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基于关联假设的定性组合建模算法 被引量:2
作者 王东锋 尚宏 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2004年第4期56-59,共4页
组合建模是基于建模假设和模型片断库 ,构造定性仿真模型的自动化方法。关联假设是一类模型假设 ,它既可以用来定义模型片断本身 ,也可以定义有关模型片断使用的决策信息 ,将模型库与建模任务联系起来。在知识分类的基础上 ,该文提出了... 组合建模是基于建模假设和模型片断库 ,构造定性仿真模型的自动化方法。关联假设是一类模型假设 ,它既可以用来定义模型片断本身 ,也可以定义有关模型片断使用的决策信息 ,将模型库与建模任务联系起来。在知识分类的基础上 ,该文提出了基于关联假设的模型组合算法 ,解决了定性仿真模型的构造问题 ,主要内容包括关联性的表示、关联推理算法及其具体实现 ,最后给出一个实例。 展开更多
关键词 关联假设 定性组合建模 仿真模型 关联推理算法 知识表示 知识库
作者 陈兵 刘玉蓉 《锦州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第2期1-6,共6页
研究一类线性不确定组合系统的分散输出跟踪问题 ,给出分散的状态反馈控制器的设计方案。所设计的分散控制器使得闭环系统是内部渐近稳定的 ,同时系统的输出渐近跟踪所给定的参考信号。系统中的不确定性是非匹配的 ,同时假定是范数有界的。
关键词 渐近输出跟踪 分散控制 非匹配不确定性组合系统 控制理论 二次镇定
基于模糊优势关系的粗糙聚类定性组合算法 被引量:1
作者 沈怡秀 马福民 曹杰 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期48-52,59,共6页
为对包含数值和名词属性的混合数据集进行定性组合聚类分析,提出一种基于模糊优势关系的粗糙聚类定性组合算法f-QRD。根据混合数据集的不同属性分别进行聚类并计算类簇之间的模糊优势关系,为避免组合后的类簇碎片过多,对模糊优势关系差... 为对包含数值和名词属性的混合数据集进行定性组合聚类分析,提出一种基于模糊优势关系的粗糙聚类定性组合算法f-QRD。根据混合数据集的不同属性分别进行聚类并计算类簇之间的模糊优势关系,为避免组合后的类簇碎片过多,对模糊优势关系差值较小的类簇进行合并处理。实验结果表明,与QRD算法相比, f-QRD算法能够有效减少类簇数目并提高聚类准确率。 展开更多
关键词 粗糙聚类 K均值 定性组合 模糊优势关系 混合数据集
个人电脑电压暂降失效事件组合不确定性评估 被引量:1
作者 汪颖 杨达 +1 位作者 肖先勇 杨景岗 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期700-704,共5页
提出一种基于混合熵的用户设备电压暂降失事件组合不确定性评估方法。在研究组合不确定性评估模型与算法的基础上,根据实测样本数据特征,将组合不确定性分解为随机性、模糊性以及两者的交叉不确定性。以PC为例,并考虑到PC机在电压暂降... 提出一种基于混合熵的用户设备电压暂降失事件组合不确定性评估方法。在研究组合不确定性评估模型与算法的基础上,根据实测样本数据特征,将组合不确定性分解为随机性、模糊性以及两者的交叉不确定性。以PC为例,并考虑到PC机在电压暂降前可能处于全速、空载和正常等运行状态,暂降后可能出现完全死机、运算出错和"假死"等失效状态,利用该方法进行失效率评估,并与现有概率、模糊等评估法进行比较,结果证明,该方法可克服传统方法中存在的过估计或欠估计问题,结果更符合工程实际。 展开更多
关键词 组合不确定性 用户设备 失效率 混合熵 联合空间 电压暂降
基于智能计算的广西冷湿极端天气定性和定量组合预报方法研究 被引量:3
作者 黄颖 金龙 +2 位作者 陆虹 黄翠银 周秀华 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1424-1440,共17页
论文以逐日气温和降水量数据、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及预报场资料为基础,将表征冬季低温冷害的冷湿指数作为预报量,先利用随机森林方法进行冬季逐日冷湿极端天气定性判别预报分析,再进一步以粒子群算法为基础的模糊神经网络集成个体生... 论文以逐日气温和降水量数据、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及预报场资料为基础,将表征冬季低温冷害的冷湿指数作为预报量,先利用随机森林方法进行冬季逐日冷湿极端天气定性判别预报分析,再进一步以粒子群算法为基础的模糊神经网络集成个体生成技术方法,建立一种新的非线性智能计算定量集成预报模型(PSOFNN),进行了广西冷湿极端天气定量预报模型的预报建模研究。结果表明,论文提出的这种以不同的智能计算方法构建的定性、定量综合预报分析方法,比较符合极端天气小概率事件的预报特点,其中随机森林算法构建的定性预报模型,对广西冷湿极端天气事件的预报TS评分(Threat Score)为0.77,空报率为0.23,漏报率为0,ETS评分(Equitable Threat Score)为0.41,TSS评分(True Skill Statistic)为0.53。而采用粒子群-模糊神经网络方法构建的极端冷湿指数定量集成预报模型比其他线性和非线性预报模型具有更好的预报精度。其中PSOFNN集成预报模型在预报建模样本和独立预报样本个例相同的情况下,比回归方法的预报平均绝对误差下降了25%以上,比一般的普通模糊神经网络预报平均绝对误差下降了14.37%。主要原因是因为PSO-FNN集成预报模型通过改进集成个体的预报能力和增强集成个体的种群差异性,提高了集成预报模型的预报精度。因此,该智能计算集成预报模型的泛化能力显著提高,预报结果稳定可靠,为冷湿极端天气客观预报提供了新的预报工具和预报建模方法。 展开更多
关键词 广西冷湿极端天气 定性、定量组合预报 粒子群-模糊神经网络集成模型 随机森林
市场环境下考虑电价的机组组合问题比较 被引量:1
作者 熊高峰 蔡振华 +1 位作者 谢上华 刘曼 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期61-66,共6页
为了比较市场环境下基于电价的确定性机组组合问题与考虑电价不确定性的随机机组组合问题模型的优劣,该文定义了两种风险指标,并采用改进粒子群算法求解这两种机组组合问题。在求解过程中,将机组组合问题分解为确定机组开停机表和确定... 为了比较市场环境下基于电价的确定性机组组合问题与考虑电价不确定性的随机机组组合问题模型的优劣,该文定义了两种风险指标,并采用改进粒子群算法求解这两种机组组合问题。在求解过程中,将机组组合问题分解为确定机组开停机表和确定机组出力的两阶段优化问题,并引入最小开停机修复策略。算例表明,在不同风险态度下,发电商应采取不同的机组组合问题数学模型并进行求解和决策。 展开更多
关键词 基于电价的确定性机组组合问题 考虑电价不确定性的随机机组组合问题 风险指标 改进粒子群优化
Microstructure stability of Ti_2Al N/Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb composite at 900 °C 被引量:1
作者 刘懿文 胡锐 张铁邦 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期423-430,共8页
Microstructure stability of in situ synthesized Ti2AlN/Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb composite during aging at 900 ℃ was investigated by XRD, OM and TEM, and the unreinforced Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy was also examined for comparison.... Microstructure stability of in situ synthesized Ti2AlN/Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb composite during aging at 900 ℃ was investigated by XRD, OM and TEM, and the unreinforced Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy was also examined for comparison. The result showed that in the TiAl alloy,α2 lamellae thinned and were broken down, and became discontinuous with increasing aging time. The decomposition ofα2 lamella toγ which was characterized by parallel decomposition and breakdown ofα2 lamellae led to the degradation of the lamellar structure. While in the composite, lamellar structure remained relatively stable even after aging at 900 ℃ for 100 h. No breakdown ofα2 lamellae except parallel decomposition and precipitation of fine nitride particles was observed. The better microstructural stability of the composite was mainly attributed to the precipitation of Ti2AlN particles at theα2/γ interface which played an important role in retarding the coarsening of lamellar microstructure in the matrix of composite. 展开更多
关键词 TiAl composite Ti2AlN microstructure stability lamellar structure PRECIPITATION
山东临沂方言中的特殊程度副词 被引量:3
作者 明茂修 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2007年第6期76-79,共4页
关键词 临沂方言 程度副词 单音形容词 组合定性 分布互补性 声调集中性
Stability and changes in astaxanthin ester composition from Haematococcus pluvialis during storage 被引量:8
作者 苗凤萍 耿亚洪 +2 位作者 卢大炎 左进城 李夜光 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1181-1189,共9页
In this paper,we investigated the effects of temperature,oxygen,antioxidants,and corn germ oil on the stability of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis under different storage conditions,and changes in the composi... In this paper,we investigated the effects of temperature,oxygen,antioxidants,and corn germ oil on the stability of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis under different storage conditions,and changes in the composition of astaxanthin esters during storage using high performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry.Oxygen and high temperatures(22–25°C) significantly reduced the stability of astaxanthin esters.Corn germ oil and antioxidants(ascorbic acid and vitamin E)failed to protect astaxanthin from oxidation,and actually significantly increased the instability of astaxanthin.A change in the relative composition of astaxanthin esters was observed after 96 weeks of long-term storage.During storage,the relative amounts of free astaxanthin and astaxanthin monoesters declined,while the relative amount of astaxanthin diesters increased.Thus,the ratio of astaxanthin diester to monoester increased,and this ratio could be used to indicate if astaxanthin esters have been properly preserved.If the ratio is greater than 0.2,it suggests that the decrease in astaxanthin content could be higher than 20%.Our results show that storing algal powder from H.pluvialis or other natural astaxanthin products under vacuum and in the dark below 4°C is the most economical and applicable storage method for the large-scale production of astaxanthin from H.pluvialis.This storage method can produce an astaxanthin preservation rate of at least 80%after 96 weeks of storage. 展开更多
关键词 Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin ester storage stability storage life high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Dynamic Portfolio Choice under Uncertainty about Asset Return Model
作者 何朝林 孟卫东 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期645-650,共6页
The effect of uncertainty about stochastic diffusion model on dynamic portfolio choice of an investor who maximizes utility of terminal portfolio wealth was studied.It applied stochastic control method to obtain the c... The effect of uncertainty about stochastic diffusion model on dynamic portfolio choice of an investor who maximizes utility of terminal portfolio wealth was studied.It applied stochastic control method to obtain the closed-form solution of optimal dynamic portfolio,and used the Bayesian rule to estimate the model parameters to do an empirical study on two different samples of Shanghai Exchange Composite Index.Results show,model uncertainty results in positive or negative hedging demand of portfolio,which depends on investor's attitude toward risk;the effect of model uncertainty is more significant with the increasing of investment horizon,the decreasing of investor's risk-aversion degree,and the decreasing of information;predictability of risky asset return increases its allocation in portfolio,at the same time,the effect of model uncertainty also strengthens. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic portfolio model uncertainty estimation risk Bayesian analysis
Microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA62 based magnesium alloys with calcium addition 被引量:1
作者 万晓峰 孙扬善 +2 位作者 薛烽 白晶 陶卫建 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期757-762,共6页
As-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Zn-2Al-0.3Mn (ZA62) alloys with calcium addition were investigated.The as-cast microstructure of the base alloy ZA62 consists of the α-Mg matrix and eutectic ph... As-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Zn-2Al-0.3Mn (ZA62) alloys with calcium addition were investigated.The as-cast microstructure of the base alloy ZA62 consists of the α-Mg matrix and eutectic phase Mg51Zn20.The Mg51Zn20 eutectic was gradually replaced by MgZn phase and Mg32(Al,Zn)49 phase when calcium is added into the base alloy.Further addition of calcium leads to the increase of grain boundary phases and formation of a new quaternary Mg-Zn-Al-Ca eutectic compound.In comparison with the base alloy,the increase of calcium addition to the base alloy results in the reduction of both strength and ductility at ambient temperature,but increase at elevated temperatures due to the thermal stability of Ca-containing phases.At elevated temperatures,the creep resistance of ZA62 based alloys containing calcium is significantly higher than that of AZ91 which is the most commonly used magnesium alloy. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloys ZA62 alloys calcium creep properties
Identification of Connection Flexibility Effects Based on Load Testing of a Steel-Concrete Bridge
作者 Czeslaw Machelski Robert Toczkiewicz 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第11期1504-1513,共10页
In the case of composite girders, an effective cooperation of both parts of the section is influenced by deformability of connectors. Limited flexural stiffness of welded studs, used commonly in bridge structures, doe... In the case of composite girders, an effective cooperation of both parts of the section is influenced by deformability of connectors. Limited flexural stiffness of welded studs, used commonly in bridge structures, does not provide full interaction of a steel beam and a concrete slab. This changes strain distribution in cross-sections of a composite girder and results in redistribution of internal forces in steel and concrete element. In the paper partial interaction index defined on the basis of a neutral axis position, which can be used for verification of steel-concrete interaction in real bridge structures rather than in specimens is proposed. The range of the index value changes, obtained during load testing of a typical steel-concrete composite beam bridge, is presented. The investigation was carried out on a motorway viaduct, consisting of two parallel structures. During the testing values of strains in girders under static and quasi-static loads were measured. The readings from the gauges were used to determine the index, characterizing composite action of the girders. Results of bridge testing under movable load, changing position along the bridge span is presented and obtained in-situ influence functions of strains and index values are commented in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Abstract: In the case of composite girders an effective cooperation of both parts of the section is influenced by deformability of connectors. Limited flexural stiffness of welded studs used commonly in bridge structures does not provide full interaction of a steel beam and a concrete slab. This changes strain distribution in cross-sections of a composite girder and results in redistribution of internal forces in steel and concrete element. In the paper partial interaction index defined on the basis of a neutral axis position which can be used for verification of steel-concrete interaction in real bridge structures rather Composite bridge partial interaction
Combined Gradient Representations for Generalized Birkhoffian Systems in Event Space and Its Stability Analysis
作者 WANG Jiahang BAO Siyuan 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第6期967-974,共8页
The combined gradient representations for generalized Birkhoffian systems in event space are studied.Firstly,the definitions of six kinds of combined gradient systems and corresponding differential equations are given... The combined gradient representations for generalized Birkhoffian systems in event space are studied.Firstly,the definitions of six kinds of combined gradient systems and corresponding differential equations are given.Secondly,the conditions under which generalized Birkhoffian systems become combined gradient systems are obtained. Finally,the characteristics of combined gradient systems are used to study the stability of generalized Birkhoffian systems in event space. Seven examples are given to illustrate the results. 展开更多
关键词 generalized Birkhoffian system event space combined gradient systems stability
Effect of Nb content on microstructure stability and stress rupture properties of single crystal superalloy containing Re and Ru
作者 史振学 刘世忠 +2 位作者 岳晓岱 王效光 李嘉荣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1293-1300,共8页
Three experimental single crystal superalloys with 0%Nb,0.5%Nb,1.0%Nb were cast in the directionally solidified furnace,while other alloying element contents were basically kept unchanged.The effect of Nb on the micro... Three experimental single crystal superalloys with 0%Nb,0.5%Nb,1.0%Nb were cast in the directionally solidified furnace,while other alloying element contents were basically kept unchanged.The effect of Nb on the microstructure,stability at1100°C and stress rupture properties at 1070°C and 160 MPa of the single crystal superalloy were investigated.The experiment results show that the primary dendrite arm spacing decreases and the volume fraction ofγ/γ′eutectic of the alloy increases with the increase of Nb content in the as-cast microstructures.The size ofγ′phase particles becomes small and uniform and the cubic shape does not obviously change with the increase of Nb content.The precipitating rate and volume fraction of TCP phases increase significantly with the increase of Nb content in the process of long term aging at 1100°C.The stress rupture lives increase and elongation decreases with increasing Nb content at 1070°C/160 MPa.At last,the relationship between the microstructures stability,stress rupture properties of the alloy and Nb content is discussed based on JMat Pro software and the lastest relevant database for single crystal superalloy. 展开更多
关键词 single crystal superalloy NB microstructure stability long-term aging stress rupture properties
The Transcriptional Response of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Genes AtKu70, AtRAD51 and AtRadl to X-Ray Radiation
作者 Sergey Litvinov Namik Rashydov 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第1期52-60,共9页
The study of influence of the fractionated and acute ionizing radiation on plants revealed that it is able to induce genomic instability. The hypothesis that transcription rate of several evolutionary conserved DNA re... The study of influence of the fractionated and acute ionizing radiation on plants revealed that it is able to induce genomic instability. The hypothesis that transcription rate of several evolutionary conserved DNA repair genes AtKu 70, AtRAD51 and AtRadl, which keeps genome stability in cells of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, changes differently depending on dose and mode of ionizing radiation exposure had been tested. Gel electrophoresis-based reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method was used for quantifying mRNA transcription levels. The data demonstrated that mode and dose of irradiation affect transcription rate of the genes AtKuTO, AtRAD51 and AtRadI. The fractionated and acute X-ray irradiation may result in adaptive response through the induction of key DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair genes AtKu70 and AtRAD51, as well as in genome instability through transcriptional activation of error-prone AtRadl-mediated DNA DSB repair combined with decreased expression of AtRAD51. In plants at doses within the range of 3-9 Gy, an adaptive influence is prevailed, but at doses of 12-21 Gy an error-prone repair of double-strand DNA damage is activated. Fractionation of dose has a significant effect on the transcription of the genes AtKuTO, AtRAD51 and AtRadl only at doses of 15 Gy and 21 Gy. Acute dose of 15 Gy activates error-prone AtRadl-mediated DSB repair and repressed both AtRAD51-dependent and AtKu70-dependent repair pathways, while fractionated irradiation at the same total dose induces more accurate homologous recombination and canonical non-homologous end joining of the DNA strands. In case of A. thaliana exposed to X-rays at dose 21 Gy, the situation is going reversed because of strong induction of the all three genome caretaker genes in leaves of acutely irradiated plants in contrast to the plants under fractionated exposure. 展开更多
关键词 X-ray exposure DNA repair gene expression transcription rate genome instability.
作者 Chaolin HE Weidong MENG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第5期896-908,共13页
By introducing a stochastic element to the double-jump diffusion framework to measure the Knight uncertainty of asset return process, this paper builds the model of dynamic portfolio choice, which maximizes the expect... By introducing a stochastic element to the double-jump diffusion framework to measure the Knight uncertainty of asset return process, this paper builds the model of dynamic portfolio choice, which maximizes the expected utility of terminal portfolio wealth. Through specifying the state function of uncertainty-aversion, it utilizes the max-min method to derive the analytical solution of the model to study the effect of the time-varying, jumps, and Knight uncertainty of asset return process on dynamic portfolio choice and their interactions. Results of comparative analysis show: The time-varying results in positive or negative intertemporal hedging demand of portfolio, which depends on the coefficient of investor's risk aversion and the correlation coefficient between return shift and volatility shift; the jumps in asset return overall reduce investor's demand for the risky asset, which can be enhanced or weakened by the jumps in volatility; due to the existing of the Knight uncertainty, the investor avoids taking large position on risky asset, and the resulting is the improving of portfolio's steady and immunity. At last, an empirical study is done based on the samples of Shanghai Exchange Composite Index monthly return data from January 1997 to December 2009, which not only tests the theoretical analysis but also demonstrates that the proposed method in the paper is useful from the aspect of portfotio's equivalent utility. 展开更多
关键词 Conditional characteristic function dynamic portfolio JUMPS Knight uncertainty spec-tral generalized method of moments time-varying.
作者 Xiaoguang YANG Jianzhong ZHANG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2008年第4期651-664,共14页
This paper discusses the inverse center location problem restricted on a tree with different costs and bound constraints. The authors first show that the problem can be formulated as a series of combinatorial linear p... This paper discusses the inverse center location problem restricted on a tree with different costs and bound constraints. The authors first show that the problem can be formulated as a series of combinatorial linear programs, then an O(|V|^2 log |V|) time algorithm to solve the problem is presented. For the equal cost case, the authors further give an O(|V|) time algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Center location combinatorial linear program TREE two-terminal series parallel graphs.
Improved Canonical Quantization Method of Self Dual Field
作者 樊丰华 黄永畅 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第10期504-508,共5页
In this paper,the improved canonical quantization method of the self dual field is given in order to overcome linear combination problem about the second class constraint and the first class constraint number maximiza... In this paper,the improved canonical quantization method of the self dual field is given in order to overcome linear combination problem about the second class constraint and the first class constraint number maximization problem in the Dirac method.In the improved canonical quantization method,there are no artificial linear combination and the first class constraint number maximization problems,at the same time,the stability of the system is considered.Therefore,the improved canonical quantization method is more natural and easier accepted by people than the usual Dirac method.We use the improved canonical quantization method to realize the canonical quantization of the self dual field,which has relation with string theory successfully and the results are equal to the results by using the Dirac method. 展开更多
关键词 canonical quantization self dual field canonical quantization method
Use of compositional and combinatorial nanomaterial libraries for biological studies 被引量:1
作者 Zhaoxia Ji 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期755-771,共17页
Abstract The rapid development and production of nanomaterials has created some concerns about their potential hazard on the environment, human health and safety. However, since the list of materials that may gen- era... Abstract The rapid development and production of nanomaterials has created some concerns about their potential hazard on the environment, human health and safety. However, since the list of materials that may gen- erate such concerns is very long, it is impossible to test them all. It is therefore usually recommended to use some small compositional nanomaterial libraries to perform ini- tial toxicity screening, based on which combinatorial libraries are then introduced for more in-depth studies. All nanomaterials in the compositional and combinatorial libraries must be rigorously characterized before any bio- logical studies. In this review, several major categories of physicochemical properties that must be characterized are discussed, along with different analytical techniques that are commonly used. Some case studies from the University of California Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology are also chosen to demonstrate the effec- tive use of compositional and combinatorial nanomaterials libraries to identify the role of some key physicochemical properties and to establish true quantitative structure-ac- tivity relationships. Examples on how to use the knowledge generated from those studies to design safer nanomaterials for improved biological applications are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 NANOMATERIAL Physicochemical property CHARACTERIZATION NANOTECHNOLOGY TOXICITY Compositional library Combinatoriallibrary
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