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作者 罗坤 刘百峰 岳剑平 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2018年第4期119-121,共3页
水声定位标定系统中水下基准(模拟目标声信号)位置的测量精度直接影响到对水声定位系统定位误差的考核。本文介绍了在对模拟目标声源进行定位时的回波信号测量处理,同时对不同频率下的定位精度进行仿真,证实了信号处理的准确性,为工程... 水声定位标定系统中水下基准(模拟目标声信号)位置的测量精度直接影响到对水声定位系统定位误差的考核。本文介绍了在对模拟目标声源进行定位时的回波信号测量处理,同时对不同频率下的定位精度进行仿真,证实了信号处理的准确性,为工程应用提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 水声定位标定系统 精度标定 回波信号
高精度定位标定系统水下基准方位误差分析 被引量:4
作者 杨道军 许伟杰 +1 位作者 刘林泉 翁国忠 《声学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期189-192,共4页
水下基准(换能器)位置的精确测量是高精度定位标定系统的关键技术,它的方位精度直接影响到水声定位系统定位误差的计量。通过详细分析了水下基准安装柱扰曲形变、GPS定位误差、罗经测向误差、纵倾横摇角测量误差对高精度定位标定系统水... 水下基准(换能器)位置的精确测量是高精度定位标定系统的关键技术,它的方位精度直接影响到水声定位系统定位误差的计量。通过详细分析了水下基准安装柱扰曲形变、GPS定位误差、罗经测向误差、纵倾横摇角测量误差对高精度定位标定系统水下基准位置的影响。通过合理的工程数据假设,提出选用误差小于0.15m的高精度GPS,则水下基准的误差将稍大于0.3m的结论,为工程应用上的误差控制提供了可参考的理论数据。 展开更多
关键词 水下基准 高精度定位标定系统 Morrison公式
一种普适机器人系统同时定位、标定与建图方法 被引量:12
作者 吴培良 孔令富 孔亮 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期618-631,共14页
机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图是普适机器人系统中三个相互耦合的基本问题,其有效解决是普适机器人系统提供高效智能服务的前提.本文提出了普适机器人系统同时机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图的概念,通过分析三者之间的... 机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图是普适机器人系统中三个相互耦合的基本问题,其有效解决是普适机器人系统提供高效智能服务的前提.本文提出了普适机器人系统同时机器人定位、传感器网络标定与环境建图的概念,通过分析三者之间的耦合关系,给出同时定位、标定与建图问题的联合条件概率表示,基于贝叶斯公式和马尔科夫特性将其分解为若干可解项,并借鉴Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波的思想分别求解.首先,联合传感器网络对机器人的观测、机器人对已定位环境特征的观测以及机器人自身控制量,设计了位姿粒子的采样提议分布和权值更新公式;其次,联合传感器网络对机器人运动轨迹及已定位环境特征的观测,设计了传感器网络标定的递推公式;然后,联合传感器网络和机器人对(已定位或新发现)环境特征的观测,设计了环境建图的递推公式.给出了完整的同时定位、标定与建图算法,并通过仿真实验验证了该算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 普适机器人系统 传感器网络 RAO-BLACKWELLIZED粒子滤波 同时定位标定与建图
基于RGB-D图像的机器人无标定视觉定位 被引量:10
作者 朱福康 丛明 +1 位作者 刘毅 刘冬 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期2007-2015,共9页
针对柔性生产单元工业机器人轴孔装配任务中工件的识别和定位,提出一种能适应小批量多规格装配任务的工业机器人无标定视觉定位方法,减少了因复杂的标定过程和工况变化造成的设备停机而消耗的时间。基于深度图像设计了图像处理和特征识... 针对柔性生产单元工业机器人轴孔装配任务中工件的识别和定位,提出一种能适应小批量多规格装配任务的工业机器人无标定视觉定位方法,减少了因复杂的标定过程和工况变化造成的设备停机而消耗的时间。基于深度图像设计了图像处理和特征识别算法,完成了目标工件最小外接矩角点坐标的提取。通过深度图像数据和机器人之间的坐标转换关系计算得出运动控制参数,驱动机器人完成粗定位。运用霍夫圆检测算法从彩色图像中提取待装配圆孔的几何参数,进而驱动机器人完成二次定位。实验结果表明,该方法的定位精度稳定在0.6mm^1.2mm之间,基本满足后续装配过程对定位误差的要求,可用于多规格、小批量轴孔装配过程中目标的识别和定位。 展开更多
关键词 工业机器人 深度图像 标定视觉定位 柔性生产 装配
作者 冷璐 黎明 杨小芹 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2009年第4期34-36,共3页
金属断口图像中标定符号信息是进一步计算图像对应实际物理空间距离的依据。标定符号通常为印刷体,所以准确定位是正确识别的前提和关键。对强噪声复杂背景下的金属断口图像标定符号的定位算法的研究,先对直线特征明显的标尺符号定位,... 金属断口图像中标定符号信息是进一步计算图像对应实际物理空间距离的依据。标定符号通常为印刷体,所以准确定位是正确识别的前提和关键。对强噪声复杂背景下的金属断口图像标定符号的定位算法的研究,先对直线特征明显的标尺符号定位,其中对Radon变换进行分块改进,使快速性和准确性有了明显改善。字符定位利用符号的纹理特征进行数学形态学粗定位和图像边缘模板匹配精定位结合的方法,并根据标尺位置和长度等信息缩小搜索区域。实验结果表明,该算法的定位准确率达到94%。 展开更多
关键词 强噪声背景 标定符号定位 分块Radon变换 数学形态学 边缘模板匹配
作者 冷璐 黎明 杨小芹 《计算机与现代化》 2008年第10期30-33,共4页
图像中标定符号的定位与识别是进一步计算数字图像对应的空间距离的依据。本文应用Hough变换对图像标定符号进行定位,克服了强噪声背景下单独采用灰度特征定位的缺陷。定位后对图像进行分割,并与传统方法比较。实验证明,本方法对在图像... 图像中标定符号的定位与识别是进一步计算数字图像对应的空间距离的依据。本文应用Hough变换对图像标定符号进行定位,克服了强噪声背景下单独采用灰度特征定位的缺陷。定位后对图像进行分割,并与传统方法比较。实验证明,本方法对在图像中所占比例较小的标定符号有较好的定位效果,并结合标定符号的灰度特征对强噪声背景下的标定符号进行准确分割。 展开更多
关键词 霍夫变换 强噪声背景 标定符号定位 图像分割
LANDMARC室内定位改进算法 被引量:10
作者 邹承明 黄明凯 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2019年第11期3111-3117,共7页
传统基于动态主动式射频识别标定的定位识别(LANDMARC)定位算法在实际定位环境中受到多径效应、随机噪声以及各种的障碍物的影响,导致所有参与定位标签实时测量的收信场强指示值(RSSI)变化波动非常剧烈,影响了定位精度和系统稳定,为此... 传统基于动态主动式射频识别标定的定位识别(LANDMARC)定位算法在实际定位环境中受到多径效应、随机噪声以及各种的障碍物的影响,导致所有参与定位标签实时测量的收信场强指示值(RSSI)变化波动非常剧烈,影响了定位精度和系统稳定,为此提出引入指纹库的方法,建立相对稳定的RSSI值与坐标位置对应关系,对实时获得的近邻参考标签RSSI值进行修正,改进邻近标签的选择方法,降低系统误差,在提高系统定位精度的同时,系统稳定性和可靠性大幅增强。实验结果表明,与传统LANDMARC相比,提出算法在定位精度上有35%的提升。 展开更多
关键词 基于动态主动式射频识别标定定位识别(LANDMARC) 室内定位 指纹库 滤波算法 最近邻算法
基于极少信息的任意照片目标点定位算法 被引量:3
作者 刘吟啸 韦巍 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期272-275,共4页
为了达到通过任意摄像头拍摄照片就可对目标点进行定位的目的,针对如何用最少信息得到空间中目标点坐标问题,基于摄像机的成像模型、空间中固定点之间的几何约束,以及坐标系变换的基本原理,推导出一种类似于P4P的无标定照片的目标点定... 为了达到通过任意摄像头拍摄照片就可对目标点进行定位的目的,针对如何用最少信息得到空间中目标点坐标问题,基于摄像机的成像模型、空间中固定点之间的几何约束,以及坐标系变换的基本原理,推导出一种类似于P4P的无标定照片的目标点定位方法。该方法可由观测到的两幅图像中已知世界坐标系中位置坐标的任意四点在图像中的位置,通过计算得到图像中目标点的三维坐标。此方法需要的已知信息极少,对于拍摄图像以及拍摄所用相机没有要求,并通过实验验证可行,精度相比传统标定方法没有明显损失,且较其他自标定定位方法更高,实用性较强。 展开更多
关键词 机器视觉 标定定位 P4P 双目视觉 几何约束 坐标系转换
基于视觉定位的脑外科机器人坐标变换问题研究 被引量:1
作者 王东署 张志佳 史泽林 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期14-16,49,共4页
视觉定位脑外科手术机器人是近年来发展起来的一种新型医疗机器人。该文首先介绍了整个视觉定位脑外科手术机器人系统的构成和手术过程,随后在传统的通过机器人机械臂点取病人头部四个标记点来建立机器人坐标系与患者头部仿射坐标系之... 视觉定位脑外科手术机器人是近年来发展起来的一种新型医疗机器人。该文首先介绍了整个视觉定位脑外科手术机器人系统的构成和手术过程,随后在传统的通过机器人机械臂点取病人头部四个标记点来建立机器人坐标系与患者头部仿射坐标系之间转换关系的基础上,引入视觉定位功能,通过双目视觉建立起机器人坐标系与患者仿射坐标系之间的关系,从而在根本上提高了系统的机器人坐标系,患者仿射坐标系,3维模型坐标系以及世界坐标系之间的转换精度,有利于进一步的机器人精确手术实现。 展开更多
关键词 计算机辅助手术 三雏重构 坐标转换 视觉定位照相机标定
高精度水下基准位置测量及误差分析 被引量:2
作者 周志强 《舰船电子工程》 2012年第11期104-106,共3页
水下基准位置的精确测量是水声高精度定位标定系统的关键技术,它的方位精度直接影响到水声定位系统定位误差的计量。文章详细分析了水下基准安装柱扰曲形变、GPS定位误差、罗经测向误差、纵倾横摇角测量误差对高精度定位标定系统水下基... 水下基准位置的精确测量是水声高精度定位标定系统的关键技术,它的方位精度直接影响到水声定位系统定位误差的计量。文章详细分析了水下基准安装柱扰曲形变、GPS定位误差、罗经测向误差、纵倾横摇角测量误差对高精度定位标定系统水下基准位置的影响,为工程应用上的误差控制提供了一定的理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 水下基准 定位标定 流体扰动
图像预处理的反馈校正算法及其应用 被引量:2
作者 冷璐 黎明 杨小芹 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期775-779,共5页
提出由后续结果衡量图像预处理效果的评价标准,并根据Radon变换的结果对中值滤波算法进行反馈校正,改进后的算法能自动确定滤波模板尺寸和滤波次数.应用中值滤波预处理与Radon变换结合的方法对图像标定符号进行定位克服了强噪声背景下... 提出由后续结果衡量图像预处理效果的评价标准,并根据Radon变换的结果对中值滤波算法进行反馈校正,改进后的算法能自动确定滤波模板尺寸和滤波次数.应用中值滤波预处理与Radon变换结合的方法对图像标定符号进行定位克服了强噪声背景下单独采用连通域定位方法的缺陷.实验证明,改进后的算法增强了金属断口图像的纹理特征,对在图像中所占比例较小的标尺符号定位更加准确,并可根据标尺符号的位置、长度信息以及标定字符的纹理特征对强噪声背景下的标定符号进行准确分割. 展开更多
关键词 改进中值滤波 RADON变换 反馈校正 强噪声背景 标定符号定位
作者 王向军 王以忠 叶声华 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1998年第2期36-40,共5页
The methods of visual recognition,positioning and orienting with simple 3 D geometric workpieces are presented in this paper.The principle and operating process of multiple orientation run le... The methods of visual recognition,positioning and orienting with simple 3 D geometric workpieces are presented in this paper.The principle and operating process of multiple orientation run length coding based on general orientation run length coding and visual recognition method are described elaborately.The method of positioning and orientating based on the moment of inertia of the workpiece binary image is stated also.It has been applied in a research on flexible automatic coordinate measuring system formed by integrating computer aided design,computer vision and computer aided inspection planning,with a coordinate measuring machine.The results show that integrating computer vision with measurement system is a feasible and effective approach to improve their flexibility and automation. 展开更多
关键词 automatic measurement visual recognition visual positioning visual orientating coordinate measuring machine
精密角度基准下的多相机定位系统高精度标定 被引量:9
作者 徐秋宇 杨凌辉 +3 位作者 牛志远 刘博文 张正吉 邾继贵 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期364-372,共9页
在视觉定位测量领域中的大尺寸测量、运动追踪、三维重建、视觉定位中,针对多相机定位系统中相机之间无公共视场或公共视场较小时系统标定困难、方法繁琐、精度低等问题,提出了一种基于精密二轴转台的多相机定位系统一体化标定方法。利... 在视觉定位测量领域中的大尺寸测量、运动追踪、三维重建、视觉定位中,针对多相机定位系统中相机之间无公共视场或公共视场较小时系统标定困难、方法繁琐、精度低等问题,提出了一种基于精密二轴转台的多相机定位系统一体化标定方法。利用二轴转台提供角度基准,当转台一次转过所有相机视场时,各个相机依次拍摄标定图片,求解出各个相机内参以及各相机到转台的外参,利用转台坐标系中转计算相机之间的外参。整个标定过程由程序控制,实现了多相机系统采图标定的集成化、自动化,降低了标定工作量。分析了多相机定位系统的标定原理,并进行了实验验证。两相机内参重投影误差在0.17 pixel以内,系统定位精度在1 mm以内。结果表明,所提方法切实可行,精度较高,可操作性强,可应用于各种无公共视场或公共视场较小的多相机定位系统标定过程。 展开更多
关键词 机器视觉 视觉定位测量 多相机定位系统标定 内外参一体化求解 精密二轴转台 无公共视场
Application of Kalman filter on mobile robot self-localization 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Liang-song GUO Xiao-li LI Yu-xia 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第2期52-54,共3页
Self-localization is a fundamental requirement for the mobile robot. Robot usually contains a large number of dif- ferent sensors, which provide the information of robot localization, and all the sensor information sh... Self-localization is a fundamental requirement for the mobile robot. Robot usually contains a large number of dif- ferent sensors, which provide the information of robot localization, and all the sensor information should be considered for the optimal location. Kalman filter is efficient to realize the information fusion. Used as an efficient sensor fusion algorithm, Kalman filter is an advanced filtering technique which can reduce errors of the position and orientation of the sensors. Kalman filter has been paied much attention to robot automation and solutions to solve uncertainties such as robot localization, navigation, following, tracking, motion control, estimation and prediction. The paper briefly describes Kalman filter theory, and establishes a simple mathematical model based on muti-sensor mobile robot. Meanwhile, Kalman filter is used in robot self-localization by simulations, and it is demonstrated by simulations that Kalman filter is effective. 展开更多
关键词 Kalman filter mobile robot SELF-LOCALIZATION target orientation
An improved RANSAC algorithm for 3D wheel alignment
作者 CHENG Wei ZHU Zhifeng +3 位作者 YAO Yong WANG Bing ZHOU Fang TANG Dezhi 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第4期407-417,共11页
Aiming at the defects of traditional four-wheel aligner such as many sensors,complex operation and slow detection speed,a fast and accurate 3D four-wheel alignment detection method is studied.Firstly,a new and special... Aiming at the defects of traditional four-wheel aligner such as many sensors,complex operation and slow detection speed,a fast and accurate 3D four-wheel alignment detection method is studied.Firstly,a new and special circle center target board is designed to calibrate the camera,and then the registration of the homography matrix is optimized by using the improved RANSAC(Random sample consensus)algorithm combined with the designed special target board,and the parameters of the wheel alignment system are adjusted by using the space vector principle.Accurate measurements are made to obtain the parameters of the four-wheel alignment.Design a calibration comparison experiment between the traditional target board and the new type of target board,and conduct a comparative test with the existing four-wheel aligner of the depot.The experimental results show that the use of the new target board-binding optimization algorithm can improve the calibration efficiency by about 9%to 21%,while improving the calibration accuracy by about 10.6%to 17.8%.And through the real vehicle test,it is verified that the use of the new target combined with the optimization algorithm can ensure the accuracy and reliability of the four-wheel positioning.This method has a certain significance in the rapid detection of vehicle four-wheel alignment parameters. 展开更多
关键词 computer vision four-wheel alignment binocular calibration RANSAC algorithm homography matrix
Dual-Tone Radio Interferometric Positioning Systems for Multi-Target Localization Using a Single Mobile Anchor
作者 LI Li'an WANG Yiyin +2 位作者 MA Xiaoli CHEN Cailian GUAN Xinping 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期25-35,共11页
In this paper, a low-cost dualtone radio interferometric positioning system using a single mobile anchor is proposed to locate multiple targets at the same time. We name it mDRIPS. In mDRIPS, each target continuously ... In this paper, a low-cost dualtone radio interferometric positioning system using a single mobile anchor is proposed to locate multiple targets at the same time. We name it mDRIPS. In mDRIPS, each target continuously transmits a dual-tone signal with its dedicated frequencies, and the mobile anchor receives the signals at different positions along its trajectory, Neither time synchronization between the mobile anchor and the targets nor time synchronization among the targets is required. We take the instability of targets clocks into consideration and develop an ESPRIT-type algorithm to estimate frequencies of each dual-tone signal. Furthermore, the time of arrival (TOA) of each target signal is extracted from the phase estimates of the received dual-tone signals. After measuring several TOAs at different locations along the anchor's trajectory, each target can be located. Since the frequency difference of the two tones of each dualtone signal is designed to be smaller than the channel coherence bandwidth, the same fading effect on these two tones can be eliminated. Moreover, the integer ambiguity problem due to phase wrapping is investigated, and a localization algorithm to deal with a simplified ambiguity problem is proposed. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed mDRIPS. 展开更多
关键词 RANGING LOCALIZATION mobile anchor radio interferometry oscillator instability
A Parallel Integration Method of Cooperative Target-Localization and Cooperative Self-localization
作者 WANG Leigang KONG Depei +1 位作者 ZHOU Jihang WANG Jianlu 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第2期231-238,共8页
When a group of mobile agents track a target,they can locate themselves and the target in a cooperative manner.To maximize the group advantage,a parallel integration strategy of cooperative target-localization(CTL)and... When a group of mobile agents track a target,they can locate themselves and the target in a cooperative manner.To maximize the group advantage,a parallel integration strategy of cooperative target-localization(CTL)and cooperative self-localization(CSL)is designed.Firstly,a global cost function containing the agents’positions and the target’s position is established.Secondly,along with the agents’positions being re-estimated during CTL,the Utransform is employed to propagate the error covariance of the position estimations among the agents.The simulation results show that,the proposal exploits more information for locating the target and the agents than the cases where CTL and CSL run separately,and the global optimal position estimations of the agents and the target are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 cooperative self-localization cooperative target-localization non-classical multi-dimensional scaling majoring function
Comparison between Google Earth KML Data and RTK Data on a Flight Planning Simulated to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Microdrone MD4-1000
作者 Antoninho Joao Pegoraro Marcelo Costa Napoleao Jurgen Wilhelm Philips 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第10期613-616,共4页
The UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and the use of graphical data files of extension KML (keyhole markup language) have become popular nowadays. The KML files are associated to the Google Earth applications. Devel... The UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and the use of graphical data files of extension KML (keyhole markup language) have become popular nowadays. The KML files are associated to the Google Earth applications. Developed by Microdrone company for planning, overflight simulation and data flight analysis, the program mdCockpit was used in this experiment. The UAV Microdrone's flight path was programmed in two ways: using geo referenced images from Google Earth and entering points coordinates into the program. These points have had their geographical decimal coordinates collected by GPS (global positioning system) (RTK (real time kinematic)) method. The aim here is to describe a way of evaluating the difference between the alternatives of flight planning. A flight path, defined a route with 22 points, was also simulated in the program mdCockpit. The points were collected and saved, while the images captured by the program went automatically forming a georeferenced mosaic. A comparison between the differences of coordinates to each point was made by choosing on the images and also by a RTK positioning. The result was up to 14.20 m to a 100 m flight height. There is a significant change of position and this can result in unwanted over flights in locations or even jeopardizing the safety of air activity. 展开更多
关键词 Simulation of flight path MD4-1000 KML data RTK data.
Research on the Result of Calibration for the Location of the Seismic Array in Shanghai
作者 Yu Haiying Zhu Yuanqing Zhao Shuli 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第1期55-61,共7页
The paper proposes the calibration theory and methods for the Shanghai seismic array and analyzes the calibration results. As a result, the calibration results for the seismic array based on 2 typical earthquakes have... The paper proposes the calibration theory and methods for the Shanghai seismic array and analyzes the calibration results. As a result, the calibration results for the seismic array based on 2 typical earthquakes have been drawn; the difference of calibration results between Hokkaido and Honshu region in Japan is investigated. And calibration results of different directions, different epicenter distances and different magnitudes are probed into. The result shows that the location of earthquakes on the Shanghai seismic array is greatly improved. 展开更多
关键词 Shanghai Array calibration Seismic array Apparent slowness
Application of camera calibrating model to space manipulator with multi-objective genetic algorithm
作者 王中宇 江文松 王岩庆 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1937-1943,共7页
The multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) is proposed to calibrate the non-linear camera model of a space manipulator to improve its locational accuracy. This algorithm can optimize the camera model by dynamic balan... The multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) is proposed to calibrate the non-linear camera model of a space manipulator to improve its locational accuracy. This algorithm can optimize the camera model by dynamic balancing its model weight and multi-parametric distributions to the required accuracy. A novel measuring instrument of space manipulator is designed to orbital simulative motion and locational accuracy test. The camera system of space manipulator, calibrated by MOGA algorithm, is used to locational accuracy test in this measuring instrument. The experimental result shows that the absolute errors are [0.07, 1.75] mm for MOGA calibrating model, [2.88, 5.95] mm for MN method, and [1.19, 4.83] mm for LM method. Besides, the composite errors both of LM method and MN method are approximately seven times higher that of MOGA calibrating model. It is suggested that the MOGA calibrating model is superior both to LM method and MN method. 展开更多
关键词 space manipulator camera calibration multi-objective genetic algorithm orbital simulation and measurement
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