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民国江苏省立女蚕校官产学用合作的现代启示 被引量:1
作者 朱跃 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2013年第16期78-81,共4页
民国江苏省立女蚕校坚持教、实、行政联合,以促进蚕丝业革新为己任,开创了苏南地区蚕种场毗连兴盛之盛况,实现了一个学校带动一方经济的格局。民国江苏省立女蚕校开创的为地方经济发展服务的"女蚕"模式,对于当今高校推动"... 民国江苏省立女蚕校坚持教、实、行政联合,以促进蚕丝业革新为己任,开创了苏南地区蚕种场毗连兴盛之盛况,实现了一个学校带动一方经济的格局。民国江苏省立女蚕校开创的为地方经济发展服务的"女蚕"模式,对于当今高校推动"政产学研用"深度融合,走协同创新之路,促进资源共享,努力为建设创新型国家作出积极贡献具有重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 女蚕校 官产学用合作 启示
从新都桂湖的经费来源看古代官产园林的经营方式 被引量:1
作者 张渝新 《四川文物》 2004年第6期52-55,共4页
关键词 新都桂湖 经费来源 官产园林 经营方式
《技术与市场》 1997年第8期7-7,共1页
电子五官产品电子嘴巴美国科学家制造出一种电子嘴巴,这种会说话的“嘴巴”,实际上是一种微型电声装置,把它埋在手表里会告诉你时间;装在秤里会报出单价、重量;放在打字机里能把文稿内容向你念上一遍。这种会说话的商品给人类生活... 电子五官产品电子嘴巴美国科学家制造出一种电子嘴巴,这种会说话的“嘴巴”,实际上是一种微型电声装置,把它埋在手表里会告诉你时间;装在秤里会报出单价、重量;放在打字机里能把文稿内容向你念上一遍。这种会说话的商品给人类生活增添了无穷地乐趣。电子鼻子德国研制... 展开更多
关键词 电子鼻 电子耳 官产 工作原理 电子舌 便携式计算机 啤酒的酿造 管道泄漏 地下管道 脂质薄膜
广州官产投变事件中的革命政府与地方社会 被引量:4
作者 沈成飞 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期86-100,191,共15页
1923年初,孙中山第三次开府广州,建立大元帅大本营。其间,客军盘踞省垣,控制税捐,孙中山坐困愁城。在此非常时期,为从财政上支持大元帅府讨伐沈鸿英、东征陈炯明与北伐统一的事业,孙科治下之广州市政厅以投变广州官产的方式进行筹款;然... 1923年初,孙中山第三次开府广州,建立大元帅大本营。其间,客军盘踞省垣,控制税捐,孙中山坐困愁城。在此非常时期,为从财政上支持大元帅府讨伐沈鸿英、东征陈炯明与北伐统一的事业,孙科治下之广州市政厅以投变广州官产的方式进行筹款;然而其手段显有强取之嫌,一度造成社会秩序混乱,市民啧有烦言。此举对广州革命政府形象、民众对政府的认同、地方社会发展及政局稳定均产生较为负面的影响;但官产投变收入为大元帅府的正常运作,及讨沈、征陈和北伐军事斗争,提供了基本的财力支持,顺应了近代中国革命统一的历史大势,具有进步意义。 展开更多
关键词 革命政府 广州市政厅 官产投变 孙中山 地方社会
官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经济政策 被引量:3
作者 徐建生 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期36-49,共14页
官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经济政策徐建生民国建立开辟了近代史新的纪元。然而,这一不同于以往改朝换代的巨变,在除旧布新的过程中,同样要面对前朝的遗留。如何处置前清遗产的一部分——官产和官业,便成为民初政府制定和实... 官产官业处置、收归国有取向与民初经济政策徐建生民国建立开辟了近代史新的纪元。然而,这一不同于以往改朝换代的巨变,在除旧布新的过程中,同样要面对前朝的遗留。如何处置前清遗产的一部分——官产和官业,便成为民初政府制定和实施经济政策首先面临的实际问题。民初... 展开更多
关键词 民国 官产官业处置 收归国有 民国初期 经济政策
民国时期湖北官产清理问题研究 被引量:1
作者 冯兵 《档案》 2014年第6期24-28,共5页
人类社会发展过程中,财产是生产、生活的基本要件,是人们竞相追逐的主要利益。相对个人,政府于财产权利的追求成为解决财政困顿与增强统治实力的重要动力。民国时期,伴随着政局日趋复杂与政府财政急迫需求,湖北省府对公有财产权力谋求... 人类社会发展过程中,财产是生产、生活的基本要件,是人们竞相追逐的主要利益。相对个人,政府于财产权利的追求成为解决财政困顿与增强统治实力的重要动力。民国时期,伴随着政局日趋复杂与政府财政急迫需求,湖北省府对公有财产权力谋求日趋强烈,诉索官产成为政府应对之突出问题。于是,通过在全省开展颇具规模的官产清理活动,明晰了境内官产数量、范围,理清了官产卷宗,使官民均受其利,亦为之后各地公产清理提供了历史镜鉴。 展开更多
关键词 官产 清理 民国时期 湖北
国家政权建设与民国时期广州城市土地产权变迁(1911—1935) 被引量:4
作者 黄素娟 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期134-153,共20页
本文从国家政权建设视角探讨民国时期广州城市土地产权的变迁。辛亥革命后,广东军政府通过政权更迭取得了承袭公有土地的合法性,并用法律规章明确划分出官产,以区别于私有产权。广州市政厅成立后,为了明确省、市政府在税收中的权限范围... 本文从国家政权建设视角探讨民国时期广州城市土地产权的变迁。辛亥革命后,广东军政府通过政权更迭取得了承袭公有土地的合法性,并用法律规章明确划分出官产,以区别于私有产权。广州市政厅成立后,为了明确省、市政府在税收中的权限范围,提出"市产"之名,在市区范围的公有和共有性质的产业随之都被纳入"市产"的范围。通过铺底登记,市政府在一定程度上间接实现了对双重产权的管理。最后,政府通过设立土地局进行土地登记,以实现私有土地的产权确认,进而征收土地税。至此,现代国家政府与民众在土地事务上重新确立了契约关系,城市土地产权管理体系初步确立。 展开更多
关键词 国家政权建设 城市土地产权 官产 双重产权 土地登记
作者 林争红 陈瑞琼 +2 位作者 黄璇 陈毕兰 黄少玲 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2000年第S1期58-50,共2页
目的 探讨新式剖宫产术的优点。方法 对225例有剖宫产指征的产妇随机分二组,分别采用新式、子宫下段剖宫产术,对术中、术后情况进行观察对比。结果 手术时间:新式与子宫下段剖官产相比较有较显著差异(P<0.01),出血量、排气时间、术... 目的 探讨新式剖宫产术的优点。方法 对225例有剖宫产指征的产妇随机分二组,分别采用新式、子宫下段剖宫产术,对术中、术后情况进行观察对比。结果 手术时间:新式与子宫下段剖官产相比较有较显著差异(P<0.01),出血量、排气时间、术后病率等新式与子宫下段剖官产相比较均有较显著差异(P<0,01)。结论 新式剖宫产手术时间短、出血少、损伤小、术后恢复快,可在临床上推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 新式部官产 剖宫产 应用
青岛武术研究之七 青岛国术馆筹建馆址与落成典礼
作者 王开文 《中华武术》 2020年第8期26-28,共3页
1929年,筹备状态中的青岛国术馆,借用育英小学招待室临时办公。8月中旬,国术馆设法寻觅馆址,查访商河路官产楼房一所,归属第五军办事处;恩县路官产118号21楼房产一所,归属港务局党义研究会;甘肃路港务局工人宿舍,住有少数工人,屋前附有... 1929年,筹备状态中的青岛国术馆,借用育英小学招待室临时办公。8月中旬,国术馆设法寻觅馆址,查访商河路官产楼房一所,归属第五军办事处;恩县路官产118号21楼房产一所,归属港务局党义研究会;甘肃路港务局工人宿舍,住有少数工人,屋前附有空地。国术馆董事李郁亭呈请市府酌令让拨一处,作为馆址。 展开更多
关键词 武术研究 一所 甘肃路 国术馆 官产
作者 曾金胜 《时代潮》 2006年第1期24-25,共2页
关键词 经济增长方式 品牌中国 自主知识产权 航空技术 飞机制造业 世界加工厂 中国工业经济 中国制造 官产
Effect of Endophytic Fungi AL12 on the Metabolites Distribution in Organs of Atraetylodes lancea 被引量:1
作者 高映雪 李蕾 戴传超 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期798-803,共6页
[Objective] To examine the effect of endophytic fungi ALl2 (Gilmaniella sp.) on metabolites distribution in organs of Atractylodes lancea. [Method] Endophytic fungi ALl2 was inoculated on Atraetylodes lancea plantle... [Objective] To examine the effect of endophytic fungi ALl2 (Gilmaniella sp.) on metabolites distribution in organs of Atractylodes lancea. [Method] Endophytic fungi ALl2 was inoculated on Atraetylodes lancea plantlets in tissue culture, and the distribution of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, soluble sugar in leaves and roots of the inoculated group were detected. The weight of leaves and roots were compared. Gas Chromatography was used to analyze the volatile oil components. [Result] Compared with the control group, the average fresh weight and dry weight of leaves and roots of A. lancea which had been symbiosed with ALl2 increased significantly. The content of lignin and soluble sugar increased in the leaves of the inoculated group, and the content of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, soluble sugar and volatile oil also increased in roots. [Conclusion] The results indicate that symbiosed with ALl2 is benefit for the development of A. lancea roots and can promote the transfer and accumulation of the medicinal components to the roots. 展开更多
关键词 Atractylodes lancea Endophytic fungi METABOLITE Organ allocation
Facilitating Trade in Organic Food Products: The Case of India and ASEAN
作者 Arpita Mukherjee Avantika Kapoor 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2018年第4期253-265,共13页
This paper discusses how India and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries can increase their trade in organic food products. With rise in demand for organic food products globally, India and select... This paper discusses how India and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries can increase their trade in organic food products. With rise in demand for organic food products globally, India and select ASEAN member countries have become key producers and exporters of organic food products. Trade in organic food products is governed by regulations, standards, certification and accreditation procedures, which enables differentiation of organic products from conventional products. Organic standards ensure premium price for the farmers and producers, while consumers are assured of authenticity of the product. Standards can act as a barrier to trade as regulations governing organic food products can vary across countries. Some countries are also in process of developing regulations. This paper discusses the role of different multilateral agencies in designing standards and how countries can address issues of difference in standards by signing unilateral and bilateral equivalence arrangements, trade agreements and harmonizing their standards within regional groups. It also discusses how India and ASEAN countries can align their domestic regulations in line with the global best practices so that they can sign equivalence arrangements to enhance their exports. The paper concludes that measures such as coming up with a comprehensive definition of "organic", having a uniform standard for organic products encompassing domestic market and trade, having a single nodal agency for both domestic market and exports, developing organic clusters and reducing the cost of third-party certification will help enhance trade in India and ASEAN, and enable these countries to access third country markets. 展开更多
关键词 ASEAN equivalence arrangement INDIA organic food product TRADE agriculture.
Influence of Aloe Gel Enrichment on the Physicochemical, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Dahi
作者 R. Pushkala N. Srividya 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第2期141-153,共13页
Aloe gel, derived from Aloe vera plant is well known for its nutraceutical potential, It is available commercially as a juice with poor sensory quality. The therapeutic benefits of Aloe gel could be extended to food p... Aloe gel, derived from Aloe vera plant is well known for its nutraceutical potential, It is available commercially as a juice with poor sensory quality. The therapeutic benefits of Aloe gel could be extended to food products concomitantly improving its acceptability. Dahi/curd is an Asian fermented dairy product that enjoys tremendous mass appeal. The objective of the present study was to formulate dahi enriched with Aloe gel (AG) as a functional ingredient and to study its effect on the quality of dahi. Plain dahi was prepared by addition of 2.5% skimmed milk powder (SMP) and suitable starter to milk. For the preparation of AG enriched dahi, SMP was replaced by AG at different levels (0.1-0.25%). The products were evaluated for moisture, pH, titrable acidity (TA), whey syneresis (WS), total solid content (TS), water holding capacity (WHC), total yield (TY), whiteness index (WI), and viscosity. Microbial analysis and sensory evaluation were also carried out. Enrichment of dahi with AG was found to improve its quality characteristics by causing a significant reduction in WS and an increase in TA, TS, WHC, TY, WI and viscosity. AG dahi recorded good sensory acceptability. Storage study also indicated AG dahi to perform better in terms of the various parameters studied. The present investigation suggests the feasibility of adding Aloe gel powder as a functional ingredient to dahi to enhance product quality as well as its nutritional and therapeutic potency. It could be commercially exploited as a novel product. 展开更多
关键词 Aloe gel DAHI CURD whey syneresis fermented dairy product spray dried Aloe gel powder.
The Effect of Infestation by the Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium Confusum Duv.) on Specifications of Wheat Flour
作者 Osama Saeed Mohammad Wand Khalis Ali Abdul-minom Tais Al-Hulitan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期696-701,共6页
The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of infestation by the confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum on the specification of flour and its product. The results of this work showed that infestatio... The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of infestation by the confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum on the specification of flour and its product. The results of this work showed that infestation by the confused flour beetle with 5 pairs of adult stage and its progeny within 3 months period may cause high deterioration and damaged of the flour specification. The people in lraq get their flour from some official and non-official mills which they produce not so good quality of this flour in addition to which it contains some times an infestation with the two species of the flour beetles T. castaneum and T. confusum, when people do not use this quantity as quickly as possible during this period of storage, the beetles will be increased in numbers and make the flour unacceptable for any kind of pastes or bread. The infestation by this beetle causes great pollution to the flour by the ecdysial of larvae and a bad smell that it leaves on the flour and all its products. 展开更多
关键词 Storage pest wheat flour specifications.
Application of Sensory Evaluation in the Concealer Product Research
作者 Ping Ma Gang Huo Wenqiang Lin 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2016年第1期64-67,共4页
Sensory evaluation is the most appropriate approach to describe the sensory perception of cosmetics, anddescriptive profiling has been a popular sensory technique for cognitive descriptions of products. This study eva... Sensory evaluation is the most appropriate approach to describe the sensory perception of cosmetics, anddescriptive profiling has been a popular sensory technique for cognitive descriptions of products. This study evaluated 33 models of BB/CC creams and analyzed the data with biostatistic method; thus, the results provided a better understanding of sensory characteristic for researchers. 展开更多
关键词 sensory evaluation skin feeling SPREADABILITY moisturizing
Proximate Composition Determination and Sensory Evaluation of "Donkwa" Produced from a Blend of Tigernuts and Groundnut
作者 Johnson Akinwumi Adejuyitan Ezekiel Tejumola Otunola Sogo James Olatunde Bosede Feyisetan Babatunde 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第7期581-585,共5页
The effect of preparing "donkwa" from a blend of tigernut and groundnut at different proportion (90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 50:50 (tigernut:groundnut)) was evaluated on the proximate composition and sensory qu... The effect of preparing "donkwa" from a blend of tigernut and groundnut at different proportion (90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 50:50 (tigernut:groundnut)) was evaluated on the proximate composition and sensory qualities. This was compared with a sample of "donkwa" prepared by the popular method from a blend of maize and groundnut. The results revealed the protein content range of 21.84%-23.67% with tigernut based "donkwa", while the protein content of maize based "donkwa" was 21.60% at 50:50 (maize:groundnut) ratio. The highest value was also recorded for fiber content with maize based "donkwa" (50:50) which was 3.63% with no significant difference from the value obtained from tigernut based "donkwa" at 90:10 (tigernut:groundnut) ratio which was 3.25%. The sensory qualities revealed that the tigernut based "donkwa" compared favourably with the maize based "donkwa" with indication that there was no significant difference in terms of colour among the samples. There was significant difference among the samples in terms of taste, texture, flavour and general acceptability with the maize based "donkwa" most preffered in terms texture and general acceptability. In conclusion, the results obtained show the possibility of preparing "donkwa" from tigernut to give a nutritious and highly acceptable product. 展开更多
关键词 Tigernut utilization MAIZE donkwa SNACKS proximate composition acceptability.
Tissue distribution and excretion of ^(125)I-lidamycin in mice and rats 被引量:1
作者 You-PingLiu Quan-ShengLi +1 位作者 Yu-RongHuang Chang-XiaoLiu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第21期3281-3284,共4页
AIM: To investigate the tissue distribution, urinary and fecal excretions of 125I-lidamycin (125I-C-1027) in mice and its biliary excretion in rats. METHODS:The total radioactivity assay (RA method) and the radioactiv... AIM: To investigate the tissue distribution, urinary and fecal excretions of 125I-lidamycin (125I-C-1027) in mice and its biliary excretion in rats. METHODS:The total radioactivity assay (RA method) and the radioactivity assay after precipitation with 200 mL/L trichloroacetic add (TCA-RA method) were used to dete-rmine the tissue distribution,and the urinary and fecal excretions of 125I-C-1027 in mice and its biliary excretion in rats. RESULTS:Tissue concentrations reached the peak at the fifth minute after administration of 125I-C-1027 to mice. The highest concentration was in kidney, and the lowest in brain at all test-time points. The organs of the concentrations of 125I-C-1027 from high to low were kidney, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, uterus, ovary, intestine, muscle, heart, testis, fat, and brain in mice. The accumulative excretion amounts of 0-24 h, and 0-96 h after administration of 125I-C-1027 were 68.36 and 71.64% in urine, and 2.60 and 3.21% in feces of mice, respectively, and the accumulative excretion amount of 0-24 h was 3.57% in bile in rats. CONCLUSION: Our results reflect the characteristics of the tissue distribution, urinary and fecal excretions of 125I-C-1027 in mice and the biliary excretion of 125I-C-1027 and its metabolites in rats, and indicate that 125I-C-1027 and its metabolites are mainly distributed in kidney, and excreted in urine. 展开更多
关键词 Distribution EXCRETION LIDAMYCIN C-1027 RA method TCA-RA method
Computer Supported Sensory Profiling Analysis of Three Agaricus Cultivars
作者 Andras Geosel Laszlo Sipos +2 位作者 Brian McGuinness Julia Gyorfi Zoltan Kokai 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第7期575-579,共5页
The sensory profile analysis is a commonly used method in the evaluation of directly consumed horticultural products (fruits, vegetables, grapes etc.). The results of this type of analysis give an opportunity to dis... The sensory profile analysis is a commonly used method in the evaluation of directly consumed horticultural products (fruits, vegetables, grapes etc.). The results of this type of analysis give an opportunity to distinguish the evaluated products from each other from a consumption point of view. In this paper, three Agaricus species ("white button mushroom", "cream type" and "almond portobello"), were characterized by sensory profile analysis. The sensory attributes can have an influence on consumer product preference therefore it is essential to describe products, for example mushrooms. This is the first report which focus on describing the full sensory profile of these fresh mushrooms. 展开更多
关键词 Agaricus blazei Agaricus subrufescens Agaricus bisporus MUSHROOM profile analysis.
Producing Arabic Bread Enriched with Minerals and Protein
作者 Mustafa Satouf May Al-Kateb 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第7期388-394,共7页
This research aims to produce Arabic bread enriched with iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and protein by the addition of ingredients such as parsley powder, oats, grape seeds, soybean meal, wheat germ, and milk powder. I... This research aims to produce Arabic bread enriched with iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and protein by the addition of ingredients such as parsley powder, oats, grape seeds, soybean meal, wheat germ, and milk powder. In this study, for enriched bread samples sensory evaluation, chemical and mineral composition determination and microbiological tests were carried out. The sensory evaluation of breads showed that both mixtures, which were enriched with grape seeds, oats, and wheat germs, have excellent quality. The chemical tests showed that the enriched breads have high fat, ash, fiber, and protein when compared with normal Arabic bread. It was noticed that the consumption of three enriched Arabic bread loaves gives us about 78.9% from our daily need of zinc, whereas the unenriched bread gives us only 48.8%, about 82.2% from our daily needs of copper, whereas the normal bread gives us only 58.8%, and 93.9% from our daily need of iron, whereas the normal bread gives us only 71.2%. 展开更多
关键词 Arabic bread ENRICHMENT MINERALS OATS grape seeds parsley.
Research on the coordination of the urbanization level and the economic development in China
作者 Xue Tingting Wu Na 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期53-56,共4页
At present, part of the local government officials who like to do grandiose things to impress people blindly promote the development of the real estate, resulting in the gap with the population migration, so many ghos... At present, part of the local government officials who like to do grandiose things to impress people blindly promote the development of the real estate, resulting in the gap with the population migration, so many ghost towns are born. In addition, while building the local infrastructure of some of the districts, they also ignore the problem of the rational allocation of their own financial funds. Visibly, the implementation of the coordination between the two will help make China's urbanization level advancing in the health and right directions. 展开更多
关键词 Urbanization level economic development COORDINATION RESEARCH
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