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作者 朱汉杰 《法律史评论》 2023年第3期273-294,共22页
清代州县官有时会借助城隍来审断疑难案件。在命盗重情的审理中,州县官多借之威慑案犯,以获得口供,顺利结案;至于民间细故,则是令两造至城隍庙举誓,以明确事实,解决纠纷。城隍确实深深地介入了司法程序,但其效力的限度也很明显。州县官... 清代州县官有时会借助城隍来审断疑难案件。在命盗重情的审理中,州县官多借之威慑案犯,以获得口供,顺利结案;至于民间细故,则是令两造至城隍庙举誓,以明确事实,解决纠纷。城隍确实深深地介入了司法程序,但其效力的限度也很明显。州县官自述不无吹嘘自夸之嫌,城隍在其笔下往往是被动的角色,且几乎不见于正式公文。南部县的个案显示,司法实践中确有城隍的参与,却无法决定诉讼结果。笔记小说中城隍神判的负面叙述,也显示出民间书写中城隍威力动摇的端倪。近代以降,城隍参与司法的现象屡见报端,在“反迷信”的大潮下遭到批判,前所未有地出现许多失败案例。这既可以反证该现象的普遍性,也进一步彰显了其效力的限度,并提示我们,城隍参与司法的效力,关键在于整体社会结构的支撑。 展开更多
关键词 清代 州县审断 城隍 民间信仰
晚清州县审断中的“社会”:基于南部县档案的考察 被引量:23
作者 里赞 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期163-167,共5页
一直以来,学界普遍认为表现为保甲、家族以及其他多种方式的"社会"力量在基层政治中有着相当的重要性或发挥着重要功能。但从四川省南部县正堂全清档案中发现,不仅词讼案件在档案中占有相当大的比例,而且有许多"琐情&qu... 一直以来,学界普遍认为表现为保甲、家族以及其他多种方式的"社会"力量在基层政治中有着相当的重要性或发挥着重要功能。但从四川省南部县正堂全清档案中发现,不仅词讼案件在档案中占有相当大的比例,而且有许多"琐情"案件是直接告于官府,并未看到"社会"的作用。尽管目前尚难以得出更多的结论,但晚清州县"社会"的实际情形是否如通说一致,似乎是可以有所质疑的。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 州县审断 社会 “琐情” 南部县档案
引“情”入法:清代州县诉讼中习惯如何影响审断 被引量:9
作者 刘昕杰 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期18-23,共6页
清代诉讼中州县官凭借律例和情理审断案件,其中的情既包括人情也包括民情。通过考察四川省南部县全清档案中州县官对"义让"和"转房"案件审断情况,可以发现符合律意的习惯和不符合律意的习惯,在州县审断中的影响。... 清代诉讼中州县官凭借律例和情理审断案件,其中的情既包括人情也包括民情。通过考察四川省南部县全清档案中州县官对"义让"和"转房"案件审断情况,可以发现符合律意的习惯和不符合律意的习惯,在州县审断中的影响。当习惯为国家律例所不禁,则州县官大胆运用,直接将民情引入审断,此为"道统"高于"治统"的必然;当其为国家律例所禁止,但考虑到地方的特殊性,州县官虽然不直接引用,但仍常以人情为借口,以"看似通达人情,实则迁就习惯"的方式平息讼争,此为现实高于理想的必然。 展开更多
关键词 清代 州县诉讼 习惯 审断
作者 胡谦 《山西档案》 北大核心 2016年第4期128-130,共3页
在清代州县词讼审断中,批发呈词一直被清代州县官视为息讼辨奸的重要方式。一方面,州县官运用批词处理讼案审断等的程序性事务推动诉讼的顺利进行;另一方面,州县官运用批词对讼案内容做出是非判定和实质性利益的裁断。由于批词主体不同... 在清代州县词讼审断中,批发呈词一直被清代州县官视为息讼辨奸的重要方式。一方面,州县官运用批词处理讼案审断等的程序性事务推动诉讼的顺利进行;另一方面,州县官运用批词对讼案内容做出是非判定和实质性利益的裁断。由于批词主体不同,批词在形式风格以及内容等方面表现出较强的灵活性、差异性等特点。作为清代州县司法中运用广泛的法律文书,批词反映了州县官对讼案的立场、关注,同时,批词也深刻地反映了清代州县司法的职权式审断模式以及讼案审断的差异化特征。 展开更多
关键词 批词 清代 词讼 审断模式
由“阎罗王审断图”及其所附冥律看唐初的佛教政策 被引量:1
作者 杨玉明 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2012年第3期147-153,共7页
唐初统治者对佛教充满了敌意与戒心,他们不断从政治、经济、法律等方面加强对佛教界的社会控制,导致两者关系紧张、冲突不断。成于贞观十三年(公元639年)的"阎罗王审断图"及其所附冥律,从另外一个角度形象地对唐初统治者的佛... 唐初统治者对佛教充满了敌意与戒心,他们不断从政治、经济、法律等方面加强对佛教界的社会控制,导致两者关系紧张、冲突不断。成于贞观十三年(公元639年)的"阎罗王审断图"及其所附冥律,从另外一个角度形象地对唐初统治者的佛教政策及其态度进行了描述,因此具有很高的学术价值。 展开更多
关键词 阎罗王审断 唐初 佛教政策
作者 王有粮 《南京大学法律评论》 CSSCI 2013年第2期124-137,共14页
民国新繁县司法档案记载了数起发生在抗战前夕的"毒针刺人"案件。案件的审理虽然在表面上依照民国刑事法律开展,但在实质上缺乏近代司法所必需的事实发现过程和规则运用的严格程序。在法律社会史的视野内,民国基层审判刑事审... 民国新繁县司法档案记载了数起发生在抗战前夕的"毒针刺人"案件。案件的审理虽然在表面上依照民国刑事法律开展,但在实质上缺乏近代司法所必需的事实发现过程和规则运用的严格程序。在法律社会史的视野内,民国基层审判刑事审判之所以呈现上述特征,其原因不仅在于近代司法运用的具体场景仍然保留了熟人社会的基本结构,而且也是传统审判中平息事态以安定地方的政治关怀的现实反映。 展开更多
关键词 民国基层刑事审断 毒针刺人案件 事实发现 司法程序
司法或政务:清代州县诉讼中的审断问题 被引量:30
作者 里赞 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期195-207,共13页
从现代西方三权分立的视角看,清代州县对诉讼的审断是司法行为。然而在中国,当时州县是统管一方的牧民之官,审断诉讼不过是他治理地方职责的一个部分,故其审断行为应看作政务而非司法。县衙不同于现代意义的法院,州县也不同于现代意义... 从现代西方三权分立的视角看,清代州县对诉讼的审断是司法行为。然而在中国,当时州县是统管一方的牧民之官,审断诉讼不过是他治理地方职责的一个部分,故其审断行为应看作政务而非司法。县衙不同于现代意义的法院,州县也不同于现代意义的法官。州县的铨选本不侧重法律知识,所针对的社会诉求也更多是伸冤而非维权,故其审断时主要考虑的并不是完成整个审断程序及严格适用律例,而是自主灵活地掌握程序与规则,综合运用情、理、律,以最便捷有效,也最能为当事人接受的方式了结纠纷,从而维护地方社会的安定与和谐。 展开更多
关键词 州县审断 政务与司法 清代法制史
政务活动下的债案审断:19世纪中后期地方官府与倒账案 被引量:3
作者 张世慧 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期86-98,共13页
19世纪中后期长江流域主要商贸口岸频繁发生倒账案,严重影响地区商业秩序。地方官府开始大规模介入倒账案,但对于不同类型倒账案,地方官府有着不同的审断模式。普通倒账案,以息讼为主;区域性大规模倒账风潮,侧重于维护地方社会经济秩序... 19世纪中后期长江流域主要商贸口岸频繁发生倒账案,严重影响地区商业秩序。地方官府开始大规模介入倒账案,但对于不同类型倒账案,地方官府有着不同的审断模式。普通倒账案,以息讼为主;区域性大规模倒账风潮,侧重于维护地方社会经济秩序;涉官、涉洋倒账案,力求保障公款、洋款债权优先权。从不同倒账案审断模式可见,地方官府更加关注明显或直接涉及自身利益的案件;并根据涉及自身利益程度不同,采取不同行动策略。这种政务活动式的审断,对债主或倒账者都有着重要影响,也是促成清末商事法律变革的重要诱因。 展开更多
关键词 倒账 钱债 商事纠纷 州县审断
清代州县佐贰官司法权探析 被引量:7
作者 王兆辉 刘志松 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期161-166,共6页
清代佐官制度存在的特殊性、层次性以及权力不均衡对州县司法实践产生了重要影响。清代州县佐贰官在勘验、缉捕、审断、执行等方面拥有不同程度的司法权。清代法律对州县佐贰官的司法权严加限定,但在实际治理中又采取调和策略,导致州县... 清代佐官制度存在的特殊性、层次性以及权力不均衡对州县司法实践产生了重要影响。清代州县佐贰官在勘验、缉捕、审断、执行等方面拥有不同程度的司法权。清代法律对州县佐贰官的司法权严加限定,但在实际治理中又采取调和策略,导致州县内部结构产生了"复合初审"的特殊效果,而基层更是存在大量边缘司法现象,这些使得州县司法呈现出一种"法亦有法"的状态。州县内部存在的民事与刑事审判区分,体现了按照事权管理进行司法管理的原则,具有积极意义,但是在行政权与司法权合一的背景下,他们实际上只是区域内特殊的集权者,与现代法制的分权理念大相径庭。 展开更多
关键词 佐贰官 司法 勘验 审断 权力 清代
“推究情实,断之以法”:宋代士大夫法律品格解读——兼论中国古代伦理司法说之误 被引量:3
作者 张本顺 刘俊 《西部法学评论》 2015年第3期40-55,共16页
在宋代民间诉讼风潮以及法律庞杂化、理性化、近世化的时代变迁下,宋代士大夫形成了"争诵律令"的习法风尚;树立了"在在持平如衡,事事至公如鉴"的司法公正理念;践行了"田婚之讼,惟以干照为主"以及"... 在宋代民间诉讼风潮以及法律庞杂化、理性化、近世化的时代变迁下,宋代士大夫形成了"争诵律令"的习法风尚;树立了"在在持平如衡,事事至公如鉴"的司法公正理念;践行了"田婚之讼,惟以干照为主"以及"金科玉条,凛不可越"的依法审断精神。实际上,即使在涉及血缘或姻缘关系的家产讼案中,情理亦难以颠覆法律。宋代士大夫群体的上述法律品格彰显了中国传统司法公正性、确定性的真实面相;昭示了法律随社会变动而变动的法律哲理,为我们深刻认识宋代司法的近世化转型,乃至匡谬学界所谓古代"伦理司法"旧说,皆提供了一种崭新的视角;同时,对于当代转型时期"法治中国"的建设亦不乏历史的启迪与自信。 展开更多
关键词 宋代士大夫 民事审判 情理 依法审断 确定性
试论宋代士大夫的法律观念及其成因 被引量:1
作者 张本顺 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2018年第5期144-149,共6页
两宋时期,封建商品经济发达,功利思想大行其道,民众私有财产权利意识高涨,民间财产争讼无日无之。在上述变革与转型的历史大变动格局下,大批孤寒之士借助科举制度平台登上了司法舞台,初步形成了具有近世化法律思想倾向的司法职业群体。... 两宋时期,封建商品经济发达,功利思想大行其道,民众私有财产权利意识高涨,民间财产争讼无日无之。在上述变革与转型的历史大变动格局下,大批孤寒之士借助科举制度平台登上了司法舞台,初步形成了具有近世化法律思想倾向的司法职业群体。他们因应时代变化而崇法尚法,秉持公正司法理念,践行依法审断,切实保护百姓财产权利。宋代士大夫的崭新法律观念凸显了宋代司法的理性光芒,揭示了"法随时异"的法哲学原理,展现了宋代司法确定性的面相,能为当代司法改革提供可资借鉴的本土法律文化资源,实现"阐旧邦以辅新命"的学术使命。 展开更多
关键词 宋代士大夫 崇法尚法 公正司法 依法审断 司法确定性 私权精神
Globus pharyngeus:A review of its etiology,diagnosis and treatment 被引量:17
作者 Bong Eun Lee Gwang Ha Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第20期2462-2471,共10页
Globus is a persistent or intermittent non-painful sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat.It is a commonly encountered clinical condition that is usually long-lasting,difficult to treat,and has a tendency t... Globus is a persistent or intermittent non-painful sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat.It is a commonly encountered clinical condition that is usually long-lasting,difficult to treat,and has a tendency to recur.Furthermore,due to the uncertain etiology of globus,it remains difficult to establish standard investigation and treatment strategies for affected patients. As a first step for managing globus,careful history taking and nasolaryngoscopy are essential.Given the benign nature of the condition and the recent notion that gastroesophageal reflux disease is a major cause of globus,empirical therapy with a high dose of proton pump inhibitors is reasonable for patients with typical globus.If patients are nonresponsive to this therapy, definitive assessments such as endoscopy,multichannel intraluminal impedance/pH monitoring,and ma-nometry should be considered.Speech and language therapy,anti-depressants,and cognitive-behavioral therapy can be helpful in patients whose symptoms persist despite negative investigations. 展开更多
关键词 DIAGNOSIS Gastroesophageal reflux disease GLOBUS Proton pump inhibitor TREATMENT
Heterogeneity and renal mass biopsy:a review of its role and reliability 被引量:2
作者 Jeffrey J.Tomaszewski Robert G.Uzzo Marc C.Smaldone 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期162-172,共11页
Increased abdominal imaging has led to an increase in the detection of the incidental small renal mass(SRM). With increasing recognition that the malignant potential of SRMs is heterogeneous, ranging from benign(15%-2... Increased abdominal imaging has led to an increase in the detection of the incidental small renal mass(SRM). With increasing recognition that the malignant potential of SRMs is heterogeneous, ranging from benign(15%-20%) to aggressive(20%), enthusiasm for more conservative management strategies in the elderly and infirmed, such as active surveillance(AS), have grown considerably. As the management of the SRM evolves to incorporate ablative techniques and AS for low risk disease, the role of renal mass biopsy(RMB) to help guide individualized therapy is evolving. Historically, the role of RMB was limited to the evaluation of suspected metastatic disease, renal abscess, or lymphoma. However, in the contemporary era, the role of biopsy has grown, most notably to identify patients who harbor benign lesions and for whom treatment, particularly the elderly or frail, may be avoided. When performing a RMB to guide initial clinical decision making for small, localized tumors, the most relevant questions are often relegated to proof of malignancy and documentation(if possible) of grade. However, significant intratumoral heterogeneity has been identified in clear cell renal cell carcinoma(ccRCC) that may lead to an underestimation of the genetic complexity of a tumor when single-biopsy procedures are used. Heterogeneous genomic landscapes and branched parallel evolution of ccRCCs with spatially separated subclones creates an illusion of clonal dominance when assessed by single biopsies and raises important questions regarding how tumors can be optimally sampled and whether future evolutionary tumor branches might be predictable and ultimately targetable. This work raises profound questions concerning the genetic landscape of cancer and how tumor heterogeneity may affect, and possibly confound, targeted diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. In this review, we discuss the current role of RMB, the implications of tumor heterogeneity on diagnostic accuracy, and highlight promising future directions. 展开更多
关键词 Renal cell carcinoma(RCC) renal mass biopsy(RMB) tumor heterogeneity
Pancreatic tuberculosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome:A case report and systematic review 被引量:3
作者 Somchai Meesiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第7期720-726,共7页
Pancreatic tuberculosis (TB) is a relatively rare disease that can mimic carcinoma,lymphoma,cystic neoplasia,retroperitoneal tumors,pancreatitis or pseudocysts.Here,I report the case of a 31-year-old immigrant Burmese... Pancreatic tuberculosis (TB) is a relatively rare disease that can mimic carcinoma,lymphoma,cystic neoplasia,retroperitoneal tumors,pancreatitis or pseudocysts.Here,I report the case of a 31-year-old immigrant Burmese woman who exhibited epigastralgia,fever,weight loss and an epigastric mass.The patient was diagnosed with pancreatic TB and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,and was treated with antituberculous drugs and percutaneous catheter drainage without a laparotomy.The clinical presentation,radiographic investigation and management of pancreatic TB are summarized in this paper to emphasize the importance of considering this rare disease in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic masses concomitant with human immunodeficiency virus infection.I also emphasize the need for both histopathological and microbiological diagnosis via fineneedle aspiration. 展开更多
关键词 PANCREAS TUBERCULOSIS ABSCESS Antitu-berculous drugs Human immunodeficiency virus Fine-needle aspiration
Narrative Judgments and Its Ethical Implication in Ian McEwan's The Child in Time
作者 QU Tao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1502-1510,共9页
As a newly developed theory, narrative ethics has its reasonability and advantages in that it can not only analyze either the contents or the forms of the texts, but also make an analysis of the combination of both co... As a newly developed theory, narrative ethics has its reasonability and advantages in that it can not only analyze either the contents or the forms of the texts, but also make an analysis of the combination of both contents and forms. This article, supported by James Phelan's rhetorical narrative theory as the theoretical base, attempts to explore and interpret narrative judgments and its implied ethics existing in The Child in Time by Ian McEwan so as to observe the hidden aesthetic orientation, the value judgments and the ethical intentions of the text and help to reveal the author's views of narrative ethics and aesthetics of the novel. 展开更多
关键词 Ian McEwan The Child in Time rhetorical narrative narrative judgment ethical implication
Pancreatico-biliary endoscopic ultrasound:A systematic review of the levels of evidence,performance and outcomes 被引量:17
作者 Pietro Fusaroli Dimitrios Kypraios +1 位作者 Giancarlo Caletti Mohamad A Eloubeidi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第32期4243-4256,共14页
Our aim was to record pancreaticobiliary endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) literature of the past 3 decades and evaluate its role based on a critical appraisal of published studies according to levels of evidence(LE).Origina... Our aim was to record pancreaticobiliary endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) literature of the past 3 decades and evaluate its role based on a critical appraisal of published studies according to levels of evidence(LE).Original research articles(randomized controlled trials,prospective and retrospective studies),meta-analyses,reviews and surveys pertinent to gastrointestinal EUS were included.All articles published until September 2011 were retrieved from PubMed and classified according to specific disease entities,anatomical subdivisions and therapeutic applications of EUS.The North of England evidencebased guidelines were used to determine LE.A total of 1089 pertinent articles were reviewed.Published research focused primarily on solid pancreatic neoplasms,followed by disorders of the extrahepatic biliary tree,pancreatic cystic lesions,therapeutic-interventional EUS,chronic and acute pancreatitis.A uniform observation in all six categories of articles was the predominance of LE Ⅲ studies followed by LE Ⅳ,Ⅱb,Ⅱa,Ⅰb and Ⅰ a,in descending order.EUS remains the most accurate method for detecting small(< 3 cm) pancreatic tumors,ampullary neoplasms and small(< 4 mm) bile duct stones,and the best test to define vascular invasion in pancreatic and peri-ampullary neoplasms.Detailed EUS imaging,along with biochemical and molecular cyst fluid analysis,improve the differentiation of pancreatic cysts and help predict their malignant potential.Early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis appears feasible and reliable.Novel imaging techniques(contrast-enhanced EUS,elastography) seem promising for the evaluation of pancreatic cancer and autoimmune pancreatitis.Therapeutic applications currently involve pancreaticobiliary drainage and targeted fine needle injection-guided antitumor therapy.Despite the ongoing development of extra-corporeal imaging modalities,such as computed tomography,magnetic resonance imaging,and positron emission tomography,EUS still holds a leading role in the investigation of the pancreaticobiliary area.The major challenge of EUS evolution is its expanding therapeutic potential towards an effective and minimally invasive management of complex pancreaticobiliary disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic ultrasound Fine needle aspiration Contrast harmonic endoscopic ultrasound Pancreatic tumors Pancreatic cysts Acute pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis Bile duct stones Duct drainage
Image Reconstruction for Invasive ERT in Vertical Oil Well Logging
作者 周海力 徐立军 +2 位作者 曹章 胡金海 刘兴斌 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期319-328,共10页
An invasive electrical resistance tomographic sensor was proposed for production logging in vertical oil well.The sensor consists of 24 electrodes that are fixed to the logging tool,which can move in the pipeline to a... An invasive electrical resistance tomographic sensor was proposed for production logging in vertical oil well.The sensor consists of 24 electrodes that are fixed to the logging tool,which can move in the pipeline to acquire data on the conductivity distribution of oil/water mixture flow at different depths.A sensitivity-based algorithm was introduced to reconstruct the cross-sectional images.Analysis on the sensitivity of the sensor to the distribution of oil/water mixture flow was carried out to optimize the position of the imaging cross-section.The imaging results obtained using various boundary conditions at the pipe wall and the logging tool were compared.Eight typical models with various conductivity distributions were created and the measurement data were obtained by solving the forward problem of the sensor system.Image reconstruction was then implemented by using the simulation data for each model.Comparisons between the models and the reconstructed images show that the number and spatial distribution of the oil bubbles can be clearly identified. 展开更多
关键词 image reconstruction electrical resistance tomography invasive sensor production logging vertical well
走出“细故”:清代商业活动中的钱债案与法律调整 被引量:7
作者 张世慧 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期69-83,共15页
随着清代社会经济秩序的变动,长久以来被视为"细故"的钱债案,受到了严重冲击,商业活动中新出现的钱债案开始逐渐从普通钱债案中分离出来,走出"细故",演变成督抚乃至中央关注的"重情"。商业活动中钱债案... 随着清代社会经济秩序的变动,长久以来被视为"细故"的钱债案,受到了严重冲击,商业活动中新出现的钱债案开始逐渐从普通钱债案中分离出来,走出"细故",演变成督抚乃至中央关注的"重情"。商业活动中钱债案的走出"细故",经历了从局部到整体的历程。起初发生于牙行、钱铺等局部行业和区域,后来伴随倒账的发生,影响到整个商业领域。商业活动中钱债案之所以走出"细故",其主要原因是社会经济秩序的变动对固有法律制度及统治秩序的冲击。 展开更多
关键词 司法审断 细故 钱债 牙行 钱铺 倒账
晚清州县司法中的“官批民调” 被引量:11
作者 曾令健 《当代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期126-136,共11页
晚清州县司法中官府审断与民间调处之互动,揭示了传统司法社会化问题。据档案来看,"官批民调"是一种普遍现象。案件性质主要涉及户婚、田土、钱债等纠纷,部分属于轻微人身伤害或关乎社会风化的纠纷。处理方式上,亲族调处、自... 晚清州县司法中官府审断与民间调处之互动,揭示了传统司法社会化问题。据档案来看,"官批民调"是一种普遍现象。案件性质主要涉及户婚、田土、钱债等纠纷,部分属于轻微人身伤害或关乎社会风化的纠纷。处理方式上,亲族调处、自行和调、保甲调处、乡绅调处、中人调处等均有,其中亲族调处的比重极大。帝制晚期"官批民调"的运行逻辑,是官僚体系有意识地、制度化地将纠纷阻挡在衙门之外,并坚定地将纠纷推回基层社会,而民间调处在很大程度上契合了乡土社会的生存逻辑,并成为民众之一有限选择。 展开更多
关键词 官批民调 司法社会化 官府审断 民间调处 行动者—结构
作者 吕志兴 《中国社会科学文摘》 2017年第10期157-157,共1页
宋例与律、敕、令、格、式、制、宣、申明等制定法的关系是,“有司所守者法,法所不载,然后用例”。然而,终宋之世,例被大量援引的局面并未改变,究其原因,主要有以下几点。一是援例决狱有制定法依据。宋代在司法中实行疑狱奏锻制度,要求... 宋例与律、敕、令、格、式、制、宣、申明等制定法的关系是,“有司所守者法,法所不载,然后用例”。然而,终宋之世,例被大量援引的局面并未改变,究其原因,主要有以下几点。一是援例决狱有制定法依据。宋代在司法中实行疑狱奏锻制度,要求地方司法机关审理刑事案件时,若遇有疑难,依常法不能决断的,必须申报朝廷,由大理寺审断,刑部复核后提出意见,奏请皇帝裁决。刑部提出的处理意见必须附上相关的断例,供皇帝参照。 展开更多
关键词 刑事案件 断例 决狱 疑狱 大理寺 处理意见 审断 刑部
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