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乾嘉时期理学概述 被引量:2
作者 魏永生 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2000年第1期136-140,共5页
关键词 乾嘉理学 学术特征 清代 主敬 经世 学理派
作者 薛其林 《湖湘论坛》 CSSCI 2014年第6期66-73,共8页
中国现代政治学是在民国初年西学东渐进程中开始构建成形的,其源流主要是欧陆政治学、英美政治学和马克思主义政治学。由于唯物史观的广泛传播和巨大影响,加上中国现实政治的需要,马克思主义政治学在与其他西方各种政治学流派的论战、... 中国现代政治学是在民国初年西学东渐进程中开始构建成形的,其源流主要是欧陆政治学、英美政治学和马克思主义政治学。由于唯物史观的广泛传播和巨大影响,加上中国现实政治的需要,马克思主义政治学在与其他西方各种政治学流派的论战、诘难中发展起来,并逐渐居于主导地位,成为中国现代政治学强有力的生力军。中国的马克思主义政治学大体上可以分为学理派和实践派两派,邓初民、傅宇芳等属于前者,陈独秀、李大钊、毛泽东等人属于后者,恽代英、瞿秋白则介于二者之间。适应现实斗争的需要,本土政治学者在现代学科意识驱使下,以唯物史观为指导,以人类社会有关阶级、政党、民族、国家、革命等政治现象、政治关系、政治结构、政治活动为基本研究内容,以唯物辩证法和阶级分析法等为基本研究方法,构建起了中国现代政治学体系。 展开更多
关键词 唯物史观 中国现代政治学 学理派 实践
继往开来 任重道远——学术规范建设的新时局 被引量:1
作者 井建斌 《云梦学刊》 2006年第3期12-16,共5页
以邓正来先生为主要代表人物的“学理超前派”和以杨玉圣先生为主要代表人物的“实践务实派”各具特色而又互为补充的理论探索和实践推进,前后相继地共同推动了影响日渐深远的学术规范化运动。《关于恪守学术规范的十点倡议》的核心观... 以邓正来先生为主要代表人物的“学理超前派”和以杨玉圣先生为主要代表人物的“实践务实派”各具特色而又互为补充的理论探索和实践推进,前后相继地共同推动了影响日渐深远的学术规范化运动。《关于恪守学术规范的十点倡议》的核心观点基本上达成了学术规范建设的普遍共识,它的公开发表表明,以杨玉圣先生为主要代表人物的“新实践务实派”已经跃然成为推进学术规范建设的主流学派。以此为基础,奋力开创任重道远的学术规范建设的新时局,就成为了学术规范建设继往开来的迫切要求。 展开更多
关键词 学术规范建设 学理超前 实践务实 新实践务实 普遍共识 新时局
Jeffery Nicholas, Reason, Tradition and the Good. Maclntyre's Tradition Constituted Reason and Frankfurt School Critical Theory (Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012) 被引量:1
作者 Lia Mela 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期314-325,共12页
Jeffery Nicholas differentiates between objective reason as a practice of evaluation that provides justification and critique and subjective rationality as a subspecies of reason limited to means-ends forms of reasoni... Jeffery Nicholas differentiates between objective reason as a practice of evaluation that provides justification and critique and subjective rationality as a subspecies of reason limited to means-ends forms of reasoning. He believes that modem crisis is a crisis of reason due to the dominant form of reason in modernity, i.e., subjective rationality. Nicholas aspires to develop a substantive form of reason to base a critical theory of society aimed at human emancipation in the spirit of the Frankfurt School. The most interesting part of this effort is that although Nicholas thinks that Habermas's theory of procedural and situated communicative rationality is an initial step towards a substantive conception of reason, he recognizes the limitations of formalism in this conception and argues that the requisite terms provides Maclntyre's theory of tradition-constituted and tradition-constitutive reason. The mediating figure in this project is Charles Taylor, whose critique, first, is used against Habermas and, then, his Gadamerian idea of the "fusion of horizons" is adopted in order to expand Maclntyre's theory. 展开更多
Theory Viewing Yeats's Poetic Modernization From Mask
作者 LIU Juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第3期246-252,共7页
As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in a... As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in academic field. Whether critics term Yeats a modernist or not, they generally agree that the poems produced in his late creative period are definitively modernist works. This paper targets Yeats's realization of poetic modernization through his mask theory applied in "Crazy Jane" poems. It discusses the poetic movement in the beginning of the 20th century, the poetic theory Yeats proposed and instances Yeats's mask theory as the manifestation of his poetic modernization. The author argues that with his innovation in verse writing particularly demonstrated by application of mask theory in "Crazy Jane" poems, Yeats unquestionably played a very important role in Anglo-American modernist poetry. 展开更多
关键词 W. B. Yeats modernist poetry modernization mask theory Crazy Jane
曾国藩诗学理论平议 被引量:5
作者 黄伟 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期108-113,共6页
曾国藩是晚清诗学史上一个不可忽略的重要人物,极大地影响了同治、光绪年间的宋诗运动。他提出了“气势”、“识度”、“情韵”、“趣味”、“机神”等较为完备的诗学审美范畴,体现出传统诗学总结者的开阔视野与艺术修养,也揭示了其前... 曾国藩是晚清诗学史上一个不可忽略的重要人物,极大地影响了同治、光绪年间的宋诗运动。他提出了“气势”、“识度”、“情韵”、“趣味”、“机神”等较为完备的诗学审美范畴,体现出传统诗学总结者的开阔视野与艺术修养,也揭示了其前后期诗歌审美风尚的变化轨迹。曾氏还凭借其创作实绩以及诗歌读本的编选来流播自己的诗学理念。坚忍倔强、自拔流俗的个性品格注定曾国藩对奇崛兀傲诗风的推崇,也使得其诗学理念与创作实绩未能一一印证、完全吻合。 展开更多
关键词 曾国藩 学理 桐城 气势
Innovation and Development of Social Structure of Accumulation (SSA) Theory: A Discussion with Lu Shoujun
作者 Ma Yan David Kotz Terrence McDonough 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第3期127-135,共9页
The social structure of accumulation (SSA) theory is one of the important schools of Western Marxist economics, but China's theoretical circles do not fully understand its developmental path or its latest research ... The social structure of accumulation (SSA) theory is one of the important schools of Western Marxist economics, but China's theoretical circles do not fully understand its developmental path or its latest research findings, This is reflected in the comments about the SSA School in Lu Shoujun's paper, "Grasping Intermediate-Level Analysis of Contemporary Capitalism: The Evolution of the French Regulation School's Theoretical System." We need to give a clearer explanation of the relation between SSA theory and the French Regulation School. In particular, we need to review the major innovations and developments in SSA theory in recent years, including its theoretical analysis of the 2008 financial crisis, of sustainable SSA (SSSA) theory, and of China SSA (CSSA) theory. 展开更多
关键词 SSA theory French Regulation School innovation and development
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