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作者 常晶 《数学学习与研究》 2013年第24期34-34,共1页
教学中不难发现,一些教师虽然课堂教学搞得丰富多彩,学生也积极参与,但教学效率依然不高,原因何在?众所周知,教学过程是一个循序渐进,不断发展的过程,教学效率的提升不仅需要对课堂教学进行优化,还需加强课前辅导,课后练习,形成预习初... 教学中不难发现,一些教师虽然课堂教学搞得丰富多彩,学生也积极参与,但教学效率依然不高,原因何在?众所周知,教学过程是一个循序渐进,不断发展的过程,教学效率的提升不仅需要对课堂教学进行优化,还需加强课前辅导,课后练习,形成预习初步感知,引导构建,课后练习巩固三位一体的模式,才会更加有效.且在整个过程中,学生始终是教师服务的对象,目标的预定、过程的引导、练习的设计等都必须从学生实际出发. 展开更多
关键词 初中数学教学 课后练习 守元 课堂教学 初步感知 完全平方公式 情境创设 合作探究 知识目标 主体性
作者 鍾永新 《蜀学》 2016年第1期246-248,共3页
整理者說明:《蜀秀集》由四川學政譚宗浚選編,尊經書院監院張選青校印,光緒五年(1879)刊於成都試院,文章係從四川全省學校和書院生員的上千篇作品中遴選,其中尊經書院諸生被選達32人,作品數量佔一半以上,為'19世紀一部四川知識分子... 整理者說明:《蜀秀集》由四川學政譚宗浚選編,尊經書院監院張選青校印,光緒五年(1879)刊於成都試院,文章係從四川全省學校和書院生員的上千篇作品中遴選,其中尊經書院諸生被選達32人,作品數量佔一半以上,為'19世紀一部四川知識分子的學術著作和文學創作總集','堪稱研究近世蜀學的一部重要文獻'(屈守元語)。全書共九卷,卷一至三為經學小學,卷四為史,卷五為文,卷六至七為賦,卷八至九為詩,尚未影印再版。譚宗浚此序是一篇千餘字的駢文,指出含英蜀才,蔚起甚多。 展开更多
关键词 試院 中尊 八至 學政 整理者 九卷 守元 制藝 翰林院 建安七子
《金山油化纤》 2005年第2期45-45,共1页
关键词 主编 编辑人员 编委 化纤 主任 守元 金山
《少林与太极》 2022年第6期17-18,共2页
一、守元凡是练拳习功的人,第一紧要的是固其精气,守其元阳。精稳则真气旺盛,真气旺盛则精神焕发,化精转气,传布到全身内外各处,则可身体健壮,百病难生,气力强大,为练真功打下了坚实的根基。守元这一步,最重要的是平心静气。提高精神修... 一、守元凡是练拳习功的人,第一紧要的是固其精气,守其元阳。精稳则真气旺盛,真气旺盛则精神焕发,化精转气,传布到全身内外各处,则可身体健壮,百病难生,气力强大,为练真功打下了坚实的根基。守元这一步,最重要的是平心静气。提高精神修养,见色无心,心无杂欲,持之以但,意欲不兴,则无阳自固。平日勤苦得来的功夫,切不要贪一时的欢乐而前功尽弃,否则真功难成。望学习的人时刻收束身心,谨记莫违。 展开更多
关键词 精神修养 守元 真气 少林内功 真功
A Journey into Fermat's Equation 被引量:1
作者 Mario De Paz Enzo Bonacci 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第9期539-544,共6页
As expounded in some recent mathematical conferences, this research on that amazing source of algebraic ideas known as Fermat's equation is aimed to prove how Fermat triples can be limited until the impossible existe... As expounded in some recent mathematical conferences, this research on that amazing source of algebraic ideas known as Fermat's equation is aimed to prove how Fermat triples can be limited until the impossible existence through a criterion of incompatible parities related to unexplored properties of the binomial coefficients. In this paper, the authors use a technique based on the analysis of four numbers and their internal relations with three basic compulsory factors. It leads to the practical impossibility to find any triple of natural numbers candidate to satisfy Fermat's equation, because when the authors try to meet a condition between parity and range the authors are compelled to violate the other one, so that they are irreducibly alternative. In particular, there is a parity violation when the authors choose all the basic factors in the allowed range and the authors obtain exceeding values of one of the involved variables when the authors try to restore the parity. Since Fermat's last theorem would consequently be demonstrated, many readers could recall the never found elementary proof of FLT (Fermat's last theorem) claimed by Pierre de Fermat. The authors are not encouraging such an interpretation because this paper is intended as a journey into Fermat's equation and the reader's attitude should be towards the algebraic achievements here proposed, with their possible hidden flaws and future developments, rather than to legendary problems like Fermat's riddle. 展开更多
关键词 Fermat's equation binomial coefficients incompatible parities Fermat's last theorem Fermat's little theorem.
《中国劳动》 1955年第5期40-41,共2页
齊齊哈爾機械廠幾年來,爲了農業的社會主義改造事業,而努力生產了大量新式農業機械。但在企業經營管理方面,工時定額長期未加修改,不僅使企業管理水平停頓不前,而且嚴重地障礙工人技術水平的提高,不能發揮先進帶動落後的積極作用,不能... 齊齊哈爾機械廠幾年來,爲了農業的社會主義改造事業,而努力生產了大量新式農業機械。但在企業經營管理方面,工時定額長期未加修改,不僅使企業管理水平停頓不前,而且嚴重地障礙工人技術水平的提高,不能發揮先進帶動落後的積極作用,不能使得先進工人的先進操作法成爲全體工人的集體財富,無形中阻礙了勞動生產率的提高和生產成本的降低。邢守元小組是這個廠的安裝小組,在黨的教育下,社會主義覺悟不斷提高。他們首先倡議改變落後的工時定額,立即得到全廠百分之四十以上的工人響應,推動了全廠定額的普遍提高,同時也給了領導幹部很大啓發,提高了企業的管理水平,加強了對全廠職工的政治思想教育。去年,增產節約勞動競賽中,邢守先小組改進了五十一種生產工具,改進了勞動組織,提高了技術水平,使生產雙輪一鏵犂的勞動生產率提高了百分之九十九點三七。全面完成了全年國家計劃。 展开更多
关键词 政治思想教育 守元 九十九 得先 法成 横板 第四季度 衍水 王汝成 针刻
陈化成 手扶巨炮,以死报国
作者 苏少壬 《福建人》 2015年第10期84-84,共1页
清道光十年(1830年),陈化成升任福建水师提督,驻守厦门,怒将侵入闽海的英国舰船驱逐出去。两年后,英国殖民者的军舰再次侵入我国东南沿海,是时,他已改任江南水师提督,负责扼守江南的门户江苏吴淞口。吴淞口入口处建有东、西两炮台。东... 清道光十年(1830年),陈化成升任福建水师提督,驻守厦门,怒将侵入闽海的英国舰船驱逐出去。两年后,英国殖民者的军舰再次侵入我国东南沿海,是时,他已改任江南水师提督,负责扼守江南的门户江苏吴淞口。吴淞口入口处建有东、西两炮台。东炮台设于南面,西炮台就在入海处,成掎角之势,地势险要。两江总督牛鉴和总兵王守元守卫东炮台,陈化成和参将周世荣守卫西炮台。 展开更多
关键词 陈化成 西炮台 水师提督 周世荣 英国殖民者 牛鉴 东南沿海 清道光 守元 十年
《当代学生(探秘)》 2004年第9期54-56,共3页
关键词 上海中学 筹备情况 F1 雷诺方程式 前八名 尼桑 李佳 上海站 守元 松鹤
作者 刘冉 《华人时刊·校长版》 2012年第11期21-23,共3页
我们再次赋予时间以壮丽感,这是我们和你在即将到来的又一个崭新的十年的第一次见面。太阳照常从黎明升起,又一次盛会(十八大),我们迎接有关教育的那簇温暖和煦的光芒,十年来,你看到"新课改"宣告启动,看到高校"自主招生&... 我们再次赋予时间以壮丽感,这是我们和你在即将到来的又一个崭新的十年的第一次见面。太阳照常从黎明升起,又一次盛会(十八大),我们迎接有关教育的那簇温暖和煦的光芒,十年来,你看到"新课改"宣告启动,看到高校"自主招生"探索的起步,看到"免费"作为一个温暖的字眼再次出现在教育领域,看到孩子们欣喜地迎来属于自己的那辆黄色"大鼻子"校车……这是这个国家向前的步伐,更是属于你我的荣光。十六大以来,回眸十年历程,透过一个个耳熟能详的教育"关键词",民众看到, 展开更多
关键词 校长工作 王校长 教师待遇 教育界专家 新课程改革 十年 守元 中心小学 公用经费 代课教师
An improved CESE method and its application to steady-state coronal structure simulation 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU YuFen FENG XueShang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期153-166,共14页
This paper presents an improved space-time conservation element and solution element(CESE)method by applying a non-staggered space-time mesh system and simply improving the calculation of flow variables and applies it... This paper presents an improved space-time conservation element and solution element(CESE)method by applying a non-staggered space-time mesh system and simply improving the calculation of flow variables and applies it to magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)equations.The improved CESE method can improve the solution quality even with a large disparity in the Courant number(CFL)when using a fixed global marching time.Moreover,for a small CFL(say<0.1),the method can significantly reduce the numerical dissipation and retain the solution quality,which are verified by two benchmark problems.And meanwhile,comparison with the original CESE scheme shows better resolution of the improved scheme results.Finally,we demonstrate its validation through the application of this method in three-dimensional coronal dynamical structure with dipole magnetic fields and measured solar surface magnetic fields as the initial input. 展开更多
关键词 improved CESE scheme numerical dissipation steady-state coronal structure
A mass-conservative average flow model based on finite element method for complex textured surfaces 被引量:8
作者 XIE Yi LI YongJian +3 位作者 SUO ShuangFu LIU XiangFeng LI JingHao WANG YuMing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期1909-1919,共11页
A mass-conservative average flow model based on the finite element method(FEM) is introduced to predict the performances of textured surfaces applied in mechanical seals or thrust bearings.In this model,the Jakobsson-... A mass-conservative average flow model based on the finite element method(FEM) is introduced to predict the performances of textured surfaces applied in mechanical seals or thrust bearings.In this model,the Jakobsson-Floberg-Olsson(JFO) boundary conditions are applied to the average flow model for ensuring the mass-conservative law.Moreover,the non-uniform triangular grid is utilized,which can deal with the problem of complex geometric shapes.By adopting the modeling techniques,the model proposed here is capable of dealing with complex textured surfaces.The algorithm is proved correct by the numerical experiment.In addition,the model is employed to gain further insight into the influences of the dimples with different shapes and orientations on smooth and rough surfaces on the load-carrying capacity. 展开更多
关键词 mass-conservative average flow model complex textured surfaces JFO boundary conditions finite element method
作者 Jiaofeng ZHU Yinping LIU 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第6期1234-1248,共15页
Based on Wu's elimination method and "divide-and-conquer" strategy, the undetermined coefficient algorithm to construct polynomial form conservation laws for nonlinear differential-difference equations (DDEs) is ... Based on Wu's elimination method and "divide-and-conquer" strategy, the undetermined coefficient algorithm to construct polynomial form conservation laws for nonlinear differential-difference equations (DDEs) is improved. Furthermore, a Maple package named CLawDDEs, which can entirely automatically derive polynomial form conservation laws of nonlinear DDEs is presented. The effective- ness of CLawDDEs is demonstrated by application to different kinds of examples. 展开更多
关键词 Automated derivation conservation laws differential-difference equations integrability scaling invariance.
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