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分布式虚拟环境中实体组同步控制研究 被引量:1
作者 孙立新 诸昌钤 庄勇 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第11期33-34,152,共3页
在分布式虚拟环境中,大多数同步控制算法研究的对象是一个孤立的实体,该实体与场景中其它实体没有任何关系。但虚拟世界里显然存在相对独立的实体组,在同一组内,实体间有直接依赖的空间位置关系。针对这一现状,捉出了一个新的同步... 在分布式虚拟环境中,大多数同步控制算法研究的对象是一个孤立的实体,该实体与场景中其它实体没有任何关系。但虚拟世界里显然存在相对独立的实体组,在同一组内,实体间有直接依赖的空间位置关系。针对这一现状,捉出了一个新的同步控制实现机制,在保证虚拟环境一致性和健壮性的前提下,最大限度地开发实体组内的同时性。 展开更多
关键词 分布式虚拟环境 同步控制 实体组 一致性 计算机仿真
《自动化博览》 2007年第3期3-3,共1页
北京市科委和北京市国资委联合主办的“北京数控装备创新联盟成立暨北京市重大科技项目‘高效精密数控关键技术研究与应用’启动大会”日前召开。由11家单位发起的北京数控装备创新联盟旨在通过机制创新,引导产学研走向深层次联合,突... 北京市科委和北京市国资委联合主办的“北京数控装备创新联盟成立暨北京市重大科技项目‘高效精密数控关键技术研究与应用’启动大会”日前召开。由11家单位发起的北京数控装备创新联盟旨在通过机制创新,引导产学研走向深层次联合,突破关键技术瓶颈,实现与国家重大专项对接,从而推动北京数控装备制造业的跨越式发展。 展开更多
关键词 北京市科委 装备创新 数控 联盟 实体组 跨越式发展 装备制造业 科技项目
定位篡改实体组的矢量地图脆弱水印算法 被引量:7
作者 侯翔 闵连权 唐立文 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期309-316,共8页
针对矢量地图数据的完整性认证问题,提出了一种定位篡改实体组的脆弱水印算法。首先将各个地理实体用其最小外接矩形的中点表征,在此基础上采用优化的k均值聚类对地理实体进行分组;然后通过构建实体组的完整性特征参数并结合混沌映射生... 针对矢量地图数据的完整性认证问题,提出了一种定位篡改实体组的脆弱水印算法。首先将各个地理实体用其最小外接矩形的中点表征,在此基础上采用优化的k均值聚类对地理实体进行分组;然后通过构建实体组的完整性特征参数并结合混沌映射生成脆弱水印;最后将认证信息嵌入到排序处理后的坐标中。水印检测与嵌入过程相对应,通过对比检测出水印和生成水印的一致性,判断实体组是否遭到了篡改。实验结果表明,该算法在有效保持矢量地图数据精度的同时,能够对矢量地图的完整性作出准确认证,具有良好的篡改定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 矢量地图数据 脆弱水印 实体组 篡改定位 完整性认证
AutoCAD 线切割加工指令的自动编程系统 被引量:2
作者 郝泳涛 卫原平 周峰 《机械与电子》 1998年第1期7-8,共2页
关键词 图形实体 线切割 CAD 实体组
作者 许建峰 胡宁宁 +2 位作者 朱晴波 胡宁 谢立 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期21-25,共5页
1 引言 基于不同的应用背景与假设,人们已对分布式实时仿真系统中任务间的同步问题进行了大量研究,其主要思想是将系统看成一个离散事件的集合,事件之间存在某种相互依赖的关系,执行时遵循一定的时序约定,在不破坏这种约定的前提下,尽... 1 引言 基于不同的应用背景与假设,人们已对分布式实时仿真系统中任务间的同步问题进行了大量研究,其主要思想是将系统看成一个离散事件的集合,事件之间存在某种相互依赖的关系,执行时遵循一定的时序约定,在不破坏这种约定的前提下,尽可能提高系统的并行度. 展开更多
关键词 分布式实时仿真系统 同步模型 PN 计算机仿真 实体组模型
作者 焦法成 王迈 马金盛 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第12期43-46,共4页
从图形数据库中提取样图信息,建立反映图线实体间拓朴关系的实体性和不同类型的尺寸链;对尺寸作派生处理,建立尺寸树;交互输入尺寸新值,利用尺寸树和图线间拓朴关系对实体求新值;用新值更新图形数据库,从而生成新图。本文提出了... 从图形数据库中提取样图信息,建立反映图线实体间拓朴关系的实体性和不同类型的尺寸链;对尺寸作派生处理,建立尺寸树;交互输入尺寸新值,利用尺寸树和图线间拓朴关系对实体求新值;用新值更新图形数据库,从而生成新图。本文提出了划分实体组的新方法;可处理串联角度尺寸;能较好地处理多层尺寸的重新标注。 展开更多
关键词 尺寸派生 实体组划分 AUTOCAD 参数化绘图
作者 白皓 张延园 张向彬 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第2期59-62,共4页
介绍基于键值存储的优点以及发展趋势,提出键值存储模型中支持事务的方法。新型的键值存储数据库应该具备传统数据库的事务能力,新型数据库实现事务控制,需要与传统关系型数据库不同的策略,本文描述使用写前日志WAL(Write-ahead Log)和... 介绍基于键值存储的优点以及发展趋势,提出键值存储模型中支持事务的方法。新型的键值存储数据库应该具备传统数据库的事务能力,新型数据库实现事务控制,需要与传统关系型数据库不同的策略,本文描述使用写前日志WAL(Write-ahead Log)和并发版本系统CVS(Concurrent Versions System)的事务控制,满足ACID特性。 展开更多
关键词 键值存储 事务控制 实体组
西门子NX以Convergent Modeling实现产品设计又一重大突破
作者 良辰 《航空制造技术》 2016年第21期12-12,共1页
近日,西门子最新版NX软件(NX 11)的Convergent Modeling技术,实现了数字化产品开发领域的又一重大突破。这一全新的建模范例将极大地简化对小面、曲面和实体组合而成的几何体进行处理的工作,避免耗时的数据转换。
关键词 西门子 产品设计 数字化产品开发 数据转换 行处理 几何体 实体组
作者 马剑青 《机械工人(冷加工)》 2000年第10期31-32,共2页
<正> 1.修改命令的英文缩写 AutoCAD将几乎所有英文命令均定义了相应的缩写,比如,画线命令Line对应的缩写为字母“L”。这样,我们就可以在AutoCAD界面下端的“commannd”(命令)行中,通过键入“L”单个字母来完成画线命令的输入。... <正> 1.修改命令的英文缩写 AutoCAD将几乎所有英文命令均定义了相应的缩写,比如,画线命令Line对应的缩写为字母“L”。这样,我们就可以在AutoCAD界面下端的“commannd”(命令)行中,通过键入“L”单个字母来完成画线命令的输入。如此,对于各种命令我们都可以键入相应的英文缩写字母来完成。这一缩写格式信息存放在AutoCAD/Support/acad.pgp目录文件中,打开acad.pgp文件所在的上述目录。 展开更多
关键词 AUTOCAD 修改命令 线型比例因子 实体组
怎样学会看盘(二十三) 用活K线图找准最佳买点
作者 萌生 《股市动态分析》 2007年第42期36-37,共2页
K线起源于日本,又叫阴阳烛。由影线和实体组成,在实体以上的部分叫上影线,以下叫下影线。影线表明着当天交易的最高价和最低价,实体则是开盘价和收盘价的体现,一根K线所记录的是某只股票一天内的价格变动情况。很显然,将每天的K线按照... K线起源于日本,又叫阴阳烛。由影线和实体组成,在实体以上的部分叫上影线,以下叫下影线。影线表明着当天交易的最高价和最低价,实体则是开盘价和收盘价的体现,一根K线所记录的是某只股票一天内的价格变动情况。很显然,将每天的K线按照时间次序排列起来,就构成了股票价格的历史变动情况,这也叫日K线图。 展开更多
关键词 线图 变动情况 次序排列 影线 股价 股票价格 实体组 学会 开盘价 最低价
《模具制造》 2016年第11期I0003-I0004,共2页
2016年10月10日,西门子发布信息,最新版NXTM软件(NX11)的Convergent Modeling技术,实现了数字化产品开发领域的又一重大突破。这一全新的建模范例将极大地简化对小面、曲面和实体组合而成的几何体进行处理的工作,避免耗时的数据... 2016年10月10日,西门子发布信息,最新版NXTM软件(NX11)的Convergent Modeling技术,实现了数字化产品开发领域的又一重大突破。这一全新的建模范例将极大地简化对小面、曲面和实体组合而成的几何体进行处理的工作,避免耗时的数据转换。 展开更多
关键词 西门子 产品设计 数字化产品开发 发布信息 数据转换 行处理 几何体 实体组
《重庆与世界》 1998年第2期93-93,共1页
我公司由两大实体组合,一个是益申机动车科技开发有限公司,主要生产各种型号汽油机发动机;二是渝南机械厂,主要生产各种型号曲轴总成。98年计划生产发动机10万台,曲轴总成30万套。公司现有职工150人,技术力量雄厚,拥有固定资产600万元... 我公司由两大实体组合,一个是益申机动车科技开发有限公司,主要生产各种型号汽油机发动机;二是渝南机械厂,主要生产各种型号曲轴总成。98年计划生产发动机10万台,曲轴总成30万套。公司现有职工150人,技术力量雄厚,拥有固定资产600万元。本公司工艺先进,技术精良,质量上乘,信守合同。总经理、厂长:胡佑佐厂址:九龙坡石坪桥矿机村85号邮编:400051 传真:(023)68829918 68828206 传呼:1298180906 展开更多
关键词 科技开发 机动车 发动机 重庆市 机械厂 有限公司 汽油机 曲轴 实体组 固定资产
Minor Self-conjugate and Skewpositive Semidefinite Solutions to a System of Matrix Equations over Skew Fields
作者 姜学波 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第2期86-90,共5页
Minor self conjugate (msc) and skewpositive semidefinite (ssd) solutions to the system of matrix equations over skew fields [A mn X nn =A mn ,B sn X nn =O sn ] are considered. Necessary and su... Minor self conjugate (msc) and skewpositive semidefinite (ssd) solutions to the system of matrix equations over skew fields [A mn X nn =A mn ,B sn X nn =O sn ] are considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expressions for the msc solutions and the ssd solutions are obtained for the system. 展开更多
关键词 minor self conjugate matrix skewpositive semidefinite matrix system of matrix equations skew field the real quatrnion field
Acquiring synonymous attribute phrases for named entities via online encyclopedia
作者 伍大勇 Zhao Shiqi Liu Ting 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第4期398-405,共8页
In this work,an approach is proposed to acquire synonymous attribute phrases of named entities(NEs) from an online encyclopedia.Synonymous attribute phrases are the phrases that express the same attribute with differe... In this work,an approach is proposed to acquire synonymous attribute phrases of named entities(NEs) from an online encyclopedia.Synonymous attribute phrases are the phrases that express the same attribute with different surface forms for a class of NEs.Specifically,the proposed approach is composed of three stages.Firstly,the entries related to a given NE class are automatically selected from an online encyclopedia.Secondly,attribute phrases are extracted based on the statistics of phrase frequency.Thirdly,synonymous attributes are identified in a pairwise manner through a classification framework combining multiple features.The proposed approach is applied on Baidu Baike,a Chinese online encyclopedia,for four different NE classes.Experimental results show that the approach obtains an average precision of 74%and an average F-value of 65%for the four NE classes.In particular,thousands of synonymous attribute phrase pairs are acquired for each class,which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 attribute phrase named entity (NE) synonymous attribute online encyclopedia
Three-dimensional Ordered Silica Colloidal Film Self-assembly Deposited on a VerticalSubstrate 被引量:2
作者 刘丽霞 董鹏 +1 位作者 王晓冬 程丙英 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第6期751-754,共4页
A method for preparation of particle crystal film constructed from monodisperse silica colloidal particles in diameter of about 300 nm is reported. The films were prepared from an ethanol suspension by vertical deposi... A method for preparation of particle crystal film constructed from monodisperse silica colloidal particles in diameter of about 300 nm is reported. The films were prepared from an ethanol suspension by vertical deposition that relies on capillary forces to assemble colloidal crystal particles on a vertical substrate. The 3D ordered films were characterized by transmission spectra and scanning electric microscope (SEM). The effect of evaporation temperature, particle concentration and sintered temperature on the quality of colloidal particle crystal film was investigated. 展开更多
关键词 colloidal Silica SELF-ASSEMBLE vertical deposition colloidal crystal
Comparison of RFFIT Tests with Different Standard Sera and Testing Procedures 被引量:6
作者 Peng-cheng Yu Akira Noguchi +3 位作者 Satoshi Inoue Qing Tang Simon Rayner Guo-dong Liang 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第3期187-193,共7页
The World Health Organization (WHO) standard assay for determining antibody level is the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) and is used to determine the degree of immunity after vaccination against ra... The World Health Organization (WHO) standard assay for determining antibody level is the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) and is used to determine the degree of immunity after vaccination against rabies. To compare the difference in RFFIT results between the laboratories of The National Institute of Infectious Disease in Japan (NIID) and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control (CCDC) as well the influence of the choice of standard serum (STD) for the detection, the two laboratories detection methods were simultaneously manipulated by RFFIT. The reference serums used in NIID and the WHO standard serum used in CCDC were compared in the same RFFIT detection to determine the titer of four sera samples C1, Sl, S2 and S4 in parallel, and the titers of the detected sera samples were calculated using the standard formula for neutralizing antibody titer. No significant difference was found in RFFIT methods from the two laboratories and the RFFIT testing procedures of the two laboratories have good consistency. However, different titers were obtained with the tentative internal standard serum (TI-STD) produced by adjusting to 2.0 IU of WHO standard serum in NIID and the WHO STD. The titer determined with the TI-STD was higher than that determined with WHO STD, This difference appears to be significant and requires further investigation 展开更多
关键词 Rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) Standard serum Neutralizing antibody TITER
Mucosal Schwann cell “Hamartoma”:A new entity? 被引量:2
作者 Paola Pasquini Andrea Baiocchini +4 位作者 Laura Falasca Dante Annibali Guido Gimbo Francesco Pace Franca Del Nonno 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第18期2287-2289,共3页
Schwannoma is a well-described,benign nerve sheath tumor of the soft tissue,but is rare in the gastrointestinal tract.Gastrointestinal schwannomas are often incidentally discovered as small polypoid intraluminal lesio... Schwannoma is a well-described,benign nerve sheath tumor of the soft tissue,but is rare in the gastrointestinal tract.Gastrointestinal schwannomas are often incidentally discovered as small polypoid intraluminal lesions.In this report,we describe the clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of a distinctive neural mucosal polyp composed of a diffuse cellular proliferation of uniform bland spindled cells in the lamina propria that entraps the colonic crypts.Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong and diffuse positivity for the S-100 protein.To avoid confusion of these solitary colorectal polyps containing pure spindled Schwann cell proliferation in the lamina propria with neural lesions that have significant association with inherited syndromes,it is better to use the designation "mucosal Schwann hamartoma". 展开更多
关键词 Nerve sheath tumors Gastrointestinal Schwannoma HAMARTOMA
Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction and in vitro Rapid Propagation of Wild Petunia Juss. 被引量:4
作者 Yan ZHAO Na XU +1 位作者 Zhongyou MA Wei LIU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期931-934,共4页
In this study,the seeds of wild Petunia Juss.were used as explants to investigate the optimal condition for tissue culture.Several different kinds and concentrations of growth regulators were adopted to produce more m... In this study,the seeds of wild Petunia Juss.were used as explants to investigate the optimal condition for tissue culture.Several different kinds and concentrations of growth regulators were adopted to produce more multiple bud clumps,callus or roots in this study.The experiments may provide experimental foundation for the rapid propagation technology and establishment of tissue culture system for wild Petunia Juss. 展开更多
关键词 Petunia Juss. Organ differentiation Rapid propagation Plant growth regulators
Effects of chloramphenicol preconditioning on oxidative respiratory function of cerebral mitochondria in rats exposed to acute hypoxia
作者 陈丽峰 柳君泽 +1 位作者 党永明 宋熔 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第2期76-80,共5页
Objective: To investigate the roles of chloramphenicol (CAP) preconditioning in the oxidative respiratory function of cerebral mitochondria in rats exposed to acute hypoxia during acute hypoxia by observing the change... Objective: To investigate the roles of chloramphenicol (CAP) preconditioning in the oxidative respiratory function of cerebral mitochondria in rats exposed to acute hypoxia during acute hypoxia by observing the changes of mitochondrial oxidative respiratory function and cytochrome C oxidase (COX) activity. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: control (C), medication (M), hypoxia (H), and medication plus hypoxia (MH). Rats in groups M and MH were administered by peritoneal injection of CAP (50 mg/kg) every 12 h for 7 d before decapitation, but those in groups H and MH were exposed to a hypobaric chamber simulating 5 000 m high altitude for 24 h. The rat cerebral cortex was removed and mitochondria were isolated by centrifugation. Mitochondrial respiratory function and COX activity were measured by Clark oxygen electrode. Results: Compared with Group C, Group H showed significantly elevated state 4 respiration (ST 4), decreased state 3 respiration (ST 3), and respiratory control rate (RCR) in mitochondrial respiration during acute hypoxic exposure. ST 3 in Group MH was significantly lower than that in Group C, but was not significantly different from that in Groups H and M, while ST 4 in Group MH was significantly lower than that in groups C and H. RCR in Group MH was higher than that in Group H, but lower than that in Group C. COX activity in Group H was significantly lower than that in Group C. In Group MH, COX activity increased and was higher than that in Group H, but was still lower than that in Group C. Conclusion: Acute hypoxic exposure could lead to mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction, suggesting that CAP preconditioning might be beneficial to the recovery of rat respiratory function. The change of COX activity is consistent with that of mitochondrial respiratory function during acute hypoxic exposure and CAP-administration, indicating that COX plays an important role in oxidative phosphorylation function of mitochondria from cerebral cortex of hypoxic rats. 展开更多
《电源世界》 2005年第8期59-59,共1页
印制电路板(Printed Circuits Board,简写PCB)是将电子线路印制在一基板上。一个理论上设计良好的电路,必须有合理的布局,才能使电路在实体组合后达到稳定而可靠的工作。所以,印制电路板设计与电路设计具有同等重要的意义。
关键词 印制电路板 排版设计 基础知识 电路板设计 电子线路 电路设计 实体组 基板
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