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作者 陈昕 《江苏建筑职业技术学院学报》 2022年第3期66-69,共4页
集群行为通常不符合社会规范,带有很大的情绪性,爆发力强,不易预测和控制,常具有一定的破坏力,给社会带来不安定因素。随着我国社会的转型,社会矛盾日趋复杂与凸显,群体性突发事件频出,高校集群行为时有发生。关注德育对预防集群行为的... 集群行为通常不符合社会规范,带有很大的情绪性,爆发力强,不易预测和控制,常具有一定的破坏力,给社会带来不安定因素。随着我国社会的转型,社会矛盾日趋复杂与凸显,群体性突发事件频出,高校集群行为时有发生。关注德育对预防集群行为的作用,提出集群行为德行转化的对策,加强大学生思想政治教育,以预防集群行为的发生,保障高校平安稳定,推动社会主义和谐社会的建设和发展。 展开更多
关键词 学生集群行为 德行转化 德育
自媒体时代大学生网络集群行为的特征、风险及控制策略 被引量:8
作者 周蓉 《高教探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期117-121,共5页
自媒体时代,大学生网络集群行为呈现上升态势。从行为发展规律来看,当前大学生网络集群行为存在主体对网络社群高度青睐、互联网信息议题多元化、快速化以及网络场域条件舒适度高等特征,而这些特质也在无形中给当前大学生网络集群行为... 自媒体时代,大学生网络集群行为呈现上升态势。从行为发展规律来看,当前大学生网络集群行为存在主体对网络社群高度青睐、互联网信息议题多元化、快速化以及网络场域条件舒适度高等特征,而这些特质也在无形中给当前大学生网络集群行为埋下行为主体"非理性"、信息议题"难把握"、环境载体"欠约束"、组织保障"不到位"等风险点,风险一旦失控,不仅会对校园日常秩序稳定产生较大影响,甚至可能演化为社会问题。鉴于此,需要进一步从信息环境、主体、机制等各维度完善风险控制,通过推进技术防范策略、组织引导策略、制度规约策略,确保大学生网络集群行为风险的有效规避与合力应对。 展开更多
关键词 学生网络群行为 特征 风险 控制策略
作者 叶莲 《前沿》 2014年第11期134-138,共5页
大学生集群行为发生的截面归因,使得提出的治理措施要么针对性不强,要么收效甚微。因而,需要充分辨识大学生集群行为复合生成的诱因,既有静态的,又有动态的;既有外在的,又有内在的;既要关注大学生感性心理,又要重视其理性心理。嵌入式... 大学生集群行为发生的截面归因,使得提出的治理措施要么针对性不强,要么收效甚微。因而,需要充分辨识大学生集群行为复合生成的诱因,既有静态的,又有动态的;既有外在的,又有内在的;既要关注大学生感性心理,又要重视其理性心理。嵌入式治理强调的是一种关系网络建设下的有效防范集群行为的治理路径,它并不是对大学生集群行为治理的制度、组织和机制建设以及各种治理手段武器库的替代,而是一种深化和优化的治理模式。 展开更多
关键词 学生集群行为 截面归因 复合生成 嵌入式治理
作者 赵小丽 路红卫 +1 位作者 吴强 左艳丽 《河南农业》 2014年第22期55-56,共2页
大学生网络集群行为随着网络的发展日益突出,掌握大学生网络集群行为的概念,分析大学生网络集群行为的表现形式,研究大学生网络集群行为的调控机制,对促进高校和社会稳定有着积极的重要意义。介绍大学生网络集群行为的概念,从不同角度... 大学生网络集群行为随着网络的发展日益突出,掌握大学生网络集群行为的概念,分析大学生网络集群行为的表现形式,研究大学生网络集群行为的调控机制,对促进高校和社会稳定有着积极的重要意义。介绍大学生网络集群行为的概念,从不同角度分析其表现形式,并详细阐述了大学生网络集群行为的调控机制,为积极应对大学生网络集群行为提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 学生网络群行为 表现形式 调控机制
作者 肖桂兰 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2019年第5期172-173,共2页
长期以来,课堂学习过于注重学习内容,忽视学习行为,而小学生的思维活动具有内隐和自动的特点。大多数学生在思考复杂问题时很少意识到自己的思维过程。不,他们可以独立地知道自己的思维过程是否正确,他们缺乏反思意识和反思能力。小学... 长期以来,课堂学习过于注重学习内容,忽视学习行为,而小学生的思维活动具有内隐和自动的特点。大多数学生在思考复杂问题时很少意识到自己的思维过程。不,他们可以独立地知道自己的思维过程是否正确,他们缺乏反思意识和反思能力。小学阶段是学生思维从形象思维向抽象思维、从具体思维向逻辑思维发展的重要阶段。特别是,中小学生已经能够以批判和谨慎的眼光初步观察周围的事物。他们的批判性思维能力逐渐提高,并已初步形成。它有培养反思能力的基础。教师在教学中也往往忽视学生自我反思意识的培养,发现错误的问题只需要纠正答案,注意引导和挖掘错误的原因。 展开更多
关键词 学生错题 语文教学作业 质量
作者 田恬 《中国减灾》 2013年第8X期15-17,共3页
近年来,中小学生安全事故频频发生,已成为社会各界普遍关注的话题。威胁中小学生安全的隐患潜伏在日常生活的方方面面,需引起各方面的高度重视。交通安全隐患车水马龙的街道,是中小学生上下学的必经之路,交通安全令老师和家长尤为揪心... 近年来,中小学生安全事故频频发生,已成为社会各界普遍关注的话题。威胁中小学生安全的隐患潜伏在日常生活的方方面面,需引起各方面的高度重视。交通安全隐患车水马龙的街道,是中小学生上下学的必经之路,交通安全令老师和家长尤为揪心。四川省成都市崔家店路某小学一名二年级学生在上学路上差点被一辆货车撞上,虽侥幸躲过一劫,但他的同学们却感到相当不安。于是,该校20名小学生在得到老师的允许后,对校门口的交通秩序进行了调查。调查发现,平均每分钟有36辆机动车从路口过往,但路口没有红绿灯,也没有任何警示标志。"我们每天上学、放学有200多名学生要过马路,安全隐患太大了。"近一年来,200多名小学生都是在值周老师拉起"安全红绳"阻止来往车流后,穿过马路放学回家的。2013年上半年。 展开更多
关键词 校门口 上学路上 崔家店 上海市共 心理调节能力 食品安全意识 教育方法 教育工作者 擦黑板 学生集
教师错题集的建立 被引量:2
作者 全加顺 《新课程研究(下旬)》 2014年第2期41-42,共2页
在教学过程中,教师为了防止学生在同一道题和同一类型的题上再次出现错误,通常会要求学生建立错题集。但学生建立错题集会存在一些问题,而教师建立错题集更有利于降低学生错误率。文章主要就学生建立错题集存在的问题及教师如何建立... 在教学过程中,教师为了防止学生在同一道题和同一类型的题上再次出现错误,通常会要求学生建立错题集。但学生建立错题集会存在一些问题,而教师建立错题集更有利于降低学生错误率。文章主要就学生建立错题集存在的问题及教师如何建立错题集进行了阐述。 展开更多
关键词 错题 学生错题存在问题 错题选择 错题整理
基于IRFC算法的学生课程成绩预测的研究与应用 被引量:1
作者 庄巧蕙 《信息技术与信息化》 2020年第6期192-194,共3页
学生课程成绩是评价一个学校教学质量优劣的重要指标之一。为了提高学生成绩,需要分析出影响学生成绩提高的因素,论文进行了相关的研究。通过改进对随机森林算法的改进,并结合模拟退火算法提出改进随机森林算法IRFC(Improved Random For... 学生课程成绩是评价一个学校教学质量优劣的重要指标之一。为了提高学生成绩,需要分析出影响学生成绩提高的因素,论文进行了相关的研究。通过改进对随机森林算法的改进,并结合模拟退火算法提出改进随机森林算法IRFC(Improved Random Forest Classifier),该算法在特征选择、参数优化方面具有很大的优势。将IRFC算法运用到学生成绩预测中,利用历史学生行为的记录来构造学生成绩数据集,从而预测出学生成绩的分类(两类:合格与不合格)。经过对IRFC算法的实验,该算法相比于其他数据挖掘算法准确率更高,执行效率更好。 展开更多
关键词 随机森林算法 模拟退火算法 学生成绩数据 成绩预测
作者 刘卫轩 《中国科教创新导刊》 2010年第15期136-136,共1页
关键词 竞赛表 各种活动 家校联系卡 学生日记 班币
Bioaccumulation,subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Aster subulatus Michx.
作者 LIANG Xue-lian CHEN Wei +7 位作者 JIANG Wen-yan LIAO Jie YANG Yu-xia WANG Hai-jun LI Hui-ling LU Wei-fan WANG Tian-shun XIE Hong-zhao 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期2386-2395,共10页
【Objective】Through analyzing the bioaccumulation capacity,subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium(Cd)in Aster subulatus Michx.,this study was to provide reference for revealing the Cd tolerance mechan... 【Objective】Through analyzing the bioaccumulation capacity,subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium(Cd)in Aster subulatus Michx.,this study was to provide reference for revealing the Cd tolerance mechanism of A.subulatus Michx.【Method】After cultured for 24 d under the action of Hoagland nutrient solution and gradient Cd concentrations(0,30,60 and 90 mg/L),A.subulatus Michx.were harvested,and its leaf,stem and root were treated by differential centrifugation,chemical reagent extraction,and digested with graphite digester,respectively,then the Cd content in the root,stem and leaf were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.【Result】The experimental results indicated that the bioaccumulation capacity of Cd in A.subulatus Michx.was root>stem>leaf,and the maximum Cd concentration in the root,stem and leaf of A.subulatus Michx.were 130.74,78.69 and 56.62 mg/kg(fresh matter),respectively.Most of Cd stored in the cell wall and the soluble fractions of the root and leaf of A.subulatus Michx.,with only a smaller portion Cd in organelle fraction.Analysis result of subcellular Cd content showed that 52.27%-58.61%of Cd for root was mainly stored in the soluble fraction,but 42.10%-63.28%of Cd for leaf was mainly stored in the cell wall fraction.The concentration of pectates and protein integrated-Cd was higher in the root and leaf compared to other chemical forms Cd.Pectates and protein integrated-Cd was the main chemical forms Cd in the root and leaf of A.subulatus Michx.,and their percentages were 68.91%-74.80%and 57.38%-83.80%,respectively.Cd treatment could significantly increase the proportion of water-soluble organic acid Cd from 13.64%to 22.72%in root and undissolved phosphate Cd from 10.02%to 32.78%in leaf with increasing Cd concentration in the culture medium.【Conclusion】The root,stem and leaf of A.subulatus Michx.has strong bioaccumulation capacity to Cd,Cd is primarily stored in the soluble fractions of the root and cell wall fractions of the leaf,and less toxic pectates and protein integrated-Cd is the main chemical forms Cd in the root and leaf of A.subulatus Michx.,this might be the main mechanism of Cd tolerance in A.subulatus Michx. 展开更多
关键词 Aster subulatus Michx. CADMIUM BIOACCUMULATION chemical form subcellular distribution
Network Intrusion Detection Model Based on Ensemble of Denoising Adversarial Autoencoder
作者 KE Rui XING Bin +1 位作者 SI Zhan-jun ZHANG Ying-xue 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期185-194,218,共11页
Network security problems bring many imperceptible threats to the integrity of data and the reliability of device services,so proposing a network intrusion detection model with high reliability is of great research si... Network security problems bring many imperceptible threats to the integrity of data and the reliability of device services,so proposing a network intrusion detection model with high reliability is of great research significance for network security.Due to the strong generalization of invalid features during training process,it is more difficult for single autoencoder intrusion detection model to obtain effective results.A network intrusion detection model based on the Ensemble of Denoising Adversarial Autoencoder(EDAAE)was proposed,which had higher accuracy and reliability compared to the traditional anomaly detection model.Using the adversarial learning idea of Adversarial Autoencoder(AAE),the discriminator module was added to the original model,and the encoder part was used as the generator.The distribution of the hidden space of the data generated by the encoder matched with the distribution of the original data.The generalization of the model to the invalid features was also reduced to improve the detection accuracy.At the same time,the denoising autoencoder and integrated operation was introduced to prevent overfitting in the adversarial learning process.Experiments on the CICIDS2018 traffic dataset showed that the proposed intrusion detection model achieves an Accuracy of 95.23%,which out performs traditional self-encoders and other existing intrusion detection models methods in terms of overall performance. 展开更多
关键词 Intrusion detection Noise-Reducing autoencoder Generative adversarial networks Integrated learning
微时代下大学思想政治教育的自组织特质及对策 被引量:2
作者 韩永红 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2018年第2期131-135,共5页
微时代下大学生通过趣缘、志缘、地缘形成了各种虚拟集群,这些集群内部无序、有序、制约、同步的互动形成了一个个开放的自组织系统。它们都具有自组织系统特有的序参量、吸引子和涨落的特征。因此,可以通过调整大学生自组织集群序参量... 微时代下大学生通过趣缘、志缘、地缘形成了各种虚拟集群,这些集群内部无序、有序、制约、同步的互动形成了一个个开放的自组织系统。它们都具有自组织系统特有的序参量、吸引子和涨落的特征。因此,可以通过调整大学生自组织集群序参量内涵,构建大学思想政治教育的优势路径;通过打造大学生自组织网络集群精神性"文化代码"吸引子,构建大学隐性思想政治教育双向柔性互动的强力平台;通过对大学生自组织网络集群的兴趣引导、概念触动、价值碰撞的涨落蜕变,推动其进行建构、重组和提升。 展开更多
关键词 学生自组织网络 思想政治教育 自组织特质 微时代
Research on the Inevitability of Soccer Teaching Reform in Colleges and the Optimization
作者 Chao Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期16-18,共3页
The soccer is an extremely universal movement that has received populace’s affection, natural, the soccer teaching also entered university’s classroom that becomes in the university physical education the important ... The soccer is an extremely universal movement that has received populace’s affection, natural, the soccer teaching also entered university’s classroom that becomes in the university physical education the important constituent. Speaking of the university students, the soccer is not merely the simple sports project which may help the student more importantly to build up strength the healthy body, enriches own after school life, therefore has received the general university student’s affection, moreover the soccer also has the unique charm, it has the oneself quite obvious characteristic in the sports, for instance its grouping development, location request and so on, these all deep attraction student vision, simultaneously also have been receiving the social people from all walks of life’s widespread attention. Nowadays, in the physical education curriculum of colleges and universities, the teaching of students’ football is mainly the knowledge and skill of soccer, ignoring the cooperation between the students. This traditional teaching mode cannot adapt to the teaching reform and quality education The implementation of physical education teachers in the teaching of football has been controversial and questioned, this is all the college physical education teachers face new challenges and new problems. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the problems existing in college football teaching, aiming at these problems puts forward the corresponding reform measures and optimization strategy, and hope to provide certain reference for the development of football teaching in colleges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 College football REFORM INEVITABILITY Optimization strategy
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors:Thirty years experience of an Institution 被引量:14
作者 Simone Arolfo Paolo Mello Teggia Mario Nano 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第14期1836-1839,共4页
AIM:To report our experience of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) during the last 29 years. METHODS:Thirty two cases of GIST referred to our Institution from the 1st January 1981 to the 10th June 2010 were revie... AIM:To report our experience of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) during the last 29 years. METHODS:Thirty two cases of GIST referred to our Institution from the 1st January 1981 to the 10th June 2010 were reviewed. Metastases,recurrence and survival data were collected in relation to age,history,clinical presentation,location,size,resection margins and cellular features. RESULTS:Mean age was 63.7 years (range,40-90) and incidence was slightly higher in males (56%). R0 resection was performed in 90.7% of cases,R1 in 6.2% (2 cases) and R2 in 3.1% (one case). Using Fletcher's classification 8/32 (25%) had high risk,9/32 (28%) intermediate and 15/32 (47%) low risk tumors. Follow-up varied from 1 mo to 29 years,with a median of 8 years; overall survival was 75% (24/32),disease-free survival was 72% and tumor-related mortality was 9.3%. Three patients with high risk GIST were treated with imatinib mesylate:one developed a recurrence after 36 mo,and 2 are free from disease at 41 mo. CONCLUSION:Surgical treatment remains the gold standard therapy for resectable GISTs. Pathological and biological features of the neoplasm represent the most important factors predicting the prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal stromal tumors Fletcher’s classification Resection margins RECURRENCE
作者 沈灶容 《教育导刊(上半月)》 北大核心 2005年第11期60-60,共1页
关键词 节日礼物 教师节 学生留言 中学 师生关系
An Analysis of Conceptions of Learning English Among College Students in China
作者 LUAN Lin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第4期228-232,共5页
In the field of second language acquisition, an increasing amount of research has been conducted on learner's beliefs. Few empirical studies, however, have been focused on students' conceptions of learning English ... In the field of second language acquisition, an increasing amount of research has been conducted on learner's beliefs. Few empirical studies, however, have been focused on students' conceptions of learning English (COLE). This study aims to assess conceptions of learning particularly in the domain of English. Data were collected through the COLE questionnaire among 284 college students in China. Seven factors of COLE are identified, such as "memorizing", "testing", "drill and practice", "increasing knowledge", "understanding", "application", and "seeing in a new way". These findings also provide some pedagogical implications for English language instructors and researchers. 展开更多
关键词 SLA conceptions of learning conceptions of language learning college students
Landscape Ecology:Coupling of Pattern,Process,and Scale 被引量:27
作者 FU Bojie LIANG Di LU Nan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期385-391,共7页
Landscape ecology provides new theoretical frameworks and methodologies for understanding complex ecological phenomena at multiple scales.Studies of landscape ecology focus on understanding the dynamics of eco-logical... Landscape ecology provides new theoretical frameworks and methodologies for understanding complex ecological phenomena at multiple scales.Studies of landscape ecology focus on understanding the dynamics of eco-logical patterns and processes,and highlight the integration of multiple disciplines.In this paper,we discussed the problems and challenges that landscape ecology is currently facing,emphasizing the limitations of current methods used to describe dynamic landscape patterns and processes.We suggested that the focus should be on the integration of ground-based observation,mobile monitoring,transect survey,and remote-sensing monitoring,as well as improved coupling of experimental and model simulations.In addition,we outlined the research frontiers in landscape ecology,including scaling,integrated pattern and process modeling,and regional synthesis.Lastly,a brief review of pat-tern-process-scale coupling studies in China was provided.We concluded by pointing out that pattern-process-scale interactions,correlations between natural,economic,and social processes,and the coupling of human and natural systems will be major research areas in landscape ecology in the future. 展开更多
关键词 landscape ecology pattern and process SCALE integrated model regional synthesis research
Investigation on International Students' Ultimate Attainment in Chinese Structural Auxiliary Word "De" (的) Acquisition
作者 YANG Hai-feng ZHAN Yi-han 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第2期98-103,共6页
This article studies the situations of international students' ultimate attainment in Chinese structural auxiliary word "De" (的) acquisition through questionnaires. And we found whether international students ca... This article studies the situations of international students' ultimate attainment in Chinese structural auxiliary word "De" (的) acquisition through questionnaires. And we found whether international students can use all types attributive "De" (的) correctly is mainly affected by the following two factors: (1) Influenced by frequency of attribute type appears and (2) affected by its own clarity of grammatical rules. We also noticed that the international students who are able to discriminate the "De" (的) and "Di" (地) in the predicates position better than the "De" (的) and "Di" (地) in the objects position. 展开更多
关键词 structural auxiliary word "De" (的) second language acquisition comparative analysis analysis of theerl'ors
Perceptions of Instructors and Students to Online Education at a Rural University
作者 Sevim Kutluturk 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第1期22-28,共7页
The popularity of technology has allowed universities to make changes through their educational system in recent years. Some transitioned from face-to-face instruction to online instruction. The aim of this study is t... The popularity of technology has allowed universities to make changes through their educational system in recent years. Some transitioned from face-to-face instruction to online instruction. The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of both the instructors and the students as regards second language acquisition through online education at a rural university. The study was implemented in the context of teaching and learning English as a second language in an online education environment. The course material is based on The Net Languages Learning Platform, which is available at http://ide.yok.gov.tr/, and the course level is general English pre-elementary. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. For quantitative data collection, a questionnaire was employed to understand the reasons for low student attendance on online courses. For qualitative research method, observation was carried out, and interviews are designed as data collection techniques. Purposive selection was used for selection of the participants. The findings revealed that online education needs to be modified. The students are eager to improve their second language competencies; however, they do not want to waste their time on an easy course level. 展开更多
关键词 online education online instruction in ESL distance education in ELT online education andface-to-face education
Morphophysiology of Germination among Seeds of Pau-rainha (Centrolobium paraense) Collected in the State of Roraima
作者 Luis Augusto Melo Schwengber Oscar Jose Smiderle +3 位作者 Aline das Gracas Souza Jose Maria Arcanjo Alves Dalton Roberto Schwengber Cylles Zara dos Reis Barbosa 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第6期371-379,共9页
This work intended to characterize the seed morphology, water absorption patterns and to determine the vigor among different colored seeds of the species Centrolobium paraense (Fabaceae). For this purpose, samaras w... This work intended to characterize the seed morphology, water absorption patterns and to determine the vigor among different colored seeds of the species Centrolobium paraense (Fabaceae). For this purpose, samaras which were opened were collected from two sites---Agua Boa (AB) and Taiano (TAI) lo^ated in the state of Roraima, and the seeds screened by the coat coloration (light brown/intermediate brown/dark brown) for four conditions (two sites and two years of collection). Evaluation of water absorption by the seeds at different periods, mass of 1,000 seeds, water content, electrical conductivity (EC), seedling emergence and emergence velocity (EV) were performed. The water absorption by the seeds of Centrolobium paraense indicates coat permeability to water and distinct absorptions according to coat colorations. The EC test is efficient in determining the physiological quality of seeds of Centrolobium paraense. Seed coat coloration affects the physiological quality of the seeds of Centrolobium paraense. It is possible to distinguish the seeds of AB and TAI into two degrees of physiological quality, the light brown-colored seeds being more vigorous. 展开更多
关键词 Centrolobium paraense water absorption curve electrical conductivity seed vigor seed coloring.
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