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作者 秦贤宝 《紫禁城》 1991年第2期46-46,共1页
封建时代,皇后作为“母仪天下”之人有着极崇的地位,过着奢靡的生活。但这些女性也有其凄苦冷寞甚至悲惨的一面。明代一些皇后的不幸遭遇,就是一个很好的写照。有明一代,历经十六帝,发生过四起皇后被废之事。他们或因无子,或因其他妃嫔... 封建时代,皇后作为“母仪天下”之人有着极崇的地位,过着奢靡的生活。但这些女性也有其凄苦冷寞甚至悲惨的一面。明代一些皇后的不幸遭遇,就是一个很好的写照。有明一代,历经十六帝,发生过四起皇后被废之事。他们或因无子,或因其他妃嫔争宠,失去了皇帝的欢心,终至被废,打入冷宫。明宣宗皇后胡氏,在宣宗为皇太孙时被选为妃,宣德初册封为皇后,但多疾无子,“帝殊不喜,每朝太后(仁宗张皇后)必(讠比)后”(《罪惟录》列传卷二)。其时,有孙贵妃者,殊美色,工心计,甚得宣宗宠幸。 展开更多
关键词 宣宗 孙贵妃 罪惟录 皇太孙 母仪天下 世宗 魏忠 无子 土木堡 宗相
《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2003年第18期42-42,共1页
关键词 东土 武术动作 防御力 摩罗 结界 短兵器 宗相 发行公司 神兵 武学
《湖北画报》 2016年第8期91-91,共1页
黄梅禅宗文化园是湖北省委、省政府'省级战略'项目,省市县领导高规格推动,策划规划高起点引领,围绕'禅学、禅修、禅养'开发主线,打造'禅宗文化、生态山水'。2017年,东山法门、禅定园、梵乐宫、东山宫等一批重... 黄梅禅宗文化园是湖北省委、省政府'省级战略'项目,省市县领导高规格推动,策划规划高起点引领,围绕'禅学、禅修、禅养'开发主线,打造'禅宗文化、生态山水'。2017年,东山法门、禅定园、梵乐宫、东山宫等一批重点项目完工并封园运营。重点建设项目投资估算约50亿元,配套建设项目投资约需20亿元。诚待客商合作. 展开更多
关键词 融资计划 重点项目 禅宗文化 禅定 禅修 文化园 道惠 生活智慧 宗相 杨光
作者 解玉华 《黄河.黄土.黄种人》 2015年第3期27-27,共1页
江苏姑娘徐静24岁那年,经人牵线搭桥,与同乡项宗相识。项宗看起来很忠厚。那个年代,忠厚大抵是农村丈母娘择婿的第一要素。还没来得及品尝爱情的滋味,母亲就催促徐静赶紧嫁了。8年里,徐静、项宗和儿子,一家三口平平安安,过着普通人家最... 江苏姑娘徐静24岁那年,经人牵线搭桥,与同乡项宗相识。项宗看起来很忠厚。那个年代,忠厚大抵是农村丈母娘择婿的第一要素。还没来得及品尝爱情的滋味,母亲就催促徐静赶紧嫁了。8年里,徐静、项宗和儿子,一家三口平平安安,过着普通人家最寻常的生活。徐静32岁那年,正在地里务农的项宗突然晕倒,人事不知,从此再也没站起来。 展开更多
关键词 徐静 宗相 三口 弱女子 活着 日夜操劳 弹指一挥 林鸟 喂鸡 生死相依
准·快·好——怎样做数学习题 被引量:2
作者 沈慧仙 《大理大学学报》 CAS 1980年第2期25-27,共3页
在学习数学的过程中,要把书本知识变为真实本领,以备今后为四化贡献力量,就必须加强基础知识的学习和技能技巧的训练。可是,有的学生往往勿视基本训练:有的拿着数学习题解答,只看不作;有的拿着偏题怪题,整天瞑思苦想,结果都收效微小;还... 在学习数学的过程中,要把书本知识变为真实本领,以备今后为四化贡献力量,就必须加强基础知识的学习和技能技巧的训练。可是,有的学生往往勿视基本训练:有的拿着数学习题解答,只看不作;有的拿着偏题怪题,整天瞑思苦想,结果都收效微小;还有的不明确做作业的目的,翻开书本就做,花了大量时间,走了许多弯路,不但不能形成技能技巧,就连该掌握的基本知识都未掌握。要学好数学。 展开更多
关键词 数学习题 诱导公式 解题思路 思考能力 解题步骤 二至 定号 宗相 小知 直线方程
Role of Religion and Media Consumption in National Identity Formation of Youth in Pakistan
作者 Shazia Saeed 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第2期76-86,共11页
This research intends to study the relationship between faith, media exposure, and national identity construction of youth in Pakistan. The purpose is to ascertain the level of influence of foreign and local media con... This research intends to study the relationship between faith, media exposure, and national identity construction of youth in Pakistan. The purpose is to ascertain the level of influence of foreign and local media consumption on national identity formation in terms of collective self-esteem and self-image of youth with high and low level of religiosity. A survey has been conducted from students (n = 321) between the age group of 16-19 living in Lahore. The results of this study revealed that respondents with high religiosity did not prefer to consume foreign media (r = -0.435** p 〈 0.01) whereas they did not show much preference to consume Pakistani media, either (r = 0.138*, p 〈 0.05). The level of religiosity and positive national identity had a strong and significant positive correlation (r = 0.619**, p 〈 0.01). This study also found that those respondents who preferred to consume foreign media texts demonstrated lower self-esteem and negative self-image as Pakistanis as compared to those who did not prefer foreign media consumption (r = -0.427**, p 〈 0.01). The researcher assumed that being Pakistani, a respondent would prefer to consume more national media texts over foreign and would have more positive national identity. However, results did not support this premise (r = 0.159**, p 〈 0.01) due to the fact that the respondents did not show preference to consume Pakistani media at first hand. The study also connects theoretical understanding of faith and identity in Pakistani perspective along with an additional factor of media consumption. Thus, it strengthens the argument that strong faith positively contributes towards consolidating an individual's identity construction process. However, the results demonstrate that media tend to play a limited role in the process of identity construction compared to family and peers among Pakistani youth. 展开更多
关键词 religiosity media consumption national identity ISLAM Pakistani youth
Academic Study of Religion in Universities, Southwest Nigeria: In Search of Social Identity/Relevance
作者 Danoye Oguntola-Laguda 《History Research》 2013年第3期147-153,共7页
Social theorists have engaged religion as a social agent and submitted that it has the capacity to foster positive and negative changes in the society. Milton Yinger, Emile Durkheim, and Karl Marx lead the pack among ... Social theorists have engaged religion as a social agent and submitted that it has the capacity to foster positive and negative changes in the society. Milton Yinger, Emile Durkheim, and Karl Marx lead the pack among other sociologists. The need to therefore interrogate religion as an agent of social engineering cannot be overemphasized normatively and functionally. One of the implications of such engagement is that religion; study and practice need to respond to issues in the society. Basic challenges facing the Nigerian nation are issues of poverty, diseases, corruption, and illiteracy. However, in Nigerian universities, the situation posits that religion is studied with theological intentions based on the curriculum bequeathed by the missionaries that laid the foundation for the academic study of religion in Nigeria leading to exclusive and reductionist approaches to its study. There is also government policy that placed emphasis on science and management courses for development. The situation has led to reduction in students' enrolments for the study of religion in Nigerian universities. Therefore, this paper seeks explanations for the non-functional design(s) of the curriculum for the academic study of religion in universities, southwest of Nigeria. Descriptive and analytic methods were adopted in the study to pursue the thesis that the academic study of religion in Nigeria should be rebranded and repackaged to respond and interrogate social challenges/problems, such as the scourge of HIV/AIDS plaguing the society thereby recreating a new social identity and relevance for its study. 展开更多
关键词 social theorists academic study university social identity and relevance interrogate
The Parable of the Three Rings
作者 Claudio Tugnoli 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期146-154,共9页
Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a ... Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a previous allegory, represented by three gems, one real and two fakes. The religion of the philosophers was born from the hidden meaning of the same allegory: universalism, brotherhood of men as children of the one and only God, the transcendence of a single God that cannot be reduced to any particular representation, and love for one's neighbors. The three sons who receive the inheritance of the ring, given by their father, are all loved by him and all three receive a gem that could be the real one. The similarity of the position of the three sons is equivalent to the moral element shared by the three religions: All those who believe in God and his justice put into practice the fundamental teachings of the philosophers. The meaning of the allegory is evident: None of the three sons can claim with certainty the possession of the real ring, but precisely because of this their faith can remain clear, removed from the temptation of pursuing someone because of that person's religion. 展开更多
关键词 allegory of three rings the true religion transcendence of God the religion of philosophers religioustolerance UNIVERSALISM brotherhood of men
Confessional Radio Stations and Social Communication for Political Change in Africa
作者 Etienne L. Damome 《History Research》 2012年第1期1-14,共14页
The role of religious groups in the political field has arised in Africa in 1990s and despite being less visible it is still active. In fact, this is the climax of a very old process in Africa. Religion always partici... The role of religious groups in the political field has arised in Africa in 1990s and despite being less visible it is still active. In fact, this is the climax of a very old process in Africa. Religion always participates in politics and vice versa. It is therefore not surprising that religious groups take into account political preoccupations in their communication processes. Sometimes they get involved in political debates, particularly when the questions reveal very important choices for the Nation, as it was the case in 1960s and 1990s. But mostly, they get involved in the social field which is, for them, the key to have one foot in political field. However, beyond these considerations, this paper intends to show how the use of media by religious institutions is closely related to their understanding of the relationship between the religion as an institution, and the society. 展开更多
关键词 Confessional radio religious communication social communication social change gospel anddevelopment.
《杂文选刊(下半月)》 2008年第10期41-41,共1页
关键词 就是你 向上爬 羊说 鲁峻 给你 执法监督 优势群体 宗相 陈炜 约束条件
《杂文选刊(下半月)》 2008年第8期41-41,共1页
责人之心常有,责己之心却无。我们常常站在权力的高度谴责下属的无能,站在哲学家的高度谴责他人的浅薄,站在道德的高度谴责他人的是非,站在大师的高度谴责他人的无知,站在大人的高度谴责小孩的幼稚,站在专家的高度谴责他人的偏颇,然后... 责人之心常有,责己之心却无。我们常常站在权力的高度谴责下属的无能,站在哲学家的高度谴责他人的浅薄,站在道德的高度谴责他人的是非,站在大师的高度谴责他人的无知,站在大人的高度谴责小孩的幼稚,站在专家的高度谴责他人的偏颇,然后站在怜悯的高度谴责自己。 展开更多
关键词 个人兴趣爱好 主流价值观 逝水 个人情绪 宗相 尽意 弓长 生存状态 曹建明 善恶标准
《杂文选刊(下半月)》 2008年第11期41-41,共1页
关键词 所累 黑眼圈 平民百姓 情绪体验 为官者 齐人有一妻一妾 滚滚红尘 宗相 劳力者 文尧
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