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作者 潘鸽 《中国经贸》 2023年第1期19-21,共3页
随着互联网金融的不断发展,互联网金融产品的设计与定价成了金融机构与平台关注的重点。文章介绍了管理会计的基本概念和原理,以及互联网金融产品设计与定价的基本原则。然后,重点探讨了管理会计在互联网金融产品设计与定价中的作用,包... 随着互联网金融的不断发展,互联网金融产品的设计与定价成了金融机构与平台关注的重点。文章介绍了管理会计的基本概念和原理,以及互联网金融产品设计与定价的基本原则。然后,重点探讨了管理会计在互联网金融产品设计与定价中的作用,包括其在产品成本计算、风险控制和利润预测等方面的作用。同时,也对管理会计在互联网金融产品设计与定价中存在的局限性进行了探讨,并提出了一些改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 管理会计 互联网金融 产品设计定价
REITs型公共租赁住房租金定价模型设计 被引量:3
作者 王林秀 曾兰 陶飞 《中国工程科学》 北大核心 2014年第10期94-99,共6页
借鉴国外公共租赁住房租金定价经验,制定租金定价策略;在分析房地产投资信托基金(REITs)型公共租赁住房租金构成的基础上,参照普通住房价格制定的基本理论方法,采用综合性定价方法,构建一种面向低收入人群中的相对高收入人群或暂时性低... 借鉴国外公共租赁住房租金定价经验,制定租金定价策略;在分析房地产投资信托基金(REITs)型公共租赁住房租金构成的基础上,参照普通住房价格制定的基本理论方法,采用综合性定价方法,构建一种面向低收入人群中的相对高收入人群或暂时性低收入人群、兼顾成本及住房特征的科学性定价模型。该定价模型充分考虑到项目建设的直接成本、入住者的差异性需求及大众投资者投资期望,综合多方需求,为科学合理制定租金提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 REITs型公共租赁住房 住房特征 定价方法 定价模型设计
作者 黄一凡 孟生旺 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期108-121,共14页
地震指数保险是我国巨灾保险制度的重要组成部分。然而,由于地震灾害发生频率低、造成的经济损失高且随机性强,地震指数保险的赔付结构设计往往会面临样本量不足、灾害损失预测不准确等问题,导致严重的基差风险。本文提出了一种新的指... 地震指数保险是我国巨灾保险制度的重要组成部分。然而,由于地震灾害发生频率低、造成的经济损失高且随机性强,地震指数保险的赔付结构设计往往会面临样本量不足、灾害损失预测不准确等问题,导致严重的基差风险。本文提出了一种新的指数保险设计方法,首先将传统广义可加模型的训练结果与决策树结构相结合,使连续型指数离散化,同步提高了地震损失预测、指数保险设计结果的稳健性和实际可行性。借鉴迁移学习思想,设计具有参数软共享结构的多任务改进决策树模型,最终实现不同区域地震损失数据的增强。基于1949-2019年我国历史地震灾害,基于三个目标区域,包括云南,新疆,以及西藏、青海、甘肃、宁夏,验证新方法对于降低地震指数保险样本外基差风险的优势,并应用“频率强度”模型框架计算保费,为完善我国巨灾保险制度提供理论参考和实践依据。 展开更多
关键词 地震指数保险 损失预测 决策树 多任务学习 保险设计定价
作者 张素嵘 方志耕 《价值工程》 2015年第34期8-11,共4页
在短期内,全球商用大飞机市场处于波音和空客公司的双寡头垄断格局。大型商用飞机的定价策略设计应以双寡头垄断的市场为背景,同时需要考虑主制造商、各国政府、航空公司、消费者和金融服务机构等多主体的利益。因此,采用冲突分析建模,... 在短期内,全球商用大飞机市场处于波音和空客公司的双寡头垄断格局。大型商用飞机的定价策略设计应以双寡头垄断的市场为背景,同时需要考虑主制造商、各国政府、航空公司、消费者和金融服务机构等多主体的利益。因此,采用冲突分析建模,分析各主体对不同可行策略集的偏好,确定冲突的最可能解,提出商用大飞机主制造商的动态调整定价机制。 展开更多
关键词 双寡头垄断 多主体利益 冲突分析 定价策略设计
台风灾害债券设计——基于广东省数据的实证研究 被引量:2
作者 钟雅琴 陈和 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期111-115,129,共6页
台风作为全球发生频率最高,影响最严重的一种自然灾害,对我国的影响也非常严重。在巨灾风险证券化、巨灾债券已成为巨灾保险业大趋势的背景下,发展我国台风灾害债券具有重要的现实意义。以我国受台风灾害影响最严重的省份——广东省为... 台风作为全球发生频率最高,影响最严重的一种自然灾害,对我国的影响也非常严重。在巨灾风险证券化、巨灾债券已成为巨灾保险业大趋势的背景下,发展我国台风灾害债券具有重要的现实意义。以我国受台风灾害影响最严重的省份——广东省为研究对象,收集了其近30年相关台风损失数据,利用非寿险精算技术分析其台风的损失分布和次数分布,在此基础上利用CAMP模型和现金流分析对广东省的台风灾害债券做了初步设计。 展开更多
关键词 台风灾害债券 损失分布 定价设计 广东省
作者 张文博 黄杭州 《时代经贸》 2014年第2期115-116,共2页
台风作为对我国影响最为严重的灾害之一,在巨灾风险证券化、巨灾债券已成为巨灾保险业大趋势的背景下,发展我国台风巨灾债券具有重要的现实意义。本文以广东省为例,验证1989—2011年广东省43次台风其损失金额均服从帕累托分布,每年... 台风作为对我国影响最为严重的灾害之一,在巨灾风险证券化、巨灾债券已成为巨灾保险业大趋势的背景下,发展我国台风巨灾债券具有重要的现实意义。本文以广东省为例,验证1989—2011年广东省43次台风其损失金额均服从帕累托分布,每年发生的次数服从泊松分布,并利用CAMP模型和现金流分析对广东省的台风灾害债券做了初步设计。 展开更多
关键词 台风巨灾债券 损失分布 定价设计
作者 董邦国 丁铁彪 王志永 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2007年第4期15-17,共3页
价格问题从一开始就成为西气东输工程各方关注的焦点问题和矛盾集中所在。西气东输项目的定价方案,在供求之间价格矛盾突出,不同用户之间价格承受能力比较悬殊的情况下,通过价格机制创新,促进西气东输工程上中下游统一规划、同步建设、... 价格问题从一开始就成为西气东输工程各方关注的焦点问题和矛盾集中所在。西气东输项目的定价方案,在供求之间价格矛盾突出,不同用户之间价格承受能力比较悬殊的情况下,通过价格机制创新,促进西气东输工程上中下游统一规划、同步建设、协调发展,并可更好地解决我国天然气行业发展中的热点、难点和关键问题,对我国天然气行业的定价具有普遍的借鉴意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 西气东输工程 供求价格矛盾 定价方案设计 价格机制创新
考虑需求有界性和不确定性的两阶段软件设计与定价 被引量:3
作者 李伟 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期384-391,共8页
顾客需求的两大特征——有界性和不确定性是影响软件厂商多阶段设计与定价决策的重要因素.本文在一个两阶段框架内,基于需求有界性,构建了考虑到顾客需求上、下限的分段支付意愿函数,并引入参数"顾客对质量降低的不容忍程度"... 顾客需求的两大特征——有界性和不确定性是影响软件厂商多阶段设计与定价决策的重要因素.本文在一个两阶段框架内,基于需求有界性,构建了考虑到顾客需求上、下限的分段支付意愿函数,并引入参数"顾客对质量降低的不容忍程度"描述需求上、下限的线性关系.另外,构建了以需求不确定性为参数的口碑效应函数,该口碑效应会影响第二阶段的支付意愿.使用小生境稳态遗传算法优化产品质量和定价,并对需求不确定性和顾客对质量降低的不容忍程度做敏感性分析,研究需求的两个特征对软件厂商最优决策的影响.数值实验还表明,若要加强口碑效应,软件厂商则不应将产品划分为不同版本.本文为软件厂商在顾客需求存在约束且难以把握时的多阶段决策提供了支持. 展开更多
关键词 需求有界性 需求不确定性 软件设计定价 多阶段决策
Study on the Price Design and Contract Stability of "Company + Farmer" Model with Time Preference under Double Moral Hazards
作者 高阔 甘筱青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1424-1427,共4页
The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + fa... The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + farmer" model was the existence of market risk, namely, the fluctuation of market price, and the stable market price in contracts was actualy a kind of interval, instead of a specific value. Furthermore, the effect of default penalty, market transaction cost and time prefer-ence cost on the stability of contract was studied. The results showed that default penalty, market transaction cost and time preference cost had positive influence on the price interval range of a contract. 展开更多
关键词 "Company+ farmer" Double moral hazard Time preference Price design Contract stability
我国电信服务创新资费产品设计与定价研究 被引量:3
作者 王容 唐小我 王俭 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期26-32,共7页
电信业资费套餐的发展历程,很好地体现了模块化的服务创新产品设计思想的变迁。对消费者需求行为的研究成为电信服务产品设计研究的重点。但国内电信业消费行为研究的缺乏却使得运营商进行产品设计时缺乏这方面的理论指导。本文根据电... 电信业资费套餐的发展历程,很好地体现了模块化的服务创新产品设计思想的变迁。对消费者需求行为的研究成为电信服务产品设计研究的重点。但国内电信业消费行为研究的缺乏却使得运营商进行产品设计时缺乏这方面的理论指导。本文根据电信业的消费特点,研究了资费产品设计中各因素对消费者行为的影响。研究结果表明:资费中各定价要素对消费者行为的影响不同,在进行电信业服务创新产品设计时必须考虑消费者偏好和多业务之间的相互影响关系。 展开更多
关键词 电信服务创新 资费产品设计定价 消费者战略
A novel method to update dynamic pricing scheme for DiffServ
作者 刘继承 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2005年第2期90-95,共6页
The discrete time model for a single link of Diffserv is considered in this paper. A novel algorithm is proposed to improve the robustness of the existing model. It allows the link price to fluctuate slightly around t... The discrete time model for a single link of Diffserv is considered in this paper. A novel algorithm is proposed to improve the robustness of the existing model. It allows the link price to fluctuate slightly around the equilibrium price. Simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm. This model solves the problem that the existing model can converge only under the strict condition. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic pricing scheme converge FLUCTUATION ROBUSTNESS
An assessment of coal pillar system stability criteria based on a mechanistic evaluation of the interaction between coal pillars and the overburden 被引量:21
作者 Reed Guy Mctyer Kent Frith Russell 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第1期9-15,共7页
Coal pillar design has historically assigned a factor of safety(Fo S) or stability factor(SF) according to their estimated strength and the assumed overburden load acting on them. Acceptable Fo S values have been assi... Coal pillar design has historically assigned a factor of safety(Fo S) or stability factor(SF) according to their estimated strength and the assumed overburden load acting on them. Acceptable Fo S values have been assigned based on past mining experience or a statistical link between Fo S and probability of failure(Po F). Pillar width-to-height(w/h) ratio has long been established as having a material influence on both pillar strength and its potential failure mode. However, there has been significant disagreement on using both factor of safety(Fo S) and w/h as part of pillar system stability criterion, as compared to using Fo S in isolation. This paper will argue that there are valid technical reasons to bring w/h ratio into system stability criteria(other than its influence on pillar strength), as it is related to the post-failure stiffness of the pillar, as measured in situ, and its interaction with overburden stiffness. When overburden stiffness is also brought into pillar system stability considerations, two issues emerge. The first is the width-todepth(W/D) ratio of the panel and whether it is sub-critical or super-critical from a surface subsidence perspective. The second relates to a re-evaluation of pillar Fo S based on whether the pillar is in an elastic or non-elastic(i.e., post-yield) state in its as-designed condition, as this is relevant to maintaining overburden stiffness at the highest possible level. The significance of the model is the potential to maximise both reserve recovery and mining efficiencies without any discernible increase in geotechnical risk, particularly in thick seams and higher depth of cover mining situations. At a time when mining economics are, at best, marginal, removing potentially unnecessary design conservatism is of interest to all mine operators and is an important topic for discussion amongst the geotechnical community. 展开更多
关键词 Coa] pillars Stability OVERBURDEN Post-failure behaviour Stability criteria
作者 伍东明 《会计师》 2021年第2期19-20,共2页
担保企业进行费率定价,需要遵照一定的规定,且需要建立起完善的市场评估体系。其中以"银企担"为三方视角下设计出的定价模型,可为担保企业进行科学定价,提供理论支持。本文对期权定价原理予以分析,借由银行、借款企业以及融... 担保企业进行费率定价,需要遵照一定的规定,且需要建立起完善的市场评估体系。其中以"银企担"为三方视角下设计出的定价模型,可为担保企业进行科学定价,提供理论支持。本文对期权定价原理予以分析,借由银行、借款企业以及融资性质担保公司等三个场景进行了均衡性讨论,探究建立贷款担保的定价模型,有何设计上的特征及应用中的优势。 展开更多
关键词 贷款担保 “银企担”视角 定价模型设计 仿真模拟分析
Valorization of the Use of Calcareous Tuff and Dune Sand in Saharan Road Design
作者 Messaouda Cherrak Meriem Morsli +1 位作者 Ramdane Boutemeur Abderrahim Bali 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第6期665-676,共12页
This research objective is to propose a co-valorization of powdered tuff, containing a slight amount of clay and dune sand, by mixing the two substances at different rates such as 0%, 5%, 15%, 25% and 35% of sand. The... This research objective is to propose a co-valorization of powdered tuff, containing a slight amount of clay and dune sand, by mixing the two substances at different rates such as 0%, 5%, 15%, 25% and 35% of sand. The adapted criteria formulas are those recommended by the technical Saharan road. The results of the proposed study showed that "tuff-sand" mixtures are denser with a lower optimum water content modified proctor, the fine rate decreases together with the plasticity index, whereas the bearing index (CBR: California bearing ratio test) increases. The intrinsic characteristics, cohesion and sensitivity of mixtures with respect to compactness are almost identical to those oftuffwithout addition. The optimal adapted sand incorporation rate is estimated at 25% at 96% of compactness. Under these conditions, the amount of fines decreases from 40% to an acceptable level of 25% and the plasticity index from 16.2 to 12. The compaction water content decreases by 36% and the CBR (bearing index) increases by 30% and the compressive strength and sensitivity, according to compactness, of the elaborated material are almost identical to those oftuffwithout addition. 展开更多
关键词 TUFF dune sand road construction CBR water content consolidated drained triaxial test.
Probability and reliability analysis of pillar stability in South Africa
作者 Gaofeng Song Shengli Yang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第4期704-708,共5页
A deterministic approach is frequently used in engineering design. In this quantitative design methodology, a safety factor, which is typically a strength-to-stress ratio, is derived as an index for the stability asse... A deterministic approach is frequently used in engineering design. In this quantitative design methodology, a safety factor, which is typically a strength-to-stress ratio, is derived as an index for the stability assessment of the engineering design. In underground coal mining applications such as pillar design,however, the inputs of pillar design are variables. This is widely overlooked in the deterministic approach. A probabilistic approach assessing the probability of failure or reliability of a system might be an alternative to the conventional quantitative methodology. This approach can incorporate the degree of uncertainty and deviations of variables and provide more versatile and reliable results. In this research, the reliability of case histories from stable and failed pillars of South Africa presented by Merwe and Mathey is examed. The updated Salamon and Munro strength formula(S-M formula) and Merwe and Mathey strength formula(M-M formula) are evaluated through a probabilistic approach. It is concluded that stable pillar cases have a reliability value greater than 0.83 while the reliability value of failed pillar cases are slightly larger than 0.50. There seems to be a positive relation between safety factor and reliability. The reliability of a pillar increases with pillar width but decreases with depth of cover, pillar height and entry width. The reliability analysis also confirms that M-M strength formula has a better distinction between the stable and failed pillar cases. 展开更多
关键词 Pillar design Probabilistic approach RELIABILITY Monte Carlo simulation
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