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学术期刊编辑的公关意识 被引量:2
作者 赵莉萍 《青年记者》 2009年第5Z期88-88,共1页
学术期刊编辑作为期刊生产的主体,担负着选题、组稿、审稿、加工、发稿等一系列工作,其中很多环节需要直接或间接与作者、读者、印刷单位等打交道,需要具备一定的公关意识。作者意识:团结作者,保证稿源作者是刊物赖以生存和发展的基础,... 学术期刊编辑作为期刊生产的主体,担负着选题、组稿、审稿、加工、发稿等一系列工作,其中很多环节需要直接或间接与作者、读者、印刷单位等打交道,需要具备一定的公关意识。作者意识:团结作者,保证稿源作者是刊物赖以生存和发展的基础,没有作者就没有编辑。编辑只有以真诚之心对待每一位作者。 展开更多
关键词 学术编辑 公关意识 印刷单位 赞助单位 生存空间 作者队伍 青年作者 编排形式 公关能力 学术刊
创办国际学术名刊探析 被引量:2
作者 朱栋梁 王赛群 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期106-108,共3页
一个国家有否国际学术名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的表征。中国学术期刊有其独特的发展历程,国际学术名刊也有其显著的特征。中国要创办国际学术名刊还存在参与国际竞争的意... 一个国家有否国际学术名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的表征。中国学术期刊有其独特的发展历程,国际学术名刊也有其显著的特征。中国要创办国际学术名刊还存在参与国际竞争的意识不强,经营与管理工作欠科学,学科的地域特征、民族特色和历史文化凸现不够,经济基础薄弱和编辑关键人才缺乏等主要困难。始终把发展作为第一要务,把改革作为发展的原动力是中国创办国际学术名刊的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 中国学术 国际学术 科研核心能力 国际竞争
我国学术期刊创办国际学术名刊探讨 被引量:3
作者 朱栋梁 《湖南社会科学》 2007年第1期203-205,共3页
一个国家有否国际学术名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的表征。我国学术期刊有其独特的发展历程,国际学术名刊也有其显著的特征。相比之下,我国学术期刊存在参与国际竞争意识不强... 一个国家有否国际学术名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的表征。我国学术期刊有其独特的发展历程,国际学术名刊也有其显著的特征。相比之下,我国学术期刊存在参与国际竞争意识不强,经营与管理工作欠科学,学科的地域特征、民族特色和历史文化凸现不够,经济基础薄弱和编辑关键人才缺乏等主要问题。我国学术期刊创办国际学术名刊既要把发展作为第一要务,又要进行一系列的改革创新。 展开更多
关键词 中国学术 国际学术 科研核心能力 国际竞争
谈学术期刊编辑的文字加工 被引量:2
作者 张九玲 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 1999年第4期44-47,共4页
编辑加工包括从内容到形式的诸多方面 ,其中文字加工是重要环节。文字加工要符合规范 ,要以现代汉语的规律作为编辑文字加工的规范。在来稿中不少稿件标题不确切 ,摘要、提要混淆 ,句子有语病。举其典型加以分析 。
关键词 文字加工 规范 标题 摘要 学术 编辑
作者 丁明刚 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期31-33,43,共4页
关键词 学术性期 学术 图书馆管理
作者 张惠鸽 唐道润 杨存榜 《教学与科技》 2016年第2期6-10,共5页
摘要:本文从学术期刊内部刊物编辑工作角度出发,对我国特别是我院内刊现状、存在问题等方面进行了综合分析,结合本单位实际,提出了一些初步的建议和意见,以期对国内和院内学术期刊编辑人员提供有益参考,进一步提升刊物的办刊质量... 摘要:本文从学术期刊内部刊物编辑工作角度出发,对我国特别是我院内刊现状、存在问题等方面进行了综合分析,结合本单位实际,提出了一些初步的建议和意见,以期对国内和院内学术期刊编辑人员提供有益参考,进一步提升刊物的办刊质量和水中。 展开更多
关键词 学术 现状 问题 分析
作者 孔维恒 黄铄 《政治思想史》 CSSCI 2024年第3期61-71,198,共12页
国内“十七年”间(1949-1966)对列斐伏尔的译介,带有显著的选择性,重视其美学、哲学(尤其是异化理论)和国家理论而忽视其“日常生活批判”学说。这类译介之不足,也体现在依赖苏联文献和观点、法文资料和翻译人才不够、内部发行受众较少... 国内“十七年”间(1949-1966)对列斐伏尔的译介,带有显著的选择性,重视其美学、哲学(尤其是异化理论)和国家理论而忽视其“日常生活批判”学说。这类译介之不足,也体现在依赖苏联文献和观点、法文资料和翻译人才不够、内部发行受众较少、“反动”政治言论难以刊发,等等。与此同时,还缺乏原创的评论与批判,原因是学者们或者不能阅读原著,或者难以接触稀缺的学术情报,或者不会、不敢、不愿参与“反修”争论,而“中苏论战”也使得列斐伏尔遭到冷落。 展开更多
关键词 列斐伏尔 西方马克思主义 学术 内部发行
谈谈坚守以学术为立刊之本——纪念中国高校学报诞生110周年引发的思考 被引量:3
作者 潘国琪 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期123-127,共5页
东吴大学于1906年创办的《东吴月报》是我国最早的学术性刊物,其"以表学堂之内容与当代学界交换智识"的办刊宗旨,体现了以学术为立刊之本的办刊思想。这一办刊思想在我国后来各高校创办的学报中得到了传承和弘扬。坚守以学术... 东吴大学于1906年创办的《东吴月报》是我国最早的学术性刊物,其"以表学堂之内容与当代学界交换智识"的办刊宗旨,体现了以学术为立刊之本的办刊思想。这一办刊思想在我国后来各高校创办的学报中得到了传承和弘扬。坚守以学术为立刊之本需要适宜的政治生态环境,需要政府主管部门权威举措的强力推进,需要有优良的学风,需要有科学的学术评价的激励,需要合理调整高校学术期刊结构,需要学术争鸣的推动,需要重视学术与现实的密切结合。学报人要用辩证的观点去分析以上内外部因素对坚守以学术为立刊之本的有利和不利的影响,从而采取适宜的应对策略,以凸显学报的学术性,推动学报事业的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 《东吴月报》 高校学报 学术 学报人
《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期129-,共1页
一、《发光学报》是中国物理学会发光分会主办的,以凝聚态物质中的激发态过程研究为专业方向的综合性学术刊物。它的任务是反映各学科间该专业研究领域的科研和技术成就,及时报道国内、外的学术动态,开展学术讨论和交流,提高从事各学科... 一、《发光学报》是中国物理学会发光分会主办的,以凝聚态物质中的激发态过程研究为专业方向的综合性学术刊物。它的任务是反映各学科间该专业研究领域的科研和技术成就,及时报道国内、外的学术动态,开展学术讨论和交流,提高从事各学科间该研究领域工作的专业人员的专业知识水平,为提高我国该学科的学术水平服务。二、本刊设有"特邀报告"、"材料合成及性能研究"、"器件制备及器件物理"、"光谱分析"4个栏目。 展开更多
关键词 发光学报 凝聚态物质 中国物理学会 专业研究领域 专业知识水平 学术动态 特邀报告 材料合成 学术刊
《中国文字研究》 2011年第2期254-254,共1页
关键词 文字研究 重要研究成果 高水平学术 现代汉字研究 中国文字 人文社会科学 本体研究 汉语教学 学术刊
作者 谭军 《功能材料信息》 2005年第2期27-27,共1页
据有关媒体报道,国家科技部副部长程津培不久前在北京说,今后10至 15年,中国经济将从飞跃阶段进入稳定发展期,这正是需要对基础科学研究实施高投入的重要阶段,国家将争取使中央财政科技拨款中对基础研究的投入尽快达到20%。据统计。
关键词 基础科学研究 财政科技拨款 基础研究 副部长 稳定发展期 国内生产总值 试验发展 设备总价值 学术刊
Multi-scaled simulation of latticed frames considering bending collapse of pipes 被引量:7
作者 刘海锋 LOU Rong +1 位作者 LUO Yao-zhi DANG Hui-xue 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期167-176,共10页
To consider the bending collapse of the pipes in the latticed frames, based on the multi-scale simulation, the collapsed parts of the pipe are meshed by the shell elements as micro-scaled models, and the other parts a... To consider the bending collapse of the pipes in the latticed frames, based on the multi-scale simulation, the collapsed parts of the pipe are meshed by the shell elements as micro-scaled models, and the other parts are meshed by beam elements macro-models. The incremental displacement constraint equations for the nodes on the section between the two models are established based on the plane section premise of classical beam theory. The method to introduce the constraint equations is derived based on the Updated Largrangian method. The location of the micro-model is predicted by the stress field of the beam element, and the length of the collapsed part is adjusted by the plastic energy in the micro model. Several examples are included to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of this method. 展开更多
关键词 multi-scaled simulation latticed frames bending collapse plane section premise
Production Efficiency of Two-Oriented Agriculture Based on Three-Stage DEA Model 被引量:10
作者 ZHAI Huan-huan HE Zheng-chu ZHANG Rui 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期159-163,共5页
Two-oriented agriculture was a complex organism coupling production,economics,society and ecology.Its development process was affected by various factors such as producers,nature,society,etc.In order to overcome measu... Two-oriented agriculture was a complex organism coupling production,economics,society and ecology.Its development process was affected by various factors such as producers,nature,society,etc.In order to overcome measurement error of traditional data envelopment analysis caused by ignoring random,three-stage DEA model was studied to remove environmental factors and random effects.On the foundation of this model was two-oriented agriculture comprehensive production efficiency of 14 cities were estimated in Hunan Province in 2008,and brown forth corresponding policy proposals to promote agricultural development. 展开更多
关键词 Two-oriented agriculture Three-stage DEA model Technical efficiency Scale efficiency
Sustainable Growth in China’s Communications Field: Trend Analysis of Impact of China’s Academic Publications
作者 贺德方 潘云涛 +1 位作者 马峥 王菁婷 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期157-163,共7页
China's cormaaunications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium... China's cormaaunications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium and Long-term Development of Science and Technology (2006-2020) (NPMLDST). Since 2006, there has been a rapid increase in the number of citations of China's interna- tional papers in the field of communications. In accordance with the goals listed in the NPMLDST, China needs to over- take several competitors by 2020 to be among the top five countries in the field of natural science field. By comparing two Essential Science Indicators (ESI) (i.e., the total number of citations and the number of citations per paper) for China and other countries, China's annual growth rate is found to exceed that of other influential countries in the field of sci- ence and technology, and exhibits evident growth-type characteristics. Besides, our study also shows that the short- age of high-quality academic papers in China is the main obstacle to improving the impact of China's academic publications. 展开更多
关键词 academic publications China's communications field CITATIONS Essential Science Indicators growth trend
Study on PEG6000 Treatment on Budding Percentage And Germination Rate of Allium Tuberosum Roxb.Seeds 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jun-hong DONG-kun 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期106-109,共4页
Allium tuberosum Roxb is very popular for its function of stomach-strengthening,spirit-freshening,yang-warming and kidney essencereplenishing,however,its seeds appear to low bud,irregular sapling and other side effect... Allium tuberosum Roxb is very popular for its function of stomach-strengthening,spirit-freshening,yang-warming and kidney essencereplenishing,however,its seeds appear to low bud,irregular sapling and other side effects,which result in low yield and poor quality.This paper analyzed effects of PEG6000 concentration on budding percentage in detail.It comes to conclusions that budding percentage of No.1 seed increases from 71% to 92% on the basis of 36 h treatment by 20% PEG6000 and 24 h water-drying,that of No.3 seed ranges from 30.4% to 53.4% on the basis of the same treatment by 10% PEG6000. 展开更多
关键词 Allium tuberosum Roxb seeds PEG6000 concentration Priming Budding percentage
Psychosocial oncology in China——Challenges and opportunities 被引量:2
作者 Lili Tang Janet de Groot Barry D. Bultz 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第3期123-128,共6页
Objective:In China over the past decade,psychosocial oncology has emerged as a new program. Development of this program requires attention to current opportunities,obstacles and cultural concerns. Methods: A selected ... Objective:In China over the past decade,psychosocial oncology has emerged as a new program. Development of this program requires attention to current opportunities,obstacles and cultural concerns. Methods: A selected literature review of academic papers in Chinese and English language journals and web sites was analyzed for themes regarding the current status,challenges,and opportunities for psychosocial oncology in China. Results: China’s national cancer strategy (2004-2010),based on WHO guidelines,is focused on cancer prevention and treatment,as well as quality of life among cancer patients and their families. The Chinese Anti-Cancer Association is now funding research,training and international collaboration in psychosocial oncology. The newly organized Chinese Psychosocial Oncology Society,founded in 2006,aims to provide a national forum for psychosocial oncology research. Cultural and systemic challenges to establishing psychosocial oncology as a core discipline in China include: (1) the family’s desire to ‘protect’ cancer patients by with-holding cancer-related information; (2) stigma and privacy regarding mental health issues; (3) biomedical practitioners’ claims that psychosocial on-cology is not sufficiently evidence-based; and (4) limited funding for psychosocial oncology care and research. Conclusion: The International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) is considered a valuable resource towards China’s interest in partnering with the international psychosocial oncology community to enhance the discipline globally. 展开更多
关键词 psychosocial oncology China
On construction waste disposal in Chongqing
作者 廖奇云 ZHONG Guo-yi +1 位作者 TAO Yan-yu JIA Shun 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期195-202,共8页
With rapid development of the construction industry in China, lots of construction materials are being widely reused. Meanwhile, more and more materials for building remover or demolition enter into the environment as... With rapid development of the construction industry in China, lots of construction materials are being widely reused. Meanwhile, more and more materials for building remover or demolition enter into the environment as a result. However, China is facing big building garbage pollution, with simple disposal methods and low efficiency, which urgently needs to be improved. The paper takes Chongqing as an example to illustrate existing problems in this field and then puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of economy, technology, management and policy, aiming at enhancing the level of construction waste disposal in China. 展开更多
Seismic performance testing of reinforcement concrete frames strengthened with Y-eccentrically brace
作者 王大鹏 YU An-lin XUE Li-ming 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期151-160,共10页
Two single-storey single-span reinforcement concrete (RC) frame structures strengthened with Y-eccentrically brace were designed and manufactured to be 1/3 scale. The pseudo-dynamic testing method was used to study ... Two single-storey single-span reinforcement concrete (RC) frame structures strengthened with Y-eccentrically brace were designed and manufactured to be 1/3 scale. The pseudo-dynamic testing method was used to study the mechanical characteristics and the seismic performance under E1-Centro earthquake action with different peak acceleration adjusted by China's Code for Seismic Design of Buildings. The test results indicate that RC frame structures strengthened with Y- eccentrically steel brace present perfect seismic performance under strong earthquake action owing to the good ductility, strong bearing capability and fine energy absorbing capability provided by energy dissipation element and high lateral stiffness provided by diagonal braces. The seismic performance is also affected by the length of outsourcing steel at the joint between energy dissipation element of eccentric steel brace and RC frame beam. The joint should be considerably designed to make sure that shear failure can firstly occur in energy dissipation element. 展开更多
关键词 Y-eccentrically steel brace energy dissipation element pseudo-dynamic test seismic performance shear failure
Reducing sugars production from pretreated rapeseed straw
作者 肖弥彰 SHIN Hyun-jae DONG Qiu-hua 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期183-194,共12页
Lignocellulosic biomass, being treated only with ammonia, treated with ammonia and then autoclaved, and treated with white-rot fungi after being mechanically chipped, were carried out to access the effects of lignocel... Lignocellulosic biomass, being treated only with ammonia, treated with ammonia and then autoclaved, and treated with white-rot fungi after being mechanically chipped, were carried out to access the effects of lignocellulose degradation by white-rot fimgi cultured on rapeseed straw. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis was used to show that the white-rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain increase the susceptibility of straw to enzymatic saccharification by modifying the lignin component, revealing the effect of these pretreatments on enzymatic saccharification. Reducing sugar production from straws pretreated by ammonia/mechanical chipping/fungi degradation was 29.80% higher than the samples treated with ammonia/autoclaving, indicating an effective degradation of phenolic compounds. After ammonia pretreatment 41% of the straw was converted to RS (reducing sugars) (glucose 50%). After 5 weeks pretreatment with the white-rot fungus, 54.8% of rapeseed straw was further converted to RS, 74% of which was glucose; while only 12% of the control straw was converted (glucose 42%). The white-rot fungus Bjerkandera sp. strain degraded rapeseed straw preferentially at the early stage (before 20 d), and the degradation selectivity was 0.181 1 (cellulose), 0.364 1 (hemicellulose), and 0.454 8 (lignin), suggesting that removal of the phenolic barriers enhanced reducing sugar yield, and the efficiency of fungal pretreatment was comparable with that after alkali treatment, resulting a higher proportion of glucose in the hydrolysates. 展开更多
关键词 PRETREATMENT reducing sugars white-rot fungi Fourier transform infrared
Effects of surface modification by Ni, Ti and B on electrochemical properties of Mg_(1.8)Cu_(0.2)Ni hydrogen storage alloy
作者 焦晓燕 WANG Chang-qing +1 位作者 ZHAO Na ZHU Gui-qin 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2012年第4期177-182,共6页
Amorphous alloy Mg1.8Cu0.2Ni was successfully prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and a series of (n-x)Ni- x(Ti+B) composites were synthesized by MA. The electrochemical properties of Mgl.8Cu0.2Ni coated by Ni... Amorphous alloy Mg1.8Cu0.2Ni was successfully prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) and a series of (n-x)Ni- x(Ti+B) composites were synthesized by MA. The electrochemical properties of Mgl.8Cu0.2Ni coated by Ni, Ti and B were studied by cyclic charge-discharge, linear polarization curve, and hydrogen diffusion coefficient experiments. Experimental results indicate that Mg1.8Cu0.2Ni-[0.9Ni0.6(Ti+B)] composite which was MA 30 h exhibited the best performance and its initial discharge capacity arrived to 714.1 mAh/g. After 30 cycles the discharge capacity was above 530 mAh/g, which was much higher than that of Mg1.8Cu0.2Ni. And after 100 cycles it holded still 442.1 mAh/g. On all accounts, after modification by Ni, Ti and B, the initial discharge capacity and high-rate discharge ability of the electrode were evidently increased. At the same time, the cycle performance was also improved significantly. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen storage alloy mechanical alloying method surface modification MgNi-NiTiB
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