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四川省理塘县宗巴金多金属矿勘查及找矿方向 被引量:1
作者 赖晋杉 邹俪琦 吴昊 《世界有色金属》 2016年第6期156-157,共2页
四川省理塘县宗巴金多金属矿位于甘孜-理塘构造带中南段。区内主要出露曲嘎寺组地层;金矿化体赋存于曲嘎寺组的次级构造蚀变带中,围岩为板岩或千枚岩,含金构造蚀变带由构造蚀变岩和充填于断裂构造破碎带中的石英脉组成,总体呈透镜状沿... 四川省理塘县宗巴金多金属矿位于甘孜-理塘构造带中南段。区内主要出露曲嘎寺组地层;金矿化体赋存于曲嘎寺组的次级构造蚀变带中,围岩为板岩或千枚岩,含金构造蚀变带由构造蚀变岩和充填于断裂构造破碎带中的石英脉组成,总体呈透镜状沿北西南东向展布,脉群沿走向延伸长约180m,平均品位3.8g/t,具有进一步开展勘查工作的潜在价值。 展开更多
关键词 宗巴 金多金属矿 金矿化体 勘查
藏文史料中的“维吾尔” 被引量:2
作者 尹伟先 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第4期121-129,共9页
藏文史料中的“维吾尔”尹伟先藏族和维吾尔族是我国西部两个人口众多的兄弟民族。由于相互毗邻的地域关系,早在1000多年前的吐蕃与回鹘汗国时代,这两个民族间就有了政治、经济、文化诸方面的相互影响和交流,彼此之间,在对方的... 藏文史料中的“维吾尔”尹伟先藏族和维吾尔族是我国西部两个人口众多的兄弟民族。由于相互毗邻的地域关系,早在1000多年前的吐蕃与回鹘汗国时代,这两个民族间就有了政治、经济、文化诸方面的相互影响和交流,彼此之间,在对方的语言文献资料中留下了诸多方面的记载... 展开更多
关键词 维吾尔族 回鹘汗国 《贤者喜宴》 突厥 藏文文献 民族出版 霍尔 吐蕃简牍 北方民族 达仓宗巴·班觉桑布
关于《汉藏史集》的作者 被引量:5
作者 陈庆英 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第2期11-17,46,共8页
《汉藏史集》是研究元代和明初西藏历史的一部重要的藏文资料,但是关于该书的作者达仓宗巴·班觉桑布(stag-tshang-rdzong-pa-dpal-vbyor-bzang-po)的记载很少,不为学术界所知,影响了对该书的研究的深入。本文通过对元末明初西藏地... 《汉藏史集》是研究元代和明初西藏历史的一部重要的藏文资料,但是关于该书的作者达仓宗巴·班觉桑布(stag-tshang-rdzong-pa-dpal-vbyor-bzang-po)的记载很少,不为学术界所知,影响了对该书的研究的深入。本文通过对元末明初西藏地方的政治和宗教状况的分析,探讨班觉桑布生活的历史环境,再结合藏文《至尊宗喀巴大师传》的记载,考证出班觉桑布即是该书记载的嘉乔贝桑穴skyabs-mchog-dpal-bzang雪,在宗喀巴推动“宗教改革”的初期,是宗喀巴的一个重要的合作者,对宗喀巴创立格鲁派的准备工作有相当的贡献,在当时的西藏佛教历史上应该占有一席之地。 展开更多
关键词 《汉藏史集》 西藏历史 达仓宗巴·班觉桑布 嘉乔贝桑 格鲁派 西藏佛教
Poetic Religiosity in Brazilian Urban Peripheries
作者 Marcos Henrique de Oliveira Nicolini 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第4期205-222,共18页
Starting from the observation of a greater religious pluralism of the Brazilian society, we ask ourselves, in the f'trst instance, if it is a movement does not present itself as a paradigmatic change. That is, if as ... Starting from the observation of a greater religious pluralism of the Brazilian society, we ask ourselves, in the f'trst instance, if it is a movement does not present itself as a paradigmatic change. That is, if as beliefs underlying social relations in a binary world of identity exclusions would not be in a process of weakening, allowing us to perceive new ways of latent arrangements. In a second instance, after recognizing that plurality requires recognition of the freedoms of belief and expression, we question the limits of such freedom point to a cosmopolitan ethics. For that matter, we take as reference in the non-religions in the Brazilian urban peripheries. 展开更多
An Analysis on the Consequences of the Ideological and Cultural Revolution
作者 Nertila Haxhia Ljarja 《Sociology Study》 2011年第6期468-472,共5页
The paper analyses a special moment-a so-called "revolutionar" campaign that was undertaken in all fields: social, cultural and religious ones in the contemporary history of Albania. And exactly, it analyses the dr... The paper analyses a special moment-a so-called "revolutionar" campaign that was undertaken in all fields: social, cultural and religious ones in the contemporary history of Albania. And exactly, it analyses the dramatic turn undertaken by the dictatorial communist regime during the years of 1966-1969. As a result, in period of few years, Albanian was transformed into the only atheist country in the world, because since November 13, 1967, the religious activities were banned and this situation lasted until 1976 from the constitutional point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Albanian cultural revolution religions freedom humans rights Catholic Church atheist museum
A Comparative Architectural Study of the Structural Form between Two Religious Buildings in Brasilia: The Cathedral and the Tibetan Stupa
作者 Claudia Estrela Porto 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第9期1092-1110,共19页
Brasilia, born of the urban plan by Lficio Costa and of the unexpected concrete structural forms designed by Oscar Niemeyer, knew how to adapt to the new forms that came from the country's religious syncretism. This ... Brasilia, born of the urban plan by Lficio Costa and of the unexpected concrete structural forms designed by Oscar Niemeyer, knew how to adapt to the new forms that came from the country's religious syncretism. This article aims to compare, through religious symbolism, structural forms and architectural spaces, two sacred monuments: The cathedral of Brasilia (1958-1967) and the stupa of the Tibetan Buddhist Center, inaugurated in 2006. The millenary construction form of the stupa, one of the primordial sacred structures for all Buddhism traditions, the sacred symbol of enlightenment, must obey some construction rules according to its lineage's Buddhist tradition. In this way, the stupa is the opposite of a strong and fearless structural form embodied in the cathedral, with its 16 revolution hyperboloid concrete pillars and its subterranean entrance. Although built in concrete both are unusual forms of architecture with distinct spatial conception and sculptural form structures. While respecting religious differences, it is noticeable a real commitment between form and structure, volume and religious symbolism. At the conclusion, it is perceivable how distinct forms--the Cathedral and the Stupa--can respond in analog manners to the necessity of a gathering space where visitors go in search of expressing their faith. Along with them, Buddhism and Catholicism are rooted in Brazil's new capital. 展开更多
关键词 Religious architecture structural form cathedral stupa.
桑哥族属问题探讨 被引量:7
作者 尹伟先 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第1期80-83,共4页
关键词 桑哥 汉藏史集 畏兀儿人 《史集》 《元史》 达仓宗巴·班觉桑布 八思巴 亦都护 《佛祖历代通载》 月鲁帖木儿
古代于阗和吐蕃的交通及其友邻关系 被引量:13
作者 殷晴 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第5期65-72,9,共9页
古代于阗和吐蕃的交通及其友邻关系殷晴在新疆塔里木盆地南缘,喀喇昆仑、昆仑、阿尔金山环列,西从帕米尔一直延伸到柴达木盆地的边缘。崇山透迤,峰岭嵯峨,一般海拔均在五六千米,交通条件至为艰险,但尽管如此,不利的地理环境并没... 古代于阗和吐蕃的交通及其友邻关系殷晴在新疆塔里木盆地南缘,喀喇昆仑、昆仑、阿尔金山环列,西从帕米尔一直延伸到柴达木盆地的边缘。崇山透迤,峰岭嵯峨,一般海拔均在五六千米,交通条件至为艰险,但尽管如此,不利的地理环境并没有阻隔人类彼此的交往,自古以来藏北... 展开更多
关键词 塔里木盆 藏北高原 克里雅河 汉藏史集 中国新疆 文书 藏文 达仓宗巴·班觉桑布 新疆社会科学 吐蕃
作者 张莉 《音乐天地》 2020年第4期20-22,共3页
【教学内容】民歌是千百年来人民群众集体智慧的结晶,它来源于人民的生活同时又再现了人民的生活。通过本节课的学习使学生了解藏民的生活习俗和藏族民歌在我国少数民族民歌中的地位、影响及藏族民歌的风格特征。使学生热爱生活,热爱民... 【教学内容】民歌是千百年来人民群众集体智慧的结晶,它来源于人民的生活同时又再现了人民的生活。通过本节课的学习使学生了解藏民的生活习俗和藏族民歌在我国少数民族民歌中的地位、影响及藏族民歌的风格特征。使学生热爱生活,热爱民族音乐文化,同时,在鉴赏和参与活动中增进学生学习的主动性和积极性. 展开更多
关键词 《藏族民歌特征》 宗巴朗松 教学设计
Where Does "Axial Breakthrough" Take Place? In the Past, or in Present Narratives of the Past?
作者 Violaine Sebillotte Cuchel 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2016年第4期565-576,共12页
This article focuses on Vernant's thesis, masterfully developed in Les origines de la pensde grecque (1962) and translated into English in 1982. Vernant explained that between the seventh- and the second-century BC... This article focuses on Vernant's thesis, masterfully developed in Les origines de la pensde grecque (1962) and translated into English in 1982. Vernant explained that between the seventh- and the second-century BCE, one can note crucial modifications of the traditional and religious atmosphere, in civilizations as distant as China, India, Persia, Palestine and Greece. These turning points brought Confucianism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Prophetism, and, in Greece, Search for Truth. For historians, who claim their expertise on the past, methodological issues are at stake in any inquiry about an "axial age" or an "axial breakthrough." First, there is the epistemological question of historiography, a present narrative of the past that cannot, from a scientific point of view--that of the historians, erase varieties of past narratives (poetics, technical treatises, epigraphic decrees, vase paintings, etc.). Then, there is the new understanding of the constant interaction of what we call the political sphere with what we call the religious sphere, insofar as the distinction between a strictly political sphere, separate from the religious sphere, is now fully challenged. Finally, the polis as we understand it nowadays includes women's acts, as feminist scholarship has demonstrated through the past 35 years. This new depiction makes the "citizens" different: They can no longer be thought of as all the same and interchangeable. 展开更多
关键词 Vemant Ancient history HISTORIOGRAPHY Methodology FEMINISM
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