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学术工业:论哥伦比亚学派的传播研究范式 被引量:4
作者 胡翼青 何瑛 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期125-129,共5页
从拉扎斯菲尔德的名著《人际影响》的知识生产过程入手,讨论了哥伦比亚学派的学术生产。以《人际影响》为代表,自哥伦比亚学派以后,社会科学研究的知识生产变成了一种学术工业。生产知识的不再仅仅依赖于书斋和一颗时刻思索着的头脑,学... 从拉扎斯菲尔德的名著《人际影响》的知识生产过程入手,讨论了哥伦比亚学派的学术生产。以《人际影响》为代表,自哥伦比亚学派以后,社会科学研究的知识生产变成了一种学术工业。生产知识的不再仅仅依赖于书斋和一颗时刻思索着的头脑,学术成果的生产可以如零件一般拆卸组装,与之相匹配的是学术评价指标和学者角色的转化,这一切都带来了许多严重后果。自此以后,学术研究和组织管理渐行渐近,专家、技术官僚开始出现,从而正式瓦解了从欧洲传承下来的象牙塔式的大学人文知识生产模式。 展开更多
关键词 哥伦比亚学派 学术工业 《人际影响》 拉扎斯菲尔德
作者 范洪 《中国多媒体与网络教学学报(电子版)》 2018年第5Z期101-102,共2页
学术工业时代,学术研究被降格为物质产品生产并形成规模化生产已初现端倪,由此带来了一些学术研究者学术人格的异化。究其原因,可从学术道德和神圣感的缺失、传统文化和近现代教育的误区、现实经济生活的过分执着、"经世致用"... 学术工业时代,学术研究被降格为物质产品生产并形成规模化生产已初现端倪,由此带来了一些学术研究者学术人格的异化。究其原因,可从学术道德和神圣感的缺失、传统文化和近现代教育的误区、现实经济生活的过分执着、"经世致用"的实践理念以及知识分子目标的多元化等层面找到解释。学术人格的重塑与学术自觉意识的觉醒是化解学术人格异化的重要举措。 展开更多
关键词 学术工业时代 学术人格 学术自觉
“(2008-2014年)中国工业建筑遗产学术研讨会”成果研究 被引量:4
作者 青木信夫 张家浩 徐苏斌 《建筑与文化》 2016年第4期100-103,共4页
关键词 中国工业建筑遗产学术研讨会 工业遗产 研究 发展
作者 傅水根 张万昌 李家枢 《常州信息职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期1-3,共3页
关键词 国际现代工业培训学术会议 作用 发展
作者 张藜 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期189-192,共4页
2002年10月3-5日,由国际现代化学史委员会(Commission on the History of Modern Chemistry,简称CHMC)主办的第4届国际现代化学史研讨会在地处美国费城的化学遗产基金会(Chemical Heritage Foundation,简称CHF)举行.这次会议的主题是&qu... 2002年10月3-5日,由国际现代化学史委员会(Commission on the History of Modern Chemistry,简称CHMC)主办的第4届国际现代化学史研讨会在地处美国费城的化学遗产基金会(Chemical Heritage Foundation,简称CHF)举行.这次会议的主题是"在化学和分子科学中工业与学术研究的关系",开幕式由CHF现任主席、国际著名的科学史家、曾担任过Isis主编的Arnold Thackray主持,来自美国、德国、法国、英国、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、委内瑞拉、日本、印度、中国等14个国家的15位研究者提交了论文并作了为期两天的演讲. 展开更多
关键词 20世纪 化学工业学术研究 议题 现代化学史
《电化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期112-112,共1页
关键词 “第九届全国有机电化学与工业学术会议” 电化学工业 科技成果 孙世刚
《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第6期59-59,共1页
由东南大学经济管理学院、中国社会科学院工业经济研究所和《中国工业经济》杂志社共同主办的“新型工业化与中国产业竞争力”全国学术研讨会于2004年11月13日~14日在东南大学逸夫科技馆召开。开幕式由经济管理学院院长徐康宁教授主持... 由东南大学经济管理学院、中国社会科学院工业经济研究所和《中国工业经济》杂志社共同主办的“新型工业化与中国产业竞争力”全国学术研讨会于2004年11月13日~14日在东南大学逸夫科技馆召开。开幕式由经济管理学院院长徐康宁教授主持,校党委书记胡凌云研究员、中国社会科学院工业经济研究所所长吕政教授分别致辞。江苏省副省长吴瑞林出席会议并作了关于“江苏省走新型工业化道路的必要性”的主题报告。 展开更多
关键词 “新型工业化和中国产业竞争力”全国学术研讨会 东南大学 产业经济学 国有资产 创新能力
高职院校环境思政新模式探索——以湖北工业职业技术学院为例 被引量:1
作者 王厚兵 张伟 《湖北工业职业技术学院学报》 2020年第2期23-27,共5页
大学生宿舍作为高校学生管理“五级责任”的基础责任,如何从单纯的住宿职能逐步向教育职能拓展,是学生管理工作面临的重要课题。针对学生宿舍缺乏专业育人队伍、宿舍育人载体单一、宿舍管理模式落后、宿舍文化氛围薄弱等问题,探讨通过... 大学生宿舍作为高校学生管理“五级责任”的基础责任,如何从单纯的住宿职能逐步向教育职能拓展,是学生管理工作面临的重要课题。针对学生宿舍缺乏专业育人队伍、宿舍育人载体单一、宿舍管理模式落后、宿舍文化氛围薄弱等问题,探讨通过完善机制、搭建平台、丰富载体等方式,将学生管理工作前移,把宿舍作为学生思想政治工作的平台、行为习惯养成的基地、培养团队合作精神和提升学生自我管理能力的场所,探索宿舍育人和环境思政,以保障学生安全和校园稳定。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 学生宿舍 环境思政
作者 曲升 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第4期470-476,共7页
战后50年代美国思想学术界“共识”的形成,与美国举国冷战体制的建立这一体制因素有着重要的关联。其中,反共产主义的宣传和政策促进了自由-保守主义意识形态一致的形成;军事、情报机构与科学和思想界的结合及“军事-工业-学术复合体”... 战后50年代美国思想学术界“共识”的形成,与美国举国冷战体制的建立这一体制因素有着重要的关联。其中,反共产主义的宣传和政策促进了自由-保守主义意识形态一致的形成;军事、情报机构与科学和思想界的结合及“军事-工业-学术复合体”的出现,则加深了知识和权力的高度共生关系。同时,这种“共识”也是思想学术界自觉选择与塑造的结果,这点可从战后美国史学界“反进步主义史学”潮流的兴起得到说明。 展开更多
关键词 冷战体制 共识 反共 军事-工业-学术复合体 反进步主义史学
两代实用主义者:从佩恩基金研究谈起 被引量:4
作者 胡翼青 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期34-39,共6页
1928年美国电影研究评议会启动了佩恩基金研究项目,这项由社会学芝加哥学派参与,旨在研究电影与青少年关系的课题受到了传播学史的高度评价,然而这项研究却充满了裂痕:不仅课题内部存在着路径上的分歧及研究设计上的逻辑矛盾,同一子课... 1928年美国电影研究评议会启动了佩恩基金研究项目,这项由社会学芝加哥学派参与,旨在研究电影与青少年关系的课题受到了传播学史的高度评价,然而这项研究却充满了裂痕:不仅课题内部存在着路径上的分歧及研究设计上的逻辑矛盾,同一子课题的研究也存在着方法论和认识论上的差异。不同研究者在什么是值得社会学研究的对象与问题,以何种方式收集经验资料,以何种方式组织知识生产,怎样理解和看待社会科学的终极目的等方面有着完全不同的见解,他们构成了两代完全不同的实用主义者。这是美国社会发展变迁的结果,其结果是导致了社会科学的学术工业化和社会科学家的专门化。 展开更多
关键词 实用主义 佩恩基金研究 学术工业
文化记忆的官能:论贡布里希的人文科学研究思想 被引量:1
作者 李晓愚 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期174-179,共6页
贡布里希是20世纪西方最重要的艺术史家之一,其探索的范围几乎涉及人文科学的整个领域。他还是一位具有强烈使命感的教育者,毕生都为捍卫古典价值奋战。本文通过梳理贡布里希的著作、论文、讲稿等相关文献,分析阐明他的人文科学理念。... 贡布里希是20世纪西方最重要的艺术史家之一,其探索的范围几乎涉及人文科学的整个领域。他还是一位具有强烈使命感的教育者,毕生都为捍卫古典价值奋战。本文通过梳理贡布里希的著作、论文、讲稿等相关文献,分析阐明他的人文科学理念。贡布里希将人文科学视为“人类文化记忆的官能”,对专业化、时尚竞赛、学术工业给人文科学造成的危机进行了反思。他建议人文学者在研究时应采取“受控想象”的方式,避免不负责任的主观主义和对“数据偶像”的盲目崇拜。贡布里希的人文科学理念中既包含批判性的忧思,亦不乏建设性的方案,对中国人文科学的研究现状不无警醒和启发。 展开更多
关键词 贡布里希 人文科学 学术工业 数据偶像
DF_(8BJ)内燃机车交流传动控制系统 被引量:1
作者 刘可安 谭雪谦 马健 《机车电传动》 北大核心 2003年第4期22-24,共3页
阐述了DF8BJ(“西部之光”)内燃机车交流传动控制系统的功能,对完成其控制功能的系统组成和控制策略进行了详细介绍。分析了试验过程中出现的一些问题,并提出了解决方法。试验和运用证明,该控制系统性能优良,工作稳定,能满足内燃机车交... 阐述了DF8BJ(“西部之光”)内燃机车交流传动控制系统的功能,对完成其控制功能的系统组成和控制策略进行了详细介绍。分析了试验过程中出现的一些问题,并提出了解决方法。试验和运用证明,该控制系统性能优良,工作稳定,能满足内燃机车交流传动的控制要求。 展开更多
关键词 DF8BJ内燃机车 交流传动 控制系统 直接转矩控制 粘着控制
博士生培养目标在学术界与工业界之间的理解差异——以工科博士生培养目标为例 被引量:4
作者 刘俭 刘少雪 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期113-119,共7页
企业是工科博士的主要就业单位,了解企业对工科博士的需求,是高校博士生培养的目标之一。本文运用扎根理论法,通过对14位工科博士生导师和13位工业企业雇主的质性访谈,了解学术界和企业界两大群体对工科博士生培养目标的理解。研究发现... 企业是工科博士的主要就业单位,了解企业对工科博士的需求,是高校博士生培养的目标之一。本文运用扎根理论法,通过对14位工科博士生导师和13位工业企业雇主的质性访谈,了解学术界和企业界两大群体对工科博士生培养目标的理解。研究发现:两大群体对工科博士培养目标的理解有基本共识,特别是对"知识掌握的能力"的目标诉求一致;但对培养目标素质构成的重要性方面,两大群体的认识差异明显。因此,高校在设置博士生培养目标时,应当重视企业界观点,完善高校工科博士生的培养目标。 展开更多
关键词 博士生培养目标 学术界与工业 差异研究
Industry 5.0-The Relevance and Implications of Bionics and Synthetic Biology 被引量:6
作者 Peter Sachsenmeier 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第2期225-229,共5页
Bionics (the imitation or abstraction of the "inventions" of nature) and, to an even greater extent, syn- thetic biology, will be as relevant to engineering development and industry as the silicon chip was over th... Bionics (the imitation or abstraction of the "inventions" of nature) and, to an even greater extent, syn- thetic biology, will be as relevant to engineering development and industry as the silicon chip was over the last 50 years. Chemical industries already use so-called "white biotechnology" for new processes, new raw materials, and more sustainable use of resources. Synthetic biology is also used for the devel- opment of second-generation biofuels and for harvesting the sun's energy with the help of tailor-made microorganisms or biometrically designed catalysts. The market potential for bionics in medicine, en- gineering processes, and DNA storage is huge. "Moonshot" projects are already aggressively focusing on diseases and new materials, and a US-led competition is currently underway with the aim of creating a thousand new molecules. This article describes a timeline that starts with current projects and then moves on to code engineering projects and their implications, artificial DNA, signaling molecules, and biological circuitry. Beyond these projects, one of the next frontiers in bionics is the design of synthetic metabolisms that include artificial food chains and foods, and the bioengineering of raw materials; all of which will lead to new insights into biological principles. Bioengineering will be an innovation motor just as digitalization is today. This article discusses pertinent examples of bioengineering, particularly the use of alternative carbon-based biofuels and the techniques and perils of cell modification. Big data, analytics, and massive storage are important factors in this next frontier. Although synthetic biology will be as pervasive and transformative in the next 50 years as digitization and the Intemet are today, its ap- plications and impacts are still in nascent stages. This article provides a general taxonomy in which the development of bioengineering is classified in five stages (DNA analysis, bio-circuits, minimal genomes, protocells, xenobiology) from the familiar to the unknown, with implications for safety and security, in- dustrial development, and the development of bioengineering and biotechnology as an interdisciplinary field. Ethical issues and the importance of a public debate about the consequences of bionics and syn- thetic biology are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 BionicsSynthetic biologyBio-engineeringBiological sensorsBiofuelsBio weaponsVirtual evolutionProtocellsXeno cellsEconomic significanceIndustry 5.0GermanyChina
Next Generation Internet and IPv6 Transition
作者 WANG Wendong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期151-152,共2页
IPv4 address space has been exhausted since2011.The problem will be solved by moving forward to the next-generation Internet based on IPv6.Smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6is the key to deciding whether the next-gen... IPv4 address space has been exhausted since2011.The problem will be solved by moving forward to the next-generation Internet based on IPv6.Smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6is the key to deciding whether the next-generation Internet is successful.IPv6-transition,hence,has been become the focus of both industry and academia. 展开更多
关键词 deciding merely difficulty Transition hence hundreds highlight tunneling transitional CERNET
Hellinger distance based probability distribution approach to performance monitoring of nonlinear control systems 被引量:2
作者 李晨 黄彪 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期1945-1950,共6页
Control performance monitoring has attracted great attention in both academia and industry over the past two decades. However, most research efforts have been devoted to the performance monitoring of linear control sy... Control performance monitoring has attracted great attention in both academia and industry over the past two decades. However, most research efforts have been devoted to the performance monitoring of linear control systems, without considering the pervasive nonlinearities(e.g. valve stiction) present in most industrial control systems. In this work, a novel probability distribution distance based index is proposed to monitor the performance of non-linear control systems. The proposed method uses Hellinger distance to evaluate change of control system performance. Several simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Control performance monitoring Kernel density estimation Hellinger distance Nonlinear system
Advances in Chemical Engineering-A Review of Petrochemical Industry in China 被引量:2
作者 洪定一 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期229-234,共6页
Chemical engineering has played an important role in the development of petrochemical industry. Some important advances in chemical engineering have been discussed in detail, i. e. petroleum refining, organic chemical... Chemical engineering has played an important role in the development of petrochemical industry. Some important advances in chemical engineering have been discussed in detail, i. e. petroleum refining, organic chemicals,synthetic resin, synthetic fibers and relevant raw materials, synthetic rubber, and process energy integration. The main business targets of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC Corp.) and the focus of further researches are also addressed. 展开更多
关键词 chemical engineering petrochemical industry SINOPEC Corp.
Microfluidic technology for multiphase emulsions morphology adjustment and functional materials preparation 被引量:10
作者 XuehuiGe Hong Zhao +3 位作者 Tao Wang Jian Chen Jianhong Xu Guangsheng Luo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期677-692,共16页
Multiphase emulsions could be used as templates in considerable fields such as coating, optical materials, stan- dard particles and biomedicine. Among various emulsion forming methods, microfluidic technology, with go... Multiphase emulsions could be used as templates in considerable fields such as coating, optical materials, stan- dard particles and biomedicine. Among various emulsion forming methods, microfluidic technology, with good monodispersity, high controllability and operation simplicity, has been widely used in the preparation of multi- phase emulsions with different systems. This review would focus on the basic principles of forming multiphase emulsions, the recent progress in controlling multiphase flow in microfluidics, and preparation of functional ma- terials with microfluidics mainly by the authors' research group. We believe that the review will contribute to the readers in this prospective area very well. ~ 2016 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Multiphase emulsionsMicrofluidicsFlow controlFunctional microspheres
Industry Based "Hands-On" Undergraduate Vibration Course for Engineering and Engineering Technology Students
作者 Geoffrey J. Peter 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第2期71-77,共7页
Modem technology and manufacturing methods often require engineers who understand the fundamental principles of vibration theory and who are also skilled in vibration applications. Simply processing, remembering and a... Modem technology and manufacturing methods often require engineers who understand the fundamental principles of vibration theory and who are also skilled in vibration applications. Simply processing, remembering and applying the material learned from lectures and laboratory experiments With artificial criteria are inadequate. Hands-on teaching techniques with real-world problems are needed to complete the engineering students' education. This paper demonstrates how hands-on experiments performed in industry support and increase the students' understanding of fundamental principles and skill in their applications. Graduates with both knowledge and skill are more competitive in today's job market. A one-quarter industry-based vibration course was developed and taught with a hands-on segment at the Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering and Technology (MMET) program at Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) - Portland Campus. This novel instructional approach provided students with the opportunity to immediately apply material, learned in class and laboratory, in real-world industry situations with real-world problems. This instructional approach is applicable in many engineering fields and the author found the mechanical vibrations class particularly well suited for this instructional design style. The hands-on approach, grounded in the vibration course curriculum, provided a direct link to the fundamentals of vibration in industry. Student comments are included to demonstrate the value perceived by the students. Although this curriculum experiment involved mechanical engineering technology students, it would benefit mechanical engineering students equally well. In addition, the paper provides a brief description of the industries that participated in this project. Industries were selected because they use vibration based manufacturing, perform extreme testing or design their products to avoid failure due to vibrations. 展开更多
关键词 Vibrations novel curriculum manufacturing mechanical engineering technology.
Simple processing technology of leaching water using CO_2 microbubbles
作者 铃木宪司 李春山 张锁江 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1871-1874,共4页
The effectiveness of CO2 microsize bubbles for removal of Ca2+ ions in the leaching water discharged from the final landfill site was evaluated using imitation water. For the important parameter in the Ca2+ ion remo... The effectiveness of CO2 microsize bubbles for removal of Ca2+ ions in the leaching water discharged from the final landfill site was evaluated using imitation water. For the important parameter in the Ca2+ ion removal, it was found that the treatment in alkaline region above pH = 10 was optimum. The possibility of using CO2 microbubbles was examined by substitution of chemical Na2CO3, which is used in large quantifies today. In addition, the excellence of CO2 microbubbles was demonstrated by comparing with CO2 millimeter size bubbles. @ 2015 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 microbubble CarbonateFinal landfill siteLeaching waterRemoval of Ca2 ions
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