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解释学理性与信仰的相遇──海德格尔早期宗教现象学的方法论 被引量:8
作者 张祥龙 陈岸瑛 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第6期61-68,共8页
关键词 海德格尔 解释学 象学 理性与信仰 宗教现 拉斯克 胡塞尔 生活体验 生活经验 《存在与时间》
试论三星堆宗教的内含 被引量:1
作者 苏宁 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第1期72-77,共6页
三星堆文明博大精深 ,谜障重重。考古发现表明 ,在三星堆一带已有相当程度的等级区分、宗教遗存。在由氏族社会转移到国家组织的变迁过程中 ,其主要宗教形式为体现生者血缘关系的祖先崇拜。三星堆出土大量带有商文化特征的器特表明 ,其... 三星堆文明博大精深 ,谜障重重。考古发现表明 ,在三星堆一带已有相当程度的等级区分、宗教遗存。在由氏族社会转移到国家组织的变迁过程中 ,其主要宗教形式为体现生者血缘关系的祖先崇拜。三星堆出土大量带有商文化特征的器特表明 ,其主要崇拜对象为“远祖” ,主要宗教观念是“返古朔本” ,主要思维特征为神灵思维。以铜器为代表的三星堆文物 ,就其器型、纹饰而言 ,其基本造型来源于商代青铜器兽面纹的基本母题 ,与“物我混同”原始思维相对应 ,呈现出神话宇宙观古老遗存符号的特征性。 展开更多
关键词 三星堆 宗教现 考古 铜器 纹饰
马克思主义宗教观与唯心论、形而上学宗教观的对立 被引量:5
作者 许焕新 王训礼 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 1997年第4期18-20,共3页
关键词 宗教现 唯心主义 形而上学 辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义
Music of the Arab-Anglicans in Israel: Dynamics of Ethno-Religious Identity 被引量:1
作者 Alexander Rosenblatt 《Sociology Study》 2014年第7期649-659,共11页
The paper focuses on music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican communities in Israel in their dynamics over the last years. The analysis is based on field recordings and other ethnography collected by the author in 2006... The paper focuses on music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican communities in Israel in their dynamics over the last years. The analysis is based on field recordings and other ethnography collected by the author in 2006-2011. The music of the contemporary Arab-Anglican churches in Israel comprises different styles, which might be decoded as indices of group identity, and transmits different signifiers of belonging to diverse branches of the contemporary world Anglican tradition. A remarkable feature of this Christian community is the ongoing shift of subaltern identities when their most "Western" component--association with a particular sub-division of the Church--receives its musical expression by means of "local motif', that is, the tunes associated with regional repertories. The dynamics of ethno-religious identity of Arab-Anglicans in Israel manifests itself through several tendencies, such as ecumenical tendency and some other trends. Though the study is situated in the context of an interdisciplinary academic discourse, music is the main text addressed. "Reading" this music allowed the author to uncover tenets, trends, and interrelations within the communities under study. 展开更多
关键词 Arab-Anglicans group identity subaltern identity local motif
Balancing Between the New Family Law and Religious Practices and Its Impact on Moroccan Women's Lives
作者 Souad SLAOUI 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第10期506-512,共7页
The present paper seeks to shed light on the main factors lying behind the non-implementation of Article 20 of the New Moroccan Family Law reformed in 2004 which is concerned with legal minimum age of marriage for bot... The present paper seeks to shed light on the main factors lying behind the non-implementation of Article 20 of the New Moroccan Family Law reformed in 2004 which is concerned with legal minimum age of marriage for both sexes, 18 years old for both. This study aims at investigating why the number of marriages of young girls continue to increase despite the establishment of the Law. The author takes the region of Fez as a case in point to explore this social behavior in Moroccan society. A qualitative approach has been adopted by interviewing 10 persons including Family Affairs Judges, lawyers and University Professors of Islamic studies at the University of Fez. Added to this, the technique of observation has equally been utilized to have everyday life concrete experiences of young girls "marriages". It has been argued that a unilateral approach to this social phenomenon cannot succeed to understand the complex nature of this bad social habit that is still predominant among rural areas and marginalized urban districts. A rather global approach taking into account the economic, socio-cultural, and legal dimension of the issue under investigation proves to be much more adequate to explore the intricate nature of this problems in which a number of diverse variables interact. The paper ends up with a conclusion and a number of recommendations on how to reduce this social act. 展开更多
关键词 early marriage Article 20 of the New Family code poor-economic infrastructure socio-cultural norms-establishment of the law
Organizational Leadership in a Postmodern World: Practical Implications for Contemporary Religious Leaders
作者 J. Jacob Jenkins 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第12期1139-1148,共10页
We live in an increasingly postmodern society. American Christianity, however, is imbued in a modem---even pre-modern--paradigm. As a result, many contemporary religious leaders find it difficult to communicate with t... We live in an increasingly postmodern society. American Christianity, however, is imbued in a modem---even pre-modern--paradigm. As a result, many contemporary religious leaders find it difficult to communicate with their postmodern constituents, as evidenced by declining attendance rates and religious affiliation. The present study explores this dilemma by offering potential implications for contemporary religious leaders to communicate more effectively with emerging/emergent generation(s). The author begins this exploration, first, by outlining the philosophical tenants of postmodemism: its epistemological, ontological, and axiological assumptions. Second, the author delineates several key characteristics of postmodern religious communication. Next, the author offers three practical implications for organizational leaders: (1) increased use of personal narrative, (2) removal of hierarchal boundary structures, and (3) increased awareness and appreciation for divergent perspectives. The author concludes this study with directions for future research. 展开更多
关键词 POSTMODERNISM organizational leadership narrative paradigm communication privacy management(CPM) theory coordinated management of meaning (CMM)
Jan Haicksz Steen's Woman at Her Toilet: "Provocative Innuendos"
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1279-1289,共11页
Jan Haicksz Steen (1626-1679), a Dutch actor, poet and painter, engaged the viewer with various innuendos and double entendres in his paintings about Woman at Her Toilet. Decoding the conceits introduces the viewer ... Jan Haicksz Steen (1626-1679), a Dutch actor, poet and painter, engaged the viewer with various innuendos and double entendres in his paintings about Woman at Her Toilet. Decoding the conceits introduces the viewer to Dutch artistic astuteness and popular culture. Steen drew the observer into his picture plane through a series of emblematic vignettes. Although he raised questions about cultural mores, morality, and religiosity, none are judgmental. On the contrary, it is the viewer who might or might not articulate a moral judgment according to personal experiences. For Steen, the imagery, filled with complex conceits, is an artistic visual representation to delight the eyes, tantalize the senses, and maybe even spark the intellect. 展开更多
关键词 Dutch bedrooms innuendos emblematic meaning cultural mores music and vanity symbolism
从存有的层次性看儒学的宗教性 被引量:4
作者 段德智 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第7期29-31,共3页
儒学的宗教性问题一直是近现代中国儒学研究中的一个热点问题。从17世纪以来,至少有三次规模较大的讨论。第一次是17—18世纪的所谓“中国礼仪之争”。这次讨论规模很大,除中国学者外,还包括欧洲的耶稣会、多明我会、方济各会... 儒学的宗教性问题一直是近现代中国儒学研究中的一个热点问题。从17世纪以来,至少有三次规模较大的讨论。第一次是17—18世纪的所谓“中国礼仪之争”。这次讨论规模很大,除中国学者外,还包括欧洲的耶稣会、多明我会、方济各会、奥斯丁会、巴黎对外传教会,以及罗... 展开更多
关键词 儒学的宗教 层次性 宗教现 宗教多元主义 “天” 存有论 宗教之天 自然之天 天主教 宗教信仰
Transformation of the Religious Spatiality in Yucatan: A Look From a Contemporary Perspective
作者 Manual Arturo Kalisch Roman 《Sociology Study》 2014年第5期411-422,共12页
Social transformations have been changed in thinking and observable current religious institutions in contemporary architectural manifestations. Likewise, observed these changes in religious buildings of the past, the... Social transformations have been changed in thinking and observable current religious institutions in contemporary architectural manifestations. Likewise, observed these changes in religious buildings of the past, they were current and contemporary in its own time, which has allowed them to remain in force in its architectural spatiality and its urban relationships, serving as the historical bridge 1;hat allows analyzing the contemporary perspective in Mexico and particularly in Yucatan. The goal of this paper is to carry out a contemporary look to the interior and exterior of the temples in Yucatan colonial architecture to establish the process of change and permanence of spatiality and volumes that have allowed liturgy procedures as well as the way of approach to the sacredness of the Catholic communities from the colonial period to the present day. On the other hand, interest to establish, in particular, as the colonials religious buildings have been maintained in force and have appreciated for religious service to continue and in some cases, as they have given other kinds of services while maintaining its primordial spatiality. 展开更多
关键词 Religious architecture cultural heritage architectural transformations
作者 高师宁 《世界宗教文化》 1997年第3期32-35,31,共5页
范德莱乌的宗教分类高师宁将人类历史上存在过的种种宗教,按照它们在某一方面的共同特征进行分类,是宗教学研究中经常采用的方法。例如地理学的分类,是以宗教在地理上的分布状况为根据。将宗教分为近东宗教、远东宗教、印度宗教、非... 范德莱乌的宗教分类高师宁将人类历史上存在过的种种宗教,按照它们在某一方面的共同特征进行分类,是宗教学研究中经常采用的方法。例如地理学的分类,是以宗教在地理上的分布状况为根据。将宗教分为近东宗教、远东宗教、印度宗教、非洲宗教、美洲宗教、大洋洲宗教、古希... 展开更多
关键词 宗教 伊斯兰教 基督教 宗教现 历史形式 无神论 犹太教 象学 上帝 琐罗亚斯德教
科学不要宗派 思想需要开放─—宗教研究方法谈之二
作者 吕大吉 《世界宗教文化》 1994年第3期30-32,36,共4页
科学不要宗派思想需要开放─—宗教研究方法谈之二吕大吉近代意义的宗教学是在摆脱宗教神学的精神垄断和哲学的规范性研究之后而出现于学术之林的。因此,它一起步就深受实证主义哲学的影响,把自己规定为某种经验科学,倾向于拒绝理论... 科学不要宗派思想需要开放─—宗教研究方法谈之二吕大吉近代意义的宗教学是在摆脱宗教神学的精神垄断和哲学的规范性研究之后而出现于学术之林的。因此,它一起步就深受实证主义哲学的影响,把自己规定为某种经验科学,倾向于拒绝理论思维的规范或指导。在实证主义看来,... 展开更多
关键词 比较宗教 研究方法 宗教现 理论思维 理论和方法 宗教心理学 宗教社会学 形而上学 宗教人类学 宗教
作者 《贵州民族研究》 1987年第1期133-133,共1页
全国科学社会主义学会组织的全国民族理论专题讨论会于1986年11月3日至11月1O日在贵阳召开。会议讨论的中心议题是:“民族地区两个文明建设的理论和实践问题。”会上讨论的内容综述起来,主要有: 1.社会主义时期我国民族问题的实质。代... 全国科学社会主义学会组织的全国民族理论专题讨论会于1986年11月3日至11月1O日在贵阳召开。会议讨论的中心议题是:“民族地区两个文明建设的理论和实践问题。”会上讨论的内容综述起来,主要有: 1.社会主义时期我国民族问题的实质。代表们认为,正确认识这个问题事关重大。是解决我国民族问题的前提。我国现阶段民族问题的实质是事实上的不平等。 展开更多
关键词 国民 专题讨论会 理论问题 少数民族地区经济 宗教现 我国少数民族 科学社会 政治平等 宗教问题 中心议题
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