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咸丰时期户部银库实银收支问题再研究 被引量:13
作者 廖文辉 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期139-156,共18页
太平天国运动兴起以后,清政府因岁入锐减、支出剧增而遭遇严重的财政危机。作为全国财政运作重要组成部分的户部银库,由此陷入库储殆尽、入不敷出的绝境。面对危局,清廷不得不应急变通,一面暂弃京饷按册酌拨的旧制,改为年前一体定额预... 太平天国运动兴起以后,清政府因岁入锐减、支出剧增而遭遇严重的财政危机。作为全国财政运作重要组成部分的户部银库,由此陷入库储殆尽、入不敷出的绝境。面对危局,清廷不得不应急变通,一面暂弃京饷按册酌拨的旧制,改为年前一体定额预拨以期保证实银收入;一面下放军饷筹拨权限借以息肩。此外,裁减俸饷、铸造大钱、颁发票钞、举办捐铜等补苴权宜之计渐次施行,勉力维持收支平衡。咸丰后期,户部银库实银收支均呈回升之势,票钞大钱所占比例逐渐下降。随着内外环境的巨大变化,清政府财政逐渐脱逸旧轨,户部银库的实银收支内容与数量发生了一定程度的变化,其在全国财政运作与经费调度中的重要性也大为下降。 展开更多
关键词 咸丰时期 户部 实银 京饷
作者 邓佑标 《政工学刊》 2014年第9期72-72,共1页
明朝时期,官员江一麟让州民帮自己修理旧船,完工后付了十两银子。后经查实,修船费用至少需要二十两银子,便又拿出六两银子、三十把扇子、一斤墨送给修船的州民。江一麟的妻子了解情况后,跟他说:"既然知道欠他十两银子,就应当拿实银如... 明朝时期,官员江一麟让州民帮自己修理旧船,完工后付了十两银子。后经查实,修船费用至少需要二十两银子,便又拿出六两银子、三十把扇子、一斤墨送给修船的州民。江一麟的妻子了解情况后,跟他说:"既然知道欠他十两银子,就应当拿实银如数补偿,至于扇墨可另作酬谢。"江妻不贪民之微利,并以此劝诫丈夫,助其在贪腐之风盛行的晚明官场独保清廉。党员领导干部保持廉洁自律,既需要自身加强党性修养,也需要有江一麟妻那样的廉内助时刻敲响"枕边钟"。夫妻是精神和利益的共同体,朝夕相处之下一言一行都会相互影响。 展开更多
关键词 修船 实银 明朝时期 党性修养 廉内助 领导干部 贪内助 贪欲之害 律己之心 郑培民
绿色鲜食玉米高产栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 杨星 《农村科技》 2015年第4期10-11,共2页
一、品种选择选择适合当地种植,经国家或省级审定的品质优、产量高、抗性强、适应性广的早熟及中熟品种,如:京科糯2000、小白糯1580、金糯8号、彩糯818、水果414、金银栗、仓实银糯等。二、种子处理1.选种播种前筛选种子,除去霉烂、破... 一、品种选择选择适合当地种植,经国家或省级审定的品质优、产量高、抗性强、适应性广的早熟及中熟品种,如:京科糯2000、小白糯1580、金糯8号、彩糯818、水果414、金银栗、仓实银糯等。二、种子处理1.选种播种前筛选种子,除去霉烂、破损、混杂和遭受病害的种子,选择大粒、完整、有光泽的健康籽粒作种。2.晒种播前选无风、光照好的晴天,将种子摊开在干燥向阳处晾晒2~3天,以提高发芽率。 展开更多
关键词 玉米高产栽培 彩糯 实银 中熟品种 白糯 大喇叭口期 雄穗 播量 玉米籽粒 人工去雄
《浙江档案》 北大核心 1991年第7期40-40,共1页
窃见会议银币事宜久持未决,圜法不能决则预算无所依据,清理财政亦属空文。此外,庶政莫不需财,预算不立,庶政不能举也。不揣固陋,研究其中原理,请借前著而筹,证以外洋各国通行圜法,推其利弊所在。各国钱币皆自行于国中,出国境即由银行交... 窃见会议银币事宜久持未决,圜法不能决则预算无所依据,清理财政亦属空文。此外,庶政莫不需财,预算不立,庶政不能举也。不揣固陋,研究其中原理,请借前著而筹,证以外洋各国通行圜法,推其利弊所在。各国钱币皆自行于国中,出国境即由银行交换其主国之币,所以一国币制之重量自为等级大小相权,毋庸与别国比较轻重,盖既经决议制成国币,则重量已归消灭,只论国币几等,不论重量若干。其钱文原不应有重库平一两重库平七钱二分等字样,主一两与主七钱所争尚非要点。惟钱币兑换系币制之总要,机关出入甚巨,其搀合成分乃国家造币应有之权衡,即熟币与生银之分界,如折合实银则与仍用生银无异。我国旧行圜法只有铜铸制钱一等,专属铜本位国家。上已增至银位,圜法内只有铜币,因只有铜位一等不敷应用,于是以生银代银币之用,而权其轻重分两以代,圜法等级之用由此惑乱:银则论两,铜则论枚,乃有银价、 展开更多
关键词 圜法 庶政 而权 实银 铜铸 国权 国币 铸钱 复本位
《中国农垦》 北大核心 1994年第11期29-29,共1页
中草药添加饲料可使鸡鸭多产蛋据研究在蛋鸡和蛋鸭日粮中添加2%的艾粉,可提高产蛋率13%,肉禽增重率提高11-12%。用樟子松的鲜针叶为原料制成粉状松针膏添加剂在每公斤饲料中添加4克,对鸡增重、生长、产蛋效果显著,可使... 中草药添加饲料可使鸡鸭多产蛋据研究在蛋鸡和蛋鸭日粮中添加2%的艾粉,可提高产蛋率13%,肉禽增重率提高11-12%。用樟子松的鲜针叶为原料制成粉状松针膏添加剂在每公斤饲料中添加4克,对鸡增重、生长、产蛋效果显著,可使成活率提高5.8%;据研究证实银合... 展开更多
关键词 增重率 实银 合欢 蛋重 叶粉 氯化胆碱 产蛋高峰期 沙棘叶 喂鸡 蛋禽
作者 李湘泉 《数学教学通讯》 1985年第1期15-17,共3页
一、纯粹利用判别式求函数y=ax^2+bx+c/mx^2+nx+l值域的可靠性。 [例1]求函数y=5/2x^2+5x+3的值域。解:把原式变形成2yx^2+5yx+3y-5=0 ①∵ x为实数:△=(5y)~2-4(2y)(3y-5)≥0 解得 y≥0或y≤-40 即所求值域为:{y∶y≥0}∪{y∶y≤-40}... 一、纯粹利用判别式求函数y=ax^2+bx+c/mx^2+nx+l值域的可靠性。 [例1]求函数y=5/2x^2+5x+3的值域。解:把原式变形成2yx^2+5yx+3y-5=0 ①∵ x为实数:△=(5y)~2-4(2y)(3y-5)≥0 解得 y≥0或y≤-40 即所求值域为:{y∶y≥0}∪{y∶y≤-40}。但由原函数显然可知y≠0,所以上面求得的值域并不可靠。 [例2]求函数y=x^2-x-2/2x^2-6x+4的值域。解:把原式变形成 (2y-1)x^2+(1-6y)x+4y+2=0 ②∵ x为实数,∴△=(1-6y)~2-4(2y-1)(4y+2)=(2y-3)~2≥0 ∵所求值域为y∈R事实上,y=(x^2-x-2)/(2x^2-6x+4)=((x-2)(x+1))/(2(x-2)(x-1)) 展开更多
关键词 原式 数解 初等方法 解集 一元二次方程 二次项系数 式法 实银 单值对应 女口
集中精力 做好分帐划转工作
作者 本刊评论员 《江苏农村金融》 1994年第6期3-3,共1页
1994年6月30日,是把属于农业发展银行的资产、负债、信贷基金统一从农业银行(人民银行、工商银行、建设银行)划转给中国农业发展银行的正式划帐日。这标志着组建中国农业发展银行已进入实质性阶段。能否正确、顺利地划转,不仅关系到农... 1994年6月30日,是把属于农业发展银行的资产、负债、信贷基金统一从农业银行(人民银行、工商银行、建设银行)划转给中国农业发展银行的正式划帐日。这标志着组建中国农业发展银行已进入实质性阶段。能否正确、顺利地划转,不仅关系到农业发展银行的组建和发展,而且还关系到农业银行向商业银行转轨的进程。因此,集中精力,做好分帐划转工作,是全行当前的一项重要任务。 展开更多
关键词 信贷基金 工商 建设 人民 销户 存贷款余额 业务性质 农村金融 筹备小组 实银
《成长先锋:女人街》 2007年第7期76-77,共2页
关键词 女人街 实银 鼓起勇气 时觉 人生大事 乳熟 会街 一本 小贝 次清
作者 熙慧 袁顺华 周嫣 《大美术》 2006年第7期116-119,141,共5页
民以食为天,食以筷为先千年甘苦史,尽在双箸间筷子的渊源当今世界上人类进食的工具主要分为三类:欧洲和北美用刀、叉、匙,一餐饭三器并用;中国、日本、越南、韩国和朝鲜等用筷;非洲、中东、印尼及印度次大陆以手指抓食。中国是筷子的发... 民以食为天,食以筷为先千年甘苦史,尽在双箸间筷子的渊源当今世界上人类进食的工具主要分为三类:欧洲和北美用刀、叉、匙,一餐饭三器并用;中国、日本、越南、韩国和朝鲜等用筷;非洲、中东、印尼及印度次大陆以手指抓食。中国是筷子的发源地,以筷进餐已有三四千年历史,是世界上以筷为食的母国。 展开更多
关键词 印度次大陆 美器 三四 古朴典雅 实银 工艺手法 工艺传统 色香味 天竺筷 密胺
作者 宋立 《决策》 1994年第2期36-37,共2页
王茂荫,安徽歙县人,清末咸丰年间财务大臣。他尊奉“文死谏,武死战”的封建官吏道德,针对当时官场腐败,通货膨胀,民不聊生等严峻局面向皇帝屡上奏折,开出了许多济世良方,可是无济于事,反受申斥,虽然没有丢掉脑袋,但也遭谤受挫,郁郁而终... 王茂荫,安徽歙县人,清末咸丰年间财务大臣。他尊奉“文死谏,武死战”的封建官吏道德,针对当时官场腐败,通货膨胀,民不聊生等严峻局面向皇帝屡上奏折,开出了许多济世良方,可是无济于事,反受申斥,虽然没有丢掉脑袋,但也遭谤受挫,郁郁而终,成了封建末世一名悲剧人物。 展开更多
关键词 悲剧人物 安徽歙县 济世良方 发行纸币 官票 宝钞 钞法 太平天国起义 铸钱 实银
跨界混血儿 2016 Honda NM4
作者 兰川平 《摩托车》 2015年第10期44-47,共4页
经过百年来的发展,当前摩托车技术已经高度成熟,无论是动力还是操控,无论加速还是安全,无论功能还是个性,都达到了很高程度。这是很可喜的,同时又是让人伤脑筋的。说可喜很容易理解,让人伤脑筋则是指遭遇突破的瓶颈。为此,很多大牌厂家... 经过百年来的发展,当前摩托车技术已经高度成熟,无论是动力还是操控,无论加速还是安全,无论功能还是个性,都达到了很高程度。这是很可喜的,同时又是让人伤脑筋的。说可喜很容易理解,让人伤脑筋则是指遭遇突破的瓶颈。为此,很多大牌厂家,都在绞尽脑汁寻求摩托车发展的新方向,试图找到新的发力点,从而招徕更多的骑手和占据新的市场份额。就这样,本田"新摩托"概念—NM4应运而生。 展开更多
关键词 HONDA 摩托车技术 就这样 踏板车 乘骑 双离合器 实银 长途旅行 发动机运转 发力点
作者 徐瀚文 《科协论坛》 2014年第7期49-51,共3页
为深入实施"海外智力盐城行动计划",积极创建国家级海智工作基地,建设盐城"科技工作者之家",服务盐城改革发展大局,笔者对盐城市的高层次留学人才和海外科技专家等海外高层次人才队伍现状进行了调查。一、基本情况近年来,盐城市深... 为深入实施"海外智力盐城行动计划",积极创建国家级海智工作基地,建设盐城"科技工作者之家",服务盐城改革发展大局,笔者对盐城市的高层次留学人才和海外科技专家等海外高层次人才队伍现状进行了调查。一、基本情况近年来,盐城市深入实施创新发展与人才强市战略,真心实意重视、真金实银投入、真抓实干推进,努力聚集推动科学发展的"第一资源",入选省"双创计划"、省"双创团队"、省"博士集聚计划"的团队连续3年名列苏北前列。据不完全统计,目前在盐城市的海外高层次人才有近2000名。 展开更多
关键词 高层次人才 海外人才 留学人才 实银 第一资源 人才队伍现状 海外科技 真金 科技工作者 人才高地
王者归来 2017 Suzuki GSX-R1000
作者 赵飞英 《摩托车》 2017年第4期48-51,共4页
在超跑领域沉默许久之后,2015、2016年雅马哈、本田相继爆发,现在终于轮到铃木了。2017年,全新一代GSX-R1000惊艳亮相。它绝非是零敲碎打的些许改进,而是真正彻头彻尾的新车!从扩展动力带的可变正时气门机构(VVT),到赛车型卡盒式传动... 在超跑领域沉默许久之后,2015、2016年雅马哈、本田相继爆发,现在终于轮到铃木了。2017年,全新一代GSX-R1000惊艳亮相。它绝非是零敲碎打的些许改进,而是真正彻头彻尾的新车!从扩展动力带的可变正时气门机构(VVT),到赛车型卡盒式传动系统,再到32位双核处理器ECM、10阶牵引力控制系统、风洞测试的空气动力学造型……GSX-R1000全面渗透和借鉴了MotoG P赛车前沿技术,可谓是脱胎换骨,再次晋级到高阶! 展开更多
关键词 王者归来 铃木 实银 牵引力控制系统 气门机构 双核处理器 真金 前沿技术 SUZUKI 传动系统
Hepatic fibrosis in biliary-obstructed rats is prevented by Ginkgo biloba treatment 被引量:7
作者 Gksel pener Levent Kabasakal +2 位作者 Meral Yüksel Nursal Gedik Ynci Alican 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第35期5444-5449,共6页
AIM: To assess the antioxidant and antifibrotic effects of long-term Ginkgo biloba administration on liver fibrosis induced by biliary obstruction in rats. METHODS: Liver fibrosis was induced in male Wistar albino r... AIM: To assess the antioxidant and antifibrotic effects of long-term Ginkgo biloba administration on liver fibrosis induced by biliary obstruction in rats. METHODS: Liver fibrosis was induced in male Wistar albino rats by bile duct ligation and scission (BDL). Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761, 50 mg/kg.per d) or saline was administered for 28 d. At the end of the treatment period, all rats were killed. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were determined to assess liver functions and tissue damage, respectively. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) was also assayed in serum samples. Liver tissues were taken for determination of the hepatic malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and collagen content. Production of reactive oxidants was monitored by chemiluminescence (CL) assay. Serum AST, ALT, LDH, and TNF-α levels were elevated in the BDL group as compared to control group and were significantly decreased by EGb treatment. RESULTS: Hepatic GSH level, depressed by BDL, was elevated back to control level in EGb-treated BDL group. Increase in tissue MDA level, MPO activity and collagen content due to BDL were also attenuated by EGb treatment. Furthermore, luminol and lucigenin CL values in BDL group increased dramatically compared to control and reduced by EGb treatment. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that Ginkgo biloba protects the liver from oxidative damage following BDL in rats. This effect possibly involves the inhibition of neutrophil infiltration and lipid peroxidation; thus, restoration of oxidant and antioxidant status in the tissue. 展开更多
关键词 Ginkgo biloba Bile duct ligation Hepatic fibrosis OXIDANT
Comparison of convective parameterizations in RegCM4 experiments over China with CLM as the land surface model 被引量:36
作者 GAO Xue-Jie SHI Ying Filippo GIORGI 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期246-254,共9页
in the latest version of the international Centre for Theoretical Physics' regional climate model, RegCM4, CLM was introduced as a new land surface scheme. The performance over China of RegCM4-CLM with different conv... in the latest version of the international Centre for Theoretical Physics' regional climate model, RegCM4, CLM was introduced as a new land surface scheme. The performance over China of RegCM4-CLM with different convection schemes is analyzed in this study, based on a series of short- term experiments.The model is driven by ERA-Interim data at a grid spacing of 25 km.The convection schemes employed are: Emanuel; Grell; Emanuel over land and Grell over ocean; Grell over land and Emanuel over ocean; and Tiedtke. The simulated mean surface air temperature and precipitation in December-February-January and June-July-August are compared against observation. In general, better performance of Emanuel is found both for temperature and precipitation, and in both seasons. Thus, the model physics of CLM and Emanuel for the land surface processes and convection, respectively, are recommended for further application of RegCM4 over the China region. The de^ciencies that remain in the model arealso outlined and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Regional climate model China RegCM4 temperatureprecipitation
Cloud Seedability Study with a Dual-Model System 被引量:1
作者 JIN Ling LEI Heng-Chi +2 位作者 KONG Fan-You YANG Jie-Fan HU Zhao-Xia 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期197-202,共6页
In this research, one-dimensional stratiform a novel dual-model system, cold cloud model (1DSC) coupled to Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model (WRF-1DSC for short), was employed to investigate the effects ... In this research, one-dimensional stratiform a novel dual-model system, cold cloud model (1DSC) coupled to Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model (WRF-1DSC for short), was employed to investigate the effects of cloud seeding by silver iodide (AgI) on rain enhancement. Driven by changing environmental conditions extracted from the WRF model, WRF-1DSC could be used to assess the cloud seeding effects quantitatively. The employment of WRF- 1DSC, in place of a one-dimen- sional two-moment cloud seeding model applied to a three-dimensional mesoscale cloud-resolving model, was found to result in massive reduction of computational resources. Numerical experiments with WRF-1DSC were conducted for a real stratiform precipitation event ob- served on 4-5 July 2004, in Northeast China. A good agreement between the observed and modeled cloud system ensured the ability of WRF-1DSC to simulate the observed precipitation process efficiently. Sensitivity tests were performed with different seeding times, locations, and amounts. Experimental results showed that the optimum seeding effect (defined as the percentage of rain enhancement or rain enhancement rate) could be achieved through proper seeding at locations of maximum cloud water content when the updraft was strong. The optimum seeding effect was found to increase by 5.61% when the cloud was seeded at 5.5 km above ground level around 2300 UTC 4 July 2004, with the maximum AgI mixing ratio (As) equaling 15 ng kg-1. On the other hand, for an overseeded cloud, a significant reduction occurred in the accumulated precipitation (-12.42%) as Xs reached 100 ng kg^-1. This study demonstrates the potential of WRF- 1DSC in determining the optimal AgI seeding strategy in practical operations of precipitation enhancement. 展开更多
关键词 dual-model system AGI cloud seeding WRF clmld model
Empirical analysis on China money multiplier
作者 SHANG Hua-juan 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第8期43-49,共7页
The paper firstly represents two kind statements of China money multipliers and theoretically analyzes the relationship between each structure factor and China money multiplier. Secondly, it summarizes the several fea... The paper firstly represents two kind statements of China money multipliers and theoretically analyzes the relationship between each structure factor and China money multiplier. Secondly, it summarizes the several features and the move trends of China narrow and broad money multipliers and their structure factors. Thirdly, the paper empirically analyzes how and what degree the each structure factor affects China narrow and broad money multipliers holding everything else constant. At last two important conclusions are got, that is, the required reserve ratio is the most associated with China money multipliers and the saving deposit ratio is more associated with that, the required reserve ratio and the interest rates can be used as the ways of affecting money aggregate by the People's Bank of China. 展开更多
关键词 empirical analysis China money multiplier narrow money multiplier broad money multiplier structure factors of China money multiplier
Influence of Golmud-Lhasa Section of Qinghai-Tibet Railway on Blown Sand Transport 被引量:7
作者 XIAO Jianhua YAO Zhengyi QU Jianjun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期39-50,共12页
The Qinghai-Tibet Railway(QTR) passes through 281 km of sandy land, 11.07 km of which causes serious sand damage to the railway and thus, the control of blown sand is important for the safe operation of the railway. C... The Qinghai-Tibet Railway(QTR) passes through 281 km of sandy land, 11.07 km of which causes serious sand damage to the railway and thus, the control of blown sand is important for the safe operation of the railway. Construction of the railway and sand prevention system greatly changed the blown sand transport of the primary surface. Effective and feasible sand-control measures include stone checkerboard barriers(SCBs), sand fences(SFs), and gravel coverings. This study simulated the embankments, SCBs and SFs of the QTR in a wind tunnel, and analyzed their respective wind profile, sand deposition, and sand-blocking rate(SBR) in conjunction with field data, aiming at studying the influence of Golmud-Lhasa section of the QTR and sand prevention system on blown sand transport. The results of wind tunnel experiments showed that wind speed increased by 67.7%–77.3% at the upwind shoulder of the embankment and decreased by 50.0%–83.3% at upwind foot of embankment. Wind speed decreased by 50.0%–100.0% after passing through the first SF, and 72.2%–100.0% after the first row of stones within the first SCB grid. In the experiment of sand deposition, the higher the wind speed, the lower the SBR of SCB and SF. From field investigation, the amount of sand blocked by the four SFs decreased exponentially and its SBR was about 50.0%. By contrast, SCB could only block lower amounts of sand, but had a higher SBR(96.7%) than SF. Although, results show that SFs and SCBs along the Golmud-Lhasa section of the QTR provide an obvious sand blocking effect, they lead to the deposition of a large amount of sand, which forms artificial dunes and becomes a new source of sand damage. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai-Tibet Railway(QTR) wind profile blown sand transport sand damage wind tunnel
Pretreatment of lead anode slime with low silver by vacuum distillation for concentrating silver 被引量:6
作者 李亮 田阳 +3 位作者 刘大春 周厚军 戴永年 杨斌 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期615-621,共7页
The feasibility of separation of lead anode slime with low silver by vacuum distillation was analyzed theoretically. The volatilization rates and mass fractions of elements, influenced by distillation temperature, hea... The feasibility of separation of lead anode slime with low silver by vacuum distillation was analyzed theoretically. The volatilization rates and mass fractions of elements, influenced by distillation temperature, heat preservation time and material thickness, were investigated under laboratory conditions. The experimental results indicate that almost all of lead and bismuth can be separated from silver-contained multicomponent alloy at 1 223 K for 45 min when the chamber pressure maintains at 10-25 Pa. Silver can be easily enriched in the residue and its mass fraction increases from 3.6% to 27.8% when the distillation temperature is between 1 133 K and 1 373 K. Due to the forming ofintermetallic compounds Cu2Sb, Cul0Sb3 and Ag3Sb, the antimony could not be evaporated completely during the vacuum distillation. EDS analysis indicates that the condensate has a columnar crystal structure. 展开更多
关键词 Ag-contained multicomponent alloy vacuum distillation SEPARATION intermetallic compounds
Profitable credit card business empirical analysis of factors
作者 SHUAI Qing-hong SHI Yu-lu 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第10期33-37,24,共6页
Since 1995, major domestic commercial banks are beginning to have a variety of credit cards issued. However, at present, China's relatively low profitability of the credit card business, it accounts for a smaller pro... Since 1995, major domestic commercial banks are beginning to have a variety of credit cards issued. However, at present, China's relatively low profitability of the credit card business, it accounts for a smaller proportion of total bank income. By means of credit card revenue/cost structure analysis, the authors found spending and overdraft balances affecting credit card business, an important factor in profitability. At the same time, combined with a commercial bank's existing statistical data, using SPSS software correlation and regression analysis, the authors found that the key to improve the bank card revenue is to raise China's commercial banks, credit card revolving credit utilization, and expand the scale of overdraft balances. 展开更多
关键词 credit card profit factor revenue/cost structure CORRELATION
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