini program called Chinese Syndrome Differentiation Learning Platform(CSDLP)on smartphone to improve health literacy.Methods The developer tools of WeChat(Version:v1.01.170925)were used f... Objective To design a WeChat mini program called Chinese Syndrome Differentiation Learning Platform(CSDLP)on smartphone to improve health literacy.Methods The developer tools of WeChat(Version:v1.01.170925)were used for designing and debugging the mini program.SPSS17.0 was used for statistical purposes.“View container”“Basic content”“Form component”“Navigation”and“Media components”were used for the development of the WeChat mini program.The detailed method was referred to https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/.Results A WeChat mini program called CSDLP was developed.This program has three major functions which are WeChat reading,WeChat class and WeChat syndrome differentiation.The official test report showed that there were no functionality errors for the seven android smartphones(referred to as A,B,C,D,E,F and G)that CSDLP was tested on.Statistical analysis results showed that the average memory in D,E,F and G was lower than in A,B and C.Average ratio was the highest in F and the lowest in G.The average loading time was the same for all smartphones.The audio database for diagnostics using traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and a lecture video database were based on diagnostic textbook.Our team built a syndrome differentiation database which included 51 diseases.Conclusion CSDLP can improve knowledge visualization,studying process,and information sharing in terms of the training and development of new techniques for syndrome differentiation and treatment in TCM,and it can provide a better illustration for people to understand TCM. 展开更多
关键词 Syndrome differentiation and treatment Learning platform SMARTPHONE WeChat Program
作者 刘淑媛 闫丽凤 孙健 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第2期165-167,共3页
The removal of noise and velocity ambiguity and retrieval and verification of horizontal wind field is a prerequisite to make the best and fullest use of Doppler radar measurements. This approach was applied to the Do... The removal of noise and velocity ambiguity and retrieval and verification of horizontal wind field is a prerequisite to make the best and fullest use of Doppler radar measurements. This approach was applied to the Doppler radar data collected during August 2005 for a landing typhoon Matsa (0509) in Yantai, Shangdong Province, and the verified result shows that the quality control for this dataset was successful. The horizontal wind field was retrieved and then verified by studying the characteristics of the radar radial velocity and large-scale wind field and the vertical cross section of the radial velocity determined with the typhoon center as the circle center and comparing it with satellite imagery. The results show that the meso- and small-scale systems in Matsa and its horizontal and vertical structure could be clearly retrieved using the dataset collected by single Doppler radar, and a shear or a convergence was corresponding with a band of severe storm around Matsa. At the same time, the retrieved wind field from single Doppler radar is proved to be a reliable and high-resolution dataset in analyzing the inner meso-scale structure of Matsa. It is also proved that the method for removing the velocity ambiguity could be an effective approach for preliminary quality control of the Doppler radar data, and the VAP method could also be a reasonable solution for the analysis of mesoscale wind field. 展开更多
关键词 Doppler radar horizontal wind RETRIEVAL velocity ambiguity landing typhoon
作者 林小红 任福民 +2 位作者 刘爱鸣 黄志刚 廖廓 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第2期161-164,共4页
The results of an analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian from 1960 to 2005 show that typhoon precipitation in Fujian province occurs from May to November, with th... The results of an analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian from 1960 to 2005 show that typhoon precipitation in Fujian province occurs from May to November, with the most in August. There has been a decreasing trend since 1960. Typhoon precipitation gradually decreases from the coastal region to the northwestern mainland of Fujian and the maximum typhoon precipitation occurs in the northeast and the south of Fujian. Typhoon torrential rain is one of the extreme rainfall events in Fujian. High frequencies of typhoon torrential rain occur in the coastal and southwest regions of the province. With the impact of Fujian's terrain, typhoon precipitation occurs more easily to the east of the mountains than to the west. Atmospheric circulation at 500 hPa over Asia and sea surface temperature anomalies of the equatorial eastern Pacific are analyzed, with the finding that they are closely connected with the anomaly of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian, possibly mainly by modulating the northbound track of typhoons via changing the atmosphere circulation to lead to the anomaly of typhoon precipitation over the province 展开更多
关键词 typhoon precipitation temporal and spatial features climate change Fujian
作者 王咏梅 任福民 +1 位作者 李维京 王小玲 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第2期125-128,共4页
The spatio-temporal characteristics of typhoon precipitation over China are analyzed in this study. The results show that typhoon precipitation covers most of central-eastern China. Typhoon precipitation gradually dec... The spatio-temporal characteristics of typhoon precipitation over China are analyzed in this study. The results show that typhoon precipitation covers most of central-eastern China. Typhoon precipitation gradually decreases from the southeastern coastal regions to the northwestern mainland. The maximum annual typhoon precipitation exceeds 700 mm in central-eastern Taiwan and part of Hainan, while the minimum annual typhoon precipitation occurs in parts of Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Sichuan, with values less than 10 mm. Generally, typhoons produce precipitation over China during April - December with a peak in August. The annual typhoon precipitation time series for observation stations are examined for long-term trends. The results show that decreasing trends exist in most of the stations from 1957 to 2004 and are statistically significant in parts of Taiwan, Hainan, coastal Southeast China and southern Northeast China. The anomaly of typhoon precipitation mainly results from that of the general circulation over Asia and the Walker Cell circulation over the equatorial central and eastern Pacific. Typhoon torrential rain is one of the extreme rainfall events in the southeastern coastal regions and parts of central mainland. In these regions, torrential rains are mostly caused by typhoons. 展开更多
关键词 typhoon precipitation long-term trends typhoon torrential rain
Epidemiological and histopathological study of relevance of Guizhou Maotai liquor and liver diseases 被引量:15
作者 WuJ ChenML 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期571-574,共4页
AIM: To explore the relevance of Maotai liquor and liver diseases. METHODS: Epidemiological study was conducted on groups of subjects, each consisting of 3 subjects from the Maotai liquor group consisting of 99 indivi... AIM: To explore the relevance of Maotai liquor and liver diseases. METHODS: Epidemiological study was conducted on groups of subjects, each consisting of 3 subjects from the Maotai liquor group consisting of 99 individuals and one from the non-alcoholic control group consisting of 33 individuals. Liver biopsy was performed on 23 volunteers from Guizhou Maotai Distillery who had a constant and long history of drinking Maotai liquor. Experimental histopathological study was conducted as follows: sixty male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups randomly and fed with Maotai liquor, ordinary white wine, and physiological saline respectively for a period of 8 and 12 weeks. The rats were sacrificed in batches, then serum ALT, AST, TBil, and AKP were measured. Rat livers were harvested to measure the liver indexes, GSH, and MDA. Histopathological examinations were also performed. Another eighty mice were randomly divided into 4 groups and fed with Maotai (at different dosages of 10 ml.kg(-1) and 20 ml.kg(-1)), ethanol, and physiological saline. The animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks and serum ALT was determined. Then the livers were harvested and liver indexes and MDA were measured. RESULTS: The incidence rate of hepatic symptoms, splenomegaly, liver function impairment, reversal of Albumin/Globulin and increased diameter of portal veins in the Maotai liquor group were 1.0% 1/99 , 1.0% 1/99 , 1.0% 1/99 , 1.0% 1/99 , 0 0/99 and 0 0/99 , 0 0/99 ,0 0/99 , 0 0/99 , 0 0/99 , respectively. There was no significant difference between the Maotai group and the non-alcoholic control group P】0.05 . Various degree of fatty infiltration of hepatocytes was found in the 23 volunteers receiving liver biopsy, but there was no obvious hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis. A comparison was made between the Maotai liquor group and the ordinary white wine group. It was found that hepatic MDA in rats and mice were 0.33+/-0.10 and 0.49+/-0.23 respectively in Maotai group and 0.61+/-0.22 and 0.66+/-0.32 in the ordinary white wine group; MDA had an obvious decrease in the Maotai liquor group (P【0.05); hepatic GSH were 0.12 mg.g(-1)+/-0.06 mg.g(-1) in rats of the Maotai liquor group and (0.08+/-0.02)mg.g(-1) in white wine group, it was obviously increased in the Maotai liquor group (P【0.05). After the 20 rats had been fed with ordinary white wine for 8 weeks consecutively, disarranged hepatocyte cords, fatty infiltration of hepatocytes, and fibrous septa of varying widths due to hepatic connective tissues proliferation were observed; after 12 weeks, the fibrous tissue proliferation continued and early cirrhosis appeared. Compared with the ordinary white wine group, fatty infiltration was observed in the 8-week and 12-week groups, but no necrosis or fibrosis or cirrhosis was found in the Maotai liquor group (P【0.05). CONCLUSION: Maotai liquor may cause fatty liver but not hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis, and it can strengthen lipid peroxidation in the liver. 展开更多
关键词 Adult Alcoholic Beverages Animals China Fatty Liver Alcoholic Female Humans Liver Cirrhosis Alcoholic Liver Diseases Alcoholic Male Mice Middle Aged RATS Rats Wistar Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Wine
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