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作者 杨洪秀 《时代人物》 2020年第32期292-293,共2页
关键词 突发公共安全事 高校图书馆 应急响应机制
药事安全管理信息系统在医院处方审核中的应用 被引量:13
作者 袁冬冬 杨玉玲 +1 位作者 张寒娟 陈忠东 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2016年第1期118-121,共4页
目的:评价药事安全管理信息系统在医院处方审核中的作用。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,对郑州市第七人民医院(以下简称"我院")2014年12月—2015年4月使用药事安全管理信息系统期间的处方合格率进行统计,同时对发现的问题进行归... 目的:评价药事安全管理信息系统在医院处方审核中的作用。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,对郑州市第七人民医院(以下简称"我院")2014年12月—2015年4月使用药事安全管理信息系统期间的处方合格率进行统计,同时对发现的问题进行归类汇总,分析各项指标和数据的变化趋势,评价药事安全管理信息系统对我院处方审核的积极作用。结果:经对我院的564 076张处方(包括门诊处方和住院医嘱)进行审核,使用该系统的在线互动模块与医师进行即时沟通进行干预,我院的不合格处方率由12.74%降至6.98%,而且与人工审核模式相比提高了问题发现率。结论:将药事安全管理信息系统应用于处方审核是一个可行的新模式,可以帮助药师高效、科学、全面地实现处方审核,不仅保障了患者用药安全,而且提高了医师的合理用药水平,提高了我院的处方合格率,促进了临床合理用药。 展开更多
关键词 安全管理信息系统 处方审核 用药安全
我院住院药房药事质量与安全控制指标的建立与应用 被引量:16
作者 毕恒太 张婷婷 +1 位作者 王博 苏志德 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第13期1750-1754,共5页
目的:建立药事质量与安全的控制指标,促进住院药房工作与服务质量的提升。方法:我院药事质量与安全控制小组根据《三级综合医院评审标准实施细则》(2011版)和等级医院评审标准等,建立了我院住院药房药事质量与安全控制指标,通过比较2016... 目的:建立药事质量与安全的控制指标,促进住院药房工作与服务质量的提升。方法:我院药事质量与安全控制小组根据《三级综合医院评审标准实施细则》(2011版)和等级医院评审标准等,建立了我院住院药房药事质量与安全控制指标,通过比较2016年2、5、8、11月的质量检查结果对此指标进行评价与检验。结果:建立的药事质量与安全控制指标共包括药学服务(7项)、药品管理(9项)及其他项目(6项)三方面共22项,指标具有全面、精细和具体化的特点,每项均制订了详细的评分标准并量化赋值(总计100分)。2016年2、5、8、11月总扣分值分别为21.5、8.5、8.5、7分,尤其是账物相符、药品贮存与保管、安全检查等在11月时扣分为0。结论:我院建立的可量化、精细化的、具体化的药事质量与安全控制指标提升了住院药房的药事管理水平,适用于住院药房药事质量与安全的控制。 展开更多
关键词 住院药房 质量与安全控制指标 管理 量化赋分
《楚雄彝族自治州人民政府公报》 2010年第1期66-67,共2页
关键词 故应急处置 故应急预案 生产经营单位 安全监管部门 应急救援队伍 上报工作 民用爆炸物品 安全事
细胞毒静脉药物配置中心的药事安全管理 被引量:2
作者 唐伟樑 《实用药物与临床》 CAS 2014年第8期1080-1084,共5页
目的探讨注射用细胞毒药物在配置和临床应用中的药事安全管理,提高药学服务水平。方法从我院细胞毒静脉药物配置中心的配置流程、制度管理、环境控制以及用药审核与用药指导等环节来分析其可能存在的药事安全问题和应对措施,并结合国内... 目的探讨注射用细胞毒药物在配置和临床应用中的药事安全管理,提高药学服务水平。方法从我院细胞毒静脉药物配置中心的配置流程、制度管理、环境控制以及用药审核与用药指导等环节来分析其可能存在的药事安全问题和应对措施,并结合国内同行一些规范的方式方法,尝试建立一套成熟的药事安全管理模式。结果细胞毒药物在配置和使用的各个环节存在不少药事安全隐患,通过改进与总结,我们制定出了本院细胞毒静脉药物配置中心在药物配置和用药审核与指导方面的药事安全管理措施。结论一系列的药事安全管理措施能有效完善配置中心的流程管理和操作规范,保障了药物配置质量和职业人员安全;能有效监控配置中心的不合理医嘱,提供了系统的专科用药指导,实现了安全、合理、有效的临床用药。 展开更多
关键词 细胞毒药物 静脉药物配置中心 安全管理 医嘱审核 药学服务
作者 何巧华 吴青兰 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2017年第2期13-18,共6页
协同理论研究已涉及到各个行业,但在节事安全管理中的运用还基本空白。闽台旅游型海岛节事安全活动是一项极其复杂的管理系统,协同论的运用有助于梳理各子系统间的关系,最大化发挥协同效应。政府、企业和社会第三部门是闽台旅游型海岛... 协同理论研究已涉及到各个行业,但在节事安全管理中的运用还基本空白。闽台旅游型海岛节事安全活动是一项极其复杂的管理系统,协同论的运用有助于梳理各子系统间的关系,最大化发挥协同效应。政府、企业和社会第三部门是闽台旅游型海岛节事安全管理的主体,三方之间通过信息共享平台,构建方案平台、执行平台和监督平台三个子系统,形成闽台旅游型海岛节事安全协同管理中心。通过这一中心,试图实现闽台旅游型海岛节事安全的无缝对接,最大化降低节事安全事故的发生概率及损失。 展开更多
关键词 协同管理 安全 海岛 闽台
作者 王豫生 《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2012年第3期12-15,共4页
(2011年9月26日在福建省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议上)主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:今年5月,省人民政府将《福建省学校安全管理条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)提请省人大常委会审议。受主任会议委托,教科文卫... (2011年9月26日在福建省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议上)主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:今年5月,省人民政府将《福建省学校安全管理条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)提请省人大常委会审议。受主任会议委托,教科文卫工作委员会对草案进行了初步审查。为了做好审查工作,教科文卫工作委员会提前介入立法调研,从去年底开始,先后赴部分省(市、区)学习考察学校安全立法经验,发函征求各设区市人大常委会教科文卫委对草案的意见和建议,组织部分常委会委员赴省内部分市、县(区)及部分高校调研,召开座谈会、论证会广泛听取意见建议。期间。 展开更多
关键词 安全管理条例 审查工作 学校安全工作 副主任 学校安全管理 未成年学生 十六条 符合安全标准 安全事
《南京市人民政府公报》 2009年第12期46-49,共4页
关键词 药品监督 供应网络 委办局 药品质量 直属单位 安全责任体系 药品批发企业 质量管理规范 质量安全事
试论循证药学与药事安全应急管理 被引量:5
作者 曾渝 张晓萌 湛艳伦 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第28期2170-2173,共4页
目的:为提升药事安全应急管理能力,促进临床用药安全、有效提供参考。方法:通过阐述寻找毒鼠强急性中毒的特效解毒药的实例,论述循证药学对药事安全应急管理特别是选择临床用药的指导作用。结果与结论:运用循证药学的原理指导临床用药,... 目的:为提升药事安全应急管理能力,促进临床用药安全、有效提供参考。方法:通过阐述寻找毒鼠强急性中毒的特效解毒药的实例,论述循证药学对药事安全应急管理特别是选择临床用药的指导作用。结果与结论:运用循证药学的原理指导临床用药,有助于选择更加安全、有效的药物,提出最佳的应急治疗方案。 展开更多
关键词 循证药学 安全 应急管理 临床用药 毒鼠强中毒
微信公众平台在政府应急管理中的作用、存在问题及应对策略——以18个政府应急办名义认证的微信公众平台为例 被引量:2
作者 周冰欣 《秘书之友》 2015年第5期4-5,共2页
2013年10月,国务院在《关于进一步加强政府信息公开回应社会关切提升政府公信力的意见》中,明确将"政务微博微信"列为"着力建设基于新媒体的政务信息发布和与公众互动交流新渠道"之一。到2014年底,全国开通政务微... 2013年10月,国务院在《关于进一步加强政府信息公开回应社会关切提升政府公信力的意见》中,明确将"政务微博微信"列为"着力建设基于新媒体的政务信息发布和与公众互动交流新渠道"之一。到2014年底,全国开通政务微信的部门已达6000多个,其中公安、旅游、交通与文化教育等职能部门占绝大多数,而政府应急管理虽然与人民群众生活息息相关,却未能在政务微信领域引起应有的重视。本文试以截至2015年3月8日搜到的仅有的以各级政府应急办名义认证的18个微信公众平台为例,通过比较它们的使用情况,分析其在政府应急管理方面的作用和存在问题,并尝试性地提出发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 政府应急管理 政府公信力 政务信息 发展策略 人民群众 政民互动 互动功能 应急管理能力 社会安全事
Conditional autoregressive negative binomial model for analysis of crash count using Bayesian methods 被引量:1
作者 徐建 孙璐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期96-100,共5页
In order to improve crash occurrence models to account for the influence of various contributing factors, a conditional autoregressive negative binomial (CAR-NB) model is employed to allow for overdispersion (tackl... In order to improve crash occurrence models to account for the influence of various contributing factors, a conditional autoregressive negative binomial (CAR-NB) model is employed to allow for overdispersion (tackled by the NB component), unobserved heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation (captured by the CAR process), using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and the Gibbs sampler. Statistical tests suggest that the CAR-NB model is preferred over the CAR-Poisson, NB, zero-inflated Poisson, zero-inflated NB models, due to its lower prediction errors and more robust parameter inference. The study results show that crash frequency and fatalities are positively associated with the number of lanes, curve length, annual average daily traffic (AADT) per lane, as well as rainfall. Speed limit and the distances to the nearest hospitals have negative associations with segment-based crash counts but positive associations with fatality counts, presumably as a result of worsened collision impacts at higher speed and time loss during transporting crash victims. 展开更多
关键词 traffic safety crash count conditionalautoregressive negative binomial model Bayesian analysis Markov chain Monte Carlo
住院医嘱信息化审核调查 被引量:1
作者 孙迪迪 《中国卫生标准管理》 2016年第4期119-121,共3页
目的全面分析医院医嘱中不合理用药情况,为医院合理用药提供参考。方法对药事安全管理信息系统软件拦截到的医嘱不合理用药情况进行核查,并把医嘱中不合理情况进行统计、分析。结果共审核住院医嘱2 059 420条,有不合理用药情况的医嘱222... 目的全面分析医院医嘱中不合理用药情况,为医院合理用药提供参考。方法对药事安全管理信息系统软件拦截到的医嘱不合理用药情况进行核查,并把医嘱中不合理情况进行统计、分析。结果共审核住院医嘱2 059 420条,有不合理用药情况的医嘱222 232条。不合理用药主要表现为禁忌证、药物相互作用、给药途径不正确、成分重复、特殊人群用药禁忌、剂量过高。结论我院的药事安全管理信息系统应用于医嘱审核是一个新的可行性模式,在医院医嘱审核中发挥积极的作用,为患者用药安全保驾护航,提高了医师的合理用药水平,促进了我院的合理用药。 展开更多
关键词 医嘱审核 合理用药 安全管理信息系统
医院住院患者质子泵抑制剂临床不合理应用分析 被引量:4
作者 王高彪 娄海奎 +1 位作者 郑冠宇 袁冬冬 《中国药物评价》 2021年第4期335-339,共5页
目的:通过回顾性分析我院质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPIs)不合理应用情况,探讨其干预策略,提高临床用药水平。方法:通过药事安全信息系统和医院信息管理系统,收集我院2018年10~12月使用PPIs住院患者126例,按照本院的《质子... 目的:通过回顾性分析我院质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPIs)不合理应用情况,探讨其干预策略,提高临床用药水平。方法:通过药事安全信息系统和医院信息管理系统,收集我院2018年10~12月使用PPIs住院患者126例,按照本院的《质子泵抑制剂临床合理应用指南》的要求,对PPIs进行专项点评,综合“出院诊断、手术级别、病程记录”等判断PPIs的用药合理性。结果:使用PPIs的126例病例中,预防用药106例(84.13%),治疗用药20例(15.87%);合理用药50例(39.68%),不合理用药76例(60.32%)。其中不合理用药类型主要包括适应证/遴选药品不适宜52例(68.42%)、药品剂型或给药途径不适宜/有配伍禁忌或者不良相互作用15例(19.74%)、其他用药不适宜9例(11.8%)。结论:针对PPIs临床不合理应用情况,应加强医务人员合理用药知识宣讲,并通过审核处方、医嘱点评等措施及时发现不合理用药情况并积极干预,以确保患者安全、合理用药。 展开更多
关键词 住院患者 质子泵抑制剂 不合理用药 安全信息系统
Similarity criteria and coal-like material in coal and gas outburst physical simulation 被引量:19
作者 Bo Zhao Guangcai Wen +5 位作者 Haitao Sun Dongling Sun Huiming Yang Jie Cao Linchao Dai Bo Wang 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2018年第2期167-178,共12页
Coal and gas outburst is one of the main gas hazards in coal mines. However, due to the risks of the coal and gas outburst, the field test is difficult to complete. Therefore, an effective approach to studying the mec... Coal and gas outburst is one of the main gas hazards in coal mines. However, due to the risks of the coal and gas outburst, the field test is difficult to complete. Therefore, an effective approach to studying the mechanism and development of outburst is to conduct the similar physical simulation. However, the similarity criteria and similar materials in outburst are the key factors which restrict the development of physical simulation. To solve those problems, this paper has established similarity criteria base on mechanics model, solid-fluid coupling model and energy model, and presented high similar materials. Combining with three groups of similar number, and considering similar mechanical parameters and deformation and failure regularity, the similarity criteria of outburst is determined on the basis of the energy model. According to those criteria, we put forward a similar material consists of pulverized coal, cement, sand, activated carbon, and water. The similar material has high compressive strength and the accordant characteristics with the raw coal, include density, porosity, adsorption, desorption. The new research is promising for preventing and controlling gas hazards in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Coal and gas outburst Physical simulation Similarity criteria Similar material
Study of a Comprehensive Assessment Method for Coal Mine Safety Based on a Hierarchical Grey Analysis 被引量:26
作者 LIU Ya-jing MAO Shan-jun +1 位作者 LI Mei YAO Ji-ming 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第1期6-10,共5页
Coal mine safety is a complex system, which is controlled by a number of interrelated factors and is difficult to estimate. This paper proposes an index system of safety assessment based on correlated factors involved... Coal mine safety is a complex system, which is controlled by a number of interrelated factors and is difficult to estimate. This paper proposes an index system of safety assessment based on correlated factors involved in coal mining and a comprehensive evaluation model that combines the advantages of the AHP and a grey clustering method to guarantee the accuracy and objectivity of weight coefficients. First, we confirmed the weight of every index using the AHP, then did a general safety assessment by means of a grey clustering method. This model analyses the status of mining safety both qualitatively and quantitatively. It keeps management and technical groups informed of the situation of the coal production line in real time, which aids in making correct decisions based on practical safety issues. A case study in the application of the model is presented. The results show that the method is applicable and realistic with regard to the core of a coal mine's safety management. Consequently, the safe production of a mine and the awareness of advanced safe production management is accelerated. 展开更多
关键词 safety of coal mine safety assessment index system hierarchical grey analysis
Research on Full Space Transient Electro-magnetism Technique for Detecting Aqueous Structures in Coal Mines 被引量:24
作者 YU Jing-cun LIU Zhi-xin TANG Jin-yun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第1期58-62,共5页
Based on the transmitting theory of "smoke ring effect", the transient electromagnetism technique was used in coal mines to detect abnormal areas of aquiferous structures in both roofs and floors of coal sea... Based on the transmitting theory of "smoke ring effect", the transient electromagnetism technique was used in coal mines to detect abnormal areas of aquiferous structures in both roofs and floors of coal seams and in front of excavated roadways. Survey devices, working methods and techniques as well as data processing and interpretation are discussed systematically. In addition, the direction of mini-wireframe emission electromagnetic wave of the full space transient electromagnetism technique was verified by an underground borehole for water detection and drainage. The result indicates that this technique can detect both horizontal and vertical development rules of abnormal water bodies to a certain depth below the floor of coal seams and can also detect the abnormal, low resistance water bodies within a certain distance of roofs. Furthermore, it can detect such abnormal bodies in ahead of the excavated roadway front. Limited by the underground environment, the full space transient electromagnetism technique can detect to a depth of only 120 m or so. 展开更多
关键词 water eruption structure water hazard in coal mines detection technique full space transient electromagnetism
Aviation Accident Causation Analysis Based on Complex Network Theory 被引量:11
作者 YUE Rentian LI Junwei HAN Meng 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第4期646-655,共10页
Accident causation analysis is of great importance for accident prevention.In order to improve the aviation safety,a new analysis method of aviation accident causation based on complex network theory is proposed in th... Accident causation analysis is of great importance for accident prevention.In order to improve the aviation safety,a new analysis method of aviation accident causation based on complex network theory is proposed in this paper.Through selecting 257 accident investigation reports,45 causative factors and nine accident types are obtained by the three-level coding process of the grounded theory,and the interaction of these factors is analyzed based on the“2-4”model.Accordingly,the aviation accident causation network is constructed based on complex network theory which has scale-free characteristics and small-world properties,the characteristics of causative factors are analyzed by the topology of the network,and the key causative factors of the accidents are identified by the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS)method.The comparison results show that the method proposed in this paper has the advantages of independent of expert experience,quantitative analysis of accident causative factors and statistical analysis of a lot of accident data,and it has better applicability and advancement. 展开更多
关键词 aviation safety accident causation complex network theory grounded theory “2-4”model
Network Security Incidents Frequency Prediction Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm and LSSVM 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Guangyao ZOU Peng HAN Weihong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期126-131,共6页
Since the frequency of network security incidents is nonlinear,traditional prediction methods such as ARMA,Gray systems are difficult to deal with the problem.When the size of sample is small,methods based on artifici... Since the frequency of network security incidents is nonlinear,traditional prediction methods such as ARMA,Gray systems are difficult to deal with the problem.When the size of sample is small,methods based on artificial neural network may not reach a high degree of preciseness.Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LSSVM) is a kind of machine learning methods based on the statistics learning theory,it can be applied to solve small sample and non-linear problems very well.This paper applied LSSVM to predict the occur frequency of network security incidents.To improve the accuracy,it used an improved genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of LSSVM.Verified by real data sets,the improved genetic algorithm (IGA) converges faster than the simple genetic algorithm (SGA),and has a higher efficiency in the optimization procedure.Specially,the optimized LSSVM model worked very well on the prediction of frequency of network security incidents. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic Algorithm LSSVM Network Security Incidents Time Series PREDICTION
Thinking in three's: Changing surgical patient safety practices in the complex modern operating room 被引量:9
作者 Verna C Gibbs 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第46期6712-6719,共8页
The three surgical patient safety events, wrong site surgery, retained surgical items (RSI) and surgical fires are rare occurrences and thus their effects on the complex modern operating room (OR) are difficult to stu... The three surgical patient safety events, wrong site surgery, retained surgical items (RSI) and surgical fires are rare occurrences and thus their effects on the complex modern operating room (OR) are difficult to study. The likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of risk for each of these surgical safety events are undefined. Many providers may never have a personal experience with one of these events and training and education on these topics are sparse. These circumstances lead to faulty thinking that a provider won't ever have an event or if one does occur the provider will intuitively know what to do. Surgeons are not preoccupied with failure and tend to usually consider good outcomes, which leads them to ignore or diminish the importance of implementing and following simple safety practices. These circumstances contribute to the persistent low level occurrence of these three events and to the difficulty in generating sufficient interest to resource solutions. Individual facilities rarely have the time or talent to understand these events and develop lasting solutions. More often than not, even the most well meaning internal review results in a new line to a policy and some rigorous enforcement mandate. This approach routinely fails and is another reason why these problems are so persistent. Vigilance actions alone havebeen unsuccessful so hospitals now have to take a systematic approach to implementing safer processes and providing the resources for surgeons and other stake-holders to optimize the OR environment. This article discusses standardized processes of care for mitigation of injury or outright prevention of wrong site surgery, RSI and surgical fires in an action-oriented framework illustrating the strategic elements important in each event and focusing on the responsibilities for each of the three major OR agents-anesthesiologists, surgeons and nurses. A Surgical Patient Safety Checklist is discussed that incorporates the necessary elements to bring these team members together and influence the emergence of a safer OR. 展开更多
关键词 Complex adaptive systems Wrong site surgery Retained surgical items Retained foreign objects Retained foreign bodies Surgical patient safety Surgical fires Safety checklist
The safety parameters monitoring system for the coal mine based on CAN bus communication and intelligent data acquisition 被引量:4
作者 Bin Guangfu Chu Wangwen +1 位作者 Balbir S. Dhillon He Wenbiao 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第4期92-96,共5页
In this paper,a monitoring and controlling system for the safety in production and environmental parameters of a small and medium-sized coal mine has been developed after analyzing the current domestic coal production... In this paper,a monitoring and controlling system for the safety in production and environmental parameters of a small and medium-sized coal mine has been developed after analyzing the current domestic coal production and security conditions. The client computer can convert the analog signal about the safety in production and environmental parameters detected from the monitoring terminal into digital signal,and then,send the signal to the coal mine safety monitoring centre. This information can be analyzed,judged,and diagnosed by the monitoring-management-controlling software for helping the manager and technical workers to control the actual underground production and security situations. The system has many advantages including high reliability,better performance of real-time monitoring,faster data communicating and good practicability,and it can effectively prevent the occurrence of safety incidents in coal mines. 展开更多
关键词 small and mediumsized coal mine safety CAN bus communication intelligent data acquisition production parameters monitoring environmental parameters monitoring
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