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文化定桩:乡村聚落核心公共空间营造--浙江黄岩屿头乡沙滩村实践探索 被引量:23
作者 杨贵庆 肖颖禾 《上海城市规划》 2018年第6期15-21,共7页
我国乡村聚落历史演进过程中积淀了丰富的文化内涵,其文化性、社会性和空间性三者之间具有有机的对应关系。其中,乡村聚落重要的文化精神和社会关系特征,一般都以"核心公共空间"作为物质载体予以集中呈现。但是由于生产力与... 我国乡村聚落历史演进过程中积淀了丰富的文化内涵,其文化性、社会性和空间性三者之间具有有机的对应关系。其中,乡村聚落重要的文化精神和社会关系特征,一般都以"核心公共空间"作为物质载体予以集中呈现。但是由于生产力与生产关系的变化等原因,乡村聚落核心公共空间随着乡村传统社会结构的变迁和文化生活内容的改变而逐渐被遗忘,其物质环境也逐渐被弃置。研究指出:以乡村聚落核心公共空间作为"点穴"启动,通过"文化定桩"的方法,可以成为当下我国乡村振兴规划建设的一个有效途径。结合浙江黄岩屿头乡沙滩村的实践,阐述以文化定桩为灵魂、通过核心公共空间的创造性修复和更新的探索成效。 展开更多
关键词 文化定桩 乡村聚落 核心公共空间 屿头乡 沙滩村
作者 张威 《人力资源管理》 2013年第5期122-124,共3页
关键词 职位测评 定桩法” 要素计点法Hay测评法
作者 蔡波 《智能城市》 2019年第17期97-98,共2页
从河道测绘工作的开展角度来说,做好地形测量以及定桩工作的质量把控,对后续工作的开展,明确河道管理与保护范围,减少或者避免因为河道权属界限不明确引发的纠纷,有着重要的意义。现针对河道地形测量与标准化划界定桩,做了简单论述,总... 从河道测绘工作的开展角度来说,做好地形测量以及定桩工作的质量把控,对后续工作的开展,明确河道管理与保护范围,减少或者避免因为河道权属界限不明确引发的纠纷,有着重要的意义。现针对河道地形测量与标准化划界定桩,做了简单论述,总结了工作方法,共享给相关人员参考。 展开更多
关键词 河道 地形测量 标准化 划界定桩
作者 陈淦琛 吴能达 +1 位作者 黄治中 邓铁英 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 1995年第1期153-158,共6页
关键词 模型试验 高压喷板 承载能力
电动汽车直流充电桩检定系统研制 被引量:9
作者 钟劲松 刘卫新 +2 位作者 李宁 潘霞 曹威 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2018年第B08期94-97,共4页
随着电动汽车的推广,与之配套的电动汽车充电桩设施不断完善。文中根据充电桩检验技术规范研制了一套电动汽车直流充电桩检定系统。该系统通过充电桩测试仪器和可调矩阵负载对充电桩的所有要求的试验点进行试验,并通过测试仪器内部计算... 随着电动汽车的推广,与之配套的电动汽车充电桩设施不断完善。文中根据充电桩检验技术规范研制了一套电动汽车直流充电桩检定系统。该系统通过充电桩测试仪器和可调矩阵负载对充电桩的所有要求的试验点进行试验,并通过测试仪器内部计算准确快速的在测试仪器的人机交互界面上显示所有测试点的测试数据,为电动汽车充电桩的相关试验提供了简便、快捷、准确的测试环境和方法,也为后续的电动汽车直流充电桩的科学测评奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 充电系统 试验点 科学测评
交流充电桩检定装置校准系统与校准方法研究 被引量:3
作者 段晚晴 戴伟 +2 位作者 曾继光 邬智江 陈东 《自动化应用》 2021年第6期110-112,共3页
随着电动汽车的普及,各地均大量安装交流充电桩等充电设施。为确保交流充电桩量值的准确可靠,需要使用交流充电桩检定装置对其进行检定。因此,交流充电桩检定装置这一计量标准的准确性就显得尤为重要。为此,研发了该检定装置的校准系统... 随着电动汽车的普及,各地均大量安装交流充电桩等充电设施。为确保交流充电桩量值的准确可靠,需要使用交流充电桩检定装置对其进行检定。因此,交流充电桩检定装置这一计量标准的准确性就显得尤为重要。为此,研发了该检定装置的校准系统,制定了校准方法,并对校准系统进行量值溯源。希望通过的本文章研究工作,对充电桩检定装置的质量把控有所助益。 展开更多
关键词 交流充电装置 校准系统 校准方法 量值溯源
浅述大型绞吸船定位移船倒桩装置设计 被引量:3
作者 丁勇 王振瑯 《船舶》 2009年第6期50-54,共5页
大型绞吸挖泥船在重大疏浚工程中具有举足轻重的作用,而新型定位移船倒桩装置是大型绞吸挖泥船的主要设备,国内首次设计既是攻关重点,又是关键所在。通过阐述新型定位移船倒桩装置的结构组成,工作原理以及关键技术和特点,对其设计作介... 大型绞吸挖泥船在重大疏浚工程中具有举足轻重的作用,而新型定位移船倒桩装置是大型绞吸挖泥船的主要设备,国内首次设计既是攻关重点,又是关键所在。通过阐述新型定位移船倒桩装置的结构组成,工作原理以及关键技术和特点,对其设计作介绍以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 大型绞吸挖泥船 位移船倒装置 工作原理 关键技术及特点
作者 周洪剑 《爆破》 CSCD 1996年第3期69-69,90,共2页
关键词 三峡工程 预裂爆破 线法 边坡
超级稻中浙优1号蓄留再生稻高产栽培技术研究 被引量:10
作者 黄其椿 何大福 +5 位作者 黄世礽 林明龙 陈同聪 何万福 梁玉祥 农振平 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第31期19073-19074,19077,共3页
[目的]为超级稻中浙优1号蓄留再生稻获得高产提供理论依据。[方法]以品种中浙优1号为研究材料,研究头季稻收割成熟度、收割后留桩时间和定桩高度3个因子对再生稻苗情、有效穗、结实粒数、千粒重和实际产量等的影响。[结果]头季稻在80%、... [目的]为超级稻中浙优1号蓄留再生稻获得高产提供理论依据。[方法]以品种中浙优1号为研究材料,研究头季稻收割成熟度、收割后留桩时间和定桩高度3个因子对再生稻苗情、有效穗、结实粒数、千粒重和实际产量等的影响。[结果]头季稻在80%、85%成熟度时收割再生稻产量最高;头季稻收割后,留桩时间越短产量越高;定桩高度为10 cm时产量最高,其次是15、20、5 cm。[结论]中浙优1号蓄留再生稻时要掌握好头季稻收割成熟度、留桩时间和定桩高度,才能获得高产。 展开更多
关键词 中浙优1号 再生稻 时间 定桩高度 高产栽培技术
浅谈右脑记忆之联想记忆法 被引量:1
作者 提坤 《科技信息》 2012年第18期166-166,共1页
关键词 联想记忆法 想象 联想 编码 定桩
作者 江华 《农村电气化》 2022年第2期59-62,共4页
在电力设计勘测阶段,为了确定杆塔位置,须在实地位置钉上木桩。在杆塔施工时,也须根据木桩位置进行杆塔施工安装,上述措施,除产生实体定桩所需经济费用外,还会导致杆塔建设区域老百姓由于实体桩的存在,而违规搭建、种植树木等行为,从而... 在电力设计勘测阶段,为了确定杆塔位置,须在实地位置钉上木桩。在杆塔施工时,也须根据木桩位置进行杆塔施工安装,上述措施,除产生实体定桩所需经济费用外,还会导致杆塔建设区域老百姓由于实体桩的存在,而违规搭建、种植树木等行为,从而增加了项目通道清理费用。利用GIS和高精度导航设备,构建电力数字勘测单兵系统,系统在实际项目中应用表明,单兵系统使用后,可去掉杆塔实地定位而进行的钉木桩工作,提高了项目进度,节省了成本,可为其他地区电力勘测设计提供技术思路。 展开更多
关键词 高精度 GIS 定桩 电力勘测
作者 王芬 《陕西教育(教学)》 2019年第9期76-76,共1页
好记忆才能成就好成绩。高效的记忆要在了解记忆规律的基础上掌握好的记忆方法,方能取得理想的记忆效果。王峰是江苏卫视《最强大脑之燃烧吧大脑》的'最强队长',《最强大脑》第一季的脑王,亚洲第一记忆大师,世界脑力锦标赛上第... 好记忆才能成就好成绩。高效的记忆要在了解记忆规律的基础上掌握好的记忆方法,方能取得理想的记忆效果。王峰是江苏卫视《最强大脑之燃烧吧大脑》的'最强队长',《最强大脑》第一季的脑王,亚洲第一记忆大师,世界脑力锦标赛上第一个获得个人总冠军的亚洲人。 展开更多
关键词 定桩 思维导图 最强大脑 氧化剂 方程式
Numerical Analysis of the Stability of Embankment Slope Reinforced with Piles 被引量:1
作者 崔溦 张志耕 闫澍旺 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第2期126-130,共5页
The effects of stabilizing piles on the stability of an embankment slope are analyzed by numerical simulation. The shear strength reduction method is used for the analysis, and the soil - pile interaction is simulated... The effects of stabilizing piles on the stability of an embankment slope are analyzed by numerical simulation. The shear strength reduction method is used for the analysis, and the soil - pile interaction is simulated with zero-thickness elasto-plastic interface elements. Effects of pile spacing and pile position on the safety factor of slope and the behavior of piles under these conditions are given. The numerical analysis indicates that the positions of the pile have significant influence on the stability of the slope, and the pile needs to be installed in the middle of the slope for maximum safety factors. In the end, the soil arching effect closely associated with the space between stabilizing piles is analyzed. The results are helpful for design and construction of stabilizing piles. 展开更多
关键词 stabilizing piles embankment slope shear strength reduction method interface element numerical simulation
Perturbation analysis on post-buckling behavior of pile
作者 赵明华 贺炜 王泓华 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第6期853-857,共5页
The nonlinear large deflection differential equation, based on the assumption that the subsoil coefficient is the 2nd root of the depth, was established by energy method. The perturbation parameter was introduced to t... The nonlinear large deflection differential equation, based on the assumption that the subsoil coefficient is the 2nd root of the depth, was established by energy method. The perturbation parameter was introduced to transform the equation to a series of linear differential equations to be solved, and the deflection function according with the boundary condition was considered. Then, the nonlinear higher-order asymptotic solution of post-buckling behavior of a pile was obtained by parameter-substituting. The influencing factors such as bury-depth ratio and stiffness ratio of soil to pile, slenderness ratio on the post-buckling behavior of a pile were analyzed. The results show that the pile is more unstable when the bury-depth ratio and stiffness ratio of soil to pile increase, and although the buckling load increases with the stiffness of soil, the pile may ruin for its brittleness. Thus, in the region where buckling behavior of pile must be taken into account, the high grade concrete is supposed to be applied, and the dynamic buckling behavior of pile needs to be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 pile foundation stable loading path perturbation approach bury-depth ratio stiffness ratio of pile to soil
Experimental study for the particle size distribution of mine spoil pile cross section
作者 JIANG Li-guo Liang Bing LU Xiu-sheng 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期415-418,共4页
The aim of the experiment is to analyze and view the distribution of gangue withdifferent particle sizes in mine spoil pile cross section.According to the Dimensionalmethod,'Pi'theorem was employed first to ab... The aim of the experiment is to analyze and view the distribution of gangue withdifferent particle sizes in mine spoil pile cross section.According to the Dimensionalmethod,'Pi'theorem was employed first to abbreviate ten physical and mechanical parametersto three dimensionless groups, and then the similarity criterion and coefficient ofthe experiment were determined and calculated based on particle size distribution curve.The similarity model was designed and constructed to represent the process of the minespoil pile.The profile of the final model shows that the small sized particles mainly composethe upper zone of the mine spoil pile, while the bottom of the pile is dominated bybigger sized particles, and the intermediate section presents a zigzag stripe cross-beddingstructure which is composed by small-medium scale particles and medium-large scaleparticles.Each stripe has two critical angles: one is the angle in which gangue particlescan maintain their stability condition, with approximate range from 24° to 26°; and theother is the angle in which particles can stop gliding downwards, approximately varyingfrom 34° to 36°. 展开更多
关键词 mine spoil pile particle size distribution cross section similarity model di- mensional analysis
Design of micropiles to increase earth slopes stability 被引量:4
作者 孙书伟 王家臣 卞晓琳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1361-1367,共7页
A methodology was proposed for the design of micropiles to increase earth slopes stability. An analytic model based on bearn-colurnn equation and an existing P-y curve method was set up and used to find the shear capa... A methodology was proposed for the design of micropiles to increase earth slopes stability. An analytic model based on bearn-colurnn equation and an existing P-y curve method was set up and used to find the shear capacity of the micropile. Then, a step-by-step design procedure for stabilization of earth slope with rnicropiles was introduced, involving six main steps: 1) Choosing a location for the rnicropiles within the existing slope; 2) Selecting micropile cross section; 3) Estimating length of rnicropile; 4) Evaluating shear capacity of mieropiles; 5) Calculating spacing required to provide force to stabilize the slope; 6) Designing the concrete cap beam. The application of the method to an embankment landslide in Qinghai Province was described in detail. In the final design, three rows of rnicropiles were adopted as a group and a total of 126 rnicropiles with 0.23 m in diameter were used. The micropile length ranged between 15 and 18 m, with the spacing 1.5 m at in-row direction. The monitoring data indicate that slope movement has been effectively controlled as a result of the slope stabilization measure, which verifies the reasonability of the design method. 展开更多
关键词 micropiles earth slope stabilization lateral response analysis design method P-y curve
Three-dimensional analysis of slopes reinforced with piles 被引量:8
作者 高玉峰 叶茂 张飞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2322-2327,共6页
Based on the upper bound of limit analysis, the plane-strain analysis of the slopes reinforced with a row of piles to the 3D case was extended. A 3D rotational failure mechanism was adopted to yield the upper bound of... Based on the upper bound of limit analysis, the plane-strain analysis of the slopes reinforced with a row of piles to the 3D case was extended. A 3D rotational failure mechanism was adopted to yield the upper bound of the factor of safety. Parametric studies were carried out to explore the end effects of the slope failures and the effects of the pile location and diameter on the safety of the reinforced slopes. The results demonstrate that the end effects nearly have no effects on the most suitable location of the installed piles but have significant influence on the safety of the slopes. For a slope constrained to a narrow width, the slope becomes more stable owing to the contribution of the end effects. When the slope is reinforced with a row of piles in small space between piles, the effects of group piles are significant for evaluating the safety of slopes. The presented method is more appropriate for assessing the stability of slopes reinforced with piles and can be also utilized in the design of plies stabilizing the unstable slopes. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional rotational failure mechanism stability of slopes limit analysis LANDSLIDES PILES
Seismic response of a typical fixed platform foundation under earthquake loading
作者 Zhu Feng Wang Jun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第4期72-78,共7页
Offshore platforms in seismically active areas should be designed to service severe earthquake excitations with no global structural failure. This paper summarizes the dynamic analysis of a typical fixed platform unde... Offshore platforms in seismically active areas should be designed to service severe earthquake excitations with no global structural failure. This paper summarizes the dynamic analysis of a typical fixed platform under the earthquake loading in the seismically active area. The dynamic analysis includes interpretation of dynamic design parameters based on the available site-specific data,together with foundation design recommendations for earthquake loading conditions,which include free-field site response analyses,liquefaction analyses and soil-pile interaction analyses. 展开更多
关键词 fixed platform earthquake loading soil-pile interaction
Monte Carlo Simulation for Slope Stabilization Using Drilled Shafts
作者 Lin Li 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1467-1472,共6页
A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil archi... A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil arching, which was quantified by the load transfer factor in the limited equilibrium analysis. However, due to the inherent uncertainties of the soil properties and the model error of the semi-empirical load transfer equation, an extension modification of the deterministic method into a probabilistic method is developed in this paper. The MCS (Monte Carlo simulation) with log-normal random variables has been employed to calculate the probability of failure (Pf) for the drilled shafts/slope system. The developed theories were coded into a computer program for analyzing complex slope geometry and slope profile conditions. Finally, a case study has been performed to illustrate the application analysis of the developed probability approach in drilled shafts/slope system. 展开更多
关键词 Monte Carlo drilled shafts slope stability arching.
作者 郭齐钟 俞华龙 +1 位作者 蔡日初 王新星 《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》 2000年第S1期37-39,共3页
厦门邮电大厦基坑平面近 15 0 0 0m2 ,深度 18.3m ,地质条件复杂 ,地下水具承压性且与海水连通。基坑支护方案采用冲、钻孔灌注排桩与桩间摆喷帷幕联合支护加锚杆背拉结构 ,对设计和施工及监测进行了介绍。
关键词 深大基坑 冲、钻孔灌注排 喷帷幕 预应力锚杆 地下水 潮水 孔口封堵注浆
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