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高效杀虫杀螨剂——安果的合成 被引量:1
作者 郑志明 王志军 林虎 《浙江化工》 CAS 2001年第3期29-30,共2页
关键词 安果 合成 含量 杀虫杀螨剂 甲酰甲胺 氯乙酰氯 甲基硫化物
作者 付杰 《四川蚕业》 2016年第3期46-46,22,共2页
众所周知,传统意义上的桑园是采叶养蚕、结茧缫丝,而如今,桑园种植果桑,围绕桑叶、桑果、蚕桑文化发展休闲观光蚕业已成为蚕桑产业的又一亮点。3月中旬以来,位于乐山市五通桥区竹根镇的“元安果桑园”车水马龙,人流如织,人们纷纷来到这... 众所周知,传统意义上的桑园是采叶养蚕、结茧缫丝,而如今,桑园种植果桑,围绕桑叶、桑果、蚕桑文化发展休闲观光蚕业已成为蚕桑产业的又一亮点。3月中旬以来,位于乐山市五通桥区竹根镇的“元安果桑园”车水马龙,人流如织,人们纷纷来到这里体验桑果采摘和养蚕乐趣,品味蚕桑美食,购买蚕桑产品,接受科普教育,体验一种充满蚕桑元素的休闲方式。 展开更多
关键词 安果 休闲观 蚕业 果桑 采叶 科普教育 结茧 人流如织 蒋元 栽桑
作者 蒋元安 《四川蚕业》 2015年第4期43-43,共1页
元安果桑园位于乐山市五通桥区原阳花渡蚕种场内,2005年试点在果桑园内建大棚,当年因为覆膜时间太迟,4月8日又遭遇暴风冰雹天气,大棚损坏后未再补盖,大棚果桑成熟期只比露地果桑提前几天,当年大棚种植基本失败。2007年再次尝试大棚种植... 元安果桑园位于乐山市五通桥区原阳花渡蚕种场内,2005年试点在果桑园内建大棚,当年因为覆膜时间太迟,4月8日又遭遇暴风冰雹天气,大棚损坏后未再补盖,大棚果桑成熟期只比露地果桑提前几天,当年大棚种植基本失败。2007年再次尝试大棚种植,初步获得成功,此后几年,我园每年搭建大棚两个,效果不错。现将主要栽种技术和取得的效果介绍于后:1主要栽种技术1.1栽植密度。 展开更多
关键词 果桑 安果 冰雹天气 种植技术 五通桥区 无滴薄膜 桑芽 栽植密度 树型养成 棚内湿度
《家电科技》 2016年第5期23-23,共1页
关键词 无人机 安果Ⅱ代智拍 新品首发 最小的智拍无人机
作者 А.格林 王育伦 《苏联文学》 1981年第2期91-94,共4页
一在排练接近尾声的时候,高道伦来到了比绍穆剧院的后台。排练一结束,高道伦就站在过道里,在灯光和滑轮之间,把自己的名片交给了戏院的检票员,请他转交给艾尔达·西莉万。进入她的化妆室之后,他又一次惊诧不已:这位女演员的容貌确... 一在排练接近尾声的时候,高道伦来到了比绍穆剧院的后台。排练一结束,高道伦就站在过道里,在灯光和滑轮之间,把自己的名片交给了戏院的检票员,请他转交给艾尔达·西莉万。进入她的化妆室之后,他又一次惊诧不已:这位女演员的容貌确实和费尔玖松手里的照片象得出奇。艾尔达穿着黑色衣裙。这种装束把人们的视线全集中到了她的脸上。这位颇有才能的女演员只演些小角色,尚未崭露头角,这全是因为她还没有一位有权势的情夫。她中等身材,长着一张神经质的、面皮粗糙的脸,一头黑发,一双黑色大眼睛。长长的睫毛使这双眼睛具有了一种既严肃又狡黠的温柔神情。光洁的额头和脖颈的线条相当好看。只要细心端详,就会察觉她坚毅、锐利的目光,总是在认真、审慎地凝视她所观察的事物。 展开更多
关键词 名片 椭圆形 妻子 宅邸 安果 石头 女演员 着黑色 舞台 神经质
作者 曾文媚 《流行歌曲(下半月)》 2007年第3期12-15,共4页
关键词 安果 告诉我 问过 就是你 你那 文说 文班 地冲 小狐狸 文高
作者 丁水汀 鲍梦瑶 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2011年第3期262-268,共7页
An improved safety analysis based on the causality diagram for the complex system of micro aero-engines is presented.The study is examined by using the causality diagram in analytical failure cases due to rupture or p... An improved safety analysis based on the causality diagram for the complex system of micro aero-engines is presented.The study is examined by using the causality diagram in analytical failure cases due to rupture or pentration in the receiver of micro turbojet engine casing,and the comparisons are also made with the results from the traditional fault tree analysis.Experimental results show two main advantages:(1)Quantitative analysis which is more reliable for the failure analysis in jet engines can be produced by the causality diagram analysis;(2)Graphical representation of causality diagram is easier to apply in real test cases and more effective for the safety assessment. 展开更多
关键词 micro turbojet engines safety analysis causality diagram fault tree analysis FAILURE
作者 李勋达 《国家图书馆学刊》 1988年第3期73-,共1页
根据我国对外签订的文化交流计划,文化部图书馆事业管理局于今年第二季度分别接待了以联邦德国图书馆研究所所长助理克劳蒂娅·卢克斯为首的联邦德国图书馆代表团4人(4月26日至5月9日),以保加利亚基利尔和麦托迪人民图书馆(即保国... 根据我国对外签订的文化交流计划,文化部图书馆事业管理局于今年第二季度分别接待了以联邦德国图书馆研究所所长助理克劳蒂娅·卢克斯为首的联邦德国图书馆代表团4人(4月26日至5月9日),以保加利亚基利尔和麦托迪人民图书馆(即保国家图书馆)馆长彼·卡拉安果夫为首的保加利亚图书馆代表团4人(5月12日至22日) 展开更多
关键词 图书馆法 德国图书馆 麦托 理克 利尔 安果 劳蒂 图书馆事业 国家图书馆 文化交流
作者 陶洪 《新疆新闻界》 1992年第4期20-20,共1页
经济报道越来越引起人们的高度重视,如何使之具有深度和力度,是经济记者面临的一个课题。近一个时期以来,我在《经济参考报》、《新疆日报》和《新疆经济报》上发表的《石河子草板厂何以停产》、《“女儿街”——多彩的画廊》、《病症... 经济报道越来越引起人们的高度重视,如何使之具有深度和力度,是经济记者面临的一个课题。近一个时期以来,我在《经济参考报》、《新疆日报》和《新疆经济报》上发表的《石河子草板厂何以停产》、《“女儿街”——多彩的画廊》、《病症在哪里》、《出租柜台的忧与思》、《菜篮子变奏曲》、《亦忿亦忧话“三乱”》等问题新闻,受到了新闻界同行的赞扬,有的获了奖。我在采写实践中体会到,经济报道要克服以往的毛病,就要在抓问题上狠下功夫。经济记者如果不善于从错综纷繁的经济生活中发现问题,揭示本质,满足于模式化的动态报道,那是搞不好经济报道的。1、要抓经济生活中的热点问题。党和政府正在抓的事,人民群众最为关心的事,就是经济报道的热点。一段时期以来,从家庭到社会。从学生到职工,谈起“乱收费、乱罚款、乱摊派”人人反感。 展开更多
关键词 新疆经济报 《新疆日报》 经济生活 《经济参考报》 工人时报 新疆日报 人民群众 经济界人士 社会经济秩序 安果
作者 薛弢 《经营与管理》 1986年第1期24-24,共1页
雄踞日本家电市场的松下电器公司,有着目前日本最大的销售网,这个公司的百分之八十以上的产品,是通过分布全国各地的二千多家零售商店销售给用户的。为此,他们十分注重与零售店建立融洽的关系,把零售商店当作自己的“亲家”。前任总裁... 雄踞日本家电市场的松下电器公司,有着目前日本最大的销售网,这个公司的百分之八十以上的产品,是通过分布全国各地的二千多家零售商店销售给用户的。为此,他们十分注重与零售店建立融洽的关系,把零售商店当作自己的“亲家”。前任总裁松下幸之助,曾不止一次地告诫部下,要与零售店建立起“亲密无间的血肉联系”。他本人不仅亲自过问销售、制订了独特的销售制度,还经常亲临零售商店,虚心听取意见。公司不仅注意公司内部职工的培训,还出资对零售店的店主和职工进行不同形式和内容的培训,以提高零售店的经营管理水平,从而,也促进了自家产品的销售。 展开更多
关键词 日本家电 松下电器公司 松下幸之助 经营管理 市场信息 高禾 工业企业 安果 以力 杨铭
《少年人生》 2004年第12期98-99,共2页
关键词 大家看 炼金 DREAMZONE 安果 刘君
作者 陆一夫 《新经济》 2015年第6期30-31,共2页
关键词 安果 快递企业 平安夜 圣诞礼物 重复购买率 线下 网购 实体店 快递行业 商务合作
作者 本刊编辑部 《快乐阅读》 2015年第11期43-43,共1页
每次翻到这一页,是不是都像含了一颗薄荷糖,瞬间心明眼亮?它用最清丽和独特的模样吸引着你—标题文艺,引言清新,连那幅铺底图,都像一枚夜莺的羽毛,轻轻触碰你年轻柔软的心。这是小美众编精心编排的一幕舞台剧,登场,旋转,飞舞,轻盈谢幕... 每次翻到这一页,是不是都像含了一颗薄荷糖,瞬间心明眼亮?它用最清丽和独特的模样吸引着你—标题文艺,引言清新,连那幅铺底图,都像一枚夜莺的羽毛,轻轻触碰你年轻柔软的心。这是小美众编精心编排的一幕舞台剧,登场,旋转,飞舞,轻盈谢幕。待你的掌声响起来,我们的故事刚结束。 展开更多
关键词 舞台剧 安果
Installation and Debugging of Auto-control System in Fruit Wine Production Line
作者 方良材 黄卫萍 陈赶林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期611-615,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to test the controlling effect of cleaning steriliza- tion system, material conveying system, and fermentation jar cooling system with equip- ments of fruit wine production line introduced in t... [Objective] The aim was to test the controlling effect of cleaning steriliza- tion system, material conveying system, and fermentation jar cooling system with equip- ments of fruit wine production line introduced in this study and its auto-control sys- tem field assembled and debugged. [Method] Based on controlling equipment and setting parameters on the configuration interface, the operation state of the control equipments could be real-time monitored and controlled with the help of configura- tion software. [Result] The result showed that the equipment system could reduce the temperature into 12 ℃ with the error of +0.5 ℃within 110 minutes when the fermentation temperature is set at 12 ℃ in real production. [Conclusion] The auto- control system of fruit wine production line was easy to be assembled and de- bugged to meet demands of different fruit wine productions. 展开更多
关键词 Fruit wine production line Control system INSTALLATION DEBUGGING
Efficacy of Difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC in Treatment of Rice Sheath Blight and Its Application Technology 被引量:2
作者 李海亮 王会福 余山红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1589-1592,共4页
[Objective] The efficacy of difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC for rice sheath blight and its application technology were discussed in this research. [Method] Three surveys were carried out. There were 5 fixed test ... [Objective] The efficacy of difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC for rice sheath blight and its application technology were discussed in this research. [Method] Three surveys were carried out. There were 5 fixed test clumps in each plot. The number of total plants and disease plants and disease progression in each fixed clump were recorded. The correlation effectiveness was calculated based on the growth rate of disease index. Significance analysis was performed with Dun- can's new multiple range method (DMRT). [Result] The difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had a good efficacy for rice sheath blight, and its efficacy increased with the increase of dose. If sprayed according to the dose of 450 ml/hm2 5 days before the beginning of heading stage of rice, difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC would have better effects on controlling rice sheath blight with correlation effectiveness reaching up to 95.14%, which was 2.06% higher than that of control drug (trifloxys- trobin-tebuconazole 75% WG, 225 g/hm2). [Conclusion] Treated with difenoconazole- azoxystrobin 32.5% SC with dose of 450 ml/hm2, rice would have green upper leaves and less yellow middle and lower leaves. Moreover, the yield was in- creased significantly. The difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had good safety. Therefore, difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had a good application prospect in production. 展开更多
关键词 Difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC Rice sheath blight Controlling efficiency SAFETY
A randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and safety of tegaserod in patients from China with chronic constipation 被引量:7
作者 San-Ren Lin Mei-Yun Ke +5 位作者 Jin-Yan Luo Yao-Zong Yuan Ji-Yao Wang Shelley diTommaso Verena Walter Jiaqing Huang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期732-739,共8页
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of tegaserod, 6 mg twice daily (b.i.d.), in men and women with chronic constipation (CC) from China. METHODS: This was a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled stu... AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of tegaserod, 6 mg twice daily (b.i.d.), in men and women with chronic constipation (CC) from China. METHODS: This was a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Following a 2-wk treatmentfree baseline period, patients were randomized to receive either tegaserod (6 mg b.i.d.) or placebo (b.i.d.) for 4 wk. An analysis of covariance with repeated measures was used to determine the overall effect of treatment for the primary efficacy variable; the change from baseline in the number of complete spontaneous bowel movements (CSBMs) during the 4-wk treatment period. Secondary efficacy endpoints included other measures of response in terms of CSBMs, and patients' daily and weekly assessment of bowel habits. Safety was also assessed, based on the incidence and severity of adverse events (AEs). RESULTS: A total of 607 patients were randomized to receive either tegaserod (n = 304) or placebo (n = 303). Tegaserod treatment resulted in a rapid and significant increase from baseline in the adjusted mean number of CSBMs per week over wk 1-4 compared with placebo (1.39 vs 0.91, P = 0.0002). A statistically significant difference in favor of tegaserod was also observed for a mean increase ≥ 1 CSBM/wk over wk 1-4 (47.7% vs 35.0%, tegaserod vs placebo, respectively, P = 0.0018) and for the absolute number of≥ 3 CSBMs/wk over wk 1-4 (25.0% vs 14.5%, tegaserod vs placebo, respectively, P = 0.0021). Improvements in other symptoms of CC were also seen in the tegaserod group, including improved stool form and reduced straining. In addition, more patients in the tegaserod group reported satisfactory relief from their constipation symptoms. The frequency and severity of AEs was comparable between tegaserod and placebo groups, with the exception of a greater incidence of diarrhea in patients receiving tegaserod (3.6%) compared with placebo (1.7%). CONCLUSION: Tecjaserod treatment improved multiple symptoms of CC and was associated with a favorable safety profile. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic constipation TEGASEROD China Complete spontaneous bowel movement Placebocontrolled STOOL
Appropriateness of colonoscopy: Diagnostic yield and safety in guidelines 被引量:2
作者 Mario Grassini Carlo Verna +3 位作者 Paolo Niola Monica Navino Edda Battaglia Gabrio Bassotti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期1816-1819,共4页
AIM: To evaluate if the guidelines for the appro-priateness of performing colonoscopy by American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (AGSE) and Italian Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) yield a good diagnostic... AIM: To evaluate if the guidelines for the appro-priateness of performing colonoscopy by American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (AGSE) and Italian Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) yield a good diagnostic efficacy and do not present risks of missing important colonic pathologies in an Italian population sample.METHODS: A total of 1017 consecutive patients (560 men and 457 women; mean age 64.4 ± 16 years) referred to an open-access endoscopy unit for colonoscopy from July 2004 to May 2006 were evaluated according to ASGE and SIED guidelines for appropriateness of performing the procedure. Diagnostic yield was defined as the percentage of relevant colonic pathologies of the total number of colonoscopies performed.RESULTS: About 85.2% patients underwent colono-scopy that was considered appropriate based on at least one ASGE or SIED criterion, while it was considered inappropriate for 14.8% of patients. The diagnostic yield of colonoscopy was significantly higher for appropriate colonoscopies (26.94% vs 10.6%, P < 0.001) than for inappropriate colonoscopies (5.3%). There was no missed colorectal cancer following the ASGE/SIED criteria.CONCLUSION: ASGE/SIED guidelines have shown a good diagnostic yield and the rate of missing relevant colonic pathologies seems very low. Unfortunately, the percentage of inappropriate referrals for colonoscopy in an open-access endoscopy system is still high, despite the number of papers published on the issue and the definition of international guidelines. Further steps are required to update and standardize the guidelines to increase their diffusion and to promote educational programs for general practitioners. 展开更多
Assessing quality of crash modification factors estimated by empirical Bayes before-after methods 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Ying WU Ling-tao HUANG Zhong-xiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2259-2268,共10页
Before-after study with the empirical Bayes(EB)method is the state-of-the-art approach for estimating crash modification factors(CMFs).The EB method not only addresses the regression-to-the-mean bias,but also improves... Before-after study with the empirical Bayes(EB)method is the state-of-the-art approach for estimating crash modification factors(CMFs).The EB method not only addresses the regression-to-the-mean bias,but also improves accuracy.However,the performance of the CMFs derived from the EB method has never been fully investigated.This study aims to examine the accuracy of CMFs estimated with the EB method.Artificial realistic data(ARD)and real crash data are used to evaluate the CMFs.The results indicate that:1)The CMFs derived from the EB before-after method are nearly the same as the true values.2)The estimated CMF standard errors do not reflect the true values.The estimation remains at the same level regardless of the pre-assumed CMF standard error.The EB before-after study is not sensitive to the variation of CMF among sites.3)The analyses with real-world traffic and crash data with a dummy treatment indicate that the EB method tends to underestimate the standard error of the CMF.Safety researchers should recognize that the CMF variance may be biased when evaluating safety effectiveness by the EB method.It is necessary to revisit the algorithm for estimating CMF variance with the EB method. 展开更多
关键词 traffic safety empirical Bayes crash modification factor safety effectiveness evaluation
Application of causality diagram in system safety analysis 被引量:1
作者 梁新元 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第3期158-163,共6页
Causality Diagram (CD) is a new graphical knowledge representation based on probability theory. The application of this methodology in the safety analysis of the gas explosion in collieries was discussed in this paper... Causality Diagram (CD) is a new graphical knowledge representation based on probability theory. The application of this methodology in the safety analysis of the gas explosion in collieries was discussed in this paper, and the Minimal Cut Set, the Minimal Path Set and the Importance were introduced to develop the methodology. These concepts are employed to analyze the influence each event has on the top event ? the gas explosion, so as to find out about the defects of the system and accordingly help to work out the emphasis of the precautionary work and some preventive measures as well. The results of the safety analysis are in accordance with the practical requirements; therefore the preventive measures are certain to work effectively. In brief, according to the research CD is so effective in the safety analysis and the safety assessment that it can be a qualitative and quantitative method to predict the accident as well as offer some effective measures for the investigation, the prevention and the control of the accident. 展开更多
关键词 causality diagram (CD) gas explosion safety analysis minimal cut set (MCS) minimal path set (MPS)
Evaluation of Kenyan Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam,) Purees for Functional Food Production
作者 Muchiri M. Njeri McCartney Anne L. 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第2期128-133,共6页
Consumption of functional foods with health promoting benefits and/or disease prevention has been on the increase globally. The study aimed at evaluating the potential of utilizing Kenyan orange fleshed sweet potato ... Consumption of functional foods with health promoting benefits and/or disease prevention has been on the increase globally. The study aimed at evaluating the potential of utilizing Kenyan orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) for functional food production with aesthetics benefits. Purees from three different varieties of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) were analyzed for nutritional, physicochemical and microbial quality, The findings of the study show that the three purees were all microbiologically safe and of near neutral pH, but differed significantly (P 〈 0.05) in nutrient content (dry matter content, 12.76-28.23%; crude fiber, 1.37-2.90% fresh weight basis (FWB); 13-carotene, 0.94-9.27 mg/100g dry weight basis (DWB); starch, 10.20-18.30% FWB & total sugar 27.08-31.76% DWB). The purees had attractive appearance (ranging from yellow to dark orange), with varying significantly different spectrophotometer hunters color scale (P 〈 0.05), and flow ability. Conclusions from the findings show great potential of utilizing the varying properties of OFSP puree to produce enriched functional food products such as probiotic/prebiotic dairy, beverages, bakery and baby foods. 展开更多
关键词 Orange fleshed sweet potato puree functional foods sustainable nutrition.
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