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基于“艺术学立场”的艺术人类学寻问与探究 被引量:2
作者 董波 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2015年第6期28-32,共5页
任何一个学科研究都拥有一个共同的关系世界,但不同学科,甚至同一学科中不同的研究者,也会生出各不相同、如此之多的学科世界。一门学科与其他学科之间的差异,其成立的理由和基本前提在于它所拥有的立场。学科立场是学科归属问题,没有... 任何一个学科研究都拥有一个共同的关系世界,但不同学科,甚至同一学科中不同的研究者,也会生出各不相同、如此之多的学科世界。一门学科与其他学科之间的差异,其成立的理由和基本前提在于它所拥有的立场。学科立场是学科归属问题,没有学科立场,则会导致在学科发展中立场不定,甚至导致本学科消亡,或为其他学科所取代。艺术人类学发展中存在着重"人类学立场"而忽视"艺术学立场"的问题。在很多艺术人类学研究中,艺术学立场意识不够清晰,缺失艺术学感觉和艺术学想象。因此,确立基于"艺术学立场"的艺术人类学显得格外迫切和重要。 展开更多
关键词 艺术学立场 艺术人类 人类学立场
作者 张泰富 《云南社会主义学院学报》 2003年第4期4-6,共3页
“三个代表”重要思想是马克思主义的哲学立场、政治立场与科学的世界观和方法论相统一的思想体系;学习“三个代表”重要思想,必须坚持马克思主义的学风,把学立场、学观点、学方法辩证地统一起来,以达到改造客观世界和改造主观世界的有... “三个代表”重要思想是马克思主义的哲学立场、政治立场与科学的世界观和方法论相统一的思想体系;学习“三个代表”重要思想,必须坚持马克思主义的学风,把学立场、学观点、学方法辩证地统一起来,以达到改造客观世界和改造主观世界的有机结合和统一。 展开更多
关键词 学立场 观点 方法 统一
作者 郑元者 《民族艺术》 1999年第2期38-41,共4页
在当今世界,文化的发展问题已成了全球性的焦点问题,联合国教科文组织在1998年3月30日至4月2日召开的“文化政策促进发展政府间会议”,曾以“文化与发展”为主题,把文化问题列为未来10年中全球发展的首要问题,当是明证... 在当今世界,文化的发展问题已成了全球性的焦点问题,联合国教科文组织在1998年3月30日至4月2日召开的“文化政策促进发展政府间会议”,曾以“文化与发展”为主题,把文化问题列为未来10年中全球发展的首要问题,当是明证。这既是一次富于前瞻性和战略性的行... 展开更多
关键词 学立场 文化多样性 文艺创作 时间意识 文化发展 大众文化 现实的人 未来发展 中国文化 伦理价值
作者 唐爱军 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第9期5-8,共4页
文章以"劳动"为核心点,论述了马克思对黑格尔哲学的国民经济学立场的揭示和批判。黑格尔哲学停留在国民经济学以之作为前提的抽象劳动(异化劳动)的辩护上,并与国民经济学有着内在的勾连和"共谋"关系。正是由于黑格... 文章以"劳动"为核心点,论述了马克思对黑格尔哲学的国民经济学立场的揭示和批判。黑格尔哲学停留在国民经济学以之作为前提的抽象劳动(异化劳动)的辩护上,并与国民经济学有着内在的勾连和"共谋"关系。正是由于黑格尔哲学的两重意境,因此超越黑格尔哲学,仅在纯粹哲学领域进行所谓的"主谓颠倒"是无法达及的;而必然与国民经济学批判相关联。总之,马克思对黑格尔哲学的批判是一种"双重批判"。 展开更多
关键词 黑格尔哲 国民经济学立场 劳动 双重批判
作者 桂伟方 《探求》 2006年第4期48-50,共3页
企业的人力资源管理对构建和谐企业,进而推动建设和谐社会具有重要的意义。我们必须在人力资源管理中明确“以人为本”的思想立场。我们所主张的人本学立场并不完全等同于以往哲学的“以人为本”的观念,而是坚持马克思主义的人学观念。... 企业的人力资源管理对构建和谐企业,进而推动建设和谐社会具有重要的意义。我们必须在人力资源管理中明确“以人为本”的思想立场。我们所主张的人本学立场并不完全等同于以往哲学的“以人为本”的观念,而是坚持马克思主义的人学观念。企业人力资源管理在和谐社会的构建过程中发挥着重要的功能与作用。只有在企业人力资源管理将这种人本学的立场具体化,才能实现企业与员工的和谐发展,最终推进社会的整体和谐发展。 展开更多
关键词 人力资源管理 人本学立场 和谐社会
配音──重估影视概念之二 被引量:1
作者 赵莉 丁海宴 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期132-135,共4页
关键词 艺术哲 布洛克 影视艺术 波提切利 文化背景 维纳斯 艺术再现 驾驭语言能力 音乐技巧 学立场
作者 李景林 《中国哲学史》 1997年第1期122-125,共4页
关键词 《评传》 术思想 科分类 理论 术成就 文化生命 历史精神 中国文化 现代 学立场
落落大乾坤 蕴藉真风流——于右任以帖冶碑的路径及书史价值 被引量:1
作者 郑荣明 《书画艺术》 2020年第6期36-38,共3页
于右任的书法观,是属于帖学的,于右任的书法立场,是不折不扣的帖学立场。于右任以帖冶碑,以帖的精神、气派改造了碑的形神,为碑赋予了一种新的更为“高大上”的气象;从帖学的立场和内涵上去认识把握于右任,似乎更有趣得多,与其说于右任... 于右任的书法观,是属于帖学的,于右任的书法立场,是不折不扣的帖学立场。于右任以帖冶碑,以帖的精神、气派改造了碑的形神,为碑赋予了一种新的更为“高大上”的气象;从帖学的立场和内涵上去认识把握于右任,似乎更有趣得多,与其说于右任是碑学的宗师,不如说于右任是帖学的大师。于右任书法人生的博大境界、非常高度,是不折不扣的帖学传统造就的。 展开更多
关键词 学立场 以帖冶碑 自然书写 君子之风
10 怎样看待我国社会主义制度的优越性及其发展中的失误?
作者 刘经建 史耕 《理论导刊》 北大核心 1990年第Z1期35-38,共4页
社会主义作为崭新的社会制度,具有不可比拟的优越性.这种优越性是客观存在的,通过社会生活各个方面日益显示出来,并为生活在这个制度中的人们普遍所感受.然而,有些人却对此视而不见,被一些表层现象所迷惑;或矢口否认,甚至抓住某些失误... 社会主义作为崭新的社会制度,具有不可比拟的优越性.这种优越性是客观存在的,通过社会生活各个方面日益显示出来,并为生活在这个制度中的人们普遍所感受.然而,有些人却对此视而不见,被一些表层现象所迷惑;或矢口否认,甚至抓住某些失误和枝节问题,肆意攻击,进而演绎出“社会主义失败”之谬论.为澄清理论是非,坚定社会主义必胜信念,我们必须站在科学立场上,正确认识,看待社会主义制度的优越性及其发展过程中的某些失误. 展开更多
关键词 社会主义制度的优越性 我国社会主义 社会主义事业 根本制度 发展中 具体制度 社会主义发展 发达资本主义国家 求成 学立场
Exiled Chemists of the Spanish Civil War's Footprint in Mexico
作者 History on five renowned Spanish-Mexican chemists 《History Research》 2013年第6期406-422,共17页
The focus of this article will be centered on five Spanish chemists who were refugees in Mexico after the Civil War and provided a strong drive in developing Mexican chemistry. Their names are: Antonio Madinaveitia T... The focus of this article will be centered on five Spanish chemists who were refugees in Mexico after the Civil War and provided a strong drive in developing Mexican chemistry. Their names are: Antonio Madinaveitia Tabuyo, Jos6 Giral Pereira, Modesto Bargall6 Ard6vol, Francisco Giral Gonz^ilez, and Jos6 Ignacio Bolivar Goyanes. This article starts with the panorama of science in Europe (mainly Spain) and in Mexico from the end of the 19th Century to the beginning of the 20th century. It is also included the development of chemistry in Germany in the 19th century. The paper includes a short out line of these scientists' work in Europe, as well as focusing on their contributions to the development of Chemistry in Mexico, in the areas of Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Pharmacy. A conclusion is the importance of their contribution to Mexican chemistry through two institutions: the National University and the National Polytechnic Institute. 展开更多
关键词 Spanish science exiled chemists Mexico's chemistry improvement
Universities and Global Market
作者 Petr Wolf 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期729-733,共5页
The article interested in the universities in the global market. Author briefly describes the situation of the many universities of the point of view of education, research, orientation, system of financing and manage... The article interested in the universities in the global market. Author briefly describes the situation of the many universities of the point of view of education, research, orientation, system of financing and management of the universities. The whole article is based on the author's practical experiences. The research objective was to determine how the professional community is looking at private universities and state universities. It was based on the opinion of the quality of graduates and the number of academic staff who are working at state universities These academics have mostly negative view of private universities as well as the knowledge of graduates of these private schools. However, the opinion ofstaffin practice, especially managers in manufacturing companies, trading companies, companies selling services, as well as senior officials in government, are not so negative. By contrast in certain areas such as marketing, business, management, Information and Communication Technology etc., was rather neutral or positive. The politicians were interested about these information with regard to educational reform (reform of universities is still not actual--note the author) and the expected necessary cuts of spending to higher education from the state budget. Unfortunately, the research project due to political changes in 2009 was not completed and obtained only partial results. Despite of this fact the author decided to process the article below Opinions on the topic of public vs. private univeristies were mainly obtained informally from experts from academic area (both public and private), managers, various specialists, but also from the students themselves. In conclusion man can say that the demand for people who are able to quickly demonstrate their knowledge in practice is still stronger. The title becomes second-rate (unfortunately not quite in the public and state administration). Very strong demand is the active practice of communication in English (it fulfilles especially private universities) Graduates of technical universities in the classical fields are sought less in the labor market. Very high pressure is developed by state universities to private. This implies a lack of professors and associate professors who can work in full time at private universities which are more flexible and better adapt to labor market requirements. Stronger position have private universities that are in any way connected with foreign partners from developed countries 展开更多
伦理学短论:客观决定的“善”概念 被引量:1
作者 张盾 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第4期83-87,共5页
1.在伦理学中所谈到的“善”这个概念,其最本质的内涵无疑就是“为了人”或者是“对人的保护”(for hunmn being)。这是一切堪称道德价值的东西共同享有的最抽象形式。自古以来,伦理学家对“什么就其本身而言是善的”这个问题倾注了最... 1.在伦理学中所谈到的“善”这个概念,其最本质的内涵无疑就是“为了人”或者是“对人的保护”(for hunmn being)。这是一切堪称道德价值的东西共同享有的最抽象形式。自古以来,伦理学家对“什么就其本身而言是善的”这个问题倾注了最大的注意力,作出了各种不同的回答,但却对他们各自主张中的这种共同之点很少注意。尽管在人们的生活中存在着各种完全不同的生活目标和道德标准,但是我们看到,人们通常赞美的利他精神、对责任的忠诚,献身行为,或者说那些善良意志的其他表现形式,毫无疑问都是对人的爱护。 展开更多
关键词 伦理 道德价值 客观必要性 自然状态 善良意志 学立场 人的幸福 功利主义 内涵性 道德选择
“证据学大革命”的歧路——关于裴苍龄教授之实质证据观理论的批评性审思 被引量:1
作者 周洪波 薛培 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期74-82,共9页
裴苍龄教授建立了以实质证据观为核心的证据学理论体系,试图在坚持认识论的客观性及其规范性的基本立场上,发动一场"证据学的大革命"。然而,无论是实质证据观本身,还是其理论延伸和背景性立场,都存在着不少问题,其中最为要害... 裴苍龄教授建立了以实质证据观为核心的证据学理论体系,试图在坚持认识论的客观性及其规范性的基本立场上,发动一场"证据学的大革命"。然而,无论是实质证据观本身,还是其理论延伸和背景性立场,都存在着不少问题,其中最为要害的是,存在着认识论的不当理解和对证据法进行认识论的过度简化。通过与裴苍龄教授的商榷,需要明确的是,应当在正确的诉讼认识论基础上,树立一种兼顾认识论和法律制度语境、具体政策的证据法学基本立场。 展开更多
关键词 裴苍龄 “证据大革命” 实质证据观 理论歧路 证据法的基本立场
作者 李燕 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第1期28-33,127,共7页
As an important dimension of cognitive style, field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) have been extensively investigated in various aspects of language teaching and learning. It is widely believed that the FDI... As an important dimension of cognitive style, field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) have been extensively investigated in various aspects of language teaching and learning. It is widely believed that the FDI characteristics can provide important information in contributing to students' success and individualizing educational programs. Based on the previous studies, the present paper aims to make a detailed theoretical survey of FDI and to discuss its implications in English language teaching and learning. It is hoped that the research offers some insight into the theory of FDI and the employment of the theory in the classroom. Some problems and suggestions are also put forward for further consideration. 展开更多
关键词 field dependent field independent English language teaching and learning
A "Symptomatic Reading" of the Mass Culture Critique and Its Implications for the Reconstruction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory
作者 姚文放 Wang Wen'e 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第3期175-185,共11页
The critique of mass culture is a core theory of the Frankfurt School. Entering China in the early 1990s, this critique enjoyed an initial but brief acclaim. As an over-reaction and over-interpretation stemming from p... The critique of mass culture is a core theory of the Frankfurt School. Entering China in the early 1990s, this critique enjoyed an initial but brief acclaim. As an over-reaction and over-interpretation stemming from painful historical memories, it tended to impede the impartial assessment of mass culture and the culture industry, resulting in obvious theoretical blind spots and gaps and making a “symptomatic reading” necessary. Today, the Frankfurt School’s critique of mass culture is still of value and significance as an intellectual resource and historical reference, but it warrants further scrutiny when used to analyze practical issues. Given the burgeoning of mass culture and the cultural industry presently under way in the Chinese market economy, we should rise above previous intellectual limitations and theoretical misunderstandings to give due weight and active encouragement to the positive energy of mass culture and the cultural industry. The construction of Chinese literary discourse has its own distinctive pattern, and must orient itself toward China and the contemporary era, and particularly toward the practical development of contemporary China in the current period of transition. The academic counterpart of this is a three-dimensional platform consisting of level of thought, value concepts, and Chinese characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Frankfurt School mass culture critique Chinese position
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