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罪刑法定视野下的侵犯商业秘密罪 被引量:18
作者 唐稷尧 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第3期41-47,共7页
从罪刑法定主义出发,侵犯商业秘密罪的法律规定存在不合理内容:将普通的合同违约行为犯罪化,处罚过失性的间接侵害商业秘密行为;对违反职务或业务活动形成的法定保密义务而泄密的行为采取了宽容甚至放纵的态度,对危害性最严重的商业间... 从罪刑法定主义出发,侵犯商业秘密罪的法律规定存在不合理内容:将普通的合同违约行为犯罪化,处罚过失性的间接侵害商业秘密行为;对违反职务或业务活动形成的法定保密义务而泄密的行为采取了宽容甚至放纵的态度,对危害性最严重的商业间谍行为采取与泄露商业秘密行为、间接侵害商业秘密行为相一致的结果犯构成模式和法定刑幅度。克服这种不合理性存在立法与司法两种途径。 展开更多
关键词 罪刑法定 侵犯商业秘密罪 刑法 法治 人权 市场经济 罪状内容 犯罪构成模式 定刑 立法 司法
“量刑反制定罪论”不违反罪刑法定 被引量:14
作者 赵希 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期49-60,共12页
量刑反制定罪论高举实质正义的大旗,强调量刑对定罪的反作用。然而认为该理论违反罪刑法定原则的批评比比皆是,目前学界主要存在滥用司法权、突破构成要件限制以及违反传统的罪刑关系这三个批评意见。抽象意义上的滥用司法权以及违反传... 量刑反制定罪论高举实质正义的大旗,强调量刑对定罪的反作用。然而认为该理论违反罪刑法定原则的批评比比皆是,目前学界主要存在滥用司法权、突破构成要件限制以及违反传统的罪刑关系这三个批评意见。抽象意义上的滥用司法权以及违反传统以罪定刑的观念无法形成有力的批评,但量刑反制定罪不能突破构成要件的限制,在此前提下的量刑对于定罪的反作用正是该理论的合理性所在,这种解释论意义上的量刑反制定罪并不违反罪刑法定原则。 展开更多
关键词 量刑反制定罪 罪刑法定原则 以罪定刑 以刑制罪
巨额财产来源不明罪之实践与反思 被引量:2
作者 曲晶 赫凛冽 《辽宁警专学报》 2002年第4期29-32,共4页
文章从三个典型的巨额财产来源不明罪的案例入手 ,介绍了巨额财产来源不明罪的立法历程 ,以及我国的立法发展和依法定刑审判实践中所遭遇的尴尬。最后 ,吸取借鉴了实践中的教训和各国的立法经验 ,探讨了在机制和立法上完善巨额财产来源... 文章从三个典型的巨额财产来源不明罪的案例入手 ,介绍了巨额财产来源不明罪的立法历程 ,以及我国的立法发展和依法定刑审判实践中所遭遇的尴尬。最后 ,吸取借鉴了实践中的教训和各国的立法经验 ,探讨了在机制和立法上完善巨额财产来源不明罪的途径。 展开更多
关键词 巨额财产来源不明罪 实践 立法 依法定刑 审判实践 贪污受贿罪
作者 冯钟鸣 《云南学术探索》 1998年第4期29-30,共2页
论罪刑相适应原则冯钟鸣罪刑相适应原则即罪刑相当原则,和罪刑法定原则、在法律面前人人平等的原则并立,是我国新刑*法确立的三大基本原则。正确的理解和运用这些原则,对新刑法的贯彻和实施将产生重大的指导作用。*本文仅就三大原... 论罪刑相适应原则冯钟鸣罪刑相适应原则即罪刑相当原则,和罪刑法定原则、在法律面前人人平等的原则并立,是我国新刑*法确立的三大基本原则。正确的理解和运用这些原则,对新刑法的贯彻和实施将产生重大的指导作用。*本文仅就三大原则中的“罪刑相适应”原则发表一点个... 展开更多
关键词 罪刑相适应原则 犯罪行为 社会危害程度 定罪量刑 新刑法 社会危害性 客观主义 以罪定刑 主观恶性 刑罚
作者 羽芊 《中国西藏》 2005年第2期14-20,共7页
关键词 拉萨监狱 “雪列空” “佛事活动” 定刑方式 劳动改造
The Development of Forensic Process Model for Criminal Investigation in Three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
作者 Patchara Sinloyma 《Sociology Study》 2014年第10期839-843,共5页
The purpose of this research is to study the process of forensic science execution in order to use crime investigation in three southern border provinces of Thailand, such as the study of problems and obstacles includ... The purpose of this research is to study the process of forensic science execution in order to use crime investigation in three southern border provinces of Thailand, such as the study of problems and obstacles including the factors that affect forensic examination to use criminal investigation in three southern border provinces, offer the guidance in pattern development of forensic sciences examination in three southern border provinces with standard, and are able to use in criminal investigation effectively. Data were collected from all related agencies. The results of this research have showed that executive process of forensic science is used to investigate the crime in three southern border provinces that can be divided the operations into three main issues as following: crime scene examination, evidence testing, autopsy in case of crime scene, and factors which affect forensic work for using in criminal investigation in three southern border provinces of police practitioners. They should have the knowledge about forensic science, commitment, bravery, and cunning work. 展开更多
关键词 Process model forensic crime investigation southern border provinces of Thailand
Chinese Procuratorialsupervision of the Implementation of Criminal Profile
作者 Jing CHEN Juan LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期99-101,共3页
In the criminal justice system, the criminal execution though is the last part, but with the conviction and sentencing of the system have the same importance. Criminal conviction and sentencing execution is guaranteed... In the criminal justice system, the criminal execution though is the last part, but with the conviction and sentencing of the system have the same importance. Criminal conviction and sentencing execution is guaranteed to achieve, but also fairness and justice contained in the Criminal Code. In criminal law enforcement issues related to research more deeply refined today, supervision of Criminal changes have also been made to perform individually and have a very important significance. A direct result of the implementation of the activities of Criminal debtor prison of term prison sentences and the way to change the location, and the status of implementation as well as criminal penalties for the personal interests are closely related, and therefore it is a very, important enforcement regime. Under our current legal environment, the high amount of crime, large numbers of people in custody are restdting in criminal arduous tasks. It is coupled with the existing legal provisions for change-flawed execution of supervision that is extremely prone to change in the course of execution carried favoritism, money corruption. Meanwhile, the new introduction of the "Criminal Law Amendment eight," is for which the commutation, parole perform content changes made adjustments and changes.But for the first time, it provides for community corrections system officially to be incorporated into China' s Criminal Law among but the corresponding lack of prosecutorial oversight and other content specific legal provisions, changes are related to the implementation of community Corrections supervision given probation, parole, probation and other penalties to bring the practical operation of the nroblerns. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Criminal IMPLEMENTATION Prosecutorial Supervision
“以刑定罪”的实践样态及其分析——以Y市法院的实证考察为基础 被引量:19
作者 周建达 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期20-40,共21页
以刑定罪是司法实践中客观存在但有待学理开示的一种"逆向型"定罪思维或逻辑。田野调查发现,常规案件的以刑定罪遵循着司法裁判的"图式效应",而疑难案件的以刑定罪则寻求着个案裁判上的"实质权衡"。罪刑... 以刑定罪是司法实践中客观存在但有待学理开示的一种"逆向型"定罪思维或逻辑。田野调查发现,常规案件的以刑定罪遵循着司法裁判的"图式效应",而疑难案件的以刑定罪则寻求着个案裁判上的"实质权衡"。罪刑关系的互动式理解和社会公众对量刑公正的热切关注,是推动以刑定罪外化于行的内外要因。疑难案件的以刑定罪并不局限于法条存在交叉或包容等场合,并且从裁判后果上看也决非只有裁判结果"趋轻型"一个维度。虽然以刑定罪带有明显的知识片段性和碎片化等特征,但透过复杂的司法迹象,仍可探知其基本要义:把定罪活动的目的直接落定在寻求处罚的妥当性上;对制定法载负的罪刑体系之合理性保持审慎的怀疑;主张体系性地理解构成要件与功能性地体认法定刑;强调法律原则的功能互济与对具体规则的精神统领。 展开更多
关键词 罪刑均衡 以刑定罪 以罪定刑 图示效应 实质权衡
作者 黄何 《法律方法》 CSSCI 2017年第1期306-319,共14页
定罪制约量刑导致的量刑畸重是不可忽视的重要问题,特殊减轻条款的使用具有局限性,'量刑反制定罪'又违反罪刑法定原则。量刑类推是解决该问题的妥当方式。'白马亦马'决定行为符合A罪不能违背,但倘若行为特征更类似于A... 定罪制约量刑导致的量刑畸重是不可忽视的重要问题,特殊减轻条款的使用具有局限性,'量刑反制定罪'又违反罪刑法定原则。量刑类推是解决该问题的妥当方式。'白马亦马'决定行为符合A罪不能违背,但倘若行为特征更类似于A的特别法条B罪,可类推适用B罪的法定刑量刑。许霆案可定盗窃罪,类推信用卡诈骗罪(恶意透支)量刑。量刑类推立足类似案件类似处理的正义,应当是坚持罪刑法定原则下,缓解定罪量刑冲突的一剂良方。 展开更多
关键词 以罪定刑 量刑反制定罪 罪刑法定 有利于被告人类推
作者 柳立言 陈建志 《法律史译评》 2017年第1期170-201,共32页
前言司法参军是知州的重要属僚,初步决定一个裁判能否符合公平、公正、公义和公论。他们的法律素养和操守影响司法质量甚大,包龙图也靠他们才能成就“青天”之事功,其重要性可见一斑。以往对司法参军的专题研究甚少,且多重制度。唐代有... 前言司法参军是知州的重要属僚,初步决定一个裁判能否符合公平、公正、公义和公论。他们的法律素养和操守影响司法质量甚大,包龙图也靠他们才能成就“青天”之事功,其重要性可见一斑。以往对司法参军的专题研究甚少,且多重制度。唐代有薛军的《唐代的司户参军事和司法参军事》(1990),指出司法参军的职责是“掌律令格式,鞫狱定刑。 展开更多
关键词 属僚 公平 参军事 定刑 影响 参军 法律 司法
作者 梁萍 《青年博览》 2007年第13期17-17,共1页
关键词 老人 见证 警察 被害者 尸体 定刑 拉架 凶手 案件 解剖
Sentencing Recommendations,Anchoring Effect and Fairness in Criminal Justice——An Empirical Study Based on a Sample of 520 Sentences in K City 被引量:5
作者 林喜芬 马勇 黄德远 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第3期149-170,共22页
The anchoring effect is a powerful and widespread cognitive phenomenon in the decision-making field.Our quantitative analysis of a sample of 520 sentences indicates that the sentencing recommendation of the public pro... The anchoring effect is a powerful and widespread cognitive phenomenon in the decision-making field.Our quantitative analysis of a sample of 520 sentences indicates that the sentencing recommendation of the public procuratorate has a marked influence upon the court's sentencing judgment.That is,whether we are investigating the freedom penalty,the fine penalty or the term of probation imposed by the judge,we find that the anchoring effect does exist.In addition,a change in the court conviction or in the trial sentencing circumstances and the availability of a defense lawyer may weaken the anchoring effect of the procuratorate's sentencing recommendations.As a form of cognitive bias,the presence of the anchoring effect in the area of sentencing further highlights the necessity of applying analyses based on legal realism to the field of criminal justice in China;and at the institutional level,it demands that judges adopt corresponding arrangements to ensure the impartial exercise of discretion. 展开更多
关键词 sentencing recommendations anchoring effect DISCRETION judicial fairness
The Thinking and Approaches of Criminal Law Legislation in a Transitional Period 被引量:1
作者 Zhou Guangquan 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第2期40-57,共18页
In this transitional period,the concept of legally protected interests in Chinese criminal legislation is changing with the imposition of new control measures that endow criminal law with new functions,including takin... In this transitional period,the concept of legally protected interests in Chinese criminal legislation is changing with the imposition of new control measures that endow criminal law with new functions,including taking an active part in social governance.Active legislation will not entail the systemic risk of excessive interference by criminal law.Criminalization does not conflict with criminal law’s concept of modest restraint.In terms of overall approach,we need to establish dynamic,rational and diversified legislative mechanisms for the future.In terms of specific methods,legislation must maintain an approach of actively intervention in the life of society,changing the current centralized legislative model.However,decentralized legislation should not necessarily adopt the tripartite model of the criminal code plus special enactments and auxiliary criminal law.Rather,it should construct a written criminal law system centered on the criminal code and supplemented by the law on minor offences,in parallel with criminal penalties and public security measures.This will produce a mechanism for the seamless incremental convergence of public security administrative punishment law,minor offences law,and criminal law.The net of justice is fine-meshed but its penalties are light.The addition of new crimes must uphold the rule of law,correspond to specific social situations,maintain an attitude of sensitivity and clarity toward lawlessness and regard criminal law as a last resort,in order to alleviate the pressures legislators currently face from the growing body of criminal law. 展开更多
关键词 social transition LEGISLATION criminal code minor offences law nullum crimen sine lege
Research on the Legal Attributes and Values of Forensic Testimony in Criminal Proceedings from the Perspective of Legal Norms 被引量:1
作者 练育强 《Social Sciences in China》 2012年第4期157-167,共11页
From the perspective of legal norms, the legal attributes of forensic testimony in the course of criminal proceedings are manifested in two forms: one is the collection of evidence; the other is the exercise of power... From the perspective of legal norms, the legal attributes of forensic testimony in the course of criminal proceedings are manifested in two forms: one is the collection of evidence; the other is the exercise of power. However, the values residing in these two legal attributes are not the same. The former emphasizes "justice," and the latter, "efficiency." An analysis of the legal norms governing forensic testimony in different periods shows that forensic testimony in criminal proceedings is gradually shifting from a pattern dominated by the exercise of power to one characterized by the collection of evidence. However, a genuine return to the essential character of forensic testimony as the collection of evidence must be premised on a change in the value orientation of the Criminal Procedure Law, that is, on a change from "efficiency" to "justice." 展开更多
关键词 legal norms forensic testimony legal attributes value orientation
Criminal Law and the Moral Education of Men
作者 Ngaire Naffine 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2018年第2期129-144,共16页
For much of its history, the criminal law of England, and hence of its colonies, counselled husbands to control and correct their wives. The ability to exercise effective domestic authority was an important index of m... For much of its history, the criminal law of England, and hence of its colonies, counselled husbands to control and correct their wives. The ability to exercise effective domestic authority was an important index of manliness. So too was the willingness to use measured force in order to secure sexual relations with an unwilling wife. Criminal law thus immunised husbands from the crime of rape. The great political theorist John Stuart Mill condemned these extensive powers of the husband and called the patriarchal family a 'nursery of the vices'. The leading Victorian criminal law jurist James Fitzjames Stephen took the opposite view. The manly man should take control of his little kingdom of the family and criminal law should cede him his sex rights, as it did. Modern criminal law has modemised men and curtailed these rights to women. The husband's immunity from rape prosecution has been abolished. What was once endorsed in a manly man is now officially condemned. And yet the discipline of criminal law, as a whole, has not been reconsidered or reconceived. There has been remarkably little reflection about its gendered history and what is has meant for the past and present moral education of men. 展开更多
关键词 Rape law Marital immunity MASCULINITY
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