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基于新时代文旅融合的基地场景特色研学实证研究——以浙江省淳安县千岛湖为例 被引量:1
作者 徐高福 许梅琳 +3 位作者 张楠 余阳春 王志平 徐邓幸 《林业调查规划》 2024年第3期214-218,共5页
浙江省淳安县千岛湖近年来开发了生态环保探索、农事研学活动、红色国防教育3大主题6个典型研学基地场景,对其自然条件、师资队伍、场所条件进行分析,研究其相应课程设计、研学路线,教育性、体验性路径和目标。结果表明,研学不仅是生态... 浙江省淳安县千岛湖近年来开发了生态环保探索、农事研学活动、红色国防教育3大主题6个典型研学基地场景,对其自然条件、师资队伍、场所条件进行分析,研究其相应课程设计、研学路线,教育性、体验性路径和目标。结果表明,研学不仅是生态红利的新引擎,也是创新发展的催化剂,更是文化精神的感召力。提出要以新发展理念指引研学发展,深化研学内涵认知,多样化、多层次、多方面开展研学活动。 展开更多
关键词 实证 基地场景 文旅融合 千岛湖
我国大豆生产波动动因分析——基于省际面板模型的实证研究 被引量:6
作者 李维刚 张晓东 +1 位作者 宋继华 孙丹 《农业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期48-63,共16页
在我国大豆生产波动频繁的情况下,找出影响大豆单产、种植面积的影响因素是实现“提单产、稳面积”的首要举措。研究采用1999~2020年21个省份面板数据,在分析大豆单产、种植面积的变化趋势基础上,根据大豆单产增减趋势,把大豆产区划分... 在我国大豆生产波动频繁的情况下,找出影响大豆单产、种植面积的影响因素是实现“提单产、稳面积”的首要举措。研究采用1999~2020年21个省份面板数据,在分析大豆单产、种植面积的变化趋势基础上,根据大豆单产增减趋势,把大豆产区划分成增产区、减产区和波动区,采用改进的面板数据模型分别对三个产区的大豆单产和种植面积的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明,机械化收割、产研结合、农药投入、小型拖拉机的投入是影响不同区域大豆单产的显著因素;机械化耕作是提升所有区域种植面积的显著因素,玉米种植面积、化肥投入、农药投入、灌溉条件、科研资金与人员投入、产研结合、机械化收割是影响不同区域大豆种植面积显著因素。根据分析,提出了相应政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 大豆生产 大豆单产 大豆种植面积
“农家乐”对新型农民培养的作用机制实证研究——以河南“农家乐”为例 被引量:2
作者 王秀红 莫延芬 《旅游研究》 2010年第3期65-71,共7页
文章基于对河南省四县市"农家乐"业主和非业主社区居民的问卷调查,对调查结果应用归纳分析和比较分析法,探讨"农家乐"对新型农民培养的作用机制。通过分析,得出研究结论如下:"农家乐"对新型农民培养具有... 文章基于对河南省四县市"农家乐"业主和非业主社区居民的问卷调查,对调查结果应用归纳分析和比较分析法,探讨"农家乐"对新型农民培养的作用机制。通过分析,得出研究结论如下:"农家乐"对新型农民培养具有积极的推动作用和影响,但对业主的影响较为均衡,且综合作用明显高于非业主社区居民;五大素质的差异性具体表现为旅游对居民的经营管理素质影响最大,然后依次为思想道德素质、科学文化素质、心理素质和身体素质;业主和非业主社区居民的差别表现为业主经营管理素质、科学文化素质和心理素质方面的影响较大,身体素质方面的作用较小,而非业主社区居民表现为思想道德素质和科学文化素质的影响较大,经营管理素质、身体素质和心理素质方面的影响较小;"农家乐"对新型农民五大素质具体方面的作用,也表现出各自不同的特点。研究成果对"农家乐"发展、新型农民的培养和新农村建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 河南省 “农家乐” 新型农民培养 作用机制 实证研
作者 贾凌玉 章国英 《中国医学教育技术》 2009年第6期528-531,共4页
通过对332名参加网络英语写作课程学生的问卷调查和个别访谈,了解了非英语专业学生对不同类型错误是否纠正、由谁纠正、如何纠正以及学生对不同类型评语的态度。并就调查结果进行了讨论,得出了纠错太多并不会导致学生写作积极性丧失... 通过对332名参加网络英语写作课程学生的问卷调查和个别访谈,了解了非英语专业学生对不同类型错误是否纠正、由谁纠正、如何纠正以及学生对不同类型评语的态度。并就调查结果进行了讨论,得出了纠错太多并不会导致学生写作积极性丧失以及互评是网络环境下的一种必要的纠错模式等结论。 展开更多
关键词 英语写作纠错 问卷调查 实证研
上海企业跨国经营政治风险实证研究 被引量:3
作者 李琛 《国际商务研究》 北大核心 2005年第4期9-13,共5页
对上海80家跨国经营企业的抽样调查显示,上海企业在国际经营过程中对东道国政治风险的认识和抵御能力有待进一步提高。这从一个侧面反映出我国跨国经营政治风险法律保障制度滞后、跨国经营政治风险宏观管理制度无序、企业内部政治风险... 对上海80家跨国经营企业的抽样调查显示,上海企业在国际经营过程中对东道国政治风险的认识和抵御能力有待进一步提高。这从一个侧面反映出我国跨国经营政治风险法律保障制度滞后、跨国经营政治风险宏观管理制度无序、企业内部政治风险监管制度不健全等突出问题,必须从政府和企业两个层面着手加以解决。 展开更多
关键词 跨国经营 政治风险 实证研
民法典编纂视域下夫妻共同债务的反思与重构--以实证研判为中心 被引量:1
作者 王勇旗 《知与行》 2020年第1期39-44,共6页
在我国民法典编纂背景下,夫妻共同债务认定中《婚姻法》第41条意在强调“离婚时”夫妻关系存续期间所产生的共同债务纠纷解决机制,而《婚姻法司法解释(二)》第24条与“法释[2018]2号”意在解决夫妻关系存续期间夫妻共同债务纠纷,并非严... 在我国民法典编纂背景下,夫妻共同债务认定中《婚姻法》第41条意在强调“离婚时”夫妻关系存续期间所产生的共同债务纠纷解决机制,而《婚姻法司法解释(二)》第24条与“法释[2018]2号”意在解决夫妻关系存续期间夫妻共同债务纠纷,并非严格限定在“离婚时”这一时间节点。因不同层级法院法官的法律素养参差不齐,对法律条文解读可能存在偏差,对夫妻共同债务本质及认定规则存在差异,地方各级人民法院的指导意见对案件的影响等综合因素,以致“同案不同判”的出现,并未妥当合理保护当事人合法权益。时值我国民法典编纂步入关键期,应统合《婚姻法》及相关司法解释对于夫妻共同债务纠纷解决机制的认识,认清婚姻家庭本质,以夫妻共同债务特征为切入点,以举证责任合理分配、家事代理的完善、提高法院释法能力、大额举债共签为路径,以妥当解决夫妻共同债务纠纷,实现维护当事人合法权益之目的。 展开更多
关键词 夫妻共同债务 实证研 民法典
基于实物期权方法的土地估值实证研究 被引量:1
作者 杨斌 《知识经济》 2012年第22期49-49,共1页
中国从02年底开始,明确规定经营房地产开发用地,必须到土地市场,通过招标、拍卖、挂牌等公开交易方式获得后,产生了一大批通过拍卖而实现转移的土地。如何对土地进行估值是一个很重要的问题。本研究应用了土地的实物期权方法对北京市土... 中国从02年底开始,明确规定经营房地产开发用地,必须到土地市场,通过招标、拍卖、挂牌等公开交易方式获得后,产生了一大批通过拍卖而实现转移的土地。如何对土地进行估值是一个很重要的问题。本研究应用了土地的实物期权方法对北京市土地进行了估值,是土地估值法的一次原创性的实证研究。 展开更多
关键词 土地 实物期权定价 实证研
作者 翟宁 《企业技术开发(下半月)》 2009年第7期40-41,57,共3页
居民消费水平与经济增长之间的关系,一直是很多学者研究的焦点,文章利用计量的相关检验方法(E-G两步法、协整检验、Granger因果检验),对1978年至2007年的数据进行了检验,发现:居民消费水平的提高与经济增长之间有着长期的协整关... 居民消费水平与经济增长之间的关系,一直是很多学者研究的焦点,文章利用计量的相关检验方法(E-G两步法、协整检验、Granger因果检验),对1978年至2007年的数据进行了检验,发现:居民消费水平的提高与经济增长之间有着长期的协整关系,且两者的相互作用明显,并根据实证结论提出了相关的政策建议,希望为政策的制定者提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 单位根与协整检验 因果关系检验 实证研
法学研究的经济学维度——基于法律经济学的思考 被引量:12
作者 李树 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期45-48,共4页
法律经济学作为经济学帝国主义的重要表现 ,它是用经济学的方法和理论来考察、研究法律和法律制度的形成、结构、过程、效果、效率及未来发展的学科 ;它是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科。本文在阐述了法律经济学的发展历程及基本理论... 法律经济学作为经济学帝国主义的重要表现 ,它是用经济学的方法和理论来考察、研究法律和法律制度的形成、结构、过程、效果、效率及未来发展的学科 ;它是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科。本文在阐述了法律经济学的发展历程及基本理论思维后 。 展开更多
关键词 法学 法律经济学 实证研 法律供求机制 法治成本 法治化
第二语言语音习得研究的基本方法和思路 被引量:37
作者 王韫佳 《汉语学习》 北大核心 2003年第2期61-66,共6页
第二语言语音习得的研究与语音学、音系学和语言习得理论等学科有着密切的联系。从方法看,实证研究和实验研究已经成为该领域的主流方法;从研究内容看,第二语言的语音知觉、知觉与发音的关系成为语音偏误分析之后新的热点;从理论框架看... 第二语言语音习得的研究与语音学、音系学和语言习得理论等学科有着密切的联系。从方法看,实证研究和实验研究已经成为该领域的主流方法;从研究内容看,第二语言的语音知觉、知觉与发音的关系成为语音偏误分析之后新的热点;从理论框架看,音系学的最新理论在第二语言语音习得研究中得到了越来越多的重视。 展开更多
关键词 第二语言习得 语音习得 语音学 音系学 语言习得方法 实证研 实验 语音知觉
作者 郝丽萍 谭庆美 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第3期172-177,共6页
Capital structure decision is an important issue of corporate finance.Theories show that,the corporate debt ratio is determined by many factors.This study conducts empirical work on capital structure theories,focusing... Capital structure decision is an important issue of corporate finance.Theories show that,the corporate debt ratio is determined by many factors.This study conducts empirical work on capital structure theories,focusing on the corporate data of Chinese listed companies,by considering the intrinsic characteristics,utilizing the principal factor analysis and the ridge regression method.Our results suggest that a firms debt ratio has a positive relationship with its size,profitability and operating risk and has a negative relationship with its growth and non debt tax shield,while the long term leverage has a positive relationship with its collateral value of assets. 展开更多
关键词 capital structure empirical study factor analysis ridge regression
Positive Research on China’s Economic Growth Quality——Analyze the Fluctuating Situation of the Factor Input and Aggregative Productivity 被引量:2
作者 LiBtanhua 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第1期98-105,共8页
To analyze China’s fluctuating situation of the factor input and aggregative productivity is not only the main method to seek the source of the economic growth but also the main way to weigh the level of economic gro... To analyze China’s fluctuating situation of the factor input and aggregative productivity is not only the main method to seek the source of the economic growth but also the main way to weigh the level of economic growth quality.As to economic growth ofa country,the improvementofthe productivity is extremely important.The growth of the output can be realized through two kinds of ways: increasing the quantity of factor input of or improving the efficiency of the input and output.There fore, the level of economic growth quality does not mainly depend on the amount of invested factor,but the importance of improving the productivity since resources are rare. The relative improvement of efficiency in use of the invested factor marks the economic growing quality.So,in order to understand the economic growth quality of China to some extent, it must analyze Chinese factor input and aggregative productivity. This is the main topic that this text will be probed into. 展开更多
关键词 factor input contribution rate of factors aggregative productivity quality of increasing
Analysis on inbound tourists' satisfaction in China: an empirical study based on the investigation of 5 cities 被引量:2
作者 Jin Rong Wang Xueping 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第1期62-72,共11页
In China, the tourism industry is regarded as one means of fostering local economic development. This paper tries to examine inbound tourism development in China in the last decade and analyze inbound tourism's sa... In China, the tourism industry is regarded as one means of fostering local economic development. This paper tries to examine inbound tourism development in China in the last decade and analyze inbound tourism's satisfaction of their travel experience with tourist attractions, facilities, services and price by an empirical study based on the investigation of Lanzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. This paper discusses the demographic characteristics of visitors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, US, Korea and Japan by surveying a sample of 528 visitors in fi ve different cities. The survey showed that four provinces/autonomous region in western China ranked the top 10 popular destinations. Chinese natural landscape, culture and food were highly regarded by the tourists. At the same time, tourists expressed less satisfaction with tourist language convenience, tourist facility and nightlife in China. It was also found that only 7.4% of the tourists thought travel in China was far more than what they had paid, that 6.5% regarded they got what they paid for, and that 34.9% thought the travel cost was reasonable. Most tourists were satisfi ed with their travel experience in China; many of them would like to return to China and would like to recommend China. For the sustainable development of tourism, Chinese tourism authorities should strengthen the construction, propaganda and management of scenic spots, improve tourist facility and tourist education, especially language convenience, and strengthen the supervision of tickets, souvenir and hotel price. 展开更多
关键词 Inbound tourists Tourists' satisfaction Satisfaction ratings China
Quantitative study on the urban fresh water consumption since Chinese rapid urbanization 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Peng Zhang Lei 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期195-204,共10页
The development of urbanization has a close relationship with fresh water resources, especially in the rapid urbanization period. By analyzing the course of the urhanization development and the experience of internati... The development of urbanization has a close relationship with fresh water resources, especially in the rapid urbanization period. By analyzing the course of the urhanization development and the experience of international urbanization development, the paper confirms the starting time of the rapid urbanization. Based on the ecotogical theory; urban fresh water consumption is composed of three types: the direct, the indirect and the induced water consumption. And the paper constructs calculation model of the indirect and the induced water consumption. Using the related statistics data, the paper makes an empirical research on the changes of the amount and structure of water consumption. Then it discusses the correlation between the water consumption and the amount of urban population, and the result shows that the amount of the water consumption arid the urban population have a remarkable correlation with the exception of the amount of the indirect water consumption, and the curves fake on quadratic functian form. Last, from the urban fimction point of view; the paper anatomizes the cause of the urban water consumption changes. 展开更多
关键词 Rapid urbanization Fresh water consumption Direct water consumption Indirect water consumption Induced water consumption
Analogy-based software effort estimation using multi-objective feature selection
作者 Chen Xiang Lu Fengyan +2 位作者 Shen Yuxiang Xie Junfeng Wen Wanzhi 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第3期295-302,共8页
The feature selection in analogy-based software effort estimation (ASEE) is formulized as a multi-objective optimization problem. One objective is designed to maximize the effort estimation accuracy and the other ob... The feature selection in analogy-based software effort estimation (ASEE) is formulized as a multi-objective optimization problem. One objective is designed to maximize the effort estimation accuracy and the other objective is designed to minimize the number of selected features. Based on these two potential conflict objectives, a novel wrapper- based feature selection method, multi-objective feature selection for analogy-based software effort estimation (MASE), is proposed. In the empirical studies, 77 projects in Desharnais and 62 projects in Maxwell from the real world are selected as the evaluation objects and the proposed method MASE is compared with some baseline methods. Final results show that the proposed method can achieve better performance by selecting fewer features when considering MMRE (mean magnitude of relative error), MdMRE (median magnitude of relative error), PRED ( 0. 25 ), and SA ( standardized accuracy) performance metrics. 展开更多
关键词 software effort estimation multi-objectiveoptimization case-based reasoning feature selection empirical study
Dividend policy determinants of Indian FMCG sector: A factorial analysis
作者 Sujata Kapoor Kanwal Anil Anil Misra 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第9期50-64,共15页
Profitability has always been considered as a primary indicator of dividend payout by a company. There are factors other than profitability namely cash flows, debt equity ratio, retained earnings, sales growth, share ... Profitability has always been considered as a primary indicator of dividend payout by a company. There are factors other than profitability namely cash flows, debt equity ratio, retained earnings, sales growth, share prices of a company, capital expenditure and beta etc. that also affect dividend decisions of an organization. Existing literature suggests that dividend payout is positively related to profits, cash flows while CAPEX (capital expenditure) retained earnings, sales growth, share prices, beta, interest paid and debt equity ratio have inverse relationship. A set of 21 key variables have been identified that affect the dividend payout of a firm. Researchers in the past have used several proxies to represent these determinants. Authors have tried to find out which proxy variable is most relevant in the present scenario. The paper attempts to give a focused overview of the important dividend theories and empirically analyze the determinants of dividend behavior of Indian FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) sector. The relationship between key variables has been explored with the aid of statistical techniques of factor analysis. Thus, the main theme of this study is to examine the various factors that influence the dividend policy decisions of FMCG firms in India. 展开更多
关键词 dividend determinants FMCG sector multiple regression analysis factor analysis
Informal Logic: Between Logic and Epistemology
作者 Iryna Khomenko 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期1051-1060,共10页
Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of a... Nowadays researchers working in various fields study the issues of argument. They represent different approaches which distinguish with theoretical and practical comprehension of argument problems. Informal study of argument is one of the approaches. The key reason of its appearance was the criticism of formal logic in the late 20th century. Researchers consider the argument from the different point of view. Formal dialectics and pragma-dialectics were based on dialectics. Contemporary rhetorical theories of argument were created on the rhetorical grounds; theory of speech acts on the basis of practical philosophy etc.. This paper is devoted to some theoretical problems of informal logic which was formed on the logic background in the late 70's. In spite of numerous papers, books, and text-books on informal logic published over the last thirty years, logicians has not achieved consensus so far on many issues. Among the numerous problems are: what is the subject matter of informal logic? Does informal logic belong to the realm of logic? Is it applied epistemology? What is a real argument? And what are the criteria for evaluating of such arguments? 展开更多
关键词 LOGIC informal logic formal logic EPISTEMOLOGY ARGUMENT evaluation criteria of argument
作者 雷蕾 韦瑶瑜 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2007年第5期13-18,128,共7页
The present paper reports an empirical study on writer's block of Chinese EFL learners at the tertiary level in the mainland of P.R.China.Factor analysis approach was employed in the present study and the results ... The present paper reports an empirical study on writer's block of Chinese EFL learners at the tertiary level in the mainland of P.R.China.Factor analysis approach was employed in the present study and the results of confirmatory factor analysis verified the model we gained.Three factors were found in writer's block of Chinese EFL learners:complexity,premature editing and attitudes.The results also showed that writer's block might be related to learners' lack of strategies in the writing process.Meanwhile,the blocked writers did not hold appropriate feelings and beliefs towards writing and teachers' evaluation on their writing.Accordingly,we suggest that we help develop learners' writing strategies and the teachers' evaluation be encouraging-oriented.Finally,suggestions for further research are raised. 展开更多
关键词 writer's block Chinese EFL learners empirical study
Empirical Studies on L2 Communication Strategies over Four Decades:Looking Back and Ahead 被引量:3
作者 郭继东 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2011年第4期89-106,128,共19页
Studies on communication strategies (CSs) have been carried out for nearly four decades and have contributed a lot to the development of such fields as applied linguistics and second language acquisition, but they a... Studies on communication strategies (CSs) have been carried out for nearly four decades and have contributed a lot to the development of such fields as applied linguistics and second language acquisition, but they are still inadequate and there remain controversies over certain issues. Thus, more systematic and rigorous studies are needed to check or confirm the findings of some studies and further CS research from newer and broader perspectives. This paper mainly reviews the existing empirical studies from different perspectives: CS classifications and research methods, factors affecting the choices of CSs, teachablity and teaching of CSs, and effectiveness of CSs. It is aimed to provide a clear picture of research on L2 CSs and offer some suggestions for further research. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategies empirical studies CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITATIONS suggestions
Towards English Writing Research with Chinese Characteristics 被引量:1
作者 游晓晔 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第3期263-270,381,共9页
This essay first reviews the history of English writing research in China, focusing on the way that though Chinese students negotiated multiple languages and cultures, nationalism and positivism oriented most teachers... This essay first reviews the history of English writing research in China, focusing on the way that though Chinese students negotiated multiple languages and cultures, nationalism and positivism oriented most teachers and researchers to treating native English speakers as the target audience of student writing. The essay then reviews the research reported in this special issue. These studies have advanced English writing research in China by examining writing at secondary, college, and graduate levels, the multi-dimensional feedback that student writers receive, and identity construction in student texts. The essay concludes by pointing out avenues for future research in this area. 展开更多
关键词 writing process POSITIVISM qualitative research
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