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作者 靳志朋 《兰台世界(上旬)》 北大核心 2014年第1期147-149,共3页
关键词 莲池书院 学术圣地 人文景观 书院文化
博闻强识而让 敦善行而不怠——访工商管理学院博士生导师田毕飞教授
作者 唐健智 吴青青 田毕飞 《中南财经政法大学研究生论丛》 2022年第5期5-9,共5页
行百里者半九十,小狐汔济濡其尾,在学术的道路上永远要保持虚怀若谷之气度,好问则裕之精神。本期博导访谈,我们有幸采访到工商管理学院博士生导师田毕飞教授。文泉六楼教研室,是经贸学子的学术圣地。田教授方同学生们结束每周例会,西装... 行百里者半九十,小狐汔济濡其尾,在学术的道路上永远要保持虚怀若谷之气度,好问则裕之精神。本期博导访谈,我们有幸采访到工商管理学院博士生导师田毕飞教授。文泉六楼教研室,是经贸学子的学术圣地。田教授方同学生们结束每周例会,西装笔挺地静坐桌前,极具学者的君子风范。田教授结合自己的科研和生活经历,就研究创作、国际投资、人才培养等问题做了深入浅出的回答,以亲切幽默的口吻向我们娓娓叙述他的看法和建议,并寄予广大学子深切期望和祝福。十月,黄金之秋,让我们乘风而行,破浪逐梦! 展开更多
关键词 工商管理学院 田教授 君子风范 人才培养 博士生导师 虚怀若谷 看法和建议 学术圣地
The Biophobia of Satan’s Bunny: The Influence of Horror Films in Contemporary Brazilian Literature
作者 Gabriela Lopes Vasconcellos de Andrade 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1301-1312,共12页
In the course, FTV 201A: MEDIA INDUSTRIES and CULTURES of PRODUCTION: FOUNDATIONS, we discussed how to think the philosophy and thoughts that surround people who produce and work in the culture of production and med... In the course, FTV 201A: MEDIA INDUSTRIES and CULTURES of PRODUCTION: FOUNDATIONS, we discussed how to think the philosophy and thoughts that surround people who produce and work in the culture of production and media. That way, the purpose of this work is to think the use of post-horror label as a marketing strategy in the context of Brazilian contemporary literature and cinema. For that, I map the profile of three Brazilian writers: Santiago Nazarian, Antonio Xerxenesky, and Raphael Montes. They are published now by Companhia das Letras, the largest publisher in Brazil, which has an extensive work with the horror literature, having the exclusivity of Stephen King’s books. In addition, all three circulate differently in the media space, standing between an acceptance of academic criticism and the prestige of large-scale consumer audiences. I analyzed what are the writer strategies to construct their image and establish themselves in the literary market using the Post-horror label and its relation with the production company, RT Features, which is financing them. In the end, I did a critical analyzes of the post-horror label as a transmedia strategy to construct an author’s name. 展开更多
关键词 post-horror RT features Brazilian literature
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