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秦山二核安全厂用水系统管道防腐蚀设计评价 被引量:4
作者 陈松 《腐蚀与防护》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期313-315,共3页
关键词 核电站 腐蚀 安全厂用水系统 设计评价
涂层技术在秦山二核安全厂用水泵维护中的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈松 傅仁浦 +1 位作者 孟维民 王新刚 《水泵技术》 北大核心 2014年第1期38-41,46,共5页
关键词 核电站用泵 安全厂用水(SEC)泵 涂层技术 磨损 腐蚀
秦二厂1、2号机组安全厂用水系统海洋生物入侵风险浅析 被引量:1
作者 刘泳 《科技视界》 2016年第25期7-8,共2页
通过对秦二厂1、2号机组邻近海域生物与非生物环境生态各要素的调查,进行了海域生态环境及水质状况的简要分析。结果认为,秦二厂1、2号机组邻近海域具典型强潮河口湾生态特征,营养盐丰富。潮汐、径流和湾外海水入侵是导致海洋环境要素... 通过对秦二厂1、2号机组邻近海域生物与非生物环境生态各要素的调查,进行了海域生态环境及水质状况的简要分析。结果认为,秦二厂1、2号机组邻近海域具典型强潮河口湾生态特征,营养盐丰富。潮汐、径流和湾外海水入侵是导致海洋环境要素季节和年际变化并直接影响海洋生物结构的主要因子。水体富营养化指数上升是沿岸工业和生活污水大量排放的结果。安全厂用水系统的正常、可靠运行是整个机组正常运行的前提。本文重点介绍本系统容易出现的"老问题"和近期的一些"新问题",分析原因,探讨解决办法和改进措施,希望对本系统防范海洋生物入侵,保证机组安全稳定运行有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 安全厂用水系统 运行 故障 经验反馈 海域 生态环境 水质评价
安全厂用水泵联轴器断裂原因分析及改进措施 被引量:1
作者 潘翔 刘德军 +2 位作者 秦博杰 王琳琳 时宏磊 《机械工程师》 2020年第9期120-122,128,共4页
某台安全厂用水泵在运行中联轴器突然发生断裂,导致设备热交换器短时间失去冷却水,严重影响核电厂的安全运行。通过对该联轴器的选型、制造、安装、检修等方面进行分析,联轴器断裂的主要原因是垫片安装时厚度不足,造成联接螺钉磨损和断... 某台安全厂用水泵在运行中联轴器突然发生断裂,导致设备热交换器短时间失去冷却水,严重影响核电厂的安全运行。通过对该联轴器的选型、制造、安装、检修等方面进行分析,联轴器断裂的主要原因是垫片安装时厚度不足,造成联接螺钉磨损和断裂。规范安装要求并增加定期检查和更换措施后有效地防止故障再次发生。 展开更多
关键词 安全厂用水泵 联轴器 磨损 断裂
作者 闫桂银 《核工业自动化》 1999年第4期7-8,共2页
关键词 安全厂用水系统 控制系统 核电站 SEC 热交换器
作者 罗娅彬 祁军 +2 位作者 徐瑞引 王赞娥 张红乐 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期729-742,共14页
本文从I0管理的角度出发,使用故障树分析方法,找出1SEC系统中会产生I0的设备列表。然后用定量化计算的方法,得到系统中产生I0可能性较高的敏感性设备清单。通过分析敏感性设备的现有监督计划,提出改进建议,从而达到加强I0管理,提高设备... 本文从I0管理的角度出发,使用故障树分析方法,找出1SEC系统中会产生I0的设备列表。然后用定量化计算的方法,得到系统中产生I0可能性较高的敏感性设备清单。通过分析敏感性设备的现有监督计划,提出改进建议,从而达到加强I0管理,提高设备可靠性的目的。 展开更多
关键词 故障树 安全厂用水 SEC 定量化 可靠性
作者 李建业 马国栋 +1 位作者 马泽龙 闫明 《科技创新导报》 2015年第6期63-63,共1页
安全厂用水系统(SEC)是用来将设备冷却水系统(RRI)收集的热负荷输送到最终热阱—海水,同时作为冷却系统的一部分,它又具有安全功能,在正常运行和事故工况下能把从安全有关构筑物、系统和部件来的热量输送到最终热阱。SEC系统的正常、可... 安全厂用水系统(SEC)是用来将设备冷却水系统(RRI)收集的热负荷输送到最终热阱—海水,同时作为冷却系统的一部分,它又具有安全功能,在正常运行和事故工况下能把从安全有关构筑物、系统和部件来的热量输送到最终热阱。SEC系统的正常、可靠运行是整个机组正常运行的前提。该文在通过分析杭州湾水质特殊情况,结合安全厂用水系统运行中出现的问题,分析原因,探讨解决办法和改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 安全厂用水 泥沙磨损 汽蚀
作者 张兴田 张杏忠 吴永明 《核电工程与技术》 2006年第3期10-14,共5页
为解决秦山二期安全厂用水系统(SEC)吸水暗渠泥砂淤积问题.论证暗渠水下淤积物测量和淤积物清理的可行性,成功地尝试了在只停泵、不排空暗渠水的状态下清除淤积物,并在清淤前后进行了物位测量以验证清淤效果。本文报告了SEC吸水暗... 为解决秦山二期安全厂用水系统(SEC)吸水暗渠泥砂淤积问题.论证暗渠水下淤积物测量和淤积物清理的可行性,成功地尝试了在只停泵、不排空暗渠水的状态下清除淤积物,并在清淤前后进行了物位测量以验证清淤效果。本文报告了SEC吸水暗渠清淤的技术方案、实施过程,清淤前后的测量结果及清淤效果评价.并对今后的暗渠清淤工作提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 安全厂用水系统 吸水暗渠 淤积物 测量 清淤
作者 刘泳 《科技视界》 2017年第21期178-179,共2页
关键词 安全厂用水系统 运行 鼓型滤网 故障 经验反馈
作者 刘泳 《电工技术(下半月)》 2016年第11期136-137,共2页
关键词 安全厂用水系统 格栅除污机 故障 经验反馈
核电站厂址选择水工方案的研究 被引量:2
作者 周金全 《华电技术》 CAS 2009年第2期26-31,共6页
国务院《核电中长期发展规划(2005—2020年)》的发布,标志着我国核电由"适当发展"转向"积极发展",除在滨海地区按规划继续新建一批核电站外,同时在国内很多省市进行内陆核电站的规划方案和选址工作。核电站的选址... 国务院《核电中长期发展规划(2005—2020年)》的发布,标志着我国核电由"适当发展"转向"积极发展",除在滨海地区按规划继续新建一批核电站外,同时在国内很多省市进行内陆核电站的规划方案和选址工作。核电站的选址工作要科学、细致、严格,选址不仅要符合核电区域布局,而且在地质、气象、水文水工、自然环境和安全等方面要符合核电建设的技术要求。内陆核电站厂址更要慎重研究区域地质、水文气象和水工方案,为节省水资源,可采用自然通风和机力冷却塔节水设施,确保核电站供水安全和满足排放要求。 展开更多
关键词 核电站 水工方案 循环冷却水 安全厂用水 淡水
作者 栗岭茂 胡大千 游兆金 《水泵技术》 北大核心 2005年第2期42-44,共3页
秦山三期的一台安全厂用海水冷却泵(RSW泵)在大修后出现轴振动过高的故障,但在现场测量轴承室的实际振动呈正常。经分析认为是泵轴的测量轴径处径向跳动引起了异常轴振动信号,为此采取修正测量点的方法,对采集的振动信号进行筛选,保留... 秦山三期的一台安全厂用海水冷却泵(RSW泵)在大修后出现轴振动过高的故障,但在现场测量轴承室的实际振动呈正常。经分析认为是泵轴的测量轴径处径向跳动引起了异常轴振动信号,为此采取修正测量点的方法,对采集的振动信号进行筛选,保留能引起振动的有效信号,从而较真实地反映泵的实时运行状态,解决了异常振动信号问题。 展开更多
关键词 振动信号 秦山三期核电站 异常 海水泵 现场测量 径向跳动 有效信号 运行状态 轴振动 冷却泵 安全厂 轴承室 测量点
聚四氟乙烯在SEC系统反冲洗泵机械密封中的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈红卫 《水泵技术》 北大核心 2013年第4期43-48,共6页
秦山第二核电厂一台改造后的安全厂用水系统(SEC系统)反冲洗泵自投运后多次出现机械密封泄漏问题,严重影响了该泵的正常运行。而该泵机械密封静环材质为聚四氟乙烯,不同于一般的机械密封静环材质。本文通过对这种机械密封结构及缺陷情... 秦山第二核电厂一台改造后的安全厂用水系统(SEC系统)反冲洗泵自投运后多次出现机械密封泄漏问题,严重影响了该泵的正常运行。而该泵机械密封静环材质为聚四氟乙烯,不同于一般的机械密封静环材质。本文通过对这种机械密封结构及缺陷情况介绍,分析这种机械密封的特性,总结出聚四氟乙烯作为静环材质在使用过程中的一些注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 核电厂用泵 SEC(安全厂用水)系统 反冲洗泵 聚四氟乙烯 机械密封 静环
Discussion of the problems of environmental protection in the city management
作者 Yuan Qingshan Cao Ying Xu Xin 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期31-33,共3页
Since the reform and opening up, the construction in all aspects of our country has achieved a rapid development, and especially the development of the industrial construction is also more prominent, so that each big ... Since the reform and opening up, the construction in all aspects of our country has achieved a rapid development, and especially the development of the industrial construction is also more prominent, so that each big city rapidly moves forward. But in the development at the same time, some of the issues are inevitable. The rapid development of the cities has attracted a large population, and there are more and more large factories, so that there is more and more pollution in the life and production, which brings greater security risks to the human life and health, and let the cities more difficult to manage. So how to solve these problems and make the cities develop better is a problem worth pondering. 展开更多
关键词 City management environmental protection PROBLEMS
A Case Study of the Safety Management in WWTPs
作者 V. Torretta 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第10期1303-1308,共6页
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can represent risks source for human health and environment, due to the use of chemicals and substances produced by the treatment process. In particular, considering a conventiona... Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can represent risks source for human health and environment, due to the use of chemicals and substances produced by the treatment process. In particular, considering a conventional urban wastewater treatment plant, two case studies have been considered in this paper: the phase of disinfection with Peracetic Acid (PAA), used as reactant and the sludge anaerobic digestion, generating biogas. The aim of the experience is to find out some management suggestions that could make safer these sections of a WWTP. 展开更多
关键词 WWTP management BIOGAS DISINFECTION risk analysis.
The Information Security of Digital Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
作者 Nadir Mengazetdinov Alexey Poletykin Vitaly G. Promyslov 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第5期744-754,共11页
The NPP (nuclear power plant) being vital objects of an energy infrastructure must be protected against malicious actions affecting their safety, and cyber security plays a key part in attaining this goal. The paper... The NPP (nuclear power plant) being vital objects of an energy infrastructure must be protected against malicious actions affecting their safety, and cyber security plays a key part in attaining this goal. The paper considers, implemented by the authors within the project of advanced digital control system for NPP with the reactor VVER-1000, a system of unauthorized access protection, partially built up on the technology of AA (active audit) and expert system. The AA technology is based on response of the system on deviation of current signature of the automated process control system from stable state rather than on a certain signature of attack and relies on the estimation of the behavioral models of the particular digital control system. The advent of active audit reflects the current situation in the digital control systems where complex distributed platforms are used to construct automated process control system. The active audit allows one to make the digital control system functionally closed, provided that it is determinate. The methodology of the active audit does not give u external (barrier) and traditional (password, antivirus) methods of unauthorized access protection. These methods can be used when it is appropriate to achieve a required protection level. 展开更多
关键词 SECURITY instrumentation and control system expert system nuclear plant.
Nuclear power plant life extension:How aging affects performance of containments & other structures
作者 Robert A Dameron Sun Junling 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第3期39-52,共14页
This paper focuses on how aging can affect performance of safety-related structures in nuclear power plant (NPP). Knowledge and assessment of impacts of aging on structures are essential to plant life extension analys... This paper focuses on how aging can affect performance of safety-related structures in nuclear power plant (NPP). Knowledge and assessment of impacts of aging on structures are essential to plant life extension analysis,especially performance to severe loadings such as loss-of-coolant-accidents or major seismic events. Plant life extension issues are of keen interest in countries (like the United States) which have a large,aging fleet of NPPs. This paper addresses the overlap and relationship of structure aging to severe loading performance,with particular emphasis on containment structures. 展开更多
关键词 NPP structure performance plant life extension finite element analysis corrosion CONTAINMENT severe accident seismic event
Upgrade to Nuclear Power Plant Krsko Internal Flooding Probabilistic Safety Analysis
作者 I. Vrbanic I. Basic R. Prosen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第1期35-42,共8页
The original internal flooding probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) study of Krsko Nuclear Power Plant (two-loop Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant of Westinghouse design) was performed in mid nineties and lim... The original internal flooding probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) study of Krsko Nuclear Power Plant (two-loop Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant of Westinghouse design) was performed in mid nineties and limited to reactor core damage risk (Level 1 PSA). In 2003, it was, together with other safety and hazard analyses, subject to the Periodic Safety Review (PSR). In the PSR, it was stated that methodological PSA approaches and guidelines have evoluted during the past decade and several observations were provided, concerning the area screening process, residual risk and treatment of plant damage states and risk from radioactivity releases (i.e., Level 2 PSA). In order to address the PSR observations, upgrade ofKrsko NPP internal flooding PSA was undertaken. The area screening process was revisited in order to cover the areas without automatic reactor trip equipment. The model was extended to Level 2. Residual risk was estimated at both Level 1 and Level 2, in terms of core damage frequency (CDF) and large early release frequency (LERF), respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Internal flooding hazard probabilistic safety analysis nuclear power plant.
Evaluation of protective quality of prestressed concrete containment buildings of nuclear power plants
作者 郑砚国 李惠强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期238-243,共6页
The permeability and sorptivity properties of the two prestressed concrete containment buildings (PCCBs) of a nuclear power plant in South China, which had been under operation for 5 years, were measured by using th... The permeability and sorptivity properties of the two prestressed concrete containment buildings (PCCBs) of a nuclear power plant in South China, which had been under operation for 5 years, were measured by using the autoclam permeability system. The air permeability, sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.1 PCCB are smaller than or equal to 0.11 ln(102 Pa)/min, 0.98×10 ^7 m3/minl/2 and 1.93×10 ^7 m3/min1/2, respectively, and the air permeability, sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.2 PCCB are smaller than or equal to 0.17 In(102 Pa)/min, 1.6×10 ^7 m3/min1/2 and 4.43 ×10 ^7 m3/min1/2, respectively. Based on the criteria for evaluating the protective quality of concrete structures in terms of their permeability and sorptivity properties, proposed by the research organization of the autoclam permeability system, the protective quality of No. 1 PCCB is still in very good grade and that of No.2 PCCB is not in very good grade but in good grade, and the in-service inspection of the protective quality of No.2 PCCB should be strengthened in the future. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear power plant prestressed concrete containment building permeability properties sorptivity properties
An Investigation on the Minimum Inventory of Human System Interfaces for Plant's Safe Operation
作者 C.W. Yang T.C. Yenn +2 位作者 T.C. Cheng M.H. Chen T.M. WU 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第12期1142-1148,共7页
This paper investigates the minimum inventory (MI) of human system interfaces (HSIs) (i.e. alarms, controls, and displays) for plant's safe operation and represents the analytic procedure on the MI of HSIs deve... This paper investigates the minimum inventory (MI) of human system interfaces (HSIs) (i.e. alarms, controls, and displays) for plant's safe operation and represents the analytic procedure on the MI of HSIs developed for the digital instrumentation and control (I&C) equipments in the main control room (MCR). The MI of HSIs in the MCR indicates the HSIs that the operator always needs available to: (1) monitor the status; (2) perform and confirm a reactor trip; (3) perform and confirm a controlled shutdown of the reactor; (4) actuate safety related systems; (5) analyze failure conditions of the normal HSIs; (6) implement the plant's emergency operating procedures (EOPs); (7) bring the plant to a safe condition; (8) carry out those operator actions shown to be risk important by the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). The proposed analytic procedure on the MI of HSIs in this study can be used to (1) identify the MI of HSIs and their design requirements; and (2) address design requirements and implementation for the MI of HSIs. The contribution of this study is to describe the MI of HSIs needed to implement the plant's EOPs, to bring the plant to a safe condition, and to carry out those operator actions shown to be risk important by the PKA. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum inventory human system interfaces main control room.
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