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作者 董柏林 《合肥师范学院学报》 2022年第4期12-16,共5页
由于缺乏前期的酝酿与自治的训练,加上官方管控乏力,五四运动后大学学生自治会的权力过度膨胀,呈现出自由无序的发展特征。学生自治会的顾“自”而忘“治”,不仅引起学校当局的反感,更不为政府所认同。在面临外部压力的同时,学生自治会... 由于缺乏前期的酝酿与自治的训练,加上官方管控乏力,五四运动后大学学生自治会的权力过度膨胀,呈现出自由无序的发展特征。学生自治会的顾“自”而忘“治”,不仅引起学校当局的反感,更不为政府所认同。在面临外部压力的同时,学生自治会内部治理不善也困扰着自身的维系与发展。学校市作为当时美国学校培养学生自治能力、养成健全人格和发展共和精神的一种“政治拟构”,在民初传入我国。作为一种可能的改造方案,学校市被官方和学生自治会所共同关注。虽然学校市最终未能在大学普遍试行,但有限的“经验”和改造的“设计”成为南京国民政府加强对学生自治会制度化与法治化建设的有效资源和行动逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 民国时期 学生自治会 发展困境 学校市 改造设计
学校市:民国时期一种“学生自治”的实践及得失 被引量:6
作者 李林 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期149-159,M0004,共12页
19世纪末20世纪初,美国人威尔逊·基尔发明学校市制度,并在美国多地公立学校推行。1919年前后,学校市制度被引入中国,并借助1922年新学制的颁行及公民教育的倡导,于二三十年代在全国多省市中小学校推行。其间,社会各界合力塑造出学... 19世纪末20世纪初,美国人威尔逊·基尔发明学校市制度,并在美国多地公立学校推行。1919年前后,学校市制度被引入中国,并借助1922年新学制的颁行及公民教育的倡导,于二三十年代在全国多省市中小学校推行。其间,社会各界合力塑造出学校市非常必要而且有效的知识氛围,助力该制度的推广。然而,制度实践对制度设计的偏离,以及此种学校内“政治拟构”与“学校社会化”本旨的差异,也让学校市的组织架构及精神内涵不断发生异变,终在1930年代中期以后淡出学校场域。 展开更多
关键词 学生自治 威尔逊·基尔 学校市 公民教育 学校社会化
国家高水平体育后备人才基地规范化建设个案研究——以江苏省徐州市体育运动学校为例 被引量:3
作者 张亮 吴南宁 《体育文化导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期11-14,共4页
运用调查研究法等对经历了三个奥运周期的"国家高水平体育后备人才基地"——江苏省徐州市体育运动学校进行个案分析,调查学校"基地"建设与发展情况。主要结论:"基地"规范化建设与徐州市体育运动学校的发... 运用调查研究法等对经历了三个奥运周期的"国家高水平体育后备人才基地"——江苏省徐州市体育运动学校进行个案分析,调查学校"基地"建设与发展情况。主要结论:"基地"规范化建设与徐州市体育运动学校的发展创造性融合,使该校产生质的飞跃,其发展具有可借鉴性。建议:各级体校"基地"规范化建设与持续发展必须坚持改革与创新训练体制,转变青少年体育发展理念,转变体教结合的发展模式等。 展开更多
关键词 体育管理 体育后备人才 徐州 体育运动学校
作者 胡俊 王善发 《保山学院学报》 2017年第5期105-108,共4页
通过开放学校的体育设施,可以有效的缓解社会体育资源不足的情况;对云南省保山市县区级学校体育资源的服务情况进行有效分析,提出了有效的对策,促使学校资源能够更好地服务学生和广大群众,在全民健身热潮中为群众体育服务发挥积极作用,... 通过开放学校的体育设施,可以有效的缓解社会体育资源不足的情况;对云南省保山市县区级学校体育资源的服务情况进行有效分析,提出了有效的对策,促使学校资源能够更好地服务学生和广大群众,在全民健身热潮中为群众体育服务发挥积极作用,通过全民健身计划的开展,使群众体育得到更好的传承。 展开更多
关键词 学校 体育资源 群众体育 现状研究
《世界建筑》 北大核心 2001年第5期36-39,共4页
关键词 荷兰 锡尔福尔德伊萨拉学校 建筑设计
廊坊市师范学校以健康教育为依托 落实学校卫生条例
作者 赵雅丽 《中国健康教育》 2001年第7期429-430,共2页
关键词 健康教育 学校卫生条例 廓坊师范学校 卫生保健
作者 沈洪 《体育教学》 2022年第9期26-26,共1页
过去十年,随着体育课程教学改革的持续推进,市东人不断强化学校体育的育人价值,着力提升学生体质健康水平,以“促进青少年身心健康、体魄强健”为目标引领,在实践中逐步凝练和收获了体育课改的市东理念、市东行动和市东成效。一、体育... 过去十年,随着体育课程教学改革的持续推进,市东人不断强化学校体育的育人价值,着力提升学生体质健康水平,以“促进青少年身心健康、体魄强健”为目标引领,在实践中逐步凝练和收获了体育课改的市东理念、市东行动和市东成效。一、体育课改这十年市东实验学校的理念上海市市东实验学校是一所以百年老校为基础的“十二年一贯制”公办学校,对贯彻实施体育课程改革有着天然的优势。在多年的育人实践中,学校形成了“健康、德性、智慧”的市东理念:让学生在体育学习中拥有健康的身心,培育学生发展核心素养必备的品德和性格,帮助学生提升真实情境中解决问题的智慧和能力,促进学生在身体发展中实现精神生命的成长。 展开更多
关键词 上海东实验学校 学校体育 教学改革
办一流名校 育创新人才 重庆市朝阳中学校
《中考金刊》 2006年第2期I0004-I0004,共1页
关键词 重庆 朝阳中学 级重点高完中 联招学校 办学特色 师资力量 学校概况
科学发展观视野下的县(市、区)级教师进修学校建设 被引量:2
作者 王少华 《中小学教师培训》 北大核心 2006年第9期18-20,共3页
随着基础教育发展步伐的加快,教育转型的周期越来越短,县(市、区)级教师进修学校在教育的发展变化之中没有得到相应的发展和转型,致使其在现在的工作中问题“多多”。如何在科学发展观的引领下,通过跨越式发展跟上“趟”,本文从... 随着基础教育发展步伐的加快,教育转型的周期越来越短,县(市、区)级教师进修学校在教育的发展变化之中没有得到相应的发展和转型,致使其在现在的工作中问题“多多”。如何在科学发展观的引领下,通过跨越式发展跟上“趟”,本文从问题揭示、原因剖析入手,提出了解决这一问题的对策。 展开更多
关键词 县(、区)级教师进修学校 科学发展观 基础教育 教育转型 跨越式发展
《师道(人文)》 2005年第11期64-64,共1页
关键词 深圳 南山小学 一级学校 办学目标 办学特色 教育科研 学校概况
《师道(人文)》 2005年第2期F003-F003,共1页
关键词 番禺区桥沙墟第一小学 广州 办学条件 办学特色 一级学校 艺术教育
《广东教育(高中版)》 2013年第4期F0004-F0004,共1页
揭东第二中学是2008年4月经揭阳市人民政府批准成立的一所公办重点高中,揭阳市一级学校。学校位于揭东区金风路北段,北倚莲山,南襟榕江,临乾石,拥蟹泉;校园草木华滋,楼宇参差,文气蔚然,既彰显现代建筑的气派,又融合园林景观... 揭东第二中学是2008年4月经揭阳市人民政府批准成立的一所公办重点高中,揭阳市一级学校。学校位于揭东区金风路北段,北倚莲山,南襟榕江,临乾石,拥蟹泉;校园草木华滋,楼宇参差,文气蔚然,既彰显现代建筑的气派,又融合园林景观的风韵,是广大学子实现自己人生梦想的摇篮! 展开更多
关键词 中学 揭阳 一级学校 人民政府 重点高中 现代建筑 园林景观 人生梦想
《环境教育》 2006年第2期71-71,共1页
关键词 深圳南山区 占地面积 建筑面积 师资力量 南山小学 一级学校 办学特色 环境教育
广州市第四十一中学 全面化优质 特色化发展
《教育导刊(上半月)》 2013年第3期F0003-F0003,共1页
广州市第四十一中学创建于1958年。1999年至2003年实现了从一所普通中学到市一级学校再到省一级学校跨越式的发浆。该校先后获得广东省现代技术实验学校、广东省绿色学校、广东省依法治校示范学校、广东省书香校园、广东省中小学教师继... 广州市第四十一中学创建于1958年。1999年至2003年实现了从一所普通中学到市一级学校再到省一级学校跨越式的发浆。该校先后获得广东省现代技术实验学校、广东省绿色学校、广东省依法治校示范学校、广东省书香校园、广东省中小学教师继续教育校本培训示范学校、广东省高中教学水平优秀学校、广东省安全文明校园、广东省中小学教师培训实践基地、广东省青少年科学教育特色学校等称号。 展开更多
关键词 普通中学 广州 特色化发展 中小学教师培训 全面化 一级学校 教师继续教育 安全文明校园
Is Business School Performance Impacted by Market Orientation Toward Students, Employers of Students, and Parents of Students? Views from Accounting Department Chairpersons, Business School Deans, and Academic Vice-Presidents of AACSB Business Schools
作者 Robert L. Webster Kevin L. Hammond 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第2期49-59,共11页
This paper is part of a continuing research stream dealing with organizational behavior and performance in higher education, specifically within AACSB-Intemational business schools. Using responses to a national surve... This paper is part of a continuing research stream dealing with organizational behavior and performance in higher education, specifically within AACSB-Intemational business schools. Using responses to a national survey sent to AACSB-International members schools located in the United States, we report market orientation levels toward students, parents of students, and employers of students as well as levels of organizational performance reported by accounting department chairpersons, business school deans, and academic vice-presidents. Theory and empirical research suggest that higher levels of market orientation result in higher levels of organizational performance. Comparisons of the various input scores for each customer group (students, parents of students, and employers of students) submitted by the survey respondents are made against a benchmark established for businesses in the marketing literature and then scores are compared by administrative groups against one another. Finally, regression analysis is used to determine if the reported levels of organizational performance are impacted by the levels of reported market orientation. Altogether, 101 accounting department chairpersons, 130 business school deans, and 110 academic vice-presidents responded. The paper presents details of the research process, findings, statistical inferences, and discusses the implications of the research for schools of business and academic accounting departments. 展开更多
关键词 market orientation in education AACSB business schools business school management
Cultivation Research on Entrepreneurial Competence of Vocational College Students Based on Entrepreneurship
作者 Zhang Jing 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期99-102,共4页
The market competition is more and more complicated and the employment situation is more severe, which makes innovation and entrepreneurship ability become the way of survival of university students. How to cultivate ... The market competition is more and more complicated and the employment situation is more severe, which makes innovation and entrepreneurship ability become the way of survival of university students. How to cultivate entrepreneurial competence for colleges and universities is worth of caring and considering. The paper researches the cultivation of entrepreneurial competence of vocational college students and proposes the opinions to improve the entrepreneurial competence of Vocational college students. 展开更多
关键词 corporate entrepreneurship vocational college entrepreneurial competence cultivation research
The Journalist as "Audience" and "Worker": Results of Empirical Research With Freelance Journalists of S^o Paulo
作者 Roseli Figaro Claiudia Nonato Rafael Grohmann 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第8期828-839,共12页
This article presents the results of empirical research with freelance journalists from the city of Sao Paulo, involving quantitative and qualitative research methods and the theoretical-methodological from the Recept... This article presents the results of empirical research with freelance journalists from the city of Sao Paulo, involving quantitative and qualitative research methods and the theoretical-methodological from the Reception Studies and Ergology. It is a theoretical and empirical approach, whose developments have been used by the Communication and Work Research Group of Communications and Arts School--University of SAo Paulo, Brazil. The reception from the world of work shows how changes in the labor act concretely in daily life subjectively and how they manifest in the sphere of cultural consumption. The research shows how, from the reception, the journalists reveal from which place they talk about the world, the society, and their own work. The reception is revealed as the moment par excellence "to talk about work". When talking about the other's work, the journalists are confronted with their own work and reveal, in their discourse, values and dramas of real activity of communication and work. 展开更多
关键词 communication JOURNALIST work reception studies
The Experience of Model Minority for High- and Low-Income Asian American Students
作者 Amy Yun-Ping Chen 《Sociology Study》 2016年第4期211-218,共8页
The author examines the differentiation of self-identity, school treatment, and academic struggle between two Asian American students in U.S. Midwest urban school environments. Using an interview study, the author foc... The author examines the differentiation of self-identity, school treatment, and academic struggle between two Asian American students in U.S. Midwest urban school environments. Using an interview study, the author focuses on understanding the students' perspectives in relation to the label of model minority. The purpose of the study is to investigate how social, academic, and economic factors affect these students, including different outcomes in terms of school achievement and self-identity formation. The findings aim to help urban educators approach complex factors regarding minority students' educational opportunities. Comprehensive results identified that: (1) The concept of model minority significantly affects Asian American students at all levels of daily life; (2) Urban schools continue reinforcing social reproduction and producing perceptions based on socioeconomic background and intersectional discrimination; (3) The evidence in the study shows that school environments do not aid students in valuing their cultural capital; (4) Students from different social classes present different linguistic and behavioral patterns; and (5) Social stratification significantly influences students' perspectives in response to the Asian stereotype, self-identity, and racial hierarchy in school and society. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural capital racial hierarchy model minority SELF-IDENTITY social reproduction
Research on the current situations and countermeasures of the swimming elective course in colleges and universities in Chengdu
作者 Yu Xuelian 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期119-124,共6页
In college physical education, swimming elective course is one of the important contents of college physical education. By analyzing the current situation of the college swimming elective course in Chengdu city, the a... In college physical education, swimming elective course is one of the important contents of college physical education. By analyzing the current situation of the college swimming elective course in Chengdu city, the author of this article found that the characteristics of the elective courses of the college students are that the elective courses are diversified, showing the non competitive characteristics. And the author analyzes the characteristics of the swimming elective course, how to better combine with the implementation, and further discusses how to further carry on the reform of the PE teaching, and construct the elective course of the type of the sports club teaching mode. Using the questionnaire survey, the mathematical statistics and other methods, the author analyzes and researches on the status of the teaching of the swimming elective course in 7 universities in Chengdu. The results show that in the current teaching of the swimming elective course, there are some problems existing in the setting of the teaching goals and the curriculum contents, the present situation of the teams of teachers, the guarantee of the teaching materials and the teaching evaluation and other aspects. Aiming at these problems, the author puts forward the reasonable suggestions and the countermeasures, to make the teaching of the swimming elective course more perfect, and also to provide referential significance for the teaching reform of the swimming elective course in the colleges and universities in Chengdu. 展开更多
关键词 Chengdu colleges and universities swimming elective course
Universities and Global Market
作者 Petr Wolf 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期729-733,共5页
The article interested in the universities in the global market. Author briefly describes the situation of the many universities of the point of view of education, research, orientation, system of financing and manage... The article interested in the universities in the global market. Author briefly describes the situation of the many universities of the point of view of education, research, orientation, system of financing and management of the universities. The whole article is based on the author's practical experiences. The research objective was to determine how the professional community is looking at private universities and state universities. It was based on the opinion of the quality of graduates and the number of academic staff who are working at state universities These academics have mostly negative view of private universities as well as the knowledge of graduates of these private schools. However, the opinion ofstaffin practice, especially managers in manufacturing companies, trading companies, companies selling services, as well as senior officials in government, are not so negative. By contrast in certain areas such as marketing, business, management, Information and Communication Technology etc., was rather neutral or positive. The politicians were interested about these information with regard to educational reform (reform of universities is still not actual--note the author) and the expected necessary cuts of spending to higher education from the state budget. Unfortunately, the research project due to political changes in 2009 was not completed and obtained only partial results. Despite of this fact the author decided to process the article below Opinions on the topic of public vs. private univeristies were mainly obtained informally from experts from academic area (both public and private), managers, various specialists, but also from the students themselves. In conclusion man can say that the demand for people who are able to quickly demonstrate their knowledge in practice is still stronger. The title becomes second-rate (unfortunately not quite in the public and state administration). Very strong demand is the active practice of communication in English (it fulfilles especially private universities) Graduates of technical universities in the classical fields are sought less in the labor market. Very high pressure is developed by state universities to private. This implies a lack of professors and associate professors who can work in full time at private universities which are more flexible and better adapt to labor market requirements. Stronger position have private universities that are in any way connected with foreign partners from developed countries 展开更多
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