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军曹鱼线粒体DNA全序列与鲹鱼宗系的系统进化 被引量:3
作者 王中铎 郭昱嵩 +1 位作者 刘楚吾 刘筠 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期229-237,共9页
通过长距PCR法测得军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)全长16758 bp的mtDNA基因组全序列(GenBank登录号:FJ154956和NC_011219),结构组成与其他硬骨鱼类基本一致。Blast获取GenBank数据库的高相似度(score=10055—30213)全序列数据,运用最大... 通过长距PCR法测得军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)全长16758 bp的mtDNA基因组全序列(GenBank登录号:FJ154956和NC_011219),结构组成与其他硬骨鱼类基本一致。Blast获取GenBank数据库的高相似度(score=10055—30213)全序列数据,运用最大简约法、邻位连接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了军曹鱼与其他鱼类的系统发育关系,并采样用松散分子钟(Uncorrected relaxed lognormal clock)对军曹鱼的起源时间进行了估算,结果表明:(1)军曹鱼与鲯鳅科的亲缘关系较参与分析的其他鱼类更为密切(后验概率为0.997),推测军曹鱼大约起源于56百万年(Million years ago,Ma)前的古新世塔内特阶(Thanetian)时期;(2)军曹鱼科、鲯鳅科和印鱼科聚为一支,但其置信度较低(后验概率为0.593),且丝帆鱼科、鲹科分别与鲭科和鲀科鱼类聚为不同分支,因此不支持鲹鱼宗系(Carangoid lineage)为单系群。 展开更多
关键词 军曹鱼 线粒体DNA 系统进化 鲹鱼宗系
《大明会典》《明史》与朝鲜辨诬——以朝鲜王朝宗系辨诬和“仁祖反正”辨诬为中心 被引量:6
作者 杨艳秋 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期79-91,139,共14页
朝鲜王朝的宗系辨诬和"仁祖反正"辨诬是明清时期中朝国交中的重要事件。前者缘起于《皇明祖训》对其先祖世系的误记,以更正《大明会典》中的相关内容为终结。后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《... 朝鲜王朝的宗系辨诬和"仁祖反正"辨诬是明清时期中朝国交中的重要事件。前者缘起于《皇明祖训》对其先祖世系的误记,以更正《大明会典》中的相关内容为终结。后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《明史》中的讹误记录为最终目标。两次辨诬之间的联系与反映出的文化心态折射出了明清时期中朝关系的错综复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 《大明会典》 《明史》 宗系辨诬 “仁祖反正”辨诬
十六世纪朝鲜与明朝之间的“宗系辩诬”与历史书写 被引量:11
作者 黄修志 《外国问题研究》 2017年第4期18-31,共14页
朝鲜王朝自建国伊始就面临严重的合法性危机,宗系问题成为代表性的政治阴影。十六世纪,朝鲜与明朝围绕《大明会典》展开的长达70余年的"宗系辩诬",深刻影响了朝鲜政治进程和两国宗藩关系,这是由朝鲜儒学发展和王权构造所致。... 朝鲜王朝自建国伊始就面临严重的合法性危机,宗系问题成为代表性的政治阴影。十六世纪,朝鲜与明朝围绕《大明会典》展开的长达70余年的"宗系辩诬",深刻影响了朝鲜政治进程和两国宗藩关系,这是由朝鲜儒学发展和王权构造所致。十六世纪既是性理学昌盛的时代,士林派逐渐主导朝廷,也是朝鲜王权式微的时代,王权危机逐步加深。"宗系辩诬"为士林、王权、皇权的利益诉求和政治互动提供了契机:士林派主导了道德话语权,赢得了党派利益;王权塑造了自身正统,缓解了现实困境;皇权加强了内外权威,巩固了宗藩关系。三者共同参与开创了一个辩诬传统,通过改变历史上的不光彩记忆,解决现实中的合法性危机。 展开更多
关键词 十六世纪 宗系辩诬 性理学 王权 《大明会典》
朝鲜王朝对明朝的“宗系之辨”及政治意义 被引量:3
作者 高艳林 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期141-147,共7页
明正德年间刊印的《大明会典》,因用了朱元璋在《皇明祖训》中对朝鲜评价的一句话,引起了朝鲜国王及大臣们的高度关注,他们针对这句话中的"宗系"和"弑四王"两个问题对明朝开始了长时期的奏辨活动。奏辨活动主要集... 明正德年间刊印的《大明会典》,因用了朱元璋在《皇明祖训》中对朝鲜评价的一句话,引起了朝鲜国王及大臣们的高度关注,他们针对这句话中的"宗系"和"弑四王"两个问题对明朝开始了长时期的奏辨活动。奏辨活动主要集中在嘉靖和万历两朝。该活动以万历年间续修的《大明会典》中增加了部分朝鲜宗系奏辨的内容后而告一段落。朝鲜王朝在这场奏辨活动中,不但得到了辨白的机会,也达到了向明朝证明朝鲜王朝的正统性及朝鲜王朝是礼义之邦之目的。明朝对朝鲜的奏辨活动给予积极的回应,在满足朝鲜要求的同时,也进一步巩固了中朝政治一体化关系。 展开更多
关键词 明朝 朝鲜王朝 宗系奏辨
作者 闫晓静 宁建荣 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期29-31,共3页
关键词 明朝 朝鲜 宗系辩诬 外交渠道
作者 郑红英 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第6期32-39,共8页
高丽末期实行的对北元和明朝的"双重外交"使新兴的朝鲜王朝危机重重,其表现之一是"宗系辩诬"。"宗系辩诬",是明朝与朝鲜半岛在建立新政权的过程中,由双方信任危机而引起的。朝鲜与明朝所进行的"宗... 高丽末期实行的对北元和明朝的"双重外交"使新兴的朝鲜王朝危机重重,其表现之一是"宗系辩诬"。"宗系辩诬",是明朝与朝鲜半岛在建立新政权的过程中,由双方信任危机而引起的。朝鲜与明朝所进行的"宗系辩诬"问题,始于1394年(朝鲜太祖三年),终于1588年(明朝万历十五年),持续长达近两个世纪,经过了朝鲜5代国王和26位使臣的19次奏请。最终在《大明会典》第三次修改时,以注释形式方得修正。朝鲜王朝以"宗系辩诬"为契机,确立政权的正统性和合法性,积极展开对明"事大外交",试图探求对明的新的"事大外交"。 展开更多
关键词 朝鲜 明朝 宗系辩诬” “事大外交”
明代朝鲜国宗系辩诬考 被引量:1
作者 闫晓静 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第5期55-58,共4页
关键词 明朝 朝鲜国 宗系辩诬 《大明会典》
朝鲜对《大明会典》宗系辨诬考 被引量:1
作者 王玉蝶 《鞍山师范学院学报》 2015年第3期13-18,共6页
朝鲜王朝的宗系辨诬是中朝两国国交中的重要历史事件,对两国都产生了深远影响。尤其是朝鲜对明朝时期官修的《大明会典》的宗系辨诬,更是两国外交关系中的重要一环,这主要缘于《大明会典》对朝鲜王朝先祖世系的误记。朝鲜为此展开了艰... 朝鲜王朝的宗系辨诬是中朝两国国交中的重要历史事件,对两国都产生了深远影响。尤其是朝鲜对明朝时期官修的《大明会典》的宗系辨诬,更是两国外交关系中的重要一环,这主要缘于《大明会典》对朝鲜王朝先祖世系的误记。朝鲜为此展开了艰难的交涉,经过朝鲜中宗、明宗、宣祖三朝君主的努力,最终于《大明会典》第三次修订时达到了对《大明会典》宗系误记改正的目的。 展开更多
关键词 朝鲜 明朝 《大明会典》 宗系辨诬
作者 徐文明 《中国宗教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期68-69,共2页
义净《遗书》是研究义净生平事迹的第一手宝贵资料,其中不仅言及其一生经历,还包括其门人宗系,进一步研究《遗书》,对于理清义净宗派意义重大。义净(635-713)是唐代著名的求法高僧之一,也是彪炳史册的四大佛教翻译家之一。在义净的生平... 义净《遗书》是研究义净生平事迹的第一手宝贵资料,其中不仅言及其一生经历,还包括其门人宗系,进一步研究《遗书》,对于理清义净宗派意义重大。义净(635-713)是唐代著名的求法高僧之一,也是彪炳史册的四大佛教翻译家之一。在义净的生平史料中,其《遗书》(载于《贞元新定释教目录》卷十三)为其本人临终亲述,也是研究其生平事迹的第一手资料,值得深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 义净 生平事迹 生平史料 遗书 宗系 翻译家
明代全真教的宗系分化與派字譜的形成 被引量:5
作者 張廣保 《全真道研究》 2011年第1期189-217,共29页
本文綜合近些年來國内外學者對若干全真教宫觀在明代的傳承譜系的個案研究,對明代全真教宗系分化的問題進行系統研究,指出《諸真宗派總簿》、《宗派别》、《道教宗派》等一類在清代出現的載述全真教各宗派傳承譜系的派字詩,至遲可以追... 本文綜合近些年來國内外學者對若干全真教宫觀在明代的傳承譜系的個案研究,對明代全真教宗系分化的問題進行系統研究,指出《諸真宗派總簿》、《宗派别》、《道教宗派》等一類在清代出現的載述全真教各宗派傳承譜系的派字詩,至遲可以追溯至明代中期。它的形成一方面反映了道教尤其是全真教在當時宗系分化的客觀現實,同時也是明代全真教整體認同弱化的表現。這説明在喪失元代的那種强勢政治支持後,明代全真教所呈現的一種新的發展趨勢。 展开更多
关键词 明代全真教 派字譜 宗系分化
作者 薛文波 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1981年第3期77-79,共3页
六、回回姓氏何以马姓居多 “十个回回九个马,另外还有沙、喇、哈”。这是外族概括回回姓氏的两句话。也就说明回回姓氏多来自原姓氏的译音。何以回回马姓居多,这是族内外人士探索的问题。 人多以我国西北地区回回马姓居多。其实在中国... 六、回回姓氏何以马姓居多 “十个回回九个马,另外还有沙、喇、哈”。这是外族概括回回姓氏的两句话。也就说明回回姓氏多来自原姓氏的译音。何以回回马姓居多,这是族内外人士探索的问题。 人多以我国西北地区回回马姓居多。其实在中国任何回回聚居地区,马姓均占绝大多数。我家曾住北京德胜门外马甸,这是个住有三百多户的回回村子,绝大多数是马姓。讹传当地曾有作马行生意之马店,实际上是马姓回回多,因名为马甸。从该村的坟墓碑碣上。 展开更多
关键词 马行 西北地区 丁姓 聚居地区 宗系 新元史 姓氏谱 赐姓 蒙古语族 洪武朝
作者 闻博 《南方文物》 1982年第4期92-93,共2页
根据国务院关于各省、市、自治区要分别情况进行一次文物普查或文物复查工作的指示,我省文物普查全面铺开,并取得可喜成果。 据目前铺开普查的五十七个县(市)的不完全统计,新发现的遗址、遗迹共一千六百多处。
关键词 文物普查 邹维琏 新石器时代晚期 后龙山 宗系 九江县 兵部侍郎 禅师塔 明万历 达观楼
作者 陈靠山 《天水师范学院学报》 1991年第1期66-67,共2页
表观自由空间是植物生理学中一个重要的概念,在说明植物对水分和矿质盐的吸收过程中有着重要意义.盐分和水分只有进入自由空间才能被细胞吸收.自由空间是指在植物组织中存在的一个可以让离子自由进出的空间,在解剖上就是细胞间隙、细胞... 表观自由空间是植物生理学中一个重要的概念,在说明植物对水分和矿质盐的吸收过程中有着重要意义.盐分和水分只有进入自由空间才能被细胞吸收.自由空间是指在植物组织中存在的一个可以让离子自由进出的空间,在解剖上就是细胞间隙、细胞壁和原生质体与细胞壁之间的空隙.显然,自由空间的大小直接测定是困难的,只能用间接的方法测得的值表示其大小,这个值就是表观自由空间(Apparent free Space缩写为AFS). 展开更多
关键词 植物生理学 植物组织 吸收过程 溶质扩散 细胞间隙 一价离子 生理意义 宗系 极性物质 凯氏带
作者 刘夙 《新知客》 2010年第6期122-123,共2页
达尔文教导我们,世界上所有的生命都来自同一个祖先。依照他老人家的说法,动物或许有人会暂且相信,那么植物呢?我们会很容易意识到哺乳动物、鸟类和我们的密切亲缘关系,因为它们的行为和我们的行为太相像了,很容易相互比较。通过野外的... 达尔文教导我们,世界上所有的生命都来自同一个祖先。依照他老人家的说法,动物或许有人会暂且相信,那么植物呢?我们会很容易意识到哺乳动物、鸟类和我们的密切亲缘关系,因为它们的行为和我们的行为太相像了,很容易相互比较。通过野外的仔细观察,我们也可以意识到昆虫有些地方也和我们相似。 展开更多
关键词 达尔文进化论 角斗场 亲缘关系 宗系 延时摄影 当当网 时间概念 时间尺度 共同特性 Lucas
Natural Philosophy, Inventions and Religion in the Correspondence between John Locke and Nicolas Toinard (1678-1704)
作者 Giuliana Di Biase 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第8期724-738,共15页
The paper examines the copious correspondence between the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French intellectual Nicolas Toinard (1629-1706); Locke made the acquaintance of Toinard in Paris in 1677... The paper examines the copious correspondence between the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French intellectual Nicolas Toinard (1629-1706); Locke made the acquaintance of Toinard in Paris in 1677 or early in 1678, and the latter remained his lifelong friend and most assiduous correspondent. An Orleanais and a devout Catholic, Toinard combined an intense interest in the Scriptures with an enthusiasm for experimental science and inventions of every kind; he introduced Locke to all the French official institutions and to a number of private laboratories. Toinard's principal work, Evangeliorum Harmonia Graeco-Latina, was greatly appreciated by Locke for its new method. The paper attempts to explore the bulk of this correspondence in detail, giving an account of the wide range of topics dealt with in the two hundred letters; it is divided into four paragraphs referring, respectively, to the years 1678-1679, 1679-1681, 1681-1686, and1686-1704. The perspective is diachronic; on some occasions, the focus is on a particular topic which is the object of prolonged discussion between the two correspondents. In the conclusion, attention is drawn to the relevance of this correspondence in the context of the 17th century and of Locke's philosophical thought. 展开更多
关键词 astronomic observation MAGNETISM medicine seconds pendulum CALENDAR harmonic writings
Role of Religion and Media Consumption in National Identity Formation of Youth in Pakistan
作者 Shazia Saeed 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第2期76-86,共11页
This research intends to study the relationship between faith, media exposure, and national identity construction of youth in Pakistan. The purpose is to ascertain the level of influence of foreign and local media con... This research intends to study the relationship between faith, media exposure, and national identity construction of youth in Pakistan. The purpose is to ascertain the level of influence of foreign and local media consumption on national identity formation in terms of collective self-esteem and self-image of youth with high and low level of religiosity. A survey has been conducted from students (n = 321) between the age group of 16-19 living in Lahore. The results of this study revealed that respondents with high religiosity did not prefer to consume foreign media (r = -0.435** p 〈 0.01) whereas they did not show much preference to consume Pakistani media, either (r = 0.138*, p 〈 0.05). The level of religiosity and positive national identity had a strong and significant positive correlation (r = 0.619**, p 〈 0.01). This study also found that those respondents who preferred to consume foreign media texts demonstrated lower self-esteem and negative self-image as Pakistanis as compared to those who did not prefer foreign media consumption (r = -0.427**, p 〈 0.01). The researcher assumed that being Pakistani, a respondent would prefer to consume more national media texts over foreign and would have more positive national identity. However, results did not support this premise (r = 0.159**, p 〈 0.01) due to the fact that the respondents did not show preference to consume Pakistani media at first hand. The study also connects theoretical understanding of faith and identity in Pakistani perspective along with an additional factor of media consumption. Thus, it strengthens the argument that strong faith positively contributes towards consolidating an individual's identity construction process. However, the results demonstrate that media tend to play a limited role in the process of identity construction compared to family and peers among Pakistani youth. 展开更多
关键词 religiosity media consumption national identity ISLAM Pakistani youth
A Humanist God? On the troubled Relationship Between Humanism and Religion Today
作者 Marco Russo 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第4期190-195,共6页
The relationship between humanism and religion has always been difficult, since the Renaissance. If we look at the Humanist Associations active today in the world, we find that the relationship has become almost a dec... The relationship between humanism and religion has always been difficult, since the Renaissance. If we look at the Humanist Associations active today in the world, we find that the relationship has become almost a declared war. Religion appears to be the greatest enemy of humanism, i.e., of the humanity. Authentic humanism seems to be exclusively secular and atheistic: you can do good only if there is no God. In this contribution I look at some programmatic documents of Humanist Associations to understand the reasons for this contrast, in the background of secularization. The result is that some criticisms of religion -- its potential for violence and obscurantism -- are historically and theoretically justifiable but partial. Indeed, they show a poor and narrow vision of religion that leads to a narrow view of the human experience. A more complex vision of man requires a more complex vision of religion. A complex vision of man includes the most "irrational" and enigmatic aspects of our being, as love, death, pain, desire, imagination and even freedom and creativity. On this basis we can appropriately understand the historical and existential role of religion. Otherwise, if God is the one painted by humanists, God would not be good, let alone a good humanist. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM RELIGION Humanist Associations SECULARISM secularization complexity existence TRANSCENDENCE
Primordial, Sacred, and Secular Architecture: Jan Patocka's Theory of the Work of Architecture Theory of the Work of Architecture
作者 Milos Sevcik 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期52-60,共9页
The paper deals with Jan Patocka's considerations on architecture. It presents Patocka's concept of space as the union of two sensory fields, the kinaesthetic-tactile and the visual, and it emphasizes that this unio... The paper deals with Jan Patocka's considerations on architecture. It presents Patocka's concept of space as the union of two sensory fields, the kinaesthetic-tactile and the visual, and it emphasizes that this union is considered as the "primordial architecture". According to Patocka's view, the material architecture is only a consequence of the primordial architecture. The paper also follows Patocka's idea of the "sacral transubstantiation". Patocka argues that, traditionally, the construction of a work of architecture is considered as dependent on favourable conditions, on divine consent with such a construction and the movement of divine powers into constructed work. The origin of architecture is thus religious. The paper considers the relations and differences between the sacred and secular architecture. It highlights Patocka's idea that both sacred and secular architecture open a certain world, even thought, the status of the world of sacred architecture differs considerably from that of the world of secular architecture. 展开更多
关键词 Jan Patocka space ARCHITECTURE art
Natural Philosophy, Inventions and Religion in the Correspondence between John Locke and Nicolas Toinard (1678-1704)
作者 Giuliana Di Biase 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第7期569-595,共27页
The paper examines the copious correspondence between the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French intellectual Nicolas Toinard (1629-1706); Locke made the acquaintance of Toinard in Paris in 1677... The paper examines the copious correspondence between the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French intellectual Nicolas Toinard (1629-1706); Locke made the acquaintance of Toinard in Paris in 1677 or early in 1678, and the latter remained his lifelong friend and most assiduous correspondent. An Orl6anais and a devout Catholic, Toinard combined an intense interest in the Scriptures with an enthusiasm for experimental science and inventions of every kind; he introduced Locke to all the French official institutions and to a number of private laboratories. Toinard's principal work, Evangeliorum Harmonia Graeco-Latina, was greatly appreciated by Locke for its new method. The paper attempts at exploring the bulk of this correspondence in detail, giving an account of the wide range of topics dealt with in the two hundred letters; it is divided into four paragraphs referring, respectively, to the years 1678-1679, 1679-1681, 1681-1686, and1686-1704. The perspective is diachronic; in some occasions, the focus is on a peculiar topic which is the object of prolonged discussion between the two correspondents. In the conclusion, attention is drawn to the relevance of this correspondence in the context of the 17th century and of Locke's philosophical thought. 展开更多
关键词 astronomic observation MAGNETISM medicine seconds pendulum CALENDAR harmonic writings
Poetic Religiosity in Brazilian Urban Peripheries
作者 Marcos Henrique de Oliveira Nicolini 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第4期205-222,共18页
Starting from the observation of a greater religious pluralism of the Brazilian society, we ask ourselves, in the f'trst instance, if it is a movement does not present itself as a paradigmatic change. That is, if as ... Starting from the observation of a greater religious pluralism of the Brazilian society, we ask ourselves, in the f'trst instance, if it is a movement does not present itself as a paradigmatic change. That is, if as beliefs underlying social relations in a binary world of identity exclusions would not be in a process of weakening, allowing us to perceive new ways of latent arrangements. In a second instance, after recognizing that plurality requires recognition of the freedoms of belief and expression, we question the limits of such freedom point to a cosmopolitan ethics. For that matter, we take as reference in the non-religions in the Brazilian urban peripheries. 展开更多
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