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南疆社会宗教环境对青少年影响研究 被引量:1
作者 胡西旦·吾甫 田华 《教师》 2013年第2期127-128,共2页
宗教对南疆中小学教育的渗透是影响青少年健康成长以及南疆地区全面发展的重要因素,不仅如此,部分南疆少数民族青少年被传染宗教极端主义思想是影响新疆乃至我国社会稳定的一个重要因素。本文通过仔细考察南疆社会宗教环境以及分析其... 宗教对南疆中小学教育的渗透是影响青少年健康成长以及南疆地区全面发展的重要因素,不仅如此,部分南疆少数民族青少年被传染宗教极端主义思想是影响新疆乃至我国社会稳定的一个重要因素。本文通过仔细考察南疆社会宗教环境以及分析其特点,并且深入研究这种社会宗教环境对于少数民族青少年的影响,就如何防止宗教对少数民族青少年产生负面影响、保证青少年学生的健康成长、维护学校和社会稳定提出了相应的对策和建议。 展开更多
关键词 南疆 社会宗教环境 少数民族青少年
云南宗教园林景观特色营造——晋宁盘龙寺区旅游规划设计侧记 被引量:2
作者 徐坚 姜鹏 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第z1期86-90,共5页
云南宗教环境造景特点是儒道佛思想对自然的态度、对人神的关系抽象化后,在寺庙和绿化关系、寺庙园林绿化配置方法、绿化选择等方面的综合体现。这种体现超越了单纯的植物搭配、美学行为,融合整体环境、背景、城镇聚落、文化内涵、神话... 云南宗教环境造景特点是儒道佛思想对自然的态度、对人神的关系抽象化后,在寺庙和绿化关系、寺庙园林绿化配置方法、绿化选择等方面的综合体现。这种体现超越了单纯的植物搭配、美学行为,融合整体环境、背景、城镇聚落、文化内涵、神话传说等,以其整体气氛塑造和神化宗教环境。结合云南晋宁盘龙寺旅游区规划设计就以上特点进行剖析。 展开更多
关键词 宗教环境 园林景观 旅游 晋宁盘龙寺
当今我国青年宗教现象的辩证思考 被引量:4
作者 张金桃 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期61-65,共5页
关键词 中国 宗教现象 社会关系 宗教环境
新疆南疆家庭宗教氛围对青少年教育的消极影响研究 被引量:2
作者 胡西旦·吾甫 孟红松 《喀什师范学院学报》 2014年第4期91-93,97,共4页
宗教对南疆中小学教育的渗透仍然是影响青少年健康成长的重要因素之一。采用定量研究复式问卷调查数理统计和文献研究法,试图探讨南疆大多数少数民族青少年从事宗教行为的现状及其原因并深入分析家庭宗教环境对于少数民族青少年的受教... 宗教对南疆中小学教育的渗透仍然是影响青少年健康成长的重要因素之一。采用定量研究复式问卷调查数理统计和文献研究法,试图探讨南疆大多数少数民族青少年从事宗教行为的现状及其原因并深入分析家庭宗教环境对于少数民族青少年的受教育、心理发展、迷信的关系等三方面的不良影响,最后总结防范与抵御宗教环境对学生影响的措施和对策。 展开更多
关键词 南疆 家庭宗教环境 少数民族青少年
作者 王葳 《青海师专学报》 2004年第4期121-123,共3页
关键词 环境积淀 民族特征 英语 地理环境 民族环境 宗教环境 语境
我国新时期农村非法宗教活动的特点及治理对策 被引量:1
作者 刘溪 《云南警官学院学报》 2019年第6期84-88,共5页
“扫黑除恶”专项行动开展以来,出现了披着宗教外衣的黑恶势力“拉面帮”等新情况,“黑恶势力”与“非法宗教活动”的结合给我国乡村振兴战略和“三农”工作建设制造了新的障碍。自改革开放,农村非法宗教活动的生存土壤进一步滋生,发展... “扫黑除恶”专项行动开展以来,出现了披着宗教外衣的黑恶势力“拉面帮”等新情况,“黑恶势力”与“非法宗教活动”的结合给我国乡村振兴战略和“三农”工作建设制造了新的障碍。自改革开放,农村非法宗教活动的生存土壤进一步滋生,发展迅速并呈现出新的特点和发展趋势,在治理环节需要全方位、立体化、长期性的协同管控。 展开更多
关键词 农村地区 非法宗教活动 宗教环境
作者 卢崴诩 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第2期1-8,29,共9页
2012年国家宗教局等六部委印发了《关于鼓励和规范宗教界开展公益慈善活动的意见》,显示中央政府的宗教政策已转向"宗教公益慈善身份培育"。然而,许多宗教团体实际从事公益慈善工作时,仍然面临着思想和理论发展不成熟、组织... 2012年国家宗教局等六部委印发了《关于鼓励和规范宗教界开展公益慈善活动的意见》,显示中央政府的宗教政策已转向"宗教公益慈善身份培育"。然而,许多宗教团体实际从事公益慈善工作时,仍然面临着思想和理论发展不成熟、组织建设与专业人才不足、资源开发及利用程度不高、社会服务与传教界限不清等问题。尽管台湾地区的宗教环境与大陆不同,台湾最大的人间佛教团体——慈济——的垃圾分类回收公益事业的成功经验,对于大陆宗教公益慈善事业运作时遭遇的难题,仍然提供了建设性的启示:首先,慈济领导者证严法师"见机传法"的风格,可以作为想要建构宗教公益慈善论述的教团领袖的参考。其次,慈济垃圾分类回收事业"借势生长"的组织发展方式,应该被有意成立公益慈善组织的宗教团体重视。再者,慈济垃圾分类回收事业中精神领袖、志愿者、专业人员"分工自主"的运行模式,值得其它宗教公益慈善组织关注。最后,慈济教团"入世修行"的取向特别符合当前中央政府推动的宗教职能转型政策。 展开更多
关键词 宗教公益慈善 宗教环境 人间佛教 慈济 垃圾分类回收
浅谈西藏传统建筑室内装饰风格特征 被引量:1
作者 芮潇 《美与时代(创意)(上)》 2013年第12期68-69,共2页
藏族建筑及其室内装饰风格的演变,是与西藏特有的自然环境和佛教影响下的宗教环境密不可分的。藏族建筑文化以藏传佛教为载体,向周边其他民族地区传播与发展。对西藏传统建筑室内装饰风格的一般性特征进行研究,需要从传统文化、民族特... 藏族建筑及其室内装饰风格的演变,是与西藏特有的自然环境和佛教影响下的宗教环境密不可分的。藏族建筑文化以藏传佛教为载体,向周边其他民族地区传播与发展。对西藏传统建筑室内装饰风格的一般性特征进行研究,需要从传统文化、民族特色、宗教色彩三个方面入手。 展开更多
关键词 室内装饰 传统建筑 风格特征 西藏 装饰风格 藏传佛教 传播与发展 宗教环境
作者 曹梦月 《湖南科技学院学报》 2017年第3期66-67,共2页
福克纳是美国20世纪著名的南方作家,他的作品与美国南方文化有着千丝万缕的联系。文化研究理论认为作家所处的地理、社会、政治及经济等文化环境对其文学创作有着不可忽视的作用。美国南方文化在地理背景,种族氛围和宗教环境等方面都有... 福克纳是美国20世纪著名的南方作家,他的作品与美国南方文化有着千丝万缕的联系。文化研究理论认为作家所处的地理、社会、政治及经济等文化环境对其文学创作有着不可忽视的作用。美国南方文化在地理背景,种族氛围和宗教环境等方面都有着区别于美国其他地区的独特性,这种独特性对福克纳的创作产生了深远的影响,其小说创作均以他的家乡为原型,呈现了独特的文化视角。从文化研究理论的角度来考究福克纳独特文化视角的成因,有利于对其作品的准确解读。 展开更多
关键词 地理背景 种族氛围 宗教环境 文化视角 独特性
作者 沈通 《黄河之声》 2018年第21期27-27,共1页
作为文艺复兴后期最为耀眼的存在,威尼斯乐派可以说起到了承前启后的作用。而在同时期各国家的纷乱繁杂的音乐文化中,为何亚德里亚海沿岸的这个水城成为了当时音乐的中心。本文通过分析威尼斯所处文化环境,探究圣马可大教堂成为当时音... 作为文艺复兴后期最为耀眼的存在,威尼斯乐派可以说起到了承前启后的作用。而在同时期各国家的纷乱繁杂的音乐文化中,为何亚德里亚海沿岸的这个水城成为了当时音乐的中心。本文通过分析威尼斯所处文化环境,探究圣马可大教堂成为当时音乐核心的原因。 展开更多
关键词 威尼斯乐派 文化环境 宗教环境
Depression Among Arab Students in Israel: The Contribution of Religiosity, Happiness, Social Support and Self-control 被引量:1
作者 Qutaiba Agbaria 《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期721-738,共18页
This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study ... This study examines the correlation ~mong a number of personal and environmental resources that can recluce u^pz-~on, These are: religiosity, happiness, social support, and self-controL The participants in the study consisted of 219 Arab students from teacher training colleges in the Triangle region in central Israel. The findings indicate that all the resources that were examined contribute to reducing the level of depression; in other words, significant negative correlations were found between the level of religiosity, happiness, social support and self-control on the one hand, and the level of depression on the other hand. These findings are consistent with those of other studies conducted elsewhere in the world on different populations CChristian and lewish, as well as Muslim). The present study and its findings are, however, the first to address the understanding of depression among the populace in question. The findings were discussed in accordance with a number of different theories. 展开更多
关键词 Arab adolescents DEPRESSION religiosity HAPPINESS social support SELF-CONTROL
Religious Education for Effective Ministry: Confronting Leadership Challenges in One Beloved Community
作者 Remi Alapo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第9期485-492,共8页
Rev. Smith has been appointed to be the pastor of First United Methodist Church (FUMC). With the appointment, it comes a specific instruction that the church must be "turned around," and it was Rev. Smith's respo... Rev. Smith has been appointed to be the pastor of First United Methodist Church (FUMC). With the appointment, it comes a specific instruction that the church must be "turned around," and it was Rev. Smith's responsibility to make it happen. FUMC has been in decline for many years under the leadership of several pastors. Rev. Smith is black and the congregation is predominately Caucasian and elderly, with longtime members who have stayed on because "this is their church." Rev. Smith comes to the church bringing her experience, energy, and vision. This appointment is a cross-racial cross-cultural appointment, which is part of her denomination's mandate for the future, as it places pastors that reflect the diversity of the surrounding community in churches that do not currently look like the community around them. Currently FUMC does not interact with the community--it does ministry "to" the community but not "with it." Therefore, from the beginning, Rev. Smith knew that her job would not be easy. She accepted the appointment believing that a "new wind" must blow through the church bringing forth spiritual revival. She now faces a crucial issue in the church, which she feels is in a make or break situation. First United Methodist is located in an urban environment. FUMC has been in this city for 133 years but has been at this site for 83 years. Originally, the neighborhood consisted of predominately white, blue-collar workers, but has since transitioned into a neighborhood community of mostly African Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and Hispanics. When the church was fwst built in this neighborhood and for many years after that, both consisted of white blue-collar workers. As the neighborhood began to change, no efforts were made to develop new programs or a more inclusive worship to include the growing diversity. The lines are drawn; Rev. Smith knows it but she is determined to turn First Church United around. As she has said before in conversations with the church, "God called me into ministry and the Bishop sent me here. No one is going to stop me from serving God and the church." For a brief moment, she felt terribly alone, but then she remembered that she did have some support at FUMC. Rev. Smith took a deep breath, "I am going back to the drawing board. There is much work yet to be done, and I will not give up. But what is the next step?" This paper is based on a case scenario for a religious education program and as a response to Cooling of the "Spirits" by Marjorie Nunes of the Summerfield United Methodist Church Bridgeport, Connecticut. The author of this response paper analyzing the problems from the case study provides suggestions for a Religious Education ministry as a program for the church, and data on effective church growth and leadership.1 展开更多
关键词 race relations church leadership religious education ministry Christian education organizationmanagement conflict resolution church growth diversity in ministry beloved community LEADERSHIP
“成长为宗教徒”——论藏族儿童宗教信仰社会化的模式与机制 被引量:6
作者 吴碧君 陈昌文 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期135-139,共5页
关键词 藏族儿童 信仰社会化 宗教环境
作者 傅炜 《中国宗教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第8期32-34,共3页
关键词 宗教活动场所 消防安全工作 火灾隐患 防治对策 宗教活动环境 宗教文化资源
“心中的伊甸园”系列之十 有宗无教的汉民
作者 刘瑞起 《经济》 2006年第8期118-119,共2页
关键词 汉民饭店 经营模式 宗教环境 中国 管理体制
作者 鲍岩民 王欣欣 《时代文学(上半月)》 2010年第3期228-229,共2页
关键词 丰宁满族民间剪纸 历史的演进与发展 地理成因 宗教人文环境
The Dilemma of Pursuing Chinese Religious Studies in the Framework of Western Religious Theories
作者 Fan Li-zhu 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2009年第2期29-48,共20页
In the academic research on religion in China, there have been gaps and dilemmas as the result of differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Throughout this initial period, Chinese scholars have often attempted... In the academic research on religion in China, there have been gaps and dilemmas as the result of differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Throughout this initial period, Chinese scholars have often attempted to interpret Chinese traditional culture and belief with reference to Westem viewpoints and theories. But in studying Chinese religion in this way, many problems and dilemmas inevitably arise. Philosophers, too, adopted this starting point-a strategy now identified as reverse analogical interpretation. This approach has also had great influence in the conventional line of thinking in the social scientific study of religion. By discussing the existence and influence of reverse analogical interpretation in Chinese religious studies, this paper intends to strengthen the social scientific basis of religious studies in China. One negative result of this Western orientation is that the potential substantive contributions of Chinese religion to the larger field of religious studies are slighted. Reverse analogical interpretation even tempts Chinese researchers to overlook the distinctive features of Chinese religion. This paper begins with an analysis of the application of the term “ religion” in Chinese academic research and then reflects on the dilemma of employing Western theories of religion in Chinese cultural environments. It is hoped that this reflection may contribute to a heightened consciousness of both the benefits and the difficulties involved in such cross-cultural intellectual exchange. 展开更多
关键词 RELIGION western theory reverse analogical interpretation
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