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作者 李荣有 《民族艺术研究》 2023年第3期42-50,共9页
百年来,多元一体的金石学已渐渐地被肢解分化在诸多西体模式的分支学科之中,直面“综合便是创新”全球性文化转型的历史潮流,探讨修复我国艺术实证传统的理论依据、历史契机和实施举措,重建多元融通的中国艺术实证学方法论体系,是艺术... 百年来,多元一体的金石学已渐渐地被肢解分化在诸多西体模式的分支学科之中,直面“综合便是创新”全球性文化转型的历史潮流,探讨修复我国艺术实证传统的理论依据、历史契机和实施举措,重建多元融通的中国艺术实证学方法论体系,是艺术学理论学科及广大学人的光荣使命和历史担当。 展开更多
关键词 图谱 金石 艺术实证学
基于新时代文旅融合的基地场景特色研学实证研究——以浙江省淳安县千岛湖为例 被引量:1
作者 徐高福 许梅琳 +3 位作者 张楠 余阳春 王志平 徐邓幸 《林业调查规划》 2024年第3期214-218,共5页
浙江省淳安县千岛湖近年来开发了生态环保探索、农事研学活动、红色国防教育3大主题6个典型研学基地场景,对其自然条件、师资队伍、场所条件进行分析,研究其相应课程设计、研学路线,教育性、体验性路径和目标。结果表明,研学不仅是生态... 浙江省淳安县千岛湖近年来开发了生态环保探索、农事研学活动、红色国防教育3大主题6个典型研学基地场景,对其自然条件、师资队伍、场所条件进行分析,研究其相应课程设计、研学路线,教育性、体验性路径和目标。结果表明,研学不仅是生态红利的新引擎,也是创新发展的催化剂,更是文化精神的感召力。提出要以新发展理念指引研学发展,深化研学内涵认知,多样化、多层次、多方面开展研学活动。 展开更多
关键词 实证 基地场景 文旅融合 千岛湖
分析实证主义法学的评析与批判 被引量:1
作者 陈增辉 《喀什大学学报》 2022年第2期21-25,共5页
分析实证主义法学作为近代西方三大主要法学流派之一,其地位和重要性自然不言而喻。处于主导地位的哈特等人对法的概念、法律关系、法律责任等进行的分析和梳理中,无论是奥斯丁的“命令说”、凯尔森的“规范说”还是哈特的“规则说”,... 分析实证主义法学作为近代西方三大主要法学流派之一,其地位和重要性自然不言而喻。处于主导地位的哈特等人对法的概念、法律关系、法律责任等进行的分析和梳理中,无论是奥斯丁的“命令说”、凯尔森的“规范说”还是哈特的“规则说”,在当时都存在诸多的缺陷和不足,但从某种程度上讲正是这些理论上的缺陷和实践中无法应对的难题才使得分析实证主义学法最后逐渐走向与自然法学的融合。尽管分析实证主义学法曾遭受各方的猛烈批判,但亦对统一当时西方混乱的思想认识产生了不可磨灭的积极作用,尤其是其分析方法至今仍然在西方法学的场域内发挥着一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 分析实证主义 命令说 规范说 规则说
作者 马荣春 白星星 《河南警察学院学报》 2014年第5期123-127,共5页
在某种意义或相当程度上,《论犯罪与刑罚》在其是一部刑法社会学著作的同时,又是一部刑法实证学和刑法工程学著作,而社会学思维、实证学思维和工程学思维是该部著作能够留给当下我国刑法学研究的思维启示。我国当下的刑法学研究虽然知... 在某种意义或相当程度上,《论犯罪与刑罚》在其是一部刑法社会学著作的同时,又是一部刑法实证学和刑法工程学著作,而社会学思维、实证学思维和工程学思维是该部著作能够留给当下我国刑法学研究的思维启示。我国当下的刑法学研究虽然知晓社会学方法和实证学方法,但在重视程度和如何运用上仍存在着相当偏差,而工程学方法则可能是无稽之谈,这些便严重制约了我国刑法学研究的创新性发展。 展开更多
关键词 犯罪与刑罚 刑法研究思维 社会 实证学 工程
中国艺术史学理论与方法体系建构三策 被引量:3
作者 李荣有 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2022年第3期31-37,共7页
艺术史最难做,是多年来束缚艺术学界同仁的一道魔咒。经长期探研求索,文章提出三种策略:一是坚定以中国艺术文化传统为主导的理论自信,通过考古发现近万年以来艺术的实证史料,深度发掘中华民族艺术文化的传统精髓;二是运用综合性艺术文... 艺术史最难做,是多年来束缚艺术学界同仁的一道魔咒。经长期探研求索,文章提出三种策略:一是坚定以中国艺术文化传统为主导的理论自信,通过考古发现近万年以来艺术的实证史料,深度发掘中华民族艺术文化的传统精髓;二是运用综合性艺术文化传统理念整合其学科研究对象,将数十个门类艺术的学科按其血缘关系重组为乐(表演艺术)、图(造型艺术)、文(文字艺术)三部分;三是在多元融通视域下重构其学术研究方法论体系,吸收各“交叉学科”的优长,加强对遗存艺术的图像、实物和民俗等三大类史料的实证研究,构建“艺术实证学”。基于六艺相通的原理,此法可普遍用于所有人文艺术学科的学术研究。 展开更多
关键词 艺术史 艺术史 艺术实证学 多元一体格局
作者 王颖斌 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2023年第9期1-5,共5页
哈贝马斯心目中的认识论是以反思认识为前提的理论,但是,从启蒙运动开始,科学的发展成为社会的主流,实证性知识学受到人们广泛的推崇,自然科学被作为衡量一切科学的标准,自然科学的方法被推广到包括精神科学、社会科学在内的一切研究领... 哈贝马斯心目中的认识论是以反思认识为前提的理论,但是,从启蒙运动开始,科学的发展成为社会的主流,实证性知识学受到人们广泛的推崇,自然科学被作为衡量一切科学的标准,自然科学的方法被推广到包括精神科学、社会科学在内的一切研究领域。人们采用科学方法论从事理论研究,借助于科学进步的理论,走上了把认识论归结为知识学的道路,使认识论向知识学蜕变。针对这种情况,哈贝马斯予以分析批判,抵制实证性知识学,使自我反思重现于认识论之中,复归于反思认识的正确道路;将认识论从危机中拯救出来,保障认识在合理的条件下进行。 展开更多
关键词 哈贝马斯 反思性认识论 实证性知识
顾此失彼还是一举两得?——对我国碳减排经济政策实施后减排效果的检视 被引量:11
作者 杨博文 尹彦辉 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期104-112,共9页
本文运用合成控制法,选取全国33个省(市、自治区)的2003~2015年度面板数据,分别从CO2排放量、能源消费量及经济发展等方面对湖北和广东两个试点省份减排效果进行检视。研究结果表明,2010年实施低碳试点省份政策对广东的减排效果影响明显... 本文运用合成控制法,选取全国33个省(市、自治区)的2003~2015年度面板数据,分别从CO2排放量、能源消费量及经济发展等方面对湖北和广东两个试点省份减排效果进行检视。研究结果表明,2010年实施低碳试点省份政策对广东的减排效果影响明显,但对湖北的减排效果影响并不显著。2012年实施的碳排放权交易制度使湖北的减排量下降,广东在此政策实施后减排效果更佳。同时,湖北在两种政策实施后经济发展水平略有提升,但广东的经济发展水平依旧保持平稳态势,其原因可能与两地的低碳经济战略布局和政策执行效果具有较大关系。结合试点省份的碳减排经济政策制定及执行中存在的问题,我们提出完善全国统一碳市场后的政策体系。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放权交易 政策效果 低碳省份试点 合成控制法 法律实证学
从哥德尔定理看禅宗的元逻辑思想 被引量:3
作者 周昌乐 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期59-62,共4页
本文主要从分析哥德尔定理及其逻辑思想出发,来探讨中国禅宗中所蕴涵的元逻辑思想。这种思想,就是在《金刚经》、《坛经》及众多禅宗语录中所体现出来的那些双遣双非证悟方法论思想。如果从逻辑的角度看,它反映其实就是一种特殊意义上... 本文主要从分析哥德尔定理及其逻辑思想出发,来探讨中国禅宗中所蕴涵的元逻辑思想。这种思想,就是在《金刚经》、《坛经》及众多禅宗语录中所体现出来的那些双遣双非证悟方法论思想。如果从逻辑的角度看,它反映其实就是一种特殊意义上的“哥德尔定理”的思想蕴涵。在当代西方科学界已经开始关注禅宗思想的科学阐述的情况下,我们应该珍惜历代禅师留下的十分宝贵的智慧财富,并借此来反思当代逻辑学,乃至科学方法论的困境。 展开更多
关键词 禅宗思想 哥德尔定理 元逻辑 实证
金融学实证论文摘要的体裁分析 被引量:4
作者 何宇茵 曹慧娟 《外语教育》 2009年第1期91-96,共6页
体裁分析是语言学中的新兴交叉学科,并成为研究论文摘要的重要手段。本论文运用体裁分析的方法,对中英金融学实证论文摘要各50篇进行对比研究,并同时挖掘英语语言使用特点。结果表明摘要大多遵循了IMRD(引言、方法、结果、讨论)四语步结... 体裁分析是语言学中的新兴交叉学科,并成为研究论文摘要的重要手段。本论文运用体裁分析的方法,对中英金融学实证论文摘要各50篇进行对比研究,并同时挖掘英语语言使用特点。结果表明摘要大多遵循了IMRD(引言、方法、结果、讨论)四语步结构,但语步在中英文摘要中的使用存在差异;而且英语语言的使用特点也有所不同。分析结果将有助于我国金融学论文撰写者更好地理解英文金融学论文摘要的写作特点。 展开更多
关键词 金融实证论文摘要 体裁分析 语步 对比研究
Empirical study on cooperative learning approach to College oral English teaching
作者 白晶 王丽丽 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期15-20,共6页
As a creative and effective teaching method adopted by many countries, cooperative learning is one of the most widespread and fruitful areas in modern education theory. With the introduction of the concept of cooperat... As a creative and effective teaching method adopted by many countries, cooperative learning is one of the most widespread and fruitful areas in modern education theory. With the introduction of the concept of cooperative learning among College oral English teaching, students could undergo all-round training in English proficiency, cooperative ability, self-learning ability and sense of competition. This paper mainly focuses on how to make full use of cooperative leaning in College oral English teaching, and tries to verify that cooperative leaning is a practical and effective teaching mode which could enhance the College oral English classroom teaching quality. 展开更多
关键词 cooperative leaning oral English teaching practical experiment teaching mode/method
Helicobacter pylori infection causes gastric cancer? A review of the epidemiological,meta-analytic, and experimental evidence 被引量:10
作者 Guy D Eslick 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第19期2991-2999,共9页
Since the discovery of Carnpylobacter-like organisms (Helicobacter pylori) more than two decades ago the possibility of a relationship with gastric cancer has been postulated, tested and supposedly proven. There hav... Since the discovery of Carnpylobacter-like organisms (Helicobacter pylori) more than two decades ago the possibility of a relationship with gastric cancer has been postulated, tested and supposedly proven. There have been numerous human studies of various designs from many countries around the world. Several meta-analyses have been published and more recently a small number of experimental animal studies were reported looking at the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer. Over the years, the human epidemiological studies have produced conflicting results; the metaanalyses have as one would expect produced similar pooled estimates; while the early experimental animal studies require replication. The exact mechanisms by which H pylori might cause gastric cancer are still under investigation and remain to be elucidated. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Gastric cancer Metaanalysis Systematic review
Common misconceptions about 5-aminosalicylates and thiopurines in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:9
作者 Javier P Gisbert María Chaparro Fernando Gomollón 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第30期3467-3478,共12页
Misconceptions are common in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).In this paper,we state the most commonly found misconceptions in clinical practice and deal with the use of 5-aminosalicylates and... Misconceptions are common in the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).In this paper,we state the most commonly found misconceptions in clinical practice and deal with the use of 5-aminosalicylates and thiopurines,to review the related scientificevidence,and make appropriate recommendations.Prevention of errors needs knowledge to avoid making such errors through ignorance.However,the amount of knowledge is increasing so quickly that one new danger is an overabundance of information.IBD is a model of a very complex disease and our goal with this review is to summarize the key evidence for the most common daily clinical problems.With regard to the use of 5-aminosalicylates,the best practice may to be consider abandoning the use of these drugs in patients withsmall bowel Crohn's disease.The combined approach with oral plus topical 5-aminosalicylates should be the first-line therapy in patients with active ulcerative colitis;once-daily treatment should be offered as a first choice regimen due to its better compliance and higher efficacy.With regard to thiopurines,they seem to be as effective in ulcerative colitis as in Crohn's disease.Underdosing of thiopurines is a form of undertreatment.Thiopurines should probably be continued indefinitely because their withdrawal is associated with a high risk of relapse.Mercaptopurine is a safe alternative in patients with digestive intolerance or hepatotoxicity due to azathioprine.Finally,thiopurine methyltransferase(TPMT)screening cannot substitute for regular monitoring because the majority of cases of myelotoxicity are not TPMT-related. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn' s disease Ulcerative colitis Inflam-matory bowel disease AMINOSALICYLATES STEROIDS AZATHIOPRINE MERCAPTOPURINE Misconceptions
Culture, Violence, and the Female Body: The Practice of Nholowemwizana Custom as a Form of Cultural Violence Amongst the Kalanga Women of Mpalawali Area in Zimbabwe
作者 Dube Thembani 《History Research》 2013年第4期290-298,共9页
This paper is based on the interviews that the author carried out between 2005 and 2006 on the Nholowemwizana custom in Plumtree, Zimbabwe. Here the author deploys the concept of cultural violence following the peace ... This paper is based on the interviews that the author carried out between 2005 and 2006 on the Nholowemwizana custom in Plumtree, Zimbabwe. Here the author deploys the concept of cultural violence following the peace researcher Johan Galtung, who suggested speaking of cultural violence as aspects of culture that can be used to justify or legitimize direct or structural violence, and may be exemplified by religion and ideology, language and art, empirical science and formal science (Galtung, 1969, pp. 167-191). Using the example of the Nholowemwizana custom among the Kalanga people, the paper will highlight the extent to which women in this society have been exposed to cultural, gender based violence and direct sexual violence. However literature on Nholowemwizana is scarce in Zimbabwe. As such the paper will borrow from literature on cultural violence in general. The paper also acknowledges the fact that not all culture is violent, and that in some certain aspects of culture that permit gender based violence especially in African societies. The starting point for this paper is the question of what role cultural arguments have played in the abuse of women through the Nholowemwizana custom. 展开更多
关键词 Nholowemwizana custom CULTURE VIOLENCE WOMEN Kalanga
Implementation strategies to improve evidence-based practice for post-stroke dysphagia identification and management:A before-andafter study 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoyan Zhang Junqiang Zhao +2 位作者 Liping Zheng Xuejing Li Yufang Hao 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期295-302,I0001,共9页
Objectives Even though guidelines are available to guide dysphagia identification and management practice,there is still a gap between evidence and practice,which requires improvement.The purpose of this study was to ... Objectives Even though guidelines are available to guide dysphagia identification and management practice,there is still a gap between evidence and practice,which requires improvement.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using tailored,multifaceted strategies to improve evidence-based post-stroke dysphagia identification and management practice in a community hospital.Methods Guided by the Knowledge to Action framework,the tailored,multifaceted strategies were developed and implemented for 5 months in a community hospital using a before-and-after study design.These strategies consisted of training intervention,policy intervention,and audit and feedback intervention.Nurses’level of knowledge and adherence,were collected in March 2019 and again in January 2020.Patients’quality of life and satisfaction were evaluated during the pre-intervention period(between February 2019 and April 2019)and the post-intervention period(between November 2019 and January 2020).Results A total of 55 patients with post-stroke dysphagia(28 in the pre-intervention period and 27 in the post-intervention period)and 17 registered nurses were recruited.Following implementation,there were statistically significant improvements in patients’outcomes(quality of life and satisfaction)and nurses’outcomes(level of knowledge and adherence).Conclusions This study assists in closing the research-practice gap by using tailored,multifaceted strategies to increase the use of evidence-based nursing care for dysphagia identification and management practices. 展开更多
关键词 Deglutition disorders Evidence-based practice Implementation science Nurses Patient satisfaction Professional practice gaps STROKE
Future and Scientific Conception of the World without Philosophy?
作者 Mirella Fortino 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conc... Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conceivable even in the scientific conception of the world elaborated by the neopositivists. I discuss this point of view with attention to the turn represented by pragmatic philosophy of Neurath, which represents a crucial passage for the future of philosophy. In this vision, the science is not conceivable without philosophy, namely without an open and pluralist scientific philosophy. The philosophy--so--is not insufficient too for the perspective of scientific conception of the world. 展开更多
Priority Disputes in Science in the Context of Conflicting Norms:The Case of Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz Revisited 被引量:1
作者 Douglas I. O. Anele 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第5期311-326,共16页
Thomas S. Kuhn is one of the leading philosophers and historians of science that investigated in-depth cases of simultaneous discoveries in science. Although his analysis of the discovery of energy conservation and ox... Thomas S. Kuhn is one of the leading philosophers and historians of science that investigated in-depth cases of simultaneous discoveries in science. Although his analysis of the discovery of energy conservation and oxygen did not focus sharply on the priority disputes involved, it is within such contexts that controversy about which scientist was the first to make a discovery takes place. Evidently, Kuhn's recourse to historical case studies is a clear departure from the standpoint of traditional mainstream philosophies of science (namely, logical positivism and falsificationism), which cavalierly dismissed such concerns as irrelevant to philosophical reconstructions of science Challenges to orthodox logistic approaches were prompted by the realisation that the two dominant traditions mentioned above, in their excessive preoccupation with "the logical skeleton of science", have lost contact with real science. As a contribution to what Michael Polanyi referred to as post-critical philosophy, the present study reanalyses the tension-generating potentials of bipolar values shared by members of scientific communities. It traces the origins of the rebellion against logic-dominated philosophies of science, and identifies different post-positivist approaches that have eme^rged over the years which legitimise broadening the frontiers of the philosophy of science. Consequent upon that, some conflicting values or norms shared by members of scientific communities and how they affect the quest for scientific knowledge are underscored. Using as a case study the acrimonious priority dispute between Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz concerning the discovery of calculus, the paper demonstrates that excessive concern for recognition which sometimes leads to protracted priority disputes tends to bring out the worst kind of behaviours towards colleagues even from the greatest scientists. We submit, by way of conclusion, that despite the heroic (almost god-like) reputation of such scientists, they are human and, therefore, subject to the vicissitudes of emotional turbulence just like everyone else. 展开更多
关键词 priority dispute conflicting norms values science as a social institution scientific discovery scientificcommunity CALCULUS
The concept of narrative evidence-based medicine and shared decision-making in traditional Chinese medical practice 被引量:3
作者 Wei Mu Hong-Cai Shang +6 位作者 Xu-Fang Gu Li Zhang Yan-Fen Li Jie Li Rui-Hua Wang Yu-Hong Huang Bao-He Wang 《TMR Integrative Medicine》 2018年第3期99-104,共6页
For the explosive development of emerging diagnostic and therapeutic technologies brought by the advancement of precision medicine strategy, shared decision-making could improve the quality of clinical decision-making... For the explosive development of emerging diagnostic and therapeutic technologies brought by the advancement of precision medicine strategy, shared decision-making could improve the quality of clinical decision-making and promote the transformation of clinical research evidence in TCM. Paying attention to patients' narrative needs and strengthening medical humanistic concerns could improve clinical outcome and patient satisfaction. We described the origins and development of evidence-based medicine, narrative medicine and shared decision-making, and analyzed the existing problems in TCM clinical decision-making. Further, we put forward the model of shared decision-making between clinicians and patients under the guidance of narrative evidence-based medicine concepts and methods. 展开更多
关键词 Narrative evidence-based medicine Clinical practice of TCM shared decision-making Decision aids
The Application of PBL in Surgery Theory Teaching Research
作者 HU Xiaojian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期85-86,共2页
objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the... objective: to study the problem oriented (PBL) teaching method application in surgery theory teaching effect. Methods: according to the student id number of single and double the surgical theory study stage of the 160 cases of medical students divided into two groups, the number into the control group (80 cases), double number into the experimental group (80 cases), traditional teaching method and PBL teaching method, respectively with the method of questionnaire survey to evaluate the two teaching methods. Results: after the introduction of PBL method in the experimental teaching, the students' classroom situation, knowledge situation, learning efficiency index score significantly higher than the control group, and the ability training all indicators were significantly higher than that of control group (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: the introduction of PBL in surgery theory teaching method, the feasibility of high, can provide a good decision for surgical theory teaching. 展开更多
Informal Logic: Between Logic and Epistemology
作者 Iryna Khomenko 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1051-1060,共10页
Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of a... Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of argument is one of the approaches. The key reason of its appearance was the criticism of formal logic in the late 20th century. Researchers consider the argument from the different point of view. Formal dialectics and pragma-dialectics were based on dialectics. Contemporary rhetorical theories of argument were created on the rhetorical grounds; theory of speech acts on the basis of practical philosophy etc.. This paper is devoted to some theoretical problems of informal logic which was formed on the logic background in the late 70's. In spite of numerous papers, books, and text-books on informal logic published over the last thirty years, logicians has not achieved consensus so far on many issues. Among the numerous problems are: what is the subject matter of informal logic? Does informal logic belong to the realm of logic? Is it applied epistemology? What is a real argument? And what are the criteria for evaluating of such arguments? 展开更多
关键词 LOGIC informal logic formal logic EPISTEMOLOGY ARGUMENT evaluation criteria of argument
Positivism and Variation: Literary Communication and Propagation at Heterogeneous Cultural Context
作者 WANG Peng-fei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期1105-1111,共7页
The study of the international literary relations in comparative literature includes not only the positivistic relations of different nations and different literary systems, but also the relations of variation among d... The study of the international literary relations in comparative literature includes not only the positivistic relations of different nations and different literary systems, but also the relations of variation among different literatures when it comes to the cross-civilization heterogeneity. Therefore, the positivistic approach and that of variation in the study of international literary relations constitute the two indispensable pillars in this field. 展开更多
关键词 international literary relation POSITIVISM cross cultural communication heterogeneous cultural context
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