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差异课堂教与学的行为分析 被引量:21
作者 曾继耘 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2010年第9期42-46,共5页
课堂教与学的行为分析是当代课堂研究的一种重要方法,是教学研究从理论走向实践、从抽象转向可操作的重要桥梁。而差异教学是当代基础教育改革领域一种重要的教学理念,在差异课堂中,"反思"、"选择"、"展示与欣... 课堂教与学的行为分析是当代课堂研究的一种重要方法,是教学研究从理论走向实践、从抽象转向可操作的重要桥梁。而差异教学是当代基础教育改革领域一种重要的教学理念,在差异课堂中,"反思"、"选择"、"展示与欣赏"、"体验"是学生"学"的典型行为特征,而"诊断"、"建议"、"激励"、"组织"则是教师"教"的典型行为特征。这些行为之间相互关联,相倚共存。 展开更多
关键词 差异教 课堂行为 的行为 学的行为
玻璃苣醇提取物对去势小鼠行为学的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘晓辉 陈晓明 +1 位作者 刚洪林 苏云明 《中医药学报》 CAS 2014年第5期37-40,共4页
目的:初步考察玻璃苣醇提取物对去势小鼠的行为学指标的影响,探讨玻璃苣对更年期模型小鼠的作用及其机制。方法:建立小鼠更年期模型,分别观察小鼠的记忆功能、自主活动、握力、戊巴比妥钠诱导睡眠时间。结果:玻璃苣改善去势小鼠记忆功... 目的:初步考察玻璃苣醇提取物对去势小鼠的行为学指标的影响,探讨玻璃苣对更年期模型小鼠的作用及其机制。方法:建立小鼠更年期模型,分别观察小鼠的记忆功能、自主活动、握力、戊巴比妥钠诱导睡眠时间。结果:玻璃苣改善去势小鼠记忆功能、减少小鼠自主活动次数、延长小鼠的抓握时间、缩短模型小鼠的睡眠潜伏期、延长睡眠时间;玻璃苣各组均有升高去势小鼠脑内NA、DA含量的趋势。结论:玻璃苣醇提物能够在一定程度上改善更年期去势小鼠记忆功能;改善更年期去势小鼠的狂躁、失眠等症状。 展开更多
关键词 玻璃苣 更年期 对去势小鼠的行为
执行缺陷综合征的行为学评价测试在帕金森病执行功能研究中的应用及相关因素分析 被引量:7
作者 于路 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第1期63-66,共4页
目的执行缺陷综合征的行为学评价测试(behavioral assessment of dysexecutive syndrome,BADS)作为一种执行功能障碍的评估量表先前被用于多种疾病的执行功能测试,然而在非痴呆帕金森病(parkinson's disease,PD)中的数据仍然缺乏。... 目的执行缺陷综合征的行为学评价测试(behavioral assessment of dysexecutive syndrome,BADS)作为一种执行功能障碍的评估量表先前被用于多种疾病的执行功能测试,然而在非痴呆帕金森病(parkinson's disease,PD)中的数据仍然缺乏。文中旨在通过该量表了解PD患者的执行功能障碍及其影响因素。方法应用BADS对68位PD患者和60位健康对照者进行执行功能指标的测试,并收集相关人员的基线资料。结果 BADS评分系统发现PD患者6项子测试和BADS总分评分明显低于对照者[(5.46±3.71)vs(17.78±2.47),P<0.01],而logistic回归分析也发现PD、UPDRSⅢ得分与性别为执行功能障碍的相关因素。结论 PD患者存在日常生活的执行功能障碍,这种障碍主要与疾病本身、性别及病情的严重程度相关。 展开更多
关键词 执行功能 帕金森病 执行功能障碍综合征的行为评估
作者 狄爽 施长君 《教育教学论坛》 2017年第22期187-189,共3页
课堂教学行为是由教师教的行为、学生学的行为和师生互动行为构成的受教师的教学理念、教学技能、知识背景、身心健康,学生的心智水平、成长经历学业状态及教学环境、课堂气氛、师生关系等因素的综合影响的结构复杂的组织行为系统。本... 课堂教学行为是由教师教的行为、学生学的行为和师生互动行为构成的受教师的教学理念、教学技能、知识背景、身心健康,学生的心智水平、成长经历学业状态及教学环境、课堂气氛、师生关系等因素的综合影响的结构复杂的组织行为系统。本文试图从课堂教学行为的含义、种类、结构等方面系统准确的阐述课堂教学行为。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教行为 的行为 学的行为 课堂教行为的结构
作者 杨硕 石晶 《青春期健康》 2024年第15期67-67,共1页
拒学行为近年来,越来越多的学生出现了不想上学的情绪表现或行为,引发了学校、家长、社会各界的广泛关注。拒绝上学,简称“拒学”,指6~18岁儿童青少年由于心理、社会原因(身体疾病或经济困难除外)产生情绪问题,出现不愿意上学或难以坚... 拒学行为近年来,越来越多的学生出现了不想上学的情绪表现或行为,引发了学校、家长、社会各界的广泛关注。拒绝上学,简称“拒学”,指6~18岁儿童青少年由于心理、社会原因(身体疾病或经济困难除外)产生情绪问题,出现不愿意上学或难以坚持整天在课堂学习的现象。拒学不仅包括长期不上学,也包含那些在逼迫情况下上学的行为。 展开更多
关键词 课堂 身体疾病 情绪表现 拒绝上 学的行为 青少年 如何应对
作者 费舟 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期203-203,共1页
关键词 评论 《大鼠急性负压性脑创伤模型的行为评估》 病理生理机制 脑保护策略 预后
On Mechanisms of Human Behavior: The "Mind Blindness Phenomenon" in Philosophy, Religion, Science, and Medicine
作者 Bechor Zvi Aminoff 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期167-177,共11页
The phenomenon described here has no scientific title, but occurs frequently in daily living, from science to philosophy, religion, and medicine. In every field of human endeavor, when a view is expressed, sharp and p... The phenomenon described here has no scientific title, but occurs frequently in daily living, from science to philosophy, religion, and medicine. In every field of human endeavor, when a view is expressed, sharp and profound differences of opinion ensue. Initially, we coin this phenomenon as "understanding blindness" or "mind's awareness." Thereafter, we decide to refer to it as "mind blindness," a concept introduced to science by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, who coins it for a cognitive disorder associated with autism, Asperger's syndrome, and schizophrenia. Baron-Cohen's usage has subsequently been extended to dementia, bi-polar disorders, antisocial personality disorders, and even normal aging. In our view, definition and identification of "mind blindness" in philosophy, religion, science, medicine, and at end-of-life care can help mankind to better understand mechanisms of human behavior, and the causes of conflicts, controversies, contradictions, and sharp differences of opinion in human life, and even to solve some of them. 展开更多
关键词 "mind blindness human behavior PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE RELIGION MEDICINE conflicts and controversies
作者 邓诗源 王卓强 +1 位作者 徐震 马超 《国际药学研究杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第6期698-702,706,共6页
目的探讨C57小鼠脊髓钳夹区IL-17表达的变化规律,为临床治疗脊髓损伤(SCI)提供新的靶点。方法雄性C57BL/6小鼠随机分为3组,即SCI模型组、假手术组和IL-17中和抗体组。模型组制作小鼠脊髓钳夹模型,假手术组只剪开硬脊膜不伤及脊髓;... 目的探讨C57小鼠脊髓钳夹区IL-17表达的变化规律,为临床治疗脊髓损伤(SCI)提供新的靶点。方法雄性C57BL/6小鼠随机分为3组,即SCI模型组、假手术组和IL-17中和抗体组。模型组制作小鼠脊髓钳夹模型,假手术组只剪开硬脊膜不伤及脊髓;IL-17中和抗体组在脊髓钳夹1 h即刻尾静脉给予IL-17中和抗体。小鼠后肢功能变化按Basso提出的小鼠后肢行为学评分(BMS)于1~7 d进行,实时荧光定量PCR检测脊髓损伤区IL-17 mRNA各时间点表达变化,HE染色观察各组小鼠脊髓损伤第7天脊髓组织病理学变化。结果小鼠SCI后行为学显示,假手术组小鼠BMS在1~7 d均为9分;模型组小鼠BMS第1天为0分、第7天达2.9分;IL-17中和抗体组小鼠BMS第1天为0分、损伤第7天BMS评分达3.5分。实时荧光定量PCR显示,损伤区IL-17 mRNA的表达在损伤3 h升至最高,与假手术组相比具有统计学差异(P<0.05),随后其表达水平开始下降,其他时间点与假手术组相比没有统计学差异(P>0.05),损伤第7天IL-17 mRNA的表达最低。HE染色结果显示,SCI后7 d,假手术组小鼠脊髓组织形态完整;模型组小鼠大量神经细胞坏死、凋亡,大量细胞空泡状形成;中和抗体组小鼠部分神经元核固缩,有细胞空泡状形成,但部分细胞仍保持完整形态。结论 IL-17参与了SCI的继发性免疫炎症进程,可能是SCI治疗的干预靶点。 展开更多
关键词 脊髓钳夹伤 Basso小鼠后肢的行为评分 白细胞介素(IL)-17 IL-17中和抗体
Art Education Need of Adults and Contribution of Art Education to Their Personalities
作者 Asuman Aypek Arslan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期582-587,共6页
Education is a mental effort that an individual performs alone or in a group for the purpose of perceiving the surrounding, understanding, and putting a meaning on it. In this sense, it would be a reasonable idea that... Education is a mental effort that an individual performs alone or in a group for the purpose of perceiving the surrounding, understanding, and putting a meaning on it. In this sense, it would be a reasonable idea that an individual should benefit from art education in order to have a complete education, since art is not just creating an aesthetic object or being aware of staying against an aesthetic object. Art means that it occurs in every stage, in every action, in all attitudes and behaviors of human being realized in an aesthetic concern without thinking When the individuals having an art education in primary and secondary education start their education in a higher education program in a faculty or department other than art education, art education loses its continuity. However art education should be continuous and it is of importance in terms of its contribution to this continuity since the studies of art education for the adults out of formal education would support it. The purpose of the current study was to determine the needs of adults and also the support that would be obtained from any kind of educational activities for art education, and to propose some recommendations in this sense 展开更多
关键词 Art education EDUCATION adult education
Heat transfer of nanofluidics in hydrophilic pores: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations
作者 Mingjie Wei Yang Song Yong Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期1117-1121,共5页
Nanofluidics in hydrophilic nanopores is a common issue in many natural and industrial processes. Among all,the mass transport of nanofluidics is most concerned. Besides that, the heat transfer of a fluid flow in nano... Nanofluidics in hydrophilic nanopores is a common issue in many natural and industrial processes. Among all,the mass transport of nanofluidics is most concerned. Besides that, the heat transfer of a fluid flow in nano or micro channels is always considered with adding nanoparticles into the flow, so as to enhance the heat transfer by convection between the fluid and the surface. However, for some applications with around 1 nm channels such as nano filtration or erosion of rocks, there should be no nanoparticles included. Hence, it is necessary to figure out the heat transfer mechanism in the single phase nanofluidics. Via non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we revealed the heat transfer inside nanofluidics and the one between fluid and walls by setting simulation into extremely harsh condition. It was found that the heat was conducted by molecular motion without temperature gradient in the area of low viscous heat, while it was transferred to the walls by increasing the temperature of fluids. If the condition back to normal, it was found that the viscous heat of nanofluidics could be easily removed by the fluid-wall temperature drop of less than 1 K. 展开更多
关键词 Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics Nanofluidics Heat conduct Temperature gradient Fluid-wall heat transfer
Children's Problem Behaviors During Free Time as an Incentive for the Increase in Social Risks and Health Risks
作者 Justyna Modrzejewska Jolanta Walaszek-Latacz 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期553-561,共9页
Since children, as a rule, have more free time than adults, it is adults' responsibility to provide children with a chance to spend the time of relaxation, play, and fun in a beneficial way. Unfortunately, children'... Since children, as a rule, have more free time than adults, it is adults' responsibility to provide children with a chance to spend the time of relaxation, play, and fun in a beneficial way. Unfortunately, children's spare time is nowadays very frequently organized for the sake of brushing up children's knowledge, skills, and competences, which is accomplished by means of escalating extra-curriculum activities. When expressed by teacher and parents, these ambition-related attitudes pave the way for the disappearance of children's personal interests and motivations to perform complicated tasks which are perceived as unwanted or obscure by the affected children themselves. This form of adults' behavior may lead to the feelings of frustration, stress, demotivation, or rebellion on behalf of their children. The said emotional states, especially in relation to the lack of spontaneous play, give rise to serious psychic dysfunctions, and the instability of children's psychic balance. It may also pave the way for various forms of destructive behavior that mostly characterize children of younger school age who are about to start schooling. 展开更多
关键词 Problem behaviors stimulants of behavioral disorders destructive behaviors health risks and social risks free time
A Holistic Model for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies of the Entrepreneur XXI: The Tree Model
作者 Jose Luis Soares Ferreira Cristina Maria Pinto Albuquerque 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第3期309-321,共13页
In the present article it will be critically questioned the traditional entrepreneurship education approaches based on a narrow conception of competency, and their values. Assuming the perspective that to be an entrep... In the present article it will be critically questioned the traditional entrepreneurship education approaches based on a narrow conception of competency, and their values. Assuming the perspective that to be an entrepreneur is basically an attitude towards life and the world, there proposed holistic, constructivist and experiential processes and strategies for entrepreneurship education. The "entrepreneur XXI", must be able to undertake a social function of change, so, an economical and social development more human, ethical and intelligent. Under this assumption, the "Tree Model for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies", that will be discussed globally in the second part of this article, suggests a dynamic and experiential approach ofentrepreneurship education based on the qualification of people's behaviour, self-esteem, competencies and experiences; a profile of key behavioural and performance competencies (root), experimental pedagogical procedures (trunk) and real results within group projects (fruits). This model has been developed during the last decade (2001-2011), using a multidisciplinary research-action procedure, within business, education (at different teaching levels) and social project environments. 展开更多
关键词 entrepreneurship education COMPETENCY tree model entrepreneur XXI
Simulating the Inverse Kinematic Model of a Robot through Artificial Neural Networks: Complementing the Teaching of Robotics
作者 Jose Tarcisio Franco de Camargo Estefano Vizconde Veraszto Gilmar Barreto 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期960-968,共9页
Teaching robotics necessarily involves the study of the kinematic models of robot manipulators. In turn, the kinematics of a robot manipulator can be described by its forward and reverse models. The inverse kinematic ... Teaching robotics necessarily involves the study of the kinematic models of robot manipulators. In turn, the kinematics of a robot manipulator can be described by its forward and reverse models. The inverse kinematic model, which provides the status of the joints according to the desired position for the tool of the robot, is typically taught and described in robotics classes through an algebraic way. However, the algebraic representation of this model is often difficult to obtain. Thus, although it is unquestionable the need for the accurate determination of the inverse kinematic model of a robot, the use of ANNs (artificial neural networks) in the design stage can be very attractive, because it allows us to predict the behavior of the robot before the formal development of its model. In this way, this paper presents a relatively quick way to simulate the inverse kinematic model of a robot, thereby allowing the student to have an overview of the model, coming to identify points that should be corrected, or that can be optimized in the structure of a robot. 展开更多
关键词 ROBOTICS artificial neural networks engineering education.
Fracture analysis of cortical bone under the condition of cement line debonding and osteon pullout 被引量:2
作者 Yaogeng Chen Wenshuai Wang Xing Li 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第2期175-188,共14页
Cortical bone consists of osteons embedded in interstitial bone tissue and there is a thin amorphous interface, named cement line, between osteon and interstitial bone. Due to fatigue and cyclic loading, the pullout o... Cortical bone consists of osteons embedded in interstitial bone tissue and there is a thin amorphous interface, named cement line, between osteon and interstitial bone. Due to fatigue and cyclic loading, the pullout or debonding phenomenon often occurs in osteonal and interstitial tissue bone. The study aims to construct a fiber-reinforced composite material debonding model for cortical bone, in which the bonding condition along the osteon, cement line and interstitial tissue bone are assumed to be imperfect. In the study, we used the complex variable method to obtain series representations for stress fields in the osteon, cement line and the interstitial tissue bone with a radial crack. The effects of material properties of osteon and cement line, crack position, and varying degrees of debonding on the fracture behavior were investigated by computing the stress intensity factor (SIF) in the vicinity of the microcrack tips. The investigation results indicated that the cement line was important for controlling the fracture toughening mechanisms and that the level of imperfect bonding among osteon, cement line and interstitial tissue bone had a pronounced effect on the crack behavior and should not be ignored. 展开更多
关键词 Cortical bone DEBONDING cement line complex variables method.
Network and equation-based models in epidemiology
作者 Kossi Edoh Elijah MacCarthy 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第3期307-322,共16页
Network and equation-based (EB) models are two prominent methods used in the study of epidemics. While EB models use a global approach to model aggregate population, net- work models focus on the behavior of individ... Network and equation-based (EB) models are two prominent methods used in the study of epidemics. While EB models use a global approach to model aggregate population, net- work models focus on the behavior of individuals in the population. The two approaches have been used in several areas of research, including finance, computer science, social science and epidemiology. In this study, epidemiology is used to contrast EB models with network models. The methods are based on the assumptions and properties of compartmental models. In EB models we solve a system of ordinary differential equations and in network models we simulate the spread of epidemics on contact networks using bond percolation. We examine the impact of network structures on the spread of infection by considering various networks, including Poisson, Erd3s R6nyi, Scale-free, and Watts- Strogatz small-world networks, and discuss how control measures can make use of the network structures. In addition, we simulate EB assumptions on Watts-Strogatz net- works to determine when the results are similar to that of EB models. As a case study, we use data from the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and that from measles outbreak to validate our results. 展开更多
关键词 Bond percolation contact network EPIDEMIOLOGY
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