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中国古代五星定见算法的沿革与分期 被引量:3
作者 唐泉 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第1期36-40,78,共6页
张子信之前的历法家以五星和太阳的平均运动推算五星始见时刻,从隋代《皇极历》开始,历法家在设计五星定见算法时,逐渐考虑了五星和太阳的不均匀运动,在宋代的《崇天历》中,五星定见算法基本定型.梳理了中国古代五星定见算法的历史沿革... 张子信之前的历法家以五星和太阳的平均运动推算五星始见时刻,从隋代《皇极历》开始,历法家在设计五星定见算法时,逐渐考虑了五星和太阳的不均匀运动,在宋代的《崇天历》中,五星定见算法基本定型.梳理了中国古代五星定见算法的历史沿革,并根据五星定见算法的特征,以《皇极历》、《大衍历》和《崇天历》为关节点,将五星定见算法的历史分为四个阶段. 展开更多
关键词 行星理论 定见算法 中心差 《纪元历》
《纪元历》五星定见算法及其精度研究 被引量:4
作者 唐泉 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2013年第4期71-80,共10页
推求五星定见时刻是中国古代行星理论中的一个重要算法,该算法由于涉及到五星和太阳的不均匀运动而显得比较复杂。按照中国古代历法家的思路,利用现代天文学知识,构建了五星定见算法的数学模型,并选择宋代名历《纪元历》,详细讨论了《... 推求五星定见时刻是中国古代行星理论中的一个重要算法,该算法由于涉及到五星和太阳的不均匀运动而显得比较复杂。按照中国古代历法家的思路,利用现代天文学知识,构建了五星定见算法的数学模型,并选择宋代名历《纪元历》,详细讨论了《纪元历》五星定见算法的算法模型、合理性及精度。 展开更多
关键词 行星理论 定见算法 中心差 《纪元历》
作者 赵轩 《华文文学》 2021年第4期107-112,共6页
《摘金奇缘》带来的商业成功,为新生代华裔导演创设了获得业界关注的绝佳契机。展现"中华文化圈",塑造全新华人银幕形象,一时成为美国新生代华裔导演的固定创作范式。然而,上述导演镜头中的故土叙事已远非《喜福会》时期的乡... 《摘金奇缘》带来的商业成功,为新生代华裔导演创设了获得业界关注的绝佳契机。展现"中华文化圈",塑造全新华人银幕形象,一时成为美国新生代华裔导演的固定创作范式。然而,上述导演镜头中的故土叙事已远非《喜福会》时期的乡愁难解,对美国生活方式的认同与对中国传统文化的淡漠始终氤氲其中,更多地显现出资本逻辑对文化认同的潜在约束。包括奢靡多金、戏谑自嘲乃至附庸风雅等之于华人的新型"刻板定见"正在上述影片中逐步生成。迷失于迎合本土市场而沉溺于既定叙事模式与固化人物形象的商业复制,新生代华裔导演实际上放弃了真实塑造自我族裔形象的机会。 展开更多
关键词 新生代美国华裔导演 《摘金奇缘》 刻板定见 华人形象自塑
作者 王均 《程序员》 2007年第11期49-49,共1页
随着经济条件的改善和视野的开阔,社会上有主见者越来越多,人们在讨论问题时越来越习惯问:“与我何干?”;“我不必这么看问题”;“你不了解我,我自有主张”;“我……看这个问题”……与“奴隶式”唯唯诺诺的时代相比,这是社会进步的... 随着经济条件的改善和视野的开阔,社会上有主见者越来越多,人们在讨论问题时越来越习惯问:“与我何干?”;“我不必这么看问题”;“你不了解我,我自有主张”;“我……看这个问题”……与“奴隶式”唯唯诺诺的时代相比,这是社会进步的一种表现,值得庆贺。 展开更多
关键词 主见 定见 社会生活 工作 软件产业
《互联网周刊》 2007年第7期97-97,共1页
约翰·奈斯比特曾出任过肯尼迪时期的教育部助理部长和约翰逊时期的特别助理,并担任过IBM和柯达公司的执行总裁,也是曾以《大趋势》一书独步全球的趋势大师,高踞《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜超过两年。“2006年8月8日,亚马逊网站... 约翰·奈斯比特曾出任过肯尼迪时期的教育部助理部长和约翰逊时期的特别助理,并担任过IBM和柯达公司的执行总裁,也是曾以《大趋势》一书独步全球的趋势大师,高踞《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜超过两年。“2006年8月8日,亚马逊网站列出的所有书目中,有56170本图书的名字都与变化有关,其中11195本与商业变化有关,2404本与全球变化有关”,趋势大师奈斯比特在他的新书《定见》中引用这些数据,却是要说明一个相反的观点:不是所有事都在改变。他出人意料地指出:改变,不是发生在我们做了什么事情,而是如何做的方式。他在书中多次援引了威尔·杜兰特的论点:文明是一条有岸的河流,河流中是历史的不断变化,充斥着杀戮和朝代的变更,而岸边的生活却千百年来恒静如一。奈斯比特认为后者才是真正的文明。书中列举了爱因斯坦、姚明、星巴克、诺基亚等等创意致胜的个人、企业,教人们如何逐步将定见应用在预测未来的经济世界与个人生活的努力方向上。 展开更多
关键词 约翰·奈斯比特 定见 书介 美国
《现代工商》 2007年第8期84-84,共1页
关键词 定见---重启思维定见未来》 书评 约翰·奈斯比特
“久病皆郁”刍议 被引量:6
作者 田生望 《实用中医药杂志》 2015年第6期597-598,共2页
“久病皆郁”系我院王辉武教授在临床中的认识,在其新作《老医真言》中有专篇论述。笔者在协助王师编撰该书过程中,有幸先睹为快,并在长期跟师学习中,反复与实例相印证,今记于此,供同道讨论。郁,本字为古地名,后作为假借字而表示“有文... “久病皆郁”系我院王辉武教授在临床中的认识,在其新作《老医真言》中有专篇论述。笔者在协助王师编撰该书过程中,有幸先睹为快,并在长期跟师学习中,反复与实例相印证,今记于此,供同道讨论。郁,本字为古地名,后作为假借字而表示“有文采”的意思。在《康熙字典》中,郁字有3个基本义项:1地名;2文盛茂(郁郁);3姓。在国务院公布的简化字表中,郁又作为“鬰”字的简化字。所以现代“郁”字有5个义项, 展开更多
关键词 古地名 《康熙字典》 假借字 王辉 病机理论 临床诊疗过程 气机郁结 茫无定见 五郁之发 文盛
作者 万杰 《社会科学论坛》 2012年第8期196-203,共8页
20世纪30年代周作人写有不少谈遗民的文章,在民族命运面临深重危机的情境中,周作人与遗民文化的此番对话别具深意。周作人的遗民话语呈现了遗民思想与生存的真实性、复杂性,他肯定的是思想通达而兼具民族气节的遗民,对历尽劫难仍保有闲... 20世纪30年代周作人写有不少谈遗民的文章,在民族命运面临深重危机的情境中,周作人与遗民文化的此番对话别具深意。周作人的遗民话语呈现了遗民思想与生存的真实性、复杂性,他肯定的是思想通达而兼具民族气节的遗民,对历尽劫难仍保有闲适情趣的遗民深具同情。在移民、忠义、降节者几种乱世人生选择中,周作人对遗民式生存有所肯定,然而其"以气节为时俗"和"苟全性命于乱世"的思想观念又使他对遗民式生存进行了价值颠覆。 展开更多
关键词 遗民 气节 定见 无信
同样的雨 不同的植物
作者 张述冠 徐健淞(摄影) 《中国计算机用户》 2007年第16期70-71,共2页
关键词 思维模式 定见 管理学 书评
道光十年私盐贩黄玉林案 被引量:3
作者 桑甫 《历史档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第2期127-128,共2页
关键词 道光帝 玉林 私盐 盐务缉私 大学士 办理不善 小官员 中央政权 总督 定见
Preliminary Identification of Red Pigment and Positive Correlation between the Contents of Red Pigment and Total Saponins of Panax notoginseng Fruits 被引量:1
作者 赵昶灵 陈中坚 +3 位作者 陈文龙 支伟特 魏富刚 宋德功 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1891-1895,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to identify red pigment of Panax notoginseng fruits and explore the correlation between pigment content and total saponins of the fruits. [Method] The red pigment of Panax notoginseng frui... [Objective] This study aimed to identify red pigment of Panax notoginseng fruits and explore the correlation between pigment content and total saponins of the fruits. [Method] The red pigment of Panax notoginseng fruits was preliminarily identi- fied with specific color reactions and UV-vis spectra, and the contents of the pigment and total saponins were determined via spectrophotometry. [Result] The red hues of the fruits were contributed by anthocyanins and/or the anthocyanidins. The contents of anthocyanins and total saponins of the fruits both decreased along with thinning of the red hues. The content difference of the anthocyanins in fruits with different red hues reached extremely significant level, but that of total saponins just reached significant level. [Conclusion] The red pigment of P. notoginseng fruits is anthocyanins which are of extremely significant positive correlation with total saponins in contents. 展开更多
关键词 Panax notoginseng fruits Red pigment Anthocyanins Total saponins Content correlation
作者 焦桂兰 《牡丹江大学学报》 2015年第7期73-75,共3页
隐含作者是布斯首先提出的一个修辞学概念,对西方叙事界产生了深远影响,它涉及到作者、文本和读者之间的交流,不同作品中隐含作者的立场和态度是不同的。隐含作者对于解读不同的作品及同一作者的不同作品有重要意义。本文拟从隐含作者视... 隐含作者是布斯首先提出的一个修辞学概念,对西方叙事界产生了深远影响,它涉及到作者、文本和读者之间的交流,不同作品中隐含作者的立场和态度是不同的。隐含作者对于解读不同的作品及同一作者的不同作品有重要意义。本文拟从隐含作者视角,解读福克纳不同作品中不同的隐含作者形象以及其和福克纳本人的差异,进而探讨因为定见导致的对作者和作品的误解。 展开更多
关键词 隐含作者 真实作者 阐释定见 福克纳
作者 梁占先 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1997年第2期19-20,共2页
对大学语文本质的认识,尚无定见,目前主要有工具课、综合课、陶冶情操课说三种分歧的见解。本文不对这个理论问题进行讨论,暂以广义的工具课(即把欣赏、审美、陶冶等均归在“双基”之中)为教学目的,谈点具体的教学意见,就是,对不同的专... 对大学语文本质的认识,尚无定见,目前主要有工具课、综合课、陶冶情操课说三种分歧的见解。本文不对这个理论问题进行讨论,暂以广义的工具课(即把欣赏、审美、陶冶等均归在“双基”之中)为教学目的,谈点具体的教学意见,就是,对不同的专业,教学要各有侧重。 展开更多
关键词 大学语文教学 “人家” 工具课 游子 小令 夕阳 音节 定见 小桥 节奏
Immobilization of metal-organic molecular cage on g-C3N4 semiconductor for enhancement of photocatalytic H2 generation 被引量:1
作者 Yuanpu Wang Liang Liu +4 位作者 DongJun Wu Jing Guo Jianying Shi Junmin Liu Chengyong Su 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1198-1204,共7页
A new compound based on immobilizing of Pd6(RuL3)8(BF4)28 (L=2-(pyridin-3-yl)-1H-imidazo [4,5-f][1,10]-phenanthroline) cage (MOC-16) on g-C3N4 was synthesized. Infrared spectrum and powder X-ray diffraction were used ... A new compound based on immobilizing of Pd6(RuL3)8(BF4)28 (L=2-(pyridin-3-yl)-1H-imidazo [4,5-f][1,10]-phenanthroline) cage (MOC-16) on g-C3N4 was synthesized. Infrared spectrum and powder X-ray diffraction were used to characterize structure of hybrid MOC-16/g-C3N4, as well as UV-vis absorption spectrum and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were carried out to unveil photocatalytic mechanism. With the introduction of MOC-16, the absorption edge of MOC-16/g-C3N4 in UV-vis spectrum extended apparently to long-wavelength region compared with pristine g-C3N4. H2 evolution yielded with MOC-16/g-C3N4 in aqueous solution containing TEOA was much higher than that with RuL3/g-C3N4, Pd/RuL3/g-C3N4 and mixture of MOC-16 and g-C3N4, showing that the octahedral cage structure with high-efficient electron transfer and the interface interaction between MOC-16 and g-C3N4 were significant for improvement of H2 evolution. 展开更多
关键词 g-C3N4 Metal-organic cage Photocatalytic H2 evolution Visible light Stability
An indoor positioning system for mobile target tracking based on VLC and IMU fusion 被引量:1
作者 Zou Qian Xia Weiwei +3 位作者 Zhang Jing Huang Bonan Yan Feng Shen Lianfeng 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期451-458,共8页
An indoor positioning system( IPS) is designed to realize positioning and tracking of mobile targets,by taking advantages of both the visible light communication( VLC) and inertial measurement unit( IMU). The platform... An indoor positioning system( IPS) is designed to realize positioning and tracking of mobile targets,by taking advantages of both the visible light communication( VLC) and inertial measurement unit( IMU). The platform of the IPS is designed,which consists of the light-emitting diode( LED)based transmitter,the receiver and the positioning server. To reduce the impact caused by measurement errors,both inertial sensing data and the received signal strength( RSS) from the VLC are calibrated. Then,a practical propagation model is established to obtain the distance between the transmitter and the receiver from the RSS measurements. Furthermore,a hybrid positioning algorithm is proposed by using the adaptive Kalman filter( AKF) and the weighted least squares( WLS)trilateration to estimate the positions of the mobile targets.Experimental results show that the developed IPS using the proposed hybrid positioning algorithm can extend the localization area of VLC,mitigate the IMU drifts and improve the positioning accuracy of mobile targets. 展开更多
关键词 indoor positioning system (IPS) visible light communication (VLC) inertial measurement unit (IMU) hybrid positioning algorithm
Experimental Study on Aqueous Phase Entrainment in a Mixer-settler with Double Stirring Mode 被引量:6
作者 Wang Shuchan Zhang Tingan +2 位作者 Zhao Qiuyue Liu Yan Wu Qiuyang 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期59-62,共4页
The mixer-settler is a core device of solvent extraction for separating rare earth elements. There are some adverse effects like high rare earth accumulation and poor production efficiency during industrial production... The mixer-settler is a core device of solvent extraction for separating rare earth elements. There are some adverse effects like high rare earth accumulation and poor production efficiency during industrial production. Current researches usually focus on changing the structure of the mixer-settler without making a breakthrough towards gravity clarification. In this paper, in order to improve the efficiency of clarification, a mixer-settler with double stirring mode was designed and manufactured by adding a stirring device in the settler after reducing the volume of the settler. The innovation of this research involves adopting the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer to investigate the quantity of aqueous phase entrainment at the settler outlet in order to measure the clarification degree. Experimental results show that the clarification effect with stirring is better than that without stirring. The clarification effect is ameliorated as the stirring speed increases. Generally, the clarification effect shows a best condition when the offset distance is 12.5 cm, making the phase entrainment reduced to less than 0.1%. When the clearance over the tank bottom is 7 cm and 10 cm, respectively, the quantity of aqueous phase entrainment is better than the case with a clearance of 4 cm. The results show that the stirring paddle close to the mixed phase zone can better promote the two-phase separation. 展开更多
关键词 MIXER-SETTLER aqueous phase entrainment stirring speed clearance over the tank bottom offset distance
The Research of Indoor Positioning Based on Visible Light Communication 被引量:10
作者 WANG Chunyue WANG Lang +3 位作者 CHI Xuefen LIU Shuangxing SHI Wenxiao DENG Jing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第8期85-92,共8页
The key techniques in indoor positioning based on visible light communication and the state of the art of this research were surveyed. First, the significance of indoor positioning based on visible light communication... The key techniques in indoor positioning based on visible light communication and the state of the art of this research were surveyed. First, the significance of indoor positioning based on visible light communication from two aspects of the limitations of current indoor positioning technology and the advantages of visible light communication was discussed; And then, the main four technology of indoor positioning based on visible light communication were summarized and the triangulation of RSS method and the principle of image positioning were introduced in detail; Next, the performance characteristics of various typical algorithms were compared and analyzed; In the end, several suggestions on future research of indoor positioning based on visible light communication were given. 展开更多
关键词 visible light communication indoor positioning imaging positioning RSS
Study on treatment of acidic black 10B dye wastewater by chemical oxidation and adsorption of activated carbon fixed bed
作者 LU Xiu-guo LIU Yan ZHANG Pan RAO Ting 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第7期11-13,22,共4页
Acidic black 10B dye wastewater was treated by chemical oxidation and adsorption of activated carbon fixed bed and all kinds of influential factors of removal CODcr were discussed. When the initial concentration of th... Acidic black 10B dye wastewater was treated by chemical oxidation and adsorption of activated carbon fixed bed and all kinds of influential factors of removal CODcr were discussed. When the initial concentration of the dye was 150 mg/L, CODer was 432 mg/L and chrome was 2800 times, the appropriate conditions determined by the experiment were as follows: r(NaC10)--4.84 g/L, 25 min, pH=6, height of activated carbon fixed bed was 10 cm. Under these conditions, the decolorizing rate can come up to about 100% and total removed rate of CODer reached at 89.6%. Comparison of UV-Vis adsorption spectrums before and after treatment showed that decomposition effects of chemical oxidation and adsorption of activated carbon fixed bed on acidic black 10B dye wastewater were satisfactory. 展开更多
关键词 chemical oxidation ADSORPTION acidic black 10B
Interaction of antipsychotic drug with novel surfactants: Micellization and binding studies
作者 Naved Azum Malik Abdul Rub Abdullah M.Asiri 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期566-573,共8页
The interaction of cationic gemini surfactants(alkanediyl-α,ω-bis(alkyl dimethylammonium bromide)) with an antipsychotic drug(chlorpromazine hydrochloride(CPZ)) has been investigated. Various micellar and interfacia... The interaction of cationic gemini surfactants(alkanediyl-α,ω-bis(alkyl dimethylammonium bromide)) with an antipsychotic drug(chlorpromazine hydrochloride(CPZ)) has been investigated. Various micellar and interfacial parameters have been deliberated by surface tension measurement to report the nature of interactions between drug and novel surfactant mixtures. The behavior of mixed systems, their compositions and activities of components have been analyzed in the light of Rubingh's theory. The results indicate synergism in the binary mixtures.The binding study between CPZ and surfactants has been done by spectroscopic techniques such as UV–visible and fluorescence. The results are discussed in the light of the use of gemini surfactants as promising drug delivery agents for phenothiazine drugs, and hence, improve their bioavailability. 展开更多
关键词 Gemini surfactants Antipsychotic drug Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Mixed micellization
隐含作者、叙事结构与潜藏文本——解读肖邦《黛西蕾的婴孩》的深层意义 被引量:40
作者 申丹 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期100-110,共11页
学界倾向于对某一作者(尤其是其意识形态立场)形成某种固定的看法,这种定见构成一种阐释陷阱,影响对同一作者不同作品之间差异的认识,而这种差异往往是潜藏文本或深层意义的重要载体。由于对凯特·肖邦不同作品之间的差异性缺乏认识... 学界倾向于对某一作者(尤其是其意识形态立场)形成某种固定的看法,这种定见构成一种阐释陷阱,影响对同一作者不同作品之间差异的认识,而这种差异往往是潜藏文本或深层意义的重要载体。由于对凯特·肖邦不同作品之间的差异性缺乏认识,西方学界将她的《黛西蕾的婴孩》解读为反奴隶制和父权制的作品。然而,通过深入分析,我们可以发现,在其潜藏文本中占据主导地位的是呈相反走向的种族政治,这在很大程度上颠覆了表层的种族政治,甚至在某种意义上置换了性别政治。若要挖掘作品的潜藏文本,我们不妨首先尽量抛开成见,对作品的叙事结构进行全面深入的分析,判断这一作品本身的隐含作者,然后再考察隐含作者与历史语境中真实作者的关联以及同一作者笔下不同隐含作者之间的关联,这样才能尽可能地避免出现“批评的遗憾”。 展开更多
关键词 隐含作者 叙事结构 阐释定见 表面文本 潜藏文本
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