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论学科信息学的兴起与发展 被引量:39
作者 张志强 范少萍 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期1011-1023,共13页
随着数据密集型科学研究新范式的出现与日臻发展,科学研究日益成为数据驱动的知识发现活动,D.science(数据驱动的科学)时代来临。以数据计量分析为核心的一系列专门学科领域的“学科信息学”获得了快速发展和应用,有关的概念、技... 随着数据密集型科学研究新范式的出现与日臻发展,科学研究日益成为数据驱动的知识发现活动,D.science(数据驱动的科学)时代来临。以数据计量分析为核心的一系列专门学科领域的“学科信息学”获得了快速发展和应用,有关的概念、技术和方法等已经得到了相应学科领域的认可。同时,支撑专门领域学科信息学发展的信息分析和应用的一般性知识体系不断完善,为一般学科信息学的产生奠定了坚实的基础。本文基于科学研究新范式的时代背景,提出一个全新的概念——“学科信息学”(SubjectInformatics)。文章首先从分析专门学科信息学出发,介绍了学科信息学的缘起,总结了一般学科信息学的内涵;其次,明确了学科信息学的主要研究内容、学科体系及其关键技术与方法;最后,重点剖析了学科信息学在促进学科知识创新和知识发现、催生数据科学兴起与应用、推动知识计算理论与方法发展以及促进学科情报分析与战略研究计算化、定量化发展等方面所起的作用。本研究对发展学科信息学理论体系、完善学科信息学研究内容、促进学科信息学发展应用、推动知识创新以及发展领域知识发现研究等具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 数据密集型研究范式 大数据 数据驱动的科学 学科信息学 数据科学 知识发现
作者 张雪 张志强 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第19期3-17,共15页
[目的/意义]学科信息学(Subject Informatics)在数据密集型科学新范式时代应运而生、迅猛发展,作为基于学科领域大数据体系分析而开展学科领域知识发现的前沿交叉性学科,对其理论方法体系的构建完善与知识发现应用研究是发展学科信息学... [目的/意义]学科信息学(Subject Informatics)在数据密集型科学新范式时代应运而生、迅猛发展,作为基于学科领域大数据体系分析而开展学科领域知识发现的前沿交叉性学科,对其理论方法体系的构建完善与知识发现应用研究是发展学科信息学和促进学科领域知识发现的要务。[方法/过程]首先,从学科信息学的缘起背景出发,明确其理论体系、发展态势、学科知识发现全流程;其次,将学科信息学分为普遍性和工具性学科信息学以及典型专门领域学科信息学,观察和揭示其研究方向和研究进展;最后,在归纳学科信息学研究新进展的基础上,对其未来发展进行展望。[结果/结论]未来学科信息学应在建设增强数据存储能力的数据管理平台、完善增强数据治理能力的数据治理体系、改进增强数据分析能力的数据处理手段、提升增强数据解释能力的数据验证功效、应用人工智能和元宇宙等技术方面进一步加强完善。 展开更多
关键词 数据密集型科学范式 学科信息学 普遍性和工具性学科信息学 专门领域学科信息学 知识发现
信息学学科发展态势文献计量分析 被引量:4
作者 刘昊 张志强 范少萍 《情报探索》 2017年第3期102-110,共9页
[目的/意义]揭示信息学学科研究前沿、热点的变化规律,观察科学大数据时代的信息学发展趋势。[方法/过程]以Web of Science数据库为数据源,使用Bibexcel、Cite Space、Histcite、VOSviewer等分析工具,运用文献计量学方法分析领域文献增... [目的/意义]揭示信息学学科研究前沿、热点的变化规律,观察科学大数据时代的信息学发展趋势。[方法/过程]以Web of Science数据库为数据源,使用Bibexcel、Cite Space、Histcite、VOSviewer等分析工具,运用文献计量学方法分析领域文献增长态势、研究方向、合作者规模等,以医学信息学为例对不同合作规模的学科发展阶段进行研究主题的可视化分析,并总结信息学的学科发展特点。[结果/结论]信息学学科正处在创新、发展、变革的节点上,相关的前瞻性研究需尽早开展。 展开更多
关键词 信息学 学科信息学 大数据 数据驱动 数据密集 文献计量分析 内容分析法
网络信息学及其知识发现前沿与前瞻 被引量:1
作者 武瑞敏 张志强 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期77-89,共13页
大数据时代,新兴前沿技术的迅猛发展对网络计量学提出了新的发展要求,文章在学科信息学的学科体系框架下提出了一个全新的概念——“网络信息学”。从网络信息学兴起的背景出发,概述了从网络计量学到网络信息学的发展过程;明确了网络信... 大数据时代,新兴前沿技术的迅猛发展对网络计量学提出了新的发展要求,文章在学科信息学的学科体系框架下提出了一个全新的概念——“网络信息学”。从网络信息学兴起的背景出发,概述了从网络计量学到网络信息学的发展过程;明确了网络信息学的概念内涵、数据基础以及关键理论方法技术;重点剖析了在网络信息学框架下,重要跨学科领域的知识发现、学术影响力与竞争力评价等四个方面的知识发现前沿与进展。并由此提出,网络信息学利用新兴前沿信息技术挖掘网络大数据以揭示有价值的知识,是网络大数据时代的网络数据挖掘与知识发现学科,也是网络信息研究新范式的支撑学科,但其发展也存在诸如网络大数据质量的控制、专门技术工具的发展等方面的关键问题。随着网络信息学的深入发展,未来网络大数据知识库、网络信息学专门技术工具及其应用领域都将得到蓬勃发展,网络信息学也或将成为学科信息学的领头学科。 展开更多
关键词 网络信息学 学科信息学 网络计量学 大数据 数据挖掘与知识发现
文献计量视角下政策科学研究的新方向——从政策量化研究到政策信息学 被引量:16
作者 刘昊 张志强 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期180-186,111,共8页
[目的/意义]明确提出政策信息学是政策科学研究领域刚刚兴起的一个研究方向,与信息科学、情报学有着密切的关联。通过对政策科学发展演化态势的可视化分析,能够清晰地揭示政策信息学产生的背景、内涵和发展方向。[方法/过程]通过文献计... [目的/意义]明确提出政策信息学是政策科学研究领域刚刚兴起的一个研究方向,与信息科学、情报学有着密切的关联。通过对政策科学发展演化态势的可视化分析,能够清晰地揭示政策信息学产生的背景、内涵和发展方向。[方法/过程]通过文献计量学方法、共词分析法和知识图谱技术等,对政策科学诞生至今的发展演化态势进行量化分析和可视化展示。[结果/结论]政策科学是一个学科交叉度极高的学科领域,不同发展阶段占主导地位的学科不同;政策科学研究形成了以政策过程理论为核心、多元分析方法并重的学科理论与实证分析体系;近年来以量化研究为特征进行的政策内容分析研究日益增多,基于政策信息学的政策知识发现逐渐兴起并成为政策科学领域的重要研究方向之一。 展开更多
关键词 政策科学 政策分析 政策信息学 学科信息学 知识图谱
作者 谭璐 彭海蕾 《成人教育》 北大核心 2023年第6期59-65,共7页
从系统观出发,构建信息科学知识理论框架,明确教育信息科学属于教育领域的学科信息学。从项目和论文梳理教育信息科学研究框架和现状,定位和凝练这一研究领域存在的关键问题,即缺少学科研究的统一立场、系统化主导思维和持续深入的实践... 从系统观出发,构建信息科学知识理论框架,明确教育信息科学属于教育领域的学科信息学。从项目和论文梳理教育信息科学研究框架和现状,定位和凝练这一研究领域存在的关键问题,即缺少学科研究的统一立场、系统化主导思维和持续深入的实践检验,又缺少对信息技术和教育系统相互作用或融合的基本原理、深层机制、价值导向的整体认知和辩证思考。教育信息科学的建立和发展,应加强基础研究和哲学指引,深化对教育系统多层次研究对象的认识;借鉴系统方法论确立社会科学和自然科学方法有机融合的研究路径;在复杂性视野中反思纯粹的理性主义,建立超越数据和算法的综合性、整体性和创造性研究逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 教育信息科学 教育系统 学科信息学 系统观 学科融合
作者 张晨 黄婕 +1 位作者 许光 安小米 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期188-197,共10页
[目的/意义]厘清信息学的概念,分析国外院校信息学的教育模式,讨论信息学教育对图书情报领域信息学研究的启示。[方法/过程]首先梳理信息学的核心定义、教育模式的形成路径以及相关研究;然后选取美、英、德、日6所典型院校,分析其信息... [目的/意义]厘清信息学的概念,分析国外院校信息学的教育模式,讨论信息学教育对图书情报领域信息学研究的启示。[方法/过程]首先梳理信息学的核心定义、教育模式的形成路径以及相关研究;然后选取美、英、德、日6所典型院校,分析其信息学的人才培养模式以及课程模式,解析其信息学教育的关注视角、人才培养目标、研究方向、职业前景、开设专业、课程主题以及课程类型,并从教育方法、教育方式、教育策略和教育理念4个方面总结信息学的教育模式;最后提出信息学教育对图情领域信息学研究的启示。[结果/结论]信息学的本质是对信息处理与技术和其应用关系的批判思考,应该更多关注信息与技术和社会的互动及联动关系。 展开更多
关键词 信息学 学科信息学 图书情报学 培养模式 课程模式
政策信息学的发展与前瞻 被引量:19
作者 曹玲静 张志强 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第21期38-50,共13页
[目的/意义]系统梳理归纳政策信息学的理论框架和发展路径,以期为政策科学、文献计量学等相关研究夯实理论与方法基础。[方法/过程]依托学科信息学明晰了政策信息学的发展起源和概念内涵,详细总结归纳政策信息学的研究内容和研究过程,... [目的/意义]系统梳理归纳政策信息学的理论框架和发展路径,以期为政策科学、文献计量学等相关研究夯实理论与方法基础。[方法/过程]依托学科信息学明晰了政策信息学的发展起源和概念内涵,详细总结归纳政策信息学的研究内容和研究过程,提出围绕"理论基础-方法技术-应用实践-教育管理"4个方面相互促进发展的学科体系,从理论基础构建和知识图景描绘两个方面构建政策信息学的研究体系。[结果/结论]政策信息学主要围绕海量多源异构数据,利用文献计量分析、社会网络分析、内容分析、文本计算及可视化等方法,开展政策变迁过程和演化规律、政策量化分析和效力评价、政策府际关系和政策博弈、政策研究和科学研究间关系研究,未来需建设专业的领域政策大数据库、开发专门的政策分析技术和工具、开展广泛且深入的案例研究并形成高质量的学术共同体。 展开更多
关键词 政策信息学 政策量化 政策计量 学科交叉 学科信息学
论传播信息学及其进展 被引量:2
作者 陈秀娟 张志强 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第21期120-131,共12页
[目的/意义]研究结果对发展传播信息学的理论、完善传播信息学的研究方法与内容、促进传播领域知识发现等具有重要意义。[方法/过程]传播信息学是传播大数据范式下开展信息传播规律分析与研究的新领域。从理论建构、技术方法、研究内容... [目的/意义]研究结果对发展传播信息学的理论、完善传播信息学的研究方法与内容、促进传播领域知识发现等具有重要意义。[方法/过程]传播信息学是传播大数据范式下开展信息传播规律分析与研究的新领域。从理论建构、技术方法、研究内容、发展的关键问题与措施4个角度,对传播信息学进行全面介绍、阐释和研究。首先,从传播信息学的产生背景论起,对传播信息学进行概念界定和内涵辨析,并梳理其发展脉络。其次,从数据采集、数据存储、数据处理、数据分析与知识发现等角度论述传播信息学的技术方法。再次,基于传播学"5W"框架,围绕传播者、传播内容、传播渠道、传播对象、传播效果等方面对其研究内容进行论述。最后,提出传播信息学发展的关键问题与努力方向。[结果/结论]未来传播信息学的发展应推动传播大数据的合作与共享,优化传播大数据分析的技术与方法,强化虚假信息传播与舆论控制问题研究,构建用户隐私及其伦理的规范机制,注重综合性研究人才的培养。 展开更多
关键词 传播信息学 传播学 信息科学 学科信息学
Science news release and its benefi ts to your research 被引量:1
作者 You-De Chang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第45期6120-6121,共2页
News release to the latest science f indings is benef icial to both researchers and their served institutions as well as the public. It will help to set a bridge of communication between researchers, the public and me... News release to the latest science f indings is benef icial to both researchers and their served institutions as well as the public. It will help to set a bridge of communication between researchers, the public and media, and publishers, making the latest research findings well known to the public. World Journal of Gastroenterology has currently freely opened the News Release Service System (WJG-NRSS) for original articles with potential signifi cance and novelty for news release to mass media to broaden the f indings to the public. 展开更多
Sharp Lower Bound of the Least Eigenvalue of Graphs with Given Diameter
作者 刘瑞芳 翟明清 束金龙 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期435-437,共3页
The eigenvalues of graphs play an important role in the fields of quantum chemistry, physics, computer science, communication network, and information science. Particularly, they can be interpreted in some situations ... The eigenvalues of graphs play an important role in the fields of quantum chemistry, physics, computer science, communication network, and information science. Particularly, they can be interpreted in some situations as the energy levels of an electron in a molecule or as the possible frequencies of the tone of a vibrating membrane. The diameter of a graph, the maximum distance between any two vertices of a graph, has great impact on the service quality of communication networks. So we were motivated to investigate the sharp lower bound of the least eigenvalue of graphs with given diameter. Let gn. d be the set of graphs on n vertices with diameter d. For any graph G ∈ gn, d, by considering the least eigenvalue of its connected spanning bipartite subgraph, we obtained the sharp lower bound of the least eigenvalue of graph G. Furthermore, an upper bound of Laplacian spectral radius of graph G was given. 展开更多
Science of Music in the Education System of Uzbekistan
作者 Saida Kasymhodjaeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期578-581,共4页
Perceiving musicology as a combination of scientific and academic disciplines, and considering the history and the way of its development, the author pays more attention to the problem of understanding the evolution o... Perceiving musicology as a combination of scientific and academic disciplines, and considering the history and the way of its development, the author pays more attention to the problem of understanding the evolution of music and musical science. Music education is presented in the relationship of the two main areas: science and education. There is evidence of a gradual expansion and changes in the content and methods of the science of music. The 21st century rapidly and dynamically entered in our lives in terms of the development of information communication, technological progress and unprecedented rise of scientific thought. Social upheavals of this period of history, a powerful wave of liberation movements have caused an unprecedented intensification of national creative forces committed to the development, expansion of contacts, attached to the other cultures. To date, the science of music has evolved so much on what grew out of it and separated into clearly separate spheres with their problems, trends, directions: music theory, music history, ethnomusicology, musical philosophy, and also music source studying. And it should be noted that each of these areas has its embodiment in materialized form of faculties, departments in the conservatory. Development of new standards, new plans, programs, new courses is a related process of development of these sciences in general. 展开更多
The Multi-Disciplined Skills Required of Forensic Accountants
作者 Maria Italia 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第3期365-373,共9页
Forensic accountants today are required to possess a number of characteristics and skills that are derived from a range of disciplines. They must be inquisitive, able to delve into motivations, operations and justific... Forensic accountants today are required to possess a number of characteristics and skills that are derived from a range of disciplines. They must be inquisitive, able to delve into motivations, operations and justifications underlying the behavior of white collar criminals. They must be able to simplify technical accounting information and convey it effectively orally and in writing to a court or tribunal; be able to trace information via information technology tools; have an understanding of the adversarial legal system and the rules of evidence. Universities offering forensic accounting courses in various formats are on the increase. The aim of this paper is to investigate the subject areas that any course specializing in forensic accounting needs to cover. 展开更多
关键词 forensic accounting FRAUD accounting information systems white collar crime
Social Science Communication Through Dialogic Interactions
作者 Suranti Trisnawati 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第5期318-328,共11页
The study in this paper that draws on dialogic interaction is a focus of investigation as the way to communicate social sciences to the public. In science communication people, for example, experts or scientists attem... The study in this paper that draws on dialogic interaction is a focus of investigation as the way to communicate social sciences to the public. In science communication people, for example, experts or scientists attempt to persuade lay people about the validity of their assessments. Currently dialogue in science communication might be seen as an important way to deliver information about sciences to the public as previously communicating science was conducted through top-down approaches. In addition, currently there is a tendency that people prefer to deliver and to receive information about sciences through two-way communication models between two or more parties, face-to-face or mediated by any means of communication as this way of communication is seen as more interactive. In the context of Indonesia, in terms of social science communication, this is an important phenomenon to investigate as two-way communication models might bridge the gap between expert opinion and lay opinion, where lay opinion is often seen as irrational or emotional. However, there are still a small number of studies with regard to how social sciences are communicated to the public and in what ways people preferred to deliver, moreover to discuss information within social sciences. One of the potential reasons is that research on science communication is mainly focused on natural and physical sciences. Since the study in this paper focuses on dialogic interactions in social science communication, this study will contribute to the current discussions of mass communication, in terms of science communication, and to related fields. 展开更多
关键词 dialogic interaction social science communication communication and media studies
New Ideas on Teaching Translation
作者 QI Jian-tao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第6期452-456,共5页
With the rapid development of the society, some new questions of how to teach translation more scientifically have been put forward to the traditional translation teaching in the new century, which is characterized wi... With the rapid development of the society, some new questions of how to teach translation more scientifically have been put forward to the traditional translation teaching in the new century, which is characterized with high informationization and rapid development of science and technology. This paper aims at a general analysis of the characteristics of the modem society and its impact on translation teaching. Meanwhile, this paper provides the translation teachers with some teaching methods and concepts. Finally, this paper points out that translation teachers must take the characteristcs of the modem society in the new century into consideration, and tries to follow some new ideas when teaching translation so as to adapt to the social changes and achieve the goal of translation teaching in the universities. 展开更多
关键词 new century translation teaching new ideas
Applied Ethics and Modem Enterprises One Viewpoint
作者 Zoran Nikolic Zorana Nikolic Maksimovic 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第12期581-593,共13页
Business ethics has been growing from a philosophy discipline to an applied science. That explains its significance for more efficient functioning of various systems in business world. For that reason, organized socie... Business ethics has been growing from a philosophy discipline to an applied science. That explains its significance for more efficient functioning of various systems in business world. For that reason, organized societies with developed economies invest in empiric, theoretic, and theoretic-empiric investigations of various sectors and applied dimensions of business ethics. Its epistemological sense reflects to increasing productivity, more successful establishing of the system of hierarchy within an enterprise, appropriate formulating the strategy of management, improving the market reputation, increasing profitability, and strengthening social responsibility. The complexity of modem and successful business is based on a series of social factors which spread in the arch from anthropological, socially-psychological, and cultural characteristics of a human being, to quality characteristics of the global society. That is why the scientific information available to business ethics is synthesized from various scientific perspectives. This paradigm is a starting point of this project which is about the above subject. Its cognitive aim is presented through the description, classification, and explanation of the influence of business ethics to successful functioning of every kind of business institution. As a theoretic investigation which grows from verified scientific information and their critical analysis, it relies on standard, general scientific, basic special and general methods which are characteristic to the applied scientific disciplines. Business ethics has clearly established two key cognitive bases of its investigations: 1) personal value attitude; and 2) interests of a company, groups, and individuals in them. This project is only a small contribution to explaining elementary functions of this applied ethics in business world. 展开更多
关键词 business ethics applied science business culture management strategy system of relations interest of an enterprise
Sustainable Growth in China’s Communications Field: Trend Analysis of Impact of China’s Academic Publications
作者 贺德方 潘云涛 +1 位作者 马峥 王菁婷 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期157-163,共7页
China's cormaaunications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium... China's cormaaunications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium and Long-term Development of Science and Technology (2006-2020) (NPMLDST). Since 2006, there has been a rapid increase in the number of citations of China's interna- tional papers in the field of communications. In accordance with the goals listed in the NPMLDST, China needs to over- take several competitors by 2020 to be among the top five countries in the field of natural science field. By comparing two Essential Science Indicators (ESI) (i.e., the total number of citations and the number of citations per paper) for China and other countries, China's annual growth rate is found to exceed that of other influential countries in the field of sci- ence and technology, and exhibits evident growth-type characteristics. Besides, our study also shows that the short- age of high-quality academic papers in China is the main obstacle to improving the impact of China's academic publications. 展开更多
关键词 academic publications China's communications field CITATIONS Essential Science Indicators growth trend
Analysis on Students' Performance in SAMBET Course
作者 ZHAO Bin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期858-863,共6页
In order to probe into the problems that English learners meet in the second language acquisition (SLA), this thesis intends to evaluate students' performance in the process of studying SAMBET course in Beijing Inf... In order to probe into the problems that English learners meet in the second language acquisition (SLA), this thesis intends to evaluate students' performance in the process of studying SAMBET course in Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU), through identifying and analyzing the errors and improper uses of English, and exploring the reasons that account for them by means of SLA analysis devices. The author has talked about the errors and improper uses that are made by test attendants of SAMBET course. The analysis and exploration on these errors and improper uses illustrate that they occur owing to various implied reasons, e.g., the influence of Ll, ignorance of grammatical rules, carelessness, outside pressure, and attitude, aptitude, and confidence of individual learner, etc 展开更多
关键词 SLA language transfer error analysis individual learner difference
An overview of healthcare monitoring by flexible electronics 被引量:5
作者 JianQiao Hu Rui Li +1 位作者 Yuan Liu Ye Wang Su 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1-18,共18页
Flexible electronics integrated with stretchable/bendable structures and various microsensors that monitor the temperature,pressure, sweat, bioelectricity, body hydration, etc., have a wide range of applications in th... Flexible electronics integrated with stretchable/bendable structures and various microsensors that monitor the temperature,pressure, sweat, bioelectricity, body hydration, etc., have a wide range of applications in the human healthcare sector. The science underlying this technology draws from many research areas, such as information technology, materials science, and structural mechanics, to efficiently and accurately monitor technology for various signals. In this paper, we make a classification and comb to the designs, materials, structures and functions of numerous flexible electronics for signal monitoring in the human healthcare sector. Some perspectives in this field are discussed in the concluding remarks. 展开更多
关键词 flexible electronics stretchable electronics signal monitoring human healthcare
Optical parity gate and a wide range of entangled states generation 被引量:1
作者 LIN Qing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期30-39,共10页
Generating entangled states efficiently is a hot topic in the area of quantum information science.With the approach presented in this paper,a general parity gate could be realized and a wide range of entangled states,... Generating entangled states efficiently is a hot topic in the area of quantum information science.With the approach presented in this paper,a general parity gate could be realized and a wide range of entangled states,including GHZ state,W state,Dicke state,arbitrary graph state and locally maximally entanglable states,can be generated flexibly.The generation of GHZ state,W state,and Dicke state is probabilistic but heralded and the total success probability is unit.In addition,the arbitrary graph state and locally maximally entanglable states generation is deterministic,flexible,and highly efficient.Especially,with the"simultaneous"generation pattern,the complexity of the graph state generation and locally maximally entanglable states generation could be reduced greatly,providing a more efficient and feasible way to generate the entangled states. 展开更多
关键词 parity gate entangled states cross phase modulation c-path gate quantum information
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