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作者 周天红 《吉林师范学院学报》 1996年第11期16-17,共2页
科技法形成一个独立的法律体系势在必行,科技法学也必然应运而生。科技法具有客现性、科学性、实践性、实体法和程序法合一性及国际协作性。科技法学的研究对象主要包括:科技立法的渊源及法律规范、社会主义市场经济体制中科技工作及其... 科技法形成一个独立的法律体系势在必行,科技法学也必然应运而生。科技法具有客现性、科学性、实践性、实体法和程序法合一性及国际协作性。科技法学的研究对象主要包括:科技立法的渊源及法律规范、社会主义市场经济体制中科技工作及其立法任务、科技司法理论研究等。 展开更多
关键词 科技法 科技活动 学综述 科技立法 技术规范 理论研究 法律规范 科技发展 法律体系 技术
作者 暴拯群 《学习论坛》 1998年第1期40-42,共3页
语言学和数学分别作为社会科学和自然科学的,代表,直到本世纪上半叶,人们还普遍认为二者之间毫不相干。近年来,由于科学技术的飞速发展,尤其是语言通信技术和电子计算机的发展,把语言学和数学这两门差别悬殊的学科紧密地联系了起来,从... 语言学和数学分别作为社会科学和自然科学的,代表,直到本世纪上半叶,人们还普遍认为二者之间毫不相干。近年来,由于科学技术的飞速发展,尤其是语言通信技术和电子计算机的发展,把语言学和数学这两门差别悬殊的学科紧密地联系了起来,从而使一门新兴的边缘学科——数理语言学应运而生。 一、数理语言学的诞生 现代通信技术(电话、电报等)的发展要求人们研究信息符号(语言文字)的定量规律。 展开更多
关键词 数理语言 描写语言 自然语言 算法语言 分析模型 学综述 人工语言 人工智能 当代科 形式语言
作者 马鸿雁 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期83-88,共6页
关键词 《庄子注》 郭象 文献学综述
美国艾尔金斯教授讲学综述 被引量:1
作者 汪涤 《新美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第1期89-92,共4页
1998年6月初,中国美术学院学术气氛异常浓郁,美国著名艺术学府——芝加哥艺术学院美术史教授艾尔金斯(James Elkins)先生连续为全校师生作了8次讲座,同时还应邀和美术史系教师、研究生进行了学术座谈.在短短两周时间内他还抽空与美院其... 1998年6月初,中国美术学院学术气氛异常浓郁,美国著名艺术学府——芝加哥艺术学院美术史教授艾尔金斯(James Elkins)先生连续为全校师生作了8次讲座,同时还应邀和美术史系教师、研究生进行了学术座谈.在短短两周时间内他还抽空与美院其他各系教师进行了广泛的交流,可谓成果显著.美国的美术史教学分为两类.一类是综合性大学的艺术史系,主要从事人文科学研究,以历史、语言、哲学为辅助;另一类是艺术学院中的美术史系,主要以20世纪艺术为研究方向兼及艺术批评等现实问题,艾尔金斯教授在芝加哥大学接受美术史博士教育,又在以前卫著称的芝加哥艺术学院任教。 展开更多
关键词 美术史教 学综述 艺术史 解构主义 艺术作品 现实主义 艺术 芝加哥 现当代艺术 20世纪
《中国特殊教育》 1999年第1期44-45,共2页
SummaryofOptimizationofClasroomInstructionthroughAudio-videoAids本刊编辑部这里综合介绍几篇运用具有声感、色感、动感的电化教学手段优化课堂教学,可提高残疾... SummaryofOptimizationofClasroomInstructionthroughAudio-videoAids本刊编辑部这里综合介绍几篇运用具有声感、色感、动感的电化教学手段优化课堂教学,可提高残疾儿童理解能力、认知能力和思惟能力的... 展开更多
关键词 电教手段 优化课堂 学综述 弱智儿童 录像片 交通规则 激发习兴趣 投影片 聋生 录像教
作者 林安宁 李春连 《河池学院学报》 2020年第1期35-41,共7页
神话学的学科推进,需要各类期刊的大力支持,也需要专题会议的集中讨论。在研究中,学者既要继承经典方法,也要积极发挥多学科参与神话学研究的有效性;既要引进国外最新研究成果,也需要关注中国神话的独特性,持续推进学科的本土化与自觉性... 神话学的学科推进,需要各类期刊的大力支持,也需要专题会议的集中讨论。在研究中,学者既要继承经典方法,也要积极发挥多学科参与神话学研究的有效性;既要引进国外最新研究成果,也需要关注中国神话的独特性,持续推进学科的本土化与自觉性。2016年的中国神话研究,在各方的努力下,取得了较丰硕的成果,学科的建设也取得了较大的进展。 展开更多
关键词 主阵地 经典方法 科透视 神话科自觉 2016年 神话学综述
《中国远程教育》 1994年第5期39-41,共3页
适应经济发展培养急需人才─—成都电大双流分校办学综述成都电大双流分校成立于1992年2月,其前身是双流电大站。为了适应双流县经济的发展,多快好省地培养各行各业急需的应用型人才,县委、县政府高瞻远瞩,及时地做出决定,将... 适应经济发展培养急需人才─—成都电大双流分校办学综述成都电大双流分校成立于1992年2月,其前身是双流电大站。为了适应双流县经济的发展,多快好省地培养各行各业急需的应用型人才,县委、县政府高瞻远瞩,及时地做出决定,将原双流电大站升格为电大分校。两年来... 展开更多
关键词 电视中专 学综述 发展培养 急需人才 质量 电大教育 双流县 广播电视大 汉语言文 普通高校
综述学导论 被引量:3
作者 彭静 文化龙 王全 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期17-18,共2页
关键词 综述 综述 研究对象 基本规律 思维方式
综述学与新四论 被引量:2
作者 彭静 王全 文化龙 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期30-31,共2页
关键词 综述 信息论 系统论 控制论 耗散结构论
作者 张晓娜 张瑞 樊霞 《临床医学进展》 2024年第8期68-73,共6页
随着人口老龄化时代的到来,失能成为全球的公共卫生和社会问题,对老年群体的健康状况和生活质量有着负面影响。该文通过回顾国内外失能的评估工具、流行现状、危险因素、不良结局和主要预防控制措施的相关研究,从而为评估老年失能的现... 随着人口老龄化时代的到来,失能成为全球的公共卫生和社会问题,对老年群体的健康状况和生活质量有着负面影响。该文通过回顾国内外失能的评估工具、流行现状、危险因素、不良结局和主要预防控制措施的相关研究,从而为评估老年失能的现状、针对性地为预防老年失能提供参考依据和研究资料。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 失能 公共卫生管理 流行病学综述
作者 王学兵 《吉林农业》 2019年第7期111-112,共2页
文献学研究表明,我国近年来林业法治理论研究在21世纪后发展较快,但发表文献多来源于大学。研究内容主要集中在生态补偿、林权改革、森林法修改等方面。从最近五年研究文献分析看,未来我国林业法学研究将会引入系统法学、发展学等理论,... 文献学研究表明,我国近年来林业法治理论研究在21世纪后发展较快,但发表文献多来源于大学。研究内容主要集中在生态补偿、林权改革、森林法修改等方面。从最近五年研究文献分析看,未来我国林业法学研究将会引入系统法学、发展学等理论,在林业法治效益分析、林业和谐发展、公平发展等方面取得较大进展。 展开更多
关键词 林业 法治 理论 文献 综述
Mechanisms of Lung Cancer Caused By Cooking Fumes Exposure: A Minor Review 被引量:5
作者 王春燕 刘立芳 +2 位作者 刘晓丽 陈文俊 何国平 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期193-197,共5页
Cooking fumes (CFs) are mixtures of many toxic components, such as aldehydes, heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, fat aerosols and particulate matters. CFs exposure has been proven to be associate... Cooking fumes (CFs) are mixtures of many toxic components, such as aldehydes, heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, fat aerosols and particulate matters. CFs exposure has been proven to be associated with many diseases. Lung cancer takes the leading place among the diseases being reported caused by CFs exposure. Molecular and biochemical studies have found that CFs exposure may lead to lung cancer by gene damage, formation of reactive oxygen species, blockage of related proteins’ function, and even cell death. However, reviews about the mechanisms of how CFs exposure leads to lung cancer are still lacking. Elucidation of the mechanisms of lung cancer caused by CFs exposure may provide a new insight into the prevention of lung cancer caused by CFs exposure, as well as laying the foundation for the toxicity study of CFs. In this minor review, the mechanisms of how CFs exposure leads to lung cancer were summarized and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 cooking fumes exposure lung cancer toxic mechanisms
Overview on seagrasses and related research in China 被引量:4
作者 石雅君 范航清 +3 位作者 崔晓健 潘良浩 李森 宋秀凯 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期329-339,共11页
Seagrass research in China is still in its infancy. Even though there has been progress recently, there is still a great deal of research needed to gain a better understanding of seagrass. In this article we review an... Seagrass research in China is still in its infancy. Even though there has been progress recently, there is still a great deal of research needed to gain a better understanding of seagrass. In this article we review and discuss the advances in seagrass research in China from two aspects: (1) seagrass species and their distribution; (2) seagrass research in China, including studies on their taxonomy, ecology, photosynthesis, applications in aquaculture, salt-tolerance mechanisms and other research topics. A total of 18 seagrass species belonging to 8 genera are distributed in nine provinces and regions in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), as well as the Xisha and Nansha Archipelagos. They can be divided into two groups: a North China Group and a South China Group. Based on the seagrass distribution, the Chinese mainland coast can be divided into three sections: North China Seagrass Coast, Middle China Seagrass Coast, and South China Seagrass Coast. Ecological studies include research on seagrass communities, nutrient cycling in seagrass ecosystems, genetic diversity, pollution ecology and research in the key regions of Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan. Seagrass species and their locations, community structure, ecological evaluation, epiphytes, ecological functions and threats in the key regions are also summarized. Other studies have focused on remote sensing of seagrass, threatened seagrass species of China, and pollen morphology of Halophila ovalis. 展开更多
关键词 SEAGRASS seagrass meadow marine ecosystem China
Coal mining in northeast India: an overview of environmental issues and treatment approaches 被引量:16
作者 Mayuri Chabukdhara O. P. Singh 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第2期87-96,共10页
Northeast India has a good deposit of sub-bituminous tertiary coal. The northeast Indian coals have unusual physico-chemical characteristics such as high sulfur, volatile matter and vitrinite content, and low ash cont... Northeast India has a good deposit of sub-bituminous tertiary coal. The northeast Indian coals have unusual physico-chemical characteristics such as high sulfur, volatile matter and vitrinite content, and low ash content. In addition, many environmental sensitive organic and mineral bound elements such as Fe, Mg, Bi, AI, V, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, and Mn etc. remain enriched in these coals. Such characteristics are associated with more severe environmental impacts due to mining and its utilization in coal based industries. Environmental challenges include large scale landscape damage, soil erosion, loss of forest ecosystem and wildlife habitat, air, water and soil pollution. Several physical and chemical methods are reported in literature for the removal of mineral matter, total sulfur and different forms of sulfur from high sulfur coal in northeast India. This paper may help different researchers and stakeholders to understand current state of research in the field. Initiatives may be taken towards sustainable use of coal resources by adopting innovative clean technologies and by implementing effective control measures and regulatory policies. 展开更多
关键词 Northeast India Sub-bituminous coal Environmental issues Innovative technologies Management andregulatory policies
How to conduct an acupuncture dose–effect relationship study? A discussion based on study methodology 被引量:2
作者 Boxuan Li Menglong Zhang +8 位作者 Sakhorn Ngaenklangdon Hailun Jiang Weiming Zhu Bifang Zhuo Chenyang Qin Yuanhao Lyu Yuzheng Du Shizhe Deng Zhihong Meng 《Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine》 2022年第4期221-228,共8页
Acupuncture therapy is widely used in the clinic,and its therapeutic effects have been proven by numerous studies.The dose–effect relationship of acupuncture is a fundamental aspect of the acupuncture research system... Acupuncture therapy is widely used in the clinic,and its therapeutic effects have been proven by numerous studies.The dose–effect relationship of acupuncture is a fundamental aspect of the acupuncture research system.Recent studies found that different acupuncture dosages altered study results directly,indicating the importance of screening the optimal stimulation dosage.However,the system for studying the acupuncture dose–effect relationship is still in its infancy,and the methodology of the system needs to be improved.This review aimed to define the factors impacting acupuncture“dosage”and“effect,”and to improve the methodological system for research on the dose–effect relationship of acupuncture.By summarizing the current findings of acupuncture dose–effect studies,we discussed the vital acupuncture parameters and methodological problems that influence the relationship between acupuncture dosage and its effects.These factors consist of specific influencing factors(acupoint selection,acupuncture manipulation parameters,de qi response)and nonspecific influencing factors(comparison selection,blinding procedure,patient expectancy).Our perspectives offer suggestions for the design of acupuncture dosage–effect trials.Further studies need to be conducted to establish the methodological system and provide systematic evidence of the acupuncture dose–effect relationship. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE Dose–effect relationship METHODOLOGY Review
Metamaterials: Reshape and Rethink 被引量:2
作者 Ruopeng Liu Chunlin Ji +1 位作者 Zhiya Zhao Tian Zhou 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第2期179-184,共6页
Metamaterials are composite materials whose material properties(acoustic, electrical, magnetic, or optical, etc.) are determined by their constitutive structural materials, especially the unit cells. The development o... Metamaterials are composite materials whose material properties(acoustic, electrical, magnetic, or optical, etc.) are determined by their constitutive structural materials, especially the unit cells. The development of metamaterials continues to redefine the boundaries of materials science. In the field of electromagnetic research and beyond, these materials offer excellent design flexibility with their customized properties and their tunability under external stimuli. In this paper, we first provide a literature review of metamaterials with a focus on the technology and its evolution. We then discuss steps in the industrialization process and share our own experience. 展开更多
关键词 METAMATERIALS metasurface smart structure metadevices INDUSTRIALIZATION
A review of domestic studies on discourse markers
作者 李钥 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第11期44-50,共7页
Based on the investigation of domestic studies on Discourse Markers (DMs), this paper summarizes the major researches in this research field, analyzes the present research condition and predicts some future research... Based on the investigation of domestic studies on Discourse Markers (DMs), this paper summarizes the major researches in this research field, analyzes the present research condition and predicts some future research topics. 展开更多
关键词 Discourse Markers (DMs) REVIEW PRAGMATICS
TOD typology:A review of research achievements 被引量:1
作者 Bian Yang Li Ling +1 位作者 Han Tangshan Jia Dazhi 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第3期306-316,共11页
To comprehensively and systematically review the research achievements of transit-oriented development(TOD)typology,a total of 41 papers were collected from the Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection databases.Thes... To comprehensively and systematically review the research achievements of transit-oriented development(TOD)typology,a total of 41 papers were collected from the Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection databases.These papers were analyzed by bibliometric indicators,in adopting VOSviewer software to draw graphical visualizations.A review of international and domestic research progress in TOD typologies was conducted.The results indicate that the number of published papers has increased over time.Luca Bertolini is the most contributive author,and the top three contributing organizations are Queensland University of Technology,the University of Amsterdam,and the University of Lisbon.The United States is the most active source country,followed by the Netherlands and Australia.TOD typology methods were analyzed from the aspects of principles,indicators,advantages,and disadvantages and their applications.In recent years,domestic scholars have paid attention to the importance of TOD typologies and applied them in different urban contexts to facilitate the TOD development in China.The understanding of the TOD typology research progress is helpful for developing context-based TOD typology approaches. 展开更多
关键词 transit-oriented development(TOD) literature review BIBLIOMETRICS VOSviewer
Review on the nanoparticle fluidization science and technology 被引量:14
作者 Xiaolin Zhu Qiang Zhang +1 位作者 Yao Wang Fei Wei 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期9-22,共14页
Gas fluidization has an ability to turn static particles to fluid-like dense flow, which allows greatly improved heat transfer among porous powders and highly efficient solid processing to become reality. As the risin... Gas fluidization has an ability to turn static particles to fluid-like dense flow, which allows greatly improved heat transfer among porous powders and highly efficient solid processing to become reality. As the rising star of current scientific research, some nanoparticles can also be fluidized in the form of agglomerates, with sizes ranging from tens to hundreds of microns. Herein, we have reviewed the recent progress on nanomaterial agglomeration and their fluidization behavior, the assisted techniques to enhance the fluidization of nanomaterials,including some mechanical measures, external fields and improved gas injections, as well as their effects on solid fluidization and mixing behaviors. Most of these techniques are effective in breaking large agglomerates and promoting particulate fluidization, meanwhile, the solid mixing is intensified under assisted fluidization. The applications of nanofluidization in nanostructured material production and sustainable chemical industry are further presented. In summary, the fluidization science of multidimensional, multicomponent and multifunctional particles, their multi-phase characterization, and the guideline of fluidized bed coupled process are prerequisites for the sustainable development of fluidized bed based materials, energy and chemical industry. 展开更多
关键词 Nanomaterial Nanoparticle Fluidization Agglomerate Assisted technique Solid mixing Application
Passivity Degradation of Nuclear Materials in Reduced Sulfur Environments:A Review 被引量:2
作者 高志明 王泽清 +4 位作者 孙颖昊 吴思博 马超 祝钰 夏大海 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第3期189-201,共13页
This paper reviews sulfur-induced passivity degradation of nuclear materials with emphasis on steam generator(SG)alloys. The state of arts on this topic concerning thermodynamic calculation and experimental data has b... This paper reviews sulfur-induced passivity degradation of nuclear materials with emphasis on steam generator(SG)alloys. The state of arts on this topic concerning thermodynamic calculation and experimental data has been reviewed. Thermodynamic calculation results indicate that the distribution of sulfur species strongly depends on p H and temperature. Experimental data show that solution p H, temperature and solution chemistries can significantly affect the electrochemical behaviors of SG materials and the underlying degradation mechanisms. Some issues when conducting corrosion tests at high temperature should be paid attention to, such as the dissolution of the autoclave, which may affect the facticity of the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear materials steam generator SULFUR passivity degradation mechanism high temperature
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