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浅析在语文教学中如何培养学生的辩证思维能力 被引量:1
作者 冯培申 《成才之路》 2008年第9期26-27,共2页
关键词 辩证思维能力 语文教学 培养学生 引导学生 阅读教学 思维方式 学生片 学生 分析问题 形而上学
作者 李锡琴 《教育科学论坛》 1997年第1期24-24,共1页
关键词 模仿 有法可依 学生片 心理现象 荷花 正常人 教师 句式 作文
台湾导演林清介 被引量:1
作者 陈飞宝 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第4期87-93,共7页
一林清介是台湾影视编剧、电影导演,自组龙介电影事业股份有限公司,是台湾电影导演协会理事。林清介,台湾宜兰县礁溪乡人,1944年1月出生。宜兰中学毕业后,考上台湾国立师范大学艺术系绘画班。还在念初中时,他就迷上日本刀剑武打片,大二... 一林清介是台湾影视编剧、电影导演,自组龙介电影事业股份有限公司,是台湾电影导演协会理事。林清介,台湾宜兰县礁溪乡人,1944年1月出生。宜兰中学毕业后,考上台湾国立师范大学艺术系绘画班。还在念初中时,他就迷上日本刀剑武打片,大二放暑假回家,利用帮母亲照看面包店生意的闲暇,到礁溪戏院看了黑泽明的电影《大剑客》(《椿十三郎》)、《镖客》 展开更多
关键词 题材 艺术系 绘画 作品 台湾学生 林清 手法 新电影 蝴蝶 学生片
浅谈高中女生体育教学 被引量:1
作者 李定英 《重庆教育学院学报》 1996年第1期95-96,共2页
中学教育贯彻德、智、体全面发展的方针,应把体育摆在应有的重要地位,这是事关提高中华民族素质,保证培养人才质量的一个重大问题。毛泽东同志指出:“体育一道,配德育与智育,而德智皆寄于体。无体是无德智也。”“体者,载知识之车而寓... 中学教育贯彻德、智、体全面发展的方针,应把体育摆在应有的重要地位,这是事关提高中华民族素质,保证培养人才质量的一个重大问题。毛泽东同志指出:“体育一道,配德育与智育,而德智皆寄于体。无体是无德智也。”“体者,载知识之车而寓道德之舍也。”精辟地阐述了体育与德育、智育的关系。中学阶段,正是学生学知识、长身体、树立人生观的重要时期,必须贯彻德、智、体全面发展的教育方针。 展开更多
关键词 高中女生 女生体育教学 人才质量 学生片 重要地位 重大问题 民族素质 中学教育 反复练习 系统性
作者 刘莎 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 1998年第1期106-107,共2页
当前,由于受应试教育的影响,相当一部分学生片面地认为地理是会考课,学好学坏无所谓。因此,如何激发学生兴趣,改变他们的学习态度,变被动的要我学为积极主动地我要学,进而达到我爱学的境界,是搞好地理课堂教学的关键之一。地理学是研究... 当前,由于受应试教育的影响,相当一部分学生片面地认为地理是会考课,学好学坏无所谓。因此,如何激发学生兴趣,改变他们的学习态度,变被动的要我学为积极主动地我要学,进而达到我爱学的境界,是搞好地理课堂教学的关键之一。地理学是研究人地关系的一门科学,范围渗透到自然科学和社会科学领域,内容多。 展开更多
关键词 地理教学 地理课堂教学 激发学生兴趣 人地关系 应试教育 地理课外活动 学习态度 学生片 社会科学领域 地理学科
High Resolution Determination of Ondansetron in Human Plasma by HPLC and Pharmacokinetics of Orally Disintegrating Tablets 被引量:1
作者 陈伟 吴伟 +4 位作者 汪杨 黄敏 阙俐 胡弢 孙宁云 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第3期162-168,共7页
Ahn To develop a high resolution HPLC method for the determination of ondansetron in human plasma and to study the pharmacokinetics of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets. Methods HPLC determination involved ... Ahn To develop a high resolution HPLC method for the determination of ondansetron in human plasma and to study the pharmacokinetics of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets. Methods HPLC determination involved liquid-liquid extraction, separation on a CN column and ultraviolet detection at 310 ran with granisetron as an internal standard. Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets by direct compression and conventional 8 mg tablets were evaluated and compared in 20 healthy human male volunteers after a single oral dose in a randomized cross-over study. Results The limit of quantification was 0.25 ng· mL^-1. The recovery was about 85 % or over for ondan setron and about 90% for internal standard. Linearity was good within the concentration range of 0.5 - 50 ng·mL^-1 with r^2 ranging from 0.997 1 to 0.999 9. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation ranged from 1.78% to 2.38% and 3.88% -5.19%, respectively. Accuracies for spiked concentrations of 2.0, 10.0, and 30.0 ng·mL^-1 were 104.7% ±4.4%, 102.2% ± 1.1%, and99.51% ±2.34%, respectively. Pharmacokinetic parameters of AUCo-t, AUCo-∞ , Cmax, Tmax, and T1/2 were 230.2 ± 78.0 ng·h·L^-1 , 265.2± 101.5 ng·h·mL^-1, 35.67 ± 8.94 ng·mL^-l, 1.51 ±0.79 h, and 5.00± 1.41 h for orally disintegrating tablets, respectively. The analysis of variance did not show any significant difference between orally disintegrating tablets and conventional tablets, and 90% confidence intervals fell within the acceptable range for bioequivalence. Conclusion High resolution HPLC method has been set up and applied in pharmacokinetic evaluation of ondansetron in orally disintegrating tablets. 展开更多
关键词 ONDANSETRON HPLC orally disintegrating tablets PHARMACOKINETICS
作者 汪海玲 《小学教学(数学版)》 2007年第11期46-47,共2页
看到这个话题,我不由得想起珠海市一位教研员讲的一个有关课程整合的笑话:一名体育教师上研讨课时,为了体现"课程整合"的新理念,在课堂上把英语、数学、音乐等学科内容都用上了。最后可能是想把语文与体育也整合进去,于是,在... 看到这个话题,我不由得想起珠海市一位教研员讲的一个有关课程整合的笑话:一名体育教师上研讨课时,为了体现"课程整合"的新理念,在课堂上把英语、数学、音乐等学科内容都用上了。最后可能是想把语文与体育也整合进去,于是,在宣布下课的时候,学生就一起有节奏地拍着手,口里念着"床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡" 展开更多
关键词 课程整合 语文 体育教师 研讨课 教研员 新理念 珠海市 学科内容 数学教师 学生片
美少女啦啦队(BRING IT ON,“魅力四射”)
作者 晓荷 《视听技术》 2001年第6期86-86,共1页
大家都看过影片里大学中学美式橄榄球比赛时,球场边总有一队身着鲜艳服装的年轻女孩活蹦乱跳地为双方队员加油吧。这些队员称作“Cheer Leaders”,她们现场表演的节目竟然发展为一种竞技式比赛项目,
关键词 《美少女啦啦队》电影 学生片
宜昌片区赛事遍地开花 校园足球文化推而广之——2016年湖北省宜昌市青少年校园足球中学生联赛纪实
作者 周茜 王博 《体育健康知识画刊》 2016年第6期28-29,共2页
近年来,湖北省宜昌市坚持以体育课程、体育社团、联赛制度建设为主线,努力面向全体学生、重视学生全体参与,融合学校育人文化,制定并实施《宜昌市学校体育三年行动计划(2014-2016年)》,并于2015年承办了湖北省首届高中足球联赛。同时,... 近年来,湖北省宜昌市坚持以体育课程、体育社团、联赛制度建设为主线,努力面向全体学生、重视学生全体参与,融合学校育人文化,制定并实施《宜昌市学校体育三年行动计划(2014-2016年)》,并于2015年承办了湖北省首届高中足球联赛。同时,本着遵循教育规律、遵循足球运动规律、遵循足球人才培养规律,以校园足球为突破口带动教育综合改革和体育事业的发展,从核心目标、管理机制、师资配置、体教结合、高校协作、足球布局、教学改革、竞赛体系、资金投入、安全保障、足球文化、国际交流等多方面逐步深化阳光体育长效机制,探索校园足球顶层设计,为青少年学生的全面健康成长、实现中国足球梦想奠定坚实的基础。本文以2016年宜昌市青少年校园足球中学生片区联赛制度为契机,为大家分享交流其校园足球发展情况。 展开更多
关键词 青少年学生 学生片 体育社团 湖北省宜昌市 体教结合 教育综合改革 体育事业 学校体育 顶层设计 人才培养规律
Kinetic Performance of Oil-field Produced Water Treatment by Biological Aerated Filter 被引量:22
作者 苏德林 王建龙 +1 位作者 刘凯文 周定 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期591-594,共4页
The biological aerated filter (BAF) was used to treat the oil-field produced water. The removal efficiency for oil, COD, BOD and suspended solids (SS) was 76.3%-80.3%, 31.6%-57.9%, 8.6.3%-96.3% and76.4%--82.7%, re... The biological aerated filter (BAF) was used to treat the oil-field produced water. The removal efficiency for oil, COD, BOD and suspended solids (SS) was 76.3%-80.3%, 31.6%-57.9%, 8.6.3%-96.3% and76.4%--82.7%, respectively when the hydraulic loading rates varied from 016m·h^-1 to 1.4m·h^-1. The greatest partof removal, for example more than 80% of COD removal, occurred on the top 100cm of the media in BAF. The kinetic .performance of BAF indicated that the relationship of BOD removal efficiency with the hydraulic loadingrates, in biological aerated filters could be described by c1/c1=l-exp(-2.44/L^0.59). This equation could be used topredict the B OD.removal efficiency at different hydraulic loading rates. 展开更多
关键词 biological aerated filter KINETICS oil field produced water wastewater treatment
Preoperatively molecular staging with CM10 ProteinChip and SELDI-TOF-MS for colorectal cancer patients 被引量:14
作者 XU Wen-hong CHEN Yi-ding +5 位作者 HU Yue YU Jie-kai WU Xian-guo JIANG Tie-jun ZHENG Shu ZHANG Su-zhan 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期235-240,共6页
Objectives: To detect the serum proteomic patterns by using SELDI-TOF-MS (surface enhanced laser desorption/ ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry) technology and CM10 ProteinChip in colorectal cancer (CRC)... Objectives: To detect the serum proteomic patterns by using SELDI-TOF-MS (surface enhanced laser desorption/ ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry) technology and CM10 ProteinChip in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, and to evaluate the significance of the proteomic patterns in the tumour staging of colorectal cancer. Methods: SELDI-TOF-MS and CM10 ProteinChip were used to detect the serum proteomic patterns of 76 patients with colorectal cancer, among them, 10 Stage Ⅰ, 19 Stage Ⅱ, 16 Stage Ⅲ and 31 Stage Ⅳ samples. Different stage models were developed and validated by support vector machines, disctiminant analysis and time-sequence analysis. Results: The Model Ⅰ formed by 6 protein peaks (m/z: 2759.58, 2964.66, 2048.01, 4795.90, 4139.77 and 37761.60) could be used to distinguish local CRC patients (Stage Ⅰ and Stage Ⅱ) from regional CRC patients (Stage Ⅲ) with an accuracy of 86.67% (39/45). The Model Ⅱ formed by 3 protein peaks (m/z: 6885.30, 2058.32 and 8567,75) could be used to distinguish locoregional CRC patients (Stage Ⅰ, Stage Ⅱ and Stage Ⅲ) from systematic CRC patients (Stage IV) With an accuracy of 75.00% (57/76). The Model Ⅲ could distinguish Stage Ⅰ from Stage Ⅱ with an accuracy of 86.21% (25/29). The Model Ⅳ could distinguish Stage Ⅰ from Stage Ⅲ with accuracy of 84.62% (22/26). The Model Ⅴ could distinguish Stage Ⅱ from Stage Ⅲ with accuracy of 85.71% (30/35). The Model Ⅵ could distinguish Stage Ⅱ from Stage Ⅳ with accuracy of 80.00% (40/50). The Model Ⅶ could distinguish Stage Ⅲ from Stage Ⅳ with accuracy of 78.72% (37/47). Different stage groups could be distinguished by the two-dimensional scattered spots figure obviously. Conclusion: This method showed great success in preoperatively determining the colorectal cancer stage of patients. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer SELDI-TOF-MS (surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry) STAGING Bio-informatics
Adsorption Reaction Dynamics of Systems Lysozyme and Nanodiamond/Nanosilica at pH=7-13
作者 赵(吴)为克 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期295-302,I0003,I0004,共10页
Adsorption reactions between surfaces of nanodiamond and nanosilica with diameter of 100 nm prepared as suspension solutions of 0.25μg/μL and lysozyme molecule with different concentrations of 7 mmol/L PPBS at pH=7,... Adsorption reactions between surfaces of nanodiamond and nanosilica with diameter of 100 nm prepared as suspension solutions of 0.25μg/μL and lysozyme molecule with different concentrations of 7 mmol/L PPBS at pH=7, 9, 11, and 13 have been investigated by fluores- cence spectroscopy. Adsorption reaction constants and coverages of lysozyme with different concentrations of 0-1000 nmol/L under the influences of different pH values have been ob- tained. Helicities and conformations of the adsorbed lysozyme molecules, free spaces of every adsorbed lysozyme molecule on the surfaces of nanopartieles at different concentrations and pH values have been deduced and discussed. The highest adsorption capabilities for both sys- tems and conformational efficiency of the adsorbed lysozyme molecule at pH=13 have been obtained. Lysozyme molecules can be prepared, adsorbed and carried with optimal activity and helicity, with 2 and 10 mg/m2 on unit nanosurface, 130 and 150 mg/g with respect to the weight of nanoparticle, within the linear regions of the coverages at around 150-250 nmol/L and four pH values for nanodiamond and nanosilica, respectively. They can be prepared in the tightest packed form, with 20 and 55 mg/m2, 810-1680 and 580-1100 mg/g at threshold concentrations and four pH values for nanodiamond and nanosilica, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Protein adsorption Interracial reaction dynamics Fluorescence spectroscopy Single molecular spectroscopy BIOCHIP PROTEOMICS
Restoration of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile Meadows: Is There An Effective Methodology?
作者 Bedini Roberto Nannelli Annalisa Batistini Francesca 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期722-726,共5页
Since 1947 (Addy) [1, 2], marine biologists have conducted experiments in order to re-establish meadows using various methods of transplant. A 27-month experiment of germinating and growing Posidonia oceanica (L.)... Since 1947 (Addy) [1, 2], marine biologists have conducted experiments in order to re-establish meadows using various methods of transplant. A 27-month experiment of germinating and growing Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile seeds was carried out in two areas near Piombino in the Leghorn Province (Italy). Seeds in direct contact with the sea bottom were taken from other seaside areas. The leaf growth and the percentage of well-developed plants in the study areas were calculated. The results confirm that this method appears to be a good re-establishment technique despite the problems associated with finding a large number of seeds anywhere along Mediterranean coasts. 展开更多
关键词 RESTORATION Posidonia oceanica SEEDS growth.
Research on Intelligent Power Management System for Student Dormitory based on CAN Bus
作者 Xie Hong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期110-112,共3页
This paper analyzes the actual situation of the electricity management about student apartments, and design intelligent energy student housing management system based on CAN bus. The system uses the field level, the u... This paper analyzes the actual situation of the electricity management about student apartments, and design intelligent energy student housing management system based on CAN bus. The system uses the field level, the underlying management level and upper management level three management system. Field level with a dedicated energy metering chip AD7755 and STM32F103 microcontroller with A/D conversion function as the core, to achieve real-time power measurement; via CAN bus timing or random read live energy data for monitoring electricity consumption of the apartment, investigate abnormal electricity, thus effectively limiting the students to use electrical power to achieve the modernization and automation of power management solutions student apartments. 展开更多
关键词 CAN bus electric energy metering student apartments
Amorphous Silicon Films Prepared by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
作者 ZHONGBoqiang HUANGCixiang 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1998年第1期31-35,共5页
Amorphous silicon films are prepared at lower temperature of 350 ℃ by new catalytic chemical vapor deposition method.In the method,material gases (SiH 4 and H 2) are decomposed by catalytic reaction at given temper... Amorphous silicon films are prepared at lower temperature of 350 ℃ by new catalytic chemical vapor deposition method.In the method,material gases (SiH 4 and H 2) are decomposed by catalytic reaction at given temperature,so a-Si films are deposited on substrates.It is found that a-Si films with high quality can be obtain,such as high photosensitivity of 10 6,low spin density of 2.5×10 16 cm -3 . 展开更多
关键词 Amorphous Silicon Films Catalytic Chemical Vapor Depositon Growth Rate
Genetic identification of two species of Pleuronichthys by DNA barcoding
作者 张辉 张岩 +2 位作者 高天翔 李鹏飞 徐汉祥 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期967-972,共6页
DNA barcoding is a new method for biological taxonomy, offering the ability to identify species from fragments in any life-history stage. Pleuronichthys cornutus and P. japonicus are two morphologically similar specie... DNA barcoding is a new method for biological taxonomy, offering the ability to identify species from fragments in any life-history stage. Pleuronichthys cornutus and P. japonicus are two morphologically similar species. Pleuronichthys japonicus has never been found previously in China. However, in this study, we identified both species using DNA barcoding (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)), the mtDNA control region and cytochrome b. The results reveal that: l) intraspecific variation in the DNA barcode is much less than interspecific variation; 2) the two morphologically similar species were placed into separate clades distinguishable by high bootstrap values; 3) COI barcodes are more powerful for identifying the two species than the other two mtDNA fragments. 展开更多
关键词 Pleuronichthys DNA barcoding COI CR Cyt b
Novel biosensor-based microarray assay for detecting rs8099917 and rs12979860 genotypes 被引量:2
作者 Pei-Yuan Li Xiao-Jun Zhou +3 位作者 Lan Yao Xin-Hua Fang Jiang-Nan Ren Jia-Wu Song 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第44期6481-6488,共8页
AIM:To evaluate a novel biosensor-based microarray(BBM) assay for detecting rs12979860 and rs8099917 genotypes.METHODS:Four probes specific for rs8099917C/T or rs12979860G/T detection and three sets of quality control... AIM:To evaluate a novel biosensor-based microarray(BBM) assay for detecting rs12979860 and rs8099917 genotypes.METHODS:Four probes specific for rs8099917C/T or rs12979860G/T detection and three sets of quality control probes were designed,constructed and arrayed on an optical biosensor to develop a microarray assay.Two sets of primers were used in a one tube polymerase chain reaction(PCR) system to amplify two target fragments simultaneously.The biosensor microarray contained probes that had been sequenced to confirm that they included the rs8099917C/T or rs12979860G/T alleles of interest and could serve as the specific assay standards.In addition to rehybridization of four probes of known sequence,a total of 40 clinical samples collected from hepatitis C seropositive patients were also tested.The target fragments of all 40 samples were amplified in a 50 μL PCR system.Ten μL of each amplicon was tested by BBM assay,and another 40 μL was used for sequencing.The agreement of the results obtained by the two methods was tested statistically using the kappa coefficient.The sensitivity of the BBM assay was evaluated using serial dilutions of ten clinical blood samples containing 10 3-10 4 white cells/μL.RESULTS:As shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,two target segments of the interleukin 28Bassociated polymorphisms(SNPs) were successfully amplified in the one-tube PCR system.The lengths of the two amplified fragments were consistent with the known length of the target sequences,137 and 159 bps.After hybridization of the PCR amplicons with the probes located on the BBM array,the signals of each allele of both the rs8099917 SNPs and rs12979860 SNPs were observed simultaneously and were clearly visible by the unaided eye.The signals were distinct from each other,could be interpreted visually,and accurately recorded using an ordinary digital camera.To evaluate the specificity of the assay,both the plasmids and clinical samples were applied to the microarray.First,30 PCR amplicons of the various SNP alleles were hybridized on the BBM microarray.Full agreement between plasmids and the BBM assay was observed,with 30/30 correct matches(100%).The kappa value for the BBM assay with plasmids was 1.00(P < 0.05).For the 40 clinical blood samples,the BBM assay hybridization and direct sequencing results were compared for each amplicon.For patient blood samples,agreement was 28/28 for rs8099917T/T,9/11 for rs8099917T/G,1/1 for rs8099917G/G,24/24 for rs12979860C/C,11/14 for rs12979860C/T,and 2/2 for rs12979860T/T.Only five clinical samples of amplicon assay and direct sequencing results were discordant and heterozygotes:2/11 rs8099917T/G and 3/14 rs12979860C/T.The agreement of outcomes between BBM assay and direct sequencing for the detection of rs8099917 and rs12979860 was 95% and 92.5%,respectively;and the corresponding kappa values were 0.88 and 0.85(A kappa value > 0.75 was defined as substantial agreement).The BBM assay and sequencing had similar specificities for detection and identification of the two SNPs and their alleles.The sensitivity evaluation showed that the BBM assay could detect and identify SNP sequences present in blood samples containing as few as 10 2 white blood cells/μL.CONCLUSION:This biosensor microarray assay was highly specific,sensitive,rapid and easy to perform.It is compatible with clinical practice for detection of rs8099917 and rs12979860. 展开更多
关键词 Biosensor-based microarray Hepatitis C vi-rus rs8099917 rs12979860 Detection ASSAY
访黄蜀芹 谈《人·鬼·情》 被引量:8
作者 顾征南 《电影新作》 1988年第2期63-64,66,共3页
影片《人·鬼·情》是上影女导演黄蜀芹继《童年的朋友》后又一部显示她艺术个性的力作,应该说,《人·鬼·情》从总体构思到艺术处理,比前者更进了一步。黄蜀芹说过“过去的创作,如《青春万岁》,那是学生片,主题单纯,... 影片《人·鬼·情》是上影女导演黄蜀芹继《童年的朋友》后又一部显示她艺术个性的力作,应该说,《人·鬼·情》从总体构思到艺术处理,比前者更进了一步。黄蜀芹说过“过去的创作,如《青春万岁》,那是学生片,主题单纯,可以抒清,但没有一种女性意识,而这一部影片是从多角度的去折射一个女性的内心世界,在艺术视角上也有所突破,容量较大。”为此,我于1月中旬访问了黄蜀芹。顾:黄蜀芹同志,我们就以“女性电影”作为对话的开始吧. 黄:好的。我想从一个女性的角度来表现一个完整的世界,这直接的动因, 展开更多
关键词 黄蜀芹 女性电影 女导演 艺术视角 一个女性 学生片 青春万岁 艺术个性 巴赞 艺术处理
The clinical pharmacokinetics of osmotic pump controlled release tablets of terazosin hydrochloride in healthy volunteers
作者 马廷升 李高 +2 位作者 杨光忠 刘志华 朱兰寸 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2011年第3期253-258,共6页
The clinical pharmacokinetics of osmotic pump controlled release tablets of terazosin hydrochloride in healthy volunteers was studied.A sensitive and rapid HPLC method was used to determine the terazosin plasma concen... The clinical pharmacokinetics of osmotic pump controlled release tablets of terazosin hydrochloride in healthy volunteers was studied.A sensitive and rapid HPLC method was used to determine the terazosin plasma concentrations,and single and multiple doses of terazosin hydrochloride regular tablets(reference tablets)and osmotic pump controlled release tablets were orally administrated in randomized crossover design.The results showed that the C_(max)of the reference tablets after single oral dose((120.56±23.15)ng/mL)in 20 healthy volunteers was significantly higher than that of controlled release tablets ((95.27±16.35)ng/mL).The T_(max)of the controlled release tablets((2.65±0.82)h)was significantly longer than that of reference tablets((1.27±0.61)h)(P0.05).The relative bioavailability of the controlled release tablets was found to be(105.85±6.12)%. The multiple oral dose pharmacokinetic parameters of the regular tablets and controlled release tablets were as follows:AUC_(SS) were(1275.17±175.35)and(1382.65±205.31)ng·h/mL respectively,C_(max)were(128.15±22.37)and(98.57±18.16)ng/mL respectively,T_(max)were(1.35±0.71)and(2.76±0.85)h respectively,C_(av)were(53.13±9.12)and(57.61±9.25)ng/mL respectively, and DF were(2.25±0.26)%and(1.62±0.25)%respectively.The relative bioavailability of the controlled release tablets to the reference tablets was(108.43±6.26)%.The controlled release tablet of terazosin hydrochloride was bioequivalent to the reference tablet.The controlled release tablet exhibited a sustained-release property with a significantly longer T_(max)and lower C_(max). 展开更多
关键词 Terazosin hydrochloride Osmotic pump system Controlled release tablets PHARMACOKINETICS BIOEQUIVALENCE
作者 片山悠贵德 《少年文摘》 2012年第6期48-49,共2页
这是一篇日本小学生的作文,获"朝日学生新闻社"第四届作文比赛最优秀奖。作者是広岛市立中岛小学校1年级学生片山悠贵徳,他用最朴素的语言,叙述最朴素的亲情。虽然爸爸不在很寂寞,但我是家里的一个男孩子,我会代替爸爸保护好... 这是一篇日本小学生的作文,获"朝日学生新闻社"第四届作文比赛最优秀奖。作者是広岛市立中岛小学校1年级学生片山悠贵徳,他用最朴素的语言,叙述最朴素的亲情。虽然爸爸不在很寂寞,但我是家里的一个男孩子,我会代替爸爸保护好妈妈和妹妹。 展开更多
关键词 学生 好妈妈 学生片 作文 新闻社 优秀奖 朴素 比赛 保护 语言
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