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作者 张振兴 伍巍 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第4期33-34,共2页
桂林师专学报编辑部: 承赠<桂林师专学报>2005年1-3期已经收到.我仔细拜读了桂北平话栏目的所有论文,觉得都很好,感到非常高兴.
关键词 桂北平话 学报编辑 官平 全体编辑人员 汉语语言学 方言语音 核心刊物 研究成果 李荣先 广东文化
为什么必须控制大气汞污染? 被引量:1
作者 张杰 《环境经济》 2016年第1期85-85,共1页
联合国环境规划署发布的数据显示,全球每年向大气排放5500吨~8900吨汞,人为汞源释放量约占总汞释放量的30%。我国被认为是全球大气汞排放量较多的国家之一,在许多大中城市,大气汞处于较高的污染水平。中国环境科学学会秘书长任官平说,... 联合国环境规划署发布的数据显示,全球每年向大气排放5500吨~8900吨汞,人为汞源释放量约占总汞释放量的30%。我国被认为是全球大气汞排放量较多的国家之一,在许多大中城市,大气汞处于较高的污染水平。中国环境科学学会秘书长任官平说,灰霾中含有包括汞在内的重金属占比不到1%,但是这些重金属是致毒、致癌有害物质。 展开更多
关键词 释放量 人为源 中国工程院院士 灰霾 污染水平 官平 总汞 汞污染 有色冶金 减排潜力
作者 吕荣波 《高等农业教育》 1988年第2期43-45,共2页
去年暑假,我参加系里组织的社会考察团,来到地处湘西的武陵山区学习、考察。虽然仅仅是20多天的时间,但我的感触颇多,收获很大。 我是一个从小学门到初中、高中门,并有幸在亲朋的赞扬声中、同龄人羡慕的目光中迈入大学校门的学生。
关键词 武陵山区 学校门 赞扬声 农业生产 富民政策 我自己 粮食单产 迟疑不定 官平 四面环山
《科技传播》 2011年第19期32-32,共1页
关键词 官平 中国科普研究所 王泽林 中国科协 易斌 素质纲要 中国环境科学 地理研究所 公民科学素质 航空
A Study of Fructification Quantitative Characteristics of Spartina alterniflora Lossel in Mangroves 被引量:7
作者 覃盈盈 梁士楚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期101-104,共4页
[Objective] The countermeasure on the number of fructification of Spartina alterniflora in the period of sexual reproduction and the component of seed yielding construction was explored.[Method] The Spartina altemiflo... [Objective] The countermeasure on the number of fructification of Spartina alterniflora in the period of sexual reproduction and the component of seed yielding construction was explored.[Method] The Spartina altemiflora in Mangroves conservation zone located at Hepu of Guangxi being taken as experimental material, its morphological and quantitative characteristics, as well as the weight of 100 full seeds at maturity stage in three different growth conditions( clay, loam and sand) were studied. [ Results] The results showed that Spartina alterniflora had the best growth pattern in the loam. The morphological factors of fructification of S. altemiflora grown in sand were larger then in others. In the three growth conditions the order of quantitative characteristics of fructification of S. alterniflora was clay 〉 sand 〉 loam and the seeds in spikelet at top position were more maturity than those at the button position. [ Conclusion] In good condition, the Spartina altemiflora growth was vigor but the ratio of seed-setting was low. 展开更多
关键词 Spartina altemiflora Different habitat FRUCTIFICATION Quantitative characteristics
作者 林正秋 《杭州(生活品质)》 2015年第5期47-47,共1页
孝子坊,又名周孝子弄。南起清波街西段,北至河坊街的西段,与荷花池头相对,长约一百六十米,宽约三米,是一条沥青铺面的小巷。这条巷以孝子命名。那这位孝子是谁呢?孝子是北宋理学家周敦颐的孙子周之官,他避金兵而南迁杭州至此居住。《... 孝子坊,又名周孝子弄。南起清波街西段,北至河坊街的西段,与荷花池头相对,长约一百六十米,宽约三米,是一条沥青铺面的小巷。这条巷以孝子命名。那这位孝子是谁呢?孝子是北宋理学家周敦颐的孙子周之官,他避金兵而南迁杭州至此居住。《杭郡诗辑》载:南逃至杭州,家产全无,仅保留元祖公像,在艰难之时,仍以祖像为重,虽多污渍痕迹,依稀可辨“宋玺及董元宰题字”。 展开更多
关键词 荷花池 诗辑 北至 子坊 街西 博学宏词 一百六 药栏 祖像 官平
作者 培岳 《江淮法治》 2015年第10期30-31,共2页
关键词 故意杀人罪 窝藏罪 缓期二年执行 李定强 一审判决 情孽 官平 沙路 胡平 剥夺政治权利
作者 《广东园林》 2016年第2期42-42,共1页
3月29日,以"尽心致美同心同行"为主题的铁汉生态成立十五周年暨上市五周年庆典在深圳华侨城洲际大酒店举行。中科院院士、南方科技大学校长陈十一,南方科技大学副校长王茤祥,中国环境科学学会副理事长、秘书长任官平,湖北省文化厅副... 3月29日,以"尽心致美同心同行"为主题的铁汉生态成立十五周年暨上市五周年庆典在深圳华侨城洲际大酒店举行。中科院院士、南方科技大学校长陈十一,南方科技大学副校长王茤祥,中国环境科学学会副理事长、秘书长任官平,湖北省文化厅副厅长陶宏家,江苏省宿迁市政协副主席华志明等300余位嘉宾受邀出席,共同见证了铁汉生态15年的荣耀与辉煌,展望了铁汉生态未来的梦想与方向。 展开更多
关键词 南方科技大学 政协副主席 中科院院士 中国环境科学 致美 江苏省宿迁市 学会副理事长 深圳华侨城 副校长 官平
Tissue-engineered graft constructed by self-derived cells and heterogeneous acellular matrix 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Hui-min WU Shao-feng REN Hong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期351-356,共6页
Background: Endothelial and smooth muscle cells were used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix was used as scaffold to construct the tissue-engineered graft. Methods: A 2 weeks piglet was selected... Background: Endothelial and smooth muscle cells were used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix was used as scaffold to construct the tissue-engineered graft. Methods: A 2 weeks piglet was selected as a donor of seeding cells. Two-centimetre length of common carotid artery was dissected. Endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were harvested by trypsin and collagenase digestion respectively. The isolated cells were cultured and expanded using routine cell culture technique. An adult sheep was used as a donor of acellularized matrix. The thoracic aorta was harvested and processed by a multi-step decellularizing technique to remove the original cells and preserve the elastic and collagen fibers. The cultured smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells were then seeded to the acellularized matrix and incubated in vitro for another 2 weeks. The cell seeded graft was then transplanted to the cell-donated piglet to substitute part of the native pulmonary artery. Results: The cultured cells from piglet were characterized as endothelial cells by the presence of specific antigens vWF and CD31, and smooth muscle cells by the presence of specific antigen a-actin on the cell surface respectively with immunohistochemical technique. After decellularizing processing for the thoracic aorta from sheep, all the cellular components were extracted and elastic and collagen fibers kept their original morphology and structure. The maximal load of acellular matrix was decreased and 20% lower than that of untreated thoracic aorta, but the maximal tensions between them were not different statistically and they had similar load-tension curves. Three months after transplantation, the animal was sacrificed and the graft was removed for observation. The results showed that the inner surfaces of the graft were smooth, without thrombosis and calcification. Under microscopy, a great number of growing cells could be seen and elastic and collagen fibers were abundant. Conclusion: Cultured self-derived endothelial and smooth muscle cells could be used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix could be used as scaffold in constructing tissue-engineered graft. 展开更多
关键词 Tissue engineering Self-derived cells Heterogeneous acellularized matrix Transplantation
Production and Evaluaton of Yoghurt Flavoured with Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L,)
作者 Mbaeyi-Nwaoha Ifeoma Elizabeth Nwachukwu Godstar Onyinyechi 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第10期583-592,共10页
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) was pulped to get the juice. The juice was given heat treatment. Yoghurt was formulated and flavored with prepared beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) juice at different concentration levels (... Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) was pulped to get the juice. The juice was given heat treatment. Yoghurt was formulated and flavored with prepared beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) juice at different concentration levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mL). The most preferred flavored yoghurt samples were obtained by sensory scores (color, flavor, mouth feel, aftertaste and overall acceptability). The most preferred sample was then subjected to proximate, physico-chemical, microbiological and micro-nutrient analysis. The result obtained showed that the pH value ranged between 6.5 and 7.8. Thus, this showed that the product was quite good. However, ash and moisture content increased with addition of the beetroot juice, while micro-nutrient, (Mg, Na, K, Ca and Vitamin C) increased with the addition of the juice. There was no significant difference (P 〉 0.05) in the overall acceptability of all products. There was no coliform and mould growth in all the samples. The best concentration level in the samples was 90 mL of yoghurt and 10 mL of beetroot juice. Therefore, the beetroot flavored yoghurt could be said to be nutritious, safe and an acceptable product by the panelists. 展开更多
关键词 Beetroot YOGHURT sensory properties micronutrients.
Effect of NaOH treatment on combustion performance of Xilinhaote lignite 被引量:5
作者 Liu Xiangchun Feng Li +2 位作者 Song Lingling Wang Xinhua Zhang Ying 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期51-55,共5页
The combustion characteristics of NaOH treated and untreated Xilihaote lignite was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis.The relationship between physico-chemical properties,including the ash content,oxygen-conta... The combustion characteristics of NaOH treated and untreated Xilihaote lignite was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis.The relationship between physico-chemical properties,including the ash content,oxygen-containing functional groups,mean pore diameter and specific surface area and combustion performance,was also studied in this paper.Combustion kinetic parameters were calculated through Coasts Redfern Method.The results show that ignition of treated samples takes place at higher temperature compared to raw lignite,and peak temperature also occurs at higher temperature.The maximum combustion rate of the sample,which was treated by 0.01 mol/L NaOH lignite,was the biggest.Reaction orders of 0.6,2.0,and 0.8 were found to be effective mechanism for definite three temperature regions.Average activation energies of these three temperature regions of XLHTR,XLHT0.01,XLHT0.50 and XLTH1.00 are 19.17,23.87,10.77,and 10.93 kJ/mol,respectively.Treatment of lignite with NaOH can reduce the reactivity of lignite at proper concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Lignite Alkali treatment Non-isothermal thermogravimetry Combustion performance
Transcriptome of intraperitoneal organs of starry flounder Platichthys stellatus challenged by Edwardsiella ictaluri JCM1680 被引量:2
作者 仝颜丽 孙修勤 +5 位作者 王波 王玲 李妍 田金虎 郑凤荣 郑明刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期20-27,共8页
Platichthys stellatus is an economically important marine bony fish species that is cultured in China on a large scale.However,very little is known about its immune-related genes.In this study,the transcriptome of the... Platichthys stellatus is an economically important marine bony fish species that is cultured in China on a large scale.However,very little is known about its immune-related genes.In this study,the transcriptome of the immune organs ofP.stellatus that were intraperitoneally challenged with the pathogen Edwardsiella ictaluri JCM1680 is analyzed.Total RNA from four tissues(spleen,kidney,liver,and intestine) was mixed equally and then sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform.Overall,28 465 813 quality reads were generated and assembled into 43 061 unigenes.Similarity searches against public protein sequence databases were used to annotate 28 291 unigenes(65.7%of the total),368 of which were associated with immunoregulation,including 188 related to immunity response.Additionally,the transcript levels of immunity response unigenes annotated as related to tumor necrosis factor(TNF),TNF receptor,chemokine,major histocompatibility complex,and interleukin-6 were investigated in the different tissues of normal and infected P.stellatus by real-time quantitative PCR.The results confirmed that the unigenes identified in the transcriptome database were indeed expressed and up-regulated in infected P.stellatus.To our knowledge,this is the first report of the sequencing and analysis of the transcriptome of P.stellatus.These findings provide insights into the transcriptomics and immunogenetics of bony fish. 展开更多
关键词 Platichthys stellatus illumina sequencing TRANSCRIPTOME immunity gene real-time quantitativePCR
作者 宋兴尧 《西南民兵》 2003年第12期23-23,共1页
关键词 全军官兵 辅导材料 党的建设 国防建设 新军事革命 官平 在三 卜力
《全国新书目》 1994年第11期86-86,共1页
大西北博览/胡官平编著.-西安:陕西人民出版社,1993.3.-662页:照片;20cm.-ISBN 7-224-02137-7:$12.80上海滩地名掌故/薛理勇著.-上海:同济大学出版社,1994.1.-445页;19cm.-ISBN 7-5608-1332-1:$9.00长春地理诗话/曹史编著.-长春:吉林教... 大西北博览/胡官平编著.-西安:陕西人民出版社,1993.3.-662页:照片;20cm.-ISBN 7-224-02137-7:$12.80上海滩地名掌故/薛理勇著.-上海:同济大学出版社,1994.1.-445页;19cm.-ISBN 7-5608-1332-1:$9.00长春地理诗话/曹史编著.-长春:吉林教育出版社,1994.1.-193页;19cm.-ISBN 7-5383-2113-6:$3.00河南省新乡县地名志/郑季铭主编;新乡县地名办公室编.-西安:三秦出版社,1993.3.-288页:图;26cm.-ISBN 7-80546-558-4(精装):$35. 展开更多
关键词 区域地理 吉林教育出版社 陕西人民出版社 地名志 三秦出版社 地理志 薛理 郑季 官平
作者 于启山 《河南税务》 2003年第5期40-40,共1页
关键词 国税局 增值税专用发票 除夕之夜 市国家税务局 官平 税务干部 供货方 合同执行 信誉问题 微机系统
Meristem control of leaf patterning 被引量:1
作者 XU Lin 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期315-316,共2页
Plant organs are derived from stem cells.Once a leaf primordium initiates growth from the shoot apical meristem(SAM),it establishes adaxial-abaxial(dorsal-ventral)polarity.This polarity essentially allows the leaf... Plant organs are derived from stem cells.Once a leaf primordium initiates growth from the shoot apical meristem(SAM),it establishes adaxial-abaxial(dorsal-ventral)polarity.This polarity essentially allows the leaf to become a flat structure with the lamina expanding along the juxtaposition,i.e.,the middle domain,between the adaxial and abaxial domains. 展开更多
关键词 polarity expanding dorsal lamina shoot essentially capturing organs auxin ventral
One-step preparation of vinyl-functionalized material surfaces:a versatile platform for surface modification 被引量:2
作者 DU Jun LIU XiaoLi +2 位作者 LIU Wei WU ZhaoQiang CHEN Hong 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期654-660,共7页
A simple approach has been developed to functionalize various substrates, such as gold and polyvinylchloride, with dopamine methacrylamide—a molecule with adhesive properties that mimic those of mussels—to produce a... A simple approach has been developed to functionalize various substrates, such as gold and polyvinylchloride, with dopamine methacrylamide—a molecule with adhesive properties that mimic those of mussels—to produce a versatile and general platform for subsequent surface modification. With active double bonds on the surface, various polymers, such as poly([2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]dimethyl-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium hydroxide(PMEDSAH) and poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)(PVP), can be grafted by conventional radical polymerization. Double bond surface functionalization and subsequent polymer grafting have been verified by static water contact angle, Fourier transform infrared–attenuated total reflectance(FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) measurements. Protein adsorption assays showed that the polymermodified substrates have good protein-resistant properties. Considering the advantages of facility, versatility and substrate- independence, this method should be useful in designing functional interfaces for bioengineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 surface modification DOPAMINE gold POLYVINYLCHLORIDE radical polymerization
Serum zinc level is associated with liver dysfunction caused by white smoke inhalation
作者 Fei Xie Lixin Xie 《Gastroenterology Report》 SCIE EI 2018年第4期304-307,I0002,共5页
Background:White smoke bomb exposure in the military setting could result in organ injuries,which is uncommon and has been rarely described in previous studies.The aim of this study is to observe whether serum zinc le... Background:White smoke bomb exposure in the military setting could result in organ injuries,which is uncommon and has been rarely described in previous studies.The aim of this study is to observe whether serum zinc levels are associated with liver function after white smoke inhalation.Methods:Fifteen patients with white smoke exposure were the subjects in this study.The clinical manifestations,liver function tests and the serum zinc levels were analysed.Results:The level of serum zinc was increased in the moderate or severe group(n=4)compared with that in the mild group(n=11).The four cases in the moderate or severe group had delayed impairment of liver function with an elevation of alanine transaminase.Additionally,increased blood concentrations of hyaluronic acid were found in three patients in the moderate or severe group.But no hexachloroethane or trichloropropane was detected.Conclusion:This study suggested that serum zinc levels may be associated with the severity of liver injuries after white smoke inhalation. 展开更多
关键词 Zinc chloride smoke inhalation injury liver function
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