Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of Jie Jing Ding Chuan Zhi Xiao Tang (解痉定喘止哮 汤 the Tetany- Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction) on infantile bronchiolitis. Method: Seventy-five eligible ca...Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of Jie Jing Ding Chuan Zhi Xiao Tang (解痉定喘止哮 汤 the Tetany- Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction) on infantile bronchiolitis. Method: Seventy-five eligible cases were randomly divided into a treatment group (N = 45) and a control group (N=30). Patients in the treatment group were treated with Tetany-Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction, the ingredients of which include Su Zi (苏子Fructus Perillae), Di Long (地龙 Pheretima), Qian Hu (前胡 Radix Peucedani), Bai Qu Cai (白屈菜 Herba Chelidonii), Ma Huang (麻黄 Herba Ephedrae), Ku Xing Ren (苦杏仁 Semen Armeniacae Amarum), Bai Gou (白果 Semen Gingkgo), Quan Xie (全蝎 Scorpio), Bai Xian Pi (白鲜皮 Cortex Dictamni), Jiang Can (僵蚕 Bombyx Batryticatus), She Gan (射干 Rhizoma Belamcandae) and Dong Hua (冬花 Flos Farfarae). Patients in the control group were treated with Xiao Er Ke Chun Ling Chong Ji (小儿咳喘灵冲剂 Medicinal Granules for Infantile Cough and Pant). Result: A total effective rate of 93.3% was achieved in the treatment group and only 73.3% was obtained in the control group. Conclusion: The Tetany- Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction is significantly effective in treating infantile bronchiolitis (P<0.05).展开更多
文摘Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of Jie Jing Ding Chuan Zhi Xiao Tang (解痉定喘止哮 汤 the Tetany- Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction) on infantile bronchiolitis. Method: Seventy-five eligible cases were randomly divided into a treatment group (N = 45) and a control group (N=30). Patients in the treatment group were treated with Tetany-Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction, the ingredients of which include Su Zi (苏子Fructus Perillae), Di Long (地龙 Pheretima), Qian Hu (前胡 Radix Peucedani), Bai Qu Cai (白屈菜 Herba Chelidonii), Ma Huang (麻黄 Herba Ephedrae), Ku Xing Ren (苦杏仁 Semen Armeniacae Amarum), Bai Gou (白果 Semen Gingkgo), Quan Xie (全蝎 Scorpio), Bai Xian Pi (白鲜皮 Cortex Dictamni), Jiang Can (僵蚕 Bombyx Batryticatus), She Gan (射干 Rhizoma Belamcandae) and Dong Hua (冬花 Flos Farfarae). Patients in the control group were treated with Xiao Er Ke Chun Ling Chong Ji (小儿咳喘灵冲剂 Medicinal Granules for Infantile Cough and Pant). Result: A total effective rate of 93.3% was achieved in the treatment group and only 73.3% was obtained in the control group. Conclusion: The Tetany- Pant- and Wheeze-relieving Decoction is significantly effective in treating infantile bronchiolitis (P<0.05).